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Mery CATALOGUE CATALOGUE Section Four Compiled by Simon Smith and Peter Graytish ‘ioe Bowl, Citadel, Dark Angels, Deathwing, Eat Epic, Ganies Worksop, Realra af Chaos, Sledtabse. Space Marie. Warhaniner ‘unl White Doar ne registered adennarks of Games Werksboyy Ltd 51 Roseplay Hobby Gane, Adcptos Adites. Amil of Dao, Ark the Black, As ahartoty, Baneblade, Bader Bjarn the Fel handed, Blood Angels Blood Reaper, Fearhoy, Bon=rpper, Briss Scorpion, Bagman’s Dwatf Rangers, Bull Centave, Busch ancinsed. Case Squig, Clan Ein, Clan Moulder, Clan Pestileas, Desthelaw, Death Company, Deathmastee Sikh Bevastter, acter Hel.aictt, Doo Blaser, Doomubec!, Dooming, Dragan Price of Caldew, Eanishaker Caran. Gargani. Gob, Gof, Goctang Reus, Gowrek, Geeal Taurws. Gretshn, Gre} See ition Get Runner, Ie Cha, Freaker, Jsin Zs. tosepls Bugnton, Kevsndeis, Khsrne, King Razadoe, Krag the Gris, Licke King. Les Boon, Mauspac-Ra, Mighty Ennpire, Night Gublin, Night Goblin Clube: Night Goblin Fanatic, Night Goblia Meter, Nurife. Osryn, Oce Big'ea, Plague Censer Bearer, Plague Marin, Plague Monk, Papker, Rat Ogre, Sovage Ore, Se ado’ Sword, Stier Tomer, Skank. Skaven, Ska Smakchites, Secaky Oi. Space Wolves, Squat, Sgoh, Squtg Hopper, Storenblade, Stormharasic. Stormer, Thang. Thione of Power, ‘Thonderer. Trilsayet. Treenteh, Ulramarnes, Titan, Mighty Eepiees Unctins lve, Verintonl, Wont Queek. Warp Spi Lin of Chrace and Warldester ate trdemarks of Gores Wecksbop Lal Marauder is 2 vaislred wasemari of Marmaer Miniatures 1a), Used with pe ‘The exclusive copyright an all metal and plastic mialatuce des, eompoocets and in thissalalagie the penporyaf Games Werksbop xd All artwork in all Games Wahsbop products and the Imatges cussed there Rave been pembuced ether tninuse oo work or hits. The exclusive sopyright en the sur and he images Tt aeplets 4 the propery oF Games Wearksbers LA ©Copyright Gamer Workshop L1d, 1994, AL rignNE REET, Fotis Library Cutaoguingcin-Putiation Da. catalogacreooal (oc this bok available fram the Bri Lat. Games Workshop Lu Games Warkshp Ine ‘Chewton Street 4031 C Benson Avenue Hilitop, Eastwood Bakimone Nottingham NGI6 HY. A PRODUCT ISBN: 1-872372-72-4 Prexivct Cade: 0726 Citadel Miniatures are supplied unpainted. Citadel Miniatures contain tead whieh may be: harmful If ehewed or ‘swallowed. Citadel Miniatures are not zecarsmended for children under 14 years of ago. CITADEL MINIATURES CATALOGUE ~ SECTION FOUR WARHAMMER 40,000 SPACE MARINES Bon te essandes. a Boos sgn Oreatneugtt “ee. (oo agen Ova eran TE ure Paes Assn Tees Bowing Temenstare ‘ace Varnes Seace Macro Devas ‘Space Macros wih apediiwuasons 1S THE IMPERIUM Adept Atos irae Papon ‘Spncn Mehves 24 Sanne Opn. ELDAR ay unger as ‘arenes od heen eT) Faogin “ Masnao Fa vl tenor 5 irate 3 ay aa be ‘Dar ar Weber ‘OnKS St tobe Gat Sato Genin EPIC cHaos, Daren Engasecelthorne —_ Rok Gras Tuner ees resets Powis ‘Shor aoe of Teor Goes THE IMPERIUM ‘pedal na: ‘pire Sac ore Bue ‘Borsa Sinai SQUATS Savot Cel — ‘onKS. Gest Gita PLASTICS 494 te ee red a WARHAMMER FANTASY SKAVEN ‘Stagen Soaring Bet Fat Ogre ‘hoy See! Thana ad hose=ep Gos Rumer — ‘Srmsorn Pie st nn Pgs Const Baars — CHAOS DWARFS: Chaca Bwat Scorer on Lam (Ghies Guam Larger cena! Tau. (Chaos Owar horos ‘THE EMPIRE, ata Wag HIGH ELVES. ner erg. Sranon Parcel tn DWARFS ‘ti Funoams's Are Osa Fron Lendbaga to Gore Engroer Guntmontar back Dacron Unger warear- te Sty” eg Dre ten Rana Dot rnereTresn'ol Pome Dnt Gyocooier ‘ats ote Soseoh Busan pagar as anges Goat Saye Warwesser sop auras teen rene a ‘otaayees = Trondenies Brastuinee Carman Daa Mees = uNoEAD [ten vcearen Deter aan en Miaraecro Chait GOBLINS 4 NIGHT GOBLINS (Ghana Grams Genin WarCnarot Stared Gobbio Se0 Megeore Cave Stand Hurts Sogugesan Fanmes Sight Gouin Clubbers & Wales. oun ta cae Sas ORCS. 4 BLACK ORCS (Bo Oe Cemuran oe 81 Boe Oe an ‘One Garena Gre ios Serang Foss Qe Bais Oetae ‘SAVAGE ORCS $Saage Ove Comerand Savage Ove Are Baye vane Ore Doarbopt Goremand Eivage Ow Bewtpe MIGHTY EMPIRES ARCANE ARCHITECTURE... ARMIES: GAMES & BOXED SETS Waranmar 0000 * Coes ~ Space Wate Coss = Ear ‘Ene thaat Psning Gute Waduunmer Armies Ure issuer aes ~ Dwar Vlatusnmes mies — Shaves Cn satires Catnage0s gOeuenene Welcome to the fourth Citadel Catalogue, a comprehensive update of the latest metal and plastic Citadel miniatures, plus ail the most recent Games Workshop games and supplements. Citade! Miniatures (Ciode! Miniatures manufacture the Largest range of igh quality metal and plastic gaming miniatures im the work. Our Citadel designers work alongside the Games Werkshon game designets ‘ensuring that all our inndels ate suitable for use by collectors, mosses and everyone who pays Games Workshop panes. Everybody involved with he design of one-of our new minianutes isp keem gamer - from the person whe develops he iia ca rrugh the designer ofthe original tide inal casting in white metal. Citadel miniatures are made by gener for gamers Along every step of the may, the mi fre carefolly examine! Wr make sure that they are as posse The Citadel Catalogues ‘The frst Citadel Catalogue was separated inte two sections: ‘Warkamcr Mhd00 and Worhamnmer Fantasy rnniotunes, along swith» conpreheasive games fising. Sections ‘Three and Four Update Roth thece major ranges, aod also snelude Epis scale ‘rimatures, plastics. and the latest Games: Worksbup games Ta make it easy 10 find what you need, we've catalogue into seetions — Warhammer 40,00, Warha Fantasy anal Epic. Each section is broken dowe into spect ranges. The: Warhsnunce 40,000 scetiom af the Faurth Catalogue oatins the latest Eldar and Space Marine cleases, fow example We have tried 10 make the Citadel Catalogues into the most complete relerense source for Citadel ininiatures evce hy presenting every single rminiature possible sn all its glory, These ‘otalogucs are an invaluable aid 10 anybody who eollects Cade ‘riciatures, allowing you to plan yur nest purctusey and find exactly the right model for yor army We have siempied in show every model at actual size and with all lis individust components xo that you can choose the exact rriniatres-ee pore yoo require ‘Where appropriote. each model has heen shown an u plastic Slotaase of the cocrect size for use da our games. When you bay 3 model you'll automatically get the correct size slotabase yan ‘ed. Flying’ moves come with agtearplashie ying hase Many of out models naw come with separate plastic ates ‘weapons, shields oe harses, which allows you to customise your miniatures. Where possible, we've illustrated these ext 08 the same pope, a given examples of the completed models. The ‘omectsprues Will vay be included whew you bay yur models, Mutti-piece models ‘Some four mexe-counplicated models are made ofa large number fof pieecs. So that you cam age exactly what you get with these model, we have lustre cath component separately as-well as showing the completed model. We bare also included ‘eoausetion diagrams where i sa’t obvious how the models x0 tote [Note that or complicates rwult-past windels ave intended for ‘enthusiasts and you really do sequire 2 moserateHevel of skill 10 assemble them. They can certainly prove too difficult for young oF inexperienced modellers, Mlease de riot onder ther if you are scents of your kill! How to Buy Citadel Miniatures: “The very best way (0 hay Citadel miniatures is at a Games Workshi store where ya'll be able to eauenine the musts al fiest hand, All our Games Workshop stafF are collectors and ers like yaurself so they will be glad 10 help you choose fcxoetly which sninistares yrs requite, oe offer advice an how 10 Prepare ut pai your modes Esety Games Workshop store Bix a wide sefection of pained snout, anu runs cegular panting sewstons fr beginners. rity of the ronda nested here ane eachly svlate ames Workshop stores and other geod baby stores, raver the range fs so pe that uly our msl oedzr departisent supply everyting. hve included al tai wi secvice in the enclosed price (he availabilty sof miniatures featted in this estalogue or idee he Games Workshiap Mail Onder W yout have any questions about ny ober Citadel medels give us u ring on expert siaff will dobeirbestto bp, 3-T13213 and ee Updating your Citadel Catalogue Obviaucly this coralogue will soar be ov af dite as ou designers produce many new and exciting madels every month, and ‘eventually these new models will Be yalliceed tapethce Fifth Ciaset Catalogue. In the mearstinse you can kee to date by seading White Duasf, Games Workshop's wonthly. ‘msgarine, This maygisine contains news and details 0 all h iases (torn the Cvacel & Marauder design teams, pls nnickes ‘om patting snd motelling as well as eegulae features on all your fascurice games IMPORTANT Cdl bcc el rb it a aden fe cities toleles md ec THEY ARE NOT TOYS. ‘metal oselk contin toad whic can Ye harm if “ingested, ut there is io real (linger if youre senaible, Plexie Aollivw these simple instemcsions. ai donut pot the in your smth ik ham onc by heen fer ge theo smal ea, ‘Ocenia ould never be given wo chiles nor 14, sar lv anyoe he youn iste hack them, itadel miniatares are supylied uapelnted aie withbat bance. For paling your miniatures we secomnmend You use Chiadel painte und brashes Where our models require. “fone rection, we rexondmiend you! usc Citadel polystyrene: “cement and Citadel saperglue, SPACE WOLVES DREADNOUGHT BJORN THE FELL-HANDED THE COMPLETE BJORN THE FELL-HANDED CONSISTS OF: _ 1x SARCOPHAGUS, Sa 1x REAR BODY 1x LOWER BODY 1xLEGS 2x FOOT 1x POWER PLANT 1.x ASSAULT CANNON 1x LIGHTNING CLAW ARM 1x LIGHTNING CLAW REAR BODY 1x AUTO LAUNCHER 0425/11 1x BANNER POLE 2 LOWER BODY 0425/2 © ES Ee RT CO | ta Ree MAE PF ee ee aN aE SPACE WOLVES SARCOPHAGUS 0427/10 “ponuasel S{YBu || “PESl ‘PI] doysom sawed jyBuAdog @ a la a POWER PLANT 0425/4 ‘LIGHTNING CLAW ARM 0427/13 ASSAULT CANNON 0427/16 AUTO LAUNCHER 0425/7 CITAD) UGHTNING CLAW 0427/4 Designed by Jes Goodwin BJORN THE FELL-HANDED SPACE WOLVES DREADNOUGHT jor the Vell: Handed Hs w mighty: fotem'of the Spuce Wolves fishing hisiory-ltis massive Drearinought armies an honoured Chapier a presents nit inbroken Tink throu) the eenturies Lo the Spabe Wolves lependiry fumier Leman Russ, Bjom actually fboght slonpside Rass buy she early lays the Space Wolves Cape und ks patent reminder oF nse epic nes ‘Between Males Bjorn’ atmos ix costal muditutin! by fhe Chapters tron Prices Rime Prsits and Anifsier Within the armour Bjom rests, gathering his strength, ‘vaiting the momen! whes his awesome power is needle by the Stee Wolves and ope rane he: has ta crash foes & — FB pA Mania ‘Amongst the trophies und icons display ed by Bjonture badges and Inarktiigs which refer to bis early days 49 Warrior with the famed Hora Russ The black, red aint white pack marking is ant archaic eine these curronily in use by the Space Wolves. oman's bedge marks fiom 4 having fight alongside Russ in scien times. The badge of Riystar und wis arniy Paige are 10 Boas tcl aoe spl (er to his bee purt of a ‘intent ash force, fake vA ARMY WANES ‘Over the centuries Bjorn ins ielded a enorme variety OF ferent wreapuns, He 1s eutyonty armed Syith a asst canon ana igen law, the eter ‘having am additional heavy flamer attatched. Despite the vast desttuitive pontia} of this seen it ls ‘hing spe, legendary personality al bullefiel! experiance wii are Bx ASSAD CANNON EGAN A WITTY TEAR BLOOD ANGELS DREADNOUGHT BLOOD ANGEL DREADNOUGHT THE COMPLETE ‘BLOOD ANGELS DREADNOUGHT CONSISTS OF: 1 x SARCOPHAGUS 7 1x REAR 1x REAR BODY 1x LOWER BODY 1x LEGS 2x FOOT 1x BACK SECTION 1x MULTIMELTA 1x POWER FIST ARM 1x POWER FIST 1.x AUTO LAUNCHER 1x BANNER POLE 1 REAR BODY 0425/11 iputatanetenseteenncrmmatamrls cr mmarrieteee eminent AL LOWER BODY Od25/2 penuese: 5}46u |ty “Pest ‘PI] doyssoyy saweD yyBuAdog © BACK SECTION 0425/4 6 11 neoroenn: newer mest renmer tgp treennn semen msatentnennthtrentin nie tiene Ahn Pi Had nd ass men neem SARCOPHAGUS 1 0425/1 i E i § ~ POWER FIST ARM " 0425/5 MULTIMELTA 0425/3 POWER FIST, AUTO LAUNCHER 0425/6 0425/7 Designed by Jes Goodwin 470 = =~ — “ULTRAMARINES SPACE MARINE © ASSAULT SQUAD © Ulirimarines assault troops are ever at the forefront of the most hard-fought battles in the gala Equipped with powerful jump packs 16 quickly seize objectives, and armed with a ehainswo plasma pistols and other deadly hand-to-hand weapons. Space Marine assault troops are some of the toughest close- combat warriors i the Imperium The Ultramarines are amongst the oldest and most renowned Space Marine Chapters. They are famous not only for their many vietories in battle but also for their strict adherance to the Imperial orthodoxy laid owt in the Codex Astanes, This great manual, set down by the Emperor himself. covers all aspects of the Chapter’s life from details of uniform and markings to grand strategy. The Codex: Astanes lays down a sirlt System of Sdentific ivi exch eomipany i distin colar, Tis Compuny showat Yellow markings which appesr ERGEANES | CHATTER CHAPTER BADGE BADGE zy SQUAD Thesgiad, paula sergeait ed bolmot and ihe red skull ‘applied to his Chapter badge | 2 : s oleae am Rout Aa ae JUMPBPACK MARKINGS THE SQUAD SERGEANT bi a I a eT ye a ere SPACE MARINES BLOOD ANGEL DEATH COMPANY BLOOD ANGEL DEATH BLOOD ANGEL DEATH BLOOD ANGEL DEATH BLOOD ANGEL COMPANY TROOPER 1 COMPANY TROOPER 2 COMPANY TROOPER 3 CHAPLAIN 0424/3 Od24/4 Od2ai2 Od2a/t THESE MINIATURES ARE SUPPLIED WITH PLASTIC SPACE MARINE ARMS, CLOSE COMBAT AND BACKPACK SPRUES EXAMPLES OF COMPLETED DEATH COMPANY JUMP PACK ASSAULT TROOPS on Sa 4 is product contains lead which may be harmful if chewed or swallowed. Citadel Miniatures are not recommanded for childran under 14 years of age e © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd. 1994. Alll rights reserved. & SUMP PACK 0426/4 JUMP PACK TROOPER 1 JUMP PACK TROOPER 2 JUMP PACK SERGEANT 0428/2 0426/1 oa2eia Al THESE MODELS ARE SUPPLIED WITH MARINE ARMS AND CLOSE COMBAT SPRUES _ Miniatures supplied unpai ITADEL, EXAMPLES OF COMPLETED JUMP PACK ASSAULT TROOPS. Designed by Jes Goodwin . 473 TERMINATORS DEATHWING TERMINATORS DEATHWING SERGEANT oB09/7 RIGHT ARM DEATHWING HEAVY FLAMER ‘0809/4 DEATHWING ASSAULT CANNON 7060/11 A DEATHWING TERMINATOR SQUAD MAY INCLUDE OTHER MODELS FROM OUR SPACE MARINE RANGES: DEATHWING TERMINATOR 1 0809/1 THE COMPLETE DEATHWING THE DEATHWING TERMINATORS TERMINATOR CONSISTS OF: ARE AVAILABLE AS A BOXED SET. 1x BODY THIS BOX CONSISTS OF: 1x LEFT ARM 1x SERGEANT BODY 1x RIGHT ARM 4x TERMINATOR BODIES 4x STORM BOLTERS THE SERGEANT TERMINATOR 1x HEAVY FLAMER IS ALSO SUPPLIED WITH 1x BACK BANNER 1x BACK BANNER 1x STORM SHIELD 1x SHIELD 1x POWER SWORD: 1 x CHAINFIST 4x POWER GLOVE DEATHWING SHIELD DEATHWING BACK BANNER 9809/10 EXAMPLES OF COMPLETED DEATHWING TERMINATORS DEATHWING TERMINATOR 2 osog/2 LEFT ARM DEATHWING CHAINFIST 0809/6 DEATHWING POWER GLOVE 0809/5 DEATHWING POWER SWORD 0809/8 474 Designed by Jes Goodwin i : : i ! i i i i } } i : 6 9 8 3 o B 2 3 = E é 8 8 a z = > ¢ a i a ina SPACE MARINES SPACE MARINE SPACE MARINE SPACE MARINE SPACE MARINE MK2“CRUSADE’ ARMOUR MK3 ‘IRON’ ARMOUR MK4 ‘MAXIMUS’ ARMOUR MKS ‘HERESY’ ARMOUR 70106/46 70108/44 7010847 TOBE op SPACE MARINE SPACE MARINE SPACE MARINE SPACE MARINE MK6 ARMOUR 1 MKS ARMOUR 2 MK6 ARMOUR 3 MK6 ARMOUR 4 70106/48 70106/49 7011942 7011943 SPACE MARINE SPACE MARINE SPACE MARINE SPACE MARINE MK7 ARMOUR 1 MK7 ARMOUR 2 MIT ARMOUAS MK7 Anuou 4 701 06/60 7010851 0819/1 © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd, 1994. All rights reserved. @ SPACE MARINE SPACE MARINE SPACE MARINE SPACE MARINE MK7 ARMOUR 5 MK7 ARMOUR 6 MK7 ARMOUR 7 MK&'ERRANT ARMOUR 70106/55 70106/56 70106/54 7O106/57 THESE MINIATURES ARE SUPPLIED WITH A SEPARATE PLASTIC SPACE MARINE ARM SPRUE AND A SPACE MARINE BOLTER AND BACKPACK SPRUE. Cen ee eM met RL tenn nen tenn See ee ee Lee ee Ree, BeBe ae OOM Oe FUE Ne Coe Mee WO OO, AOE OS OS Cee OME, TADEL EXAMPLES OF COMPLETED MK7, MK6 AND MK3 SPACE MARINES. RIXCURES Designed by Jes Goodwin 7 475 ~ SPACE MARINES SPACE MARINE DEVASTATORS HEAVY BOLTER IMPERIAL LASCANNON ml MISSILE LAUNCHER. o813/6 5 0813/5 a 9813/4, HEAVY PLASMA GUN { 4227 MK7 SPACE MARINE MK7 SPACE MARINE DEVASTATOR 1 DEVASTATOR 2 0813/2 0813/3 | THESE MINIATURES ARE SUPPLIED WITH A SEPARATE PLASTIC SPACE MARINE ARM SPRUE AND A PLASTIC SPACE MARINE BACKPACK SPRUE. | EXAMPLES OF COMPLETED Mk7 SPACE MARINE DEVASTATORS: SPACE MARINES WITH SPECIAL WEAPONS SPACE MARINE SPACE MARINE WITH MELTA GUN WITH PLASMA GUN 0808/2 42/2 THESE MINIATURES ARE SUPPLIED WITH A SEPARATE PLASTIC SPACE MARINE BACKPACK SPRUE. a6 Designed by Jes Goodwin and Norman Swales & “peviesal sqyBu [ty “PEEL ‘PIT dousmona sewed yBuAdoD @ @ “SPACE MARINE | BLOOD ANGEL DEVASTATORS The Peabane Syn of the Blood Angebs Chapeer sic atiscinpuised fom the Tacsida Susy hy thetk Iu Botner Outerwiay they display starr loot! Angi asignia ‘aeght red. armoue sth ‘peedumiwaily, blak arkioge. The Seige ‘kad, Voter topes hve Severe chowder pad sebenes iv denote reak- ach an feud iveeman, smb sui i Pl ‘The Sermeant'« toner api this case lee, Sipmlays the jad Bags cahciengtnlisscpat, WITH HEAVY PLASMA Gi » : IMPERIA ADEPTUS ARBITES ADEPTUS ARBITES ADEPTUS ARBITES WITH ADEPTUS ARBITES ADEPTUS ARBITES CHAMPION WITH SHOTGUN GRENADE LAUNCHER WITH BOLTER WITH SHOTGUN 724014 724013 72400/2 724004 IMPERIAL PSYKERS si a PSYKER 1 PSYKER 2 PSYKER 3 F2410/3 F241 0/1 F2410/2 SPACE WOLVES THE COMPLETE WOLF SCOUT SCOUT SERGEANTS SERGEANTS CONSIST OF: 1x WOLF SCOUT SERGEANT 1x WOLF SCOUT BACKPACK ‘te WOLF SCOUT BACKPACK 700051 hi | WOLF SCOUT WOLF SCOUT WOLF SCOUT SERGEANT 1 SERGEANT 2 SERGEANT 3 | 7O005/4 7O005/2 70008/3 CITAD AEN TAT | i Designed by Jes Goodwin IMPERIAL OGRYNS TORSO 2 72420/7 THE COMPLETED OGRYN ‘CONSIST OF: a 1x HEAD 1x TORSO 2 1x GUN ‘a ne Pe S J 1xLEGS PLEASE NOTE TORSO 3 LEGS2 WILL ONLY FIT WITH GUN 3 72420/5 EXAMPLES OF COMPLETED OGRYNS Designed by Michael Perry “79 ULTHWE GUARDIANS SQUAD ARMED WITH CLOSE COMBAT WEAPONS Bch saul of Guardians ic afsiignished by i aiinde varitioiy in ity uniform ‘wrapons. AN squad will often have its own Unique heliet pitteming. apd a selection of con ‘Althouse uve ehisen {lth Guurdians, the sume applies wl the Craftwotd of helmets sashes, ait nom style te Mlustrated here. ULTHWEJET BE UBTIIWE ANTEGRAY PLA’ CANNON WARLOCKS OF ULTHWE The traditional colours of each (Cratyorld are reflected in the uniformies of its Guardians. These same colours commonly appear on the robes of thie fosvorld's leaders and. psykers. rogethec with the use of the Craftwoeld ume, these ‘sours Identify the Criftworld to which any Eldar belongs Warlocks dan eatily be their force weapons and ¥¢ Wraithbone helmets (WARLOCK WITH SINGING SPEAR WARLOCK WITH FORCE SWORD sehen ELDAR RDIANS j ELDAR ARMS SPRUE 100825 GUARDIAN 1 GUARDIAN 2 ‘GUARDIAN 3 GUARDIAN 4 GUARDIAN 5 GUARDIAN 6 RTBI7/3 71584/21 71584720 71584/30 RTBI7/4 1584/19. GUARDIAN 7 ‘GUARDIAN 8 GUARDIAN 9 GUARDIAN 10 (GUARDIAN 11 (GUARDIAN 12 71584/25, 71584/18 71584/26. 71584/23 71584/28 RTBI71 GUARDIAN 13 GUARDIAN 14 GUARDIAN 15 71584122 71584/29 TiS84/17 EXAMPLES OF COMPLETED ELDAR GUARDIANS THESE MODELS ARE SUPPLIED WITH AN ELDAR ARMS SPRUE AND AN ELDAR WEAPONS SPRUE AS STANDARD: Designed by Jes Goodwin 481 PHOENIX LORDS KARANDRAS — THE SHADOW HUNTER THE COMPLETED KARANDRAS CONSISTS OF: 1x KARANDRAS BODY 41x KARANDRAS HEAD KARANDRAS HEAD KARANDRAS BODY 71501/2 71501/1 ASURMEN - THE HAND OF ASURYAN THE COMPLETED ASURMEN CONSISTS OF: 1x ASURMEN BODY 1x ASURMEN BANNER POLE EXAMPLE OF COMPLETED KARANDRAS ey “ie £ a CITA ASURMEN BODY ASURMEN ARORA mea POLE EXAMPLE OF COMPLETED eee ‘ASURMEN FUEGAN — THE Wy 4 BURNING LANCE ie 1 a THE COMPLETED FUEGAN “ / CONSISTS OF: ts / 1x FUEGAN BODY 1x FIRE AXE iB w FIRE AXE 71502/2 FUEGAN EXAMPLE OF COMPLETED 715021 FUEGAN ~ THE BURNING LANCE Designed by Jes Goodwin MONIAL = Oe ae eee REET feat RATT mE RE ERED HOE ee aa Per eNOS eE tee ieee ee © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 1994, All rights reserved. | TADE].,| NIXTEIRES PHOENIX LORDS MAUGAN-RA - THE HARVESTER OF SOULS MAUGAN-RA MAUGAN-RA sopy MAUGETAR BACKPACK 71804/1 myeoaie 71504/3 THE COMPLETED MAUGAN-RA CONSISTS OF: 1 x MAUGAN-RA BODY 1x MAUGAN-RA BACKPACK 1x MAUGETAR EXAMPLE OF COMPLETED MAUGAN-RA JAIN ZAR — THE STORM OF SILENCE THE COMPLETED JAIN ZAR CONSISTS OF; 1x JAIN ZAR BODY 1x LEFT ARM AND BLADE OF j DESTRUCTION 1x RIGHT HAND AND SILENT DEATH RIGHT HAND AND SILENT DEATH 71505/3 1 JAIN ZAR LEFT ARM AND BLADE EXAMPLE OF COMPLETED JAIN ZAR 71505/1 OF DESTRUCTION 71505/2 BAHARROTH - THE CRY OF THE WIND oe THE COMPLETED BAHARROTH “ CONSISTS OF: 1 x BAHARROTH BODY 1 x SWOOPING HAWK EXARCH WINGS SWOOPING HAWK EXARCH WINGS TISTOE BAHARROTH BODY T71506/1 EXAMPLE OF COMPLETED BAHARROTH Designed by Jes Goodwin — ELDAR AVATAR AVATAR EXAMPLE OF THE COMPLETED ELDAR AVATAR AVATAR TORSO 0430/2 AVATAR MANE AVATAR LEGS 0430/1 THE COMPLETED ELDAR AVATAR CONSISTS OF: 1 x AVATAR TORSO 1 x AVATAR LEGS: 1x AVATAR MANE 1 x BLOODY HAND 1x RIGHT ARM AND SWORD BLOODY HAND AR 0430/4 f 0430/5 Designed by Jes Goodwin a ale or a Bee ee © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 1994. All rights reserved. oe ELDAR FARSEER ELDRAD ULTHRAN - FARSEER OF ULTHWE a FARSEER ELDRAD ULTHRAN 71600/3 7 1500/1 WARLOCKS WARLOCK AND WARLOCK AND WARLOCK AND FORCE ROD 1 FORCE ROD 2 SINGING SPEAR 71600/4 71600/2 71600/7 WARLOCK AND WARLOCK AND WARLOCK AND WITCH BLADE i WITCH BLADE 2 WITCH BLADE 3 71600/5 7 1600/1 7160016 Designed by Jes Goodwin MARK GIBBONS: ELDAR WARP SPIDER ASPECT WARRIORS ‘WARP SPIDER 1 71635/1 WARP SPIDER 2 7635/2 WARP SPIDER 3. 71635/3 WARP SPIDER EXARCH EXAMPLE OF COMPLETED WARP SPIDER EXARCH WARP SPIDER EXARCH BODY aLraral JHE COMPLETED WARP SPIDER EXARCH CONSISTS OF: 1x WARP SPIDER EXARCH BODY 1x WARP SPIDER EXARCH CARAPACE 4.x WARP SPIDER DEATH SPINNER > © a WARP SPIDER EXARCH CARAPACE TAST12 WARP SPIDER DEATH SPINNER 718713. Designed by Jes Goodwin Cite aN ‘Ltd 1964. Op | ‘Games Wor nt | ATURES| HEAVY WEAPONS GUN CREW GUNNER WITH GUNNER WITH SHURIKEN SPOTTER WITH SPOTTER WITH ETT PULT CATAPULT AND HELMET HELMET GOGGLES mn 716105 71610/8 T1610/7 ANTI-GRAV WEAPONS PLATFORM EXAMPLE OF COMPLETED ANTI-GRAY PLATFORM ANTI-GRAV WEAPONS PLATFORM. 716106 THE COMPLETED ELDAR ANTI-GRAV WEAPONS: PLATFORM CONSISTS OF: 1x ANTI-GRAV PLATFORM 1x WEAPON SHIELD 1x HEAVY WEAPON 1x GUNNER 1x SPOTTER D- CANNON WEAPON SHIELD 071617/2 0432/12 SCATTER LASER HEAVY PLASMA GUN 71610/1 71610/4 LAS CANNON TIGI02 Designed by Jes Goodwin 487 ELDAR DREADNOUGHT } THE COMPLETED ELDAR J ? DREADNOUGHT CONSISTS OF: 1x HEAD 1x POWER PLANT 1x TORSO 1x LEFT LEG 1x RIGHT LEG 1x LEFT ARM 4x RIGHT ARM 1x WEAPON LEFT ARM ? 7re10/12 D-CANNON 71610/10 ‘SCATTER LASER TIBION MISSILE LAUNCHER: 71610/3 * EXAMPLE OF COMPLETED ELDAR DREADNOUGHT ELDAR HEAVY PLASMA GUN T1610/4 RIGHT LEG 0435/7 CITA MINIAT Designed by Jes Goodwin A URES | WAR WALKER GUARDIAN 0432/5 HEAVY PLASMA GUN SCATTER LASER TI610/1 T1610/2 MISSILE LAUNCHER 71610/3 on 716104 WEAPON SHIELD 0432/12 LEFT LEG RIGHT LEG 0432/14 043213 THE COMPLETED ELDAR WAR WALKER CONSISTS OF: 1x WAR WALKER GUARDIAN 2x Designed by Jes Goodwin 1.x POWER PLANT WEAPON SHIELD 2x WEAPONS: Vx LEFT LEG 1x RIGHT LEG 1x TORSO GOFF NOBS GOFF NOB 1 ‘GOFF NOB 4 GOFF NOB 5 70801/5 70801/3, 70801/4 © GOFF SKARBOYZ penuesa: S1YGu [IV “PESL ‘pr douswion sewed 14yBuddeo © GOFF SKARBOY 1 ‘GOFF SKARBOY 2 GOFF SKARBOY 3 GOFF SKARBOY 4 70800/3 FOROS 70800/4 7080011 6 THESE MODELS ARE SUPPLIED WITH PLASTIC ORK ARMS AND WEAPONS SPRUES FF NO! EXAMPLES OF COMPLETED GO! BS AND SKARBOYZ crran Miniatures are not recommended for children under 14 years of age one reserved. & © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd. 1994. All ri GRETCHIN GRETCHIN (GRETCHIN 1 GRETCHIN 2 70559/31 70559/33 GRETCHIN 5 GRETCHIN 6 70559/29 7OSS9/26 GRETCHIN 9 70559/37 GRETCHIN 12 70559/39 GRETCHIN 3 70859/32 (GRETCHIN 7 7059/30 GRETCHIN 10 70559/35, GRETCHIN 13 70559/34. GRETCHIN 4 7OSSe/2T GRETCHIN & 70559/28 GRETCHIN 11 70559/38 GRETCHIN 14 70559/36. ORKS SNAKEBITES THE COMPLETED SNAKEBITE ORKS CONSIST OF: 1x SNAKEBITE ORK BODY 1x SNAKEBITE BANNER: 1x ORK ARMS SPRUE THESE MODELS ARE SUPPLIED WITH A PLASTIC ORK ARMS SPRUE AS STANDARD: BOARBOY TORSO 1 0434/5, 0434/8 BOARBOY LEGS 1 SNAKEBITE 1 SNAKEBITE 2 SNAKEBITE 3 SNAKEBITE 708027 70802/5 7080216 BANNER 1 EXAMPLE OF COMPLETED SNAKEBITE ORK 4st SNAKEBITE BOARBOYZ THE COMPLETED SNAKEBITE THESE MODELS ARE SUPPLIED WITH A PLASTIC ORK BOARBOYZ CONSIST OF: ARMS SPAUE AND A PLASTIC BOAR SPRUE AS STANDARD 1x SNAKEBITE BOARBOY BODY 1x SNAKEBITE BOARBOY LEGS: 1 x SNAKEBITE BANNER 1x ORK ARMS SPRUE 1 x BOAR SPRUE BOARBOY TORSO 2 BOARBOY TORSO 3 0434/6 0434/7 BOARBOY LEGS 2 BOARBOY LEGS3 0434/9, 0434/10. EXAMPLES OF COMPLETED SNAKEBITE BOARBOYZ CELE MIND 492 Designed by Alan Perry _CHAOS MARINES NURGLE PLAGUE MARINES PLAGUE MARINE PLAGUE MARINE PLAGUE MARINE WITH See i WITH BOLTER 2 ‘CHAINSWORD AND BOLTER 70460/3, 70460/1 WORLD EATERS OF KHORNE ASSAULT MARINES ‘WORLD EATERS WORLD EATERS WORLD EATERS ASSAULT MARINE 1 ASSAULT MARINE 2 ASSAULT MARINE 3 70465/1 7O0465/2 70465/3 WORLD EATERS OF KHORNE WORLD EATER 1 WORLD EATER 2 WORLD EATER 3 0466/1 70466/2 7O466/3 THESE MINIATURES ARE SUPPLIED WITH A CHAOS MARINE BACKPACK SPRUE AS STANDARD Designed by Dave Andrews. DAEMON ENGINES OF KHORNE BRASS SCORPION SCORPION CANNON 076544/11 THE COMPLETE BRASS SCORPION CONSISTS OF: 1x BRASS SCORPION BASE 1x SCORPION CANNON 2x POWER SAW BRASS SCORPION BASE POWER SAW 076544/10 O76s4ai2 DOOM BLASTER DOOM BLASTER LEFT DOOM BLASTER RIGHT MORTAR MORTAR O76545/14 O76545/15 THE COMPLETE DOOM BLASTER CONSISTS OF: 1x DOOM BLASTER BASE DOOM BLASTER BASE 1x DOOM BLASTER LEFT Ovesse/is MORTAR 1x DOOM BLASTER RIGHT MORTAR 1x BATTLE SCYTHE 3 BATTLE SCYTHE 3 O76545N6 “penuese: siy6u |v “PEEL “PIN douson sewed wWbuAdon @ @ BLOOD REAPER BLOOD REAPER LEFT TOWER BLOOD REAPER RIGHT TOWER O76546/18 O76546/17 THE COMPLETE BLOOD REAPER ‘CONSISTS OF: 1x SKULL CANNON 1x BLOOD REAPER LEFT TOWER 1x meson aera RIGHT SKULL CANNON BATTLE SCYTHE 4. WER 076548/19 6546/20 1x BATTLE SCYTHE 4 a 494 Designed by Dave Andrews CHAOS TITAN CHAOS TITAN OF KHORNE years of age HAVOC BANNER POLES 6 @ HAVOC MISSILE RACK 0843/7 KHORNE TAIL 0843/3 [EXAMPLE OF COMPLETED BANELORD TITAN THE COMPLETE CHAOS TITAN CONSISTS OF: 1x HELLSTRIKE CANNON 1x HAVOG MISSILE RACK 1x HAVOC BANNER POLES 1x BLOODLETTER HEAD HELLSTRIKE CANNON 1X HEAD CANNON 0843/4 1x DOOMFIST 1. KHORNE TAIL 1.x TITAN BODY SPRUE © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd. 1994. All rights reserved. Miniatures supplied unpainted. WARNING. This product contains lead which may bs harmful if chewed or swallowed. Citadel Minintures ara not recommenced for chikiren under 14 ® TITAN BODY SPRUE (NOT SHOWN AT ACTUAL SIZE) 131166 CITADEL BNIKTURES Designed, by Dave Andrews EPIC TZEENTCH TZEENTCH FIRE LORD THE COMPLETED TZEENTCH FIRE LORD ‘CONSISTS OF: 1x TZEENTCH FIRE LORD BODY 1 x TZEENTCH FIRE LORD WINGS 1x PLASTIC FLYING BASE TZEENTCH FIRE LORD BODY 765319 TZEENTCH AIRE LORD WINGS: EXAMPLE OF THE COMPLETED TZEENTCH AIRE LORD 76531/2 SILVER TOWERS OF TZEENTCH OREO TZEENTCH CONSIST OF: 1x SILVER TOWERS OF TZEENTCH TOWER 1x SILVER TOWERS OF TZEENTCH BASE 1x PLASTIC FLYING BASE EXAMPLE OF THE COMPLETED SILVER TOWERS OF TZEENTCH SILVER TOWER OF SILVER TOWER OF TZEENTCH TOWER TZEENTCH BASE O76532/1 o7ess2/2 DOOMWING THE COMPLETE DOOMWING CONSISTS OF: 1x DOOMWING 1x PLASTIC FLYING BASE DOOMWING o76533/t 496 Designed by Dave Andrews "A CHAOS ARMY OF KHORNE MARCHES TO BATTLE » IMPERIAL TANKS SHADOWSWORD THE COMPLETE SHADOWSWORD CONSISTS OF: 1x SHADOWSWORD CHASSIS 1x VOLCANO CANNON 1x SPONSON TURRETS 2 ‘SHADOWSWORD CHASSIS @ @& SPONSON TURRETS 2 O760546 VOLCANO CANNON 0760545 BANEBLADE casei mye col ei ‘THE COMPLETE BANEBLADE CONSISTS OF: 1x BANEBLADE CHASSIS 1x BANEBLADE TURRET 1x SPONSON TURRETS 2 BANEBLADE CHASSIS 076054/1 BANEBLADE TURRET comet) ante 076054/3 SPONSON TURRETS 1 o76054/2. oc Eea SSEPANEE THE COMPLETE STORM HAMMER CONSISTS OF: 1x STORM HAMMER CHASSIS 2x STORM HAMMER TURRETS 2.x SPONSON TURRETS 2 -pereses s1u6u [Iv “Peet “PIT doustion sow wWSHuAdo> STORM HAMMER CHASSIS: SPONSON TURRETS 2 760546 STORM HAMMER TURRET 0760548 2s STORMBLADE ; eo THE COMPLETE STORMBLADE : — CONSISTS OF: 1x STORMBLADE BODY 1 x PLASMA BLASTGUN 1.x HUNTER / KILLER MISSILES 1x BATTLE CANNON ‘STORMBLADE BODY 0845/1 a PLASMA BLASTGUN HUNTER / KILLER BATTLE CANNON OB45/2 MISSILES 0845/4 0845/3 Designed by Norman Swales THE COMPLETED SQUAT CYCLOPS: CONSISTS OF: 1 x HELLFURY CANNON BARREL 1x HELLFURY CANNON END: 1 x HELLFURY CANNON TOP 2 x DOOMSTORM MISSILES 1x RAM 1x BATTLE CANNON TURRET 2x MELTA CANNON 1x HULL LEFT SIDE 1x HULL RIGHT SIDE 1x HULL REAR 1 x BARREL SUPPORT EXAMPLE OF COMPLETED SQUAT CYCLOPS AOL TTT HULL RIGHT SIDE HELLFURY CANNON TOP HULL LEFT SIDE 0500/1 0500/3 0500/2 HELLFURY CANNON END O500/7 HUSCEAR BARREL SUPPORT HELLFURY CANNON BARREL 0500/4 Geaors (alate MELTA CANNON 0500/8 DOOMSTORM MISSILES BATTLE CANNON TURRET 0500/11 o500/9 Designed by Norman Swales 7X =eliltd GREAT GARGANT The Great Gargant is the most powerful of all Space Ork Mekboy inyentions. Its yast body houses a multitude of orky engines, generators and dynamos, which power its frightening array of awesome weaponry. The Mega-cannon mounted in its belly and on its arm blast its enemies with massive destructive power. The Super Lifta-Droppa can pound armoured enemies into the ground and the Gork head has massive Traktor Cannons mounted in the eye sockets to drag its opponents to their certain doom. EPIC ORK GREAT GARGANT THE COMPLETE ORK GREAT GARGANT CONSISTS OF: 3x BODY SECTIONS 1x HEAD 2x FEET 2x SHOULDER MOUNTS 1 x OBSERVATION TURRET 1x SCORCHER GUN 1x FURNACE DOOR 0 1x SUPER LIFTA DROPPA 1x GUTBUSTER MEGA-CANNON 1x MEGA-CANNON 1x BALCONY BALCONY EXAMPLE OF COMPLETED ORK GARGANT * SCORCHER OBSERVATION MEGA-CANNON FURNACE DOORS TURRET TURRET 0827/26 0827/22 7 OB27/14 oB27/12 SUPER LIFTA DROPPA © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd. 1994. All rights reserved. WEAPON 0827/24 MOUNT 2 WEAPON 0827/12 MOUNT 4 osa7ii BODY SECTION 5 oB27/21 FOOT GUTBUSTER 0827/10 MEGA-CANNON 0827/25 BODY SECTION 4 BODY SECTION 2 0827/20 0827/5 PLASTICS PLASTIC SHIELDS FIGHTER SHIELD SPRUE 101637 HIGH ELF SHIELD SPRUE 101635 geea1 58 —____SMALLROUND SHIELD SPRUE 111205 00 CC(‘“‘MAARGE' ROUND SHIELD.SPAUE 11120000 ROUND SHIELD SPRUE 111205. PLASTIC WHEELS LARGE ROUND SHIELD SPRUE 111204 SPOKED WHEEL SPRUE 100557 ‘SOLID WHEEL SPRUE 100558 PLASTIC WOLVES (| 5 ™ "EXAMPLES OF COMPLETED PLASTIC WOLVES WOLF BODY 1 100319/8 WOLF HEAD / TAILS 2 10031872 PLASTIC HORSES CAPARISON HORSE HORSE HEAD AND TAIL 1 HORSE HEAD AND TAIL 2 (CAPARISON HORSE 3 13141513 131416728 102788/3 : HORSE BODY 2 HORSE BODY i CAPARISON HORSE 1 CAPARISON HORSE 2 191415/4B 181415/3B 102788/1 1027882 ARMOURED HORSE 6 2 i 3 i ; 2 i _ g : 6 ARMOURED HORSE HEAD AND TAIL 1 100849/1A ARMOURED HORSE 1 ARMOURED HORSE 2 ARMOURED HORSE 100849/3A, 1O084S/4A HEAD AND TAIL 2 100B49/2A, PLASTICS WARHAMMER 40,000 PLASTIC MINIATURES GRETCHIN SPRUE 107250 EXAMPLES OF COMPLETED WARHAMMER 40,000 PLASTIC MINIATURES ———_ PLASTICS — PLASTIC BOARS BOAR BODY SPRUE 1 129844 129844 oe a Sree i a C rer oo ee Siti A BOAR HEAD SPRUE 2 120844 BOAR HEAD SPRUE 4 BOAR HEAD SPRUE 3 129844 BOAR HEAD SPRUE 1 129844 129844 EXAMPLE OF COMPLETED PLASTIC BOAR PLASTIC SKELETON WARRIORS SKELETON WARRIORS SPRUE 101462 PLASTICS PLASTIC DWARFS PLASTIC DWARF SPRUE 103305 EXAMPLES OF COMPLETED PLASTIC DWARFS. THE DWARF SPRUE IS SUPPLIED WITH A VARIETY OF DIFFERENT SHIELD DESIGNS PLASTIC SKAVEN PLASTIC SKAVEN SPRUE 105185 EXAMPLES OF COMPLETED PLASTIC SKAVEN THE SKAVEN SPRUE IS SUPPLIED WITH A VARIETY OF DIFFERENT SHIELD DESIGNS: 507 AMMER eee EUR Gy TIE eects Ee fe eee eee ace Soar tea ekrmetteset ie ucartevteceeeeer rseetcceertend ry. aneay ae east tee eee a rere eet) DT), ruta pceetiecebettnrmrey seston 0 “peiese! S\Y5H iy “peat Pr dousom seumg 1yBuAdoD & PLASTICS SPACE MARINE ARM SPRUE 101789 SPACE MARINE ACCESSORY SPRUE 101532 MK7 SPACE MARINE SPRUE 102528 at pa sada Sel as SPACE MARINE CLOSE COMBAT SPRUE 103437 jaime, ee ee AR ca ee ‘ama E . a a a st a a =a ¢ . . S pens Hi = ‘ORK ARM SPRUE 102531 | | } | PLASTIC BASES HORSE BASE (101325) —— ‘25mm ROUND SLOTTA BASES (101952) MONSTER BASE (101227) EPIC INFANTRY BASES (111231) FLYING BASE (101349) SPACESHP BASE (129856) 510 3 ; 2 2 2 = 3 3 5 Qo 2 2 3 3 E 5 5 z 2 a 8 e Miniatures supplied unpainted. WARNING, This product contains lead which may be harmtul if chewed or swallowed. Citadel Miniatures are not recommended for children under 14 years of age SKAVEN LORD SKROLK 74463/1 EXAMPLE OF COMPLETED WARLORD QUEEK THE COMPLETED DEATHMASTER SNIKCH CONSISTS OF: 1x DEATHMASTER SNIKCH BODY 1x SWORD ARM DEATHMASTER SNIKCH BODY SWORD ARM 74aa62/2 74462/3 WARLORD QUEEK 74465/1 IKIT CLAW CHIEF WARLOCK 74a66/1 THE COMPLETED IKIT CLAW CHIEF WARLOCK CONSISTS OF: 1x IKIT CLAW 1x BANNER IKIT CLAW'S BANNER 744662 Designed by Jes Goodwin EXAMPLE OF COMPLETED DEATHMASTER SNIKCH QUEEK’S TROPHY RACK 74465/2 EXAMPLE OF COMPLETED IKIT CLAW 511 512 SKAVEN DOOMWHEEL pt WARLOCK ENGINEER TOP 0517/1 UGHTNING PROJECTOR OS 17/10 WARLOCK ENGINEER BOTTOM os17/2 CHAIA BACK 0517/3 WARPSTONE ‘GENERATOR CHAMBER 0517/8 GENERATOR HUB 0517/6 WHEEL RATS: PLASTIC WHEEL 0517/5 DOOMWHEEL. Os17/4 FORWARD LIGHTNING PROJECTOR 0517/9 Designed by Jes Goodwin and Norman Swales “panuese! SIY6u lly “Peel ‘PIT doyson, Seed 1YBUAdOD & SE LaSalle SKAVEN DOOMWHEEL THE COMPLETED DOOMWHEEL CONSISTS OF: 1x WARLOCK ENGINEER TOP 1x WARLOCK ENGINEER BOTTOM 1x CHAIR BACK 1x GENERATOR HUB 1x STERN AXLE é 1x FORWARD LIGHTNING PROJECTOR nt 2x LIGHTNING PROJECTOR “f 2x WARPSTONE GENERATOR CHAMBER é 2x DOOMWHEEL Z 2x WHEEL RATS 2x SOLID PLASTIC WHEELS 3. e fof © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd. 1994. All rights reserv wet nN ne Oe en oe PE: re CIE Sree 513 SKAVEN SKAVEN SCREAMING BELL THE COMPLETE SCREAMING BELL CONSISTS OF: 1x GREY SEER 1x BELL STRIKER 1x PLATFORM 2x BELL SUPPORTS 2x BELL HALVES 1x COUNTERWEIGHT 1x WARPSTONE BRAZIER 1x BELL CLANGER 6 x PLASTIC WHEELS. ' GREY SEER 0839/1 @ BELL STRIKER WARPSTONE os3g/2 BRAZIER 0839/7 EXAMPLES OF COMPLETED SKAVEN SCREAMING BELL “paveses s1y6u |I¥ “vest ‘PIT doustiom see 148uAdoD o> BELL CLANGER PLASTIC WHEEL 0839/8 100558 & BELL SUPPORT ‘COUNTERWEIGHT BELL HALF 0830/4 0839/6 0639/5 Designed Jes Goodwin and Norman Swales S14 kK ae / OO ‘© Copyright Games Workshop Lid 1994. All rights reserved. @ MARK GIBBONS: 8 BATTLE WIZARDS JADE WIZARD 737918 EMPIRE AMETHYST WIZARD 7379/9 EXAMPLES OF COMPLETED IMPERIAL BATTLE WIZARD ACOLYTES OF THE LIGHT COLLEGE LIGHT WIZARD ACOLYTE OF THE ACOLYTE OF THE 7a79U6 UGHT COLLEGE 2 LIGHT COLLEGE 1 73800/2 73800/1 MOUNTED BATTLE WIZARDS MTD CELESTIAL WIZARD 737077 . Designed by Dave, Andrews AMBER WIZARD 7379? MTD BRIGHT WIZARD 737 06/6 73708/8 THESE MINIATURES ARE SUPPLIED WITH PLASTIC UNARMOURED OR CAPARISON HORSES AS STANDARD “paneses S146 [ry “PEEL PI] doysyoyy sour’ 1yBAdoo @ -EMPIRE EMPEROR RIDING THE WAR GRIFFON DEATHCLAW THE COMPLETE EMPEROR RIDING WAR GRIFFON CONSISTS OF: 1x EMPEROR 1x BACK BANNER 1x LEFT WING 1x RIGHT WING 1x GRIFFON'S LEFT SIDE 1x GRIFFON'S RIGHT SIDE 1x LEFT CLAW 1x RIGHT CLAW 1x TAIL EMPEROR'S BANNER POLE 0835/2 RIGHT CLAW GRIFFON'S BODY GhIFFON's TAIL GRIFFON'S BODY 08227 RIGHT SIDE LEFT SIDE 2 oa22e 0822/5 0835/9 RIGHT WING. OB30/6 Marauder Miniatures are supplied unpainted, Banners rot included Designed by Trish Morrison and Michael Perry © Copyright Maraucer Miniatures Lic, 1999, All nghts reserved. Warning! These miniatures contain lead which may be harmful if chawed or swallowed. Marauder Miniatures are not recommended for children under 14 years ot aga. 537 REAVER KNIGHTS THESE MINIATURES ARE SUPPLIED WITH PLASTIC UNARMOURED HORSE AS STANDARD renin ona , SMEnemIowr, eave curs REAVER Mow B8790/1 88790/2 REAVER KNIGHT REAVER KNIGHT LEGS 2 LEGS 1 0816/5 0816/6 EXAMPLES OF COMPLETED HIGH ELF REAVER KNIGHTS. WHITE LIONS OF CHRACE WHITE LION WITH WHITE LION WITH WHITE LION WITH WHITE LION WITH DOUBLE HANDED AXE 1 DOUBLE HANDED AXE 2 DOUBLE HANDED AXE 3 DOUBLE HANDED AXE 4 88750/1 B8750/2 88750/3 88750/4 Marauder Miniatures are supplied unpainted, Banners not included Designed by Aly Morrison (© Copyright Marauder Miniatures Lid. 1994. All rights reserved. 538 ‘Warning! These miniatures contain lead which may be harmful if chewed or swallowed. Marauder Miniatures are not recommandad for children under 14 years of age. HIGH ELVES DRAGON PRINCES OF CALEDOR yours of aoe DRAGON PRINCE 1 STANDARD BEARER HERO WITH SWORD DRAGON PRINCE 2 DRAGON PRINCE 3 0841/4 F56754 75675/5 0841/5 0841/6 DRAGON PRINCE DRAGON PRINCE DRAGON PRINCE HORSE HEAD 1 HORSE HEAD 2 LEGS oa4i/2 0841/3 t 0841/1 © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd. 1994. Alll rights reserved, Miniatures supplied unpainted. WARNING. Thic product contains lead which may be harmful If chewed or swallowed. Citadel Miniatures are Not recartmerncied for ohucren camden ra @ EXAMPLES OF COMPLETED DRAGON PRINCES OF CALEDOR DEL THESE MINIATURES ARE SUPPLIED WITH THE APPROPRIATE PLASTIC SHIELDS AND PLASTIC ARMOURED HORSES AS STANDARD URES | Designed by Jes Goodwin 539 ANVIL OF DOOM DWARF RUNESMITH’S ANVIL OF DOOM THE COMPLETE ANVIL OF DOOM CONSISTS OF: 1x RUNEPRIEST 2.x GUARDIAN 1. ANVIL OF DOOM 1x ANVIL PEDESTAL 1x ANVIL BASE 2.x BANNER POLE 4x PLASTIC SPOKED WHEELS EXAMPLE OF COMPLETED DWARF RUNESMITH AND THE ANVIL OF DOOM SPOKED WHEELS. 100557 “‘penleses SY 6H ||¥ ‘PESL "PIT doysyo;A seweD wWByAdoo @ BANNER POLE ANVIL OF DOOM ANVIL PEDESTAL 0836/6 0836/3 0836/5 RUNEPRIEST OB36/2 Designed by Michael Perry ee ee oe eRe ee ee a ee ee ee eee ee © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd. 1994. All rights reserved. a FLAME CANNON DWARF FLAME CANNON MASTER GUNNER 0837/1 CANNON LEVER 0837/8 0837/11 UPPER BARREL 0837/5, THE COMPLETE DWARF FLAME GANNON CONSISTS OF: 3x CREW 1x CANNON 1x UPPER BARREL 1x LOWER BARREL 1x LEVER 1x BELLOWS 1x PUMP 1 x STEAM WHISTLE 1x INSTRUMENTS PANEL 1x FRONT BASE 1x REAR BASE 2x PLASTIC SPOKED WHEELS FRONT BASE 0837/7 BELLOWS 0837/13 REAR BASE STEAM WHISTLE 0837/12 INSTRUMENTS PANEL 0837/9 LOWER BARREL 0837/4 Designed by Michael Perry and Norman Swales S41 RUNE LORD KRAGG —THE COMPLETE KRAGG THE THE GRIM 1 X KRAGG THE GRIM 1 X KRAGG'S BANNER KRAGG THE GRIM KRAGG'S BANNER 74384/1 EXAMPLE OF COMPLETED KRAGG THE GRIM 7asBal2 ENGINEER GUILDMASTER BURLOCK DAMMINSON THE COMPLETE BURLOCK DAMMINSON CONSISTS OF: 1x BURLOCK DAMMINSON 1x DAMMINSON'S BANNER: DAMMINSON'S BURLOCK BANNER o eon EXAMPLE OF COMPLETED BURLOCK DAMMINSON 743831 KRAGG THE GRIM'S: BURLOCK BACK BANNER DAMMINSON'S BACK BANNER Designed by Michael Perry EE a ee oie ee eat) SS a ae a kn ee 3 © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd, 1994. All rights reserved. & EXAMPLES OF COMPLETED UNGRIM IRONFIST DWARF KING KAZADOR n THUNDER HORN 74381/2 KAZADOR'S BANNER 74381/3. KING KAZADOR'S. BACK BANNER DWARFS UNGRIM IRONFIST THE SLAYER KING THE COMPLETE UNGRIM IRONFIST Spon CONSISTS OF: 1x UNGRIM IRONFIST 1x IRONFIST'S BANNER IRONFIST'S BANNER UNGRIM IRONFIST 74382/2 74382/1 THE COMPLETE KING KAZADOR CONSISTS OF: 1x KING KAZADOR 1.x KAZADOR'S BANNER 1x THUNDER HORN KING KAZADOR 743811 EXAMPLES OF COMPLETED KING KAZADOR: 'UNGRIM IRONFIST'S BACK BANNER Designed by Michael Perry THRONE OF POWER THRONE OF POWER PLATFORM 28/1 THRONE OF POWER BEARER 1 28/6, THORGRIM GRUDGEBEARER B28/5 THRONE OF POWER: BACK e2e/2 THRONE OF POWER THRONE OF POWER BANNER POLE SEAT 828/3 8286/4 & THRONE OF POWER THRONE OF POWER THRONE OF POWER BEARER 2 BEARER 3 BEARER 4 8287 B28/8 828/9 THE COMPLETE DWARF THRONE OF POWER CONSISTS OF: 1x THRONE PLATFORM 1x THRONE BACK 2x BANNER POLE 1x THRONE SEAT 1x THORGRIM GRUDGEBEARER 4x THRONE BEARERS “penuese! S]YBu ily "P66L ‘PI] doysyom seuseD jyBuAdeS @ ® . 960 jo s1804 $1 vepun UeUp}uD JO) PaPYBUWOSE, 1OU a7e SeINIEIUIN JEP EID (pemolians 19 pEaAeUD sO EXAMPLE OF COMPLETED DWARF THRONE OF POWER CITADE MUNTATURE Designed by Michael Perry ‘S DWARF KING’S THRONE OF POWER Thorgrim, Dwarf king of Karnz-a-Karak: jy Known as the Grudge Beater beeaise he keeps his Own personal copy of the Danmaac Kon fr figbk of Gries wih bittvat al tenes. iy batle ‘Thorgrim rete JincStpr and chan ating prodges feon the: book inflaming:he Unacves ‘wil oct fo alt efbemdes. with the Fesul tit shey beeen rescihite fthmstunbrea ai f com Te thtone of potrer is an ancient Dowie reli which Bas Been se by the kings of Karaed-Rarak for ovet fois thpubsank! yours. Ecru nted ‘vith countless powerlal runes, iC confers magi! proletion upon the ‘ng nat histone bearers and is ale to ea en toute etfexts of wou DWARE BANNER OE KINGSHIP. THORGRIM! WAR BAN! THORGRIM GRUDGE BEARER KINOOF KARAZ-A\-KARAK, DWARFS DWARF GYROCOPTER EACH COMPLETE DWARF GYROCOPTER CONSISTS OF; 1x PILOT 1x CANNON CHASSIS 1x ENGINE 1x TAIL 1x PROPELLER EXAMPLE OF COMPLETED DWARF GYROCOPTER PILOT CANNON CHASSIS ENGINE osazi2 ‘penesed S1YBu lly PEEL ‘PI doysyi0M sowed 1YBUAdOD @ TAIL PROPELLER Designed by Norman Swales and Michael Perry DWARFS GOTREK AND FELIX GOTREK FELIX GURNISSON JAEGAR 074980/1 orasaor2 BUGMAN’S DWARF RANGERS THE COMPLETE JOSEPH BUGMAN MINIATURE CONSISTS OF: 1 BUGMAN 1x BUGMAN BANNER: BUGMAN’S BANNER: oB4o/2 JOSEPH BUGMAN 0840/1 3 3 2 oD 8 a g = < < 3 & zg 5 a 8 2 z 5 2 3 8 E 5 oO z = a 8 oO 8 EXAMPLE OF COMPLETED JOSEPH BUGMAN : : 4 : 0 a i : 3 ; E : i 4 FE i - 3 ie F 5 i ° E 5 4 : 4 4 4 & E ; i : 3 : é 2 = TROOPER 3 TROOPER 2 STANDARD BEARER TROOPER 1 CHAMPION os4o7 OBd0/6 0840/4 OB40/5, os4o/a THESE MINIATURES ARE SUPPLIED WITH THE APPROPRIATE PLASTIC SHIELDS AS STANDARD Designed by Michael Perry 847 e DWARF SLAYERS Slayeis seek w heroic demise by hunting Out and fighting the Jargestannsters they can find. They never wear ‘Armour. spurning the very idea of sell-preservation. They camy amt axe, Often a very big axe. Althoue’driven to seek their death in battle Slayers are inéapable of deliberately Fighiing to Hose, and always enter the fray to win. The most shlled Slayess, the Teast successful ones in a nse, tend o survive either beeanse they we ié Fastest, ae the: most determined warriors in the Warhammer world. HAEMON SLAYER GIANT SLAYER DRAGON SLAYER TROLL SLAYERS ‘wis DWARF SLAYERS TROLL SLAYERS TROLL SLAYER 1 TROLL SLAYER 2 TROLL SLAYER 3 88091/57 88091/51 8091/52 GIANT SLAYERS GIANT SLAYER 1 GIANT SLAYER 2 8B092/54 88092/53 DRAGON SLAYER DRAGON SLAYER 88097/55 DAEMON SLAYER DAEMON SLAYER 88098/56 Marauder Miniatures are supplied unpainied. Banners not included. Designed by Aly Morrison 4 Copynght Marauder Miniatures Lid, 1993. All nghts reserved. Warning! Those miniatures contain ead which may be harmful f chewec of swallowed. Marauder Miniatures are nat recommended for chikdren under 14 years of age. 549 HAMMERER 1 98095/23 ¢, HAMMERER 2 B8095/24 HAMMERER 3: 8095/25. HAMMERER 4 8095/26. HAMMERER 5 HAMMERER 6 HAMMERER 7 HAMMERER 8 88095/43 88095/44 8095/45 8095/46 »| LONG BEARDS LONG BEARD 2 LONG BEARD 4 8094/18 LONG BEARD 5 LONG BEARD 6 LONG BEARD7 LONG BEARD 8 98094/91 8094/32 88094/33 88094/34 IRON BREAKERS IRON BREAKER 1 IRON BREAKER 2 B8089/19 a 88093/20 IRON BREAKER 7 IRON BREAKER 6 IRON BREAKER 5 IRON BREAKER 8 8093/49 8093/48 88093/47 88093/50 Marauder Miniatures are supplied unpainted. Banners not incucea. 9 Designed by Aly Morrison and Colin Dixon — ocopyngnt Marauder Miniatures Lid, 1993. All rights reserved, 550 ‘Warning! These miniatures contain lead which may be harmful if chawed or swallowed. Marauder Miniatures are not recommended for childran under 14 years of age. MINIATURES DWARF CROSSBOWS CROSSBOW 2 CROSSBOW 4 88051/34 88051/36 CROSSBOW 5. CROSSBOW 7 88051/57 8051/58 8B051/59 CROSSBOW 9 CROSSBOW 10 CROSSBOW 11 8051/61 98051/62 8051/63 ‘CROSSBOW 13 ‘CROSSBOW 14 88001/5 8001/3 THESE MINIATURES ARE SUPPLIED WITH A SEPARATE PLUG-IN CROSSBOW CROSSBOW 15 CROSSBOW 16 ‘CROSSBOW 17 CROSSBOW 18 8805 1/38 88051/37 8051/39 8805 1/40 PLUG-IN CROSSBOW 1A BBOS INIA Marauder Miniatures are supplied unpaintad. Banners not included. Designed by Aly Morrison and Colin Dixon — © copyngnt Marauder Miniatures Ltd, 1999. All rights reserved. Waming! These miniatures contain lead which may be harmful if chewed or swakowed, Marauder Miniatures are notrecammended for children under 14 years of age: 551 WITH SWORD WITH MACE 1 WITH AXE 1 WITH HAMMER WITH AXE 2 88091/8 88091/9 g8091/10 88001/7 WITH AXE 3 WITH MACE 2 WITH FLAIL WITH TWO HANDED AXE 88091/5. B8091/2 88091/3 88091/4 THUNDERERS THUNDERER 1 THUNDERER 4 8096/27 88096/30 THUNDERER 5 THUNDERER 6 THUNDERER 7 THUNDERER 8 88096/35 88096/36 88096/37 98096/38 THUNDERER 9 THUNDERER 10 THUNDERER 11 THUNDERER 12 83096/39 BB096/40 B88096/41 8096/42 Moraudor Miniatures aro supplied unpainted. Ganners net inewsea Designed by Aly Morrison and Colin Dixon ocopynght marauder Miniatures Ltd. 1994. Allrights reserved, 552 Waring! These miniatures contain iaad which may be harmful if.chewed er swallawed. Marauder Miniatures are nat recommended for chikdtan under 14 years of age. == DWARFS DWARF MINER COMMAND STANDARD BEARER HORN BLOWER 8045/1 B8045/2 DWARF MINERS DWARF MINER 3 8044/3 DWARF MINER 1 DWARF MINER 2 88044/1 8804d/2 DWARF MINER 4 DWARF MINER 5 88044/4 5044/5 | ‘Marauder Miniatures are suppliad unpainted. Banners not included Designed by Colin Dixon ‘© Copyright Marauder Miniatures Ltd. 1994. All rights reserved. | 554 Warning! These miniatures contain lead which may be harmful chewed or swallowed, Marauder Miniatures are not recommended for children under 14 years of age. eee UNDEAD rved. SKELETON HORSEMEN” SKELETON HORSEMAN SKELETON HORSEMAN WITH BOW WITH AXE 745 19/4 FAST > Sime SKELETON HORSEMAN WITH SWORD SKELETON HORSEMAN 7451941 WITH SPEAR 7451913 THESE MODELS ARE SUPPLIED WITH PLASTIC SHIELDS WHERE APPROPRIATE AND A PLASTIC SKELETON STEED SPRUE AS STANDARD: EXAMPLES OF COMPLETED SKELETON HORSEMEN. Designed by Gary Morley UNDEAD DIETER HELSNICHT ON MANTICORE BANNER TOP 0518/3 PE ¥ iE a DIETER HELSNICHT LEGS ostai2 THE COMPLETED DIETER HELSNICHT ON MANTICORE CONSISTS OF: 1.x BANNER TOP 1 x DIETER HELSNICHT LEGS 1 x DIETER HELSNICHT BODY 1x MANTICORE HEAD 1.x MANTIGORE LEFT BODY 1.x MANTICORE RIGHT BODY 1x BACK LEG 1.x FRONT PAW 1.x MANTICORE TAIL 1x LEFT WING 1x RIGHT WING DIETER HELSNICHT BODY 0518/1 periesei s1uBu [ly (PEEL PIT douswoM SoWeD I4yBUAdOS & CITAD 556 Designed by Gary Morley and Trish Morrison MENLATUR © Copyright Games Workshop Lid 1984. all nghis reserved. UNDEAD RIGHT WING LEFT WING 0810/6 0810/5 MANTICORE HEAD O518/4 MANTICORE TAIL. 0518/9 ae “aie MANTICORE RIGHT BODY ‘ MANTICORE BACK LEG MANTICORE 0518/6 MANTICORE LEFT BODY 0518/7 FRONT PAW 0518/5 0518/8 GHOULS GHOUL 1 745221 GHOUL 2 7ase2i2 GHOUL3 74522/3 GHOUL 8 74522/8 GHOULS 74522/5, GHOUL 6 745226 GHOUL7 74522/7 GHOUL4 7452214 GHOUL 9 74522/9 Designed by Gary Morléy and Trish Morrison UNDEAD THESE FIGURES ARE SUPPLIED WITH PLASTIC SHIELDS WHERE APPROPRIATE ZOMBIES Tasialt 74siai2 74514/3 ZOMBIE 1 ZOMBIE 2 ZOMBIE 3 74515/5 7451513 7451519 ZOMBIE 5 ZOMBIE 6 ZOMBIE 7 ZOMBIE 8 7451511 74515/6 745 15/10 74915/8 ZOMBIE 10 ZOMBIE 11 ZOMBIE 12 745154 FAS 1512 745153 Designed by Gary Morley * Jay ZOMBIE STANDARD BEARER 1 ZOMBIE MUSICIAN LP ZOMBIE STANDARD BEARER 2 = As ZOMBIE 4 74515/7 ZOMBIE 9 7asisi2 ZOMBIE 13 7451501 10D @ “panies! SIYBU IY ‘PE6L PIT dousHio soweD IUbUAd CITADE | MENLXTUE © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 1994. All rights reserved. UNDEAD SKELETON COMMAND ‘SKELETON STANDARD BEARER 1 745167 SKELETON STANDARD BEARER 2 TAS 16/5 SKELETON STANDARD BEARER 3 745166 SKELETON ORUMMER 1 SKELETON HORNBLOWER 745 16/2 7A5 16/1 SKELETON DRUMMER 2 745163 CARRION CARRION WINGS: 8420/2 ae Sai CARRION HEAD 1 ‘CARRION HEAD 2 88420/3 88420/4 CARRION RIDER 1 a8420/7 CARRION BODY B8420/1 CARRION HEAD 3 BE420/5 ‘CARRION RIDER 2 8420/6 THE COMPLETED CARRION CONSISTS OF; 1x CARRION RIDER: 1x CARRION HEAD 1x CARION BODY 1x CARRION WINGS Designed by Gary Morley-and Trish Morrison Preseeved beyond death hy potent magic and reeking ofthe nation sinc sulpl st powerful of all Undead cr Although slow moving, Mummies are in hue of the embilmer's parlour, Mumities wely powertul AN UNDEAD HOST MARCHES T0 oWAR: © Copyright Games Workshop Lid 1994. All rights reserved. ITADET. RIATUIRES MUMMIES MUMMY 4 __ 7451016 MUMMY 2 7451014 MUMMY 5 MUMMY 6 745107 7451011 WRAITHS WRAITH 8 . ‘WRAITH 7 WRAITH 5 WRAITH 6 s 74518/8 f TASB? 7451 8/5, 745 18/6 WRAITH 4 WRAITH 1 WRAITH 7 WRAITH 3 74518/4 74518/1 7451/2 745183 Designed by Gary Morley 561 = “PSMSSE1 SIUDU II’ “PE6L PI] COUSHOM Sellen MEM) = — fl Be Jo SiB2A pL JepUN vespIYO 10} papuaUlWODe) Jou exe SeUNIEILIW JePENO “POMOKTeMS JO pamayO | NjuLNE\ AC Ae YoIYM PEA} SUIEIUOO YoNPo!d SIU. “ONINUWA\ ‘pelUyedun peliddns SeunjeIUIyY a © Gopyright Games Workshop Ltd 1994. All rights reserved. | LECTERN 0519/7 BANNER Os 19/8 0519/2 CHARIOT BASE Designed by Gary Morley UNDEAD YOKE 0519/6 ARKHAN THE BLACK 0519/1 WHEEL 0519/9 LICHE KING’S CHARIOT i a UNDEAD © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 1994. All rights reserved. TADEL, THE COMPLETED LICHE KING'S. CHARIOT CONSISTS OF: 1x ARKHAN THE BLACK 1x CHARIOT BASE —— 1x LECTERN 1x CHARIOT HAFT 1x BANNER . 1x LEFT WING ® 1% RIGHT WING ¥ 2x YOKE 2x WHEEL, 4x PLASTIC SKELETON STEEDS LICHE KING’S CHARIOT , , by PLASTIC SKELETON STEED SPRUE 1 PLASTIC SKELETON STEED SPRUE 2 128842 129842 Designed by Gary Morley UNDEAD WIGHTS THESE FIGURES ARE SUPPLIED WITH PLASTIC SHIELDS WHERE APPROPRIATE 4 ' he WIGHT 1 WIGHT 2 WIGHT 3 WIGHT 4 ~ 7451714 TAB 17S 7451712 / — WIGHT 5 WIGHT 6 WIGHT 7 WIGHT 8 745177 7451715 745178 7A5176 THE COMPLETED VAMPIRE VAMPIRE LORD LORD CONSISTS OF: 1x VAMPIRE LORD BODY } & 1x CLOAK VAMPIRE LORD BODY CLOAK a 74520! 7a520/2 EXAMPLE OF COMPLETED VAMPIRE LORD NECROMANCER GHOST NECROMANCER 7452/1 564 Designed by-Gary Morley paruesal s1uBu |Iy 'PE6L PI] douso~, saweD wWBUAdeD & OB@ 10 C10 OK $1 4ODUN UOIDIS OL POBUCLLUOTES 1OU O40 SAIMEEIUIAS IOP “BEANO MS 410 BOMOEUD 4) iMuLUuIOL OG Lou lonpoud S1b AO RSIRREAR mained pasnetetons Sourrreresiind GOBLINS CHIEFTAIN GROM’S GOBLIN WAR CHARIOT yr THE COMPLETE CHIEFTAIN GROM'S WAR CHARIOT CONSISTS OF: 1 NIBLET 1 x CHARIOT BASE 1x CHARIOT HAFT 2x CHARIOT YOKES 1x SKULL YOKE HEAD 1.x GROM THE PAUNCH 2x SOLID PLASTIC WHEELS 3x PLASTIC WOLVES: i 5 4 3 2 5 4 : : 5 E . : 3 i 5 ¢ & P : i : 3 E 5 E a 2 : : : t : q t 2 a 2 6 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 < ¢ 3 2 z g & 2 z oS = 8 E & oO = S 5 2 8 oO 9 EXAMPLE OF COMPLETED GOBLIN WAR CHARIOT CHARIOT BASE GROM THE PAUNCH NIBLET 0844/6 O844/1 0844/2 SKULL YOKE HEAD 0B44/5, CHARIOT YOKE SOLID PLASTIC WHEEL 0B44/4 100558 Miniatures supplied unpainted WARNING. This product contains lead which may be harmful it chewed or swallow: CHARIOT HAFT 0844/3 NIGHT GOBLINS SKARSNIK AND GOBBLA GOBBLA SKARSNIK 75425/2 75425/1 SQUIG HOPPERS 1 pe hy 7 ‘] JAA ab PORRGLID 41 IAAT OE ACL LID, Benen peruasey swyBu ty “P66 pI] doysmoy sowed WWBUAdOD NIGHT GOBLIN NIGHT GOBLIN NIGHT GOBLIN NIGHT GOBLIN SQUIG HOPPER 4 SQUIG HOPPER 3 SQUIG HOPPER 2 SQUIG HOPPER 1 75440/4. 75440/3 7s440l2 75440/1 CAVE SQUIGS AND HUNTERS CAVE SQUIG 1 . CAVE SQUIG 2 CAVE SQUIG 3 NIGHT GOBLIN o75469/2 O75469/3 07546914 SQUIG HUNTERS 1 075469/1 i a CAVE SQUIG 4 CAVE SQUIG5 CAVE SQUIG6 CAVE SQUIG 7 NIGHT GOBLIN O75469/6 075469/7 075469/8 O75469/9 SQUIG HUNTERS 2 O75469/5, CYTADEL MENEATURES ghts reserved. © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 1994. A\ NIGHT GOBLINS = um, FANATICS } ote NIGHT GOBLIN ep NIGHT GOBLIN BALL AND CHAIN Ee aOeEN q BALL AND CHAIN BALL AND CHAIN FANATIC 1 o_. FANATI fr FANATIC 2 8 O75420/1 cen o75420/2 — ‘athe, NIGHT GOBLIN NIGHT GOBLIN NIGHT GOBLIN BALL AND CHAIN BALL AND CHAIN BALL AND CHAIN FANATIC 4 FANATIC 5 FANATIC 6 o7s420/4 075420/5 o7sa20/6 CLUBBERS CLUBBER 1 CLUBBER 2 CLUBBER 3 CLUBBER 4 0754573 07545714 7545716 75457/5 NETTERS NETTER1 NETTER 2 NETTER 3 NETTER 4 074557/7 o74557/8 o745s7i2 o745s7/1 . 567 le AupEeR— GOBLINS MINIATURES WOLF RIDERS ‘THESE MINIATURES ARE SUPPLIED WITH THE APPROPRIATE PLASTIC SHIELDS AND A PLASTIC WOLF SPRUE AS STANDARD es fi BIG Boss HORN BLOWER BANNER BEARER 88260/2 88260/3 B8260/4 WITH AXE AND SHIELD WITH SWORD AND SHIELD 2 88260/8 WITH SPIKED CLUB AND SHIELD BB260/10 ARCHER 4 ARCHER 2 ] 88260/6 f 8826/11 je ARCHER 3 8826012 B8260/5 WITH SPEAR 1 WITH SPEAR 2 WITH SPEAR 3 WITH SPEAR 4 o8st/t 0831/2 ii 0831/3. 0831/4 EXAMPLES OF COMPLETED GOBLIN WOLF BOYZ Marauder Miniatures are supplied unpainted, Banners net included, © Designed by Aly Morrison and Colin Dixon — copyright Marauder Miniatures Ltd, 1999, All nghts reserved. 568 ‘Warning! These miniatures contain lead which may be harmful if chewed or swallowed. Marauder Miniatures are not recommended for chikiran under 14 years of age. WITH MACE 074930/3 WITH AXE AND SPIKE o7agsor4 WITH TWO HANDED MACE 074930/5, WITH SPIKED CLUB 074930/6 nU6d Asn poud juss se seine WAR EOI OChUM Dei citys may STANDARD 74930/2 THE COMPLETED OGRE STANDARD BEARER ‘CONSISTS OF: 1x STANDARD 1x STANDARD BEARER EXAMPLE OF COMPLETED OGRE STANDARD BEARER “‘penese siy6l) ly P66L PY] dousOM sewed 1yBUAdoD @ TS TO REE a IEE Ty DCE Ee ree a Fee ae OEE a ST Rg eae ee Ree eR EOE TS HTP ON STANDARD BEARER 74930/1 570 Designed by Michael Perry BLACK ORC COMMAND ‘ . ¥ BANNER TOP 75260/4 en Tr THE COMPLETE BLACK ORC ;- Ta BANNER BEARER CONSISTS OF: * 1 x BLACK ORC BANNER BEARER 1x BANNER TOP oe z BLACK ORC BOSS BLACK ORC DRUMMER BLACK ORC BANNER BEARER BLACK ORC BIG BOSS 3 T5260/2 752605 75260/3 TS2601 2 6 BLACK ORCS © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 1994. BLACK ORC WITH AXE 1 BLACK ORC WITH AXE 2 BLACK ORC WITH AXE 3 75255/4 75255/5 75255'6 BLACK ORC WITH BLACK ORC WITH BLACK ORC WITH AXE AND CLEAVER 1 AXE AND CLEAVER 2 AXE AND SWORD 75255/3 75255/2 75255/1 ITADEL NATURES Designed by Alan Perry 571 ORC COMMAND GROUP GORFANG ROTGUT CHAMPION 1 STANDARD BEARER 1 DRUMMER 1 CHIEFTAIN O75235/1 075235/3 075235/2 o75240/1 o © abe jo S884 f1 JaPUN UBJPHIYD JO) PaPPUBLIWODE! JOU Be SOIN}EIU!A |EPELD ‘PSMol/BMs Jo pemayo p INjJWAY eq KAW YOUN PES) SUNEIUOS onpoud SIU| “DNINEIWA ‘Peluredun peliddns seumeluiW ORC BIG’UNS “poniesal sqyBu |v “PES ‘PIT doyspony sowed jYBuAdos & BIG'UN BIG'UN BIG'UN BIG'UN WITH SPEAR 1 WITH SPEAR 2 WITH SPEAR 3 WITH SWORD 1 O75230/1 075230/2 075230/3 075230/4 BIG'UN BIG'UN BIG'UN BIG'UN WITH SWORD 2 WITH AXE WITH MACE WITH BOW o75290/5 07523046 075230/7 075230/8 CITADEL STUIRES yours, © i i 4 a i ; 3 3 so 2 j & B = S 3 a g : 3 3 — 5 6 S s oO o 5 2 E z 8 é i 3 3 2 z é 8 8 8 a 2 F Z = c < : g e B g & a g 3 = ORC BOYZ ORC WITH AXE AND DAGGER 1 o75220/1 ORC WITH SPIKY CLUB 1 075220/4 ORC WITH SWORD 3 O75220/6 ORC WITH SWORD 6 075220/9 oRCc WITH SWORD 4 075220/2 ORC WITH SWORD 2 o75220/5 WITH SWORD 4 O75220/7 oRc WITH SWORD 7 075220/10 SAVAGE ORCS COMMAND FIGURES SAVAGE ORC SAVAGE ORC SAVAGE ORC BIG BOSS 1 BIG BOSS 2 BANNER BEARER 2 075250/2 075250/9 ors2so/7 “paMlesas SiYBU |Iy "PEGL ‘PIT doysioyy seweD yYyBuAdoo © SAVAGE ORG SAVAGE ORC SAVAGE ORC BANNER BEARER 1 ‘SHAMAN 1 SHAMAN 2 O75250/5 075250/3 075250/10 ‘SAVAGE ORC SAVAGE ORC SAVAGE ORC SAVAGE ORG BOSS 1 BOSS 2 DRUMMER HORN BLOWER O75250/1 o75250/8 075250/6 075250/4 Designed by Alan Perry 574 AVAGE ORCS ARRER BOYZ SAVAGE ORC SAVAGE ORC SAVAGE ORC SAVAGE ORC ‘WITH BOW AND HAMMER WITH BOW 1 WITH BOW 2 WITH BOW 3 075210/1 o7s2t0re 07521013 O75210/4 SAVAGE ORC SAVAGE ORC SAVAGE ORC SAVAGE ORC — WITH BOW 4 WITH BOW 5 WITH BOW 6 WITH BOW 7 O75210/5 975210/6 0752107 0752108 3 e 5 3 s & z & = z + 3 g 3B = 2 8 £ 2 5 2 % 8 & 5 6 z 2 = s oO 8 SAVAGE ORC SAVAGE ORC SAVAGE ORC SAVAGE ORC WITH BOW 6 WITH BOW 9 WITH BOW 10 WITH BOW 14 0752109 075210/10 O75210/11 07521012 Miniatures supplied unpainted. WARNING. This product contains lead which may be harmiul if chawed or swallowed, Citadel Miniatures are not recommended for childran under 14 years of age ® i wos onc SAVAGE ORC SAVAGE ORC SAVAGE ORC wi OW 12 WITH BOW AND KNIFE WITH BOW 13 WITH BOW 14 CITADEL 075210/13 o75210/14 o7s210n5 o7s210/16 MINLATURES| Designed by Alan Perry 575 SAVAGE ORCS COMMAND THESE FIGURES ARE SUPPLIED WITH A PLASTIC BOAR SPRUE AND THE APPROPRIATE PLASTIC SHIELDS AS STANDARD BANNER HEAD 75206/3 THE COMPLETED SAVAGE ORC BANNER BEARER CONSISTS OF: 1x BANNER BEARER 1x BANNER HEAD 1x PLASTIC BOAR SPRUE HORNBLOWER BOSS STANDARD BEARER 7520614 752061 75206/2 BOARBOYZ BOARBOY 1 " A re BOARBOY 2 75205/2 a a 78205) EXAMPLES OF COMPLETED SAVAGE ORC BOARBOYZ 576 Designed by.Alan Perry “panuesel sIyBu jy “r66L PIT doyswom sowie yybuddog @ ‘@Be JO SUBBA pL JEPUN U@PNIYD JO) PaPUSWIWODE: 1OU SJE SeuNIeIUIIN |EDENS “‘NGMO!BMS 4O DeMEUa 1 IMMUBY aq ABLU YDIL% PRA! SUIETUOS joNPOd SiU) “ONIN WM “Poluledun perjddns seunreiuiw CHTADEL MES EXT URES MIGHTY EMPIRES MIGHTY EMPIRES MIGHTY EMPIRES: MIGHTY EMPIRES GREAT CANNON TEMPLE BATTERING RAM o75094/7 O75094/1 O7s094/6 si MIGHTY EMPIRES MIGHTY EMPIRES MIGHTY EMPIRES: SIEGE TOWER STONE THROWER STONE CIRCLE 075094/5 O75094/4 o75094/3 MIGHTY EMPIRES BRIDGE 1 BRIDGE 2 MINE o7rs1ove O75101/3 o7so94/2 © Copyright Games Workshop Ltd 1994. All rights reserved. SKELETON ARMY WIZARDS TOWER NECROPOLIS BANNER O75101/1 O751016 O7S101/7 THE COMPLETE PIRATE SHIP CONSISTS OF: 1x PIRATE SHIP SAIL 1x PIRATE SHIP HULL PIRATE SHIP SAIL PIRATE SHIP HULL 0751015 O75101/4 COMPLETE PIRATE SHIP Designed by Dave Andrews and the Citadel Design Team 577 ARCANE ARCHITECTURE WINDOW 3 WINDOW 4 O79717/5 o79717/6 WINDOW 2 07971 7/4 HEAD STONES 2 079717/20 o ae il HEAD STONES 1 COLUMN HUGE O79717/19 COLUMN 1 COLUMN2 COLUMNS = COLUNN4 WITH GARGOYLE CANDLESTICK o7g7 17/7 o7e717/8 0797179 079717/10 o7a7i7/12 orerq7/11 ee Z GRAVE 1 GRAVE STONES 1 GRAVE STONE 4 O79717/21 O797I7N5 OTSTITAS “paniese! Siu |Iv “PEGE ‘PIT doysyiom sowed yyBuAdog @ @ ® -g6e jo sieeA +) JOPUN UEIP|IYD 10} PaPUBLUWUODB! JOU Bre SEUN]EIUIWY |SBPEUD ‘PEMo|eMms Jo pemayo pi INJUUeY eq ABW YIYM PRd| SUIIUSS JaNPoud SIU! “DNINKWM ‘Peluredun pariddns seunel ui COMPLETE SARCOPHAGUS 1 GARGOYLE 1 O77 173 SARCOPHAGUS 1 LID SARCOPHAGUS 2 LID 0797 17/24 079717/28 SARCOPHAGUS 1 O79717/23 Orart7i7 O7O717/14 SARCOPHAGUS 2 O79717/25. COMPLETE ARMIES of Warhammer Fantasy Baste, Warhammer 40,000 and Space Marine armies, rod Separately, please contact Games Warkshop Mail Order for details. WARLORD QUEEK’S SKAVEN SWARM : 2998 Point Army Poiot Army GORBLUM'S ORC AND GOBLIN HORDE LORD BOR CEOS DWARF ARMY teint Army _. CAPTAIN TYCHO'S BLOOD ANGELS 4 1522 Point Army Bi made 'WARBOSS MAGROT’S ORK HORDE 1518 Point Army CHAOS RENEGADES 5000 Point Army ELDAR WARHOST OF THE ALAITOC CRAFTWORLD 4000 Point Army Ty PTB THE IMPERIAL GUARD OF BARBARIUS PRIME 4000 Point Army SQUIGBREFF'S ORK HORDE 4000 Point Army $$. a — Un alk. ails chee . t \ Gia ay « é (20 Space Marines, 20 Space Orks and 40 G G Rulebook, a Wargear Equipment Bool booklet, plus full- colour burst templates, counters, fa 20 card included in the box are Wargear, Mission, Vehi and Dreadnought cards Squad data and Weapons reference cards, a full-colour ng the model: and four a cat needa at rane Gorrie Pelee dette feeucourtea toes etc ee ee eee Leek! Perce Ea men rie aeaparrandatatchpnitaenionomatre ore py eeerieereer thr tet re ari Bar tea Nec cel cg cou aul ie ace Cairne c een eetanerss! Roun en ee CMS aL) orca there Space Marine Warriors - Pele areata Pecos nescence hi od ‘THE MIGHT OF THE Baca tise ‘The creation of the Space Rc Goa erences ene Corea eyes CULO Es) rnc mat Blood Claws. Ree men BE ENS et aD Logan Grimnar. CE ane Got) Leo ec) Be Deu) Pa eT pa FT) Tene Lae els) ReMIME TUT | * laut atte B OUC eure eae ty renner ‘of psychic RE hat tis: Lg itl einer tee of | the Eldar Paths. SPECIAL AULES Full game rules are provided: BC Uitte CL tr wehicles and warge: Se ee aan tg Reicemictenicu tts Pears Pane hee ee ce Eades ciara PM asc at WET Ce ta Lt Aco ite Dragon ec Vere e GiCub aoe Reet tates and warriors. ora -a 0a Pe ee UL LUE ae Pimentel guides and Eldar miniatures Pouce eee cee MSE Beck Cope en itso te Une ates Re ce eee ete Tad SS re Sees oe Mery ere eae hos ay pep hn Mac | —p-fhen PAINTING GUIDES Essential reading for miniature painters and modellers. Mike McVey's ‘Eavy Metal Painting Guides contain all you need to know. whether you're new to painting or an expert perfecting your technique. Meee maa oc Puen een ire Miura Puke na ee ere nL emesis Niemen lead ee tee artes ad Bee ict eet irae cease Uct roid me PaEw Aen eunuch ket S eRe aes rf Geet ase tes see eed Ret ciae Oke sue eae ate eo painting techniques and colour schemes for all of the different races and character models of the Geese toy THE COMPLETE GUIDE 70 Seem eee For your copies, call into your local Games Workshop store, or phone our Mail Order Department on (0773) 713213. Rete ulna ae acties 4 Paneer rrr noel erento et ts ry Ce ee CSC le ee Re ace THE UNDEAD In the Warhammer World the dead do not rest easy. Vampires lurk in haunted eastles in the sinister forests of Sylvania. Necromancers seek 0 escape their ‘mortality by searching for forbidden knowledge within the pages of accursed books. In lost cities buried beneath the desert sands of the Land of the Dead, the Tomb Kings: rule over legions of corpses, their servants in death as they were im life. And chind all of this towers the ancient shadowy figure of Lord Nagash — the Great Necromancer, once human but now powerful enough to rival the Gods themselves. This essential supplement tthe Warhammer game describes the armies of the Undead in complete detail. The book contains a full history of the Undead together with an army list that includes rules for all the Undead creatures, characters, warriors and war machines. There are also a set of 10 new Necromantic Magie spell cards as well as ever a dozen new Magic Item cards and an exciting Undead scenario — Revenge of the Doomlord. Warhammer Armies books for ihe Empire, Dwarfs, Orcs and Goblins, High Elves and Skaven are also available along, with the Warhammer Battle Magie supplement. ‘WARHAMMER ARMIES — UNDEAD I$ NOT A COMPLETE GAME, YOU NEED A. COPY OF WARHANNMER TO USE THE CONTENTS OF THIS BOOK. . The Games Weishep ogo andthe Wiaternec ogo Y aro opstere tuciorars of Gros Woristea Ls . tocol and Gavi Mate are a vademark ef Games Werke Lt ‘ r ) Each fully _ illustrated yolume in the Warhammer Armies series is packed with background, history, special rules and a complete army list. With detailed, full- colour painting guides, these books form the essential reference collection for all Warhammer gamers. WARHAMMER ARMIES DWARES Renowned as _battle-hardened warriors, Dwarfs have endured centuries of war and conquest to establish their mighty Empire among the Worlds Edge Mountains. This supplement describes the Dwarfs’ Empire and history, from the great days of the Ancestor Gods to the sorry times of the present. It includes details of the Dwarfs’ language, their music, writing, and ‘magic runes, The Dwarf army list includes details about Runesmiths, Hammerers, Iron Breakers, Long Beards, Thunderers, Slayers, Cannons, Organ Guns, Flame Cannons, and more warriors and war machines, A full list is provided for Dwarf heroes past and present, including Ungrim Ironfist the Slayer King of Karak Kadrin, Thorgrim Grudgebearer the High King of Karaz-a-Karak, the senowned Slayer Gotrek Gurnisson and Joseph Bugman Dwarf Master Brewer. Special rules include details of the game rules for all Dwarf war machines and warriors including the Flame Cannon, Organ Gun, Slayers, and Runesmiths. A complete new magic rune system is described allowing Dwarfs to build their own powerful magic weapons, anmiour, standards, war machines and talismans. In addition Lord Durcgar leads a Dwarf army into a ferocious battle against Ores and Night Goblins at the very gates to the ancient sironghold of Karak Bight Peaks —a new Warhammer scenario. = “Ths Gms Wokthop togp and ismapmar or glare eacomara of Games Wario ‘Garel Wststeg oa tadaneh of Genes Woop Lid @ Garver Nop Li 18320 ihe oserved THE SKAVEN ‘The vile and malevolent Skaven gnaw through the roots of the Old World like a malignant cancer. From t evil, Skavenl their Under-Empire spreads ever outward as seething hordes of vicious rat-men lie waiting to bring the final apocalypse down upon the unsuspecting realms of men. Hidden from the eyes of men black-clad assassins slink through the sewers, rabid Plague Monks brew magical pestilences, insane Warlock Engineers build their devastating weapons of mass destruction and fou! Packmasters mutate warped and deadly war-beasts to unleash upon their foes. Through the ancient and evil Lords of Decay the Horned Rat himself, dark god of the Skaven race, cynically guides his children to their ultimate destiny of complete mastery of the entire world! ‘This indispensable supplement for the Warhammer game of fantasy battles describes the : Skaven race and their unspeakable horror in complete and exhaustive detail. ‘The Empire, Dwarfs, High Elves, and Ore & Goblin armies books are also available along with the Warhammer Battle Magic supplement. WARHAMMER ARMIES SKAVEN IS NOT A COMPLETE GAME. YOU NEED A COPY OF WARHAMMER TO USE THE CONTENTS OF THIS BOOK - rele = yp PRODUCT CODE: ate Carrer Wrtst00 Wl ios 49210072

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