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Teacher Candidate: Alyssa Ball _______________________________________ _______________________ Cooperating Teacher: _________________________________________________ ________________ Group Size: _____________________ Allotted Time: ______________________ _________________ Su!"ect or Topic: ____________________________________________________ _____________________ Date: Coop. Initials: Grade Le el: Section:

STA#DA$D: %&A Common Core': (.)B In*uiry and Design

I. &er+ormance ,!"ecti es %Learning ,utcomes' The students -ill understand the senses !y going to di++erent learning centers and ans-ering *uestions on student sheets pro ided !y the teacher. II. Instructional .aterials /. 0 trays +or each o+ the learning centers ). 1 "ars -ith cotton !all scents inside (. Smell -or2sheet 1. Taste Chart +or "elly !eans 0. 3elly !eans ariety pac2 /4. ) Blind+olds /). 5 -ater !ottles co ered in !lac2 duct tape /(. ,!"ects inside the -ater !ottles: 6 small !ells7 6 mar!les7 5 small !eads7 /4 *uarters. /0. Stic2ers +or !ottom o+ containers /6. Building Bloc2s /8. Letters o+ the alpha!et tiles /5. Dra-string Bag /9. Di++erent te:tured items +or in !ag: pom pom7 an apple7 sandpaper7 a lego7 a piece o+ pasta7 and a roc2 )4. Touch Chart )/. Typed Directions +or each learning center III. Su!"ect .atter; Content %prere*uisite s2ills7 2ey oca!ulary7 !ig idea' &rere*uisite S2ills: A. Sight B. <earing C. Touch D. Taste =. Smell >ey ?oca!ulary: A. @our five senses tell you all a!out -hat is around you in the -orld B. Sound !ves tra el into your ear and do-n to your e!" #!n!$ C. Ahen sound -a es enter the e!" d"u%7 it !egins to i!rate D. Three tiny !ones in your ear start mo ing and a li*uid gets sent inside the

#o#&$e!. B. Tiny hairs inside the #o#&$e! send signals to your !rain and this is ho- you hear =. The e'e$ids protect the +ront o+ the eye G. Light enters the eyes through the little !lac2 hole in the middle called the (u(i$ <. The #o"ne! helps the eye +ocus as light ma2es itCs -ay through I. The i"is o+ the eye is the colored part around the pupil 3. Scents enter your nose -hen you !reathe in and they hit tiny hairs called #i$i! inside your nose >. The scent enters into the t-o small holes in your nose called your nos)"i$s L. The %u#us in your nose captures dust7 germs7 and other things that can irritate your lungs .. @ou use your )on*ue to taste things. @our tongue is co ered in thousands o+ little )!s)e +uds. #. T!s)e +uds detect all the di++erent tastes in +ood ,. @ou use your s,in +or your sense o+ touch. &. Dnder the s2in there are lots o+ ne"ve endin*s E. Ne"ve endin*s can +eel things such as heat7 cold7 and pain I?. Implementation A. Introduction F /. The teacher -ill !ring up the !reathing rate in*uiry +rom the day !e+ore and as2 the students -hat some o+ their hypotheses -ere and i+ they came true or not ). The teacher -ill then as2 the students -hat they do -ith their nose !esides !reathing (. The teacher -ill !e loo2ing +or the ans-er Gsmelling.G 1. I+ no students come up -ith this ans-er7 the teacher -ill say that all the ans-ers -ere correct7 !ut he;she -as loo2ing +or them to say Gsmelling.G 0. The teacher -ill then tell the students that smelling is part o+ the +i e senses7 and -ill also as2 the students -hat the other 1 senses are. 6. The teacher -ill tell the students to close their eyes and picture that they are on the !each. The teacher -ill as2 the students to thin2 o+ -hat 2inds o+ things they -ill smell7 see7 hear7 +eel7 and taste. 8. The teacher -ill then tell the class to open their eyes7 and call on students to say -hat 2inds o+ things they thought o+. B. De elopment F /. Teacher -ill tell the class that they -ill !e learning a!out the senses today more in depth than -hat they already 2no- a!out the senses. ). Teacher -ill then !ring up po-er point on the senses. (. &o-er point -ill !e +illHin the !lan27 and students -ill !e called on to try to +igure out the !lan2s on each slide. Bach +ollo-ing slide -ill contain the ans-ers to the !lan2s. 1. Ahen done -ith po-er point7 teacher -ill e:plain that the students -ill no- !e -or2ing -ith their senses. 0. The teacher -ill ha e 0 learning centers set up +or each o+ the +i e senses. 6. The students -ill go to each o+ the learning centers in groups. 8. At the hearing learning center7 there -ill !e 5 small !lac2 containers. Students -ill ha e to sha2e each container and listen to the sound the container ma2es.

Bach container has a pair -ith the same sound. The students must +ind the matching sounds o+ each container. Students -ill !e a!le to sel+Hchec2 their matches !y the matching pair o+ stic2ers on the !ottom o+ each container. %=or e:ample7 t-o containers -ill ha e ( small !ells inside o+ !oth o+ them and students must +ind and match the t-o containers and then can sel+Hchec2 to see i+ they -ere correct' 5. At the taste learning center7 there -ill !e all di++erent colored "elly !eans. The children -ill taste all the di++erent "elly !eans and +ill out a chart -ith -hich "elly !eans they li2ed or disli2ed. 9. At the sight center7 students -ill !e !lind+olded and -ill ha e to use !loc2s to !uild a to-er or try to spell out their name -ith letter cut outs /4. At the touch center7 there -ill !e a !ag +illed -ith items that all +eel di++erently. Students -ill reach into the !ag and try to guess -hat they are +eeling. They -ill -rite do-n on a student sheet -hat they !elie e they +elt7 then they -ill pull it outside o+ the !ag and see i+ they -ere correct. //. At the scent center7 there -ill !e "ars -ith cotton !alls in them. Bach "ar has a di++erent scent %lemons7 garlic7 inegar7 co++ee !eans7 and potpourri.' The students -ill ha e to smell each "ar and thin2 -hat each smell is. The ans-er -ill !e on a la!el on the !ottom o+ the "ar. A+ter smelling all the "ars7 students can chec2 the !ottom +or the ans-ers o+ -hat the smells actually -ere. /). A+ter all the students ha e !een to each center the students -ill !e told to go !ac2 to their seats. C. Closure F /. At the end o+ the lesson7 the teacher -ill -rite a *uestion on the !oard: GDo you thin2 that the sense o+ smell a++ects the sense o+ tasteI AhyIG ). Students -ill !e gi en an inde: to ans-er !oth o+ these *uestions (. The teacher -ill collect the e:it slips and tell the students that tomorro- they -ill !e doing an in*uiry on the senses that has to do -ith these *uestions. D. Accommodations ; Di++erentiation H /. Lacy has a learning disa!ility and so she -ill ha e a copy o+ the !oo2 ,ld .acDonald <ad a Dragon at her des2 to +ollo- along -ith B. Assessment;B aluation plan /. =ormati e a. Student sheets done at the di++erent learning centers -ill !e collected +rom each student. ). Summati e ?. $e+lecti e $esponse A. $eport o+ StudentsJ &er+ormance in Terms o+ States ,!"ecti es %$e+lection on students per+ormance -ritten a+ter lesson is taught7 includes remediation +or students -ho +ailed to meet accepta!le le el o+ achie ement' ?I. $esources
In Five Senses Activities for Kids. $etrie ed .onth. Day7 @ear7 +rom http:;;hu!;hu!;0H sensesHacti ities

In Sense of Sound Matching Game . $etrie ed .onth. Day7 @ear7 +rom http:;;---.youtu!;-atchI K#zcLy28E5go In Smelling Bottle Activities for Kids. $etrie ed .onth. Day7 @ear7 +rom http:;;hu!;hu!;smelling!ottleacti ities+or2ids

B. &ersonal $e+lection %Euestions -ritten !e+ore lesson is taught.'%$e+lecti e ans-ers to *uestions recorded a+ter lesson is taught.' &lease note: Do not try to +it your lesson plan into the spaces on this +ormat sheet. Scan this +orm or retype it. Ad"ust the spacing to match the needs o+ your indi idual lessons. A+ter the cooperating teacher has appro ed and initialed the plan7 any recommendations or re isions should remain on the plan. ?I. $esources

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