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Use this format for all lessons plans: Lesson Plan Curriculum Objective Time Requirement: 1 45 minute period

Lesson Plan 2 Day 2-Date The Future

(This should be copied directly from the school and/or state curriculum. Depending upon how the new CORE Curriculum is rolled out, this could take the form of the following :) Standard (formerly referred to as strand) CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL.11-12.6 Analyze a case in which grasping a point of view requires distinguishing what is directly stated in a text from what is really meant (e.g., satire, sarcasm, irony, or understatement). Specific Lesson Goal/Link to Assessment (The above curriculum objective only needs to be re-worded if the Indicator isnt specific enough.) What is the specific lesson goal you will communicate to students (S)? Students will be able to identify contrasts and contradictions in the text and think about what those contradictions mean. Question: What is the Summative Assessment to the unit? (S)? Unknown. Question: How does this link to previous/future learning? As students continue to read on their own and for class, they will need to be able to notice some of the ways that authors create meaning in their work. If students know that they should be looking for contrasts and contradictions in a text, and the questions that they should ask themselves as they come to these moments. As they read texts of varying complexity, having a general goal in a text makes it easier to engage in and to make meaning from different texts. Materials needed The Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka, The Metamorphosis audiobook to timestamp 5:28.(, A computer, small sticky notes, pens, pencils Instructional Strategies 1. Entry (Set Induction or Lead)

Students will begin with a brief review of the Notice and Note signpost: Contrasts and contradictions. I will ask students to remember the question they were supposed to ask when they notice a contradiction. 3-5 minutes 2. Transition Students will be informed that Kafka uses sarcasm heavily, so they will really have to pay attention to when he does something that seems to be the opposite from what theyd expect. (1-2 minutes) 3. Activity with Checks for Understanding The work that we will be starting today, Kafkas The Metamorphosis, uses contradictions throughout the text to make its meaning. To help them see the sarcasm, students will be asked to follow along as the first page is read aloud. As they read, they should use the mini sticky notes that are stuck to your desk to mark at least two places where you see characters doing things that you wouldnt normally expect. (5 minutes) After finishing the reading, students will turn to their neighbor, share what they marked, and answer the question: Why would the character act that way? (5 minutes) As they discuss with a partner, I will walk around the room and listen for evidence of students sharing their findings and answering their questions. For students whose conversations begin to dwindle, or students who are not asking the question, I will ask them why the character would act that way and let them discuss. After 5 minutes, Students will be asked to share their findings with the class. I will ask three or four students to share the moment they marked, and what they thought that showed about the character. This will present models for the other students. (5 minutes) 4. Transition Now that students have had some experience working on this with a partner and as a class, its time to try using the skill on their own. (15 minutes) 5. Group activity For the rest of class, students will practice looking for contrasts and contradictions on their own. Closure (possibly including Assessment) As their exit ticket for the day, students will record two more contrasts or contradictions that they find on a notecard. On the back of the card, they will answer the question, Why would the character act that way?. This information will provide me with an accurate reading of how well students are understanding both what they are looking for and how they could be analyzing it. (5 minutes)

For the last minute of class, I will remind students of what will be happening over the next couple days (homework, projects, events, etc) I will also collect the exit ticket.

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