Laser Communication Free Space

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Free Space Laser Communication Seminar 2014

Lasers have been considered for space communication since their realization in 1960. For a number of applications, laser technology is being championed as the successor to radiofre uency !"F# technology for meeting the band$idth demands of the %1st century. &ith "F carrier fre uencies ranging from 106 to 1010 'z and optical carrier fre uencies ranging from 101( to 101), the s$itch from "F to optical should ultimately accommodate an increase in band$idth of five to si* orders of magnitude. +uch of the technology and many of the components for achieving this ,ind of band$idth performance have already been developed during the past decade for military and space programs, as $ell as for applications in fiber optic telecommunications. Free space point to point communication systems are used e*tensively in the communication field. - net$or, point to point micro$ave system can carry messages across the country as part of the public s$itched telephone net$or,. .espite strong competition from fiber optic based communication systems, micro$ave or other free space systems are often /ustified for shorter routes, $hen right of $ay for cable system is not available, or $hen the high communications capacity of a fiber optic system is not needed. Laser communications systems in particular have become increasingly popular to provide a free space communication lin, bet$een t$o locations. Laser systems do not re uire e*tensive fre uency coordination as do micro$ave systems in common fre uency bands. Laser systems often are less e*pensive to install then conventional copper cable or fiber optic cable communication systems because physical installation of a cable is unnecessary. For e*ample, a laser communication system may have application bet$een t$o corporate locations in a campus environment. 0ach laser communication terminal may be positioned on the building roof top or even positioned ad/acent a $indo$ and aligned to operate bet$een buildings. - communication lin, $ithin a building may also be provided by a free space laser communication system. +odern office automation also typically generates large amounts of data that must often be communicated bet$een different corporate locations. -ccordingly, the demand for laser communication lin,s is increasing.

Free Space Laser Communication Seminar 2014

Figure1.1 Figure sho$ing practical use of laser communication

Free Space Laser Communication Seminar 2014

Figure1.% 1chematic diagram of a %-$ay laser communication system

Free Space Laser Communication Seminar 2014


10. Laser communication system.

11, 112. +icroprocessor. 1%, 1%2. Laser radiation source. 1(, 1(2. 3hoto detector. 14, 142. -nalog laser control circuit. 1)51)2. 6utput laser beam from -57. 16, 162. .igital input5output control and buffer circuit. %0, %02. 8ollecting lens. %15%12. 9nput laser beam for -57. %%, %%2. Laser transmitter housing. %(, %(2. 7eam shaping lens. %4, %42. -mplifier and threshold circuit.

Free Space Laser Communication Seminar 2014


- bloc, diagram of typical terminal is illustrated in figure. 9nformation, typically in the form of digital data, is input to data electronics that modulates the transmitting laser source. .irect or indirect modulation techni ues may be employed depending on the type of laser employed. :he source output passes through an optical system into the channel. :he optical system typically includes transfer, beam shaping, and telescope optics. :he receiver beam comes in through the optical system and is passed along to detectors and signal processing electronics. :here are also terminal control electronics that must control the gimbals and other steering mechanisms, and servos, to ,eep the ac uisition and trac,ing system operating in the designed modes of operation.

Free Space Laser Communication Seminar 2014

:he figure sho$s a laser communication system including a pair of communication terminals and 7. :he communication terminals - and 7 are separated by a free space distance $hich may vary depending on the desired path, e*pected atmospheric conditions etc. the ma*imum separation distance for a free space communication system operating at a predetermined fre uency is determined primarily by the desired signal-to-noise ratio and the desired information transmission rate, or bit rate. :he system operates at either t$o po$er levels. -t lo$ po$er ;safety level<, the output laser po$er is reduced to meet safety regulations for a stationary laser beam. -t the high po$er ;normal level<, the output laser po$er may be above the regulatory safety criteria for stationary laser sources to thereby provide a greater signal-to-noise ratio or other$ise enhance system performance. :he communication terminal - and 7 may preferably be the same e*cept for a uni ue identifying code associated $ith each terminal. :he terminal - includes a microprocessor operating under stored program control. :erminal also includes, a transmitter comprising a laser radiation source, and a receiver comprising a photo detector. :he microprocessor is connected to the laser and photo detector by conventional input5output methods. :he laser is controlled by an analog laser control circuit. :he analog laser control circuit properly biases the laser and regulates its optical po$er output, compensating for temperature, component ageing, and other variations. :he analog laser control circuit in cooperation $ith the microprocessor also modulates the laser output beam $ith the desired information to be transmitted. :he analog laser control circuit interfaces to the microprocessor through the digital 956 control and buffer circuit. :he digital 956 control and buffer circuit buffers an entire pac,et of data from the microprocessor. :he buffer is then emptied and the data is modulated onto the output laser beam. :he microprocessor may be connected to a data terminal $hich communicates $ith a corresponding remotely positioned data terminal via the laser communication system.

Free Space Laser Communication Seminar 2014

:he microprocessor also controls the safety related and other functions for the terminal -. For e*ample, the microprocessor periodically inserts the terminal identification code into the data stream to be modulated onto the output beam. :he identification code is recognized by the remotely positioned terminal 7. laser po$er and duty cycles are also controlled by the microprocessor. - conventional ;.ead +an< circuit, as used in laser scanning systems may preferably be include in the laser control circuit to turn off the laser transmitter if it is determined that microprocessor has malfunctioned. - collecting lens collects the input laser beam from the remotely positioned terminal 7. :he photo diode is positioned at the focal point of the collecting lens. :he collecting lens may also include an opening at the centre thereof to permit mounting of the laser transmitter housing and its associated beam shaping lens. :he photo detector feeds the signal from the input beam to an amplifier and threshold circuit. :he amplifier and threshold circuit may include an automatic gain control circuit, or the gain may be digitally controlled by the microprocessor. :he threshold circuit converts the analog signal from the photo detector to a digital pulse stream. :he threshold circuit also preferably implements a loc,out criteria that reduces the digitization of noise. :he digital signal from the amplifier and threshold circuit is fed to a digital buffer in the digital 956 control and buffer circuit. &hen the buffer is filled, an interrupt is sent to the microprocessor $hich then receives the contents of the buffer. :hus, the microprocessor operates on large bloc,s of data. :he communication terminal - includes detector means, cooperating $ith the receiver, for detecting a bloc,age or misalignment of the output beam based upon the input beam. :he bloc,age or misalignment of the output beam is indicated if the remotely positioned terminal 7 fails to properly receive the output beam. :he remotely positioned terminal beam 7 produces a confirmation signal periodically modulated onto the input beam in the confirmation data stream. - bloc,age or misalignment of the output beam $ill cause the confirmation signal to stop being

Free Space Laser Communication Seminar 2014 sent. - bloc,age or misalignment of the output beam indicates that the beam may be directed to the eyes of an accidental or unintended observer.

:he detector means preferably includes means for recognizing the confirmation signal. 9f the confirmation signal is not detected for a predetermined time, a bloc,age or misalignment of the output beam is indicated. 9n the interest of safety, the laser communication system re uires positive confirmation that the output beam is being received at the remotely positioned terminal 7 before operation at the high po$er level is permitted.

Free Space Laser Communication Seminar 2014


:here are three basic steps to laser communication= ac uisition, trac,ing, and communications. 6f the three, ac uisition is generally the most difficult> angular trac,ing is usually the easiest. 8ommunications depends on band$idth or data rate, but is generally easier than ac uisition unless very high data rates are re uired. -c uisition is the most difficult because laser beams are typically much smaller than the area of uncertainty. 1atellites do not ,no$ e*actly $here they are or $here the other platform is located, and since everything moves $ith some degree of uncertainty, they cannot ta,e very long to search or the reference is lost. 9nstability of the platforms also causes uncertainty in time. 9n the ideal ac uisition method, the beam $idth of the source is greater than the angle of uncertainty in the location of receiver. :he receiver field of includes the location uncertainty of the transmitter. ?nfortunately, this ideal method re uires a significant amount of laser po$er. 9t is possible to operate a number of laser types at high pea, po$er and lo$ duty cycle to ma,e ac uisition easier. :his is because a lo$er pulse rate is needed for ac uisition than for trac,ing and communications. 'igh pea, po$er pulses more easily overcome the receiver set threshold and ,eep the false alarm rate lo$. - lo$ duty cycle transmitter gives high pea, po$er, yet re uires less average po$er, and is thus a suitable source for ac uisition. -s the uncertainty area becomes less, it becomes more feasible to use a continues source of ac uisition, especially if the ac uisition time does not have to be short.

Free Space Laser Communication Seminar 2014

Figure 4.1 flo$ chart illustrating operation of a laser communication system

Free Space Laser Communication Seminar 2014


&hen the terminal - is first po$ered up the laser is operated at a lo$ po$er safety level so that the output beam is belo$ the class 1 safety threshold. -t bloc, (4, the microprocessor generates a uni ue terminal identification code $hich is transmitted on the output beam. :he data on the output beam is then monitored for an initial confirmation signal, such as a predetermined digital code, indicating that the remotely positioned terminal 7 has received the output beam. 9f the confirmation signal has not been received, the microprocessor again sends the terminal identification code at bloc, (4 at the lo$ po$er safety level and monitors for the initial confirmation signal. 6nce the initial conformational signal is received at bloc, (@, the microprocessor then operates the laser at the high po$er normal level. &hile the system is operating at a high po$er level, the system operating performance is enhanced. For e*ample, the system may operate at a higher signal-to-noise ratio, the bit rate may be increased, or a combination of these may be achieved. -t bloc, 4% the microprocessor monitors the received data signal for the confirmation signal. -t bloc, 44, if the confirmation signal is absent for a time greater than : then the laser is again operated at the lo$ po$er safety level. :he absence of the confirmation signal indicates a bloc,age or misalignment of the output beam. :he time : is determined by the allo$able e*posure time, based on the laser po$er.

Free Space Laser Communication Seminar 2014


1%-9nch telescope !(0.) cm# 1.)) Am $avelength

7eam$idth B 1.0 arc second !).1 Arad# !0.000%@ degree#

From geosynchronous orbit 1@0 meter spot 'igh directivity delivers strong signal !"adio spot from a 1%-inch antenna $ould be B 1@00 ,m#

6n the other hand C must point 8orrectly and hold steady to B 0.%)-0.) Arad !10-%0 meters#

Fig. ).1 7oston 'arbor

Free Space Laser Communication Seminar 2014

Figure ).% Draph sho$ing allo$ed e*posure time versus elapsed time of e*posure for various po$er laser beams

Free Space Laser Communication Seminar 2014

"eferring to the graph sho$n above $e can see that the laser po$ers vary from 0.001 milli-$atts to 10 milli-$atts. :he limit L is indicated by the straight line e*tending diagonally across the graph. 8lass 1 safety limits are complied $ith if the laser po$er and elapsed time are above the line. 9f they are belo$ the class 1 limits, then the beam is not safe.

:he laser communication system controls the laser transmitter so that the po$er of the output beam is maintained belo$ the safety level threshold $hen a bloc,age or misalignment of the beam is detected. -t all other times during normal operation, the laser transmitter may be operated at a higher average po$er level to improve system performance.

:he laser communication system includes the confirmation signal $ithin the communication data stream. -ccordingly, it re uires no additional ma/or components other than those necessary $ithout the safety features and enhanced performance of the present invention. :hus the laser communication system is relatively simple, yet highly reliable.

Free Space Laser Communication Seminar 2014

Free space laser communications lin,s eliminate the need for securing right of $ays, and buried cable installations. -s the e uipments operate $ithin the near infrared spectrum, they are not sub/ect to government licensing and no spectrum fees have to be paid !according to -rt. E in F(G re uires only the use of the fre uency spectrum belo$ (2000 D'z a license#. -dditionally, since no radio interference studies are necessary, the systems are uic,ly deployable. :he narro$ laser beam $idth precludes interference $ith other communication systems of this type. :he advantages of this $avelength range for 1atellite-to-0arth communication include good atmospheric penetration, the ability to use smaller optics than $ith longer $avelength technology, and the ability to use sensitive detectors based on silicon avalanche photodiode technology

Free Space Laser Communication Seminar 2014


Free space laser communications systems provide only interconnection bet$een points that have direct line-of-sight !L61#. :hey can transmit through glass, ho$ever, for each glass surface the light intensity is reduced, due to a mi*ture of absorption and refraction, thus reducing the operational distance of a system. 6ccasionally, short interruptions or unavailability events lasting from some hours up to a fe$ days can occur.

9n addition to its band$idth-improvement potential, free-space laser communication technology also offers tangible benefits in satellite design.

Free Space Laser Communication Seminar 2014


Free space laser communication systems are considered stationary laser sources for regulatory purposes, and as such, must comply $ith regulatory limits established to protect the eyes of an accidental or unintended observer. -n accidental observer may receive permanent damage from a high po$er laser beam $ithout e*periencing any pain $hich might fore$arn the observer of the harmful e*posure. 9n addition, the $avelengths used by the laser systems are often invisible. -ccordingly, standards have been put in place that establish safe limits for the po$er that may be transmitted by a stationary laser source, such as a laser communication terminal. :his ma*imum permissible po$er limits the communication system2s signal-to-noise ratio !1H"#, bit rate, and5or separation distance. -ccordingly there is great need for a free space laser communication system and method that complies $ith safety limits yet $hich has improved performance over e*isting systems.

Free Space Laser Communication Seminar 2014


+oving laser beams present less of a hazard than do stationary beams as re uired for a free space laser communication system. For e*ample, laser scanning systems for reading bar codes producing a moving, or non-stationary, laser beam. - spinning holographic dis, produces a series of facet pulses from the beam. 9f the facet pulses are not detected, it is assumed the holographic dis, is not spinning and thus the laser beam is stationary. :he holographic scanner then operates the laser at a lo$ duty cycle until the facet pulses are again detected.

Free Space Laser Communication Seminar 2014


Fig 10.1 'istory of space lasercom

Free Space Laser Communication Seminar 2014


1patial ac uisition and trac,ing 9nitial uncertainty may re uire searching over 10) beam spots. 1pacecraft vibrations may be hundreds of beam$idths. 3oint-ahead re uirements may be 1-10 beam$idths.

"ugged opto-mechanical-thermal design. :echnology maturity -

Lasers. -mplifiers. +odulators. 0fficient detection architectures.

Fig 10.% 1patial ac uisition and trac,ing

Free Space Laser Communication Seminar 2014

11. OPTIC $% RF
For a number of applications, laser technology is being championed as the successor to radiofre uency !"F# technology for meeting the band$idth demands of the %1st century. &ith "F carrier fre uencies ranging from 106 to 1010 'z and optical carrier fre uencies ranging from 101( to 101), the s$itch from "F to optical should ultimately accommodate an increase in band$idth of five to si* orders of magnitude. 8ommercial activity has already begun in the space-to-space-lin, !11L# arena, $hich is li,ely to provide the over$helming commercial pull for the time being as engineering firms endeavour to design and build the optics re uired for lo$-0arth-orbit telecommunications systems, such as the I9nternet in the 1,yI pro/ect by :eledesic !Jir,land, &-#.

Free Space Laser Communication Seminar 2014

.epending on the climatic zone $here the free space laser communications systems are used, they can span distances up to 6 ,m at lo$ bitrates or provide bitrates up to 1.%) Dbps at shorter distances. :he systems are protocol transparent allo$ing transmission of digital computer data !L-H interconnect#, video, voice over 93, multiple*ed data, or -:+. :hey are suitable for temporary connectivity needs such as at conventions, sporting events, corporate and university campuses, disaster scenes or military operations.

Free Space Laser Communication Seminar 2014


:he free space laser communications systems do not re uire certification for handling or operation. -lthough the emitted laser beam is invisible to the unaided eye, it can cause eye damage if vie$ed directly at close range for e*tended periods of time.

Free Space Laser Communication Seminar 2014


+icro$ave systems have the ability to achieve a high lin,

uality !error performance and

availability# for distances of up to 100 ,m. +easurements on a 600 m first generation free space laser communications lin, carried out by 1$iss :elecom in the area of 7erne, sho$ed a significant lo$er uality. :he degradation effects can be categorized as follo$s= K 3ropagation effects and K +echanical insufficiencies. :he origin of the first category is uite obvious, e.g.= if heavy fog, sno$ or smo,e bloc,s the line-of-sight bet$een the units or the sun is interfering the laser beam. ?nfortunately, there are not many countermeasures to improve the situation in such cases. :he source for the second category can be found in the narro$ optical beam. :here$ith the lin, performance is sensitive to vibration, $ind s$ay, and thermal e*pansion of the e uipment. 'o$ever, since the products listed in :able 1 are second and third generation products, it can be e*pected that in the meantime mechanical improvements have been made. Last but not least it should be noted, that a micro$ave lin, designer has C $ithin limits - the possibility to reduce the influence of the propagation effects and to optimize the desired lin, uality and its costs by choosing the fre uency, antenna diameters, diversity protection, etc. free space laser communication system has to be ta,en as it is.

Free Space Laser Communication Seminar 2014

-nticipating a number of fi*ed launch schedules, the relevant departments are cooperating to develop and test engineering models of satellite-mounted e uipment that $ill be able to provide high-capacity transmission despite its globally unparalleled small size.

Free Space Laser Communication Seminar 2014


1# +. Leganathan, .evelopment of the free-space optical communications analysis soft$are, Free-1pace Laser 8ommunications :echnologies M, 3roceedings of 1390, F0d. D. 1tephen +echerleG, Nolume (%66, 90-9@, %00). %# 8. 8. 8hen and 8. 1. Dardner, ;9mpact of random pointing and trac,ing errors on the design of coherent and incoherent optical intersatellite communication lin,s,< 9000 :rans. 8ommun.(E !(#, %)%C%60 !%004#. (# 1. D. Lambert and &. L. 8asey, Laser 8ommunication in 1pace !-rtech 'ouse, 7oston, %00%#. 4# 'enderson -. "., ;7ioptica= - Duide to Laser 1afety; 917H 0-41%-E%940-E, ?J February %00)

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