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Article on Relation between the MBTI and Freudian Psychosexual development rev!"!

#$ Pa%e #&#"

Article on Relation between the MBTI and Freudian Psychosexual development

Rev! "!#$

%ictionary' MBTI' Myers(Bri%%s type indicator In)ormation on the MBTI' http'&&en!wi*ipedia!or%&wi*i&Mbti Be)ore you read this article it is a %ood thin% to have some basic insi%ht into the MBTI system$ +ud%ement )unctions' Thin*in% and Feelin% )unctions, placed on the T(F scale! Perceivin% )unctions' -ensin% and i.tuitive )unctions, placed on the -(. scale /irections o) )unctions$' The two possible directions o) )unctions are' Introverted, 0xtroverted! Bac&'round -ince I was #1 years old, I have been rather )ascinated by the hu%e emotional impact an in)atuation can have on human bein%s! I wanted to understand what caused this %reat and power)ul impact and how it wor*ed! -ince we are so lar%ely controlled by our emotions and impulses, I wanted to understand how this )unctioned! I) not to enhance the worlds understandin% i) this issue, then at least to help my own personal development! As a result o) this, I participated in a minor psycholo%y course! Recently I discovered the MBTI via the internet, and %ained interest )or the potential within this tool! -ince then I have been searchin% the internet and the local library )or in)ormation on the +un%ian typolo%y and on the MBTI! Amon% other material, I read the 2uite exceptional boo* 3Please 4nderstand Me "5, by /r! /avid 6eirsey! I was surprised by the %reat accuracy in the personality portraits! But thou%h boo*s are %reat, not everythin% in them has to be absolute truth!

Author' +eppe 7raasb8ll +ensen , /ate' #9th March "99: rev!"$

Pa%e #

Article on Relation between the MBTI and Freudian Psychosexual development rev!"!#$ Pa%e "&#"

MBTI Theory on matin' ;ne day I stumbled on this pa%e on the internet! http'&&personalitypa%e!com& Besides very accurate character portraits and other hi%h 2uality material, the site also included a theory on human matin%' http'&&personalitypa%e!com&partners!html Accordin% to this theory, we are naturally attracted to potential partners, which have the same dominant )unction as our selves, but in the opposite direction! This means that Introverted Thin*ers are li*ely to be attracted to 0xtroverted Thin*ers! And so on! Illustrated below' I-F+, I-T+, ( Introverted -ensors < Attracted to < 0xtroverted -ensors <0-FP, 0-TP I.F+, I.T+, ( Introverted i.tuitives < Attracted to < 0xtroverted i.tuitives < 0.FP, 0.TP I-TP, I.TP, ( Introverted Thin*ers < Attracted to < 0xtroverted Thin*ers < 0-T+, 0.T+ I-FP, I.FP, ( Introverted Feelers < Attracted to < 0xtroverted Feelers < 0-F+, 0.F+ ;ur natural partners will then have the opposite Attitude 0(I$ and =i)estyle +(P$, compared to that o) our own! Based on my personal experience and by observin% others, I )ind it unli*ely, that this theory should not be true! In my head I made a list o) people who has had the %reatest impact on me personally! I Measure impact by the intensity o) the a))ection and the len%th o) time that it was present! >hen loo*in% at the results, I conclude that this theory )its rather per)ect! Thou%h the personality type o) the individuals and the amount o) a))ection is based, on my personal ?ud%ement, I )ind the results to be valid! Ta*e also the )ollowin% into consideration' (The considerable amount o) time, that I have practised analysin% peoples personality type

Author' +eppe 7raasb8ll +ensen , /ate' #9th March "99: rev!"$

Pa%e "

Article on Relation between the MBTI and Freudian Psychosexual development rev!"!#$ Pa%e @&#" (The many thou%hts I have had on this sub?ect (The low concentration o) these individuals within the population .ote' This theory could also explain why /r! 6eirsey )ound that -+s 7uardians$, and -Ps Artisans$ o)ten mate with each other, since they o)ten share same dominant )unction and o)ten have opposite Attitude 0(I$ and =i)estyle +(P$! Maybe the same connection between .Fs Idealists$ and .Ts Rationalists$ was hard to )ind, because these people share only one out o) two pre)erred )unction parameters, and they do not necessarily have opposite Attitude 0(I$ and =i)estyle +(P$! (onnection to Freudian theory o) Psychosexual development >hen musin% over this theory! It struc* me that there were an obvious connection between the discussed theory#, and a theory o) -wiss psycholo%ist +Ar% >illi! That is his theory about the collusions"! Accordin% to his theory, individuals in matin% relationships play certain roles! +Ar% >illi identi)ied B di))erent types o) collusions relationships$! 0ach type o) which contains " roles, called the 3pro%ressive5 and the 3re%ressive5 role! The sub?ects o) the collusions are similar to that o) the Freudian Psychosexual sta%es! -ta%es described in the 3Theory o) psychosexual development5 by -i%mund Freud@! 7et an ;verview here$ The )our collusions are' The phallus(oedipal collusion The narcissistic collusion The anal(sadistic collusion The oral collusion

http'&&personalitypa%e!com&partners!html +Ar% >illi describes his collusions concept in his boo*' CDouples in collusionC year #EFG&#E:"$ @ http'&&www!ma*in%themodernworld!or%!u*&learnin%Hmodules&psycholo%y&9"!T4!9B&IsectionJ#"


Author' +eppe 7raasb8ll +ensen , /ate' #9th March "99: rev!"$

Pa%e @

Article on Relation between the MBTI and Freudian Psychosexual development rev!"!#$ Pa%e B&#" By studyin% MBTI character portraits, and observin% couples interactin% in real li)e, the )ollowin% became clear to me' The roles within these collusions )it very well, with those played by individuals who share the same dominant )unction with di))erent directions! I then associated the )our )unctions o) the MBTI, with the suitable collusion )or the %iven )unction! I also attached the characteristics )or each role! The characteristics are ta*en )rom some colle%e notes I have! .ot )rom +Ar% >illys boo*$' The phallus(oedipal collusion ( -ensorsB I-F+, I-T+, ( Introverted -ensors < Attracted to < 0xtroverted -ensors <0-FP, 0-TP Re%ressive role < Introverted role' 3Female5 Passive Penis envy Per)ormance bloc*in% sexualialisin% act on sex$ /ependent Avoids con)licts 0mptiness -el) disdain Pro%ressive role ( 0xtroverted role' 3Male5 Active Dastration anxiety Per)ormance compulsion Initiative Resolute A%%ressive -el)(centred -el)(satis)ied The narcissistic collusion ( i.tuitives I.F+, I.T+, ( Introverted i.tuitives < Attracted to < 0xtroverted i.tuitives < 0.FP, 0.TP Re%ressive role < Introverted role' Retired =ivin% in shadow$ Modest ( Altruistic Blan*

Pro%ressive role < 0xtroverted role' 7randeur )antasies -howy 0xhibitionist 0%oistic 7randiose

K' Dan a )emale play the pro%ressive male roleI A' >hen loo*in% at all the tou%h %irls and more or less metrosexual boys, the answer would be yes, certainly!

Author' +eppe 7raasb8ll +ensen , /ate' #9th March "99: rev!"$

Pa%e B

Article on Relation between the MBTI and Freudian Psychosexual development rev!"!#$ Pa%e G&#" /epressive 0mpathic -ympathetic ;verloo*ed Manic 4tiliLation ta*e adv!$ Mulnerable Dreatin% atmosphere The anal(sadistic collusion ( Thin*ers I-TP, I.TP, ( Introverted Thin*ers < Attracted to < 0xtroverted Thin*ers < 0-T+, 0.T+ Re%ressive role < Introverted role' /ependence Passive Indul%ent -ubordinatin% Masochist Prodi%al Messy Dareless Indi))erent Pro%ressive role < 0xtroverted role' Autonomy Active -el)(willed /omineerin% -adist Thri)ty .eat Pedantic Dlean The oral collusion ( Feelers I-FP, I.FP, ( Introverted Feelers < Attracted to < 0xtroverted Feelers < 0-F+, 0.F+ Re%ressive role < Introverted role' Receive 7reedy Dovetous /emandin% Nelpless /ependent >orthless Blan* .eedin% Pro%ressive role < 0xtroverted role' 7ive 7enerous 7ive satis)action -wallowed up Nelp)ul 7uessin% needs .ecessary Filled .eedles

Author' +eppe 7raasb8ll +ensen , /ate' #9th March "99: rev!"$

Pa%e G

Article on Relation between the MBTI and Freudian Psychosexual development rev!"!#$ Pa%e 1&#" As I have stated above, people with an extroverted )unction )its into the pro%ressive role, o) the collusion associated with that particular )unction! Introverted )unctions apply to re%ressive roles! This seems to be the )act )or all )unctions within an IndividualG! .ot only the dominant )unction! This means that every person has B potential collusions within! The ideal match will then be a partner whose )unctions all have the opposite direction o) the individuals own, and whose )ocus are on the same )unctions! -ame Primary, secondary, tertiary and in)erior )unction!$ *ist o) ideal match+ I-FP < 0-F+ 0-FP < I-F+ I-TP < 0-T+ 0-TP < I-T+ I.FP < 0.F+ 0.FP < I.F+ I.TP < 0.T+ 0.TP < I.T+ Primary collusion+ ;ral Phallic Anal Phallic ;ral .arcissistic Anal .arcissistic ,econdary collusion+ Phallic ;ral Phallic Anal .arcissistic ;ral .arcissistic Anal

Alternatively, go to the section: Synopsis of psychoanalytic theory and the relation to the MBTI. -alidity o) the relation 0specially when loo*in% at the anal and the phallic character, there seems to be some inaccuracies! Accordin% to MBTI, the re%ressive anal character, correspondin% to the I-TP, I.TP, is to be very independent people! They may be independent in the way that they do not need to 3control, or ma*e their impact5 on their outside world! As a result o) this, they do not depend so much on the outcome o) it! Dontra dictionary, the pro%ressive anal character depends a lot on the worlds will to be dominated! This dependence can be used by the re%ressive anal characters, in order to reverse the balance o) power!1
G 1

This includes the dominant, auxiliary, tertiary and in)erior )unction Douples in collusion p!#9:, =!:

Author' +eppe 7raasb8ll +ensen , /ate' #9th March "99: rev!"$

Pa%e 1

Article on Relation between the MBTI and Freudian Psychosexual development rev!"!#$ Pa%e F&#"

>hen loo*in% at the childhood anal sta%e, the ambivalence also becomes clear! ;n the other sta%es it is always clear that the parent is to be the pro%ressive part! ;n the anal sta%e however, it is a never endin% stru%%le o) who will be the domineerin% part! The phallic character accordin% to >illi, can only be played by males )or pro%ressive role, and )emales )or re%ressive role! This does not seem to )it! The phallic pro%ressive and re%ressive roles can be played by a man as well as a woman! It is correct thou%h, that the phallic re%ressive character emphasiLes a lot on their sexual appearance! They are also very stereotype in their perception o) what a real man&women is, since they %et this perception )rom somewhere else! .ot )rom within themselves$ The pro%ressive phallic character seems to have a more clearly de)ined ideal picture o) a man&woman, and they do not hold themselves bac* )rom tellin% the world about it! Nereby they have a hu%e in)luence on their re%ressive counterparts! They are typically the more lose, )un lovin% people! )un as in actionO$( Always loo*in% )or some action! They are usually the ones tellin% all the coc*(and(bull stories at parties and other social %atherin%s! Nereby they a))ect the publics ideal(sel) or lac* o) same$ massively! Ideal(sel) is the idea o) how one should be! 0specially the idea o) how to be a real man&woman! I) one loo*s away )rom the small inconsistencies, it becomes clear )rom the above, that there are nearly per)ect correlation between the two theories! The vast amount o) inconsistency can be attributed to authors di))erent an%les! 0ach o) them had to adapt their observations to their psycholo%ical bac*%round! +Ar% >illi < PsychoanalyticP Personality Pa%e < MBTI$ I am not tellin% you whether psychoanalytic theory is ri%ht or wron%! But I am tellin% you this'5>hen " people with such di))erent an%les +Ar% >illi Q Personality Pa%e$, independently come up with such similar results, it indicates some truth in whatever they can a%ree about!5

,ynopsis o) psychoanalytic theory and the relation to the MBTI

Author' +eppe 7raasb8ll +ensen , /ate' #9th March "99: rev!"$

Pa%e F

Article on Relation between the MBTI and Freudian Psychosexual development rev!"!#$ Pa%e :&#"

Accordin% to Freud, youn%lin%s who have been over stimulated ta*en up too much libidinal ener%y$ on a psychosexual sta%e, will receive characteristics similar to those o) the pro%ressive role on that particular sta%e! This seems to be the case )or the early ;ral and Anal sta%es, correspondin% to the ?ud%ement )unctions o) the MBTI! The pro%ressive ;ral character extroverted F$ nurses her child because o) her wea* sel)(ima%e! >hen the child shouts its demands, the mother identi)ies with the child, and satis)ies her own immediate demands throu%h the child! >hen the childs demands are meet immediately, the child doesnt experience bad situations, in which it develops its ability to distin%uish between ob?ect o) satis)action )!e! the mother$ and other ob?ects, and to postpone its demands )or immediate satis)action! The pro%ressive oral mother thereby trans)ers this thread on to her o))sprin%F! >ea* e%o()unctions$ The pro%ressive Anal character extroverted T$ )ears to be dominated by her child:, and there)ore tries to hinder all initiative o) the child, by bein% authoritarian and prohibit everythin%! The child hereby learns that one must dominate in order not to be dominated by othersE! It then develops its e%o, in order to control the world! This is ironic since the child su))ers )rom the control o) its own e%o as well! The pro%ressive anal character hereby carries her trait onto her o))sprin%! stron% e%o( )unctions$! Accordin% too the type indicator theory, one can only have a sin%le extroverted ?ud%ement )unction! It is then li*ely to believe, that the ?ud%in%()unction related too the sta%e, where the individual have ta*en up the relatively most libidinal ener%y, will serve as the extroverted ?ud%ement )unction! The direction o) the ?ud%in% )unctions seems, to be related to the creation o) the e%o#9! The perceivin% )unctions could as well be related to the development o) the super(e%o##! This accordin% to Freud ta*es place on the phallic sta%e! .arcissists extroverted i.tuatives$ have problems creatin% their own supere%o! Freud describes this in his essay 3;n .arcissism5! Douples in collusion p!:B, =!"# Douples in collusion p!EF, =!"@ E Douples in collusion p!EF, =!#F #9 0%o as re)erred to in the Freudian theory o) Psychosexual development ## -uper(e%o as re)erred to in the Freudian theory o) Psychosexual development
F :

Author' +eppe 7raasb8ll +ensen , /ate' #9th March "99: rev!"$

Pa%e :

Article on Relation between the MBTI and Freudian Psychosexual development rev!"!#$ Pa%e E&#" Freud also di))erentiates between two *ind o) narcissism called primary( and secondary( narcissism! Primary narcissists have a wea* sel) con)i%uration! They easily dissolve into their surroundin%s, because o) wea* e%o()unctions! They also tend to be distrust)ul towards others#"! >ea* e%o, supere%o$ -econdary narcissists are stron%ly dependent on narcissistic con)irmation! As a result o) this, their sel)(con)idence is easily hurt! Ret their e%o()unctions are well developed so that their sel)(ima%e remains despite brea*down o) sel)(worth!#@ >ea* supere%o$ Introverted -ensors re%ressive phallus(oedipal$ have problems with their sexual identity! They try to compensate )or their own lac* o) ideal(sel), by livin% up to that o) society ;r borrowin% that o) the 0xtroverted sensors$! They are usually very status conscious, tryin% to live up to the ideals o) society! They o)ten %o to )itness centres, %et suntans, %et new hairstyle, care a lot about their appearance in %eneral!#B Males o)ten have bi% muscles and tattoos! Females o)ten wear ma*eup! >ea* supere%o$ MBTI relation to Freudian personality model#.+ -upere%o ( 0%o ( >ea* supere%o' Introverted -, 0xtroverted . -tron% supere%o' 0xtroverted -, Introverted . >ea* e%o' Introverted T, 0xtroverted F -tron% e%o' 0xtroverted T, Introverted F .arcissism ( Primary narcissists < .TP -econdary narcissists < .FP Domplimentary narcissists( Primary < .T+ -econdary < .F+ 0%o(structure o) all MBTI(types clic* here!

Douples in collusion p!19, =!@ Douples in collusion p!19, =!#: #B 6eirsey also describes these people as the 7uardians -+$! 7uardin% the ideals o) society #G http'&&www!ma*in%themodernworld!or%!u*&learnin%Hmodules&psycholo%y&9"!T4!9B&IsectionJ##
#" #@

Author' +eppe 7raasb8ll +ensen , /ate' #9th March "99: rev!"$

Pa%e E

Article on Relation between the MBTI and Freudian Psychosexual development rev!"!#$ Pa%e #9&#" The connections in this article also explain other phenomena, related to the Freudian concept o) personality#1! For example the %reediness o) company executes T+, introverted F ( stron% e%o$, and the )ree )lowin% )antasies o) eccentric thin*ers! .TP, extroverted F, . < wea* e%o, supere%o$ Two sides o) the same coin Accordin% to the typeindicator theory, you cant have two extroverted +ud%ement )unctions as well as you cant have two extroverted Perceivin% )unctions! ;nly one extroverted )unction o) each cate%ory is allowed! It then appears that when we *now the direction o) one )unction in a cate%ory, the other )unction is %iven to have the opposite direction! For example' This means that an individual cant be both pro%ressive anal and pro%ressive oral )ixated! I) an individual is pro%ressive anal )ixated, he also has to re%ressive oral! Rou can say that pro%ressive anal and re%ressive oral is two sides o) the same coin ( >hen you *now one side, the other is also %iven! This is o) course true )or all )our possible cases! #! pro%ressive anal, re%ressive oral < "! re%! anal, pro%! oral < @! pro%! phal!, re%! narc! < B! re%! phal!, pro%! narc!$ Rou can say that the less pre)erred o) the two sides will become a 3shadow side5! Accordin% to personalitypa%e!com, traits associated with what I pre)er to call shadow sides, emer%e primarily when a person is under %reat stress! The typeindicator theory also shows us that an individual always will have both two pro%ressive and two re%ressive )ixations! Then i) the direction o) two partners )unctions is per)ectly opposite, they will be able to complement each other very well in all areas si%ni)icant to them! ( Another %ood reason to emphasiLe a stron% auxiliary )unction! /))ect on personality o) the Attitude /0I$ and *i)estyle 10P$ pre)erences! I) Freud is ri%ht about his theory, the direction o) the MBTI Functions is decided by environment!



Author' +eppe 7raasb8ll +ensen , /ate' #9th March "99: rev!"$

Pa%e #9

Article on Relation between the MBTI and Freudian Psychosexual development rev!"!#$ Pa%e ##&#" I) this is true, it leaves us with @ di))erent scenarios on how the 0(I and +(P scales e))ects the personality' #! The order#F o) the )unctions is decided by 0(I and +(P scales! 0(I Q +(P scales innate$ "! The order o) the )unctions will decide the 0(I and +(P scales ( 0(I Q +(P scales decided by environment$! @! ;nly one o) the scales is decided by )unction order! This is then li*ely to be the +(P scale, since this scale )lip()lops the direction o) the )unctions, unless the )unction order chan%es drastically at the same time! The 0(I scale only e))ects )unction order moderately, and is there)ore more li*ely to be predetermined! 0(I scale innate, +(P scale decided by environment$ By order of functions is mend which function will e dominant, au!iliary, tertiary and inferior. "r in #reudian words: $hat the main conflict %dominant collusion& would e. Application This theory su%%ests a new line o) research, to validate the hypothesis within! This includes whether the 0(I and +(P pre)erences are innate or not! >hen this said, I must say, that I thin* the )unctions )its very well with the collusions! -ome prospects o) this connection are 2uite clear' The process o) determinin% the MBTI personality type o) individuals will be eased, by applyin% the Freudian threads to the MBTI )unctions! And Psychoanalytic identi)ication by usin% the MBTI$ I) )urther understandin% o) these issues is reached, perhaps it will be possible to shape o))sprin% into certain MBTI personality types! Thrust in the MBTI and psychoanalytic theory mi%ht hei%hten, since their similarities indicate that they mi%ht be ri%ht about somethin%!

By order o) )unctions is mend which )unction will be the dominant, auxiliary, tertiary and in)erior!

Author' +eppe 7raasb8ll +ensen , /ate' #9th March "99: rev!"$

Pa%e ##

Article on Relation between the MBTI and Freudian Psychosexual development rev!"!#$ Pa%e #"&#"

Article author: 'eppe (raas )ll 'ensen I.TP$

Author' +eppe 7raasb8ll +ensen , /ate' #9th March "99: rev!"$

Pa%e #"

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