Evaluation of Activities

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We evaluate the activities according to the use the basic competences: videos, comics, the variety of ITC programs. Our students should be careful with the use of copyright for the photos and the music they upload . The should make videos by taking real photos and use composed music tracks. Three types of evaluation Initial: our students cooperate with a brainstorming of topics and vocabulary (Mindmeister, mind maps, Skype). They answered questionnaires about their knowledge of the Solar System, impact of robots on their lives and gave their opinions. The answers of the students of the Three European High-schools were collected in Excel. The students worked out the results and prepared charts. They did surveys of each Topic to assess our Students initial Knowledge about the particular topic. They created an European Dictionary in English, German, Polish and Spanish containing vocabulary related to the Project. Procedure: all the activities are relating to whole project. They worked their Scholar European curriculum. The project was worked in other subjects and related to other European school projects: Robot Day, Techno disco, Saving our planet, Energy project, Water Day, European Day, Peace Day, Robotics, LEGO workshops, workshops with a reporter, visit to the Copernicus Science Centre, visit in a recycling company, Technology Exhibition, conference summarizing the project. Autonomy, creativeness, their use of English language, learning basic vocabulary concerning robotics in the languages of the partner schools (German, Spanish and Polish), curiosity to resolve problems (concerning programming devices, Maths, Physics), doing research problems they are investigating are evaluated.

They share their information by emails and use Flashmeeting, blogsite, Twinspace blogs, Mindmeister, Mindom to explain their doubts and their agreement . The use of video-chats to plan and evaluate the activities and the whole project. ( weekly) Debates between teachers and students involved in the project, after each activity is completed, which leads to conclusions regarding attained objectives, ways to create the final product, each school's involvement in this process and strategies to improve the quality of activities. Teachers Sheets to evaluate international students teams Co-evaluation: students will give their mark while the groups publish their works. Getting students not involved in creating project end products to assess them by filling in a specially designed 'Product evaluation card' (after the products are finished) Holding interviews with students in a school radio-net or a newsletter (up-todate) Final: Evaluation of the whole project (monthly or at the end of the course) the works finished ( weekly). Conclusions of research (up-to-date) Meetings with parents of students involved in the project (to inform them about the progress of the project, to plan future activities, to discuss any difficulties that may arise)-at least twice a term Opinion polls concerning the progress of the project, used methods of work and strong and weak points of particular activities, conducted at the beginning of the project, after the first year and at the end of the project among students, parents and teachers involved in the project Organizing conferences summarizing the project (06/2014) After the project, the partners will assess the progress made of one other-the Polish partner will assess the the impact of the project in the German school, The German partner - in the Spanish school and the Spanish partner in the Polish school.

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