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Overcoming the Top 11 Objections to Coaching Cheat Sheet

1. Can you stop the telemarketing calls Sure! I can definitely help you with that. ll we need to do is grow your profitability to the point where you can hire and train a gate!eeper to screen your calls. So" what e#actly do you do$ [Listen] [Go to #4 - Rapport Building Questions ! ". #here$s no %ay you$re going to increase my pro&its 'y ((() %ell" I can definitely understand your s!epticism. Can I assume you&re open to learning some new things about business$ [Listen] So" what e#actly do you do$ [Listen] [Go to #4 - Rapport Building Questions ! *. +end me some in&ormation Sure! 'appy to do that. %hat&s your email address$ [Write it down] (reat. nd I have your mailing address as ))))). Is that correct$ (reat" I&ll get something to you. So" what e#actly do you do$ [Listen] [Go to #4 - Rapport Building Questions ! 4. ,$m not interested If I can just as!*why$ [ListenThey will probably send you to a different objection ] Because ,$m not interested- that$s %hy %ell" it is hard to be interested in something you don&t !now anything about. So what !ind of issues or challenges are you facing right now in your business$ [Listen] [Go to #4 - Rapport Building Questions ! .. /0erything$s going 1ust &ine- thanks O!ay! So you&re already ma!ing tons of money and spending almost no time at wor!$ [Listen] Can I assume you&re open to learning some new things about business$ [Listen] So" what e#actly do you do$ [Listen] [Go to #4 - Rapport Building Questions ! 2. ,$m too 'usy3 , don$t ha0e the time &or coaching +ou !now" there&s never really a good time for business coaching because you&re always going to have too many things going on. ,ut" the only way to change that is to build systems and a team to help you run the business so you can get some time bac! for yourself. So" what !ind of a [Shoot a #,4/ SILVER !LLET] 5. 6e get calls like this all the time -eally$ +ou get calls from business coaches who can actually help you ma!e more money and build a team to help you run the business$ [Listen] So" what e#actly do you do$ [Listen] [Go to #4 - Rapport Building Questions ! 7. 6ho are you and %hat do you do8 Sure! .et me tell you a bit more about me. [Share the "#TTEST $ ite%s fro% your "#T I#&] /ow" if I could help you overcome the 01 challenge in your business right now" what would that be$ [Listen] [Go to #4 - Rapport Building Questions ! 9. :o% %ill you do that8 (ood 1uestion. I combine my trac!2record of success in business with the world2class systems +ourCoach has developed wor!ing with thousands of businesses around the world to rapidly impact the profitability of your business. /ow" if I could help you overcome the 01 challenge in your business right now" what would that be$ [Listen] [Go to #4 - Rapport Building Questions ! 1;. 6hat can you possi'ly teach me a'out the (((((( industry8 3robably not much" actually. ,ut here&s how coaching wor!s. +ou&re the e#pert in the (((((( industry and I&m the e#pert in growing profitable" healthy businesses. /ow" if I could help you overcome the 01 challenge in your business right now" what would that be$ [Listen] [Go to #4 - Rapport Building Questions ! 11. , %orked %ith a consultant 'e&ore %ho O!ay! The good news is that I&m not a consultant. I&m a CO C'" which is more li!e a mentor. Consultants tell you what to fi# then leave you on your own to figure it out or do it for you for a hefty fee. business coach" on the other hand meets with you on a wee!ly basis to help you implement solutions that will rapidly impact your bottom line profitability. /ow" if I could help you overcome the 01 challenge in your business right now" what would that be$ [Listen] [Go to #4 - Rapport Building Questions ! 1". ,$m too small %ell" actually small business owners are the ones I wor! with the most. /ow" if I could help you overcome the 01 challenge in your business right now" what would that be$ [Listen] [Go to #4 - Rapport Building Questions ! 1*. #hat all sounds great- 'ut , ha0e no money Sure" I understand that. The good news is that I use an approach called 4finding my fee5 where I help you increase your profits right away so the coaching more than pays for itself. /ow" if I could help you overcome the 01 challenge in your business right now" what would that be$ [Listen] [Go to #4 - Rapport Building Questions ! 14. 6e$re heading into a recession- so no%$s not a good time +eah" it does loo! li!e we&re in a bit of a downturn. ,ut successful business people !now how to ma!e money in a good Obad economy. I can teach you how to supercharge your revenue growth while everyone else is shrin!ing bac!. re you open to learning how to do that$ [Listen] So" what e#actly do you do$ [Listen] [Go to #4 - Rapport Building Questions ! 1.. 6hat$s this going to cost... %ell" the price of the 6Complimentary Coaching Session7 Seminar8 is really great. It&s 9-::! There&s no charge. t the end of the 6Complimentary Coaching Session7 Seminar8" one of two things will happen; either you&re going to say" 4hey" than!s a lot for the information" I appreciate your time and effort" but I&m not interested.5 nd if that&s the case" that&s as far as this goes. O-" you may say" 4I could be interested if you can prove to me that this will add more profit to my bottom line.5 If that&s your response" we&ll do a 1uic! financial model to see if it ma!es sense to both of us to wor! together. If it does" we&ll get you started on a coaching program right away. <oes that seem reasonable to you$ [Listen] [Go to #4 - Rapport Building Questions !
'opyri(ht )**+,)*-*. Eric /o%bach. The 'oaches0 'oach. usiness 1ction. Inc&

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