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Lecture 28-29: Strings 2-3" APS106 (L.H. Shu)" " !

Outline:! ! Examples of user-dened functions to: !

print strings! copy strings! compare strings!

! Character and string handling library functions!

1 !

Summary of strings 1 lecture!

! string = series of chars that end with \0! ! pointer to string constant !
char *sptr = Hi;! ! non constant pointer that points to const data!

! string variable = array of chars ending with \0 that can be modied !

!char s[] = Hi;! ! const pointer pointing to non constant data!

! string input functions do not check whether sufcient space is allocated for entry!

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/*write function to print string one char at time */! #include <stdio.h>! void printCharacters(const char *);! void main(void) {! char string[ ] = hi;! printCharacters(string);! putchar('\n');! }! /* Note: function printCharacters !
! returns nothing, ! ! takes as argument non-const pointer (can change) to constant data (not to be changed)! ! data const to protect from accidental change (just want to print) */!
3 !

/* Function denition */!

void printCharacters(const char *s) {! for (; *s!= '\0'; s++)! putchar(*s);! }! ! for loop:!
! no initialization! ! continuation condition: as long what s points to is not null terminator! ! data modication, increment s by one! ! body: print to screen the char s points to!
! putchar, like puts (put string) except for chars;!
4 !

/* print string one char at time w/ non-const ptr to const data */! #include <stdio.h>! void printCharacters(const char *);! void main(void) {! char string[ ] = hi;! printCharacters(string);! putchar('\n');! }! void printCharacters(const char *s) {! for (; *s!= '\0'; s++)! putchar(*s);! }! output: hi!
5 !

/* Copy string using array notation and pointer notation */! #include <stdio.h>! void copy1(char *, const char *);! void copy2(char *, const char *);! void main(void) {! char string1[10], *string2 = "Hi",! string3[10], string4[]= "Ho";! ! copy1(string1, string2);! printf("string1 = %s\n", string1);! copy2(string3, string4);! printf("string3 = %s\n", string3);! }!
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/* copy s2 to s1 using array notation */!

void copy1(char *s1, const char *s2){! int i; ! for (i=0; s1[i]=s2[i]; i++) ! ; /* do nothing in body */! }!
/* Notes:! - to string not const, from string data const! - using array index notation on pointers! ! copying is done in continuation test! ! data modication: increment array index */!
7 !

/* copy s2 to s1 using pointer notation */!

void copy2(char *s1, const char *s2){! for (; *s1=*s2; s1++, s2++)! ; /* do nothing in body */! }!

/* Notes:!
to string not const, from string data const! - loop using pointer notation! ! no initialization! ! copying is done in continuation test! ! data modication: increment both to and from pointers to point to next char */!

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/* Copy string using array notation and pointer notation */! #include <stdio.h>! void copy1(char *, const char *);! void copy2(char *, const char *);! void main(void) {! char string1[10], *string2 = "Hi",! string3[10], string4[]= "Ho";! copy1(string1, string2);! printf("string1 = %s\n", string1);! copy2(string3, string4);! printf("string3 = %s\n", string3);! }!

! Output: !

string1 = Hi! string3 = Ho! !

9 !

/* Program to compare two strings */! #include <stdio.h>! int str_compare(const char *, const char *);! void main(void) {! char! *string1 = "Hi",! *string2 = "Hi!";! printf("\"%s\" and \"%s\" are ", string1, string2);! if (!str_compare(string1, string2))! printf("identical\n");! else ! printf("different\n");! }!

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int str_compare(const char *s1, const char *s2) {! for (; *s1 == *s2; s1++, s2++) ! if (*s1 == '\0')! return 0; /* strings are the same */! return 1; /* strings are different */! }! /* Notes: strings being compared, both contents protected by const!
! pointers not const - pointer incrementation used to move thru string! ! for loop ! ! condition: continue while what both pointers point to are same.! ! loop body: if reached end of one string (\0) - strings are same! ! data modication: increment both pointers to next char! ! if for loop exited w/o reaching end of string, then * s1 == * s2 was at some point not true, therefore, strings not equal. */! 11 !

/* Program to compare two strings */! #include <stdio.h>! int str_compare(const char *, const char *);! void main(void) {! char *string1 = "Hi, *string2 = "Hi!";! printf("\"%s\" and \"%s\" are ", string1, string2);! if (!str_compare(string1, string2))! printf("identical\n");! else ! printf("different\n");! }! Output: !
Hi and Hi! are different!
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Summary so far!
! string print/compare/copy functions rely on the presence of \0 to work! ! 2 types of const or not with pointers:!
const datatype *const pointer_name;! ! const used to protect data that should not be overwritten! ! pointers that are incremented cannot be const!

! strings that are written into (copy to) need to have sufcient memory allocated!
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! In memory,!
! ! characters are stored as one-byte ints! ! ! one-byte ints stored as binary #s! e.g., using lookup table to nd ASCII equiv of char ! a = 97 = 0110 0001!

! character constant = ASCII char in single quotes, e.g., a!

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char i/o functions!

! prototyped in stdio.h! ! already seen !
int putchar(int c) /* print single character */!

! reverse is: int getchar(void)!

int i;! i = getchar();! printf(i = %c, i);! printf(i= %d, i);!

! if user enters b, output:! i = b i = 98!

15 !

char handling functions!

! ! ! ! ! 13 lib functions for single chars! ctype.h contains prototypes for functions ! functions receive char (rep as int) as argument! functions return int! is .. functions check if passed char is ...! ! !e..g, int isdigit (int c)! ! to... functions, convert passed char to e.g., upper/ lower case! ! !e.g., int tolower(int c)!
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char handling library functions!

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Using char handling functions!

char c;! scanf(%c, &c);! if (isdigit(c)) printf(%c is a digit, c);! ! printf(upper case of a is %c, toupper(a));! ! output:if user enters 2! 2 is a digit! ! upper case of a is A!
18 !

Strings containing numbers not the same as numbers! ! e.g., string constant 2593 is not stored as 2 5 9 3 in discrete spaces!
2593 stored as 2 5 9 3 \0 char ascii bin rep 2 50 0011 0010 5 53 0011 0101 9 57 0011 1001 3 51 0011 0011 \0 0 0000 0000 discrete ints 2, 5, 9, 3 2 = 0000 0010 5 = 0000 0101 9 = 0000 1001 3 = 000 0011

! int 2593 stored as! 0 1 0 1 0010 0001! 2048 512 32 1!

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string conversion functions!

! prototyped in <stdlib.h>! ! converts strings that contain numerical chars to actual numbers! !e.g., int atoi (const char *nptr);! char nums[] = 2593;! int i;! i = atoi(nums);! output: 2000! printf(%d\n, i 593); ! ! Can also send literal string to functions expecting ptr to char, e.g.,! 20 ! i = atoi(2593);!

string manipulation and comparison!

! e.g., strcat in string.h!
char str1[20] = hi ;! char str2[20]= ho;! ! printf(%s, strcat(str1, str2);! ! output:! hi ho!

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string searching functions!

! prototyped in string.h ! char *strchr(const char *s, int c);! /* returns pointer to 1st occurrence of c in s */! char *ptr;! char string[] = abcde;! char ch = d;! if ( (ptr = strchr(string, ch)) != NULL)! !printf(char %c appeared %d spaces away from 1st letter \n, ch,(ptr-string)/sizeof(char));! Output:! char d appeared 3 spaces away from 1st letter!
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String i/o functions!

char *gets(char *s);!
! enters chars from stdin until \n or EOF, adds \0.! ! also returns address of 1st byte pointed to by s!

! diff b/w gets & scanf!

! scanf stops at white space! ! gets stops at \n!

! sprintf output directed to array of chars!

char sentence[80];!

!sprintf(sentence, These chars are written into sentence, can also have format specs);23 !!

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