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Unit 23 Conditionals


Sweltering : too hot Beastly: very Weirdo: strange-acting person Mutilate: Damage someone's body Token: something that represents feelings Flutter: to wave gently in the air

Chest of drawers


Comprehension questions

On what kind of day did the story take place? Which sex is supposed to have intuition? Why was Donna unhappy about stopping to help Mr. Wilkerson?

Your opinion !

Why do you think the envelope containing the $50,000 check had no return address? Have you heard o any similar stories when people received money for showing kindness? What would you have done if you had seen Mr. Wilkerson in the same situation?

Grammar notes

Real conditionals describe situations that happen regularly or are possible in the future:

Water boils if it reaches 100 C. If we study , we will pass. If we pass the TOEFL, we ______________.

Unreal conditionals describe situations that are not likely or impossible in the present or past:

If you had asked, I would have helped you. If I were rich, I'd buy a Mercedes.

Grammar notes

Notice the structure of present unreal conditionals:

If I loved you, I'd ask you to marry me.

If I were younger, I'd do more exercise.

If I had more time, I'd ______________

What tense is used in the condition?

What modals are used in the consequence?

Grammar notes

Notice the structure in past unreal conditionals:

If I had helped him, I'd have received some money.

Mary would have bought a car if she had saved. If they hadn't helped Mr. Wilkerson, he_______ ______________________

What tense is used in the condition?

What tense is used in the consequence?

Grammar notes

Notice the conditionals about the future:

If I save, I'll buy a new car.

I'll have only 2 children if I get married.

You might ________________ if you show kindness to strangers.

Are the things possible in the future?

What modals can be used in the consequence?

Grammar notes

BE CAREFUL ! Sometimes it is possible to mix conditions with consequences in different tenses:

If I had studied in the university, ( past ) I 'd have a good job now. ( present ) If I were more outgoing, ( present )

I'd have made more friends in the institute.( past)

If I spoke English fluently, I wouldn't have ____

Other ways to express unreality

We can use WISH + noun clause to express sadness or a desire for a different situation:(impossibles)

real situation: I don't have a good job.

------------------ I wish I had a better job. ( present)

Real situation: My son took a bad job.

------------------ My son wishes he hadn't taken a bad job. ( past )

Real situation : my boss won't give me a raise.

------------------- I wish my boss would give me a

Be careful !

Don't confuse WISH with HOPE:

WISH expresses regrets about things that are IMPOSSIBLE to change...

I wish Linda would accept my proposal. ( Linda doesn't love me )

HOPE expresses desires that are possible or probable:

I hope Linda will accept my proposal. ( she loves me)

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