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Whole Brain 1

Whole Brain Teaching Amber White Glen Allen High School

Whole Brain 2 Abstract Education reform is a constant focus in the United States due to the low scores on standardized tests. While many avenues of reform have been tried, Whole Brain Teaching has lasted through the past decade and is reaching its peak. This method of teaching incorporates the advances made in neuroscience in order to advance learning at all ages. Through the incorporation of neuroscience, lessons become more interactive and utilize both hemispheres of the brain. Students are more able to participate in the lesson being taught establishing better attention, and therefore, better retention of information. This teaching style employs both listening to a lesson, as well as mimicry and hand gestures. Whole brain teaching is best implemented through a seven step system which is engaging and keeps the students occupied so classroom management becomes easier. With an increase in implementation of this method into classrooms, student achievement will increase and behavior problems will decrease which helps to create the most successful learning environment for students.

Whole Brain 3 Education reform has taken many different shapes in the United States throughout the years. In 2001, President Bush enacted No Child Left Behind in order to drive gains in student achievement and to hold states and schools more accountable for student progress (n.a., 2011, No child left behind). However, in the years to follow, it has not increased student achievement or decreased the gap in achievement (Strauss, 2012). This failed attempt at decreasing the achievement gap existed even before No Child Left Behind. During the Johnson administration, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act was passed in order to level the opportunities for education in an attempt to fight the War on Poverty (n.a., n.d.). This act was revised in 2010 by the Obama administration, still with little to no change in the education performance of students of the United States (n.a., 2011, ESEA reauthorization: a blueprint for reform). In 1999, Chris Biffle, Jay Vanderfin, and Chris Rekstad decided to try to create a successful education reform through the intervention and implementation of whole brain teaching, and since then, it has been making its way to the top of reform in the United States and has outlasted some of the governments biggest attempts at reform (Biffle, n.d.). This need for reform is in response to the United States poor results internationally on the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) test. In 2012, the United States scored 36th in math, 24th in reading, and 28th in science on the PISA test (Sedghi, Arnett, & Chalabi, 2013). These scores have been continuously dropping since 2000, showing that the United States education system is in need of reform. The up and coming acceptance and embracement of whole brain teaching may be the way to bring the United States to a competitive level in education internationally. With the implementation of whole brain teaching into the classroom, the gap between neuroscience and education has been bridged. Through the incorporation of both hemispheres of the brain, better

Whole Brain 4 attention is seen which in turn creates better retention of information and limits behaviors associated with disengagement. The brain is a complex organ at the heart of every students learning capabilities. It is the center of the nervous system and controls learning and memory, information processing, motor control and motivation among many other things. One of the biggest parts of the human brain is the forebrain which contains two important structures of the limbic system (Bernstein, Penner, Clarke-Stewart, Roy, 2008). The system includes the interaction of the amygdala, hippocampus, hypothalamus, and septum in order to help regulate memory and emotion (Bernstein et al., 2008). The amygdala is the structure of the brain that connects the stimuli from two different senses in order to create a memory (Bernstein et al., 2008). This could include the way an object feels and looks in order to create an image that is then stored in a persons memory. Besides helping with the processing of stimuli, the amygdala also controls fear and other emotions (Bernstein et al., 2008). The other structure vital to memory is the hippocampus which aids in the formation of new memories; damage to this structure can result in conditions such as the inability to form new memories, also known as amnesia (Bernstein et al., 2008). Some of the most vital parts of the brain that aid in the learning process are located in the cerebral cortex. The motor cortex, located in the frontal lobe, is the part of the brain associated with voluntary movements in specific parts of the body (Bernstein et al., 2008). Parts of the motor cortex control the hand, foot, head, etc. The neurons located in the motor cortex must determine location of an object relative to a person's position and regulate which muscle group to contract in order to create the desired movement (Bernstein et al., 2008). Another part of the cerebral cortex is the association cortex, which consists of the structures that help perform cognitive tasks (Bernstein et al., 2008). The areas connected with the association cortex gather information from

Whole Brain 5 multiple senses or combine sensory and motor information (Bernstein et al., 2008). It is in the association cortex that two vital structures associated with different aspects of language are found. One can be found in the frontal lobe near areas commonly associated with facial muscles (Bernstein et al., 2008). This area has now been named Brocas area and functions to help with the pronunciation of speech. Wernickes area is the other structure located in the temporal lobe, which receives information from the ears and eyes (Bernstein et al., 2008). This area functions to process spoken and written language. Damage to either one of these areas can lead to devastating effects on a persons speech and are largely associated with the ability for a student to learn. While the brain is one unified organ, it contains two hemispheres, right and left, which each serve different functions. It is well known that the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body while the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body; however, each hemisphere has its own distinct functions, as well. The left and right hemispheres of the brain are connected by millions of fibers called the corpus callosum (Bernstein et al., 2008). With research done by Roger Sperry and Michael Gazzaniga on split-brain patients (people with a severed corpus callosums), the functions of each hemisphere were discovered (Bernstein et al., 2008). In an experiment, images were presented to each side of the brain. When presented to the left side, it was found that the patient could say what the image was, however, when presented to the right side, the patient could recognize the image but not say what the image was (Bernstein et al., 2008). Through this experiment, it was found that the left side of the brain controls language, while the right side of the brain deals with spatial relations and recognizing human faces (Bernstein et al., 2008). Studies were later conducted on patients who did not have split brain. It was found that the left brain was better with logical and language tasks, while the right brain

Whole Brain 6 was better with spatial, artistic, and musical tasks (Bernstein et al., 2008). In having two hemispheres with differing functions, some researchers have found that people can be either more left or right brained. However, in recent studies, this information has been called into question. In a study by University of Utah, it was found that, while the brain is lateralized (one side of the brain is better at certain functions than the other side), they found no support that participants had a stronger left or right-sided brain network (Novoteny, 2013). Whether or not this is true, each side of the brain has its own specialized functions, and the interaction between both hemispheres is what allows people to function and learn most efficiently. Neuroscientists have made great advances in the functioning and complexity of the brain. However, there has been a disconnect between these findings and the classroom. Teachers have always encouraged students to use their brain, however, many teachers dont know the best way to utilize the brain to create the most effective learners (Schachter, 2012). With new advances that have been made in teaching methods that increase cognitive development, along with more advanced brain scans, a new form of education has been created called brain-based education (Schachter, 2012). Words commonly found in biology and psychology have found their way into the vocabulary of educational professionals (Schachter, 2012). As a new understanding of brain is achieved amongst educators, the increase in achievement levels has also been seen (Schachter, 2012). According to William Jenkins, co-founder of Scientific Learning Corp., [teachers must] focus on good teaching and good content, but also you have to focus on the process of learning and making sure kids have the skills necessary to learn rapidly and efficiently (Schachter, 2012). Computer programs and classroom labs have been created to improve cross-hemisphere brain communication and helped to prove that brains are not as hard-wired as they were once thought to be (Sparks, 2012). Due to the plasticity of the brain,

Whole Brain 7 the type of teaching methods used and the experiences of the students greatly alters the achievement of students (Sparks, 2012). With the realization that brain based teaching creates better achieving students, more teachers are being trained in brain based education (Schachter, 2012). Matthew Peterson, senior scientist of MIND Research Institute, shares how learning does not happen unless you are active. In a classroom, this could look like manipulation of objects (physical movement) that engages the association cortex (cognition), among many other activities (Schachter, 2012). Brain Based education also focuses on making the student ready to learn, by moving brain activity from the limbic region to the pre-cortex, with its abilities to solve problems and retain learning (Schachter, 2012). Once stress or high emotions are removed from the learning environment, students are more able to remember what they are learning (Schachter, 2012). Now that the gap between neuroscience and education has been bridged, implementing it into the classroom is the next step. Brain based learning is being implemented through a method called whole brain teaching which utilizes a seven step system to create cross hemisphere learning and increase student achievement. An attention grabber is the first step of the process. The instructor begins the class by saying class in any voice he/she would like, and the students respond with yes in the same voice the teacher used (Tipton, n.d.). For example, if the teacher says class, class, classy, then the students would respond with yes, yes, yessy. In accomplishing this step, the instructor now has the attention of the class for the activity that is to follow. Before instruction begins, the classroom rules are repeated to ensure that all students understand the rules and follow them (Tipton, n.d.). Each rule is accompanied by physical movement to help ensure the use of both hemispheres of the brain (Tipton, n.d.). Some of these rules are make smart choices, which is accompanied by students tapping one finger to their

Whole Brain 8 temple and raise your hand to leave your seat which is then followed by the student raising their hand and making the walking motion with their fingers (Tipton, n.d.). The third step is the most vital in creating an environment in which activities associated with right and left hemispheres are seamlessly integrated into a lesson. Before the start of the lesson, the teacher divides the class into groups of ones and twos (Tipton, n.d.). The teacher then begins teaching the lesson in short segments which are supplemented with songs, gestures, and chants (Tipton, n.d.). After a portion of the lesson is completed, the teacher will turn to the students and say Teach. The students will then respond with Ok and turn to their partner and mimic the lesson just taught using the hand gestures and chants used during the lesson (Tipton, n.d.). During this time, the teacher is able observe how much the students know about the topic and decide which areas need to be given further explanation (Tipton, n.d.). This can be repeated until the entire lesson is completed. In order to ensure that this type of instruction runs smoothly, a reward system is put in place. This reward system is called the scoreboard game and differs based on the age of the students (Tipton, n.d.). For students grades K-4, they are given a smiley face when following the rules and a frowny face when they misbehave (Tipton, n.d.). Every time a smiley face is given, it is accompanied by a one second party where students exclaim Oh Yeah!; if a frown is given, the students groan (Tipton, n.d.). For students in grades 5-12, the same procedure applies, but it is students versus teacher instead of smiley face versus frowny face, however, the same student responses follow (Tipton, n.d.). While this next step is small, it is important in identifying which parts of the lesson the students need to pay the most attention to (Tipton, n.d.). This step involves the teacher saying Hands and Eyes, and the students repeating these words and mimicking the teachers gestures, as well (Tipton, n.d.). Mirror is the next step of whole brain teaching; however, it is used throughout the entirety of the lesson

Whole Brain 9 through the mimicry of words and hand gestures (Tipton, n.d.). The final step is used in conjunction with the Teach-Ok step. After the students begin teaching to their partner, the teacher will then say Switch. At this point, the other partner will pick up mimicking the lesson where their partner left off. Through the implementation of this system, whole brain teaching can be achieved in the classroom, and student achievement can continue to grow. The implementation of whole brain teaching has many benefits for both student and teacher. Whole brain teaching creates students with better attention. Students with better attention, thus have better retention of information. Strategies such as the system mentioned above create an environment where stress is limited, and the emotional state of students is balanced which increases the brain's capacity to learn (Calhoun, 2012). While increasing a students capability to learn, whole brain teaching encourages optimal learning not only at school, but also at home (Calhoun, 2012). By creating students with an eagerness to learn, productivity and quality of work increases which is translated into student achievement and student motivation. In the 21st century, great focus has been put on critical thinking skills. With the use of whole brain teaching in the classroom, a foundation is laid for critical thinking skills (Calhoun, 2012). These skills can then be expanded upon throughout the students educational career and then be taken even further into the workplace. Through the use of this method, the teacher is also able to gain immediate feedback as to what the students know and what needs more focus (Calhoun, 2012). This feedback can then be used to the teachers advantage in order to ensure the success for his/her students or be passed on to the parents of these students, if need be. In the low-income school district of Victorville, California, there are 11,704 students (Calhoun, 2012). 74% of those students are minorities, and 20.8% are ELL students, yet this school district produces some of the highest scores in the state for 2009-2010 (Calhoun,

Whole Brain 10 2012). These scores are due to the implementation of whole brain teaching into the classroom. Since its implementation, the teachers have seen achievement scores raised by 300 points, and class participation has grown to 99% (Calhoun, 2012). Whole brain teaching not only achieves an increase in student achievement, but it also decreases behavioral problems typically found in a classroom. In most classrooms, students cause disruptions due to their lack of engagement in the lesson being taught. However, through the use of whole brain teaching, engagement levels have increased thus causing disruptions to decrease. In a study conducted by Jesame Palasigue in a Detroit elementary school, she found the disengagement levels throughout the classroom were very high (2009). Within the classroom, 13% of the class had their heads on the desks, 11% said they were bored or that the lesson was boring, and 8% of the class was wasting time amongst other disengaged behaviors (Palasigue, 2009). After implementing whole brain teaching into the classroom, Palasigue found that the environment that it created was one in which the students were more engaged and involved (Palasigue, 2009). As far as disengaged behavior, it was found that the number of children with their heads on their desks decreased by 53%, those who said they were bored decreased by 72%, and those who were wasting time decreased by 20% (Palasigue, 2009). Within a week of observation, it was found that there was on average a 72% decrease in disengaged behavior, helping to prove that the implementation of whole brain teaching creates not only better performance, but also better behavior (Palasigue, 2009). In another study, Megan Molitoris began to observe her class and wondered how to create an environment where the most effective learning could take place (n.d.). Before implementing whole brain teaching into her classroom, Molitoris used a participation chart in order to see the number of her students who were participating correctly (i.e. raising hand, not calling out, etc.) (Molitoris & Szott, n.d). She

Whole Brain 11 found that, on average, only 43% of her class was participating properly, however, after implementing whole brain teaching into her classroom, she found that correct participation was at 96% (Molitoris & Szott, n.d). Besides looking at participation, Molitoris also looked at the number of students on task before and after implementing whole brain teaching through videotaping her class (n.d.). It was found that only 46% of her class was on task before the implementation but was raised to 69% after the fact (Molitoris & Szott, n.d). The number of time students left their seat during a lesson was also recorded. During a single lesson in Molitoriss classroom, students would leave their seats on average of 11 times, causing 11 disruptions during one lesson (n.d). After creating more engaging lessons through whole brain teaching, this number decreased to about one time per lesson (Molitoris & Szott, n.d). By creating an environment that is engaging for the students, the disruption in the class not only decreases, but teacher confidence also increases. Prior to implementing whole brain teaching, Molitoris kept journals on her feelings of the class that day. These entries consisted of her feeling frustrated, challenged by her students, and questioning how to handle challenging student behaviors, but after the implementation, the entries became much more confident in managing student behavior throughout the day (Molitoris & Szott, n.d). After the implementation, she made four claims to the support of implementing whole brain teaching into the classroom. One was that due to the student accountability factor of whole brain teaching, the students are more focused and prepared for directions (Molitoris & Szott, n.d). Techniques, such as the Class Yes and Teach-Ok, are what give the responsibility to the students and allow for greater focus. Next is the claim that lessons become more interesting, and therefore, result in students behaving more appropriately (Molitoris & Szott, n.d.). As was seen in her research and the others research, the more involved students are, the less of a distraction and disturbance they

Whole Brain 12 pose to the classroom. The third claim is that through whole brain teaching, student participation increases (Molitoris & Szott, n.d). This is mainly achieved through the Teach-Ok technique, but this method of teaching also encourages students to participate more and not be embarrassed of being wrong. The fourth and final claim is that teachers become more confident in their practices as a result of utilizing the methods of whole brain teaching (Molitoris & Szott, n.d). Teachers who implement the strategies associated with this method of teaching have a class that is more manageable which gives them the confidence to teach even the most challenging students. As education standards continue to rise, the implementation of whole brain teaching into classrooms across the country may be the way to achieve these ever rising standards. The brain is a complex organ that educators are now being able to understand. They must now embrace these new findings in order to create a classroom that is successful in creating the most effective learners and most engaged students. Utilizing the seven step system that makes it possible to integrate whole brain teaching into a classroom, benefits not only the teacher, but also the students. This type of method creates an environment where the most effective learning can take place due to the fact that more students are engaged and motivated to learn. This education reform has stuck around for the past 15 years compared to some of the more well-known education reforms of the past two decades. Its longevity has been due to its constant success seen in classrooms at a variety of different grade levels. With its overwhelming success, the adoption of this method should be implemented in more classrooms in order to provide the best learning for students in the United States. With greater achievements at lower levels of education, higher success can be found in upper education as well as in the workforce, thus making the students and workers of the United States more competitive internationally. In

Whole Brain 13 addition, students will be better equipped to use the cognitive skills needed for success in the 21st century.

Whole Brain 14 References Bernstein, D., Penner, L., Clarke-Stewart, A., Roy, E., (2008). Psychology (8th ed.). Boston, MD: Houghton Mifflin Company. Biffle, C. (n.d.). Whole brain teachers of america. Retrieved from m&id=135&Itemid=105 Calhoun, C.F. (2012). Brain-based teaching: does it really work?. Retrieved from

Molitoris, M., Szott, M. (n.d.. How can whole brain teaching impact our classroom environment. Retrieved from n.a. (2011). ESEA reauthorization: a blueprint for reform. Retrieved from n.a. (2011). No child left behind. Retrieved from n.a. (n.d.). Elementary and secondary education act. Retrieved from Novoteny, A. (2013). Despite what youve been told, you arent left-brained or right-brained. Retrieved from Palasigue, J.T. (2009). Integrating whole brain teaching strategies to create a more engaged learning environment. Retrieved from Schacter, A. (2012). Neuroscience in schools. Retrieved from Sedghi, A., & Arnett, G., & Chalabi, M. (2013). Pisa 2012 results: which country does best at reading, maths and science?. Retrieved from Sparks, S.D. (2012). Scientists find learning is not hard-wired. Retrieved from

Whole Brain 15 Strauss, V. (2012). A decade of no child left behind: lessons from a policy failure. The Washington Post. Retrieved from Tipton, A. (n.d.) Whole brain teaching. Retrieved from

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