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Protection of Rotating A C Machines Against

Traveling Wave Voltages Due to Lightning

R. W.
Member, A.I.E.E

Associate, A.I.E.E.



Member, A.I.E.E

Synopsis-The problem of providing protection for rotating terminal to limit the voltage to the crest value of the machine high potential test, and a capacitor at the machine terminal to slope the a-c machines against lightning overvoltages has two parts: 1. The protection of insulation to ground, which is mainly a wave front, thus limiting the turn-to-turn stresses. The capacitor also serves to limit internal overvoltages due to reflection at the question of the magnitude of the overvoltage, and 2. The protection of turn insulation, which is primarily a matter neutral. For neutral grounded solidly or through resistance equal to or less than the combined surge impedance of the machine windof wave front. To meet the first requirement, the overvoltage to ground must be ings 0.1 ,uf capacitance is sufficient; while for isolated neutral, limited to a safe value. This is assumed to be approximately equal capacitance up to 0.5 ,uf may be necessary. Ground wires over the to the crest value of the 60-cycle high potential test. To fulfill the line for the initial 2,000 feet are recommended to protect against second requirement, the turn voltage gradient must be limited to direct strokes. For cases where the machine feeds the outgoing line through conform to the turn insulation. To secure these results, a protective scheme is proposed, which transformers, a special arrester is recommended at the machine includes arresters 2,000 feet and 500 feet out on the line, or other terminals, to be connected in multiple with a capacitor, which in means, to limit the incoming voltage to 2.5 times the crest value of most cases may be 0.1 ,f. * * * * * the terminal arrester rating, a special arrester at the machine

pears that in view of the aforementioned factors, INTRODUCTION THE behavior of traveling wave voltages in rotatingrotating machines should be considered to have an a-c machines was discussed in two papers in impulse ratio only slightly greater than unity. Thus, 1930." 2 Theprinciples of protection by means of for the purpose of selecting protective equipment, arresters, capacitance and inductance were briefly safe practise will be adhered to by considering the outlined. In the ensuing two and a half years many of crest value of the machine's one-minute high potential these principles have been studied further and some test voltage as the maximum value of impulse voltage have been tried out in practise. It is the purpose of which should be allowed on the coil or major insulation.: Turn Insulation Impulse Strength. The developthe present paper to present the results of certain of these studies and experiences and to offer a practical ment of turn insulation of machines has been based on method for providing protection for rotating a-c the normal voltage between turns and on operating machines against traveling wave voltages due to experience. Under normal conditions, the turn insulation is subjected to relatively low voltages, ranging lightning. The coordination schemes discussed in various papers from 1 to 400 volts, but when a steep wave enters the at this convention are not generally applicable to winding, 100 to 1,000 times normal voltage may be rotating a-c machines, since the usual insulation used impressed across the turns. Since it is not economical for this type of machine is of an entirely different order to insulate armature coil turns to withstand such steep from the insulation of non-rotating apparatus, such as wave voltages, and because it is feasible to protect the transformers, oil circuit breakers, bus bars, etc. A insulation normally in use, it appears rational to adhere special treatment of the problem is necessary, therefore, to present insulation standards and to apply protective measures. to obtain a proper protective scheme. Traveling Waves in Machine Windings. It has been INSULATION CHARACTERISTICS OF ARMATURE WINDINGS shown previously (reference 2) that an armature windRotating a-c machine insulation strength is influenced ing behaves similarly to an equivalent transmission by the limitations of the dry type of insulation used, line having a high surge impedance and a low propaby space limitations, and by the types of insulation re- gation velocity. Fig. 1, based on tests on some quired to meet temperature and mechanical conditions. medium and large machines, shows how the surge These and other inherent characteristics of rotating impedance and propagation velocity vary with rated machines make it difficult to incorporate high impulse terminal voltage. In the case of delta-connected or strength in armature windings. Where transformers Y-ungrounded neutral machines, it iS important to tArmature wTindings have a one-minute) test voltage whose and similar apparatus are considered to have an impulse ratio in the general order of two or more, it ap- crest value is equal to V29 (2e + 1,000) where e is the rated

terminal-to-terminal rms voltage. The maximum allowable impulse voltage therefore is equal approximately to 3e for *General Electric Company, Pittsfield, Mass. tGeneral E,lectric Company, Schenectady, N. Y. machines whose ratings are aJbove 4,000 volts. If E is taken as the crest value of the machine's terminal-to-terminal rating, 1. For references see end of paper. Presented at the Winter Convention of the A.I.E.E., New York, the maximum allowable impulse voltage for the macthine will be approximately 2.12E. N. Y., January 28-27, 1933. 434 33-32

June 1933



know the time required for waves to travel from the line terminal to the neutral or midpoint of the winding, depending on whether the machine is connected Y or delta. This time may be expressed in micro-seconds and is referred to as microseconds length. Fig. 2, shows how the machine length varies with rating.
FUNDAMENTALS OF PROTECTION The problem of protecting rotating a-c machines may be divided into two major parts: (A) The protection of turn insulation. (B) The protection of major or coil insulation. (A) Protection of Turn Insulation. When a voltage wave enters an armature winding, it requires a small but definite time to travel around a coil. The voltage, Fig. 3, which occurs between adjacent turns depends upon the steepness of the entering wave and the length of the coil. This voltage appears notonly across the turn insulation, but across the tier insulation as well if the coil is wound in tiers. Strand

which should be used at the machine, as it will be seen later that for other reasons a larger capacitance may be required. This paper deals primarily with traveling wave voltages due to lightning. In some cases switching near the machine terminals may appreciably stress the turn insulation. This fact should be taken into consideration in applying the protection recommended.

L'E 25

_ e_


- - :Chin5 H,[ - 1Q00 Machtnc kv-a 10000





ao>11| ol 51 11 1 11

|||i[ 11

|]||| 11 11

vzil 10500 70,o2


oct in armatur indlfl9m

Machins terminal to

The Protection of Major or Coil Insulation. In general, the installations of machines in need of protection may be classified into two groups: first, machines directly connected to outgoing exposed I feeders, and second, machines connected to exposed lines through transformers. 1. Machines Directly Connected to Exposed Lines. If a steep front long-tailed wave is allowed to enter




810O12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28
terminal kilovolts (rms.)

the winding from directly connected exposed outgoing lines, the voltage-to-ground throughout the winding will depend on the machine connections. Fig. 4, shows voltages measured to ground on a 6,600-volt Y-con'bI (a) b)
' \


Z=surgr inpedanc of line insulation and one-turn coils are not affected by this T voltage. The maximum rate of voltage change (wave front) which a coil will withstand, depends upon the turn insulation and the turn length. Movxiurtaqlo(abIe rate It is obvious that by placing lumped capacitance Turn to ground at the machine terminal, the capacitance Coil Strand n tion Strjrld will be charged through the surge impedance of the insus mnsCton line by all waves arriving over the line (Fig. 3). The L_= developed coil charging rate will depend upon the crest value of the Ona turn coils Multi-turn coils FIG. 3-DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING MANNER IN WHICH TURNS incoming wave, the surge impedances of the line and machine, also the value of capacitance in microfarads. ARE SUBJECTED TO STRESS FROM STEEP WAVE FRONT VOLTAGES Knowing the characteristics of the machine and line, it becomes a relatively easy matter to determine the nected machine when a -1250 microsecond wave was
maximum rate of change (wave front) which can occur in the winding. Examination of a large number of machines indicates that in general 0.1 ,uf (as a minimum) placed at the machine and with a limit placed on the applied wave, as will be given later, is sufficient to prevent excessive turn stresses. This criterion does not necessarily establish the total amount of capacitance

applied to the machine over a line of 300 ohms surge impedance. It is to be noted that voltage to ground was measured for three conditions, namely; neutral grounded through a resistance equal to surge impedance of winding, neutral solidly grounded and neutral isolated. For the purpose of this study, the first two conditions may be grouped together. It follows, there-



Transactions A.I.E.E.

fore, that machines may be classified into two groups: (a) machines operating with their neutrals grounded (where the resistance at the neutral is equal to or less than the combined surge impedance of all windings), and (b) machines operating with their neutrals ungrounded (1R greater than Z), and delta-connected machines. (a) Grounded Neutral Machines. The one-line diagram given in Fig. 5A shows the plan of protection proposed for grounded neutral machines. The selection of the capacitor and the arrester located at the terminal are made on the premise that the waves which arrive over the 2,000-ft section of the line adjacent to the machine are limited in some manner to approximately 2.5 Ea (in which Ea is the crest value of the maximum name-plate voltage rating of the terminal arrester). In Fig. 5A this limitation of voltage is indicated by line type arresters placed 2,000 ft and 500 ft from the generator. The selection of 2,000 ft was arrived at by theory and tests. This distance allows approximately 4 microseconds for the line arrester to operate before reflections from the capacitor reduce the incoming wave at the line arrester. This distance also makes it

rating, it is apparent that for the higher voltages it is desirable to keep the required capacitance small. Hence, for the higher voltage grounded neutral machines, it will be more economical to use small capacitance of the order of 0.1 4f (to prevent turn stress), in parallel with an arrester, which will limit the crest value of the entering wave below 2.12E, than to use large capacitance without the arrester in parallel. This type of protection can be used because no positive voltage reflections occur at the neutral when the neutral resistance is equal to or less than the combined surge impedance of the windings. For low-voltage machines,


rhad groundwiroX



possible to utilize the surge impedance of the line between the line arrester and capacitor to obtain a charging rate for the capacitor.
m 0 ; X solated nzutral


2000 ft






ground wiriz


iDirect connzctod

exposed fe||dtr



Neutral groundad throughtTT

surqgzimpodanca qual sUrga mdace toth2





E7 0).6 ffl E E E E E w H i \ _MACHINES 4 f oundad neutral~ XGr



0 0 1 0.2 0.3 0.4 .5 0.6 07 0.8 0o9Neutral 1.O Armaturc winding

where the capacitor costs are not so high, the use of a large capacitor dispenses with the need of an arrester in parallel.



(b) Non-Grounded Neutral or Delta-Connected Machines. The problem of protecting ungrounded neutral

The value of placing a limitation on the crest of the applied wave can be seen by examining the formula for capacitor voltage, where the capacitor C is charged by a wave E1 over a line of surge impedance Z1. ec = 2E1 ( 1 - E-t/zlc) The higher the crest of the applied wave, the higher the voltage to which the capacitor will charge. It should also be noted that the higher the crest of the applied wave, the greater will be the rate of charge (steepness of wave front) on the capacitor. It follows, therefore, that placing a limitation on the applied wave is a matter of economics. Since the cost of capacitance increases approximately as the square of the voltage

difficult than that of protecting machines whose neutrals are grounded. This is obvious when we consider that a machine winding may have a length of 50 microseconds and the reflection point for the waves may be 50 microseconds removed from the point of voltage limitation. It is also apparent that where the waves which enter the winding may reflect approximately to double value at the neutral, the entering voltage must be held at the line terminal to one-half the allowable machine impulse voltage (2.12E). The difficulty of this problem can further be appreciated when we consider the fact that the crest value of the operating voltage is E, and that in order to prevent positive reflections from exceeding the allowable im-


5B), or delta-connected machines, is much more

June 1933



the machine insulation throughout the winding. These assumed conditions apply to a single-circuit winding. MICROSECONDS If the machine has a multiple circuit winding or there Z= 250 ohms, Z2 = 800 ohms C = 0.124f are multiple machines, the voltage will be lower than indicated by the curves. The exact determination of the capacitance required 3 l is more important from an economic standpoint in the II h --.S _212%E=Allowable -0 case of machines which are in the 12- and 15-kv ratings, impuls voltagemncithneor higher, as these are the ratings at which capacitor Z 0 p -I I costs are relatively high. It is obvious that the larger E200 the capacitance in microfarads, the greater will be the t vltagR l margin of protection to the machine, and where a large ) / -4 , capacitance can be obtained without substantial in|' _ crease in cost, it is advisable to use larger capacitance. I - - - - It should be noted in this set of curves that the - 1 machine length is given in microseconds time required fI +mi voltage for voltage to traverse the windings, and that the j I curves are plotted for machines whose lengths L vary p 4 from 10 to 40 microseconds. For a given value of oT at the machine termials, the resulting 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 l00 luO 120 130 140 150 capacitance ath ahn emnl,terstngMicroseconds. voltage at the neutral depends on the length of the FIG. 6-B winding up to a length where 100 per cent reflection . . Z1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~= 250 ohms. Z2 = 800 ohms Of the entering wave occurs. ,Lengthsgraethnhsc=0.,u woulld not increase the value of reflected voltage. 2,000 ft from the machine. In regions where direct OVERHEAD GROUND WVIRES strokes are frequent, overhead ground wires should It has been pointed out that the selection of the be located overZthel,2, 000-ft section of line. The effects

in the voltage at the terminal to prevent overstressing

pulse voltage, any device which is placed at the termi- protective equipment located at the terminals of the nals to limit the incoming wave must hold the voltage machine is based on the assumption that the incoming to 1.06E. surges are limited to 2.5Ea for a distance of at least Since our present day arresters cannot operate beVG tween such narrow voltage limits, some other means 2/a 6 Z2 VN of obtaining lower impulse voltages must be used. It is apparent that by placing a limit on the impulse C1 voltage which could reach the machine from the line, 40Q and by placing a sufficiently large lumped capacitance 1 I1 I Neutral voltage at the machine terminals to ground, the capacitance will act to reduce the impulse voltage. For the purpose of calculating the value of this ^ l j-f/1, capacitance, it has been assumed that the average in300 7 _ __ stallation will consist of a double-circuit three-phase - ' line, whose combined surge impedance is not less than c C 250 ohms per phase. It is further assumed that the 7 oJ _ _W 212% El-Allow Wa X madchine ablemach_n_ L( voltage_ impulse voltage which is allowed to pass the line arresters over 2oC0 the 2,000-ft section adjacent to the machine is a 0/40 rna volt agz - - microsecond wave, whose crest value is 2.5Ea and that d I L , - - 1 -2 - - - -i waves arrive simultaneously over each of the six conductors. The 0/40 microsecond wave was selected as fairly - , -/| || 1| | Is representative of the most severe waves met in practise. Il a The sheer front was chosen to simplify the calculations Iby eliminating one term from the equations. I I _ - Fig. 6 is a plot of the voltages which occur at the 00 020 30 40 506I070 80 90 100 110210140150 machine terminal and also at the isolated neutral for various values of capacitance at the machine terminals. MicrOsecOnds FIG. 6-A These curves indicate that for the assumed set of condiVOLTAGES WHIICH OCCUR AT MACHINE TERMINALS AND tions 0.5 ,f will, in general, offer sufficient reduction AT NE-UTRAL A








Transactions A.I.E.E.

of arrester ground resistance can be largely overcome by!lconnecting the arrester grounds, the capacitor grounds and the machine frames together with the overhead ground wires, and bonding all grounds to the common station ground system. Where a station ar300 _ _ _ _
V 212'l%E= Allowable

side of the inductance to prevent the voltage resulting from oscillations between the lumped capacitance and the inductance from exceeding 2.12E. This plan has not proved practicaJ up to the present time, and it seems that the alternative plan proposed has certain advantages which are applicable to the problem of protecting machines in general.

200.7 1 +

H < volt- 1 1 ii]0 _ Neutr'al voltag -

3Messrs. Palueff and Hagenguth have shown the


0mechanism by which surges are transmitted through transformer windings.3 Examination of their solution


10o- - d
- //

- lt -H -e -f - 9 -., - - -= - X / \L - S t

Teral t

discloses that for YY-connected transformers with both neutrals grounded, the electromagnetic component of surge voltage which may be transmitted through to the machine windings should be dealt with by re-ducing the (upper) circuit shown in Fig. 7 to that shown below where L in henrys is obtained from the trans-

20 30 40 50 60 70 80

M cro Seconds

90 100 110 120 130 140 150


Z= 500 ohms, Z2 C 0.3,pf
800 ohms


rester is used at the machine terminal for the protection of a grounded neutral machine, and the 2,000-ft section is protected by overhead ground wires, as suggested, it should not be necessary to install the line arrester at 500 ft from the generator (Fig. 5A).
L .C 200

, 2(L2 L

| | | | | | |

I 1 T n



::t1t:I:1:: -

212%E=Allowable machine 1impP Se voltageT


-lool W PH A] 'vI0I
- ~~~~

- - _ _ -- \| - 4-,oiW '

L'.l ,1 \ 1\

1 1/\4

low-voltage side and the surge impedance of the line is reduced to its proper value, that is, by multiplying the surge impedance on the high voltage side by

former short-circuit reactance as measured from the

o io 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

130 140 150 110 1rn Mi1cro0 00cond1 5 FIG. 6-D Z= 250 ohms, Z2 = 800 ohms C = 0.5 uf
tn n

volta ge

ti/iontu0s YY transformers with both neutrals grounded

in which r is the ratio of high-tension to lowcon-

INDUCTANCE AT MACHINE TERMINALS It would be possible to remove the necessity for limiting the line voltage at approximately 2,000 ft out on the exposed lines, by inserting an inductance in series with the machine and placing a capacitor to ground between the machine and the inductance. It is necessary, however, to place an arrester on each

stitute the only connection for which the waves transmitted to the machine cause positive reflections of voltage at the machine neutral. Under these conditions sufficient capacitance must be used to prevent reflections at the isolated generator neutral from exceeding 2.12E. The voltage which may be transmitted through the transformner depends upon a number of factors, such as kilovoltamperes, reactance, ratio of transformation, etc., and it istherefore necessary to examine each case to determine the amount of capacitance required.

June 1933



For all other transformer connections, the voltages due to the waves which are transmitted into the machine windings cancel when the waves arrive at the machine neutral, hence, for protection to the machine it is only necessary to limit the crest value of the entering waves and to prevent sudden voltage changes (steep waves) which would cause excessive turn stresses. Examination of a number of cases indicates that by placing 0.1 .tf capacitance or more in parallel with the proper arrester between transformer and generator, this protection will be accomplished. The capacitor which is placed in parallel with the arrester has two useful purposes: first, it aids in sloping off steep waves and, second, it reduces the crest value of the entering wave where the impressed wave is not of sufficient severity to charge the capacitor to the voltage required for arrester operation.

CONCLUSIONS This paper outlines a rational method of providing protection for rotating a-c machines from surge voltages caused by lightning and originating on exposed transmission lines. Machine characteristics are indicated which influence the proper selection of protective equipment. The plan of protection involves a limitation of the voltage of the applied wave to 2.5 times the maximum name-plate rating of the terminal arrester for a distance of at least 2,000 ft from the machine, and the use of special arresters and lumped capacitance at the machine. Capacitance of 0.1 to 0.5 ,uf may be necessary, depending on whether the machine neutral is grounded or isolated. Overhead ground wires should be placed over the exposed line to a point at least 2,000 ft out from the station to protect this section of line against direct
Where the rotating machine is connected to the exposed line through a transformer, a special arrester and a capacitance of 0.1 microfarad or greater in parallel should be located between the transformer and machine. Breakdown of machines is probably a progressive process and if the suggested protective means are not applied until the machine has been in operation for some years, the anticipated results may not be fully realized. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors wish to acknowledge the vahiable assistance of Mr. H. G. Brinton in the mathematical analysis connected with this problem and in the preparation of the appendix, which follows: Appendix The voltage at the mnachine neutral was calculated by superimposing the original entering wave and the various reflections in their proper time relation. The


first entering wave is completely reflected at the neutral and travels back to the terminal, where part passes out and part is reflected back into the machine with reversal of sign, and becomes what we may call the second entering wave. This wave enters T seconds after the first wave, where T is the time required for a wave to travel twice the length of the winding from terminal to neutral or point of complete reflection. In the same way there is a succession of entering waves at intervals of T seconds, each being opposite in sign to the preceding one. Each wave produces double its voltage at the neutral or point of complete positive reflection, and the total voltage at that point is the sum of the voltages due to the several entering waves added at the proper time intervals. The voltage at the machine terminal is also the superposition of a number of voltage waves impressed at intervals of T seconds. However, these voltage waves are easily determined if we know the various entering waves. The first terminal voltage wave is equal to the first entering wave. The second terminal voltage wave is equal to the sum of the first and second entering waves (which are opposite in sign). The nth terminal voltage wave is the sum of the nth and the (n - 1) entering wave. Thus, for the present purposes it is only necessary to obtain formulas for the various entering waves in order to determine the total voltage at the terminal and the neutral at a given instant. It is not necessary to take space for the derivations here. To obtain the voltage waves for the several machine lengths examined, the various entering waves were first plotted and then added in their proper time relationship, depending on the length of machine assumed. The formulas follow: E = E, C-Bt = wave on line B = 0.0173 for a 0/40 wave Z1 = surge impedance of incoming line Z2 = surge impedance of machine C = capacitance in microfarads at machine terminal L = time in microseconds required for a wave to travel the length of the machine winding VG = voltage at machine terminal VN = voltage at machine neutral V1e, V2e, V3e = first, second, third entering waves t = microseconds from beginning of each wave. Let Z1 Z2 A z7 C, K =_ 2 B -A

M =Z1C

D-2 S ___K

1 1)

E1 = 100 per cent
M \



Transactions A.I.E.E.




= -

K -SteA _eB M


D e-


2-At cBt\ S E-e


mended by the A.I.E.E. Transformer Subcommittee is of little value, since the dielectric strength of the point gap which has been standardized increases more rapidly than that of solid insulation for very short time lags. A careful consideration of the basis, on which coordination of insulation has been worked out, shows that one cannot form a general opinion merely from these time lag curves. Primarily coordination of insulation was started to form a basis for the relation of power transformer insulation to that of the rest of the

expected to withstand when connected to overhead circuits.

+ 2

ircuit, for those transients which these transformers should be

- 2K / S\ t +5 '1 M D


_ E At D2




M (e -A



2K ' S \ t \Bt t+ M (1+S+S%


-At A

strength over a point gap of a given setting for wave fronts of 2 microseconds or more, will fail if a wave with a front of less than Y4 microsecond and of sufficient voltage to break the point gap is impressed on it.
former insulation with which the transformer has not been credited in this Secondly, for curve. power transformers at least, it is very doubtful if they will be subjected to waves of less than 1 microsecond front. The coordination point gap settings for these were worked out on the basis that they would be placed close to the transformer but

The time lag curve shown by Mr. Montsinger indicates that an insulation barrier, which has a 10 per cent margin of dielectric

Effective coordination implies a factor of safety in actual trans-

(2 + S)

-A 43 -At +

M D2 3D3 M



V6e =

KS4 1

V~~e = ~ M ~~~~' M-te t_ e Bt')

2K /

'~ ~ ~


+ 2K k M 4K / M

d /3 + + 2S + S2


the transients were interposed to fow. expected Any stroke on the line, whether induced or direct, which has a voltage of the order of the coordination gap breakdown is above the corona point of the line, and the wave front is therefore sloped by losses as the wave is propagated toward the station. In addi-

between it and the line over which

X_t3 _ _ t3 + SJ 2K 3D3 M

_ f_-At +t4 __


Formulas for further entering waves, if desired, transformer insulation can appear only at the transformer termimay be written out from inspection of the preceding nals, not by reason of direct strokes on the line, but actually at formulas. transformer terminals unprotected from such strokes by grounded

tion to this, capacitance the wave front on station arriving at the station is sloped by the lumped of the apparatus and connections. It appears, therefore, that a wave front of 34 microsecond or less, which the time lag curve shows might be dangerous to

1. Effects of Lightning Voltages on Rotating Machines and the Methods of Protecting Against Them, F. D. Fielder and Edward Beck, TRANS. A.I.E.E., Vol. 49, Oct. 1930. 2. Voltage Oscillations in Armature Windings under Lightning Impulses, E. W. Boehne, TRANS. A.I.E.E., Vol. 49, Oct. 1930. 3. Effect of Transient Voltages on Power Transformer DesignIV, K. K. Palueff and J. H. Hagenguth, TRANS. A.I.E.E., Vol. 51, 1932.


metal such as overhead ground wires, steel work, or direct stroke


(RUDGE, WIESEMAN AND LEWIS) F. F. Brand: The interesting time lag curves, given in Mr. Vogel's paper and more completely in the paper by Messrs. Montsinger, Lloyd and Clem, which show the relation of insulation and various gaps, are apt to give the impression that the whole scheme of insulation coordination which has been recoin-


to their terminals. C. L. Fortescue: The title of the impulse testing paper is very satisfactory. The writer feels that on such an important matter as the impulse testing of apparatus it was advisable to proceed with caution for the reason that while a great deal of data have been obtained during the past five years with regard to surges produced by lightning on transmission lines, there has not been time enough yet fully to digest these data. There has been a tendency to treat the subject of coordination of insulation in apparatus and system as if it were an entirely new approach to the solution of the economic protection of power systems. For this reason suspicion might very well be created in the minds of some of our system engineers that the development of the principles of coordination might lead to the throttling of initiative in the design and layout of electrical systems. It is very vital that this impression be prevented. In discussing the paper by Messrs. Montsinger, Lloyd and Clem the writer points out that it is possible to protect the transmission and connected substation so that the line surges resulting from lightning due to direct or induced strokes will be reduced at

the transformer terminal struck. The type of gap, therefore, might have little effect in preventing excessive voltage on the transformer in such cases. Good engineering practise would obviously seem to demand that valuable apparatus such as power transformers shouild be shielded effectively from direct strokes

Furthermore, it appears that the rate of voltage rise in the rare event of a direct stroke striking the transformer terminals, due to the enormous voltage of the lightning stroke, would be such that any gap, even a few feet away, might not receive anything like the same voltage in a fraction of a microsecond as that received by

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