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Erin Collins Title: Science and Music Integration Focus: States of Matter, Beats, Tempo and Movement Age

Group: 4th grade Materials: Glass of water, different containers, balloons, bucket of ice, solid objects (ball, rock, etc.), and a drum. Also, non-pitched instruments will be needed for final assignment.

Objectives: Science Objectives: To establish a basic understanding of the three states of matter in relation to their fluidity and molecular movements. Be able to identify these states and present an understanding of the concepts creatively. Music Objectives: Explore movement through different meters and rhythms. Also, explore the beats in triple, duple and unusual meter. Using different tempos, let children explore body awareness through movement activities. Finally, have instrument exploration and innovative composing aspects through the presentation. Standards/Benchmarks: Science Standards: P.PM.E.2 States of Matter- Matter exists in several different states: solids, liquids, and gases. Each state of matter has unique physical properties. Gases are easily compressed, but liquids and solids do not compress easily. Solids have their own particular shapes, but liquids and gases take the shape of the container. P.PM.04.23 Compare and contrast the states (solids, liquids, gases) of matter. S.RS.04.11 Demonstrate scientic concepts through various illustrations, performances, models, exhibits, and activities. Music Standards: National Standards: #2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music. #4. Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines. #6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music. #7. Evaluating music and music performances. #8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts. Michigan Art Curriculum Standards: ART.D.I.4.1 Demonstrate basic locomotor skills through moving forward, backward, and sideways in both straight and curved lines to varied tempos. ART.D.I.4.5 Respond in general space to tempo changes as dictated by a drumbeat, changing direction as the tempo changes. ART.M.I.4.7 Perform with accuracy, rhythmic, and melodic patterns.

2 ART.M.V.4.2 Observe and identify cross-curricular connections within the 4th grade curriculum. Classroom setup: Students will either reside near their desks in the back of the room (still in a circular formation) or be centered in a circle sitting down in the front of the room. Classroom norms: Students will already have a quick thumbs up evaluation in place for when discussing new concepts. Thumbs up means the kids get the concept and the teacher can move on, thumbs down means you as the teacher need to explain more and ask what they do not understand, and thumbs in the middle or in between means the students somewhat understand but need more direction or a different example before you move on to another concept. When I say ask thumbs up/down/middle in procedure, say this phrase and the students will visually show you their answers using their hand gestures as described. Lesson Plan:

Day One
Class Procedure Have students sit down in a circle facing you Show and explain examples of a solid, liquid, gas (a ball, water, balloon). Hold up a glass of water Empty it into another (bigger) glass or container Ask the students about how liquids move? (Trying to get them to understand that liquids take up space of container) Hold up a ball/rock and ask if the solids can change like the liquids did? Bring out box/glass of ice, ask the students whether they think ice is a liquid or solid? Explain that when ice melts, it is a liquid but as ice, it is a solid. Blow air out, ask the students where the air from your lungs went? Now blow into balloon and close end so the air is contained to the balloon. Ask students what changed this time when you blew air? Does gas (air) move like a liquid or solid? Write out each category (liquid, solid, gas) and write short descriptions to give the kids repetition about the states characteristics on the board. Short descriptions: Liquid= takes up space of container, moves fluidly, less ordered Solid= does not take up space of container, orderly Gas= takes up space of container, cant necessarily see it, moves like air in the sky does, least orderly Ask for two or three more examples of each state of matter (write on board) Thumbs up/down/middle Show how molecules in each of the states of matter act using picture ( Next to categories on board write:

3 Solid= slow molecules Liquid= faster molecules Gas= fastest molecules Thumbs up/down/middle Move down near the students in the middle of their circle with hand drum (tell them we are going to move like molecules using music) Show the students how to gently pat on their knees Show them the resting position with good posture and hands behind backs Ask them to stay in resting position until told to pat Create a steady beat on the drum Tell the students after every two beats you perform on the drum, they pat together on their knees and stop after they pat three times Create beat again and now tell them to do this on the third beat Stop after they pat 6 times Create beat again and tell them to randomly pat whenever they personally feel like it Stop after kids explore random pats for a few measures Repeat the following procedure Repeat another time and After the first beat pattern, explain that this pattern is called duple meter= 2 micro beats/1 macro beat After the second pattern explain the pattern as triple meter= 3 micro beats/1 macro beat After the third pattern explain the combination of different meters= UNUSUAL METER Thumbs up/down/middle Ask the students which of the molecules did we sound like when we played the duple meter? Triple meter? Unusual meter? Add any other observations or comments that the students come up with that would help them remember the three states of matter Have the students individually return to seats Tell them to write down everything on the board and title it States of Matter for their notes Tell them to write down next to each state which meter in music it compares to

Informal Evaluation: Give (+3) participation points for the students doing their note taking and make note if anyone confused the comparisons between music meters and each state of matter. Kids just need to show that they tried to take notes in order to get the points. Add this to final evaluation score after day three.

Day Two
Class Procedure Have students stand around their seats Show an example of movement with music using the first selection below

4 Tell students for each selection, listen to the music and use movement accordingly Only play each of the pieces for a minute maximum Play the first selection, move at a decent pace, fluidly around ( Play the second selection, move faster and in a spaced out fashion ( Play the third selection, move slow and as in place as possible ( 9IqlNwsFf4-uF2SzfE-&feature=share&index=1) After students have returned to their seats, have them get out a piece of paper Replay all three songs and have the students guess which song selection matches each state of matter and a small explanation as to why it fits each state of matter. Ask why they knew each song went to each state of matter? (Speed) Explain that in music, tempo=speed. Reiterate that molecules for each state of matter move differently Solid=slow movement Liquid=faster movement Gas= fastest movement Thumbs up/down/middle Ask them what they remember from last class? What beat patterns matched molecular movement? What is duple, triple, unusual meter? How does both tempo and rhythm affect a song? How does speed and order of molecules affect each state of matter? After this discussion, have students write a short reflective paragraph about how rhythm and tempo in music can be compared to how molecules move in states of matter. Turn in paragraph Informal Evaluation: Look at each of the students reflections and give (+3) participation points. Make sure each child is able to identify each state of matter correctly, give basic understanding of beat and tempo and compare the music to the science terms in some way. Write comments where some students may be confused and explain individually at the beginning of class the next week.

Day Three
Class Procedure Pass back reflections Clear up any confusion At their seats tell and explain the project explained below Have each group choose a state of matter that they are going to represent by making up a song or chant. Let each group use 1-2 non-pitched instruments, noise makers, or any item they would like to use to make music

5 Explain to the groups that they need to use meter and tempo as tools to show different states. If they want to include movements with their song, that is also permitted. Lyrics are not needed for this assignment (I recommend not using them). Thumbs up/down/middle about what is being asked for the assignment Put students in groups of three (count 1,2,3 around the room) Give the groups twenty minutes (TBA, give more time if needed or cut down time if children are goofing off) to come up with a quick song As the students work, walk around and look at the groups' direction and make sure to ask the groups about meter? Movement? Tempo? This will help them think about certain aspects that should be used in the song. Answer any questions students may have about concepts. Have the students present their songs and explain afterwards why it matched the state of matter they were representing If they do not explicitly explain if the meter is duple, triple, unusual-ask which one it is and why they used it If they do not explicitly explain why they used a certain tempo and if it is fast, slow, or moderately slow-ask them which one they used If they used movement, ask them why their movement matched their state of matter Score each song/understanding of concepts based on the two evaluations below

Formal Evaluation:
Science Category 4 Expert
Students correctly understand their state of matter and its specific characteristics (compressibility, order, etc.) Can identify the movement of the molecules for each state of matter correctly

3 Practitioner
Students understand state of matter they used but incorrectly explained a few characteristics Has a pretty good idea of molecule movement for state of matter used

2 Apprentice
Students understood characteristics for their state of matter, but did not match them to the right state (liquid, solid, gas) Has some knowledge of molecule movement for state of matter but used some incorrect statements. Most of the group can give a basic understanding. Terms are misused or not explained clearly.

1 Novice
Students did not understand the state of matter used or its characteristics

Ability to identify state of matter

Molecule movement

Is confused about concept of molecule movement

Overall understanding

Overall, the entire group can identify and explain thoroughly their state of matter in a clear and concise way.

Most of the group can identify and use terms when talking about state of matter, but does not come across clearly.

The group does not seem to have a grasp on the basic concepts of their state of matter.

Music Category Tempo

4 Expert
Kept tempo steady and it related to correct state of matter. Could identify the difference in tempos Kept beat pattern steady and it related to correct state of matter. Could identify the correct meter of their song. Used instruments using correct posture, positioning and equipment. Used instruments effectively throughout the song. Song used tempo, beats and different instruments dynamically. Song was entertaining and students played and performed with enthusiasm.

3 Practitioner
Tempo did not necessarily relate to state of matter, but tempo was kept steady and was identified correctly Meter did not match state of matter, but the meter was controlled and they could identify the meter in their song. Used instruments using correct posture, positioning, and equipment. Did not use the instruments effectively during song.

2 Apprentice
Tempo directly correlated with state of matter, but tempo was sped up/down throughout the song and was not identified correctly Kept beat pattern steady and it related to correct state of matter. Could not identify the correct meter of their song Instruments were not used with correct posture or form. Used the instruments throughout the song.

1 Novice
Tempo wasnt consistent and group did not understand the difference in tempos in relation to the concept Meter was off and did not correlate to state of matter. Could not identify correct meter. Wrong equipment was used for the instruments. Correct positioning and posture were not used. Instruments were not used in an effective way. Song missed more the one of the aspects needed (tempo, beat or instrument usage). Group did not make presentation engaging.


Instrument usage

Overall presentation

Song used tempo, beats and different instruments. Song contained all aspects needed, but performance was not entertaining or engaging.

Song missed one of the aspects (tempo, beat, instrument usage), but the group played with enthusiasm and made the presentation engaging.

Grading Scale: Participation day #1: ____/3 Participation day #2: ____/3 Music evaluation: ____/16 Science evaluation: _____/12 Scores: (34-30: 4.0, 29-25: 3.5, 24-21: 3.0, 20-16: 2.5, 15-11: 2.0, 10-6: 1.5, 5-1: 1.0, 0: 0.0)

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