Arc Pig User Manual

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Owners Manual

Copyright 2014 Arc Pig Co. Beaumont, TX. All rights reserved. Pig and Arc Pig are trademar s o! Arc Pig Co.

This is a Pretty Good Warranty

"or thirty days a!ter purchase, i! you are dissatis!ied !or any reason #e #ill re!und the cost o! the Pig. "or one year a!ter purchase, your Arc Pig T$ is #arranted against !ailure !or any reason. %uring this period #e #ill repair or replace the Pig at our sole discretion. &e don't care #hy it !ailed. (! you drop your Pig into a #ood chipper, #e #ill !i) it or replace it. *ust tell us the truth. Caveats +ou must ship us a recogni,a-le carcass at your e)pense. .hip it /%elivery .ignature 0e1uired2 so i! it never arrives, everyone #ill no# #ho to -lame. &e pay shipping -ac to you via 3P. ground. To get your money -ac #ithin thirty days, you must return your Pig in good condition. 4)cept it is o ay i! you dog5eared the o#ner's manual. (! you -rea more than one Pig doing something stupid, #e #ill charge you 6100 to !i) the second one. .o don't -e a 7er . But i! the pro-lem is our !ault, #e #ill eep !i)ing until #e get it right. Pro-a-ly #e #ill get it right the !irst time. &e #ill not pay !or anything -eyond !i)ing your Arc Pig. Act accordingly. The Arc Pig radiates po#er!ul electromagnetic inter!erence, #hich can con!use or damage near-y electronic devices. (t is your responsi-ility to ensure that all near-y devices, including your #elder, can tolerate 8". My Pig Serial Number is:_________________ Date of Purchase: 99999999999999999

&arranty........................................................................................ 2 &elcome........................................................................................ 4 .cope o! this $anual..................................................................... 4 &hat is the Pig:............................................................................. ; 8a,ards ......................................................................................... < =eneral 8a,ards o! &elding.......................................................... > ?peration..................................................................................... 10 &elders and Torches.................................................................... 11 .trap5?n Trigger.......................................................................... 12 Ca-les and .etup.......................................................................... 1@ $aintenance ................................................................................ 14 %isassem-ly................................................................................. 1; ?verheat....................................................................................... 1< Protecting +our &elder "rom 0"................................................ 1A &ea .par .................................................................................. 1B "errite 0od................................................................................... 1B Trou-leshooting........................................................................... 1> .ym-ol =lossary.......................................................................... 20 .chematic..................................................................................... 21 .peci!ications............................................................................... 22 Technical .upport........................................................................ 22 "CC %eclaration o! Con!ormity.................................................. 2@

Congratulations on ac1uiring an Arc Pig T$, the -est arc starter availa-le any#here. The Pig o!!ers outstanding per!ormance and ground5-rea ing !le)i-ility. 4)tensive mar et research1 has revealed that a person #ho o#ns an Arc Pig is li ely to -e independent, sel!5assured, male, and not interested in this introductory drivel. +our Pig o!!ers the !ollo#ing use!ul !eaturesC

Po#ered entirely -y your #elder. Do #all plug. &or s #ith any T(= or stic up to <08,. 2;0A at <0E duty (nline, dragga-le design Prevents recti!ication .trap5on trigger included #ith purchase $inimal maintenance Audi-le alert #hen 6@ spar gap replacement re1uired "ull po#er spar #ith ar-itrarily long ca-les "CC5approved 4$( #ith ar-itrarily long ca-les ; l-s &on't rust .e)y

Scope of this Manual

This manual descri-es the Pig, including more in!ormation than you really need. This manual #ill not teach you ho# to #eld, -ecause ( suc at #elding. 8o#ever, #ith a Pig ( suc less, and en7oy it more.
1. Do mar et research #as conducted.

What is the Pig?

The Arc Pig is a high5!re1uency #elding arc starter and arc sta-ili,er. (t #ires into your #eld ca-les, and gooses your #eld voltage #ith 8" F8igh "re1uencyG spar s. The spar s have lo# current, -ut their voltage is high enough to leap the #eld gap and start an arc #ithout touching the #or piece. &hile you #eld, the Pig monitors your progress and instantly restarts your arc #hen your el-o# is 7ostled -y the invisi-le !airies. The Pig needs no #all plug. (t dra#s all its po#er Fa-out @0 #attsG !rom your #eld ca-les. (t #or s #ith most T(= or stic #elders intended !or handheld use, 4D or 4P, CC or CH, %C or AC 2;5 <08,. The Pig's 8" output is not pain!ul. (! you carelessly touch your electrode, you #ill !eel only the normal, unpleasant ,ing !rom your #eld voltage. 8o#ever, i! you almost touch your electrode, the 8" spar #ill leap through the air to your s in. This loo s interesting, tingles li e continuous static electricity, and #ill eventually give you a small, deep -urn. The Pig contains a Tesla coil. &hen it !ires, it ma es a -u,,ing noise. This is the spar gap, and it reminds you that your torch is doing something interesting. &hile you press the trigger you get continuous fire -ut the Pig does not !ire -lindly. The Pig monitors your #eld voltage. (! the voltage approaches the AC hal!5cycle pea and the arc has not already ignited, the Pig !ires. +ou may hear your Pig crac le as it restarts your arc !aster than you can see. +eah it #or s #ith %C too. ;

The Pig is po#ered -y #eld voltage, #hich is sa!er than mains voltage. (n addition, the Pig's high internal voltage cannot lea into your #eld ca-le, !or the same reason you cannot li!t yoursel! -y your -ootstraps. Devertheless, #elding is not sa!e, and the Pig may -ecome ha,ardous due to mal!unction or design !la#. &e promise only that the Pig's designer uses a Pig himsel!, and rarely -others to #ear gloves. But he might -e an idiot. ?-vious ha,ards o! the Pig includeC

The Pig ma es spar s. The Pig ma es high voltage. Iess o-vious ha,ards include, -ut are not limited toC The Pig induces high5 voltage transients in near-y #ires. The Pig dra#s current intermittently, #hich can momentarily -oost #eld voltage.


CautionC The Pig ma es spar s

%o not use the Pig in the presence o! !lamma-le gas. (n !act, #hen air is !lamma-le you should avoid most #elding5related activities. %o not use the Pig to #eld munitions or to illuminate !uel tan s.

The Pig generates high !re1uency and high voltage
%o not touch the 8" spar . ( have touched it do,ens o! times, #ith no o-vious ill e!!ect, -ut it #ill pro-a-ly ill you. (! 8" energy reaches you -y arcing through the air, or through a thin #ire, its energy could !ocus to a tiny patch o! s in and -urn you deeply. (! your glove has a hole, 8" could arc through and -urn you -e!ore you no# it. Be e)tra care!ul i! you have num- spots.

Caution &ater J 4lectricity

&ater could connect ha,ardous internal voltage to the trigger. &ater #ill cause mis!ire, and #ill #ic into #ires and eventually corrode their connections. 0emove a #et Pig's outer tu-e Fthe printing can't ta e the heatG and dry the innards overnight in the oven at 1<0" Fno hotterKG #ith !oil on the lo#er shel! to -loc radiant heat. ?r you could try the rice tric .

Caution The Pig can -oost #eld voltage

The Pig dra#s current intermittently, #hich can -oost the voltage o! some #elders. The Pig monitors itsel!, to ensure it does not raise #eld voltage to unsa!e levels, -ut this monitoring could !ail. Al#ays insulate yoursel! !rom #eld voltage. A

Caution $agnetic "ields and 4lectromagnetic (nter!erence

The Pig induces su-5microsecond spi es up to thousands o! volts in near-y #ires. These transients are not percepti-le to humans, -ut #ill con!use or destroy some electronic devices, possi-ly !rom a distance o! several yards. %o not operate the Pig in a !lying airplane, or #hen you visit =randpa in intensive care. (! your -ody contains implanted electronics, you should pro-a-ly stic #ith gas #elding. 4very #elder manu!acturer no#s you might use 8", so a #ell5made #elder #ill not -e damaged. But #e do not guarantee your #elder is #ell made. .ee instructions !or protecting your #elder on Page 1A. To reduce electronic inter!erence, ground everything in your shop, and cover the #indo#s #ith grounded #ire mesh. .ome people claim e)posure to !luctuating magnetic !ields, such as those generated -y the Pig, is harm!ul. (! you are not #illing to assume the personal ris o! e)posure to magnetic !ields, then you should not arc #eld. To reduce your e)posure to magnetic !ieldsC

your ca-les closely together. -oth ca-les on the same side o! your -ody. your -ody in iron or nic el.


4ncase Leep

a sa!e distance #hile .ancho does your #elding. B

General Hazards of Welding

Quick Overview
The ha,ards o! #elding are e)tensive, and not all o! them are descri-ed here. Do sensi-le person #ould #eld anything.

D N!"#
4lectricity can stop your heartK (nsulate yoursel!K

D N!"#
Arc light #ill sun-urn any part o! your -odyK (t can sun-urn your eyes !rom a long distanceK .un-urn can permanently damage your eyesK .un-urned eyes really hurtK "or a long timeK =as goggles are not dar enough !or arc #eldingK

D N!"#
%o not -reathe the !umesK

D N!"#
&elding is hotK $olten metal !lies every#hereK &ear lots o! thic leatherK %o not #eld near stu!! that can catch !ireK %o not #eld over !looring your #i!e cares a-outK 4ven ceramic tileK Trust me on thisK


Suggeste$ %echni&ue: Position the electrode 1MB2 !rom the #or piece. Press the trigger and move straight in until the arc ignites. Ieave the trigger pressed through the entire #eld. Power Switch '(ack Of)C The Pig has no ?nM?!! s#itch. (t cannot interrupt your #eld current, and its -lo#er runs all the time. 8o#ever, it #ill not spar unless you press the trigger. OverheatC The Pig's audi-le overheat alarm #or s li e the overheat light in your car. (t means you have already done some damage, and i! you eep going, something -ad #ill happen. *an$lesC The Pig is designed to -e dragged or dangled -y #eld ca-les, -ut do not pull too hard. +ou #ill no# you have pulled too hard #hen you hear a crac ing noise. PolarityC The Pig does not care a-out polarity. 8o#ever, !or a hot spar , connect the Torch stud to your torch. (! you connect the torch stud to your #or piece, your spar #ill -e #ea . (! you connect the torch stud to your #elder, your #elder may -e destroyed -y 8". +oltage Sensing: At po#er5up, the Pig -eeps !or 1MB second #hile it measures your #elder's voltage. This is ho# the Pig no#s #hen your #eld voltage is near its ma)imum, #hich is the -est time to !ire the 8" spar . "or a clean read, disa-le li!t start and do not touch the electrode at startup. (ift Start: %isa-le li!t start, -ecause it inter!eres #ith the Pig's startup cali-ration, and may even #ithhold the po#er the Pig needs to operate. To disa-le li!t start, you may need to s#itch your #elder to /.tic 2 mode.


Welders and Torches

Quick Overview
The Pig #or s #ith most #elders up to <0 8,, and #ith any torch that does not contain electronics or motors.

Delicate "lectronic ,el$ers

The Pig -roadcasts 8" energy to everything, including your #elder. A #ell5made #elder #ill not -e damaged, -ut i! you have dou-ts, see instructions !or protecting your #elder on Page 1A.

,el$ +oltage
The Pig accepts AC or %C, CC or CH, 4D or 4P, and ad7usts automatically to your #elder's voltage.

,arning: %o not plug the Pig into a #all outlet. (t #ill re!use to spar , and it lac s sa!ety !eatures !or mains5po#ered devices. -re&uency
The Pig can !ire ;05120 spar -ursts per second. Thus it #ill !ire every hal! cycle !or AC !re1uencies -et#een 2; and <0 8N. "or %C, the Pig #ill !ire roughly A0 -ursts per second. "or AC -elo# 2;8, or a-ove <08,, the Pig #ill attempt to !ire at use!ul moments, -ut #e do not guarantee per!ormance.

The Pig's 8" output may damage a spool gun.


Strap-On Thumb Trigger

The trigger straps to your torch, and lies under your thum-. A dangling trigger #ire #ill snag, so -ind it to your torch ca-le. And secure it to your torch, close to the trigger, so it does not !le). &e ma e t#o trigger typesC push-utton and toggle. The push-utton is more com!orta-le and rugged, -ut the toggle lets you move your thum- to other torch5mounted controls. ?r you can ma e your o#n trigger #ith any mechanical s#itch. ?ur trigger design does not satis!y our #omen. They complain a-out ho# it loo s, and prattle on a-out those !lat plastic s#itches on laser sights. &e note that our design resists molten steel spray, and can -e !ound #hile #earing gloves. And don't get me started a-out the trigger #ire. ?ur #ire -egins #ith a !le)i-le stranded core, coated #ith silver, then PT"4, then metal -raid, then "4P. The result is thin enough to lie com!orta-ly -eneath your hand, yet it !ends o!! hot slag and is strong enough to s#ing your Pig around your head. But the #omen complain it does not look rugged. .o #rap a ca-le sheath around it or something. (t's the right god damn #ire.


ables and Setup

The PigT$ does not re1uire special #eld ca-les, -ut crac ed insulation #ill let your spar lea out.

.trap on the trigger before you cut your torch ca-le, to get the length right. Ieave a strain loop at the Pig.

.hield gas and cooling #ater must -e routed around the Pig. (! your ca-le is the t#o5part type, then route the gas tu-e li e in the picture -elo#. "or one5part or #ater5 cooled ca-le you #ill need an adapter. Buy our adapters or ma e your o#n. .ee our simple video instructions at


#egular Maintenance
A!ter a !e# years, you should inspect the insulation on the high5 voltage #ire. FThe #ire that connects to the spar plug.G &e thin the silicone insulation #ill last a long time, -ut #e #on't no# !or sure until it has -een a long time. (n the meantime, !or most users, the Pig re1uires no maintenance e)cept to tighten the nuts and clean the -lo#er. The e)ception, !or some users, is the spar plug.

S/ark Plug
The spar plug is good !or a li!etime o! arc stri es, -ut #ill eventually -e eroded -y continuous fire. +ou can easily recogni,e continuous !ire, -ecause your Pig has to -u,, constantly to eep your arc ignited. This happens only #ith lo#5voltage AC. The spar plug is a Champion C*A+, availa-le every#here !or less than 6;. %o not su-stitute, -ecause similar5loo ing plugs increase their spar over voltage too much as they erode. A heavily eroded plug spar s harder, #hich #ill reduce your Pig's li!e. "or -est relia-ility, chec the plug every 40 hours o! continuous !ire. 0eplace it #hen the electrode is #orn o!!. &hen the Pig attempts to spar and !ails, it s1uea s. ?ccasional mis!ires are normal, -ut constant chittering indicates a !ailing spar plug.

*ow to $0ust the S/ark !a/

1se /liers to ri/ off the hook So it looks like this


%isassem-le the Pig -y disconnecting the input ca-les, then remove the little phillips scre# and slide out the internals. %o not operate the Pig #ithout its protective shell, -ecause the internal high voltage is dangerous and not ade1uately insulated.

.tart #ith the little scre#. Align it -y t#isting the -lac -umper. Tor1ue the -ig nuts do#n tight. &hen tightened correctly, the input studs are the same length as the output stud.

The internal spar gap voltage really hurts


Quick Overview
Casual users cannot overheat the Pig, -ecause the Pig can handle more current than any #elder !rom 8ome %epot. A!ter si) minutes o! arc time at 2;0 Amps, you must let the Pig cool !or at least !our minutes #ith the po#er on, or !i!teen minutes #ith the po#er o!!. At 200 Amps, the Pig can operate continuously. (n e)treme hot #eather, allo# more cooling time.

Some Overheat -acts

?verheat damage is not covered -y your #arranty. The Pig contains permanent internal overheat indicators.

The Pig is su-stantially cooled -y thermal conduction through your #eld ca-les. .o !or heavy #elding, use -ig ca-les. The Pig's current rating assumes A&= 1 ca-les. The Pig cools !aster #ith its -lo#er. A!ter heavy #elding, try to leave your #elder turned on !or !ive minutes. %o not rely on the Pig's thermal alarm !or routine duty cycle compliance. The thermal alarm sings #hen the electronics reach 1<0 ", -ut those electronics are thermally isolated !rom the po#er ca-le, so the po#er ca-le may already have reached dangerously high temperatures. This #ill shorten the Pig's li!e and could eventually create a ha,ard o! un no#n -ut perilous nature. The Pig #ill shut do#n i! you manage to overheat its high voltage coil #ith prolonged continuous !ire. But it pro-a-ly #on't happen, -ecause the Pig's 8H coil has more stamina than you. 1<

Protecting #our Welder $rom %$

Quick Overview
As o! this #riting, Arc Pig Co. is not a#are o! any #elder model that re1uires 0" protection. (! you !ind one, please contact us. &e routinely operate Pigs ne)t to our smart phones, oscilloscopes, laptops, voltmeters, cameras, po#er supplies and aged parents. A!ter a !e# years #e stopped paying attention, -ecause #e have seen no pro-lems -eyond temporary con!usion a-out 3.B peripherals. F"rom the laptop. Dot the parents.G But #e do not guarantee you #ill get the same happy result.

%he 2roa$cast %hreat

The Pig sends 8" through your torch ca-le, #hich inevita-ly -roadcasts some o! the 8" energy as radio #aves, #hich spread out#ard to induce 8" in near-y #ires, including the ca-les to your #elder. A #ell5made #elder Feven the 61;> 8ar-or "reight inverter -o)G #ill -e protected -y !ilters. (! you dou-t your #elder, you can protect it #ith t#o capacitors, ceramic or poly5!ilm, si,e ;0 nano!arads F0.0; micro!arad.G Iarger caps add no -ene!it, and could damage an inverter #elder.

3se the capacitors to connect your #elder's output terminals to its metal chassis, as sho#n in orange. Consult #ith the manu!acturer -e!ore adding output capacitors to any s1uare5#ave or e)otic5#ave!orm #elder. 1A

Wea& Spar&
(! your spar is #ea , or the arc #on't stri e, chec the !ollo#ingC 2urnback3 or electro$e ti/ covere$ with slag4 *ust give it a tap. !roun$ clam/ not connecte$ to work/iece4 +eah, it happens. Out/ut cable lengthC Iong ca-les dissipate 8". (deally, the Pig's output ca-le #ill -e B52; !t. To #or !arther !rom your truc , use long ca-les -et#een the truc and Pig. Cable insulation. (! your output ca-le insulation is crac ed, the spar can lea out. #everse$ connectionC The output stud is !or your torch. (! you connect it to your ground clamp, the spar #ill -e #ea . 2roken ferrite ro$: This #ill only happen i! you drop your Pig !arther than three !eet. .o don't do that.

$errite %od
The !errite rod #ill survive a three5!oot drop, -ut a larger shoc might -rea it. (! that happens, the spar #ill -e #ea . The !errite rod runs through the coupling coil Fthe -ig copper heli).G To !ind it, trace the #ire !rom the spar plug. The rod is hiding inside a protective !i-erglass tu-e, -ehind silicone ru--er glue. To inspect the rod, you #ill have to disconnect the spar plug #ire and cut the silicone ru--er. "or a replacement rod, contact us at &e might ma e !un o! you. But #e #on't charge you more than 6;0. 1B

?verheats 1uic ly, e)haust vent #on't -lo# out a match .inging Blo#er -ut no 8"



Blo#er clogged Clean or replace -lo#er or !ailed ?verheat Bro en trigger Capacitive spoo!ing =ive it a rest "i) it $ove #eld ca-les .par !or three minutes to clean the plug. (! that !ails, replace the spar plug. $ove to %etroit 3se Champion C*A+ Chec the plug .ee previous page Tap electrode tip Tighten connections Try smaller electrode

Chirp or chittering noise #hen !iring

.par gap !ailed or !ouled %emonic possession 0esistor plug Ioose #ire Harious Burn-ac Io# #eld po#er

0olls closer #hen my -ac is turned &ea spar a!ter replacing spar gap &ea spar Arc hard to start


Symbol Glossary
This section included -y la#.

$(= or #ire #elder

+our #elding torch

+our #or piece F=roundG clamp

Alien invader, possi-ly malevolent


.omething you should not #eld

AC or %C po#er

Ii!t .tart




Current CapacityC (nput HoltageC "iring 0ateC 2;0A O<0E duty, 200A at 100E duty. 24 H0$.51@0Hpea , %C or AC 2;5<08,. ;05120 8,.

Po#er ConsumptionC @0& Pea ?utput HoltageC 12LH into 220p". $a) AltitudeC .uggested output ca-le lengthC (nput Ca-le IengthC (nput CapacitanceC Po#er ConnectorsC Trigger .#itch %imensionsC 1;,000 "t F4B00$G ?perating "re1uencyC lo# $8,, varies #ith #eld ca-les B !t. 3nlimited 100n" Fplus startup surge.G @MB251< studs Any mechanical .P.T ;2 X ;2 X 102, ;.1 l-s

4nclosure ProtectionC (P21.

Technical Support
"or help on issues not covered in this manual, visit, or send in1uiries to, or call us at 40>52@452<;2. %o not as us !or marital advice.


!eclaration of onformity
rc Pig

This device complies #ith Part 1B o! the "CC 0ules.

0esponsi-le PartyC Arc Pig Co. ;A; 1>th .t, Beaumont TX AAA0<.


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