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Different Types of Fears and Overcoming Them

As much as there are several potential triggers to your fear, there are also as many types of fears. However, they can be categorized into three basic fears: ex ternal, internal, or subconscious. Among the three, the subconscious and interna l type of fear are most difficult to find treatment to because the person must t ake the initiative to recognize the source of fear and take necessary steps to o vercome it. Recognizing the category in which your fears fit into will help you know how to deal with it. External Fear Among the types of fear, this one is the easiest to diagnose and manage. It is s imilar to phobias wherein an outside source elicit a degree of internal fear or any manageable level of anxiety. For example, fear of spiders or fear of heights are among the most common phobias that several people share. A feeling of fear, anxiety or discomfort is experienced by the person with that particular fear wh en the situation confronts them with those triggers. Since the source of fear is easier to identify, then one can easily look for alternative ways in which to c onfront that trigger and overcome fear. Since external fears are often caused by negative experiences in the past involv ing those external sources of fears, you can adapt some techniques that will hel p you understand the reality of the situation. Hypnosis or some other psychologi cal methods are employed in order to erase any previous negative associations wi th these objects or creatures that elicit fear. Internal Fear This type of fear is closely associated with low levels of self esteem or confid ence. But like with external fear, the triggers are coming from an outside sourc e and yet it produces a negative emotion. This trigger will then produce interna l reactions or fears such as self doubt or questioning one's capability to do so mething. Most often, when people begin to question their own abilities, failure is inevitable. This type of fear often impacts one's ability to interact with th e social environment. If you want to conquer internal types of fear, you often have to go childhood years wherein character development is at its peak. This in people's lives wherein they build characters and develop fears. seek professional help that enables them to adapt a new perspective change any behaviors that produce such insecurities and fears. Subconscious Fear This type of fear is produced by accepted beliefs in your mind that serve to lim it your potentials and worse, could end up in self sabotage. This one is somewha t associated with the internal type of fear wherein you have the tendency to que stion your capacity to achieve something. Thus, the tendency for self doubt and negative self talk. This one requires you to take active steps towards reversing those beliefs and enable you to maximize your potential. Goals to Overcome Your Fears One of the many reasons why people neglect the need to overcome their fears is t he lack of motivation. Therefore, setting goals will help increase the desire to manage and overcome your fears. Aside from that, this will enable you to take c areful methods toward your goal and provide a sense of direction. One benefit yo back at your is the stage Some people in life and

u can get from it is that aside from getting rid of your fears, it offers more f ocused direction in your everyday living as opposed to not having a clear idea o f what you want to do in life. Setting goals as motivation to overcoming your fears will also enable you to hav e a bigger grasp at the need to fight your fears as an opportunity to grow and d elimit yourself.

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