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Evidence Based Paper Jessica Schultz Ferris State University

EVIDENCE BASED PAPER Evidence Based Paper Problem The problem and purpose of a paper are terms used often in research, though, their meanings are not the same. A research problem addresses what will be studied; the purpose provides why the study is being done (Nieswiadomy, 2012, p. 34). The following paper is a description of an evidence based research article entitled Family-Centered Pediatric Nursing Care: State of the Science by Tondi M. Harrison, PhD, RN. This article is an example of one showing a purpose rather than problem statement. The purposes of this article were to

summarize the development of family-centered pediatric care, review the current state of nursing research in this area, and recommend directions for future study (Harrison, 2010, pg 335). How This Study Was Done This journal is a secondary source for information as the study was based from multiple studies. The method stated is as follows; To examine the current state of pediatric nursing research in FCC, a literature search was conducted entering the terms family centered or family centred in the Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) and PubMedThe search terms were further limited to studies of children 18 years or younger and published between 1995 and 2006 to reflect the most recent research in pediatric populations. Abstracts from the articles retrieved in the initial search were reviewed. The final sample was limited to articles meeting the following criteria: (a) a nurse must have been first author; (b) the article must have been a research report, not a case study, instrument development project, or quality improvement project; (c) and


the research must have been conducted in a developed country to reduce confounding of results from the more recent adoption of FCC in developing countries. (Harrison, 2010, pg 337). The population studied, as mentioned, was children 18 years and younger. The pediatric population was studied in journals from 1952-2006. The type of study is a descriptive study. The process used to gather study data is mentioned above. Evidence for Nursing Care The articles studied were written by nurses, indicating an assumption of evidence of nursing care. The method of the article is to examine the current state of pediatric nursing research (Harrison, 2010, pg 337). The title of the article alone indicates nursing care and research. The articles studied the relationships between the pediatric patients, the nurses, and the parents of the patients. The article studies the benefit of families being present in their childs healthcare. Nurses were the primary caregivers for many years and parents were sometimes not allowed to even see the child until their stay in the hospital ended. Nurses are now working together with the patients and the patients families in a more beneficial fashion. Limitations of the Study In a second observational study, little evidence was found that the philosophy of FCC was incorporated into the care of infants and families in the NICU (Harrison, 2010, p 338). This study was still used though it did not provide evidence based on the research study of family centered care (FCC). Another limitation to the study was the fact that some of the parents reported issues when it came to communicating with the understaffed nurses. They also did not always receive respect from the nursing staff. The nurses at one point felt like the primary

EVIDENCE BASED PAPER caregivers to the pediatric patients as did their parents and communication between the two was not had.

The articles studied on order to gather the information go back as far as 1952. This article was published in 2010, making some of the information out of date. This study is also not backed up by and IRB (International Review Board). Population Changes Different cultures of people were mildly studied in this article and were spilt up into Caucasian, urban families of American Indian decent, Hispanics, African Americans, and other. In both studies, families thought that they were not respected or understood and believed that they were treated less well because of their cultural background (Harrison, 2010, p 339). Examination of possible similarities and differences in the perspectives toward and approaches to studying FCC among other groups is beyond the scope of this article (Harrison, 2010, p 335). This statement is in place because the article focuses on pediatrics and no other group is studied nor are cultural groups elaborated on pertaining to FCC. Reflection The article is directly related to nursing practice and describes the practice of family centered care from as early as 1952. The article describes the evolution of nurses working as primary providers of care and parents being labeled as visitors to the current practice of parents and healthcare providers working together. The benefits of nurses incorporating families in care and the benefit of building relationships is studied here. What may be considered common sense in practice now was not even considered years ago.

EVIDENCE BASED PAPER Appendix A Plan of Care Nursing Diagnosis Readiness for enhanced knowledge Interventions
*Include clients as members of the healthcare team in mutual goal setting when providing education *Support clients priorities preferences and choices *Seek teachable moments to encourage health promotion *Use family centered care and role modeling for holistic care of families. *Assess parents feelings when dealing with a child who has chronic illness *Encourage positive parenting: respect for children *Base family interventions on knowledge of the family, family context, and family function *Use a family approach when helping an individual with a health problem that requires therapeutic management. *Advocate for the family in negotiating therapeutic regimens with health providers.

Client will list sources to obtain information on discharge.

Readiness for enhanced parenting

Parents will demonstrate loving relationship with children immediately. Parents will meet physical, psychosocial, and spiritual needs or seek appropriate assistance before discharge. Family will describe actions to reduce risk factors after nurse educates.

Ineffective family therapeutic regimen management

(Mosby, 2014)


References Ackley, J. B., Ladwig, B. G. (2014). Mosbys guide to nursing diagnosis. (4th ed). Missouri: Elsevier Saunders. Harrison, T. M. (2010). Family-Centered Pediatric Nursing Care: State of the Science. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 25(5), 335343. doi:10.1016/j.pedn.2009.01.006 Nieswiadomy, R. M. (2012). Foundations of nursing research (6th ed.). Boston: Pearson Education Inc.

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