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LIZ GREGG Chapter 2 Conversations: Classroom and Learning is a community School Structures That Support function.

(PP17P1) Adolescent Literacy Development Students need to be able to read informational text and think deeply about it. (PP17P2) I can see this. It makes learning fun and makes the students take responsibility, in order to be a part of the conversation. I think in order to get a good understanding about a topic, the person must think about what they are reading. How can a teacher teach students the best, if they dont know what they best is? Teachers must be willing to continue learning all their career. I think that this strategy would help ELL learners because they can talk to an individual about the topic then the other student can report out. This way the ELL learner does not have to talk in front of the whole class. Students are able to work together on topics previously learnt and get a greater understanding. This strategy is great for different ability groups. For the students that already know the topic well, they can move on to a different topic or a different part of the same topic. Also, it teaches students how to work together. I like that all students have a job, this makes the students more responsible because their group members will be relying on them.

Teacher development is critical to student achievement. (PP17P2)

Grouping Strategies to Promote Peer Learning


Learning Stations(PP20P1)

Reciprocal Teaching. Instruction is more on discovery. Questioning, clarifying, summarizing and predicting. Each student has a job in the group.(PP21P2 & PP22P1)

LIZ GREGG Schoolwide Conversations That Promote Learning Stick with the Plan. (PP27P2) I think this small statement tells a lot. It is important to have a plan and stick to it because students will know exactly what is expected and will show more improvement then students that dont have the structure of the same plan. This is important because why should a teacher teach the same lesson the same way if it has no benefit to their students. To be an effective teacher, one must be a lifelong learner. Teaching is like technology, it is always changing. Once you learn one thing well, it normally is outdated.

Reflective teaching- cycle of self-questioning and selfassessment to improve teaching and learning.(PP28P1) Teachers can never stop learning.(PP28P3)

Summarize: In this chapter, we learned that teachers need to be flexible. The teaching career is always changing and one must be able to change along with it. There are more and more English Language Learners in the classroom and teachers must be able to teach these students along with the rest of their class. So in order to help all students, teacher can use different grouping strategies such as Think-Pair-Share, learning stations, jigsaw, and reciprocal teaching.

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