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Commission for Persons with Disabilities Medford Human Rights Commission March 26, 2014

Present Charlotte !wart", Henr# Milorin, Chief !acco, Marie Cassid#, Moll# $luec%iger & 'rlington Disabilit# Commission, (ill )oods, and Carol#n Rosen *ot +resent ,ois (ronnen%ant, !te-e Hone#cutt, Dale (r#an, Da-id Harris, and *atalie (reen .ntroductions Public Partici+ation Moll# discussed the +ossibilit# of Commissions getting together and sharing information and training/ Henr# offered some o+tions/ (ill res+onded to Moll# and s+o%e of small store +ricing which is difficult to read/ Carol#n res+onded to Moll#0s comments $ebruar# Minutes 1abled 2ld (usiness 1races Pro3ect 4+date Diane will meet at the High !chool ne5t 1hursda# to re-iew where we are/ MH! has selfies and we are also in need of adult selfies/ Diane drafted a brochure/ *ew (usiness 6obs for 7outh with Disabilities *atalie was not +resent Disabilit# 'wareness 'wards Diane sent information see%ing nominations to the ,ibrar#, to the 1ranscri+t and wic%ed local for the awards that are due Ma# 21st/ .t is also on the cit# website/ )e will hold the ceremon# in 6une/ 8ariance 4+dates Diane noted that the Ro#all House is tr#ing to ma%e the bathroom as accessible as +ossible/ 1he# were before the ''( as an incoming case on Monda# and were granted a -ariance for the

bathroom si"e and the distance between the center line of the toilet and the wall, but were denied for the re9uest to not ha-e grab bars/

Corres+ondence : 'nnouncements Diane has been coordinating outreach e-ents for Persons with Disabilities and ,imited ;nglish s+ea%ers for ;mergenc# Pre+aredness training on !mart <11/ )e will hold two sessions= '+ril <th at 4PM and '+ril 2>rd at 6PM, both in the Council Chambers/ Diane is coordinating a $air Housing 1raining focusing on famil# issues for $rida#, '+ril 11th from < >0'M & 11 >0'M in the Council Chambers/ Henr# mentioned the mo-ie 1oussaint ,ou-ertoure on March 2?th at the H#att/ He also noted ;mbracing the 'rts at the H#att '+ril 2@thA2Bth/ He will forward more details to Diane Meeting ad3ourned at @ @@PM *e5t meeting date '+ril 2>, 2014 Cschool -acation & Diane will send an emailD

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