Lesson Plan 2 Religion 1 1

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Lesson Plan Number: 2

Subject: Religious Education Topic: The Person and Preaching of Jesus Year Group: 2nd year (1.1) No. of Students: 28 Date: 8th January 2014 Time: 9.10-9.50 Length of Lesson: 40 minutes ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. KEY CONCEPT(S): What Key Concept(s) (ideas) will I teach in this lesson? Parable Parable of the Prodigal Son Parable of the Lost Sheep

(The number of appropriate Key Concepts will vary depending on the lesson you intend on teaching)

______________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. LESSON AIM(S): What am I going to teach? In this lesson I aim to examine the meaning of the term "parable" and to explore the story of some of the different parables. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of this lesson, students should be able to. demonstrate an understanding of the word "parable" list some examples of parables explain the meaning conveyed in the different parables

_____________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. ASSESSMENT/EVIDENCE OF STUDENT LEARNING: How will I know that the learning outcomes are being achieved? 1. Key concept one will be assessed by: recapping on the previous lesson where we looked at the word "parable". 2. Key concept two will be assessed by: showing the students a video clip of the story of the Prodigal Son and answering a worksheet on what they saw. 3. Key concept three will be assessed by: assigning a homework task on the story of the Lost Sheep with questions to be answered.

______________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. PRIOR KNOWLEDGE: What prior knowledge do students have about this topic? Students will have a prior knowledge of the word "parable" from the previous lesson as we had looked at the meaning of the word and the parable of the Good Samaritan in the previous class. Students will also have a knowledge of the parables if they attend mass as they are often read in mass. Students prior knowledge could also come from primary school as they would have heard the stories of the parables being told to them. They might also receive a knowledge of the parables from the home environment if religion is practiced.


TEACHER ACTIVITIES: What activities will I use to facilitate the teaching of EACH Key Concept? How much time for each activity? STUDENT ACTIVITIES: What activities will the students be engaged in to understand EACH Key Concept? How much time for each activity? QUESTIONS: Please list lower and higher order questions that are linked to each Key Concepts. (A minimum of six questions specifically related to the key concepts, identifying higher/lower order with HO/LO)
6. Teacher Activity Take roll call Ask students to take out their homework activity Ask various students to read out their answers 7. Student Activity Answer when called Take out homework from previous night Reads out their answers/ listens to other answers Answer questions as revision of the term parable 8. Questions Can anyone remember what the word parable means from yesterdays class? LO Where would you hear of the story of the parables? LO Can you name an example of a parable? LO Can you explain the meaning of the parable the Good Samaritan that we discussed in the last class? HO



1. Key Concept(s) Teaching Key Concept 1


Conduct a question and answer session on the term parable

(10 minutes) Teaching Key Concept 2 (etc.) Introduce the next activity Set up the laptop on the overhead projector Play the YouTube clip of the Prodigal Son Parable of the Prodigal Son Handout worksheet while students watch the clip When the clip is over ask students to complete the worksheet provided (15- 20 minutes) Teaching Key Concept 3 Correct worksheet Listen to instruction Watch the YouTube clip on the Prodigal Son Answer the worksheet provided Correct worksheet following the teacher's instructions Does anyone know the story of the Prodigal Son? LO Can anyone explain to the rest of the class the meaning of the story the Prodigal Son? HO Any questions with regards the homework task?

Explain the homework task of completing a worksheet on the parable of the Lost Sheep Ask if there is any questions about the homework assigned Ask students to write the homework task into their journals

Ask questions about the homework task

Parable of the Lost Sheep

Make note of the homework in their journals

______________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. DIFFERENTIATION: How will I differentiate the content knowledge of this lesson so as to include all learners in a mixed ability class? Students must...be able to understand and explain the word parable. Students should...be able to explain the meaning of the parable the Good Samaritan. Students could...be able to identify and explain the story of the prodigal son.

______________________________________________________________________________________________ 10. RESOURCES: What materials/resources will I need/use? A Question of Faith, Lori Whelan and Niamh McDermot Whiteboard Whiteboard markers Duster Laptop Overhead Projector Laptop cable for overhead projector Printer Worksheets

______________________________________________________________________________________________ 11. LITERACY & NUMERACY: What are the essential aspects of literacy/numeracy in this lesson? In this lesson students will be watching a YouTube clip on the parable of the Good Samaritan. Students must be able to understand this clip as they will have to answer a series of questions on what they have just seen. This could cause difficulty if students are not visual learners and therefore have difficulty understanding the video. In order to prevent any misunderstanding of the clip I will have a little discussion on what they have seen before they attempt to answer the questions on the worksheet.

______________________________________________________________________________________________ 12. SELF EVALUATION: Were the Learning Outcomes achieved? Why /why not? How do I know they were/were not achieved?

What have I learned about my own practice from this lesson?

What will I do differently in my next class?

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