R 314, Exam.

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_~R 314, Exam.


1. Which eaz:-=~ :: :-e i Ie for taking TG from circulation to muscle and adipose
tissues? \ 2: :: ~~ :- 0 that liver can not take TG from chylomicron? Why can liver
take lipi '- 2C'~ :_::. mi ron remnants? Please describe the fate of chylomicron in detail.
You can ~w? g:c. h 0 help your explanation. (Total 10 points)

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2. Please describe the endocytosis process after LDL binds to LDL receptor on cell
membrane in detail. What are the fates of lipids, apolipoproteins, and LDL? (Total 10 I J

points) I \ ... \ I l " .

NTR 314, Exam if3

3. Which organ synthesizes high density lipoprotein? :What are the keYJ2ro12e~.!ics of HDL
that medi~i~s-r~ver_~ chol~sterol transport? Please describe the reyerse_ cholesterol
transport in detail. You should draw a graph to explain each step. (Total 12 poillts)
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4. What is the reaction catalyzed by acyl CoA carboxylase (ACC)? Please describe the
reaction including substrates, and products. How does citrate affect its activity? (Total 4
points) ,t
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5. What is the reaction catalyzed by fatty acyl CoA synthetase'? How many high encrgy/
,-l bonds does this reaction consume? (TotalS points)

_TTR 314, Ex ._ :-~

6. Here i =,.=..- -. :._:_."

i g one cycle of ~-oxidation using a 16 carbon a acid as
exampl _ ? ~
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7. How do short/median- and long-chain fatty acids enter into mitochondria for beta­
oxidation? _What is the transport system that is responsible for moving long chain fatty
acyl eoA across-mitochondrial membrane? What are the components and reactions in
this system? What is the role of malonyl eoA on this system? (Total 10 points)
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NTR 314, Exam #3

8. What are the ketone bodies? Which ones are acid? What is the source or ketone body
production? (Total 8 points)
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9. The formation of nearly all the acetyl CoA occurs in the mitochondria. What are the
sources for production of acetyl CoA? Acetyl CoA cannot pass through the
mitochondrial membrane. What is the pathway that mediates the transport of acetyl CoA
from mitochondria to cytoplasm? Please describe the process, including intermediate
metabolites, reaction, and enzyme mediating this reaction. (Total 12 points)

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_-TR 314, Exam -:3

10. Why arc linol ic acid (18:2 69, 12) and a-linolenic acid (18:3 69, 12, 15) essential
fallyacids') Yhic 1 onc is n-3 ((1)3) or n-6 (m6) fatty acid? What are the sources of
essential I~ltty acids') (TotalS points)
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11~I-0':Y_nmny carbon atoms are there in eicosanQids? Which poly unsaturated fatty acid
is the most important one servinQ as precursor for eicosanoid synthesis?/What are the
eicosanoids tbat have potent pby~iologjcal activity? What are the pathway; an~;zyrnes
that lead to their synthesis? (Total 12 points)

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TTR 314, Exam #3

12. \Vhat are the three stages of cholesterol biosy1hesis? Please descri be theill. Y Oll
should draw a graph to help your explanation. (Total 6 points)

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