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NEWSPAPER IN EDUCATION (NIE) ACTIVITY REPORT Now this, news paper is one of the most useful information sources

in this decade. By newspaper, people can get the latest news or information that happens in common time. For example, we can get known about yesterday accident by reading newspaper. In the classroom, they use newspaper for education usage. Mostly, they use the Didik from Berita we use in our school. $he aims and ob%ecti&es of the programme are to increase student knowledge about the current issues either in our country or foreign news from around the world. For example, students can get knowledge about the current issues or about anything topic they want to know like sports, entertainments, ad&ertisements etc. $he next ob%ecti&es are to impro&e the mastery in !nglish language for students because most of the students are afraid to make a mistake when they talk or speak in foreign language especially !nglish. $he third ob%ecti&es are to in calculate reading habit among the school children. $he acti&ity goes once a week during the !nglish !ducation sub%ect about one hour in each acti&ity. $he group target were students from standard four to standard six. In the programme or acti&ity, students worked in group or pairs and teacher will gi&e them one or more than one topic to make them search something that related to the main topic. For example' teacher ask students to look for the news about sports and they find an article about sport in the newspaper. $hen, students asked to find some words or sentences and search the meaning or the similar words in the dictionary. (tudents also did the exercises gi&en from the newspaper in Didik slots and they made a discussion with teacher. )ther acti&ities, they asked to make a composition based on the picture gi&en and make *+ sentences from the picture. From the obser&ation, most students more en%oy when they use this method in classroom. $he strengths or the programme ad&antages were, by the newspaper students get known many current information either local or from the outside or foreign news. )ther strengths was the acti&ities they did make students more confident to speak or write in !nglish like they acted like the newsreader. $his acti&ity can encourage them to more prefer speak in !nglish for the next time or when they are not in !nglish lesson. ,ith newspaper in education also teach student that arian for the references and exercises. My report is about the Newspaper In !ducation "NI!# program which

reading newspaper were useful and can make one of their hobbies. (o, they will prefer to make newspaper reading one of the compulsory acti&ities. $his acti&ity also was encouraged them to worked in group or work in pairs by make an assignment gi&en like they discussed about the main point or the contents of one picture and they made a sentences from that main point. -sually, nice picture or photo can gi&e students more ideas to write on their ideas. $he programme disad&antages or weaknesses were students did not bring their newspaper. -sually they will go to the office and make a photocopy for the current topic or they will borrow the newspaper from friends in other classes. (ometime, the content in the topic or subtopic were same like the pre&ious year. (ometimes, students can.t be co/operate with their partner or some group members because of the argument or someone cannot accept someone ideas. 0imited time, such as in one hour they must get in&ol&e in NI! acti&ities that usually consist more than one acti&ities also one of the problem of this programme. (tudents come with many ideas but they can.t spitting out the ideas because of time limited. (o, here I gi&e some suggestion and recommendations to impro&e Newspaper In !ducation "NI!# programme for the next session. $he newspaper should be prepared by school to deflect the problem cause from student lea&e their newspaper at home or they lost it somewhere before !nglish lesson. $hey will work in group and copy the 1uestion or content in their exercise book. $his also can impro&e their writing skills. $he duration of the programme also should be added because usually this acti&ity can.t end in one session only. $eacher will ask students to keep that piece of newspaper cut and bring it back for the next lesson to continue the acti&ity and the bad news is most of them will lose it especially for the weak classes. In the end of the acti&ities or programme, we know that this Newspaper In !ducation 2rogramme was &ery useful for the students. 3nother reason for can increase their global knowledge, it can train students how to work as a team and be co/operate with their friends. I hope this programme will be continuously. $hat.s my report.

ENGLISH DAY ACTIVITY REPORT !nglish day acti&ities head for to impro&e the mastery of !nglish for the students. 4ia this acti&ity, students suppose to be communicate and do whate&er acti&ity in !nglish &ia talking, singing, acting, writing etc. $he aims and ob%ecti&es of the programme were to encourage students facing audients with their presentation. Not many people were bra&e enough to facing the public and talk. (o, with this programme students can be participating in many other contests to gouge out their talent. $he next ob%ecti&e were to encourage students speak in !nglish language either they %ust speak broken !nglish because in learning process, people always make mistake and they learn from the mistake. $he acti&ities held in one day per week ",ednesday# during resest time around 5.6+ a.m to *+.++ a.m and the group target were the students in standard four, fi&e and six. During the acti&ity, many competitions were held like public speaking, storytelling, choral speaking, singing and greeting card writing. Many classes were sent their participant in each competition pupils really en%oy to get in&ol&e. In public speaking, students were gi&en one simple topic and they will talk about the topic in about 6/7 minutes. In a choral speaking, students ha&e created a group of *8 to *7 pupils and speak in rhyme base on their own story in about 7 to 9 minutes. For the storytelling, students has chosen their own folk story and presented in about 7 to 9 minutes. For the greeting card writing, students were allowed to created their card based on the main topic, :Mothers Day. and they used their creati&ity to create the most beautiful card and speech. 3ll the competitions were %udged by !nglish teachers and in the end of e&ery months, the pri;e to the winner will gi&en by the principle. In !nglish Day acti&ities, students can get in&ol&e in any competition they could. $his is good for their exposure in facing the audients. (tudents also can show up their talents to people to get some experience about self control that how to calm their self within the competition. $he competition also can impro&e their mastery in grammar and &ocabulary especially in greeting

card writing competition. $he public speaker also can impro&e their pronounciation in public speaking and storytelling. $he weaknesses of the program were some student refuse to get in&ol&es in this acti&ities or program because they ha&e no confident or ha&e a lack of courage. $he other reasons, students won.t in&ol&e because of shy, afraid to make mistake and afraid to audient or phobia and the most difficult problem to sol&e are sometime students can.t make good co/operation to create a presentation and it cause finally they won.t make it. My suggestion and recommendations for next program are, this acti&ities or program should be held in one whole week during resest and not once in a month because students &ery en%oy their sel&es during the acti&ity. $eachers also should be in&ol&es in this acti&ities to make this program become more fun and exciting. For my conclusion, !nglish Day 2rogram actually can impro&e our skills in communications and writing. For example, it can make pupils more confident and courage to facing the audience and public soon.

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