Chat Webinar With Elliot Washor

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Personalize Learning Webinar Series Personalization and Student Engagement with Elliot Washor 4/22/14 - Melissa @getztech joined

the Main Room. ( 1:48 PM ) Melissa @getztech

1:48 PM 1:48 PM

Peggy George

the keynotes yesterday were excellent!

- Stephanie Dennehy joined the Main Room. ( 1:48 PM ) Kathleen McClaskey 1:49 PM 1:49 PM 1:49 PM 1:49 PM 1:49 PM

Hi Melissa Where are you from

Peggy George

Hi Melissa! Great to see you! Hi Stephanie! Welcome!

Stephanie Dennehy

Hi there! I'm from Bowling Green, KY

Melissa @getztech

It is great to be here. Always love the warm welcome. I'm from the SF Bay Area, CA.
Peggy George 1:49 PM

I'm joining you from Phoenix AZ where it's a beautiful but slightly warm day. About 89 degrees on my patio
Stephanie Dennehy 1:49 PM 1:50 PM

Yes, it is nice to see you again.

Peggy George

right 1:50 PM Happy Earth Day everyone!! I was in Earthcast 2014 all day long today! Sheila Adams from New 1:50 PM Hampshire organized it. It was excellent! 1:51 PM yes! she's a great friend of mine! 1:51 PM we have been doing this for years as part of EdTechTalk
1:51 PM

this was our 7th annual earthcast

- G. Williams joined the Main Room. ( 1:51 PM ) Peggy George 1:51 PM

how wonderful!! one of her former students is with NASA and they have done some 1:52 PM Google Hangouts with him
G. Williams 1:52 PM

Hi, I am here in Henry County!

Peggy George 1:52 PM 1:52 PM 1:53 PM 1:53 PM 1:53 PM 1:54 PM 1:54 PM 1:54 PM 1:55 PM

Hi G. Williams! Welcome!
G. Williams

Gena Williams @ Woodland Middle School

Peggy George

I tweeted it again about 30 minutes ago

G. Williams

Yes! I am in your class!

Peggy George

Can you enable the profiles for all of us?

G. Williams

No problem... There is a lot of us!

Peggy George

tools>profile>everyone yeah! thanks!

- Kelley Tanner 2 joined the Main Room. ( 1:55 PM ) Peggy George

Howard Rheingold is the keynote for the Learning Revolution at 4:00pm PDT Should be great!
- Linda Frankenberg joined the Main Room. ( 1:56 PM ) Peggy George 1:56 PM 1:56 PM 1:56 PM

Howard could be anywhere in the world! he's so connected!

G. Williams

I am on a borrowed computer... so I can't retrieve a picture right now. My computer is with our IT cause it is having some major problems.
Peggy George 1:57 PM 1:57 PM 1:57 PM 1:57 PM 1:58 PM 1:58 PM

Hi Kelley and Linda! Welcome!

Elliot Washor

Hi Everyone
Linda Frankenberg

Linda and Hailey are from Elkhorn and we are in your class! We are watching together on a SMARTboard.
Peggy George

how exciting!!!! I'm alone

Stephanie Dennehy 1:58 PM

I am alone!
Peggy George 1:59 PM

they always know it will be recorded too

- Patrick Riley joined the Main Room. ( 2:00 PM ) Patrick Riley

1:59 PM 2:00 PM 2:00 PM 2:01 PM 2:01 PM

Hello hello!
Peggy George

Hi Patrick! Welcome! Sounds great!

Kelley Tanner 2

Peggy George

2:02 PM 2:02 PM 2:03 PM

So great to have Elliot with us today!! you're welcome! if you're hearing now your audio is great it's great for me all is good!!!!
Kelley Tanner 2

2:03 PM 2:03 PM 2:03 PM 2:03 PM 2:04 PM

heard everyone great

Patrick Riley

Audio is great.
Peggy George

the talk button will be grayed out unless you are given mic permissions this is my favorite tip of all! if the chat window isn't stretched out it's 2:05 PM very hard to keep up with the chat
- Betty Wottreng joined the Main Room. ( 2:05 PM ) Peggy George 2:05 PM 2:05 PM 2:05 PM

Hi Betty! Welcome! Phoenix AZ for me

- Shay joined the Main Room. ( 2:05 PM ) Peggy George

you can drag it around too if it doesn't go where you want it

- Diane 1 joined the Main Room. ( 2:05 PM ) Peggy George 2:06 PM

fun!! love seeing where everyone is located!

time zones are tricky for all! I go to TechTalkTuesday with folks from Australia and it's on Monday nights at 11:00pm for me it's always terrific!! Anne Mirtschin is the organizers.
Barbara Bray

2:06 PM

2:06 PM 2:08 PM 2:08 PM 2:08 PM 2:08 PM 2:09 PM

Thank you Peggy! We will be archiving this webinar and the chat
Peggy George

so excited to be hearing from Elliot!! it's all yours Elliot!

Barbara Bray 2:10 PM

Yeah Elliot! From Gallup Poll - less engagement as they move to high school
Peggy George 2:10 PM

Elliot's book with Charles Mojkowski 2:11 PM hahaha! friendly skies airline! I have to sing the song to find out which airline!
- Craig Nansen joined the Main Room. ( 2:11 PM ) Peggy George 2:11 PM 2:11 PM 2:12 PM 2:12 PM

Hi Craig! Gret to see you!


Western (symptoms) vs Eastern (root-cause) medicine mindsets.

Barbara Bray

Hi Craig!!!
Peggy George

did they give you free drinks????

Barbara Bray 2:12 PM 2:12 PM 2:13 PM 2:13 PM 2:14 PM 2:15 PM

So sad that focus is on things and not people

Peggy George

so true I know about tiger moms! former principal here...

Barbara Bray

Amy Chua - Tiger mom -

Peggy George

Elliot's blog:

Kathleen McClaskey

Focus on well-being and happiness. Sounds like the Gallup poll taken

each year
Barbara Bray 2:15 PM

well-being and happiness - not allowed to being in a system that makes you sicker than when you started the system
Peggy George 2:15 PM 2:16 PM 2:16 PM

hahaha!!! the eraser is gone...

Barbara Bray

Peggy - didn't notice the eraser was gone

Peggy George

great story!!
- usmaestra joined the Main Room. ( 2:17 PM ) Kathleen McClaskey 2:17 PM 2:17 PM

Finland children start school at 7 years old

Barbara Bray

storng connections to the things you do well, getting support form the community
Patrick Riley 2:17 PM 2:19 PM

Barbara Bray

We figure out how to connect the dots with our own rules and how dots are connected by starting with mystery - love this
Shay 2:20 PM

Students are NOT and should NOT be treated as widgets.

Barbara Bray 2:20 PM 2:21 PM 2:21 PM 2:21 PM

Starting with algorithms depersonalizes learning Agency = trustees and advisors


Powerfully . . . sad term: "depersonalize."

Peggy George

do you have the link to that video? we can watch it later

Barbara Bray 2:22 PM We will add all the links to the webinar archive page
Peggy George

2:22 PM 2:23 PM

Kathleen McClaskey 2:23 PM

Have we created a culture that stops questioning?

Barbara Bray 2:23 PM

so sad - if learners are not asking questions, then they are passive in their learning - need to change the culture that encourages questions
Patrick Riley Barbara Bray 2:24 PM 2:24 PM 2:26 PM 2:26 PM 2:26 PM 2:26 PM 2:26 PM 2:27 PM

Very passive toward many aspects of life--education, learning, success... school needs to fit learner, learner needs to fit school

"Rules without relationships lead to rebellion." ~ Dr. David Haglund

Patrick Riley

Peggy George

the same thing is true for teachers and their personalized learning
Kathleen McClaskey

Great quote, Shay


Thanks, Kathleen. The quote was from a conversation at Starbucks. Learning takes place off-campus all the time.
Barbara Bray 2:28 PM

Any questions about each of these expectations?

- Doug Henry joined the Main Room. ( 2:28 PM ) Kathleen McClaskey 2:28 PM 2:29 PM

Learning can take place anytime, anywhere!

Peggy George

no questions about them but agree with them

Kathleen McClaskey 2:29 PM 2:29 PM 2:29 PM 2:29 PM

At ones own pace...

Peggy George

Hi Doug Henry! So glad you could join us!

Barbara Bray

Learning is not in a straight line!


Learning-thinking is natural-normal part of the heart-mind human experience.

Kathleen McClaskey 2:29 PM 2:30 PM

Our first learning experiences were through play


Learning is a messy spiral and even ziggy and zaggy at times.

Barbara Bray 2:30 PM 2:30 PM 2:30 PM 2:31 PM 2:31 PM 2:31 PM 2:32 PM 2:32 PM 2:32 PM 2:32 PM

I learn more from play. Practice makes perfect -- heard this growing up

Play is emotional. It activites the limbic system.

Kathleen McClaskey

Choice give ownership


"What we learn with pleasure, we never forget."

Barbara Bray

Authentic - is it real? do I own it? Time to get rid of worksheets.

Kathleen McClaskey

Connected and challenged


Doing school vs. Discovering life?

Barbara Bray

Apply and publish for the real world When real world comes in to play, there are uncertainties. We need 2:33 PM to learn how to learn and live with uncertainties.
Shay 2:33 PM 2:33 PM 2:35 PM 2:36 PM

Real world = real people= real connections.

Barbara Bray

How many of you have personalized learning plans?


I need to develop a PLP.

Barbara Bray

Strong go-to person in their lives - all of us need that. Someone who is there for us.
- Peggy George (iPad) joined the Main Room. ( 2:36 PM ) Barbara Bray 2:36 PM 2:37 PM 2:38 PM 2:38 PM

What is the difference between time and timing? Yes. (Duration vs Sequence)
Betty Wottreng

Have schools used these ten in conversing with kids? I looked at the Kappan article from May, and I like the "I" statements.

Peggy George

2:40 PM

yes - any time means doing the same thing in a different sequence or time frame but not doing things differently.
Kelley Tanner 2 2:41 PM 2:41 PM 2:41 PM 2:42 PM

Have schools used these ten in conversing with kids' parents?

Peggy George

do you have a link for the article Betty?


Great question!
Betty Wottreng

I just read the article...statemlents like "Do I find what the school is teaching relevant to my interests..etc" I like how these are worded.
Melissa @getztech 2:42 PM

How do these ideas mesh with students competing with each other to get limited spaces in specific colleges?
Betty Wottreng 2:42 PM

The article is here:

Kelley Tanner 2 2:42 PM - G. Williams left the Main Room. ( 2:43 PM ) Betty Wottreng 2:43 PM

especially with how their students are being assessed

Great stuff! What would our students say today if we asked them these questions?
Kathleen McClaskey 2:44 PM

May Issue of Kappan focused on Student Learning: Engagement and Motivation

Peggy George 2:44 PM 2:44 PM 2:44 PM 2:45 PM

thanks Betty!
Betty Wottreng

You are welcome!

Kelley Tanner 2 Shay

are these goals meant to get kids in college or to be successful in life It seems like parents should write a letter to the school at less twice a year that addresses these topics with their child in mind and placed in student cumulative file. Thoughts? Is this realistic?
Melissa @getztech 2:45 PM

The UC system only accepts the top 12% or something like that. Most parents in CA whan their kids to go to a UC.

@Barbara- yes, that is what I'm thinking about


2:46 PM 2:46 PM 2:46 PM

How does this look at the elementary level?

Patrick Riley

Necessity is the mother of invention... When there is enough need for change (like you mentioned @Shay with parents), colleges will be forced to be "creative" in their acceptance process...
Shay 2:46 PM 2:47 PM 2:47 PM 2:47 PM 2:47 PM

Student mentality vs Learner mentality?

Peggy George

interesting thought

YES! Then what does the "A" mean?

Peggy George

the crime is getting an A but not knowing the content

Melissa @getztech

The UC system is not going to change to let in anybody who thinks they belong there.
Craig Nansen 2:47 PM 2:47 PM

Have to go soon. Will this be archived?

Kelley Tanner 2

if we are talking about personalization learning for each student should one of our goals is that all students go to college?
Barbara Bray 2:47 PM 2:48 PM

Craig - yes we will be archiving the webinar and the chat

Peggy George

it will be posted here Craig

Kelley Tanner 2 2:48 PM 2:48 PM

totally agree
Melissa @getztech

The heirarchy of colleges in CA drives how K-12 schools are organized. The science class a students is placed in in 9th grade can determine if s/he is going to be ready for a UC or not. That decision is often made in 8th grade. I'm not saying this is right. This is just reality for most kids whose 2:49 PM parents don't have money to send them to whatever school they want to attend.
Patrick Riley 2:49 PM

Class rank for some KY schools is determined by the math sequence of


classes in 6th grade! Whether you pass a test to progress to an advanced class...
Peggy George 2:50 PM 2:50 PM

that's sad Melissa!

Craig Nansen

Got it. Thanks. Need to review some of the concepts mentioned in this webinar.
- Craig Nansen left the Main Room. ( 2:50 PM ) Melissa @getztech 2:51 PM

I dreamed of having a classroom that could be driven by student choice, but the reality of who I was being held accountable to forced me to choose to be more systematic in my teaching methods.
Barbara Bray 2:52 PM

Melissa - it is just not right that teachers are held accountable for what learners learn
Melissa @getztech 2:52 PM

I would love to see student-centric schools, but I am unfortunately seeing the opposite happening as schools are becoming more effiicient and 'accountable".
Peggy George 2:52 PM 2:52 PM

that is true in most schools Melissa--sad but true


Factory-minded students cannot compete in a world with challenges facing our global challenges. Our learners need to discover that "imagination is greater than knowledge." (A. Einstein)
usmaestra 2:54 PM

Is Benjamin Bloom's work more theoretical? Or does it also offer application for how it could look at the elementary level?
Peggy George 2:55 PM

This is Elliot's blog post she just mentioned: 2:56 PM I like his statements here on the 5 Things: 2:58 PM I loved Seymour Sarason when I was doing my doctoral dissertation
Kathleen McClaskey Shay 2:58 PM 2:58 PM

Bloom's Book that Elliot referenced is "Developing Talent in Young People" Just ordered the book on Amazon. Looking forward to reading it. Thanks,

Elliot, for writing your thoughts down for the rest of us to ponder.
Peggy George 2:58 PM

I agree Shay
Barbara Bray 2:59 PM

Developing Talent in Young People by Benjamin Bloom

Peggy George 3:00 PM

- Stephanie Dennehy left the Main Room. ( 3:00 PM ) Peggy George 3:02 PM 3:02 PM
Betty Wottreng

Thank you Barbara and Kathleen for hosting this event. Thanks to Elliot. This is so interesting!
Kathleen McClaskey 3:02 PM 3:02 PM 3:02 PM

Thank you Betty for coming

Barbara Bray

Thank you Betty for being here and asking questions

Peggy George

the Big Picture Learning videos are here:

Patrick Riley 3:02 PM 3:02 PM 3:02 PM 3:03 PM 3:03 PM - Betty Wottreng left the Main Room. ( 3:03 PM ) - Patrick Riley left the Main Room. ( 3:03 PM ) - Doug Henry left the Main Room. ( 3:03 PM ) Kelley Tanner 2 3:03 PM 3:03 PM

Thank you for a great webinar!

Kathleen McClaskey

Thank you Patrick

Barbara Bray

Thank you Patrick! Appreciate your participation

Peggy George

lots of great food for thought! Thank you Elliot!

Kelley Tanner 2

thanks everyone!

no worries. I'm surprised my dog didn't bark at your dogs

Melissa @getztech

Thank you for the presentation and for respecting my comments. Have a

great evening!
Shay 3:04 PM

Thanks, everyone! Amazing session. Thank you, Barbara and Kathleen, for making this happen!
- Melissa @getztech left the Main Room. ( 3:04 PM ) Shay 3:04 PM 3:04 PM 3:04 PM - Diane 1 left the Main Room. ( 3:04 PM ) - Elliot Washor left the Main Room. ( 3:04 PM ) - Kelley Tanner 2 left the Main Room. ( 3:04 PM ) - Peggy George left the Main Room. ( 3:04 PM ) Shay 3:05 PM

Elliot, you rock!

Peggy George

thank you

Bye, Ladies.
- Peggy George (iPad) left the Main Room. ( 3:05 PM ) - Shay left the Main Room. ( 3:05 PM ) Linda Frankenberg 3:05 PM

Thank you!
- Linda Frankenberg left the Main Room. ( 3:05 PM ) -


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