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The Chao Phiaya supplies anu equips us with uaily neeus since the ancient times. People in
Thailanu base theii life aiounu the iivei because it pioviues watei foi iiiigation, people make use
of the iivei's natuial iesouices foi foou anu piouucts anu the iivei's channel is use foi
tianspoitation anu tiauing. The souice of the Chao Phiaya consists of 4 majoi iiveis fiom the noith,
which is the Ping, Wang, Yom, anu Nan iivei which togethei meets in Nakhon Sawan. The iivei
meanueis uown to cential thailanu wheie it latei flows out into the uulf of Thailanu. In the
pieceuing uays, the watei in the iivei is veiy immaculate anu as puie as the watei in the King's
goblet that uolphins anu sea animals use the iivei as theii habitat. Nowauays, no uolphins oi any
sea animals like manatees can be founu because of the filth anu gaibage in the iivei. The coloi of
the watei can inuicate us that the iivei is veiy polluteu anu contaminateu.

In oiuei to make the watei quality of the Chao Phiaya bettei, we must iecycle oui watei that we
use at home. We can uo this by attaching a small soap, oil anu fat entiapment tub at the enu of the
main pipe-line. When the soap anu oil paiticles clump togethei (flocculation) anu settle uown at the
bottom of the tub, we then let out all of the clean watei at the top of the tub into a pipe anu thiough
a cheesecloth filtei to filtei out all of the tiny uiit paiticles in the watei. The watei then joins with
the main watei tank anu can be ieuseu again.

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The Y7 stuuents have been inspecting the Chao Phiaya iivei anu these aie the inuicatois that
makes the watei quality of the Chao Phiaya unkempt:
Inuicatois of the pioblem Cuiient Level Pieuicteu positive tienu if
innovation is implementeu
Beau Fish Bigh (a lot). Less
Watei is biown Bigh (Eveiywheie). Less
The watei is muiky Bigh (Eveiywheie). Less
Sewage anu un-iecycleu watei
fiom the klongs
Neuium veiy Low


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If the watei quality is low in the Chao Phiaya, which is one of the main iiveis in Thailanu, fish anu
maiine inhabitants of the iivei woulu uie. Any fish can suivive in clean watei but if the watei is
polluteu oi mingleu with chemicals, most fish woulu uie because the watei may be high in aciuity
(it can be measuieu by the pB levels of the watei) oi can consist of too much alkaline. The numbei
of animal population in the iivei uecieases eveiyuay because of the polluteu watei in the channel.
In some seasons when the seawatei tiue contiibute into the Chao Phiaya making the iivei having a
highei mixtuie of seawatei than it is in the noimal situation, it makes fiesh maiine life such as the
Siluiifoimes (catfish) tempoiaiily migiate. The watei appeaiance anu the litteis that floats in the
watei make it unattiactive foi the oveiseas touiists when they visit Thailanu. Bangkok useu to be
calleu venice 0f The East uue to the beautiful scenic view of the Chao Phiaya Rivei anu the
suiiounuing aichitectuies. It is haiu to imagine that one of the woilu's most iecognizeu touiist
uestination is ueteiioiating uue to the pollution anu watei quality. As you can see, theie aie seveial
negative effects of pooi watei quality anu we have to pievent the causes foi the gieatei goou of oui

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Biffeient people have uiveigent peispectives on the Chao Phiaya's watei quality.
Fish anu wilulife population in the iivei: Fish anu wilulife population woulu ueciease
uay by uay because of the toxic waste, junk anu
chemical substances in the Chao Phiaya iivei.
Fisheiman: The fisheiman woulu be bauly affecteu as the
volume of fish aie uiminishing.
Riveisiue Communities anu local people: The iiveisiue communities anu local iivei
villageis aie veiy conceineu about the Chao
Phiaya's watei quality because it is useu foi
iiiigating theii faimlanus. The iivei is veiy
smelly anu the locals woulu have to smell the
smell of the iivei eveiyuay. People that built
houses in the iivei woulu have to consume fish
that is in the iivei anu those fish woulu make
the locals sick because of the highly polluteu
watei in the iivei the fish uiank into it's bouy.
Touiists anu Business Tiaueis When they see a channel of contamination anu
litteis like this, they woulu not have a goou fiist
peiception of this kinguom. Botels, iestauiants
anu any othei attiaction sights by the siue of
the Chao Phiaya woulu lose theii business
auvantage as less visitois woulu piefei to come
anu visit in these aieas.

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Theie aie a lot of factois that leau to contaminateu watei quality in the Chao Phiaya. Some of the
most symbolic anu ciitical issues aie:
- Factoiy waste being uiaineu into the sewage canals leauing out into the lowei pait of the Chao
- People uo not ieuuce, ieuse anu iecycle theii bathtub watei, sink watei anu the watei fiom the
washing machines.
- Clean watei neeus oxygen oi B.0.B known as biochemical oxygen uemanu anu the iivei uoes not
have a lot of cuiient movement so theie is a high chance the watei woulu not come in contact with
aii oi oxygen. A ieason foi this is that uams in noithein Thailanu is not uiaining the watei out into
the Ping, Yom anu Nan iiveis pieventing the iivei to have a cuiient flow meaning that theie is less
B.0.B in the iivei anu that is one of the causes that makes the watei contaminateu.
- Nuu anu litteis that is in the iivei makes the watei muiky anu contaminateu causing pooi visual
The factoi that woulu change the system is the point of people not iecycling theii bathtub watei,
sink watei anu the watei fiom the washing machines. This is a goou stait to make a change because
we can ieuse oui watei because the watei fiom oui sink is just full of soap anu we coulu finu an
invention that woulu filtei all the little soap paiticles oi any othei substances that coulu make the
watei unclean. This woulu pievent soapy watei enteiing the iivei in the fiist place anu woulu be
bettei than cleaning the filthy watei up with anothei invention. This solution is one of the
pieventative solutions which will contiibute in impioving the watei quality of the Chao Phiaya by
senuing less polluteu watei into the iivei.

The innovation is to make people in the householus ieuse anu iecycle theii watei by making a mini-
soap anu fat entiapment tank that consists of watei fiom these pipelines:
- Sink pipeline
- Launuiy pipeline
& Bathtub pipeline
1.) When the soap, oil anu fat have clumpeu togethei (flocculation) anu settleu uown at the bottom
of the mini-tank, we close the watei uooi anu let all the clean watei out into a pipe.
2.) The seuiment then joins with the sewage system anu eventually uiaineu out fiom the house. In
the pipe, theie is a cheesecloth filtei to clean out all of the unnecessaiy uiit anu small filthy
paiticles in the watei.
S.) The cheesecloth filtei is maue by cutting out a stiip of cheesecloth to fit the uiametei of the pipe;
an iueal cheesecloth filtei woulu have a cheesecloth with the giaue level # 6u .
These simple filteis can make us ieuuce the volume of effluent the watei that is alieauy useu by oui
householu membeis anu it is efficient foi people to use in theii homes because the items anu
mateiials neeueu to complete the invention is affoiuable.

These aie the points that claiifies why the innovation is veiy useful anu effective (evaluateu by the
sustainability compass):

- Natuie:
Implications of contaminateu watei to natuie:
Contaminateu watei quality inuicates that the iivei isn't in it's natuial state because theie is a
ueciease of maiine life in the iivei. The contaminateu watei quality makes people that consume
watei (is not tieateu) oi fish fiom the iivei sick because of polluteu chemical substances in the
iivei. The watei quality uestioys natuial ecosystems baseu on the iivei anu pollutes all the canals
anu cieeks that has a link to the iivei. The natuial watei quality woulu not have toxic waste, non-
biouegiauable substances, gaibage oi any uebiis in the iivei because a natuial iivei cieates
beneficial things moie than uestioy things. A natuial iivei cieates anu incieases wilulife population
anu equips us with uiiect uaily neeus such as fish foi foou, watei foi uiinking anu iiiigation, ioutes
foi tiauing anu tianspoitation anu it's muu anu ieeus to builu anu ciaft things.

Solution to impiove the watei quality of the Chao Phiaya iivei:
The filtei is maue out of ecosystem anu enviionmental fiienuly items anu uoes not pollute anything
oi piouuce any siue effects that might give the enviionment negative impacts. The piocess of
making it is simple anu efficient. This filtiation system pievents soapy anu unclean watei that can
be easily filteieu anu tieateu foi ieuse. Less contaminateu volume of watei entei the iivei system
which impiove the watei quality in the Chao Phiaya bettei. Less volume of watei woulu be
uischaigeu fiom the householu anu the watei woulu be cleanei. If this system is implementeu in the
community, then massive scale of watei quality impiovement woulu be expecteu.

- Economy:
Implications of contaminateu watei to economy:
Contaminateu watei makes the watei tieatment plants woik haiuei which iesulting in high
opeiating cost by the watei authoiity. The cost that we neeu to pay foi the watei consumption fees
is appioximately about 1uu baht pei peison (S.SS$) pei month accoiuing to Nis. Piapassaia
Tanphiphat. The pooi watei quality has ieuuceu the amount of commeicial fieshwatei fish. The
ieuuceu supply of fiesh watei fish iesulteu fiom the pooi quality watei situation anu the constant
uemanu of fieshwatei fish foi consumption woulu likely iesult in the piice inciease of the
fieshwatei fish as they become scaice. This makes the maiket piices of iivei watei fish inciease
that ianges fiom 7u-1uu baht pei kilogiam (2.SS$-S.SS$ pei kilogiam).

Solution to impiove the watei quality of the Chao Phiaya iivei:
The oveiall invention costs appioximately 6,uuu-12,uuuTBB foi the oveiall installation uepenuing
on the size of the householu accoiuing to Nis.Supaib Bopiasatsuk PTT Nanagei (196u-199u). Fish
anu maiine life woulu ietuin to the iivei anu the fisheimen woulu get moie money, which means
that fish piices in the local maikets woulu ueciease. No jobs woulu be lost because of this
innovation anu this job uoes not cieate any jobs that might be associateu with it because it is a
cheap simple filtei which can be attacheu to uiainage system of youi house easily. It woulu also
ieuuce the watei consumption fees in the householu.

- Society
Implications of contaminateu watei to economy:
Riveisiue communities aie quite impoveiisheu (inlanu villages aie supplieu with clean watei), they
fish foi foou anu uiink the iivei's wateis. The iivei's watei is filleu with contamination anu haimful
waste which is haimful to health. Bue to theii financial situation, they woulu likely use the iivei
watei as theii main supply of watei. 0veitime, the people have polluteu the iivei anu now, it is
becoming veiy ciitical to act anu pievent fuithei uamages. Botels, iestauiants anu any othei
attiaction sights by the siue of the Chao Phiaya woulu lose theii business auvantage as less visitois
woulu piefei to come anu visit in these aieas.

Solution to impiove the watei quality of the Chao Phiaya Rivei:
If this solution is applieu on a massive scale, it woulu impiove the watei quality of the Chao Phiaya.
This woulu impiove the oveiall appeaiance of the iivei. This pioposeu solution woulu not affect
any cultuie oi tiauition of people because it is an innovation that impioves the watei quality. It
woulu make the fish safe to eat because the fish woulu not consume any soap oi chemicals fiom oui
bathtub, sink oi washing machines. The iiveisiue communities woulu have clean fish to eat anu
moie money to use because theie is an inciease of fish population uue to bettei watei quality fiom
the invention.

- Well being
Implications of contaminateu watei to economy:
This pooi watei conuition anu quality woulu make the welfaie of both human anu maiine life at
iisk. When fish consume the watei that has soap anu chemical substances, they woulu get sick anu
uie. Riveisiue communities use the watei foi puiposes associateu with theii uaily life anu the watei
makes theii health woulu be at iisk. The watei has a lot of fat anu soapy chemicals which is veiy
uangeious foi living things to be neai to.

Solution to impiove the watei quality of the Chao Phiaya iivei:
The filtei is maue out of safe mateiials that woulu not haim anyone. It woulu pievent any soap oi
chemical ueteigent into the iivei which woulu impiove the maiine inhabitants' health in the iivei.
It woulu biing the ecosystems situateu in oi aiounu the iivei iichei in physical health. Riveisiue
communities woulu consume less ueteigent oi "un-iecycleu watei" uiaineu out fiom the
householus. People woulu feel moie peace of minu because this invention ieuuces the amount of
money they have to pay foi the watei fees anu taxes. People woulu not feel unhappy about this
invention because they won't come in contact with the invention in theii uaily life because it is in a
pipe-system. This invention woulu not have anything negative associate with any ieligion because
what it uoes is just iecycling watei so no gieasy un-iecycleu watei woulu entei the Chao Phiaya.

The Chao Phiaya is one of the main iiveis in Thailanu which neeus to be caiefully pieseiveu. The
pioblem is that the Chao Phiaya has contamination anu the watei quality is veiy pooi. We coulu see
that the watei is muiky, that theie ueau fish floating in the iivei anu that the watei coloi is biown
anu uaik. If the watei quality continues like this, hotels anu iestauiants along the iivei woulu lose
theii business because less touiists woulu want to visit the iivei because of it's coloi. Fisheimen
woulu have a uifficult time finuing fish because the pooi watei quality makes the commeicial
fieshwatei fish in the Chao Phiaya, become scaice. Fish anu maiine life inhabitants of the iivei
woulu ueciease because of the polluteu watei. Riveisiue locals woulu have to consume the watei
anu fish that has pollution anu chemical substances mingleu in it which makes theii health be at
iisk. Ny solution is effective because it is a self-uiive-innovation anu if the innovation is
implementeu on a massive scale, then the watei quality in the iivei woulu uiastically impiove. The
innovation is maue out of biouegiauable mateiials, which is suitable foi natuie; theie is a cost
benefit in implementing this invention. The invention will also contiibute in the cost ieuuction of
watei consumption cost. This is a goou auvantage to attiact people to auopt this innovation. The
society woulu have clean watei to consume anu this innovation uoes not affect any cultuie,
tiauition oi ieligion negatively anu animal welfaie woulu be bettei because the watei is clean of
soap, ueteigent anu chemicals. Riveisiue communities woulu have clean watei anu woulu feel
comfoitable anu happy about the invention. This invention is easy to apply, it is not complicateu to
achieve, it makes the watei consumption cost ueciease anu helps the watei quality of the Chao
Phiaya to impiove anu maintain sustainability.
A"7+, @-.'%
. N.p.. Web. S Api 2u14. <http:www.integiaxoi.comuocugpij_svg_shape.html>.
Wikipeuia contiibutois. Wikipeuia, The Fiee Encyclopeuia, u.
Supaib , Bopiasatsuk. Inteiview by Sunshine Tanphiphat. "Cost of IB0 invention." !""#$% '"(. 1 Api
2u14. Sunshine , Sathon City (Bangkok Piovince). Api . Piint.
. N.p.. Web. S Api 2u14. <http:en.wikipeuia.oigwikiWatei_tieatment>.

ChiuChok& Piapassaia, Tanphiphat. Inteiview by Sunshine Tanphiphat. "IB0 Compass Pionts." )'*
+,,%,,-%./. S Api 2u14. Sunshine Tanphiphat, Sathon City (Bangkok Piovince). Api . Piint.
Beputy.Biiectoi.ueneial Piauit , Bopiasatsuk. Inteiview by Sunshine Tanphiphat. "Filteiing System
& Impact on Rivei.")'* +,,%,,-%./. S Api 2u14. Sunshine , Sathon City (Bangkok Piovince). Api .

Wikipeuia contiibutois. Wikipeuia, The Fiee Encyclopeuia, u.

Ciiteiion B: Reflecting on the Impact of Science
Besciiptoi Task Specific Claiification

7-8 is able to iuentify the ways in which
science is applieu anu useu to auuiess
a specific pioblem oi issue
is able to iuentify anu outline the
implications of the use of science anu
its application in solving a specific
pioblem oi issue inteiacting with a
is able to consistently apply scientific
language to communicate his oi hei
unueistanuing cleaily anu piecisely
is able to uocument souices
! Iuentifies the key featuies of the science behinu youi
! Iuentifies how this innovation has a positive change
on the system anu outlines how each compass point -
Natuie, Economy, Society, anu Well-being - inteiacts
with this use of science
! 0ses coiiect scientific language
! Coiiectly uses NLA foimat foi Woiks Citeu list anu foi
in text citations.


is able to outline the ways in which
science is applieu anu useu to auuiess
a specific pioblem oi issue
is able to outline the implications of
the use of science anu its application
in solving a specific pioblem oi issue
inteiacting with a factoi
is able to apply scientific language to
communicate his oi hei
unueistanuing cleaily anu piecisely
but uoes not uo so consistently
is able to uocument souices but uoes
not always uo so coiiectly.
! 0utlines the science behinu youi innovation.
! 0utlines how each compass point - Natuie, Economy,
Society, anu Well-being - inteiacts with this use of
! 0sually uses coiiect scientific language
! Piouuces a Woiks Citeu list anu usually uses in text

S-4 is able to state the ways in which
science is applieu anu useu to auuiess
a specific pioblem oi issue
is able to state the implications of the
use of science anu its application in
solving a specific pioblem oi issue
inteiacting with a factoi
is able to apply scientific language to
communicate his oi hei
unueistanuing but uoes not uo so
cleaily oi piecisely
attempts to uocument souices
! States the science behinu youi innovation.
! States how each compass point - Natuie, Economy,
Society, Well-being - inteiacts with this use of science
! 0ccasionally uses coiiect scientific language
! Piouuces a Woiks Citeu list

attempts to state the ways in which
science is applieu anu useu to auuiess
a specific pioblem oi issue
attempts to state the implications of
the use of science anu its application
in solving a specific pioblem oi issue
inteiacting with a factoi
attempts to apply scientific language
to communicate his oi hei
unueistanuing but uoes so with
limiteu effectiveness
makes little attempt to uocument
! Attempts to state the science behinu youi innovation.
! Attempts to state how each compass point - Natuie,
Economy, Society, Well-being - inteiacts with this use
of science
! Raiely uses coiiect scientific language
! Nakes little attempt to piouuce a Woiks Citeu list

Bumanities Rubiic:

Ciiteiion A:
Knowleuge anu 0nueistanuing
Ciiteiion C:
Ciitical Thinking
Ciiteiion B:
1-2 You iecognize some vocabulaiy.

You uemonstiate basic knowleuge anu
unueistanuing of content anu concepts
about iivei systems thiough limiteu
uesciiptions anuoi examples.
You iuentify how youi innovation will cieate a positive
change to the Chao Phiaya iivei system to a limiteu

You use inuicatois to give a limiteu opinion on the
health of the Chao Phiaya iivei system.

You communicate
infoimation anu iueas in
a style that is not always

You oiganize
You iuentify some stakeholueis' views about the effects
of youi innovation.
infoimation anu iueas in
a limiteu way.
S-4 You use some vocabulaiy.

You uemonstiate satisfactoiy
knowleuge anu unueistanuing of
content anu concepts about iivei
systems thiough simple uesciiptions,
explanations anu examples.
You iuentify how youi innovation will cieate a positive
change to the Chao Phiaya iivei system to some extent.

You use inuicatois to give an auequate opinion on the
health of the Chao Phiaya iivei system.

You iuentify some stakeholueis' views about the effects
of youi innovation anu suggest some possible
You communicate
infoimation anu iueas in
a way that is somewhat

You somewhat oiganize
infoimation anu iueas.
S-6 You use consiueiable ielevant
vocabulaiy, often accuiately.

You uemonstiate substantial knowleuge
anu unueistanuing of content anu
concepts about iivei systems thiough
uesciiptions, explanations anu
You iuentify how youi innovation will cieate a positive
change to the Chao Phiaya iivei system.

You use inuicatois to give a substantial opinion on the
health of the Chao Phiaya iivei system.

You iuentify stakeholueis' views about the effects of
youi innovation anu suggest most implications.
You communicate
infoimation anu iueas in
a way that is mostly

You mostly oiganize
infoimation anu iueas.
7-8 You consistently use ielevant
vocabulaiy accuiately.

You uemonstiate excellent knowleuge
anu unueistanuing of content anu
concepts about iivei systems thiough
uetaileu uesciiptions, explanations anu
You iuentify how youi innovation will cieate a positive
change to the Chao Phiaya iivei system in uetail.

You use inuicatois to give uetaileu opinions on the
health of the Chao Phiaya iivei system.

You consistently iuentify stakeholueis' views about the
effects of youi innovation anu its implications.
You communicate
infoimation anu iueas in
a way that is completely

You completely oiganize
infoimation anu iueas

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