Mujdad Alf Sani

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INTRODUCTION The Deen-i-Ilahi of the Mughal emperor Akbar was an effort to destroy Islam The !haghti mo"ement of Hindus and the mo"ement of #ahdat ul #ajood against Islam were also at their peak $nder these %ir%umstan%es Hazrat Mujaddid Ali Sani preformed remarkable ser"i%es to prote%t the religion of Islam His ser"i%es are mentioned below alongwith his autobiography A BRIEF LIFE HISTORY OF MUJJADID ALF SANI BIRTH AND EDUCATION Hazrat Mujadid Ali Sani was born on &'th (une )*'+ in the town of Sarhind in ,ast -unjab His father Sheikh Abdul Ahad named him Ahmed His title was !adr-ulDir Amongst the people he be%ame famous as Mujjadid Alf Sani meaning the one who reformed the religion after one thousand years His family tree joins with the se%ond %aliph Hazrat $mer .aroo/ Hazrat Mujaddid mastered religious edu%ation 0uran and Hadith and .i/ah from his father Sheikh Abdul Ahad and also from Maulana 1amal and Maulana 2a/oob 1ashmiri of Sialkot DEMISE OF HAZRAT MUJJADID ALF SANI Hazrat Mujjadid Alf Sani kept fighting the anti Islami% for%es all his life At last after gi"ing religious ser"i%es for a long period he passed away on )3 th De%ember4 )'&+ in his parental town of Sirhind at the age of '3 years STARTING OF PREACHING Mujjadid Alf Sani started tea%hing in his town of Sirhind at the age of &) years Many Muslim %hildren got Islami% edu%ation be%ause of him THE JOURNEY OFAGRAAND DELHI Hazrat Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi prepared for the journey to Agra in )*56-63 at the age of &* to &' years There he met the royal s%holars of the emperor Akbar4 two real brothers Abul .azl and Abul .aizi Abul .aizi wrote the e7planation of Holy 0uran Sheikh Ahmed Sirhindi also helped Abul .aizi in this regard Due to some disagreements with Abul .azal he was for%ed to lea"e Agra and he went to Delhi in )*66 In Delhi he met Hazrat 1hawaja !a/i !illah !airang he first be%ame his follower and later his %aliph Seeing his superior literary %apabilities Hazrat 1hawaja !a//i $llah !airang pridi%ted about him 8Sheikh Ahmed is su%h a light whi%h will illuminate the whole world 8 A SURVEY OF HAZRAT MUJJADID ALF SANFS SERVICE TO ISLAM In the period of Hazrat Mujjadid Alf Sani enimosity towards Islam was at its peak in the sub-%ontinent 9aw and 9ahman were being %onsidered as one The followers and %reators %on%ept of #ahdatul #ajood4 !hagti mo"ement Sufia-i-1aram4 $lema-i-Sau and Deen-i-Ilahi were busy in anti Islami% a%ti"ities In these %ir%umstan%es Mujjadid dedi%ated his whole life to keep the %andle of Islam burning A detailed o"er"iew of his ser"i%es to Islam are gi"en below 1. THE ORIGIN OF THE CONCEPT OF WAHDAT UL SHAHOOD In the time of Mujjadid Alf Sani the %on%ept of #ahdat ul #ajood had be%ome "ery strong in the sub-%ontinent The %reator of this idea was Mohi-ud-din Ibni-I-Arabi His idea was %losest to the idea of !hagthi mo"ement and Deen-I-Ilahi of Akbar In the beginning Hazrat Mujjadid Alf Sani was also a supporter of the %on%ept of

#ahdat-ul-#ajood :ater his leader Hazrat 1hawaja !a/i !illah !airang forbade him from that At this he ga"e the idea of #ahadat-ul-Shahood 2. REVEALING THE REALITY OF RAM AND RAHMAN In this time a hindu named Hardai 9am raised the slogan that there is no differen%e between 9omand 9ahman The only differen%e is that the Hindus %all it as their Dewata and Muslims as Allah Hazrat Mujjadid Alf Sani replied at this; 8To %onsider 9am and 9ehman as one is stupidity be%ause %reator %annot be one with its %reation 8 3. RESISTING BHAGTI MOVEMENT Hindus started the !hagti mo"ement to stop the dominan%e of Islam o"er Hinduism The literal meaning of !hagti are lo"e therefore it was a mo"ement of lo"e The founders of this mo"ement were hindu philosopher 9oma <ahaj of South India and a great prea%her 9ama <and Its followers %onsidered 9am and 9ahim4 0uran and -aran and 1ashi and 1aaba as one The founder of the mo"ement 9ama <and had )& dis%iples among whi%h one was the founder of Sikh religion his name was =uru <anak The basi% aim of !hagti mo"ement was to would Islam into hindu so%iety and religion Hazrat Mujjadid Alf Sani was able to put an end to this mo"ement be%ause of his e7pertise in the field of 0uran Hadith and .i/ah He did this by writing reformati"e literature and spee%hes This broke the enthusiasm and strength of !hagti mo"ement and at last it %ame to ar end 4. OPPOSITION OF DEEN-MLAHI (alal Din Mohammed Akbar>s Deen-I-Ilahi or Touheed-I-Ilahi was a%tually a politi%al %onspira%y of !hagti mo"ement whi%h was %onsisting of #ahadat ul Dayn This was started in )*5& Its tea%hings were not only against Islam but were also enough to injure the feelings of Muslims The followers of Deen-I-Ilahi openly e7pressed their opinion that Islam was the religion for the ignorant !edonis of Arabia and it is in no way suitable for a %i"ilized and de%ent nation These pagans openly made fun of -rophethood4 re"elations4 judgement and punishment4 hell and hea"en prayers4 fasting4 Hajj4 ?akat and other religious rites To them the Holy 0uran as re"elation of Allah was mentally un a%%eptable These pagans bowed to Akbar After taking his @ath they adorned their head bounds with his pi%ture Akber himself were ?anan and 0ash/a like hindus and e"ery morning re%ited )333 names of the sun in Sanskrit 5. EFFORTS FOR REFORMING Hazrat Mujjadid Alf Sani strongly opposing the Deen-I-Ilahi made following efforts for reforming the %ir%umstan%es ( ! THE TRANSFER OF "INGDOM TO PRINCE SALEEM FAMOUS AS (JAHANGIR! Akbar the great had two sons 1husroo and -rin%e Saleem 1husroo was a supporter of Akbar>s ideologies whereas -rin%e Saleem was "ery %lose to Islami% tea%hings Mujjadid Alf Sani along with many dignitaries made -rin%e Saleem the 1ing (ehangir implemented Islami% laws and finished Deeni-i-Ilahi right after taking power He banned all non Islami% a%ti"ities He took important steps for %onstru%tion and e7tension of mos/ues In short he en%ouraged the publi%ation and promotion of Islam !e%ause of these steps Mujjadid Alf Sani ga"e the title of Islami% 1ing to (ahangir ( ! CONNECTION WITH THE DIGNITARIES Mujjadid Alf Sani kept a %onstant link with dignitaries at pro"in%ial and regional le"el for promotion of Islam and for stopping Tauheed-I-Ilahi .or this he wrote many letters to dignitaries #hile writing to one Amir <awab (ehan 1han he said;

82ou %an add the abiding of Shariat in your ser"i%es and do the work of prophets whi%h will illuminate the religion !eggars like us %annot rea%h anywhere near your e"en if we try for years with our li"es 8 Due to Mujjadid Alf Sanrs efforts the dignitaries took effe%ti"e steps in their region for ending Deen-i-Ilahi and promotion of Islam ( ! REACHING OF ISLAM IN FREEDOM AND IN IMPRISONMENT After the taking o"er of throne by (ahangir Mujjadid refused to him (ahangir punished him by imprisoning him in the fort of =awaliar ,"en then he %ontinued his mission of promoting Islam He %on"erted thousands of non muslim prisoners to Islam After one year (ehangir realised his mistake He released Mujjadid Alf Sani from prison and %ompensated by adorning him with 1hilat-i-.okhira and ga"e him one thousand rupees and made him his ad"isor :ater on he was made the reformer of the royal army where he dedi%ated himself for the promotion of Shariat ( #! PROMOTION OF THE NA$SHBANDIA CHAIN Mujjadid Alf Sani opposed Su%h mysti%ism whi%h was against Shariat for prote%ting Shariat-I-Mohammadia In this regard he started the <a/shbandia %hain whi%h %losest to Shariat %ompared to other %hains (#! REFORMING SCHOLARS AND MYSTICS The reason for start and promotion of !hagti mo"ement idea of #ahadatul #ajood and mo"ements like Deen-i-Ilahi in the Indo -ak sub-%ontinent was impra%ti%al s%holars and mysti%s4 Mujaddid Alf Sani de%lared them as $lema sau and Sufia-i1han He forbade Muslims to stay away from them and raised his "oi%e against su%h s%holars and mysti%s Along with that he remo"ed the misunderstandings and animosities amongst s%holars and made them realize that the abiding of 0uran and Sunnah is the only means of gaining the blessing of Allah !esides there is no room for differen%es in Islam (# ! OPPOSITION OF BIDAAT The in"ention of any new thing is %alled !idat This destroys the true form of religion Hazrat Mujjadid Alf Sani told two forms of bidat one is !idat-i-Hasna and other is !idat-i-Sina He opposed these and forbade muslims of sub-%ontinent to stay away from them (# ! EFFORTS FOR REFORMING THROUGH DOCUMENTS Mujjadid Alf Sani wrote *&* letters whi%h %onsist of A "olumes for reformation of and promotion of Islam In these letter he informed the kings4 the dignitaries s%holars and mysti%s of Islam and %ommon Muslims of the problems of Shariat and ad"ised them to follow Shariat and to prote%t themsel"es from $lena-I-San He organized a group whi%h %onsisted of his %aliph and students to spread these writings in the whole world THE START OF TWO NATION THEORY Mujjadid Alf sani is the first Muslim s%holar who de%lared the Hindus and Muslims as two separate nations 8If Muslims want to li"e as a nation than they ha"e to /uit the talk of shirk and !idat and staty separate from hindus If the awareness of separate national identity is not awakened in Muslims than it is feared that they would be swept away with the flood of %ombined nationhood Islam would be%ome obser"ed in the soil of and would be destroyed like !udhism and other religion whi%h ha"e been obser"ed in Hinduism 8 DUTIES OF INDIAN MUSLIM GOVERNMENT

Hazrat Mujjadid Alf Sani informed Amir Shaikh .arid !ukhari as king about the duties of Muslim go"ernment 8The position of a king is the same as that of the heart in the body4 if the heart will be pure the body will be pure and if the heart is not pure the body will not be pure Therefore4 it is re/uired that king will be pure so that the people should also be pure 8 History is a witness that if Mujjadid Alf Sani was not there than the dominan%e of 1ufr o"er Islam would ha"e been "ery diffi%ult to stop It was only due to Mujjadid Alf Sani who sa"ed the Muslims from be%oming 8 wMurtids8 and sa"ed the ideologies and beliefs of strong Muslims from %orruption The faith of Islam was re"i"ed be%ause of him Islam was spread and non Islami% Mo"ements died their own deaths THE EFFECTS OF MUJJADID ALF SAM%S TEACHINGS 1. THE DIFFERENTIATION OF "UFR AND ISLAM Hazrat Mujjadid Alf San-s tea%hings e7plained the differen%e between 9am and 9ahman4 1ufr and Islam4 1aaba and 1ashi and 0uran and -aran before the pagen for%es 2. DOMINANCE OF ISLAM Due to Mujjad Alf Sani>s prea%hing !hagti mo"ementB #ahdat ul Dayan4 Ideology of #ahdat ul #ajood and Deen-i-Ilahi %ame to an end4 besides Islam dominated o"er non muslim powers and mo"ements and the flow of Hinduism was stopped 3. OPPOSING UNITED NATIONHOOD Mujjadid Alf Sani is the first Muslim s%holar whose tea%hings ga"e the %on%ept of two nation theory in India and de%lared the Muslim world as separate from the pagan>s world 4. TO REVEAL THE REALITY OF WAHADAT UL DAYAN Hazrat Mujjadid Alf Sani>s tea%hings re"ealed the reality of #ahadat ul Dayan de%laring that 9am and 9ahman4 1ashi and 1aaba4 -aran and 0uran %annot be the same like two shores of the sea %annot join 5. ADVICE ON FOLLOWING OF SHARIAT Hazrat Mujjadid Alf Sani ad"ised through his tea%hings from the king (ehangir to his dignitaries4 mysti%s4 s%holars and %ommon Muslims of India to follow the Mohammand>s Shariat stri%tly and the blessings of =od %an only be a%hie"ed through this !esides he de%lared bidat as un Islami% and the one who belie"es and pra%ti%es them %annot be a Muslim therefore faith lies in getting rid of than &. ENDING THE MYSTICISM SUPERIOR TO SHARIAT Talking against the mysti%ism superior to Shariat Mujjadid Alf Sani e7plained in his writings; 81ashf and re"elation get "alue through the book of =od and Sunnah and not through #ajad 8 7. DEGRADING IMPRACTICAL SCHOLARS AND MYSTICS Hazrat Mujjadid Alf Sani de%lared the materialisti% s%holars as $lema-I-Sau and Sufia as Sufia-i-1ham and ad"ised Muslims of Sub-%ontinent to sa"e themsel"es .rom them so that Islam %an be prote%ted from the powers of Shirk and -aganism>s COMMENTS Hazrat Mujjadid Alf Sani is a remarkable personality of the )'th and )Cth %entury A%tually he was the one who first ga"e the %on%ept of two nation theory At last the dream of establishment of -akistan was fulfilled on these basis

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