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10 Best Romantic Movies

Wednesday, January 26 by Breakstudios

These 10 best romantic movies explore the many facets of love. The best romantic movies include some suspense, humor, and uncertainty. These romantic movies are certainly worth seeing.


"Out of Africa" This Sydney Pollack movie not only features two of the greatest actors of all time, eryl Streep and !obert !edford, but stunning scenery and an intriguing plot. " #anish baroness goes to "frica and becomes the owner of a plantation. $er decades%long love affair with a big%game hunter is a story that makes

this one of the best romantic movies. This movie won & 'scars including (est Picture. 2. "Pretty Woman" The unbeatable combination of )ulia !oberts and !ichard *ere made this one of the most popular romantic movies. !oberts plays a hooker hired by a powerful businessman +*ere, for a few days. This surprisingly innocent movie is the classic knight%on%a white%horse fairy tale, but with a big twist. 3. "Sleepless in Seattle" This is one of -ora .phron/s smart romantic movies. The story is about a boy who calls a radio show hoping to find a wife for this widowed father. The imminently likeable eg !yan and Tom $anks star in this modern day love story which is all about true love. 4. "Shakespeare in Love" This is no ordinary Shakespearean drama. #espite the .li0abethan time setting it is unpredictably modern with characters that connect with the audience. *wenyth Paltrow is the beautiful 1iola de 2esseps who wants nothing more than to be an actor, except women are not allowed on stage. 3ill Shakespeare +)oseph 4innes, falls in love with her and they try to get away with living out their dreams on stage and in real life. ore than one of the great romantic movies, it won & 'scars including (est Picture and (est "ctress. 5. "Ghost." #emi oore and Patrick Sway0e star in this tale of a man gunned down in the street and his attempts to contact his wife from the other side. 3hoopi *oldberg is the medium that brings them together. 5nlike some romantic movies this film manages to be both tender and funny. 6. "Serendipity" This charming movie explores the idea of fate. 6f two people are meant to be together will fate make it happen7 )ohn 8usack is the endearing )onathan Trager who meets Sara Thomas +8ate (eckinsale, over a glove rack. 3hen they decide to let fate decide on their future they end up being engaged to other people. (ut both go looking for the other before getting married. 7. "An Officer and a Gentleman" This is one of the classic romantic movies. "lmost everyone can remember seeing !ichard *ere carrying #ebra 3inger out of the factory to the cheers of the workers. This film won two 'scars and was nominated for four others. 8. "City of Angels" The unlikely pair of eg !yan and -icholas 8age star in this heart%wrenching movie about an angel +8age, who falls for a mortal + eg !yan, and the 9ourney he takes to be with her. eg !yan is a doctor and 8age is a strangely intense angel but it is a moving film.


" ridges of !adison County" This time

eryl Streep teams up with 8lint

.astwood for a film about a short romance that changes the lives of both of their characters. Streep is 4rancesa )ohnson, an 6talian war bride living in a nondescript small town. !obert :incaid comes to town to photograph the bridges in the area which begins a love affair while her family is away at the state fair. 3hen it is time for !obert to leave 4rancesca must decide between true love and obligation to her


family. She documents the story in a letter to her grown children. ""he #ote$ook" This award%winning movie is based on the hugely popular book by -icholas Sparks. The story has two timelines. 6t cycles back and forth between a couple in a nursing home and the story he reads to her. The other time line is the story is of two lovers separated by social differences who find a way back to each other.

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