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Why do Drugmakers Still Defend the Use of Mercury in Their Vaccines?

Posted By Dr. Mercola | March ! "##$ | % " &ie's

Health advocates have expressed outrage over a CDC recommendation that pregnant women, infants and children should continue to receive injections of thimerosal-containing flu vaccines, which contain mercury. This recommendation comes despite an Institute of edicine advisory that mercury-containing vaccines should not !e injected into these sensitive populations. Thimerosal"s harmful effects on the immune, meta!olic and nervous systems have !een widely documented. However, Dr. #ay $ie!erman, while ma%ing a presentation for the CDC regarding the recommendation, ignored the !ul% of peer-reviewed research, and instead focused on a small num!er of highly critici&ed and flawed epidemiological studies that have found no harmful associations. Dr. $ie!erman has !een a consultant to erc%, 'laxo(mith)line, and (anofi-*asteur, and is on the spea%ers" !ureau for all three vaccine-ma%ers. erc%, 'laxo(mith)line, and (anofi-*asteur all currently use thimerosal in their products. The majority of flu shots contain +, micrograms of mercury, an amount considered unsafe for anyone weighing less than ,,- pounds.


ercola"s Comments.

How can government officials go to sleep at night %nowing that they are allowing a toxic poison to !e injected into harmless infants through government-mandated vaccinations in the majority of the /nited (tates0 1ither these officials have no conscience or they are !rainwashed and deceived. There is no dou!t that mercury is a poison, plain and simple2 that is why it is used as a 3preservative3 to %ill organisms. That is also why it should 41516 !e used in infants. There is 47 moral justification to use this toxic poison in defenseless infants. How is the use of mercury in vaccines !eing defended0 The so-called experts and various governmental entities are !eing richly paid off !y their tight association

to the drug company cartel. Despite the fact the thimerosal has !een investigated as a potential contri!utor to the !light of autism, 3experts3 li%e Dr. #ay $ie!erman continue to defend its use with faulty studies. This reprehensi!le !ehavior is li%ely related to the fact that $ie!erman has !een a consultant for three drug companies -- (anofi-*asteur, 'laxo(mith)line and erc% -- each with their own set of vaccine pro!lems. 4one of those same companies or the experts they hired would ever ac%nowledge that the autism trend has slowed down and even reversed since thimerosal has !een removed from some childhood vaccines. 8efore you ma%e a decision a!out vaccination, please investigate the many ris%s and side effects associated with them so you can ma%e an informed choice. 7n 5ital 5otes, 5ince from t. Holly, 4ew #ersey says.

"The fact that the experts at the CDC and FDA support thimerosal in vaccines is consistent. They approved it and they can not admit their mistake in doing that. "The argument about genetics is a red herring. When the health ha ards of smoking !ere still being debated one of the argument used by experts hired and paid for by the tobacco industry !as that tobacco did not cause cancer but it !as a genetic !eakness in some smokers that caused it a very similar argument. "To no! admit that the thimerosal containing vaccines are !orse than no vaccine could cause parents of autistic children to sue. ""edicine today is almost a religion# so much of !hat !e practice is not really supported by good evidence. $ne of the most sacred co!s in that religion is vaccination. "A recent %"& article sho!ed no reduction in the death rate of elderly !ho had or had not had their flu shots. The study sho!ed no benefit of inoculating this population. 'o!ever almost every physician recommends flu shots. "The case against using thimerosal in children vaccines is over!helming. 'o!ever good and highly credentialed doctors !hose !ork demonstrates that fact are ostraci ed as heretics. Doctors like Andre! Wakefield( )eter Flesher( and others are shunned for their heresy. A reasoned discussion on the sub*ect cannot be allo!ed." (ource.
edical 4ews Today 9e!ruary +:, +--;

(elated )inks*
4ew 9lu 5accine is $oaded <ith ercury =utism and ercury The Truth 8ehind the 5accine Coverup

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