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Lodge #148 By-Laws As Adopted March 20, 2008


WHEREAS: It being a well established fact that a number of individuals laboring for the same objects and purpose can better accomplish their desires through combining their efforts, than by separate action and by associating the Subordinate Lodges in the State of New Jersey, we have facility of mutual interchange of thought, information and the experience of each becomes common to all moral and social facilities and enables us to share in the gains and honors of advancing civilization and,

WHEREAS: We, the members of Scott G. Wampler Lodge #148 of the Fraternal Order of Police, of the State of New Jersey are convinced that it is in the best interest of all members of this Lodge to unite under the name of and to submit and be guided by the Constitution and By-Laws of the National Body of the Fraternal Order of Police and believing that intelligence, industry and normal worth are true standards of greatness, do hereby pledge ourselves to use all honorable means to promote police legislation and a great sociability and fraternity among the Law Enforcement Officers of the State of New Jersey.

Scott G. Wampler Lodge #148, Fraternal Order of Police is not and cannot be affiliated with any labor organization.

NOW THEREFORE: We, the members of the Scott G. Wampler Lodge #148, Fraternal Order of Police do hereby adopt the following By- Laws for rules and guidance accordingly.


Section 1. The name of this organization shall be Scott G. Wampler Lodge #148, Fraternal Order of Police.

Section 2. The seal shall consist of the emblem of the Fraternal Order of Police.

Section 3. The area of jurisdiction for membership will be for Federal Law Enforcement Officers who live or work in the counties of Atlantic, Cape May, Cumberland, Gloucester and Salem; for any other Law Enforcement Officers who live or work in the county of Cumberland; or any other Law Enforcement Officer where an FOP Lodge is not available to them.

Section 4. The incorporated name of Lodge #148 shall be Fairton Federal Officers, Inc.

Article II - MEMBERS

Section 1. There shall be three (3) classes of membership within the scope of Scott G. Wampler Lodge #148, Fraternal Order of Police, ACTIVE, HONORARY, and ASSOCIATE members.

(a) Active Member: Any legally appointed, full time and retired Law Enforcement Officer of the United States, shall be eligible for membership in this Lodge, subject to the Constitution and By-Laws of the Order. The term "full time" shall mean Officers engaged in such employment as their principle source of livelihood.

(b) Honorary Member: Honorary membership shall comprise of regularly appointed Law Enforcement Officers who withdraw from active membership after retirement, and of those persons who are elected to the Honorary membership by resolution, who have performed an outstanding or meritorious public service that their organization deems worthy of honorary membership. The Honorary member has none of the privileges or obligations of active membership.

(c) Associate Member: The Associate membership shall comprise of persons who are American citizens of full age, of good moral character, and being civic minded and interested in the welfare of the law enforcement and their profession. Associate members shall not have a voice or a vote in the deliberations of the Lodge nor shall they hold office.

Section 2. No person shall be denied membership because of race, creed, religion, sex or national origin.

Section 3. No person, Active, Honorary, or Associate member shall be simultaneously a member of more than one Subordinate Lodge of the Fraternal Order of Police.

Section 4. This Lodge shall be the judge of its membership subject to the provisions of these By-Laws. No member shall resign or transfer from, apply for or be accepted to the Lodge, unless such resignation, transfer or application be granted by the Board of Directors of this Lodge, in writing and upon approval of the Board of Directors of the New Jersey State Lodge.

Section 5. A member in good standing is hereby defined as a member who is paying dues to the Lodge by making annual payments of said dues directly to the Treasurer of the Lodge.

Section 6. Any members in arrears of dues after March 31st shall be deemed not in good standing, unless otherwise waived by the Board of Directors.

Section 7. Any member found to be delinquent and not in good standing in accordance with Section 6, shall be notified by certified mail. Failure of the member to satisfy the arrears within twenty-one (21) days of receipt of the certified mailing shall be recommended for suspension from the Lodge, subject to a majority vote of the members present at the next regular meeting.

Section 8. Any member suspended under the provisions of Section 6 and Section 7 of this Article, may be reinstated and restored to good standing upon the payment of all amounts due and for the whole of the current year in which such reinstatement is made, subject to a majority vote of the members present at the next regular meeting.

Section 9. Any member who resigns from this Lodge or who is suspended from this Lodge and who subsequently desires to become reinstated to Active membership shall first make a written application for reinstatement which they shall present in person to the Board of Directors. The applicant shall pay all dues in arrears and any fines to the Treasurer, after which a vote of all members present at the regular meeting shall be take; a majority shall decide on the application and approve or reject same.

Section 10. No person who is eligible for Active membership shall be accepted as an Associate member.

Section 11. Any member who resigns from law enforcement may continue their active membership at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

Article III - DUES

Section 1. The amount of annual dues for Active and Associate members shall be an amount recommended by the Board of Directors at the October Lodge meeting after which a vote of all members present at the meeting shall be taken. A majority vote shall be required for the dues structure to become effective January 1st of the following year.

Section 2. Any Active member who has been a member of the Lodge for twenty five (25) years but who has not retired and remains on active duty shall pay dues at the same rate as all other Active members.

Section 3. An Active member who shall retire on pension or disability pension shall pay dues at the rate of half of the rate of an active member while retaining all the rights of an Active member.

Section 4. An Active member shall pay yearly dues to the Lodge annually. These payments will be made to the Lodge Treasurer by the first of the year.

Section 5. Any member who has not paid their dues by March 31st, will be accessed a $5 surcharge on April 1st and an additional $2 per month thereafter until their dues are paid or the member is suspended.


Section 1. The stated meeting of this Lodge shall be held on the third Thursday of each month except for July and August at such place and time as the President shall direct.

Section 2. There shall be at least ten (10) members, in good standing present. The ten (10) members shall consist of one (1) elected officers which shall be the President, Vice President, 2nd Vice President or Secretary.

Section 3. The Board of Directors shall have the authority to call special meetings. A written request for a special meeting, signed by at least five (5) members in good standing and presented to the Board of Directors shall also be considered cause to call a special meeting. The purpose of any special meeting shall be stated in the call. Except in cases of emergency, seven (7) days notice shall be given.

Section 4. At the opening of each meeting, an American flag is to be displayed and saluted and the members led in prayer by the Chaplain.

Section 5. At all meetings of the Lodge, the order of business shall be as follows: 1. Roll call of Officers 2. Reading of the minutes of the last regular meeting and any special meeting 3. Acceptance of new applications for membership 4. Initiation of Applicants for membership 5. Officers reports 6. Reports of committees 7. Communications 8. Reports of members sick or in distress 9. Unfinished business 10. New business 11. Good of the Order 12. Election of Officers 13. Installation of Officers 14. Adjournment

This order of business may be changed by a majority vote of the members present.

Section 6. At all meetings, a record of those members in attendance shall be kept by the Secretary.

Section 7. The Board of Directors shall meet at the discretion of the President or as the Board of Director deem necessary.


Section 1. The entire legislative, executive and judicial government of this Lodge shall be voted on by the Board of Directors which shall conduct the business and affairs of the Lodge between meetings of the general body, to which it shall report all matters for approval or rejection.

Section 2. The Board of Directors shall have the power to fill any and all vacancies which may occur by reason of resignation or otherwise. The member thus appointed to such vacancy shall hold the office for the unexpired term thus filled.

This will allow the Board of Directors the authority to appoint a replacement for the unexpired term.

Section 3. The Board of Directors shall recommend to the governing body all person(s) to be appointed as agents and employees of the Lodge who may be employed, and Officers.

Section 4. The Board of Directors shall not at any time issue or sell any certificate or stock in the Lodge. No dividends shall be paid directly or indirectly to any member of the Board nor shall the members of the Board be entitled directly or indirectly to any portion of the earnings or income of the Lodge derived through increment of value on its property or otherwise incidentally made, except under the desire of the proper court upon dissolution.

Section 5. The Board of Directors shall be comprised of the President, Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, State Trustee, Lodge Trustees, Lodge Delegates, Sergeant-at-Arms, Chaplain, and Immediate Past President.

Section 6. The majority of the Board of Directors upon written request of the President or Vice President, shall have the authority to cancel any regular meeting.

Section 7. The Board of Directors shall act on and determine all matters not provided for in these ByLaws.


Section 1. The elected Officers of this Lodge shall be as follows: President, Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, four (4) Lodge Trustees, Sergeant-at-Arms, Chaplain and Delegates.

(a) The number of Delegates elected from the Lodge shall be consistent with the provisions of the ByLaws of the Fraternal Order of Police, New Jersey State Lodge, "Each Lodge, in good standing, of fifty (50) members or less shall be entitled to one (1) Delegate and one (1) Delegate for each additional fifty (50) members or a greater portion thereof."

Section 2. The term of all Officers shall be for two (2) years, or until their successor is elected.

Section 3. The nominations of Officers shall be held at the regular meeting in September of the odd year. The nominations shall be made from the floor for all offices except Delegate (see Section 10). Any member in good standing for a period of one (1) year immediately preceding the election, shall be

eligible for nomination and election to any office in the Lodge. Any member not so qualified shall be deemed ineligible.

Section 4. The President shall appoint an Election Committee at the September meeting. The committee shall be comprised of a sufficient number of members to conduct the election. No candidate for office and no member of the Board of Directors shall serve on the committee.

Section 5. The Election Committee shall cause ballots to be printed and distributed at the regular meeting in October. All Officers will be elected by a majority vote cast of the members present. The ballots are to be cast in a secret manner, by placing the ballots in an enclosed ballot box. The Election Committee will be responsible for the conduct of all elections and will report the counted results to the President, who in turn will announce those results and cause same to be recorded in the minutes of the meeting.

Section 6. The Election Committee shall declare only those candidates receiving the highest amounts of votes, irrespective of the office sought. The Election Committee shall be dismissed after the election results have been announced to the membership and recorded.

Section 7. Any member holding an executive office who misses three (3) consecutive Regular monthly meetings or three consecutive Board of Directors meetings, without being properly excused shall be removed as an Officer of this Lodge. Any Officer who is working, is sick, or who informs the President or the Secretary that he or she will be absent prior to a meeting shall be considered properly excused. In the case of the President not being able to attend, the President shall inform the Vice President or whichever Officer is going to Chair the meeting. Any vacancy resulting from this section shall be filled consistent with the applicable provisions of these By-Laws.

Section 8. Any Officer may have the privilege to resign at any time. Said Officer shall present a Letter of Resignation that shall be accepted provided there are no charges pending against the Officer. Any

vacancy resulting from this section shall be filled consistent with the applicable provisions of these ByLaws.

Section 9. Any Officer who is removed under the provisions of Section 7 of this article, shall be ineligible to hold office for the remainder of the current term and for the entire next term.

Section 10. Upon the certification of the election results at the October meeting, the newly elected and reelected officers present will elect the Delegates from the newly elected Board of Directors. If the amount of delegates to be elected is an odd number, the Board of Directors may elect an Alternate Delegate. The delegates will be elected by secret ballot. If an Alternate delegate is elected, the Board member receiving the highest number of votes after the Delegates are elected, will be the Alternate Delegate.

Section 11. The number of Delegates elected from the Lodge shall be consistent with the provisions of the By-Laws of the Fraternal Order of Police, New Jersey State Lodge, "Each Lodge, in good standing, of fifty (50) members or less shall be entitled to one (1) Delegate and one (1) Delegate for each additional fifty (50) members or a greater portion thereof."

Section 12. Installation of officers will take place at the November meeting.

Section 13. New section to read: In the case of a tie of an elected office, the following will determine the winner of the election. a. If there are only two candidates and one of the candidates is the incumbent, the challenger must beat the incumbent. b. If there are more than two candidates, there will be a run off between the candidates who received the most votes.

c. If there is still a tie after the run off, and one of the candidates is currently serving on the Board of Directors, that candidate will be declared the winner. d. If both candidates are currently on the Board of Directors or neither candidate is on the Board of Directors, the member who has been a member of the Fraternal Order of Police the longest will be declared the winner.


Section 1. PRESIDENT: The President shall preside at all regular meetings of the Lodge and special meetings and will ensure and enforce order and a strict compliance with these By- Laws and such rules and regulations as may be adopted in the pursuance thereof. While in the execution of office, the President shall not participate in any debate without the consent of the majority of the members present. The President shall have the power to appoint all committee chairpersons and the majority of committee membership of all standing and special committees. The President shall serve as ex-officio member of all committees. The President shall, with the Secretary and the Treasurer, sign all orders on the Treasury or other depository for the disbursements of the Lodge. The President shall, whenever an election is being held, sit as Judge and declare the results of all elections. The President shall have the sole power to conduct trials for the Lodge in the event charges are preferred against any of its members. The President shall sit as Judge at any such trial. The President shall have each committee chairperson report their findings or otherwise at each regular or special meeting concerning their committee activities.

Section 2. VICE PRESIDENT: The Vice President shall, in the absence of the President, for any reason, discharge the duties of the President and such other duties that may be assigned. The Vice President shall have the power to appoint the minority of committee membership of all standing and special committees.

Section 3. SECOND VICE PRESIDENT: The Second Vice President shall, in the absence of the Vice President, for any reason, discharge the duties of the Vice President and other such duties that may be assigned.

Section 4. Reserved

Section 5. SECRETARY: The Secretary shall take transcribe, and maintain the minutes of all meetings of the Lodge, of the Board of Directors and its committees, and shall submit same for approval or amendment at the next regular meeting. The Secretary shall have custody of the seal and all books, documents, records showing the payment and non-payment of dues, papers and records of the Lodge not otherwise entrusted temporarily or permanently to other Officers or to standing committees. When so required, shall give notice of all meetings and shall conduct the general correspondence of the Lodge. The Secretary shall be responsible for membership application processing. The Secretary shall, with the President or the Treasurer of the Lodge, sign and approve contracts of the Lodge and keep copies thereof in the Lodge files. At the expiration of the term of office, the Secretary shall with the President, attest and seal all books in possession of the Secretary. The Secretary may maintain fifty dollars ($50.00) petty cash and report disbursements at all regular meetings.

Section 6. TREASURER: The Treasurer shall have general charge of all of the financial records of the Lodge, including all books, cards, leaves, fees and assessments of all members in all classifications of membership. It shall be the duty of the Treasurer of the Lodge to receive all the monies collected, to pay all orders drawn and attested by the President, to keep a record and correct account of all monies received and paid. The Treasurer shall have charge of all monies from dues, assessments, and monetary earnings of the Lodge and together with the President and Secretary, shall deposit and maintain all such funds in a bank account in the name of the Fairton Federal Officers Inc., Fraternal Order of Police. The Treasurer shall have the power, when countersigned by the Secretary, to draw, sign, and issue checks, drafts, and money orders for the withdrawal of the Lodge funds therefrom for the prompt payment of all lawful obligations of this Lodge, which shall have been approved by the majority of the members present at any regular meeting. The Treasurer and Secretary shall be bonded for a sum set by the Board of Directors. All monies collected and accrued by the Lodge shall be kept in accounts in the name of the Lodge. The amounts in each account will be accurately reported to the members present at each regular meeting. Under no circumstances will any monies, other than appropriated, be used for any other purpose and the Board of Directors will keep a check and enforce and curtail spending amounts that will deleteriously affect the treasury.

Section 7. TRUSTEES: The four (4) Trustees shall constitute the Auditing Committee of the Lodge. Trustees shall, from time to time, examine or cause to be examined by a registered or certified accountant, bank books, records, contracts, documents, ledgers, and papers pertaining to the Lodge and property of the Lodge. The Trustees shall conduct an annual audit shall report thereon to the Lodge. The Trustees shall investigate and report to the Lodge all members who are sick or in distress or who are

hospitalized. The Trustees shall also perform such other duties as the Board of Directors may assign them.

Section 8. DELEGATES: Delegates shall attend the New Jersey State Biennial Conference and the National Biennial Conference to represent this Lodge in any matters beneficial to the members and to vote on any legislation for the mutual welfare of the Fraternal Order of Police. In the event an elected Delegate is unable to attend any Conference to represent this Lodge for any reason, the Board of Directors shall fill the vacancy according to the provisions of Article V, Section 2 of these By-Laws. The expense for the Delegate shall be determined by the Board of Directors and submitted to the membership for approval by the majority at a regular meeting. No Officer of this Lodge shall attend a National or State Conference as a Delegate or Alternate Delegate, who misses more than 50% of the regular monthly meetings. If an Officer cannot attend a regular monthly meeting, attendance at a State Lodge meeting may be substituted.

Section 9. IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT: The Immediate Past President shall attend all meetings of the Lodge and of the Board of Directors. The Immediate Past President shall advise and assist the President and Board of Directors in the performance of their duties and shall execute such assignments as may be ordered by them or either of them.

Section 10. STATE TRUSTEE: The President shall have the discretion to appoint the State Trustee who shall sit on the Board of Directors and serve at the pleasure of the President during the term of office. The State Trustee shall attend the Bimonthly State Meetings, State Biennial Conference and the National Biennial Conference to represent this Lodge in any matters beneficial to the members and to vote on any legislation for the mutual welfare of the Fraternal Order of Police. In the event the State Trustee is unable to attend any Conference to represent this Lodge for an reason, the Board of Directors shall fill the vacancy according to the provisions of Article V, Section 2 of these By-Laws. The expense for the State Trustee shall be determined by the Board of Directors and submitted to the membership for approval by the majority at a regular meeting.

Section 11. SERGEANT-AT-ARMS: The Sergeant-at-Arms shall attend the doors, examine all membership cards, receive the password, ascertain that all present are entitled to remain and permit entrance to no person who is not properly qualified by the membership unless otherwise ordered by the President. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall see that every Active member in attendance is recorded in the registry book. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall conduct all candidates through the initiation ceremony and introduce them to the members of the Lodge. For this purpose, shall have the power to appoint Deputies to assist.

Section 12. CHAPLAIN: The Chaplain shall lead the members in prayer at the opening of every meeting. The Chaplain shall also conduct the Ritual Service at the funeral of all deceased members of this Lodge.

Section 13. The Board of Directors may expend up to two hundred dollars ($200.00) in any emergency without first calling a special or regular meeting for the approval of such expenditure. Any such expenditure made under this provision shall be reported to the membership at the next meeting.


Section 1. The President shall have the authority to determine the size of all standing and any special committees of the Lodge. The Chairperson of each committee and the membership of said committees shall be determined consistent with the provisions of Article VII, Sections 1 and 2 of these By-Laws.

Section 2. No committee shall incur any debt or expense to the Lodge unless such committees have been given authority to do so by the members of the Lodge at a regular or special meeting.

Section 3. Every committee chairperson or their designed shall report monthly at the regular or special meeting on all matters referred to the committee for consideration.

Section 4. Any standing committee may be disbanded upon an amendment to these By-Laws. A special committee shall serve at the direction of the President and shall continue to function as a special committee until dismissed by the President or discharged by a majority vote of the Board of Directors or general body.

Section 5. The following shall comprise the standing committees of the Lodge. (a) Activities Committee (b) Arrangements & Refreshments Committee (c) Awards Committee (d) By-Law Committee

(e) Community Events Committee (f) Legislative Committee (g) Membership Committee (h) Newsletter Committee (i) Ways & Means Committee


Section 1. Charges against any member of this Lodge may be preferred by any other member. These charges must be of criminal nature, violations of By-Laws, and/or against the Lodge. Such charges must be specified and submitted in writing to the President who in turn will notify the Board of Directors by calling a special meeting of the Board. The President will also immediately notify the member against whom the charges are instituted and furnish the member with a copy thereof.

Section 2. The Board of Directors shall be responsible to see that all charges are investigated. They are empowered to call for trials which shall be held before the general body and to summon and request any member to testify respective to the matter which may be the subject of the investigation or trial before them, under pain of expulsion from the Lodge.

Section 3. The Board of Directors shall report its findings of all investigations of charges to the general body, prior to the trial. Following the trial the general body shall vote on all suspensions with a twothirds(2/3) vote required for suspension. A secret ballot may be held upon the request of any member who is going to vote.

Section 4. Any member of this Lodge who is suspended shall not be entitled to the moral or material aid or benefits of this Lodge, nor shall be eligible to hold any office or vote at any election of Officers or attend any meeting, nor shall any beneficiary or executor of his or her estate be entitled to the benefits of this Lodge.

Section 5. Any member of this Lodge having been found guilty of violating any of these By-Laws or Constitution of the Lodge may be fined, suspended or dismissed from this Lodge as the general body

may direct. The member fined, suspended or dismissed may appeal to the New Jersey State Lodge in the event they feel there has been any irregularity in the conduct of the suspension, fine or dismissal.

Article X - LEGAL AID

Section 1. Any Active member, in good standing who shall, as a result of actions which occurred through the line of duty:

(a) Be threatened with arrest or who is actually arrested or sued;

(b) Be directed or summoned to appear before any legislative, administrative or governmental committee or body, or Grand Jury or any court of record or magistrate or board of inquiry or other investigative body having disciplinary powers;

(c) Or any member who shall believe that they are being, or are about to be deprived of their legal rights in relation to job tenure, wages, pensions or other benefits or privileges, accruing as a result of employment provided such deprivation shall jeopardize the welfare of all Law Enforcement Officers, shall be entitled to apply to the Lodge for legal assistance.

Section 2. Any application for legal assistance shall give full details and be presented in writing to the President. The President will notify the Board of Directors, as soon as practicable, who will investigate the request and make recommendations to the general body. Approval by the general body is needed before any legal aid is furnished any member.

Section 3. Upon approval of legal aid by the general body of this Lodge at a regular or special meeting, arrangements for counsel and fees will be made in the following manner:

(a) Counsel will be secured by the member. (b) A contract will be signed between the member, Counsel and the Lodge, a copy of the contract shall be maintained by the Lodge.

(c) No counsel will receive more than five hundred ($500.00) dollars in fees at any one time, nor will any member of this Lodge agree to any fees for counsel without the approval and permission of the general body at a regular or special meeting.


Section 1. All applicants for Associate membership shall be screened and no application will be accepted unless the general body of this Lodge has voted to accept same consistent with the provisions of Article II of these By-Laws.

Section 2. Any Associate member shall be authorized to attend regular meetings, without voice or vote, and will be furnished with an emblem to indicate that said member is an Associate member of the Fraternal Order of Police. In the event the said member is the owner of more than one motor vehicle, the member may purchase at their request another emblem at the cost set by the general body.


Section 1. These By-Laws may be amended or a new By-Law made by a written resolution, in the form of a motion, specifying the amendment or new By-Law, which shall be read to the membership at a regular meeting and must be seconded.

Section 2. The resolution shall be referred to the By-Laws Committee for study and its recommendation at the next regular meeting. A vote then shall be taken by the general body on the recommendation of the By-Laws Committee. A two-thirds (2/3) majority of all those voting is needed to pass the amendment of the new By-Law.

Section 3. The By-Laws of this Lodge shall be always subordinated and subject to the provisions of the Constitution and By-Laws of the New Jersey State Lodge, as such Constitution now exists or be changed form time to time. In the event that any conflict occurs, the Constitution of the Grand Lodge and the State Lodge govern.

Section 4. This Lodge shall submit two (2) copies of amendments or new By-Laws adopted to the State Secretary for approval of the State Lodge Board of Directors at its meetings.


Section 1. The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the Lodge in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these By-Laws and any special rules of order the Lodge may adopt.

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