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The English Workbook

Level 1

The English Workbook is the 3rd booklet of Level 1. The 12 lessons deal with (1) the parts of speech in
the simple sentence, (2) the parts of the simple sentence using only the vocabulary and sentence
patterns introduced in the reader, The Good Father.

Each grammar point taught is followed by exercises and sentence pattern drills. And at the end of each
lesson, there are comprehension exercises on The Good Father.

Keys to the exercises are given at the end of the booklet. The student can work his way right through the
booklet without any other aid, mark his own work and assess his own progress.


1 The Noun..................................................................................................................... 5

2 The Verb.................................................................................................................... 11

3 Revision Nouns and Verbs.................................................................................... 19

4 The Sentence The Subject and the Object............................................................. 27

5 Agreement ................................................................................................................. 34

6 1. Gender 2. The Pronoun...................................................................................... 43

7 Subject and Object Pronouns .................................................................................... 53

8 Revision
The Sentence, Agreement, Gender and The Pronoun............................................... 62

9 1. Short Forms 2. Statements and Questions......................................................... 70

10 The Preposition.......................................................................................................... 79

11 1. The Adjective 2. Possession.............................................................................. 85

12 General Revision ....................................................................................................... 94

Key........................................................................................................................... 102


A Grammar and Exercises

The Noun

The underlined words are nouns.

The other man did not go home. His father has some money.
My father has good food. The other son is at home.
The man works in the city. The people wanted his money.
His two sons went away. My home was in the city.
My animals want food. His father spent his money.
The people were happy. The two animals went away.

A noun is a word which names a person, animal, place or thing.

Exercise 1

Underline the nouns.

The father loves the sons. 6 The animals wanted food.
The man went away from home. 7 My father has two sons.
1 The son loves other people. 8 The people wanted money.
2 The man has money at home. 9 The man went to the city.
3 His son works in the city. 10 His father spent the money.
4 The other man wanted some money. 11 My son had no food.
5 His father is a happy man. 12 The animal went away.

Singular and plural nouns

Singular means one. Plural means more than one.

Singular noun Plural noun Singular noun Plural noun
son sons way ways
father fathers city cities
animal animals man men
lesson lessons food ----
home homes money ----

Most plural nouns are formed by adding s to the singular noun
e.g. son, sons way, ways.

Some plural nouns are formed by changing the last letter y into ies
e.g. city, cities.

Exercise 2

The underlined words are nouns. Fill in each blank with either singular or plural.

The man had two sons. plural
The animal wanted food. singular
1 The men work at home.
2 The people have money.
3 The animals went away.
4 The man loves his two sons.
5 The people wanted to see my father.
6 The man has no food.
7 His sons went to the city.
8 The father is at home.
9 The other man is in the city.
10 He was a good son.

Learn these sentence patterns.

The father

The son

The man

The people

spent the money.

The people

The man

The father

The son

wanted some food.

I love

my father.

my son.

the man.

the people.

The man wanted

the two animals.

the food.

some money.

a home.

B Comprehension (on The Good Father 1)

Exercise 3

Fill in each blank with a correct word from the brackets.
The father had two sons. (man, work, two)
1 One son ___________ at home. (city, worked, man)
2 The other son wanted to go to the ___________. (food, city, money)
3 The father gave him some ___________. (work, money, food)
4 He gave his money to other ___________. (people, city, son)
5 The people did ___________ give him food. (not, has, wanted)
6 He wanted to go home to see his ___________. (son, brother, father)
7 The father was happy to see his ___________. (son, home, work)
Total 41


A Grammar and Exercises

The Verb

The underlined words are verbs.
His son spent the money. The men stayed away.
My father has two brothers. He loves good food.
His younger brother wanted a son. The man lost his money.
I gave him some food. The two men came home.
My brother works in the city. His son wants good clothes.
The man found his two animals. My father worked for him.
His son earns the money. I saw your brother.

A verb is a word which expresses action.

The underlined words are also verbs.

The people are not happy. My sons were in the city.
The father is in the city. I am his father.
The son was at home. The two brothers were at home.
I am happy. The men are in the city.

These verbs express being. They are the forms of the verb to be.

Remember A verb is a word which (1) expresses action (2) expresses being.

Exercise 4

Underline the verbs.

He is my father. 5 The people were happy.
The man stays with his son. 6 My two sons love me.
1 He came home with me. 7 He wanted my money.
2 My father is at home. 8 They went to the city.
3 His brother has good clothes. 9 The father was happy.
4 I found your money. 10 My elder brother lost two animals.

Forms of verbs

Verbs may be (1) in the present tense (2) in the past tense.

Present tense Past tense Present tense Past tense
want wanted do did
work worked am was
love loved go went
stay stayed lose lost
earn earned spend spent
has had come came
say said is was
give gave are were
see saw find found

Many verbs may be changed from the present tense into the past tense by adding ed
as in stay, stayed or d as in love, loved.

The underlined verbs are in the The underlined verbs are in the
present tense. past tense.

The elder brother is in the city.

The elder brother was in the city.
The people are sad. The people were sad.
He loves his brother. He loved his brother.
The two men work at home. The two men worked at home.

Exercise 5
The underlined words are verbs.

Fill in each blank with either present tense or past tense.

The people ate the food. past tense
I have money. present tense
1 Your brother went home.

2 You are a good son.
3 The brother gave me food.
4 The father earns the money.
5 Your elder brother was at home.
6 My son works in the city.
7 The man came home.
8 The people were not in the city.

Learn these sentence patterns.

The man has

a brother.

a son.

good clothes.

two animals.

The son

The elder brother

The man

The younger son

was happy.


The people

My father

The two brothers

His younger son

stayed at home.

He gave some food to

his father.

the animals.

his elder son.

his brother.

B Comprehension (on The Good Father 2)

Exercise 6

Fill in each blank with a correct word from the box, then re-write each sentence.

two happy stayed not
city all home

The father loved his two sons. The father loved his two sons.
1 The elder brother __________ at home. 1
2 The younger brother went to the __________. 2
3 He spent __________ his money. 3
4 He went __________ to his father. 4
5 His father was __________ to see him. 5
6 His elder brother was __________ happy. 6

Total 24


A Grammar and Exercises

Revision Nouns and Verbs
Remember A noun is a word which names a person, animal, place or thing.
Exercise 7

Underline the nouns.
My brother has three sons. 5 His brother works for my father.
1 His clothes are in my boat. 6 That man stays in the city.
2 The people stayed with Peter. 7 The animal caught the fish.
3 The men lived by the lake. 8 The people live by that lake.
4 My son found his boat. 9 The father spent the money.

Remember A verb is a word which (1) expresses action (2) expresses being.

Exercise 8

Underline the verbs.

The man went away from the lake.
1 Peter and his brother were at home. 6 My father is a happy man.
2 The people found the money. 7 Your brother was in the boat.
3 Jesus sat in the boat. 8 My elder son loved me.
4 The fisherman lives by the lake. 9 He has a good brother.
5 The elder son loves animals. 10 Peter caught the fish.

Learn this. Forms of nouns

Singular noun Plural noun Singular noun Plural noun
brother brothers city cities
boat boats man men
lake lakes fisherman fishermen
name names money ------
disciple disciples food ------

Exercise 9

Fill in each blank with a correct word from the brackets.
The two fishermen are in the boat. (fisherman, fishermen)
1 My father is a good __________. (man, men)
2 I have two __________. (brother, brothers)
3 His __________is Peter. (name, names)
4 My son has three __________. (animal, animals)

Learn this. Forms of verbs

Present tense Past tense Present tense Past tense
catch caught work worked
give gave stay stayed
live lived have had
go went say said
sit sat spend spent
has had is was
tell told come came
love loved want wanted
earn earned see saw
are were do did

Exercise 10

Complete this table with the correct forms of the verbs.

Present tense Past tense Present tense Past tense
tell told 10 wanted
1 live 11 spend
2 went 12 sit
3 earn 13 stayed
4 come 14 loved
5 was 15 see
6 are 16 has
7 catch 17 do
8 gave 18 said
9 work 19 have

Exercise 11
The underlined words are verbs.
Fill in each blank with either present tense or past tense.
The two brothers are at home. present tense
1 The fisherman caught a fish.
2 His father lives by the lake.
3 The man caught the animal.
4 The sons work for the father.
5 They sat in the boat.
6 He always stays at home.
7 My father loves me.
8 That man had three boats.
9 My elder brother was a happy man.

Learn these sentence patterns.
The men
The father
The sons
The people
My brother

went away from the city.

I want to see
the boats.
the animals.
a good man.
the lake.
your home.

He worked for

his father.
the people.
his son.
his brother.
The man
The people
The animals
His son

did not go home.

B Comprehension (on The Good Father 3)

Exercise 12

Fill in each blank with a correct word from the box.

Peter fishermen loved wanted
lived disciples man

Peter and his brother were fishermen .
1 They _________________ by the lake.
2 _________________ and his brother went to see Jesus.
3 Jesus was a good _________________.
4 He _________________ people.
5 Jesus _________________ people to be good.
6 Peter and his brother became Jesus _________________.
Total 66


A Grammar and Exercises

The Sentence Subject and Object

Read these three words The man came.

They make complete sense. They are a sentence.

came is the verb or action word. the man does the action.

the man is the subject of the verb came.

Remember A sentence must (1) make complete sense
(2) have a subject
(3) have a verb.

Here is another sentence Jesus healed the woman.

healed is the verb or action word. Jesus is the subject of the verb healed.

the woman gets the action. the woman is the object.

Some verbs must have objects e.g. the verbs in these sentences.

Subject Verb Object
The man loves his two sons.
Peter and I caught the fish.
The animals wanted some food.
The two brothers saw Jesus.
Peters wife wants the money.

Some verbs do not take objects e.g. the verbs in these sentences.

All the men stood up. They went to the lake.
The boy sat in the boat. I stayed at home.
Many people live in the city. Peter is happy.
His son came home. Her father was sick.

Exercise 13
Underline the verbs and the subjects .

The elder son found the money.
The man and his brother caught the fish.
1 Peters wife wants the food. 4 The two men love their mother.
2 My brother and I stayed at home. 5 She sat on the bed.
3 The woman spent her money. 6 Their father lost the boat.

Exercise 14

Underline the verbs and the objects .

Remember some verbs do not take objects.

The woman and her son wanted some food.

That man went away.

1 The elder brother lost four animals. 8 They stood by the lake.
2 The people sat in Peters boat. 9 She earns good money.
3 His wife found the money. 10 The boys stayed with Jesus.
4 My brothers lost their three boats. 11 She was sick.
5 Peter and his brother loved Jesus. 12 My son caught the fish.
6 The other man saw the fish. 13 He spent all his money.
7 The fisherman went to the city.

Exercise 15

Underline the verbs , the subjects and the objects .

The brothers caught the fish.

That woman and her son wanted all the food.
1 Peter loves his father. 5 My elder brother found his boat.
2 Jesus healed my mother. 6 The men were not in the city.
3 My father lost his animal. 7 All the boys went away.
4 The fisherman saw the boat. 8 Her mother spent all the money.

Exercise 16

Make a sentence with each group of words. Begin each sentence with a capital letter.
End it with a full stop (. ).

* sons * his two * the father * loved * The father loved his two sons.

1 * the food * wanted * the people *
2 * his money * lost * the man *
3 * some fish * the fishermen * caught *
4 * came * the brothers * home *
5 * spent * the money * the younger son *
6 * healed * Jesus * son * Peters *
7 * his father * the fish * caught *
8 * the money * Peter * found *
9 * lost * the fishermen * their clothes *
10 * the boat * they * stood in *
11 * woman * was * that * sick *
12 * my wife * good clothes * has *
13 * healed * my hand * Jesus *

B Comprehension (on The Good Father 4)

Exercise 17

Fill in each blank with a correct word from the box.

* wife * Peters * hand * bed * up * work * heal *

Jesus had power to heal people.
1 Jesus went to ____________ home.
2 The mother of Peters ____________ was sick.
3 She was on the ____________.
4 Jesus put his ____________ on her and healed her.
5 She sat ____________.
6 She wanted to ____________ for Jesus.
Total 74


A Grammar and Exercises


Read this sentence The boy wants bread.

The subject is the boy. The subject is in the singular form.

The verb wants is also in the singular form.

Here is another sentence The two boys want bread.

The subject is the two boys. The subject is in the plural form.

The verb want is also in the plural form.

Remember A singular verb form goes with a singular subject.
A plural verb form goes with a plural subject.
A verb agrees with its subject in number.
Exception I and you (singular) take the plural form.

Singular and plural verb forms (in the present tense)

Singular verb form Plural verb form Singular verb form Plural verb form
gives give is are
goes go comes come
has have earns earn
loves love finds find
says say stays stay
sees see works work
spends spend catches catch

Singular verb form Plural verb form Singular verb form Plural verb form
wants want lives live
sits sit stands stand
tells tell becomes become
heals heal looks look
eats eat thanks thank
puts put

The verbs in these sentences are in the present tense form.

verb form
verb form

The man wants the bread. The men want the bread.
My son looks at the boat. My sons look at the boat.
The boy catches fish. The boys catch fish.

Exercise 18
These sentences are in the present tense.
Fill in each blank with a correct verb from the brackets.

Peter and his brother catch fish. (catch, catches)
That man works in the city. (work, works)
1 Her mother ____________ in the city. (live, lives)
2 My brother always ____________ home. (walk, walks)
3 The people ____________ more bread. (want, wants)
4 That man always ____________ all his money. (spend, spends)
5 The boy ____________ five fish in his basket. (has, have)
6 Jesus disciples ____________ God. (love, loves)
7 My boats ____________ on the lake. (is, are)
8 His younger son ____________ at home. (stay, stays)

The verbs in these sentences are in the past tense form.

verb form
verb form

The man wanted more bread. The men wanted more bread.
The boy caught the fish. The boys caught the fish.
My brother had good food. My brothers had good food.
His son saw the animal. His sons saw the animal.
The woman was at home. The women were at home.

The subjects change in number, but the verbs do not change.
Exception was, were

Remember In the present tense form, the verbs change to agree with their subjects in number.
Exception I and you (singular)

In the past tense form, the verbs do not change.
Exception was, were

Exercise 19

Fill in each blank with a correct verb from the brackets.

Peters brother thanked God for the bread. (thank, thanked)
The two fishermen are by the lake. (is, are)
1 The man ____________ with his mother. (live, lives)
2 The three brothers ____________ home. (comes, came)
3 Many people ____________ for that man. (work, works)
4 My father ____________ in the boat. (sit, sat)
5 The four boys ____________ to the city. (goes, went)
6 Jesus ____________ enough bread for the people. (had, have)
7 The people ____________ not in the city. (was, were)
8 The women ____________ to see Jesus. (wants, wanted)
9 The animal ____________ that boy. (love, loves)

Exercise 20

Make sentences with these groups of words.
* boys * many * went * the lake * to * Many boys went to the lake.
1 * is * sick * the man *
2 * prays * Peters wife * God * to *
3 * the woman * food * no * has *
4 * Jesus * was * man * a poor *
5 * their money * the boys * all * spent *
6 * the woman * Jesus * healed *
7 * some * food * has * the boy *
8 * the city * the son * in * is *
9 * went * the men * their boats * to *
10 * a basket * bread * Peter * has * of *

B Comprehension (on The Good Father 5)

Exercise 21

Complete the sentences below with these groups of words.

......the fish became more fish. see Jesus.
......enough to eat. ......who were sick.
......Jesus disciples. twelve baskets.
......and two fish. ......for the bread and fish.
......give food to many people. ......wanted Jesus and God.
......want Jesus. ......wanted the food.

The boy had five loaves of bread and two fish.
1 Many people went
2 Jesus healed many people
3 Peter and his brother were

4 The bread became more bread and
5 Jesus thanked God
6 All the people had
7 They put the pieces of bread and fish
8 Jesus had power to
9 The people only
10 The people did not
11 Peter
Total 38


A Grammar and Exercises

1. Gender 2. The Pronoun


father, man and boy are nouns of the masculine gender.

They are used for people of the male sex.

mother, wife and woman are nouns of the feminine gender.

They are used for people of the female sex.

bread, basket and lake are nouns of the neuter gender.

They are used for things.

Gender of nouns

Masculine Feminine Neuter
father brother mother mountain
man fisherman wife bed
son woman sun

Exercise 22

Give the gender of these nouns.

brother masculine 2 mother 5 basket
wife feminine 3 boat 6 father
1 bread 4 son 7 woman

The Pronoun

he, she and it are pronouns.

he is used instead of nouns of the masculine gender like father, son, fisherman and brother.

she is used instead of nouns of the feminine gender like wife, mother and woman.

it is used instead of nouns of the neuter gender like money, food and city.

it is also used instead of nouns like animal or fish.

(Sometimes he is used for a male animal and she for a female.)

That woman has four sons. She has four sons.
(she is used instead of that woman.)

The bread is in the basket. It is in the basket.
(it is used instead of the bread.)

The fisherman walked to the lake. He walked to the lake.
(he is used instead of the fisherman.)

I and you are also pronouns.
I is used instead of saying my own name.
you is used instead of saying the name of the person I am talking to.

The underlined words in these sentences are pronouns.

He spent all his money. You are a good man.
I have good clothes. She went to the city.
It is in the boat. I live by the lake.

Exercise 23

Underline the pronouns.

It is by the lake. 3 I have a good son.
I went to the city. 4 It is on my bed.
1 You have many animals. 5 She prayed all night.
2 He wanted some money. 6 You are always at home.

Pronouns may be (1)in the singular form (2) in the plural form.

Singular pronoun Plural pronoun Singular pronoun Plural pronoun
he they I we
she they you you
it they

In these sentences pronouns are used instead of the underlined nouns.

My mother and I prayed to God. We prayed to God.
(we is used instead of my mother and I.)

The woman was healed. She was healed.
(she is used instead of the woman.)

The clothes are on the bed. They are on the bed.
(they is used instead of the clothes.)

That man loves his father. He loves his father.
(he is used instead of that man.)

The animal always comes home. It always comes home.
(it is used instead of the animal.)

My brother and I found the money. We found the money.
(we is used instead of my brother and 1.)

The people came from the city. They came from the city.
(they is used instead of the people.)

Exercise 24

Underline the pronouns.

They prayed to God. 6 It found some food.
I was afraid. 7 We saw the mountain.
1 They walked to the city. 8 She is Peters wife.
2 You have many animals. 9 They had many loaves of bread.
3 It is in the basket. 10 You have good clothes.
4 He healed many people. 11 It was by the boat.
5 She stood by the bed. 12 He thanked God for the money.

Exercise 25
Instead of the underlined words, use a suitable pronoun.

The men had many baskets of fish. They had many baskets of fish.
The boy stayed in the boat. He stayed in the boat.

1 Peter and his wife went to the city.
2 His mother has good clothes.
3 My son and I spent the money.
4 That animal wants more food.
5 My brother is a fisherman.

Learn these sentence patterns.

All the people


The women


were afraid.

I thank God

for the bread and fish.

for my father and mother.

for my brothers.

for my home.



It is time to go


to the city.

up the mountain.

to bed.

Many people


The fisherman

The animals

had enough to eat.

B Comprehension (on The Good Father 6)

Exercise 26

Fill in each blank with a suitable word from the box.

Jesus lake walked blew Son
afraid pray boat mountain

Jesus and his disciples were by the lake .

1 Jesus went up on to a ________________.
2 He wanted to ________________ to God.
3 Peter and Jesus other disciples went into the ________________.
4 The wind ________________ and the water went up and down.
5 All the people in the boat were ________________.
6 Jesus ________________ on the water of the lake.
7 ________________ said, Do not be afraid.
8 The people in the boat said, Jesus, you are the ________________ of God.
Total 38


A Grammar and Exercises

Subject and Object Pronouns

Read these two sentences

The man went home. He went home.

the man is the subject. The pronoun he is used instead of the man.
he is the subject pronoun.

Here are two more sentences

Jesus healed the man. Jesus healed him.
the man is the object. him is used instead of the man.
him is the object pronoun.

Subject pronouns Object pronouns Subject pronouns Object pronouns
he him you you
she her they them
I me we us
it it

Sentences with subject pronouns Sentences with object pronouns
He loves his father. His father loves him.
She saw Peter. Peter saw her.
They like that boy. That boy likes them
I thanked her mother. Her mother thanked me.
We called the boys. The boys called us.
You love your brother. Your brother loves you.

Exercise 27

The underlined words are the subjects of these sentences.
Use subject pronouns instead of the underlined subjects.

Many people prayed all night. They prayed all night.
The animal went up the mountain. It went up the mountain.
1 Jesus walked on the water of the lake.
2 Jesus disciples went to the boat.
3 The fisherman walked to the lake.
4 The wind blew all night.
5 My mother and I stayed at home.
6 Many boats went down into the lake.
7 Peters wife listened to Jesus.

Exercise 28

The underlined words are the objects of these sentences.
Use object pronouns instead of the underlined objects.

Peter loves his wife. Peter loves her.
1 My mother thanked that man.
2 Jesus healed the woman.
3 I lost my basket.
4 My brother found the animals.
5 The boys saw their enemies.
6 The fisherman wants your boat.
7 The people liked Peter.
8 We called the boys.
9 The women found their money.

Exercise 29

Instead of the underlined words use suitable pronouns.

Peters sons went into the boat. They went into the boat.
1 I thanked all the people.
2 My mother and I prayed all day.
3 The people listened to my father.
4 The man held the animal.
5 Peter talked to the boys.
6 Jesus healed my wife.
7 His mother is kind and gentle.
8 The animal likes my brother.
9 My son and I talked all night.

In the present tense singular subject pronouns take singular verb forms plural subject pronouns
take plural verb forms.
Exception I and you, singular

Singular Plural
He catches fish at night. They like my brother.
She loves that boy. We always walk to the city.
It lives by that lake. They work all day.

I and you take plural verbs.

(you is used as a singular and plural pronoun.)

I live with my two brothers. You are good sons.
You always listen to your son. I make boats.
I love my father and mother. You talk all day.

I and you with the verb to be

Present tense Past tense
I am at home. I was at home.
You are at home. You were at home.

I and you with the verb to have

Present tense Past tense
I have two boats. I had two boats.
You have two boats. You had two boats.

Exercise 30

Fill in each blank with a correct verb from the brackets.

I was at home. (is, was, were)
We have three brothers. (was, has, have)

1 They ___________ more bread. (want, has, wants)
2 I ___________ his father. (is, am, were)
3 He ___________ many animals. (has, were, have)
4 It ___________ in the basket. (was, am, were)
5 She ___________ in that city. (live, were, lives)
6 You ___________ not in the boat. (am, was, were)
7 He ___________ a good son. (is, am, are)
8 They ___________ on the mountain. (was, were, am)
9 We ___________ for that woman. (lives, work, works)
10 You ___________ good clothes. (was, like, likes)
l1 I ___________ a good mother. (have, has, were)
12 It ___________ at home. (am, is, were)
13 She ___________ baskets for other people. (makes, have, are)
14 We ___________ more money. (want, has, wants)

B Comprehension (on The Good Father 7)

Exercise 31

Fill in each blank with a correct word from the box.

God good talk Jesus you enemies people

One day Jesus and his disciples were on a mountain.
1 Jesus liked to ______________ to his disciples.
2 Jesus words were ______________ words.
3 Jesus told his disciples to be good to ______________.
4 He told them about ______________.
5 Jesus ______________ did not like to listen to him.
6 Jesus disciples said, Jesus, ______________ are from God.
Total 45


A Grammar and Exercises

Revision The Sentence, Agreement, Gender and the Pronoun

Remember 1. A sentence must have a subject and a verb.
2. The subject does the action.
3. The object gets the action.
4. Some verbs must have objects.
5. Some verbs do not take objects.

Exercise 32

Underline the verbs , the subjects and the objects .

They spent all their money. Peter and his brother loved Jesus.

1 They caught the fish. 6 Jesus healed this man.
2 The people thanked her mother. 7 The two brothers make boats.
3 My elder brother wants the boat. 8 We ate the fish.
4 My sons like my clothes. 9 My father and mother were happy.
5 The animals died. 10 My brother loves me.

Remember In the present tense form a singular noun or pronoun takes a singular verb.
A plural noun or a pronoun takes a plural verb.
Exceptions I and you (singular)
Learn these verbs. They are in the present tense.

Singular verb form Plural verb form Singular verb form Plural verb form
calls call holds hold
prays pray knows know
walks walk makes make
likes like falls fall

Singular verb form Plural verb form Singular verb form Plural verb form
listens listen says say
talks talk sells sell
dies die shakes shake
blows blow forgives forgive
gets get begins begin

Exercise 33

The verbs in these sentences are in the present tense form.
Fill in each blank with a correct verb from the brackets.

The boy gets the money from his father. (gets, get)
The women always pray to God. (prays, pray)
1 That man ____________ boats. (sells, sell)
2 My mother ____________ four loaves of bread in her basket. (has, have)
3 You ____________ many things in your boat. (has, have)
4 The fisherman ____________ fish from the lake. (catch, catches)
5 We ____________ up the mountain every day. (walk, walks)

6 She always ____________ about her son. (talks, talk)
7 That woman ____________ clothes for other people. (makes, make)
8 Peter ____________ all day. (works, work)
9 I ____________ your mother. (knows, know)
10 Many nations ____________ at war. (is, are)

Learn the forms of these verbs.

Present tense Past tense Present tense Past tense
call called hold held
pray prayed see saw
walk walked know knew
like liked make made
listen listened fall fell
talk talked say said
die died sell sold
begin began shake shook
blow blew forgive forgave
get got are were

Exercise 34
Fill in each blank with a correct verb from the brackets.

The fishermen sell their fish every day. (sells, sell)
1 My brother ____________ me. (forgive, forgave)
2 After eight days the boy ____________ home. (come, came)
3 He ____________ money from his brother. (gets, get)
4 I always ____________ to God. (pray, prays)
5 We ____________ twelve loaves of bread. (has, have)
6 Many people ____________ in that place. (live, lives)
7 All my things ____________ at home. (is, are)
8 Jesus ____________ his enemies. (love, loved)
9 I ____________ her friend. (is, am)
10 Two animals ____________. (dies, died)
11 His brothers ____________ with him. (was, were)
12 The boys ____________ that fisherman. (knows, knew)
13 She ____________ to the city every day. (goes, go)
14 The men ____________ into the boat. (gets, got)
15 The boy ____________ into the lake. (fell, fall)

Learn the forms of these nouns.

Singular noun Plural noun Singular noun Plural noun Singular noun Plural noun
cross crosses loaf loaves bread ----
place places life lives wood ----
piece pieces wife wives water ----
time times enemy enemies wind ----

Remember A pronoun is a word used instead of a noun.

Exercise 35

Use pronouns instead of the underlined nouns.

My wife and I sell fish. We sell fish.
Peter talked to all the people. Peter talked to them.
1 The boys saw the mountain.
2 I like that woman.
3 Jesus and his disciples stayed there.

4 My father has four sons.
5 Her mother was afraid of the animal.
6 I made the baskets.
7 My mother and I went to the lake.
8 Jesus healed my father.
9 That woman made many loaves of bread.
10 The boys forgave their enemies.

Learn these sentence patterns.

Many people listened to

my father.
his mother.

He sold

his fish.
his things.
the bread.

My father
That woman

told him many things.


became his enemy.


B Comprehension (on The Good Father 8)

Exercise 36

Fill in each blank with a correct word from the brackets.

Jesus told people many things about God . (God, food, money)
1 God forgives people who are sad because they are ____________ good. (have, not, take)
2 God wants people to be ____________. (sick, happy, many)
3 Jesus had ____________ to heal people who were sick. (money, sad, power)
4 Some people wanted Jesus to be ____________. (king, man, brother)
5 Jesus enemies wanted him to ____________. (live, give, die)
6 Peter said, Jesus, I will die ____________ you. (with, on, in)
7 Jesus said, Peter, you will say you do not ____________ me. (like, know, love)

Total 70


A Grammar and Exercises

1. Short Forms 2. Statements and Questions

Short Forms

Instead of saying I am his brother we may say Im his brother.

Im is the short form for I am. The a is left out and the apostrophe ( ) is used instead.

Examples of short forms

is are
hes (he is) theres (there is) were (we are)
shes (she is) Peters (Peter is) theyre (they are)
its (it is) youre (you are)

will am
Ill (I will) hell (he will) Im (I am)
youll (you will) shell (she will)
well (we will) itll (it will)
theyll (they will)

Short forms of words with not

isnt (is not) wont (will not) doesnt (does not)
arent (are not) dont (do not) didnt (did not)
wasnt (was not)

Short forms are used in speech and informal writing.
Sentences with short forms

Hes in the garden (He is) Shell believe you (She will)
Youre happy (You are) Theres food at home (There is)
Were his sons (We are) Theyll take the money (They will)
Peter isnt here (is not) I dont know the way (do not)

Exercise 37

Give the short forms.

She is Shes 4 We will 8 I did not
1 I will not 5 You are 9 The boy was not
2 There is 6 It is not 10 Judas will not
3 You will 7 He is

Exercise 38

Re-write these sentences. Use short forms instead of the underlined words.
It is dark in the garden. Its dark in the garden.
1 They are his enemies.
2 The bread is not in the basket.
3 There is enough money.
4 I am his friend.
5 The ruler was not in the city.

6 Peter will not sell the animals.
7 I do not know her.
8 We will go out with you.
9 It does not want food.
10 His name is not Judas.

2. Statements and Questions

Read this sentence Judas was a thief.

This sentence tells us something about Judas. This sentence is a statement.

Here is another sentence Was Judas a thief?

This sentence asks us something about Judas. This sentence is a question.

It ends with a question mark (?).

These sentences are statements. These sentences are questions.
The man didnt go to the lake. Didnt the man go to the lake?
His name isnt Judas. Isnt his name Judas?
Peter lives in the city. Does Peter live in the city?
His son wasnt happy at home. Wasnt his son happy at home?
The boys were out. Were the boys out?
You know the way. Do you know the way?
He didnt take the money. Didnt he take the money?
The things arent in the boat. Arent the things in the boat?
She likes good clothes. Does she like good clothes?
It is time to go home. Is it time to go home?
They dont like animals. Dont they like animals?
This is his boat. Is this his boat?

Exercise 39
Change these statements into questions.

He wasnt happy in the city. Wasnt he happy in the city?
She is a good woman. Is she a good woman?

1 His name is Judas.
2 The bread isnt in the basket.
3 They dont like fish.
4 You know this man.
5 The boats were on the lake.
6 Peter wasnt at home.
7 The thief is in the garden.
8 He didnt talk to you.

Exercise 40

Use these groups of words to make (1) statements (2) questions.

* that city * they * like * dont * 4 * the king * is * that man *
* the boys * by * the lake * are * 5 * wasnt * his brother * happy *
1 * he * a good * is * man * 6 * to go * to bed * time * is * it *
2 * father * Peters * he * is * 7 * the mountain * the boys * werent * on *
3 * to * the fisherman * the lake * go * didnt * 8 * the thief * the money * didnt * take *

Statements Questions
They dont like that city. Dont they like that city?
The boys are by the lake. Are the boys by the lake?
1 9
2 10
3 11
4 12
5 13
6 14
7 15
8 16

B Comprehension (on The Good Father 9)

Exercise 41
Use these sentences to answer the questions below.
Jesus was praying. Peter said, I dont know Jesus, three times.
His disciples were sleeping. Judas took money from other people.
Jesus was in the garden. Jesus enemies came and took Jesus away.
They gave some money to Judas. Judas went to Jesus enemies.
Jesus enemies wanted to nail him to a cross of wood.

What did Judas take from other people?
Judas took money from other people.
1 Who went to Jesus enemies?

2 What did they give to Judas?

3 Where was Jesus?

4 What was Jesus doing?

5 What were his disciples doing?

6 Who came and took Jesus away?

7 How many times did Peter say, I dont know Jesus?

8 What did Jesus enemies want to do to Jesus?

Total 52


A Grammar and Exercises

The Preposition

The underlined words in these sentences are prepositions.
The food is in the basket. Peter walked on the water of the lake.
The fishermen went into the boat. Its dark at night.

A preposition is usually placed before a noun or pronoun.
It relates the noun or pronoun to the other words in the sentence. It often shows position, time or direction.

More examples of prepositions
The fishermen went to their boats. Heres a loaf of bread.
Peter told the people about God. My mother stood by the tomb.
That woman works in the city. We have more money at home.
Many people were by the lake. Its dark in the garden.
The elder brother is at home. They made a cross of wood.

Peter was with Jesus. The men are on the mountain.
His son lives in the city. The boys went into the water.
My clothes are on the bed. The soldiers stood by the cross.

Exercise 42

Underline the prepositions.

The animal went into the lake. The baskets are in the boat.
1 They carried the body to the tomb. 9 I have more money at home.
2 The boys are on the mountain. 10 My brother lives with his son.
3 Many people live in that city. 11 The boy stood by his father.
4 My father told her about God. 12 The fish is in the basket.
5 His boats are on the lake. 13 She gave me a loaf of bread.
6 He works at home. 14 The woman sat on her bed.
7 She made a basket for me. 15 That thing is made of wood.
8 The animal is in the garden.

Exercise 43

Fill in each blank with a correct preposition from the brackets.

Theres enough bread in the basket. (on, in, with)
The boys ran into the garden. (after, into, at)
1 Jesus was __________ the mountain. (into, on, of)
2 The people made a crown __________ thorns. (of, in, at)
3 The soldiers went __________ the tomb. (with, at, to)
4 He carried the basket __________ fish. (in, of, at)
5 All the women prayed __________ God. (to, at, from)
6 My fathers brothers were __________ Peter. (of, in, with)
7 Jesus told the people __________ God. (with, at, about)
8 They put a crown __________ the kings head. (in, on, at)
9 My two sons work __________ home. (at, on, to)
10 I made some bread __________ you. (in, for, at)
11 The boys were __________ the lake. (by, of, with)
12 She carried the basket __________ her head. (in, for, on)
13 The men gave all their money __________ Judas. (at, to, in)

Exercise 44

Fill in each blank with a preposition from the box.

on in with at about to into down

My friends told me about Jesus. 4 All the people prayed __________ God.
1 We walked __________ the mountain. 5 I live __________ my mother.
2 The thief went __________ house. 6 Theres fish __________ that lake.
3 My mother put it __________ the bed. 7 My things are __________ home.

Exercise 45

Fill in the blanks with a suitable preposition.

The people went to the city. 3 We have a basket __________ fish.
1 The bread is __________ the basket. 4 I prayed __________ God.
2 The boys live __________ their mother. 5 He told me __________ Jesus.

Exercise 46

Make a sentence with each group of words.

* in * all * the garden * were * the boys * All the boys were in the garden.

1 * took * the basket * food * of * I *
2 * sat * Peters * the bed * on * wife *
3 * he * home * went * after * two days *
4 * God * she * about * told * them *
5 * the mountain * the soldiers * walked * down *
6 * by * the women * the tomb * stood *

B Comprehension (on The Good Father 10)

Exercise 47

Complete the sentences below with these groups of words.
......died on the cross. ......Father, forgive these men.
......spat on him. ......put it on Jesus head.
......cross of wood. ......and feet to the cross.
......if youre the Son of God, come down from the cross.

The soldiers made a crown of thorns and put it on Jesus head.
1 They hit Jesus and
2 Jesus carried the heavy
3 The soldiers nailed Jesus hands
4 Jesus said to God,
5 Some of the people said, Jesus,
6 Jesus
Total 52


A Grammar and Exercises

1. The Adjective 2. Possession

The Adjective

The underlined words are adjectives.

There was a bright light in the garden. The poor boy had no food.
The four men carried the heavy boat. The basket was empty.

An adjective is a word which tells us something more about a noun or pronoun.

More examples of adjectives

The elder brother has many animals. The cross is heavy.
We have enough bread for six boys. She is kind and gentle.
Peters wife gave her some food. That man prays every night.

He caught more fish this morning. The tomb is empty.
The other brother is not happy. She came home on the third day.

Exercise 48

Underline the adjectives.

The women have enough money. 9 It was a bright day.
1 We thanked God for the good food. 10 The two women are happy.
2 Poor people live in that place. 11 That door isnt heavy.
3 Peters mother was kind and gentle. 12 He wanted more clothes.
4 The twelve boys got into the boat. 13 The basket was empty.
5 I work in the garden every day. 14 Many men listened to Jesus.
6 The man walked a long way. 15 I went there three times.
7 The younger boy found the animal. 16 He is a good brother.
8 They sold more fish this morning. 17 Arent you happy?


The underlined words are possessive nouns.
The boys boat The animals food
boy and animal are singular nouns.
For singular nouns the apostrophe s (s) is used to show possession or belonging.
For singular nouns which end in s only the apostrophe is used.
e.g. Jesus friends Judas things
For plural nouns ending in s only the apostrophe is used.
e.g. The boys boat The animals food
For plural nouns not ending in s the apostrophe s is used.
e g. The fishermens baskets The womens clothes
For nouns which do not have life of the is used to show possession or belonging.
e.g. The water of the lake The light of the moon

Singular possessive nouns Plural possessive nouns
The sons things The sons things
The fathers money The fathers money
The rulers soldiers The rulers soldiers
The wifes clothes The wives clothes
The thiefs friends The thieves friends
The enemys power The enemies power
The mans sons The mens sons
The womans home The womens home
The fishermans boat The fishermens boat

Exercise 49
Fill in the blanks with suitable possessive nouns.
The money belonging to the men The mens money
The boat belonging to the brothers The brothers boat
1 The homes belonging to the people
2 The clothes belonging to the woman

3 The basket belonging to the boy
4 The soldiers belonging to the enemy
5 The animals belonging to the son
6 The things belonging to the fishermen
7 The food belonging to the animals
8 The mothers belonging to the boys
9 The disciples belonging to Jesus

The underlined words are adjectives.
They show possession they are possessive adjectives.

My mother is sad. Jesus and his disciples went up the mountain.
The boys lost their money. Your father is in the garden.
Her brother opened the door. The animal wants its food.

Note I saw her. her is an object pronoun.

Exercise 50

Underline the possessive adjectives.
Her father is a fisherman. 5 He is in his garden.
1 The boy went home with his mother. 6 My wife is sick.
2 Her son brought the basket of fish. 7 I like your clothes.
3 The soldiers hit him with their hands. 8 Her father loves her.
4 The animal likes its food. 9 They lost their things.

Exercise 51

Fill in each blank with a suitable adjective from the brackets.

I walk to the lake every day. (six, every, four)
Their father gave them a boat. (many, their, two)
1 He carried the ____________ cross. (younger, happy, heavy)
2 The thief took ____________ money. (his, poor, bright)
3 ____________ people work in that city. (one, heavy, many)
4 The ____________ brother loves animals. (many, some, younger)

5 ____________ mother loves them. (elder, their, all)
6 The boy gave ____________ food to the animal. (happy, gentle, some)
7 We have ____________ bread for all the boys. (enough, sad, bright)
8 She loves ____________ brother. (she, her, many)
9 That woman is ____________ and gentle. (kind, enough, many)
10 He is a ____________ boy. (some, good, one)

Exercise 52

Form sentences with these groups of words.
* money * Judas * wanted * more * Judas wanted more money.
1 * boat * the men * the heavy * carried *
2 * the thief * the four * caught * soldiers *
3 * at * home * brother * your * is *
4 * food * enough * the people * have *
5 * mother * Peters * kind * is *
6 * many * his * has * son * animals *

B Comprehension (on The Good Father 11)

Exercise 53

Complete the sentences below with these groups of words. tell you that he is alive. .......that it was empty.
......people to believe in him. ......knew he was alive.
......with them and they were afraid. .......believe her.
......Jesus. ......and shut the door.

Peter looked into the tomb and saw that it was empty.
1 A woman said that she had seen
2 She said, Jesus told me
3 Jesus disciples did not
4 They went into the house
5 Suddenly Jesus was

6 When they touched Jesus they
7 Jesus told them to tell
Total 63


A Grammar and Exercises

General Revision

Remember 1. A noun is a word which names a person, animal, place or thing.
2. An adjective is a word which tells us something more about a noun or pronoun.

Exercise 54

Underline the nouns and the adjectives .
My father is angry. 3 The animal is alive.
They brought the empty baskets. 4 Your son took my things.
1 The soldiers saw a bright light. 5 That man forgave his enemy.
2 Many men believed in Jesus.

Learn this. Forms of verbs

Present tense Past tense Present tense Past tense
kill killed stab stabbed
listen listened hear heard
believe believed feel felt
open opened send sent
promise promised think thought
nail nailed hang hung
save saved run ran
laugh laughed spit spat
happen happened sleep slept
die died bring brought

Remember 1. A verb is a word which (a) expresses action (b) expresses being.
2. In the present tense form verbs change to agree with their subjects in number.
In the past tense form the verbs do not change.
Exception was, were

Exercise 55

Fill in each blank with a correct verb from the brackets.

Peter and his brothers were together in a house. (is, was, were)
1 This woman ____________ another son. (has, give, have)
2 Judas boat ____________ very heavy. (am, is, are)
3 The three boys ____________ to the lake every day. (goes, walks, run)
4 My elder brother always ____________ me money. (give, sends, take)
5 His father ____________ in the garden all day. (walk, works, run)
6 This man always ____________ other peoples things. (takes, have, give)
7 Her mother ____________ sad this morning. (feel, felt, are)
8 The soldiers ____________ the rulers enemy. (hurts, falls, killed)
9 Many animals ____________ by that lake. (is, has, are)
10 His son ____________ fish. (have, sells, want)
11 The people ____________ afraid of the soldiers. (have, is, are)
12 After four days he ____________ to the city. (go, come, went)
13 I ____________ sorry that I have hurt her. (am, is, are)

Remember 1. A pronoun is a word used instead of a noun.
2. A subject pronoun does the action.
3. An object pronoun gets the action.

Exercise 56
Instead of the underlined words use a suitable pronoun.

All the people looked at Peter. They looked at him.
My father killed the two animals. He killed them.
1 The cross is on the ground.
2 The fisherman went home to see his mother.

3 My brother and I went home early.
4 The ruler forgave his enemies.
5 My sons were angry with me.
6 Peter wanted the boat.
7 The soldiers spat at Jesus.
8 The four men carried the body to the tomb.

Remember A preposition is a word which relates the noun or pronoun to the other words in the
sentence. It shows position, time or direction.

Exercise 57
Fill in the blanks with a correct preposition from the brackets.
My mother makes clothes for other people. (at, in, for)
1 The women were full __________ joy. (of, for, on)
2 All the fishermen went __________ their boats. (into, at, of)
3 His brother is not __________ home. (in, at, with)
4 My father was angry __________ him. (on, to, with)
5 The body was not __________ the tomb. (with, in, up)
6 Everyone sat __________ the ground. (in, on, for)
7 I told my son __________ God. (with, about, at)
8 The animal came __________ the garden. (at, into, at)
9 We stood __________ the lake. (by, up, with)
10 All my money is __________ home. (up, with, at)
11 Early this morning the boys went __________ the city. (to, at, with)

Exercise 58

Use these groups of words to make 1. Statements 2. Questions.

* time * to go * is * out * it *
1 * the Holy * God * will send * Spirit *
2 * brother * are * you * Peters *
3 * the people * the ruler * was * afraid * of *
4 * the way * doesnt * know * the boy *
5 * a thief * is * he *

Statements Questions
It is time to go out. Is it time to go out?
1 6
2 7
3 8
4 9
5 10

Exercise 59

Instead of the underlined words use short forms.

There is bread in that basket. Theres bread in that basket.
1 He did not take your things.
2 We are Peters brothers.
3 They will bring the food.
4 It is not at home.
5 She will not listen to you.
6 Peter does not know him.

B Comprehension (on The Good Father 12)

Exercise 60
Fill in each blank with a suitable word from the box.
enemies believed killed places prayed
other Holy Spirit forgive Jesus
Peter and Jesus other disciples prayed to God for many days.
1 God sent the ____________ into them.
2 They were full of joy and they were not afraid of Jesus ____________.
3 Peter said to the people, Be sorry that you have done wrong and God will ____________ you.
4 He said, You must believe in ____________.
5 Many of the people ____________ in Jesus.
6 Jesus enemies ____________ some of the people who believed in Jesus.
7 Some of the people who believed in Jesus went to other ____________.
8 They told ____________ people to believe in Jesus.
Grand Total 640
Total 77

Key to the Exercises

Exercise 1
1. son people 5. father man 9. man city
2. man money home 6. animals food 10. father money
3. son city 7. father sons 11. son food
4. man money 8. people money 12. animal

Exercise 2
1. plural 3. plural 5. singular 7. plural 9. singular
2. plural 4. singular 6. singular 8. singular 10. singular

Exercise 3
1. worked 2. city 3. money 4. people 5. not 6. father 7. son

Exercise 4
1. came 3. has 5. were 7. wanted 9. was
2. is 4. found 6. love 8. went 10. lost

Exercise 5
1. past tense 3. past tense 5. past tense 7. past tense
2. present tense 4. present tense 6. present tense 8. past tense

Exercise 6
1. stayed 2. city 3. all 4. home 5. happy 6. not

Exercise 7
1. clothes boat 4. son boat 7. animal fish
2. people Peter 5. brother father 8. people lake
3. men lake 6. man city 9. father money

Exercise 8
1. were 3. sat 5. loves 7. was 9. has
2. found 4. lives 6. is 8. loved 10. caught

Exercise 9
1. man 2. brothers 2. name 4. animals

Exercise 10
1. lived 5. is 9. worked 13. stay 17. did
2. go 6. were 10. want 14. love 18. say
3. earned 7. caught 11. spent 15. saw 19. had
4. came 8. give 12. sat 16. had

Exercise 11
1. past tense 4. present tense 7. present tense
2. present tense 5. past tense 8. past tense
3. past tense 6. present tense 9. past tense

Exercise 12
1. lived 2. Peter 3. man 4. loved 5. wanted 6. disciples

Exercise 1 3
1. Peters wife wants 4. The two men love
2. My brother and I stayed 5. She sat
3. The woman spent 6. Their father lost

Exercise 14
1. lost four animals. 6. saw the fish. 11. was
2. sat 7. went 12. caught the fish.
3. found the money. 8. stood 13. spent all his money.
4. lost their three boats. 9. earns good money.
5. loved Jesus. 10. stayed

Exercise 1 5

1. Peter loves his father. 5. My elder brother found his boat.
2. Jesus healed my mother. 6. The men were
3. My father lost his animal. 7. All the boys went
4. The fisherman saw the boat. 8. Her mother spent all the money.

Exercise 16
1. The people wanted the food. 8. Peter found the money.
2. The man lost his money. 9. The fishermen lost their clothes.
3. The fishermen caught some fish. 10. They stood in the boat.
4. The brothers came home. 11. That woman was sick.
5. The younger son spent the money. 12. My wife has good clothes.
6. Jesus healed Peters son. 13. Jesus healed my hand.
7. His father caught the fish.

Exercise 17
1. Peters 2. wife 3. bed 4. hand 5. up 6. work

Exercise 18
1. lives 2. walks 3. want 4. spends 5. has 6. love 7. are 8. stays

Exercise 19
1. lives 3. work 5. went 7. were 9. loves
2. came 4. sat 6. had 8. wanted

Exercise 20
1. The man is sick. 6. Jesus healed the woman.
2. Peters wife prays to God. 7. The boy has some food.
3. The woman has no food. 8. The son is in the city.
4. Jesus was a poor man. 9. The men went to their boats.
5. The boys spent all their money. 10. Peter has a basket of bread.

Exercise 21 see Jesus. twelve baskets.
2.....who were sick. 8......give food to many people.
3.....Jesus disciples. 9......wanted the food.
4.....the fish became more fish. 10....want Jesus.
5.....for the bread and fish. 11....wanted Jesus and God.
6.....enough to eat.

Exercise 22
1. neuter 3. neuter 5. neuter 7. feminine
2. feminine 4. masculine 6. masculine

Exercise 23
1. You 2. He 3. I 4. It 5. She 6. You

Exercise 24
1. They 3. It 5. She 7. We 9. They 11. It
2. You 4. He 6. It 8. She 10. You 12. He

Exercise 25
1. They 2. She 3. We 4. It 5. He

Exercise 26
1. mountain 3. boat 5 afraid 7 Jesus
2. pray 4. blew 6. walked 8. Son

Exercise 27
1. He 2. They 3. He 4. It 5. We 6. They 7. She

Exercise 28
1. him 3. it 5. them 7. him 9. it
2. her 4. them 6. it 8. them

Exercise 29
1. them 3. They 6 her 7 She 9. We
2. We 4. it 6. her 8. It

Exercise 30
1. want 4. was 7. is 10. like 13. makes
2. am 5. lives 8. were 11. have 14. want
3. has 6. were 9. work 12. is

Exercise 31
1. talk 2. good 3. people 4. God 5. enemies 6. you

Exercise 32
1. They caught the fish. 6. Jesus healed this man.
2. The people thanked her mother. 7. The two brothers make boats.
3. My elder brother wants the boat. 8. We ate the fish.
4. My sons like my clothes. 9. My father and mother were happy.
5. The animals died. 10. My brother loves me.

Exercise 33
1. sells 2. has 3. have 4. catches 5. walk
6. talks 7. makes 8. works 9. know 10. are

Exercise 34
1. forgave 2. came 3. gets 4. pray 5. have 6. live 7. are 8. loved
9. am 10. died 11. were 12. knew 13. goes 14. got 15. fell

Exercise 35
1. it 2. her 3. They 4. He 5. She
6. them 7. We 8. him 9. She 10. them

Exercise 36
1. not 2. happy 3. power 4. king 5. die 6. with 7. know

Exercise 37
1. I wont 3. Youll 5. Youre 7. Hes 9. The boy wasnt
2. Theres 4. Well 6. It isnt 8. I didnt 10. Judas wont

Exercise 38
1. Theyre his enemies. 6. Peter wont sell the animals.
2. The bread isnt in the basket. 7. I dont know her.
3. Theres enough money. 8. Well go out with you.
4. Im his friend. 9. It doesnt want food.
5. The ruler wasnt in the city. 10. His name isnt Judas.

Exercise 39
1. Is his name Judas? 5. Were the boats on the lake?
2. Isnt the bread in the basket? 6. Wasnt Peter at home?
3. Dont they like fish? 7. Is the thief in the garden?
4. Do you know this man? 8. Didnt he talk to you?

Exercise 40
1. He is a good man. 9. Is he a good man?
2. He is Peters father. 10. Is he Peters father?
3. The fisherman didnt go to the lake. 11. Didnt the fisherman go to the lake?
4. That man is the king. 12. Is that man the king?
5. His brother wasnt happy. 13. Wasnt his brother happy?
6. It is time to go to bed. 14. Is it time to go to bed?
7. The boys werent on the mountain. 15. Werent the boys on the mountain?
8. The thief didnt take the money. 16. Didnt the thief take the money?

Exercise 41
1. Judas went to Jesus enemies.
2. They gave some money to Judas.
3. Jesus was in the garden.
4. Jesus was praying.
5. His disciples were sleeping.
6. Jesus enemies came and took Jesus away.
7. Peter said, I dont know Jesus three times.
8. Jesus enemies wanted to nail him to a cross of wood.

Exercise 42
1. to 4. about 7. for 10. with 13. of
2. on 5. on 8. in 11. by 14. on
3. in 6. at 9. at 12. in 15. of

Exercise 43
1. on 3. to 5. to 7. about 9. at 11. by 13. to
2. of 4. of 6. with 8. on 10. for 12. on

Exercise 44
1. down 2. into 3. on 4. to 5. with 6. in 7. at

Exercise 45
1. in 2. with 3. of 4. to 5. about

Exercise 46
1. I took the basket of food. 4. She told them about God.
2. Peters wife sat on the bed. 5. The soldiers walked down the mountain.
3. After two days he went home.
/He went home after two days.
6. The women stood by the tomb.

Exercise 47
1. spat on him. 4. Father, forgive these men.
2. cross of wood. 5. if youre the Son of God, come down from the cross.
3. and feet to the cross. 6. died on the cross.

Exercise 48
1. good 4. twelve 7. younger 10. two, happy 13. empty 16. good
2. Poor, that 5. every 8. more 11. That, heavy 14. Many 17. happy
3. kind, gentle 6. long, this 9. bright 12. more 15. three

Exercise 49
1. the peoples homes 6. the fishermens things
2. the womans clothes 7. the animals food
3. the boys basket 8. the boys mothers
4. the enemys soldiers 9. Jesus disciples
5. the sons animals

Exercise 50
1. his 2. her 3. their 4. its 5. his 6. My 7. your 8. Her 9. their

Exercise 51
1. heavy 3. Many 5. Their 7. enough 9. kind
2. his 4. younger 6. some 8. her 10. good

Exercise 52
1. The men carried the heavy boat. 4. The people have enough food.
2. The four soldiers caught the thief. 5. Peters mother is kind.
3. Your brother is at home. 6. His son has many animals.

Exercise 53
1. Jesus. 5. with them and they were afraid.
2. to tell you that he is alive. 6. knew he was alive.
3. believe her. 7. people to believe in him.
4. and shut the door.

Exercise 54
1. soldiers bright light 4. Your son my things
2. Many men Jesus 5 That man his enemy
3. animal alive

Exercise 55
1. has 3. run 5. works 7. felt 9. are 11. are 13. am
2. is 4. sends 6. takes 8. killed 10. sells 12. went

Exercise 56
1. It 2. He, her 3. We 4. He, them 5. They 6. He, it 7. They, him 8. They, it

Exercise 57
1. of 3. at 5. in 7. about 9. by 11. to
2. into 4. with 6. on 8. into 10. at

Exercise 58
1. God will send the Holy Spirit. 6. Will God send the Holy Spirit?
2. You are Peters brother. 7. Are you Peters brother?
3. The ruler was afraid of the people. 8. Was the ruler afraid of the people?
4. The boy doesnt know the way. 9. Doesnt the boy know the way?
5. He is a thief. 10. Is he a thief?

Exercise 59
1. didnt 2. Were 3. Theyll 4. isnt 5. wont 6. doesnt

Exercise 60
1. Holy Spirit 3. forgive 5. believed 7. places
2. enemies 4. Jesus 6. killed 8. other

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