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A Note on staging

Costumes and props

Felix: He should have a dead rabbit, and a musket, old white shirt, paired with black old pants Monster: Black cloak, White shirt that looks dirty and has red paint splattered over it. Agathe: A basket of mushrooms, A simple old, and white dress

Special effects
Light shining through the window of the cottage and (for the beginning) sounds of birds chirping. The sound of a door creaking.

Props and scenery

In a simple cottage. In that cottage, there will be: A table, two chairs, fireplace, window, some bread, some cheese, an apple. The house must have two doors, one is the front door, and one is the back door.

Agathe: Agathe is blind, but knows the house and the woods so well, that she can move as easily as a sighted person. When she begins to hear sounds that the monster accidentally makes, she begins to look vulnerable and scared. She is the sister of Felix, and they both are political refugees. Felix: Felix is young, quick-tempered and fiery. He and his sister, Agathe, are political refugees and live together in a cottage in the woods. Monster: The monster must look hideous. He is made out of corpses after all. He is very powerful and strong and by the time of act two, he moves around gracefully and powerfully. The actor playing the monster should have a strong and powerful voice.

Start of act two

Simple cottage in the forest. The cottage is very clean and nice but very plainly furnished. Theres a rough table and a couple of rough chairs. A fire was roaring in the fireplace, casting a dim orange light, into the room. Through the window is the sunlight streaming in, adding to the light in the house, making the cottage seem even more cozy. In the distance, few people were shouting, followed by the furious barking of the dogs. One could only assume that it were the hounds. It was as if they were chasing something. Slowly, the noise dies away, leaving the sweet sound of birds singing. Suddenly, a figure appears at the window. The monster was there, panting heavily, with the expression of rage, anger, sadness, fear and loneliness mixed together. A torn white garment, that which seems to be once a shirt, sticks to his body. Blood was splattered all over the garment, making it seem like it never had been a white shirt, It had been dyed red. He groans a bit for the shirt is too small for him and moves around moaning in pain. The monster looked inside the window, searching for what could be a threat to him. Such as those villagers. He closed his eyes and shuddered at what he could remember from his trip to the village. Since there didnt seem to be any threat in the cottage, the monster, slowly, and cautiously walks in. Upon seeing an apple, some cheese, and a bit of bread, the monster realizes how hungry he is and devours the bread and cheese ravenously, stuffing bits and pieces in his mouth, but sniffing at the apple.

Then he suddenly freezes. He hears something. It is a young mans voice and a young girls voice. During the young girl and man talk, The monster looks around frantically for an escape and sees another door. Desperately fast, he runs through the door and closes it, just Agathe and Felix walks in. Agathe is holding a basket of mushrooms and Felix is holding a dead rabbit in one hand, a musket in another. They set the items down on the table and start to have a conversation. Felix: Here, Agathe, let me lead you to the armchair. He takes her arm but Agathe shakes his arm off softly. Agathe: Felix, I know the way around to the chair. Heavens above, I know the way around the entire woods! Felix: You should carry a walking stick, that way, I wouldnt worry too much. Agathe: What!? Then how am I supposed to carry all my things? It would just be an extra burden to you. Felix: Whatever then Agathe. Whatever you want. Agathe: Now (She holds the rabbit up), Im going to skin the rabbit in a minute or so. Shall I make a pie, or shall it be a stew? Felix: It shall be a stew. Hes an old one, be a bit tough. Who thought we would be living this well? Agathe smiles and talks to him in a teasing manner Agathe: I dont know, but what I know is that youd better quickly leave to the village, or it would be night time before you get there. Felix smiles and continues the conversation Felix: Alright then. Here, look. I loaded the musket. Just pull it in the direction and pull the trigger. Agathe: Just dont expect me to shoot anyone, alright? I hate shooting. The noise is too loud. Felix: Alright then. But if anyone who could be a threat to you comes, just shoot them, alright? Bye!

Felix exits the door and Agathe is left alone, sitting in her armchair. The monster then slowly opens the door he had been hiding behind and the door makes a creaking sound. Agathes smile slips of her face as she hears the noise. She cautiously looks around Agathe: Whos there!? The monster freezes realises he had been discovered, and waited to hear Agathe shouting and screaming for help. For some time both of them are silent, the monster still waiting for the scream of Agathe. Agathe was sitting still in her chair, as if, if she moved, the thing she heard earlier, would come and hurt her. When no sound comes out from Agathes voice, the monster steps into the room cautiously and quickly swipes his hand just in front of Agathes face. When her expression doesnt change, the monster does the same thing again, this time more slower. Then a light dawns on the monsters face. He realized that Agathe was blind and wouldnt know that he was that ugly. So the monster tips over a vase on purpose, which makes a huge crashing noise when it touches the ground. Upon hearing the vase shatter and break, Agathes head suddenly moves around. Agathe: Wh wh wh whos there? Monster: Me Agathe: Ahhhhhh! Startled, Agathe starts to reach for the gun but the monsters hand stops her. Monster: No! No! me your friend. Me everyone friend. See, see, here. The monster hand clamps around the apple and hands it too Agathe who starts feeling it suspiciously. Agathe, who realized it was an apple, starts to calm down and sits down in the arm chair. Agathe: How did you get here, Monsieur The monster looks down in shame before replying. Monster: I have no name. Please. I travel miles and miles. Over mountains and hills. I am very tired. Me rest here please? Agathe: Oh you poor thing! You dont have a name OR a place to live. Of course you may, but we must ask my brother first. A knocking could be heard on the door and the monsters and Agathes head spun around to face the door.

Agathe: Who is it? Felix calls to her from offstage. Felix: Its me, Felix. Agathe please open the door. Agathe turns to face the monster. She talks to him in a near whisper. Agathe: You must go hide, monsieur. Ill talk to my brother about you saying with us. Monster: Thank you. You are very kind. I am very grateful. The monster goes out the door, leaving it open, just a creak, so he can hear the conversation inside Felix: Agathe. Please hurry! Why are you taking so long? Agathe: Coming, Felix. Agathe goes over to the door to open it for Felix. Felix comes in the door looking a bit scared and worried. Agathe: Why do you seem so worried, Felix? Felix: The villagers are apparently hunting for a monster like creature with their dogs. Agathe: Oh really? Felix: Yeah, I hope they find the creature soon because I wouldnt feel safe leaving you alone at home and a creature like that, shouldn't exist in the world. It's too horrible and probably just wants to kill everyone. The monster, listening on the other side of the door, looked like he was just boiling up with rage and he was balling up his hands into fists. He comes into the door, his face, wearing an expression of rage. Felix: Agathe! watch out Agathe: No! Felix! Hes a good person Felix: No he isnt, Agathe. Hes the monster the villagers have been searching for, for days. Agathe turns to the monster.

Agathe: Is the true? Monster: Yes, but I mean no harm. You see, when I went to the village, I saw hounds with soft, brown fur and sparkling eyes. I wanted to play with them, have a friend for a change. But they growled and bit me and chased me away. They hate me because I look hideous and scary, but I have a good heart. Agathe: I dont trust you. You must be lying and planning to kill us She turns to face Felix. Agathe: Do what you want with him. I dont want him to hurt you, or I, less do I want him to hurt anyone The monster stares at Agathe disdainfully, The girl he thought was once his friend. But she turned out to just betray him, just because of his face. Filled with rage, the monster started to choke Felix with his bare hands. The monster was laughing just like a maniac as Felixs face got bluer as he struggled for breath. Agathe: NO! Let him go, you evil monster! She tried to pry of the monsters hand from Felixs throat but he was too strong the monster pushed her aside easily. Seeing that Agathe was trying to stop him, the monster starts to choke Agathe as well. In a matter of seconds, Both brother and sister were dead. The monster laughed maniacally, before realizing his mistake. Monster: What have I done I really am a monster. He sinks to his knees as a bunch of villagers comes in and surround him. The lights slowly dim and act two is done.

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