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Module 3: The Cost Effectiveness of Distance Education Institutions In Module 3, there were detailed discussions about the cost

effectiveness of distance education. Unit 2 focused on the cost effectiveness ratio and how to measure cost-effectiveness. It gave me insight on the cost effectiveness and efficiency in and Open istance !earning "O !# and $onventional %ducation "$%# environment. &he efficiency ratio can be measured as follows' "(# both O ! and $% are e)ually efficient when the ratio is e)ual to (, "2# O ! is less efficient than $% when the ratio is greater than (, and "3# O ! is more efficient than $% when the ratio is less than (. *hen analy+ing the cost effectiveness in % it,s vital to divide cost per student by the success rate in O ! or $%. &he information derived from the calculations will be used to determine the cost effectiveness of environments. &his goes bac- to what was discussed in Unit(, where cost effectiveness is choosing the best alternative that is the least costly. Overall, organi+ation should be cost effective and efficient when determining the best outcome. In Unit ., we were as-ed to identify some difference between the $OU and the Open Universities in the /ritish tradition. 0urthermore, we had to e1plain why the drop-out rate in $OU is low. 2ccording to the research conducted on this topic OU provides adults with higher education opportunities regardless of their financial circumstances. &heir primary ob3ective is for students to receive an education closely lin-ed to a need for change. &he ma3ority of the student body at OU is students that are under-represented at other universities. $OU wishes to e1tend education to prospective students in local and rural areas. 4tudents at $OU receive education through radio, television, printed material and computer networ-s. &he $OU dropout rate is low because students are able to interact in their learning environment similar to that of a traditional course with available resources. In this module, we had r. 5reville as our guest. 4tudents as-ed )uestions about his boo-s and distance learning. r. 5reville provided his -nowledge and e1pertise and gave good information and resources regarding effectiveness and efficiency. It gave me a better understanding of the importance of economics in distance education. 6eference' %vans, &. . "2778#. $hina,s radio 9 &: universities and the /ritish Open University' a comparative study. Distance Education, 30"3#, ..;-.<7. 6umble, 5. "(88;#. The Costs and Economics of Open and Distance Learning. !ondon ' =ogan >age *al-er, M. "2777#. !earning ?ow to !ean in a &echnology $ourse' Open Learning, 15"2#, (;3(@8. oi'(7.(7@7A72B@7<(77<77<7@B.

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