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The Minister
Ministry of Information
From Agent: T. Witter, Weds. 1st November, 1939

1. Reports coming in from sub-agents of

startling rise of so-called ”social networks” in many
sections of general population.
2. In essence, the chap or chapess on the
Clapham Omnibus chats to his chums about, for
example, the health benefits of the latest brand of
cigarettes. That chum chats to his chums about same
brand, trusting his chum's recommendation over that
of the Minister. Message is thus amplified many-fold.
3. In many cases, such ”word-of-mouth”
messages directly contrary to posters posted on same
omnibuses, messages carried in radio broadcasts etc.
4. Messages often take form of short notes
of mere few words, scribbled on scraps of paper and
passed between acquaintances, for ease of reading and
transference. Suspect foreign interference as
messages resemble espionage language, shortened text,
and somewhat base, colloquial language etc.
5. Initial discussions with heads of
industry indicate disquiet that control of brand
messages being lost to masses. Fear erosion of
advertising trade.

Report sourced and reproduced by:
6. Ditto dissemination of political
messages, esp. around time of General Election.
Soundings in Westminster have uncovered fear that
popular politician with mastery of such networks
could use them to his advantage, by-passing B.B.C.,
cinema, newspapers etc. in order to win election.
Particular fears from counterparts in U.S.A. that
Presidential election could be won in such a manner.
(1) Recommend advice from highest office on how
to stem epidemic of ”word-of-mouth”.
(2) Civil service task force to create brains
trust to engineer messages for Ministry of Health on
contagious nature of ”word-of-mouth” viruses, and
patriotic duty of subjects to adhere to official line
on public and commercial edicts.
(3) Consider involvement of The Palace to
emphasize dislike of such rampant textual intercourse
and oral activity among H.M.'s subjects.
(4) Recommend employing paid agents to act as
advocates of Government positions, to help drive
direction of messages where they exist.

I will send you my latest status updates as they

happen. Would appreciate immediate comment from you
and colleagues.
(Sgd. T. Witter)

Dated: Weds. 1st November, 1939

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