A GIS-Supported Remote SensingTechnology For Petroleum Exploration andExploitationL. LIU, G.H. HUANG, G.A. FULLERUniversity of Regina

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A GIS-Supported Remote Sensing Technology For Petroleum Exploration and Exploitation

University of Regina

This paper proposes a GIS-supported remote sensing (RS) technology for searching undiscovered oil and gas formations, and identifying potential petroleum exploration and exploitation targets. Remotely sensed surface lineament analysis, correlated with a variety of geoscience data, is applied for oil and gas exploration. A GIS technique is incorporated within the RS framework for manipulating the obtained data and improving effectiveness. This hybrid approach not only facilitates petroleum resources exploration, but also enhances the related spatial analyses, modelling studies, and systems planning. The method was applied to a case study in the Liaohe Oilfields in Liaoning Province, China, and reasonable and interesting outcomes have been generated.

exploration targets. On the other hand, the remotely sensed data, together with other geoscience datasets, need to be properly managed, analysed, retrieved, displayed, and maintained. This could be accomplished through the introduction of geographic information systems (GIS) into the RS framework. In recent years, although remotely sensed data, together with geological and geophysical information, have been applied to many projects of petroleum exploration and exploitation(2, 3), few studies have been reported on integrated RS-GIS application. Extended from previous works, this study develops a RS-GIS framework to analyse correlations between remotely sensed lineaments data and subsurface geological and geophysical conditions for petroleum exploration and exploitation purposes. Its application to the Liaohe Oilfields in northeastern China is provided for demonstrating the applicability and effectiveness of this method.

Many countries in the world continue to rely heavily on petroleum resources, due to rapid population growth and economic pressures. As a non-renewable energy resource with the nature of scarcity and depletion, petroleum exploration and exploitation has caused increased attention and concern for several decades since: (i) distribution of petroleum deposits could be verified through exploration, and (ii) petroleum supply may be increased to some extent by reasonable exploitation. Moreover, it seems quite evident that the period of massive discoveries of easily discovered oil and gas deposits had come to an end by the late 1960s(1). Since then, the exploration and development of petroleum resources have involved an enormous capital investment. Low efficiency exists in these processes due to limitations in technical and managerial effectiveness, especially in developing countries. This paper focusses on the provision of potentially more effective tools for petroleum exploration and exploitation. The process of petroleum exploration and exploitation requires the consideration, integration and updating of different types of information for creating a clear understanding of underground gas- and oil-bearing formations. Previously, the related information was collected, collated, and analysed through slow and painstaking manual methods(1). With the advent of aerial photography and satellite remote sensing, RS data has become a major source of the information required by decision-makers for petroleum exploration and exploitation. Meanwhile, various geological, geophysical, and geochemical data are now available from largescale geographical survey and laboratory analysis, with the provision of more detailed information about potential petroleum

Geological Mechanism of Surface Lineaments

For oil- and gas-bearing regions, the majority of geological objects lack direct surface indication. However, there is increasing evidence of genetic and geometric connections among remotely sensed lineaments (photo lineaments or surface lineaments), and linear morphostructural elements decipherable from subsurface geological and geophysical maps. The properties of lineament network and lineament fractures deciphered on remote sensing imagery originate from their geological nature at different depth, stratigraphic, scale, and class levels(1, 4). Several previous studies demonstrated that the origins between the trends of surface lineaments and the orientation of regional systematic joints are closely related(3, 5, 6). Lineaments were the sites of paleotectonic activity during the deposition of Cretaceous rocks. These units have potential for hydrocarbon accumulations, and oil/gas formations, particularly shallow biogenic gas. Hence, remotely sensed surface lineaments analysis, integrated and correlated with conventional geoscience data, should provide useful information about the structure, which enables us to effectively evaluate the potential existence of hydrocarbon in the deposits(1).

Integrated RS-GIS Approach

In the hybrid RS-GIS system, RS technology provides access to the spectral and spatial relations of objects and materials on a planetary scale. GIS makes use of a variety of coordinate referencing systems and map projections to transform land references

This paper is being published as a technical note and has not been peer reviewed. November 2001, Volume 40, No. 11 9

FIGURE 1: Location of the Liaohe Oilfields in Liaoning Province, China

onto a map, and to locate features on the land(7-10). Based on these spatial data, major functionality of the system could be achieved. Thus, integration of RS and GIS provides an enhanced tool for petroleum resources exploration and exploitation. It fulfills the tasks of petroleum resources management in complementary ways: (i) RS gathers data for GIS, and GIS, in turn, interprets remotely sensed images. The surface lineaments from remote sensing imagery and various geoscience information could be stored in GIS as different image layers and associated attribute files; (ii) GIS data sets are used as ancillary information to improve products derived from RS, such as the overlay of vector data for graphical presentation, the use of digital elevation models for terrain correction, and perspective visualization; (iii) knowledge and information acquired from the integrated GIS-RS system are used for petroleum resources management. Potential applications of this integrated approach involve: (i) searching for undiscovered oil and gas deposits along lineament trends, (ii) identification of potential exploration targets, (iii) planning for extensions of known pools and fields, and (iv) optimization of production from horizontal wells.

Existing subsurface geoscience data (maps and reports)

GIS data analysis, modelling, and output subsystem

FIGURE 2: Schematic representation of integrated RS-GIS system. 10 Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology

FIGURE 3: Subsurface fault structures in Liaohe area.

FIGURE 4: Surface lineament features in Liaohe area.

Case Study
The Liaohe Oilfields are located southwest of Shenyang, the capital of Liaoning Province, in northeastern China (Figure 1). It is a flat terrain with an area of 12,400 km2. Oil/gas exploration in this area started in the 1950s. In 1966, the first commercial oil and gas flow was produced, after which full-scale exploration and development began. In the last 30 years, 33 fields were discovered. These fields contain both light and heavy oil, as well as gas. Out of the 33 fields, 29 are producing. In 1997, the total oil production was about 47,673 m 3/d (300,000 bl/d or 15 million tons/year), making the oilfield the third largest producing area in China. Since 1955, a geological survey has been undertaken for petroleum exploration in the Liaohe area. One of the major objectives for this survey is to identify the distribution of potential oil pools and fields and their emerging trends, through obtaining various geological, geophysical, geochemical, and hydrogeological information, as well as air photos. Several tasks in this study, such as surface lineament analysis, fault and fracture analysis, and potential exploration target identification, were conducted based on the above information. An integrated RS-GIS system (Figure 2) was developed for the study area to systematically interpret and analyse the spatial and attribute information of Liaohe Oilfields. Figure 3 shows major subsurface fault features and structures in the study area. The fault features were obtained from the geological survey, and digitized into the developed RS-GIS system. The area is within a Mesozoic rift-subsidence basin. Frequent fracturing at an early stage produced well-developed faulting. The area is complex, with many oil and gas fields containing a multiple series of formations, various oil/water contacts, and different reserve types containing both oil and gas. Figure 5 shows several of the major oilfields being developed in this area, such as those in Huanxiling, Xinglongtai, Shuguang, Gaosheng, and Haiwaihe. The heavy oil in the Liaohe Oilfields is concentrated along the western slope belt of the Liaohe graben, starting from the Huanxiling field in the south, via the Shuguang field in the middle, and ending at the Gaosheng field in the north (Figure 5). There are eight series of strata for heavy oil altogether, from the Middle-Upper Proterozoic to the Tertiary Cenozoic. The burial depth of the reservoirs, as a whole, is 700 to 1,200 m. Consolidation of sandstone is usually loose, and net thickness of the reservoirs is 15 to 40 m. The oil density is 0.930 to 0.975 g/cm3. Figure 4 presents major surface lineament features and structures in the Liaohe Oilfields. Surface lineaments were mapped visually on different scale imageries. The mapping results show that lineaments are recognizable at all scales, and zones of longer composite lineaments could be more easily observed on smaller scale imagery. Dominant surface lineament orientations in the study region commonly have peak directions of about N 45 E, N
November 2001, Volume 40, No. 11

45 W, with a variation of about 5 from the peaks. However, anomalous trends were found in all of the areas mapped. These trends and intersections represent an indicator of geological events. Figure 5 overlays the dominant surface lineament orientation and subsurface faulting system structure into one map. In this study, the correlation analysis focusses on patterns, densities, zones, confluences and intersections associated with remotely sensed surface lineament maps and subsurface fault structures. It indicates that regions with matched surface and subsurface lineament patterns, densities, confluences, and intersections are visualized as locations of recurring geological activities, including subsidence and uplift block boundaries, and their associated effects. Such locations are targeted for more sharply focussed exploratory investigations designed to find developable oil and gas deposits. Previous petroleum development activities in this region show that: (i) surface lineaments in non-producing areas are poorly expressed, while those in hydrocarbon producing areas display well-expressed surface lineament patterns, and (ii) oil fields being developed in the study area are mostly found in these types of locations (as is shown in Figure 5). Those facts demonstrate the applicability and implementability of the proposed approach. Based on this approach, some potential targets are identified, labelled by in Figure 5. Thus, other locations that have similar correlation features within this area can be viewed as potential targets for oil/gas exploration in the future.

FIGURE 5: Overlaying map of surace lineament and subsurface fault in Liaohe area. 11

In this study, an integrated RS-GIS approach is proposed for searching out undiscovered oil and gas deposits along lineament trends, and locating potential exploration targets. Remotely sensed surface lineaments, including patterns, densities, zones, confluences and intersections, could be correlated with a variety of surface and subsurface geoscience data sets for petroleum exploration. On a regional scale, it was generally found that surface lineaments in non-producing areas are poorly expressed, while those in hydrocarbon-producing areas display well-expressed surface lineament patterns. Lineaments have been mapped within the Liaohe Oilfields in China, using RS technology, geological survey data, and GIS tools. The interesting outcomes generated from the case study indicate that the hybrid approach appears to be a costeffective tool for assisting petroleum exploration.

Authors Biographies
L. Liu is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Regina. He has been involved in research for environmental systems planning and decision making, fate and transport simulation of petroleum contaminant in subsurface, environmental risk assessment, and the application of GIS technology. He received a B.Sc. in 1994 from Nankai University in China and a M.Sc. in 1997 from Peking University in China. G.H. Huang is professor and Assistant Dean (research and external) in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Regina. He holds a Ph.D. in environmental engineering from McMaster University. Dr. Huangs research interests include petroleum waste management, environmental risk assessment, and system simulation and optimization. He has over 10 years experience in industrial pollution control and environmental modelling. Dr. Huang is a member of the Petroleum Society. G.A. Fuller is professor and Chair of Environmental Systems Engineering at the University of Regina. Previously, he was employed by Saskatchewan Environment, Canada Agriculture and Canada Regional Economic Expansion. He holds a B.Sc. and M.Sc. in engineering from the University of Saskatchewan, and a Ph.D. from the University of Waterloo. His main research interest is the hydrology of wetlands. Dr. Fuller has served on the Saskatchewan Hydrology Committee, the Saskatchewan Drainage Appeal Board, the Saskatchewan Water Appeal Board, the Saskatchewan Forest Management Task Force and the Council of the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan.

This research has been supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada. The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their comments and suggestions that were helpful for improving the manuscript. The authors are also grateful to Dr. L. A. Penner for his technical assistance.

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ProvenanceOriginal Petroleum Society manuscript, A GISSupported Remote Sensing Technology For Petroleum Exploration and Exploitation (99-101), first presented at the Eighth Petroleum Conference of the South Saskatchewan Section, October 18 21, 1999, in Regina, Saskatchewan. Abstract submitted for review October 18, 1999; editorial comments sent to the author(s) January 26, 2001; revised manuscript received March 15, 2001; paper approved for pre-press September 13, 2001, final approval November 5, 2001.


Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology

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