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Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492. We dont know much about the man. He was born in Ital but lived in !pain "or a lon# time. He was a seaman and made man sea vo a#es. $ost people in Columbus da s thou#ht that the earth was "lat and the did not believe that be ond the Atlantic %cean la India. In 1492 the &in# and the 'ueen o" !pain #ave him mone to #o to India. He decided to sail west as he was sure that our planet was round. (here were ) caravels* the !anta $aria+ the ,ina and the -inta. A"ter sailin# 4... miles he reached some land. Columbus thou#ht that it must be India but it was not. It was a new land / a new continent. It was America. Columbus named the land the had reached !an !alvador. -eople be#an to speak about the land as 0the ,ew World1. 2uropean people came to the ,ew World "or man reasons. !ome hoped to "ind #old and silver. -riests and missionaries came to brin# the Christian reli#ion to the Indians. Amon# those who came "or "reedom was a small #roup o" 2n#lish people called -il#rims. (he wanted to start a new li"e and to have no reli#ious problems the 2n#land. In 132. on the ship 0$a "lower1 the landed in the north/ east o" America. (he set up a colon and called that part o" the countr 0,ew 2n#land1. Pilgrims had in

Answer the 4uestions*

1. Who discovered America and when5 2. Who sent Columbus to India5 ). What do ou know about his man5 4. Wh did he decide to #o west5 6. What was the name o" the new land5 -il#rim 7pil#rim8 9 :;<=>? @ABACDEF $a "lower 9 0G;?HBIJK<1 L@A<IMBN+ CI @AFA<AO :;<=>; :AE;B;CP> QA=A? RCSBDD :;<;E;@BD RFBICFDT;E@D? A@;ICU

Can ou "ind the "ollowin# Columbus Va words5

W Z A ] _ 2 , % A C ! Z W X [ $ ' \ 2 2 , % % ' % Y \ & ' 2 V W % W Y V \ C I , V I A W $ ( [ \ I I 2 % ! W & C ` I W , $ V _ A ( 2 A I W V C $ [ X ! , ! A H , I , A A \ ( H ` , I ^ 2 ( _ ^ W ! 2 I W H , Y W C ! A I Y ' % I ! A , ( A $ A W I A Y !

ocean kin# sail -inta 4ueen Columbus America ship !anta $aria !pain India new a world ,ina

(wo words in each line are mer#ed to#ether. Xind the ori#inal.
Atl%cnteiacn ,orwledW ,Aomrehrica !$anrtiaa !n'pouieea"n a e a w t

True or False5
1. Christopher Columbus was !panish. 2. Columbus was a sailor. ). Columbus wanted to travel to Asia. 4. (he &in# and the 'ueen o" !pain helped him with his trip. 6. Columbus discovered America in 149b. 3. Columbus didnt know he was in America.

$atch the "ollowin# phrases "rom the video.

1. to celebrate 2. He thou#ht that the 2arth ). He sailed west 4. A"ter two months he 6. ,ative Americans were called aU American Indians. bU anniversar cU "ound land. dU was not land. eU on his ship.

http*ccwww. outube.comcwatch5vdl]X !eeH&hwfatd)12

6.. ears a#o there were people on both sides o" the Atlantic %cean but neither knew about the other. %n the western side+ our side+ the people had reddish brown skins and lived in the huts+ or wi#wams. %n the eastern side+ in 2urope+ the people were white skinned. (he had learned how to build houses and lar#e sailin# ships but the still didnt know much about the rest o" the world. In "act+ most o" them believed the earth was "lat. (hen one da + a mapmaker named Christopher Columbus had an idea. Columbus* Vo ou know what5 $en* I think the world isnt "lat at all+ I think its round+ like a ball. Vid ou hear what he said5 Vid ou hear what he said5

He said that the world is roundg He is crah g He is madg He is insaneg Columbus* I think the world isnt "lat at all+ I think it is round+ like a ball. $en* (he world is "lat as the brim o" our hat and that is ver plain. Columbus* I know that Im ri#ht. %h+ I know that Im ri#ht when I sa that the world is round. %h+ Im ri#ht. $en* ]oure wron#. Columbus* Im ri#ht. $ thinkin# is sound+ and Ill prove the worlds round+ it wont take ver lon#g [ut it did take lon#. !even lon# ears be"ore Columbus could convince a &in# or a 'ueen to let him tr out his idea. (hen+ 'ueen Isabella o" !pain a#reed to suppl the ships and men "or his trip. Columbus* I will discover a shortcut to India and brin# back some o" the #reat wealth I "ind there. And I can do it+ "or I know the world is round. And instead o" #oin# east to India+ I shall sail west and reach India around the other wa . It will be a shorter and cheaper wa + "or Ill do it all b sea. 'ueen Isabella provided Columbus with three ships* the ,ina+ the -inta and the !anta $aria. And on Au#ust )rd+ 1492+ the set sail across the unknown Atlantic. Columbus* Hi#h on the "oamin# tide over the ocean %nward our ships will ride onward m sailors. (he ships sailed onward+ but two lon# months a"ter the started there was still no si#n o" land ahead. $en* (urn back+ Columbusg (urn back+ Columbusg Columbus* Well not turn back until we "ind India. %nward+ meng [ %ctober the sailors and the crew were read to take matters into their own hands. $en* I" Columbus wont do as we ask+ well put him in chains. And well turn the ships around ourselves.

Waitg Have ou heard5 %ne o" our men has eust seen a branch in the ocean. What o" it5 It had "resh berries on it. (hat means were near landg Hurra g (wo da s later+ the ships reached land and Columbus and his crew saw the people with reddish brown skins+ who lived there. Columbus* %h+ I think it is rather surprisin# (hat the should have reddish brown skins. [ut now since we have landed in India (hen these people must be Indians. Well call this part o" India !an !alvador+ and I take possession in the name o" the &in# or 'ueen o" !pain. (he people Columbus called Indians were ver "riendl + and the #ave Columbus and his men man #i"ts+ but not the rich eewels and #old "or which the had come. Xor Columbus reall wasnt in India at all. He was on one o" the islands o"" the coast o" America. [ut because o" Columbus mistake+ the natives o" America have been called Indians+ ever since. Columbus visited other islands near !an !alvador+ lookin# "or the #reat wealth o" India. And then he+ and some o" his men+ returned to !pain. $en* Hurra g Hurra g Hurra "or Admiral Christopher Columbusg Hurra g Hurra g Columbus had no trouble #ettin# ships and men "or his second vo a#e+ but he still hadnt the sli#htest idea that he was headed "or the vast continent o" America+ and that he would have had to cross it and sail over the -aci"ic %cean+ be"ore he could reach India b travellin# west. (he men o" 2urope were no lon#er a"raid o" the ocean. Columbus made two more vo a#es+ and other eiplorers "ollowed. [ut each ear on %ctober 12th+ we celebrate Columbus Va + the anniversar o" that da in 1492+ when Columbus "irst si#hted the land o" the new world+ America.

!a i" the are true or "alse. Correct the "alse sentences .

-eople in the \! and _reat [ritain celebrate Columbus Va . Columbus thou#ht that the world was "lat. (he &in# and the 'ueen o" !pain didnt support his vo a#e. ,o one lived in the continent be"ore Columbus arrived. Columbus knew he had arrived to America. A"ter Columbus man other people eiplored the 0,ew World1.

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