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( A Govt. of India Enterprise)

ISSUED TO : NAME of the Contractor : ADDRESS : Date of Issue : Tender Form Sl. No. : C.R. No. : .. Date : .. RECEI T DETAI!S FOR Rs. DD" O.No" Date .. Name of #an$ : #ranch :

Signature of Issuing Officer

BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED (A Govt. of India Enterprise) TABLE O CONTENTS !"ALI #ING BID DOC"MENT %ARTIC"LARS Noti$e Invitin& Tender Bid or* Tenderer,s %rofi-e and Certifi$ates of Near Re-atives Instr1$tion to Bidders Genera- (Co**er$ia-) Conditions of t5e Contra$t Spe$ia- Conditions of t5e Contra$t O Ca7-e Constr1$tion Spe$ifi$ation %ro(for*a for Materia- Se$1rit8 Bond %ro(for*a for A&ree*ent Letter of A1t5ori;ation for attendin& Bid Openin& App-i$ation see<in& Dept5 re-a=ation List of t5e Do$1*ents to 7e S17*itted a-on& >it5 Bid Rate of e*pt8 $a7-e dr1*s E=perien$e Certifi$ate %ro(for*a PARTICULARS S$5ed1-e of rates inan$ia- Bid

Se$tion I. II. III. I0. 0. 0I. 0II. 0III. I9. 9. 9I. 9II. 9III. 9I0. Section 90. 90I.

%a&e No. '() + .(/ 23(4+ 4.()) )+(+6 +/(6+ 6. 6:(6/ /3 /2 /4 /4 /'






Offi$e of t5e Genera- Mana&er S1ri Te-e$o* Distri$t S1ri ?? Bir751*

NIT NO. : - W-358-359/NOFN/2013-14/1 November, 2013 Date 4th

Properly Wax/PVC tape Sealed percentage tenders are invited ro! rep"ted inancially so"nd #idders #y t$e GMT@S1ri SSA on #e$al o t$e %&ARAT %R'A(%A)( )I*A+ LI+IT,( or La8in& %LB pipe and asso$iated >or<s 78 open tren$5 A Mi$ro t1nne-in& *et5od "nder t$e -"risdiction o SURI SSA Of %IR%&U+ Distri$t 4 (T>o) nos. of B-o$< $overin& 26 (Ei&5teen) nos. of Gra* %an$58at. Bidders are reB1ested to visit t5e >or< sites prior to parti$ipate in t5e tender. Bidders s5o1-d s17*it separate tender for* for ea$5 B-o$<.
Sl. No. " & NIT No. C('+6 @ NO N@432'(2)@2 Dt. 3).22.432' C('+/ @NO N@ 432'(2)@2 Dt. 3).22.432' Name of the Block


Section length in KM

Estimated cost (in Rs.) 5367755/3965638/-

Bid Security in Rs

eriod of com!letion

#a$!ur Murarai*I

% +

&'.& &(.,-

"'%&(()* ..&(()*

"&( days ""( days

T$e tender papers .)on/trans era#le/)on/ret"rna#le0 1ill #e iss"ed to t$e eligi#le contractors a ter receipt o application receipt eit$er individ"ally or t$ro"g$ a"t$ori2ed representative $olding valid po1er o attorney as per sc$ed"le given #elo13 COST O THE TENDER (e!and (ra t / Pay 'rder or Rs3 456377 // .R"pees ive $"ndred sixty t$ree only0 in case DOC"MENTS o 1or8 val"e "p to 47 Lac 9 : Rs31124//.R"pees 'ne t$o"sand one $"ndred t1enty ive only0 or 1or8 val"e "p to 2 crore ro! any sc$ed"led / )ationali2ed %an8 or eac$ %id doc"!ents ro! eac$ section !"st #e !ade in favo1r of A$$o1nts offi$er(Cas5)D BSNLD O@o t5e GMT@S1ri. SALE O BID @ ;ro! 36.22.432' to 46.22.432' .12 $rs to 1< $rs30 on 1or8ing days in t$e '/o t$e TENDER DOC"MENTS *+T9S"ri3 Papers are also availa#le in 1e# site >>>.>7.7sn-.$ of SSA. Separate DD is to 7e deposited in 7id se$1rit8 enve-ope to>ards $ost of ea$5 do$1*ent in $ase it is do>n-oaded fro* >e7 site. %aper $an a-so 7e p1r$5ased 78 re&istered post 78 sendin& DD of Rs .33.33(R1pees si= 51ndred on-8) A Rs.2433@( (R1pees One t5o1sand t>o 51ndred on-8) as per $ost of ea$5 se$tion detai-s on-8 >e-in advan$e. T5e 1ndersi&ned >i-- not 7e responsi7-e for an8 posta- de-a8@-oss@non( re$eipt of do$1*ent. DRO%%ING O BID @ Up to 2+.33 5rs of 46.22.432' on all 1or8ing days in t$e tender #ox 8ept at t$e '/o TENDER DOC"MENTS t$e *+T/S"ri3 (ropping o #id doc"!ents can #e !ade #y registered post also3 %"t t$e "/s in not responsi#le or postal delay /loss/non/receipt o doc"!ent sent #y post or #y any ot$er agencies3 O%ENING O At 2..33(5rs on 46.22.432' in t$e '/o t$e *+T/S"ri in t$e presence o tenderer or !"ALI #ING BID @ t$eir a"t$ori2ed representatives 1it$ a"t$ori2ation doc"!ent3 TENDER DOC"MENTS 0erifi$ation of ori&inado$1*entsD if reB1ired d1rin& TEC. TIME O O%ENING O Will #e inti!ated to t$e ="ali ying #idders only3 INANCIAL BID

In t$e event o date o opening o tender #eing o"nd to #e a declared $oliday #y Central *ovt3 or %and$ called #y recogni2ed political party9 t$e date o opening 1ill #e t$e next 1or8ing day at t$e sa!e ti!e and ven"e3

E-i&i7i-it8 Criteria of t5e Bidder?( One 7idder is e-i&i7-e to p1r$5ase e=perien$e of >or< detai-ed 7e-o>. S- No Ann1aT1rnover in Rs 2 23 La$s 4 43 La$s ' +3 La$s ) 2 $rore and a7ove

7id do$1*ent fro* S1ri SSA as per t5e t1rnover and No of 7-o$< to 7e parti$ipated 34 3+ 23 43 Mini*1* E=perien$e of %LB pipe -a8in& and $a7-e p1--in&@7-o>in& 43 <* '3 <* )3 <* +3 <*

All t$e 6 .t$ree0 envelopes !ar8ed A9 % : C containing t$e "nder/!entioned doc"!ents s$o"ld #e enclosed in anot$er .<t$0 envelope3 T$ey s$o"ld #e s"per/scri#ed 1it$ >)IT )o39 )a!e o t$e ';C 1or83 Section )o9 )a!e o %loc8 and Address o t$e %idder?3 Tender doc"!ent d"ly illed in9 along 1it$ ,+( and all re="isite doc"!ents s$o"ld #e sealed properly .#y PVC tape/sealing !aterials0 in a #ig envelope s"per scri#ed 1it$ 1$ic$ 1ill contain t$ree individ"al envelopes as #elo1@ / (A) Enve-ope *ar<ed A s$o"ld contain ,+( dra t and cost o tender doc"!ent i it is do1nloaded ro! 1e#site9 (B) Enve-ope *ar<ed B s$o"ld contain doc"!ents re="ired to #e s"#!itted along 1it$ t$e #id as per Cla"se no3 A9 Section IV o t$e #id doc"!ents except t$e #id sec"rity3 (C) Enve-ope *ar<ed C s$o"ld contain ;inancial %id o t$e sc$ed"le3 I any o t$e irst t1o envelopes are o"nd not !eeting t$e re="ire!ents #y t$e eval"ation co!!ittee9 envelope !ar8ed as no3 6 1ill not #e opened and tender paper 1ill #e treated as cancelled3 T5e 7idder 5as to s17*it t5e >5o-e 7id do$1*ent in se$ond enve-ope a-on& >it5 attested p5oto $op8 of t5e do$1*ents stated in t5e $-a1se no. : (Se$tion I0) of t5e 7id do$1*ent to B1a-if8 t5e 7idder,s e-i&i7i-it8 and B1a-ifi$ation $riteria. EMD stated in $-a1se no. :(i) (Se$tion I0) is to 7e s17*itted in a separate enve-ope as stated a7ove. T5e Bidder 5as to f1-fi-- t5e e-i&i7i-it8 $onditions as -aid do>n in C-a1se No. : (Se$tion I0 of t5e 7id do$1*ent).
T$e earnest !oney s$o"ld #e deposited in t$e or! o #an8 dra t dra1n ro! sc$ed"led / nationali2e #an8 in avor o >ACCO"NTS O ICER(CASH)ED BSNLD O@o t5e GMT@S1ri ? paya#le at S"ri and to #e attac$ed along 1it$ t$e tender paper3 T$e tenderers not attac$ing t$e #an8 dra t along 1it$ t$e tender 1ill not #e entertained3 S1$$essf1- 7idder 5as to *a<e an a&ree*ent >it5 $on$ern SSA after &ettin& approva- fro* $o*petent a1t5orit8 and t5e a1t5ori;ed person of SSA >i-- iss1e >or< order a$$ordin&-8. Rig$t to accept or re-ect any tender9 in part or in "ll 1it$o"t assigning any reason 1$atsoever is reserved #y t$e *+T/S"ri3 Asstt3 *eneral +anager .Trans0 '/o t$e *eneral +anager S"ri Teleco! (istrict S"ri @@ %ir#$"!3 Copy to@ 13 )otice %oard3 <

BID ORM Tender )o3 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB (ate@ BBBBB/BBBBB/BBBB Section)o3BBBBBBBBBB3Section )a!e9i anyBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB Ro"te )a!e : %loc8 To@ CCCCCCCCC33 (ear Sir9 &aving exa!ined t$e conditions o contract and speci ications incl"ding addenda )os3 C3 t$e receipt o 1$ic$ is $ere#y d"ly ac8no1ledged9 1e9 "ndersigned9 o er to exec"te t$e 1or8 o PLB pipe laying and associated works as en"nciated in t$e )IT "nder re erence in con or!ity 1it$ said dra1ings9 conditions o contract and speci ications as !ay #e ascertained in accordance 1it$ t$e sc$ed"le o prices attac$ed $ere1it$ and !ade part o t$is %id3 We "nderta8e9 i o"r %id is accepted9 1e 1ill exec"te t$e 1or8 in accordance 1it$ speci ications9 ti!e li!its and ter!s and conditions stip"lated in t$e tender doc"!ent3 I o"r %id is accepted9 1e s$all s"#!it t$e sec"rities as per t$e conditions !entioned in t$e contract3 We agree to a#ide #y t$is %id or a period o 2<7 days ro! t$e date ixed or %id opening .D"ali ying %id0 and it s$all re!ain #inding "pon "s and !ay #e accepted at any ti!e #e ore t$e expiry o t$at period3 Until a ;or!al Agree!ent is prepared and exec"ted9 t$is %id toget$er 1it$ yo"r 1ritten acceptance t$ereo in yo"r noti ication o a1ard s$all constit"te a #inding contract #et1een "s3 %id s"#!itted #y "s is properly sealed and prepared so as to prevent any s"#se="ent alteration and replace!ent3 (ated t$is CCCday o CCCC .t5e *ont50 o CCC3 .t5e 8ear0 Signat"re o A"t$ori2ed SignatoryCCCCCCCCCCCCCC3 )a!e o A"t$ori2ed SignatoryCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC In capacity o CC33CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC ("ly a"t$ori2ed to sign t$e #id or and on #e$al o CCCCCCC33 Witness CCCCCCC3 Address CCCCCCC3 Signat"re CCCCCC333 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB

TENDERER,S %RO ILE AND CERTI ICATE O NEAR RELATI0ES Passport si2e p$otograp$ o t$e #idder/a"t$ori2ed signatory $olding Po1er o Attorney3 A3 GENERAL@ 13 )a!e o t$e %idder / ;ir!@ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB 23 )a!e o t$e person s"#!itting t$e #id 1$ose p$otograp$ is a ixed S$ri/S!t3BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB (In $ase of %roprietar8@%artners5ip fir*sD t5e tender 5as to 7e si&ned 78 %roprietor@ %artner on-8D as t5e $ase *a8 7e) 63 Address o t$e %idder/;ir!@ CCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF (An attested $op8 of t5e Address %roof Do$1*ent *a8 p-ease 7e en$-osed) <3 Telep$one )"!#ers 1it$ ST( code@ ' ice@ ;AE@ Residence@ +o#ile@ 43 Registration and incorporation partic"lars o t$e ir!@ i0 Proprietors$ip ii0 Partners$ip iii0 Private li!ited iv0 P"#lic li!ited3 (%-ease atta$5 attested $opies of do$1*ents of re&istration@in$orporation of 8o1r fir* >it5 t5e $o*petent a1t5orit8 as reB1ired 78 71siness -a>) 53 )a!e o Proprietor/ Partners .All Partners0 / (irectors .All (irectors0 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC3


(An attested $op8 of t5e En-ist*ent Certifi$ate *a8 p-ease 7e en$-osed.) %0 TendererFs experience certi icate details .i any0@ S/)o3 )a!e o t$e )a!e : Telep$one A!o"nt in Rs3 depart!ent/co!pany/ (esignation o n"!#er o as per certi icate organi2ation 1$ic$ certi icate iss"ing certi icate $as iss"ed t$e a"t$ority iss"ing a"t$ority certi icate

Total@ G3 TendererFs %an89 its address and $is c"rrent acco"nt n"!#er@ CC33CCCC333333333333333333 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC H3 Per!anent Inco!e Tax n"!#er9 Inco!e Tax Circle CCCC3CCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC .%-ease atta$5 a $op8 of -ast in$o*e ta= ret1rn) .Please give details in Sl3)o317 to 129 i applica#le0

173 Service Tax Registration )o3@ CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC33 113 ,P; Registration )o3@ CCCCCCCCC3CC333CCCCCCCCC33CCCCC333 123 VAT/TI) Registration )o3@ CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC3C33 163 In a3 #3 c3 d3 e3 rastr"ct"re Capa#ilities @ Capacity o trenc$ing per day .in !eters0@ CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Capacity o pipe laying per day .in !eters0@ CCCCCCCCCCCCCC3 Capacity o p"lling ca#le t$ro"g$ d"ct/pipe per day .in !eters0@ 3CCCCCC Capacity o engaging !a2doors per day@ CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Partic"lars o ve$icles availa#le 1it$ t$e tenderer@ Type o Ve$icle.s0 CCCCCCC3 CCCCCCC3 CCCCCCC3 CCCCCCC3 CCCCCCC3 Registration )"!#er CCCCCCCC33 CCCCCCCC33 CCCCCCCC33 CCCCCCCC33 CCCCCCCC33

3 Partic"lars o ot$er !ac$ines possessed #y t$e contractor 1$ic$ can $elp in trenc$ing9 pipe laying and ca#le p"lling@ CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC333 CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCC 143 (etails o Tec$nical and s"pervisory Sta @ I@Ce 5ere78 de$-are t5at t5e infor*ation f1rnis5ed a7ove is tr1e and $orre$t. %-a$e? Date? Signat"re o tenderer /A"t$ori2ed Signatory@ C3333333333333333333333333333333333333333 )a!e o t$e tenderer CCCCCCCCCCCC3CCCCCCCC Seal o t$e %idder %3 CERTI ICATE REGARDING NEAR RELATI0ES @ (See Se$tion I0 C-a1se 2.A.t) ICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC33S/oCCCCCCCC3CCCCCCC33 CC333CC3CC333333333333333333333333333333333333333resident o CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC3 $ere#y certi y t$at none o !y near relative.s0 and none o near relative.s0 o proprietor/ partner.s0/ director.s0 o co!pany is/ are e!ployed in %S)L "nit as de ined in t$e tender doc"!ent at Cla"se 13A3t o Section IV3 In case at any stage9 it is o"nd t$at t$e in or!ation given #y !e is alse/ incorrect9 %S)L s$all $ave t$e a#sol"te rig$t to ta8e any action as dee!ed it/1it$o"t any prior inti!ation to !e3 SI*)ATUR,';%I((,R@ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB )A+,';%I((,R@ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB

C. CERTI ICATE? ( OR DOCNLOADING O TENDER DOC"MENT ROM CEBSITE) ICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC3.a"t$ori2ed signatory0 $ere#y declare t$at t$e tender doc"!ent s"#!itted $as #een do1nloaded ro! t$e 1e#site $ttp@//11131#tc3 #snl3co3in and no addition / deletion / correction $as #een !ade in t$e pro/ or!a do1nloaded3 I also declare t$at I $ave enclosed a (( or RsCCCCCCCCCCC#earing )oCCCC3 datedCCCCo .%an8 na!e : %ranc$0CC33CCCCCCCCCCC3CCCCC to1ards t$e cost o tender doc"!ent along 1it$ t$e ,+(3 Place@CCCCCCCC Signat"re o tenderer/A"t$ori2ed Signatory3CCCCCCCCC (ate@ CCCCCC )a!e o t$e tenderer@ CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC3 Seal o t$e Tenderer D. DECLARATION ( OR E% A Mis$ provisions A$t 2/+4)!e o t$e contractor/ agency0 $ere#y declare co!pliance to1ards conditions o t$e ,P; and +isc provisions Act 1H42 and a"t$ori2e %S)L to recover any pay!ent t$at arises d"e to ail"re to co!ply 1it$ any o t$e La#o"r legislations and stat"tory conditions vi239 La#o"r9 ,P;9,SI etc39 or any ot$er acts dealing 1it$ t$e sa!e and all ot$er acts !entioned in t$e tender doc"!ent3 Place@CCCCCCCCC Signat"re o tenderer/A"t$ori2ed SignatoryCCCCCCCC33 (ate@ CCCCCCC )a!e o t$e TendererCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC3CCC Seal o t$e Tenderer

INSTR"CTION TO BIDDERS 2. INTROD"CTION? A. DE INITIONS a3 B5arat San$5ar Ni&a* Li*ited? T$e %$arat Sanc$ar )iga! Li!ited !eans t$e %$arat Sanc$ar )iga! Li!ited and its %oard o (irectors3
b BBNL: The BBNL means Bharat Broadband network limited (A Govt. of India Enterprises) a !ompan" in!orporated #nder the provisions of the $ompan" A!t %&'( and havin) re)istered offi!e at *an!har Bhawan New +elhi.


BSNL@ T$e %S)L !eans t$e %$arat Sanc$ar )iga! Li!ited "nder t$e +inistry o Co!!"nications and In or!ation Tec$nology9 1$ic$ invites t$e %ids on #e$al o t$e %$arat %road#and )iga! Li!ited3 Incl"ding ot$er o icers in t$e %S)L9 1$atever designations assigned to t$e! ro! ti!e to ti!e9 1$o !ay #e t$e In/c$arge o direction9 s"pervision9 testing9 acceptance and !aintenance incl"ding t$eir s"ccessor.s0 in t$e o ice appearing in vario"s cla"ses s$all #e ta8en to !ean t$e %$arat Sanc$ar )iga! Li!ited "nder t$e +inistry o Co!!"nications and In or!ation Tec$nology9 *ovt3 o India3 T$e A*+ !eans t$e Asstt3 *eneral +anagerr9 %S)L9 and $is s"ccessors3 T$e *eneral +anager/ t$e (y3 *eneral +anager9 /Teleco! (istrict +anager o concern SSA and $is s"ccessors3 d Representative of t5e AGM @ Representative o t$e A*+ !eans ' icer and Sta or t$e ti!e #eing in t$e -"risdiction o > GMTD Of concern SSA.? dep"ted #y t$e A*+ or inspecting or s"pervising t$e 1or8 or testing etc3 e Representative of t5e GM@DGM ?( Representative o t$e concern SSA !eans ' icer and Sta or t$e ti!e #eing in t$e -"risdiction *+T(9 S"ri dep"ted #y t$e (*+ or inspecting or s"pervising t$e 1or8 or testing etc3 f En&ineer(in($5ar&e@ T$e ,ngineer/in/c$arge !eans t$e ,ngineering ' icer no!inated #y t$e %S)L to s"pervise t$e 1or89 "nder t$e contract3 g3 Site En&ineer@ Site ,ngineer s$all !ean an S(, or IT' o t$e %S)L 1$o !ay #e placed #y t$e A*+9 as in/c$arge o t$e 1or8 at site at any partic"lar period o ti!e3 $3 A@T "nit? A/T Unit s$all #e !ean Acceptance and Testing "nit o t$e %$arat Sanc$ar )iga! Ltd3


A@T Offi$er? An o icer a"t$ori2ed #y T:( Circle to cond"ct A/T3 T$e T:( Circle o %S)L 1it$ itsF $ead ="arters at Ia#alp"r is no1 designated as Inspection Circle 3B*NL,BBNL. BBNL has ri)ht to !arr" o#t sample !he!ks.
*hort!omin)s,defi!ien!ies noted shall be attended b" !ontra!tor within %' da"s and intimate to B*NL for onward s#bmission to BBNL for re verifi!ation

i3 Contra$t? T$e ter! contract !eans9 t$e doc"!ents or!ing t$e tender and acceptance t$ereo and t$e or!al agree!ent exec"ted #et1een t$e co!petent a"t$ority or and on #e$al o t$e %S)L and t$e contractor9 toget$er 1it$ t$e doc"!ents re erred to t$erein incl"ding t$ese conditions9 t$e speci ications9 designs9 dra1ings and instr"ctions iss"ed ro! ti!e to ti!e9 #y t$e engineer/in/ c$arge and all t$ese doc"!ents ta8en toget$er s$all #e dee!ed to or! one contract and s$all #e co!ple!entary to one anot$er3 In t$e contract9 t$e ollo1ing expressions s$all9 "nless t$e context ot$er1ise re="ires9 $ave t$e !eanings9 $ere#y respectively assigned to t$e!3 T$e expression 1or8s or 1or8 s$all "nless t$ere #e so!et$ing eit$er in t$e s"#-ect or context rep"gnant to s"c$ constr"ction9 #e constr"ed and ta8en to !ean t$e 1or8s #y or #y virt"e o t$e contract contracted to #e exec"ted 1$et$er te!porary or per!anent9 and 1$et$er original9 altered9 s"#stit"ted or additional3 -3 Contra$tor? T$e Contractor s$all !ean t$e individ"al9 ir! or co!pany $aving experience or enlisted 1it$ %$arat Sanc$ar )iga! Ltd in accordance 1it$ proced"re or enlist!ent o contractor9 1$et$er incorporated or not9 "nderta8ing t$e 1or8s and s$all incl"de t$e legal personal representative o s"c$ individ"al or t$e persons co!posing s"c$ ir! or co!pany9 or t$e s"ccessors o s"c$ ir! or co!pany and t$e per!itted assignees o s"c$ individ"al9 ir! or co!pany3 T$e contractor s$all also !ean t$e individ"al9 ir!9 or co!pany participating in t$e tender as per ter!s and conditions o t$e )IT and tender doc"!ents and s$all incl"de t$e legal personal representative o s"c$ individ"al or t$e persons co!posing s"c$ ir! or co!pany9 or t$e persons co!posing s"c$ ir! or co!pany9 or t$e s"ccessors o s"c$ ir! or co!pany and t$e per!itted assignees o s"c$ individ"al9 ir! or co!pany3 83 Cor<? T$e expression >1or8s? s$all "nless t$ere #e so!et$ing eit$er in t$e s"#-ect or context rep"gnant to s"c$ constr"ction9 #e constr"ct and ta8en to !ean t$e 1or8s #y or #y virt"e o t$e contract contracted to #e exec"ted 1$et$er te!porary or per!anent and 1$et$er original9 altered9 s"#stit"ted or additional3 l3 S$5ed1-e(s)@ Sc$ed"le.s0 re erred/to in t$ese conditions s$all !ean t$e relevant sc$ed"le.s0 or t$e standard sc$ed"le o rates !entioned in t$e doc"!ent3 !3 Site? T$e site s$all !ean t$e land / or ot$er places on9 into or t$ro"g$ 1$ic$ 1or8 is to #e exec"ted "nder t$e contract or any ad-acent land9 pat$ or street t$ro"g$

1$ic$9 t$e 1or8 is to #e exec"ted "nder t$e contract or any ad-acent land9 pat$ or street 1$ic$ !ay #e allotted or "sed or t$e p"rpose o carrying o"t t$e contract3 n3 Nor*a- ti*e or stip1-ated ti*e@ )or!al ti!e or stip"lated ti!e !eans ti!e speci ied in t$e 1or8 order to co!plete t$e 1or83 o3 E=tension of ti*e@ ,xtension o ti!e !eans t$e ti!e granted #y %S)L to co!plete t$e 1or8 #eyond t$e nor!al ti!e or stip"lated ti!e3 p3 Date of Co**en$e*ent of Cor<@ (ate o co!!ence!ent o 1or8 !eans t$e act"al co!!ence!ent o 1or8 or At$ day ro! t$e date o iss"e o 1or8 order9 1$ic$ever is earlier3 =3 D1e date of $o*p-etion@ ("e date o co!pletion s$all #e t$e date #y 1$ic$ t$e 1or8 s$all #e co!pleted in all respect at site incl"ding clearance o site3 r3 D1ration of $o*p-etion of >or<@ T$e d"ration o co!pletion o 1or8 or co!pletion ti!e s$all #e ti!e speci ied in t$e 1or8 order pl"s extension o ti!e granted9 i any9 1it$o"t pre-"dice to t$e interest o %S)L as per agree!ent3 s3 E=$epted ris<? ,xcepted ris8 are ris8s d"e to 1ar .1$et$er declared or not09 invasion9 act o oreign ene!ies9 $ostilities9 civil 1ar9 re#ellion9 revol"tion9 any incidence o *overn!ent/%S)L da!ages ro! acts o t$e *od s"c$ as eart$="a8e and "nprecedented loods9 ot$er ca"ses over 1$ic$ t$e contractor $as no control and t$e sa!e #een accepted as s"c$9 #y t$e Co!petent A"t$ority or ca"ses solely d"e to "se or occ"pation #y t$e *overn!ent/%S)L o t$e part o t$e 1or89 in respect o 1$ic$ a certi icate o co!pletion $as #een iss"ed3 t3 Near Re-ative? T$e near relatives o all %S)L ,!ployees eit$er directly recr"ited or on dep"tation are pro$i#ited ro! participation in tenders and exec"tion o 1or8s in t$e di erent "nits o %S)L3 T$e detailed g"idelines in t$is regard are given in t$e ollo1ing paragrap$s@ / i0 T$e near relatives or t$is p"rpose are de ined as@ .a0 +e!#ers o a &ind" Undivided a!ily9 .#0 T$ey are $"s#and and 1i e9 .c0 T$e one is related to t$e ot$er in t$e !anner as at$er9 !ot$er9 son .s09 and sonFs 1i e .da"g$ter/in/la109 da"g$ter.s09 da"g$terFs $"s#and .son/in/la109 #rot$er.s09 #rot$erFs 1i e9 sister.s09 sisterFs $"s#and .#rot$er/in/la103 ii0 As per *overn!ent o IndiaFs CCS Cond"ct r"le <9 no *overn!ent servant s$all in t$e disc$arge o $is o icial d"ties deal 1it$ any !atter or sanction any contract to any co!pany or or any ot$er person i any !e!#er o $is

a!ily is e!ployed in t$at co!pany or ir! or "nder t$at person or i $e or any !e!#er o $is a!ily is interested in s"c$ !atter or contract in any ot$er !anner and t$e *ovt3 Servant s$all re er every s"c$ !atter or contract to $is o icial s"perior3 T$is cla"se is applica#le to all %S)L e!ployees and in vie1 o t$is as soon as any %S)L e!ployee #eco!es a1are o t$e a#ove aspect9 $e !"st inti!ate t$is to t$e prescri#ed a"t$ority3 ;or non/exec"tive e!ployees t$is a"t$ority is SSA &ead / Circle &ead / C$ie ,ngineer / C$ie Arc$3 /Corporate o ice "nder 1$o! $e is posted3 ;or exec"tive e!ployees .at present so!e o t$e! are called as *a2etted ' icers0 t$e prescri#ed a"t$ority or t$is p"rpose is Circle &ead / C$ie ,ngineer / C$ie Arc$t3 / Corporate o ice "nder 1$o! $e is posted3 iii0 T$e Co!pany or ir! or any ot$er person is not per!itted to tender or 1or8s in %S)L Unit in 1$ic$ $is near relative.s0 is .are0 posted3 T$e "nit is de ined as SSA/ Circle/ C$ie ,ngineer/ C$ie Arc$t3/ Corporate ' ice or non exec"tive e!ployees and all SSA in a circle incl"ding circle o ice/ C$ie ,ng3/ C$ie Arc$t3/ Corporate o ice or exec"tive e!ployees .incl"ding t$ose called as *a2etted o icers at present3 T$e tenderer s$o"ld give a certi icate t$at none o $is/ $er s"c$ near relative is 1or8ing in t$e "nits as de ined a#ove 1$ere $e is going to apply or tender/ 1or83 Any #reac$ o t$ese conditions #y t$e co!pany or ir! or any ot$er person9 t$e tender/1or8 1ill #e cancelled and earnest !oney/sec"rity deposit 1ill #e or eited at any stage 1$enever it is so noticed3 T$e depart!ent 1ill not pay any da!ages to t$e co!pany or ir! or t$e concerned person3 T$e co!pany or ir! or t$e person 1ill also #e de#arred or "rt$er participation in t$e concerned "nit3

"3 GE=tra >or<E as "sed $erein !eans any 1or8 or co!pliance 1it$ any re="ire!ents9 ot$er t$an a c$ange9 1$ic$ is not expressly or i!pliedly conte!plated #y t$e contract doc"!ents9 and 1$ic$ is necessary to #e per or!ed or t$e proper co!pletion o t$e contracted 1or83 ;or t$e p"rpose o clari ication9 it is declared t$at9 any 1or8 or operation 1$ic$ s$all #e necessarily incidental to t$e proper per or!ance o any ite! o 1or8 or part t$ereo s$all #e dee!ed to $ave #een #y i!plication provided or in t$e relevant ite! o 1or8 or part t$ereo and s$all not constit"te extra 1or83 23 E9%ERIENCE O BIDDERS ? a0 ;or PL% pipe laying tender t$e participating #idder s$o"ld $ave co!pleted in total at least 27 8!/67 8!/<7 8!/47 8! PL% pipe laying 1it$ ann"al t"rnover per year 17 lacs/27 lacs/47 Lacs/ 1Crore and a#ove respectively d"ring last t5ree consec"tive inancial years in %S)L/any ot$er govern!ent / private organi2ation / operator 1$o $as #een given license #y (epart!ent o Teleco!!"nications9 *overn!ent o India3 ;or '; ca#le laying tender t$e participating #idder s$o"ld $ave co!pleted in total at least 27 8!/67 8!/<7 8!/47 8! '; ca#le laying 1it$ ann"al t"rnover per year 17 lacs/27 lacs/47 Lacs/ 1Crore and a#ove respectively d"ring last t5ree consec"tive


inancial years in %S)L/any ot$er govern!ent / private organi2ation / operator 1$o $as #een given license #y (epart!ent o Teleco!!"nications9 *overn!ent o India3 c0 ;or PL% pipe laying and '; ca#le laying tender t$e participating #idder s$o"ld $ave co!pleted in total at least 27 8!/67 8!/<7 8!/ 47 8! PL% pipe laying and '; ca#le laying 1it$ ann"al t"rnover per year 17 lacs/27 lacs/47 Lacs/ 1Crore and a#ove respectively d"ring last t5ree consec"tive inancial years in %S)L/any ot$er govern!ent / private organi2ation / operator 1$o $as #een given license #y (epart!ent o Teleco!!"nications9 *overn!ent o India3

d0 T$e Contractor !"st read care "lly all t$e ter!s9 conditions and speci ications #e ore illing "p t$e #id sc$ed"le and $is ="otation3 JCla"seJ )o3 is indicated #e ore eac$ >Title?3 Tenderers are re="ested to get 1ell versed 1it$ t$e tender conditions/ g"idelines 1ritten $ere"nder3 T$ose tenderers 1$o cannot read ,nglis$ !ay get it translated at t$eir o1n ris89 in a lang"age 8no1n to t$e! and s$o"ld "nderstand t$e conditions3 Any clari ication re="ired can #e $ad ro! t$e (ivisional ,ngineer concerned9 in 1$ose division t$e tender is called9 1$o is t$e a"t$ori2ed representative o t$e >%S)L?9 or t$e S"# (ivisional ,ngineers or any ot$er o icer/ o icial 1or8ing 1it$ $i!9 1$o !ay #e a"t$ori2ed #y $i! to s"pervise and oversee t$e 1or8 on $is #e$al 3 Ti*e a-on& >it5 B1a-it8 of >or< is t5e essen$e of t5is $ontra$t. e0 Si!ilar nat"re o Undergro"nd trenc$ing / laying 1or8 o 17K!s3 or a#ove3 0 E9AMINATION O CORHSITE B# BIDDER@CONTRACTOR? i0 T$e prospective tenderers are advised to !a8e a detailed s"rvey o t$e sections and location or 1$ic$ t$ey are ="oting t$eir rates in t$is tender3 T$e tenderer s$all investigate "lly all $a2ards and sa eg"ards against t$e!3 T$e rate ="oted s$all incl"de all t$ose actors into consideration3 It is i!plied t$at t$e %idder/Contractor $as inspected t$e site and satis ied $i!sel as to t$e nat"re9 locations in general and local conditions partic"larly t$ose #earing "pon transportation9 $andling and storage o !aterials9 incl"ding t$e s"r ace strata9 t$e soil9 s"# soil9 t$e s"rro"nding9 t$e nat"re and !agnit"de o 1or8 and ascertained t$e availa#ility o po1er9 1ater9 roads and acco!!odation and also o#tained all necessary in or!ation directly or indirectly a ecting t$e 1or8 s"c$ as legal stip"lation9 possi#le delays and $indrance or inter erences in exec"ting t$e 1or89 "ncertainties o 1eat$er9 river9 stages or si!ilar p$ysical conditions o t$e site9 t$e con ir!ation and conditions o t$e gro"nd9 t$e c$aracter o e="ip!ent and acilities needed preli!inary to and d"ring t$e exec"tion o t$e 1or8 and all ot$er !atter 1$ic$ can in any 1ay a ect t$e 1or8 or t$e cost t$ere "nder t$is contract9 #e ore !a8ing t$e o er9 so t$at t$e rates ="oted ta8e all actors into consideration3 T$e speci ications or t$e entire 1or8 are to #e read toget$er and not in isolation3 T5e Bidder $annot re-8 on 5is i&noran$e of *atters s1$5 as defe$ts in soi- nor an8 i*p-ied >arrant8 78 t5e e*p-o8er vi;. Asstt. Genera- Mana&er t5at t5e



B1antitiesD p-ans and spe$ifi$ation stip1-ated in t5is Bid Do$1*ent are a$$1rate or t5at t5e >or< is feasi7-e of perfor*an$e in t5e *anner set o1t in t5e invitation to Bid. +oreover9 1or8 or !aterials incidental to exec"te t$is contract are not J,xtrasJ3 iv0 T$e site data relating to type o soil in t$e section at vario"s stretc$es as assessed #y t$e %S)L is given in t$e )IT3 It *1st 7e noted t5at t5is is on-8 a ro1&5 assess*ent 78 t5e BSNL and t5e BSNL does not -in< itse-f to its f1-$orre$tness and neit5er t5e BSNL $an 7e 5e-d a$$o1nta7-e for an8 variationD if an8D fo1nd a$t1a--8. T$e contractors are re="ired to !a8e t$eir o1n detailed assess!ent and s$o"ld ="ote accordingly3 Any ail"re #y t$e Contractor to do so s$all not relieve $i! o responsi#ility or esti!ating properly t$e di ic"lty or cost o co!pletely satis actorily per or!ing t$e contracted 1or83 T$e %S)L ass"!es no responsi#ility 1$atever or any oral "nderstandings or representations !ade #y any o its o icers or agents or servants prior to t$e exec"tion o t$e contract and all previo"s negotiations and "nderstandings are $ere#y cancelled3



vii0 Unexpected di ic"lty or expenses is9 in general9 no exc"se or di ic"lty in per or!ing t$e 1or83 '. THE BID DOC"MENTS 631 T$e constr"ction 1or8 to #e carried o"t9 goods re="ired9 #idding proced"res and contract ter!s are prescri#ed in t$e %id (oc"!ents3 T$e %id (oc"!ents incl"de@ '.2.2 !1a-if8in& Bid? 6313131 )otice Inviting Tender 6313132 %id ;or! 6313136 %idderFs pro ile and Certi icate o near relatives 631313< Instr"ction to %idders 6313134 *eneral .Co!!ercial0 Conditions o t$e Contract3 6313135 Special Conditions o Contract3 631313A Scope o Wor8 and I"risdiction o t$e Contract3 631313G PL% Pipe laying and ';C Constr"ction Speci ications iss"ed #y %%)L3 631313H ;or!at o +aterial sec"rity %ond ;or! .sa!ple0 63131317 ;or!at o Agree!ent .sa!ple0 63131311 Letter o A"t$ori2ation or Attending %id 'pening3 63131312 List o (oc"!ents to #e s"#!itted along 1it$ t$e D"ali ying #id 63131316 Rates o e!pty ca#le dr"!s '.2.4 6313231 6313232 inan$ia- Bid? Sc$ed"le o Wor8s L or constr"ction ;inancial %id

632 T$e %idder is expected to exa!ine all instr"ctions9 or!s9 ter!s and speci ications in t$e #id doc"!ents3 ;ail"re to "rnis$ all in or!ation re="ired as per t$e %id (oc"!ents or s"#!ission o #ids not s"#stantially responsive to t$e %id (oc"!ents in every respect 1ill #e at t$e #idderFs ris8 and s$all res"lt in re-ection o t$e #id3 <3 !"ERIES ON BID DOC"MENTS? A prospective #idder9 re="iring any clari ication o t$e %id (oc"!ents s$all noti y t$e %S)L in 1riting or #y ax or #y ca#le at t$e %S)L !ailing address indicated in t$e invitation or %ids3 T$e %S)L s$all respond in 1riting to any re="est or clari ication o t$e %id (oc"!ents9 1$ic$ it receives not later t$an A days prior to t$e date or t$e opening o t$e #ids3 Copies o t$e ="ery .1it$o"t identi ying t$e so"rce0 and t$e clari ications #y t$e %S)L s$all #e sent to all t$e prospective #idders 1$o $ave p"rc$ased t$e #id doc"!ents and all s"c$ clari ications iss"ed #y t$e %S)L 1ill or! part o t$e #id doc"!ent3 T$e sa!e s$all #e posted on 1e#site also3 T$ose 1$o are do1nloading tender doc"!ent ro! 1e#site s$o"ld do1nload t$e clari ication also and s"#!it 1it$ t$e tender doc"!ent3 +. AMENDMENT O BID DOC"MENTS? 431 At any ti!e9 prior to t$e date or s"#!ission o #ids9 t$e %S)L !ay9 or any reason 1$et$er on its o1n or in response to t$e clari ication re="ested #y a prospective %idder9 !odi y t$e #id doc"!ents #y a!end!ents3 432 T$e a!end!ents s$all #e noti ied in 1riting or #y telex or ;AE to all prospective #idders on t$e address inti!ated at t$e ti!e or p"rc$ase o #id doc"!ent ro! t$e %S)L and t$ese a!end!ents 1ill #e #inding on t$e!3 T$e sa!e s$all #e posted on 1e#site also3 T$ose 1$o are do1nloading t$e tender doc"!ent ro! 1e#site s$o"ld do1nload t$e clari ication also and s"#!it 1it$ t$e tender doc"!ent3 In order to a ord prospective #idders reasona#le ti!e to ta8e t$e a!end!ents into acco"nt in preparing t$eir #ids9 %S)L !ay at its discretion9 extend t$e deadline or t$e s"#!ission/opening o #ids s"ita#ly3 In case o tender doc"!ent do1nloaded ro! t$e o icial 1e# site o t$e W% %S)L9 t$e tenderer s$o"ld s"#!it t$e re="ired cost o #id doc"!ent as prescri#ed in t$e or! o (( along 1it$ tender and i any discrepancy o"nd in t$e tender doc"!ent s"#!itted #y t$e tenderer9 t$e tender "ploaded #y t$e %S)L 1ill #e treated as valid and any c$ange o"nd in t$e tender doc"!ent s"#!itted #y t$e tenderer at any stage9 1ill #e treated as ra"d done to t$e %S)L and 1ill #e lia#le to cancellation o agree!ent done .i any0 and appropriate action 1ill #e ta8en against t$e tender3




.. %RE%ARATION O BIDS? COST O BIDDING? T$e #idder s$all #ear all costs associated 1it$ t$e preparation and s"#!ission o t$e #id3 T$e %S)L9 1ill in no case9 #e responsi#le or lia#le or t$ese costs9 regardless o t$e cond"ct or o"tco!e o t$e #idding process3 :. DOC"MENTS ESTABLISHING BIDDER,S ELIGIBILIT# AND !"ALI ICATION? T$e #idder s$all "rnis$9 as part o $is #id doc"!ents esta#lis$ing t$e #idderFs eligi#ility t$e ollo1ing doc"!ents3 All t$ese doc"!ents s$o"ld #e n"!#ered and s$o"ld #e signed #y #idder in eac$ page3
-.% .ri)inal ++,$ash re!eipt of their Bid *e!#rit" (E/+) of re0#isite amo#nt as per NIT. -.1 Tender do!#ment(s) in ori)inal d#l" filled in and si)ned b" bidder or his A#thori2ed representative alon) with seal on ea!h pa)e. All !orre!tions and overwritin) m#st be initialed with date b" the bidder or his a#thori2ed representative. -.3 $op" of 4AN No. !ertifi!ate. -.5 The a#thenti!ated !op" of re)istered partnership deed and re)istration of the firm 6rom re)istrar of firm in !ases of partnership firm. -.' In !ase of proprietorship firm bidder will s#bmit an affidavit attested b" Notar" 4#bli! that 7I am a sole proprietor of firm888888888...9 in !ase of proprietorship firm on non :#di!ial stamp paper of ;s. %<,=. -.( Bidder>s profile d#l" filled in as per *e!tion ?III of tender do!#ment. -.4ower of Attorne"9 (for Blood relation ;s.3<,= and for others. '<<,= .n Non @#di!ial *tamp 4aper). -.A EBperien!e $ertifi!ate as re0#ired in NIT. -.& Arti!le of asso!iation and memorand#m in !ase of private,p#bli! limited !ompan". -.%< $op" of E.4.6. re)istration (To be s#bmitted at the time of a)reement) -.%% $op" of E*I $ertifi!ate (To be s#bmitted at the time of a)reement) -.%1 $op" of Labo#r li!en!e (To be s#bmitted at the time of a)reement) -.%3 $op" of servi!e taB re)istration no. (To be s#bmitted at the time of a)reement) -.%5 $ertifi!ate for non near relative in B*NL. -.%' Bid form d#l" filled in as per *e!tion ?II of tender do!#ment.


Solvency certi icate ro! t$e #an8er o t$e tenderer@ Up to 1or8 costing Rs 27 lacs L Rs 2 lacsM ;or 1or8s costing !ore t$an 27 lacs L Rs 4 lacs3 T$e solvency certi icate s$all not #e older t$an t$e date o iss"e o )IT3 T$e certi icate is not re="ired in case t$e #idder $as already s"#!itted s"c$ certi icate or any )IT loated #y t$e concerned SSA d"ring t$e c"rrent inancial year3 In case t$e p$oto copy o t$e certi icate is s"#!itted t$en it s$o"ld #e attested #y a *a2etted ' icer3

Note:=An" dis!repan!" fo#nd in the downloaded tender do!#ment s#bmitted b" the bidder !ompared to #ploaded tender do!#ment the tender do!#ment #ploaded b" the B*NL will be treated as valid and an" !han)es (fo#nd in the tender do!#ment s#bmitted b" the bidder) at an" sta)e will be treated as fra#d done to the B*NL and will be liable to !an!ellation of a)reement done (if an") and appropriate a!tion will be taken a)ainst the bidder.


T$e invitation o #ids is open to all contractors as per t$eir eligi#ility !entioned in )IT o t$is #id doc"!ent3 If a 7idder fai-s to s1pp-8 t5e do$1*ents as *entioned in at t5e ti*e of s17*ission of 5is@5er 7idD t5e ne$essar8 do$1*ents are reB1ired to 7e s17*itted 78 t5e s1$$essf1- 7idders on-8 >it5in seven da8s of iss1e of -etter of intent for si&nin& t5e a&ree*ent as per $-a1se no. 4)D fai-1re in >5i$5 >i-- -ead to $an$e--ation of t5e offer and no a&ree*ent s5a-- 7e si&ned for a>ard of >or<. T$e Contractors/ ;ir!s #lac8listed .i3e3 (e#arred or ta8ing 1or8s0 #y %S)L or ot$er *overn!ent Agency or ta8ing 1or8s in %S)L s$all not #e eligi#le or t$e d"ration o t$eir #lac8listing3 I t$e #idder $ides t$e act o #eing #lac8listed t$en it s$all #e considered as ra"d to a *overn!ent Agency i3e3 %S)L3 I at later stage9 it is o"nd t$at t$e #idder $as got contract $iding t$is act t$en t$e a1ard o contract s$all #e rescinded and t$e 1or8 s$all #e got done ro! ot$er agency at t$e ris8 and cost o t$e #idder3 T$e contractor s$all not #e eligi#le or any pay!ents on acco"nt o t$is3 I t$e 1or8 $as not #een started t$en t$e ,+( s$all #e or eited3 I at t$e later stage9 it is o"nd t$at any doc"!ent s"#!itted #y #idder 1it$ t$e #id or agree!ent is a8e or te!pered t$en t$e a1ard o contract s$all #e rescinded and t$e 1or8 s$all #e got done ro! ot$er agency at t$e ris8 and cost o t$e #idder3 T$e contractor s$all not #e eligi#le or any pay!ents on acco"nt o t$is3 I t$e 1or8 $as not #een started t$en t$e ,+( s$all #e or eited3 Spe$ia- Notes? ( T5e $ontra$tor s5o1-d app-8 for La7o1r -i$ense >it5 t5e Distri$t La7o1r Offi$er of t5e $on$erned distri$t. 6. BID SEC"RIT#? G31 T$e #idder s$all "rnis$9 as part o $is #id9 a #id sec"rity .,+(0 or an a!o"nt as speci ied in t$e )IT separately or eac$ section3 )o interest s$all #e paid #y t$e %S)L on t$e #id sec"rity or any period9 1$at so ever3 G32 T$e #id sec"rity is re="ired to protect t$e %$arat Sanc$ar )iga! Ltd3 against t$e ris8 o #idders cond"ct9 1$ic$ 1o"ld 1arrant t$e sec"rityFs or eit"re9 p"rs"ant to para G3A3 G36 %id Sec"rity s$all #e paid in t$e or! o Crossed (e!and (ra t iss"ed #y a sc$ed"led /nationali2ed #an89 dra1n in avo"r o GA$$o1nts offi$er(Cas5)D BSNLD O@o t5e GMT@S1ri paya#le at S"ri3 T$e (( s$o"ld #e valid or at least H7 days ro! t$e date o )IT3 G3< A 7id not se$1red in a$$ordan$e >it5 $-a1se 6.2 A 6.' a7ove s5a-- 7e reIe$ted 78 t5e B5arat San$5ar Ni&a* Ltd.D as non(responsive3 6.+ T5e 7id se$1rit8 of t5e 1ns1$$essf1- 7idder >i-- 7e ref1nded as pro*pt-8 as possi7-e.


6.. T5e s1$$essf1- 7idder,s 7id se$1rit8 >i-- $o*p1-sori-8 7e $onverted to part perfor*an$e se$1rit8 deposit in a$$ordan$e >it5 $-a1se +(i)D Se$tion 0. 6.: G3A31 G3A32 T5e 7id se$1rit8 s5a-- 7e forfeited? I a #idder 1it$dra1s $is #id d"ring t$e period o #id validity speci ied in t$e #id doc"!ent9 'R I t$e #idder !a8es any !odi ications in t$e ter!s and conditions o t$e tender #e ore acceptance o t$e tender9 1$ic$ are not accepta#le to t$e %$arat Sanc$ar )iga! Ltd39 'R I t$e #idder is o"nd to $ave given alse / incorrect certi icates in Section III9 'R In case o a s"ccess "l #idder9 i t$e #idder ails@ a0 To sign t$e agree!ent in accordance 1it$ Cla"se )o3 24 Section IV9 'R #0 To "rnis$ +aterial Sec"rity in accordance 1it$ cla"se 4.i09 Section V3

G3A36 G3A36

/. BID %RICES? H31 T$e #idder s$all give t$e total co!posite price incl"sive o all levies and taxes9 pac8ing9 or1arding9 reig$t and ins"rance in case o !aterials to #e s"pplied and incl"sive o all taxes and levies in case o 1or8s to #e exec"ted3 T$e contractor s$all #e responsi#le or transporting t$e !aterials to #e s"pplied #y t$e %$arat Sanc$ar )iga! Ltd3 . ro! t$e SSA Store (epot0 to exec"te t$e 1or8 "nder t$e contract9 to site at $is/t$eir o1n cost "p to 177 K!3 Prices s$all #e ="oted #y t$e #idder as percentage 7e-o>@a7ove@at par t$e sc$ed"le o rates given in Sc$ed"le o Rates .;inancial %id03 Prices ="oted at any ot$er place s$all not #e considered3 T$e price ="oted #y t$e #idder s$all re!ain ixed d"ring t$e entire period o contract and s$all not #e s"#-ect to variation on any acco"nt3 A #id s"#!itted 1it$ an ad-"sta#le price ="otation 1ill #e treated as non/responsive and re-ected3 (isco"nt9 i any9 o ered #y t$e #idders s$all not #e considered "nless t$ey are speci ically indicated in t$e sc$ed"le o rates .;inancial %id03 %idders desiring to o er disco"nt s$all t$ere ore !odi y t$eir o ers s"ita#ly 1$ile ="oting and s$all ="ote clearly net price ta8ing all s"c$ actors li8e disco"nt9 ree s"pply9 etc3 into acco"nt3 In t$e case o illiterate #idders9 a 1itness s$o"ld attest t$e ;inancial %id3 T$e percentages ="oted in 1ords 1ill $ave precedence over t$e percentages ="oted in ig"res3 I t$e percentages are not ="oted in 1ords9 t$e %id is lia#le to #e re-ected3






23. %ERIOD O 0ALIDIT# O BIDS? 1731 %id s$all re!ain valid or 2<7 days ro! date o opening o t$e #id .D"ali ying %id03 A BID 0ALID OR A SHORTER %ERIOD SHALL BE REJECTED B# THE BSNL AS NON(RES%ONSI0E. T$e %S)L reserves t$e rig$t to re="est t$e lo1est t$ree.60 #idders as per read o"t list on t$e opening day to extend t$e #id validity or a period o "rt$er 127 days and t$e #idder $as to necessarily extend t$e #id validity3 Re "sal to extend t$e #id validity 1ill res"lt in or eit"re o t$e #id sec"rity3 A #idder accepting t$e re="est and extending t$e #id validity 1ill not #e per!itted to *odif8 5is 7id3 T$e %idder s$all not #e entitled d"ring t$is period o 4)3 da8s9 1it$o"t t$e consent in 1riting o (ivisional ,ngineer9 to revo8e or cancel $is %id or to vary t$e %id s"#!itted or in ter! t$ereo 3 T$e (ivisional ,ngineer s$all co!!"nicate t$e acceptance o %id to t$e s"ccess "l %idder.s03



113 SIGNING O BID? 1131 T$e #idder s$all s"#!it9 as a part o $is #id9 t$e #id doc"!ents .in original0 d"ly signed on eac$ and every page9 esta#lis$ing t$e con or!ity o $is #id to t$e #id doc"!ents o all t$e 1or8s to #e exec"ted #y t$e #idder "nder t$e contract3 T$e %idder is advised to 8eep a p$otocopy .at $is o1n cost 0 o t$e #id doc"!ents or $is o1n re erence0 1132 T$e #id s$all contain no inter/lineation9 eras"res or over1riting necessary to correct errors !ade #y t$e #idder in 1$ic$ case s"c$ corrections s$all #e signed 1it$ date #y t$e person or persons signing t$e #id3 1136 Unsigned or partially signed %id s$all #e re-ected3

113< T$e #idder s$all #e #o"nd #y all ter!s9 conditions9 constr"ction practices and speci ication as detailed in t$e #id doc"!ent3 123 1231 S"BMISSION O BIDS

%id or eac$ tender s$o"ld #e s"#!itted in t$ree inner envelopes placed inside one o"ter envelope3 T$ese envelopes .inner0 s$o"ld contain t$e ollo1ing ite!s@ Enve-ope (inner) ;irst Second T$ird To Be Mar<ed on t5e Contents of Enve-ope Cover >%I( S,CURITN? Containing %id Sec"rity as per Cla"se G and )IT t$e cost o #id doc"!ent . or do1nloaded doc"!ent0 >DUALI;NI)* %I(? Containing doc"!ents as per Cla"se A except sec"rity3 >;I)A)CIAL %I(? Percentage Rates d"ly ="oted #y t$e %idder in prescri#ed or!at3

and #id #id t$e


'n all t$ese o"r envelopes .t$ree inner and one o"ter0 t$e na!e o t$e ir! s$all #e clearly !entioned and s$o"ld #e properly sealed "sing sealing 1ax/pac8ing PVC tape3 T5e Bids t5at are not s17*itted in a7ove *entioned *anner s5a-- 7e s1**ari-8 reIe$ted. 1232 All envelopes .t$ree inner : one o"ter0 !"st #ear t$e ollo1ing on t$e le t $and top corner side@ a0 )IT no3 #0 )a!e o t$e ';C Ro"te/%loc8 or 1$ic$ tender is s"#!itted and category o 1or83 c0 )a!e o section/Sl3 )o along 1it$ category o 1or83 d0 )a!e o t$e %S)L SSA "nder 1$ic$ ro"te/section/1or8 alls3 e0 Tender or PL% Pipe laying and associated Wor8s /Ca#le Laying3 >)'T T' 'P,) %,;'R, 7A37H32716 .(U, (AT, '; T,)(,R0? .Tender or 1or8@ BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB0 T$e tender 1ill #e #o"nd #y all ter!s9 conditions and speci ications as t$e tender doc"!ents3 Any tender 1it$ conditions ot$er t$an t$ose speci ied in t$e tender doc"!ent to #e s"!!arily re-ected3 )o !odi ication #y t$e contractor in any o t$e conditions 1ill #e per!itted a ter t$e tender is opened3

1236 123<

2'. S"BMISSION O BIDS? 1631 Tender s$o"ld #e dropped in person in t$e tender #ox placed in t$e o ice o t$e *+T/S"ri #e ore t$e closing .date : ti!e0 o tender as !entioned in )IT 'R 78 post so as to rea$5 t5e Offi$e one 5o1r 7efore t5e $-osin& of tender 7o= 3 %S)L 1ill not #e responsi#le or postal delay or loss on transit3 T$e %idder is to ens"re t$e delivery o t$e #ids at t$e correct address3 T$e %$arat Sanc$ar )iga! Ltd3 s$all not #e $eld responsi#le or delivery o #id to t$e 1rong address3 T$e slit o t$e tender #ox 1ill #e sealed i!!ediately a ter t$e speci ied ti!e or receipt o tender3 Any #id presented in person a ter t$e sealing o #ox 1ill not #e received #y t$e %S)L and 1ill not #e allo1ed to #e deposited in t$e tender #ox3 %ostpone*ent of Tender openin&@ W$enever it is considered necessary to postpone t$e opening date o tenders9 ="ic8 decision !"st #e ta8en and co!!"nicated to t$e tenderers 1$o $ave p"rc$ased t$e tender doc"!ents and s$all #e at least one day #e ore t$e original date o opening3 T$e reasons or postponing t$e tender s$all #e recorded in 1riting3 S"c$ notice o extension o date o opening s$all also #e p"t/"p on t$e notice #oard and also p"#lis$ed in t$e ne1spapers in 1$ic$ original )ITs $ave #een p"#lis$ed3 I t$e date o opening o #ids is declared as $oliday9 t$e #ids 1ill #e opened on t$e next 1or8ing date at t$e sa!e ti!e and ven"e3 T$e %S)L i s"#se="ently declares date ixed or opening o #ids as $oliday9 t$e revised sc$ed"le 1ill #e noti ied3 &o1ever9 in a#sence o s"c$ noti ication9 t$e #ids 1ill #e opened on next 1or8ing day9 ti!e and ven"e re!aining "naltered3 LATE BIDS? Tenders 1ill not #e received a ter t$e speci ied ti!e o closing o t$e tender and t$e sa!e s$all #e re-ected and ret"rned "nopened to t$e #idder3 It is t$e sole responsi#ility o t$e tenderer t$at $e s$o"ld ens"re ti!ely s"#!ission o tender3 Any atte!pt to orci#ly




deposit t$e tender a ter d"e date and ti!e .!entioned in t$e )IT0 1ill attract action as per la13

143 1431

1432 153 1531

MODI ICATIONS AND CITHDRACAL O BID@ T5e 7idder *a8 *odif8 or >it5dra> 5is 7id after s17*ission and 7efore openin& of 7idsD provided t5at t5e inti*ation is deposited 78 t5e 7idder in a proper-8 sea-ed enve-ope (>it5 Ca=@%a$<in& %0C tape) in t5e tender 7o=D 7efore t5e s$5ed1-ed ti*e A date for $-osin& of tender. No 7id s5a-- 7e *odified s17seB1ent to t5e dead-ine for s17*ission of 7ids. BID O%ENING AND E0AL"ATION? O%ENING O BIDS B# THE BSNL@ T$e %$arat Sanc$ar )iga! Ltd3 S$all open t$e #ids in t$e presence o #idders or $is a"t$ori2ed representatives 1$o c$oose to attend9 at said $o"rs on d"e date3 T$e #idderFs representatives9 1$o are present9 s$all sign an attendance register3 T$e #idder s$all s"#!it a"t$ority letter to t$is e ect #e ore t$ey are allo1ed to participate in t$e #id opening .A or!at is given in Section L EI03 A !axi!"! o t1o .20 representatives or any #idder s$all #e a"t$ori2ed and per!itted to attend t$e #id opening3 T$e %ids s$all #e opened in t$e ollo1ing !anner@

1532 1536

1536313 T$e #id opening co!!ittee s$all co"nt t$e n"!#er o #ids and assign serial n"!#ers to t$e #ids3 ;or exa!ple9 i 17 tenders $ave #een received t$e #ids s$all #e n"!#ered as 1 o 179 2 o 17 etc3 All t$e !e!#ers s$all initial on t$e o"ter envelopes o all t$e #ids 1it$ date3 1536323 T$e envelopes containing t$e tender o er and not properly sealed9 as re="ired vide Cla"se 1231 s$all not #e opened and s$all #e re-ected o"trig$t3 Closing t$e cover #y g"! 1ill not #e treated as sealed cover3 T$e reasons or not opening s"c$ tender o ers s$all #e recorded on t$e ace o t$e envelope and all t$e !e!#ers o t$e #id opening co!!ittee s$all initial 1it$ date3 1536363 ;irst t$e o"ter envelope containing t$e t$ree envelopes to #e opened3 T$e co!!ittee s$all initial on all t$ree envelopes 1it$ date3 15363<3 A!ong t$ese t$ree envelopes9 t$e envelope !ar8ed >%I( S,CURITN? s$all #e opened irst and exa!ined3 1536343 T$e #idders 1$o $ave s"#!itted proper %id Sec"rity as per Tender (oc"!ent9 t$eir >DUALI;NI)* %I(? s$all #e opened and papers/doc"!ents s"#!itted #y #idder s$all #e exa!ined and recorded #y t$e T'C3 A ter opening t$e ="ali ying #id9 all t$e doc"!ents contained t$erein s$all #e serially n"!#ered and signed #y t$e #id opening co!!ittee !e!#ers3 1536353 A ter recording o t$e >D"ali ying %id? t$e T'C 1ill place all t$e ;inancial %ids s"#!itted #y t$e #idders in an envelope and 1ill properly seal it 1it$ 1ax or pac8ing PVC tape or 8eeping in sa e c"stody3 15363A3 T$e ;inancial %id s$all #e opened in t$e ollo1ing !anner@


15363G3 T$e envelope !ar8ed >;inancial %id?9 1ill #e opened only or t$e ="ali ied #ids in ?D"ali ying %id?3 15363H3 A ter opening t$e >;inancial %id? t$e #idderFs na!e9 #id prices9 !odi ications9 #id 1it$dra1als and s"c$ ot$er details as t$e %$arat Sanc$ar )iga! Ltd39 at its discretion9 !ay consider appropriate9 1ill #e anno"nced at t$e opening3 15363173In case t$ere is discrepancy in ig"res and 1ords in t$e ="ote9 t$e sa!e s$all #e anno"nced in t$e #id opening9 #"t t$e ="ote in 1ords s$all prevail3 1A3 CLARI ICATION O BIDS B# THE BSNL? To assist in exa!ination9 eval"ation and co!parison o #ids9 t$e %S)L at its discretion !ay as8 t$e #idder or clari ication o its #id3 T$e re="est or its clari ication and t$e corresponding response s$all #e in 1riting3 &o1ever9 no post #id clari ication at t$e initiative o t$e #idder s$all #e entertained3 1G3 1G31 %RELIMINAR# E0AL"ATION? %$arat Sanc$ar )iga! Ltd3 s$all eval"ate t$e #ids to deter!ine 1$et$er t$ey are co!plete9 1$et$er any co!p"tational errors $ave #een !ade9 1$et$er re="ired s"reties $ave #een "rnis$ed9 1$et$er t$e doc"!ents $ave #een properly signed and 1$et$er t$e #ids are generally in order3

1G32 I t$ere is discrepancy #et1een 1ords and ig"res9 t$e a!o"nt in 1ords s$all prevail3 I t$e Contractor does not accept t$e correction o t$e errors9 $is #id s$all #e re-ected3 1G36 Prior to t$e detailed eval"ation9 p"rs"ant to cla"se 219 t$e %S)L 1ill deter!ine t$e s"#stantial responsiveness o eac$ #id to t$e #id doc"!ent3 ;or p"rpose o t$ese cla"ses a s"#stantially responsive #id is one 1$ic$ con or!s to all t$e ter!s and conditions o t$e #id doc"!ents 1it$o"t deviations3 T$e %S)L deter!ination o #idFs responsiveness is to #e #ased on t$e contents o t$e #id itsel 1it$o"t reco"rse to extrinsic evidence3 1G3< A #id9 deter!ined as s"#stantially non responsive s$all #e re-ected #y t$e %S)L and s$all not s"#se="ent to t$e #id opening #e !ade responsive #y t$e #idder #y correction o t$e non/con or!ity3 T$e %S)L !ay 1aive any !inor in ir!ity or non/con or!ity or irreg"larity in a #id 1$ic$ does not constit"te a !aterial deviation9 provided s"c$ 1aiver does not pre-"dice or a ect t$e relative ran8ing o t$e #idder3


1H3 1H31 1H32 1H36

T$e %S)L s$all eval"ate in detail and co!pare t$e #ids previo"sly deter!ined to #e s"#stantially responsive p"rs"ant to cla"se 1G3 T$e eval"ation and co!parison o responsive #ids s$all #e on t$e percentage deviation .a#ove/#elo1/at par0 o ered and indicated in sc$ed"le o rates o t$e #id doc"!ents3 Wor8 order or a partic"lar section s$all #e accorded to L1 #idder o t$at section3 I t$ere are !ore t$an one L1 #idder9 t$en t$e 1or8 !ay #e divided .in ter!s o lengt$0 e="ally #et1een t$e!3 In s"c$ case no clai! o Strata Variation in t$e Ro"te s$all #e accepted3 T$e 1or8 !ay #e a1arded in any portion o t$e Section or Ro"te to any o t$e #idder as decided #y ,ngineer In C$arge3 &o1ever i all t$e #idders except at least one 1ant to

1it$dra1 t$eir #id and at least one #idder accepts t$e 1or8 t$an t$ey !ay #e allo1ed and t$eir ,+( s$all #e re "nded a ter doing t$e agree!ent 1it$ one .or !ore #y e="ally distri#"ting t$e Section in ter!s o lengt$0 o t$e #idders or entire section3 ;ailing to sign t$e agree!ent #y one o t$e #idders9 t$e ot$ers s$all #e lia#le to accept t$e 1or83 273 2731 2732 CONTACTING THE BSNL? S"#-ect to cla"se 1A no #idder s$all try to in l"ence t$e %S)L on any !atter relating to its #id9 ro! t$e ti!e o #id opening till t$e ti!e t$e contract is a1arded3 Any e ort #y t$e #idder to !odi y $is #id or in l"ence t$e %S)L in t$e %S)LFs #id eval"ation9 #id co!parison or t$e contract a1ard decisions s$all res"lt in t$e re-ection o t$e #id3 ACARD O CONTRACT? T$e %S)L s$all consider a1ard o contract only to t$ose eligi#le #idders 1$ose o ers $ave #een o"nd tec$nically9 co!!ercially and inancially accepta#le3 T$e SSA $eads reserves t$e rig$t to a1ard t$e 1or8 in any section to a single Contractor or split t$e 1or8 a!ong t1o or !ore Contractors3 T$e decision o SSA $eads in t$is regard s$all #e inal and #inding3 T$e allot!ent o 1or8s a!ong contractors 1ill #e as ollo1s3 Sl )o 1 2 6 223 )o o s"ccess "l #idder 'ne T1o T$ree Percentage o distri#"tion o 1or8 L1 L2 L6 177O / / A7O 67O / 47O 67O 27O


BSNL,S RIGHT TO 0AR# !"ANT"M O CORH? T$e %S)L9 at t$e ti!e o a1ard o 1or8 "nder t$e contract9 reserves t$e rig$t to decrease or increase t$e 1or8 #y "p to 24O o t$e total ="ant"! o 1or8 speci ied in t$e sc$ed"le or re="ire!ents 1it$o"t any c$ange in t$e rates or ot$er ter!s : conditions3 &o1ever t$e individ"al ite! o 1or8s !ay #e varied in any ="ant"! 1it$in t$e overall li!it o 24O o t$e contracted val"e in ter!s o r"pees3

263 2631


T$e %S)L reserves t$e rig$t to accept or re-ect any #id and to ann"l t$e #idding process and re-ect all #ids9 at any ti!e prior to a1ard o contract 1it$o"t assigning any reason 1$at/so/ever and 1it$o"t t$ere#y inc"rring any lia#ility to t$e a ected #idder or #idders on t$e gro"nds or t$e %S)LFs action3 T$e tender approving a"t$ority is not #o"nd to accept t$e lo1est %id3 ISS"E O LETTER O INTENT AND SIGNING O AGREEMENT? T$e iss"e o letter o intent s$all constit"te t$e intention o t$e %S)L to enter into t$e contract 1it$ t$e #idder3 Letter o intent 1ill #e t$e iss"ed as o er to t$e s"ccess "l #idder3 T$e signing o agree!ent s$all constit"te t$e a1ard o contract on t$e #idder3

2632 2<3 2<31


2<36 2<3<

As soon as t$e tender is approved #y t$e co!petent a"t$ority9 t$e %id Sec"rity deposited #y t$e s"ccess "l #idder s$all #e co!p"lsorily converted in to t$e Per or!ance Sec"rity deposit9 1$ic$ 1ill #e $eld #y t$e %S)L till t$e co!pletion o t$e 1arranty period3 In t$e event o ail"re o t$e %idder to sign t$e Agree!ent 1it$in seven days o #eing called "pon to do so or in t$e event o $is ail"re to start t$e 1or8 as stip"lated9 t$e a!o"nt o ,arnest +oney s$all stand or eited and t$e acceptance o t$e %id s$all #e re/ considered and revo8ed 1$ic$ 1ill not a!o"nt to i!posing o penalty3 In t$e event o #idderFs ail"re to start t$e 1or8 as stip"lated9 s$all res"lt in or eit"re o per or!ance sec"rity deposit and t$e acceptance o t$e %id s$all #e re/considered and revo8ed 1$ic$ 1ill not a!o"nt to i!posing o penalty3 (oc"!ents esta#lis$ing eligi#ility9 as !entioned in cla"se A a#ove9 !ay #e veri ied 1it$ t$e originals #e ore signing t$e agree!ent3 ANN"LMENT O ACARD? ;ail"re o t$e s"ccess "l #idder to co!ply 1it$ t$e re="ire!ent o cla"se 2< s$all constit"te s" icient gro"nd or t$e ann"l!ent o t$e a1ard or or eit"re o t$e #id sec"rity9 in 1$ic$ eventM t$e %S)L !ay !a8e t$e a1ard to any ot$er #idder at t$e discretion o t$e %S)L or call or ne1 #ids3 T$e ="antities indicated in t$e #id sc$ed"le s$all not #e considered as representing ir!/ inal ="antities3 (ivisional ,ngineer or $is a"t$ori2ed representatives s$all !eas"re all 1or8s3 A!o"nt paya#le to contractor s$all #e on t$e #asis o act"al 1or8 done #y $i! at t$e rate approved #y %S)L3 T$ese instr"ctions to t$e #idders s$all #e dee!ed to or! part o t$e agree!ent/ contract o t$e 1or83

2<34 243




GENERAL (COMMERCIAL) CONDITIONS O THE CONTRACT 2. A%%LICATION T$e general conditions s$all apply in contracts !ade #y t$e %S)L or t$e exec"tion PL% Pipe Laying and 'ptical ;i#er Ca#le Constr"ction Wor8s3 4. STANDARDS T$e 1or8s to #e exec"ted "nder t$e contract s$all con or! to t$e standards prescri#ed in t$e '; Ca#le constr"ction practices3 '. %RICES 631 Prices c$arged #y t$e Contractor or t$e 1or8s per or!ed "nder t$e Contract s$all not #e $ig$er ro! t$e prices ="oted #y t$e Contractor in $is %id3 632 Price once ixed 1ill re!ain valid or t$e period o contract3 Increase and decrease o taxes/d"ties 1ill not a ect t$e price d"ring t$is period except t$e service tax3 636 Service Tax i any 1ill #e paid extra in "ll as applica#le3 &o1ever9 proo o pay!ent to service tax a"t$ority s$all #e s"#!itted #y t$e contractor prior to t$e release o 1st install!ent .G7O0 o Per or!ance Sec"rity3 S"BCONTRACTS T$e contractor s$all not assign9 s"# contract or s"#-ect t$e 1$ole or any part o t$e 1or8s covered #y t$e contract9 "nder any circ"!stances3 SEC"RIT# (i) Materia- Se$1rit8? .a0 T$e s"ccess "l #idder or single section 1ill $ave to deposit !aterial sec"rity. 47O0 to1ards !a-or !aterials. s"c$ as PL% ("ct Rs <7777// per K+ and ';C ca#le Rs 47777// per 8!0 o RsCCC33 . R"pees CC3Lac8s0 only in avo"r o Acco"nts ' icer .Cas$09 %S)L9 '/o t$e *+T/S"ri in s$ape o (e!and (ra t /%an8 *"arantee iss"ed #y t$e sc$ed"led #an8/ nationali2ed #an83 T$is sec"rity 1ill #e a non/interest #earing deposit9 or any period 1$at so ever3 .#0 T$e contractor at any point o ti!e 1ill not #e iss"ed stores costing !ore t$an !aterial sec"rity3 I d"e to any reason !ore store $as to #e iss"ed to t$e contractor9 t$en t$e !aterial sec"rity 1ill #e s"ita#ly en$anced3 I t$e !aterial s"pplied in a #loc8 $as #een co!!issioned and accepted #y %S)L9 t$en t$e s"#!itted %* !ay




#e "tili2ed or iss"ing stores against t$e pending 1or8 / any ot$er section "nder t$e said contract3 In t$is regard t$e decision o t$e SSA &ead s$all #e inal and #inding3 .c0 T$e proceeds o t$e !aterial sec"rity s$all #e paya#le to t$e depart!ent as a co!pensation or any loss res"lting ro! t$e contractorFs ail"re to $andle properly t$e !aterial iss"ed to $i! "nder t$e contract3 .d0 T$e !aterial sec"rity 1ill #e released / re "nded 1it$in a ort nig$t ro! t$e date o co!!ission o t$e 1or8 "nder t$e contract or inal settle!ent o !aterial acco"nt 1$ic$ever is ear-ier s17Ie$t to 7idder >i-- &ive 1nder ta<in& t5at t5e re$over8 of o1tstandin& store if an8 *a8 7e rea-i;ed fro* t5e fina- 7i-- on prod"ction o >no d"es certi icate? ro! ,ngineer / in/C$arge3 .ii0 %ER ORMANCE SEC"RIT#? a0 T$e contractor s$all per!it t$e %S)L9 at t$e ti!e o !a8ing any pay!ent to $i! or 1or8 done "nder t$e contract9 to ded"ct s"c$ s"! in addition to t$e s"! already deposited as sec"rity deposit .d"e to conversion o #id sec"rity09 an a!o"nt to t$e t"ne o A34O o r"nning #ills/ inal #ill3 T$e per or!ance sec"rity s$o"ld #e 17O o t$e inal #ill a!o"nt3 T$ere ore t$e ded"ctions ro! r"nning #ill/ inal #ill s$o"ld #e a ter ad-"st!ent o t$e already deposited ,+(9 1$ic$ $as #een converted into per or!ance sec"rity deposit3 #0 T$e proceeds o t$e per or!ance sec"rity s$all #e paya#le to t$e %S)L as co!pensation or any loss res"lting ro! t$e contractorFs ail"re to co!plete its o#ligations "nder t$e contract3 .. ISS"E O CORH ORDERS AND TIME LIMIT 531 T$e 1or8 order s$all #e iss"ed so as to incl"de all ter!s o 1or8s or t$e section allotted to t$e contractor as p"t in t$e )IT3 532 T$e 1or8 orders s$all #e iss"ed #y t$e Asstt3 *eneral +anager/in/c$arge o '3; Ca#le constr"ction 1or8s a ter exa!ining t$e tec$nical and planning details o t$e 1or8s to #e exec"ted3 536 I d"e to any reason partial 1or8 order is to #e iss"ed t$en t$e sa!e s$all #e iss"ed 1it$ t$e approval o an o icer not #elo1 t$e ran8 o (ep"ty *eneral +anager3 53< T$e (ivisional ,ngineer s$all !ention t$e ti!e li!it to exec"te t$e 1or8 in t$e 1or8 order a ter assessing t$e ="ant"! o 1or8 and t$e position o store availa#ility3 534 T$e %S)L reserves t$e rig$t to cancel or !odi y t$e scope o 1or8 stip"lated to #e carried o"t against t$e 1or8 order in t$e event o c$ange o plan necessitated on acco"nt o tec$nical reasons or in t$e opinion o 1or8 order iss"ing a"t$ority or t$e concerned SSA &ead9 t$e contractor is not exec"ting t$e 1or8 at t$e re="ired pace3 535 T$e Contractor s$all not #e entitled to any co!pensation in addition to t$e contract price or t$e per or!ance o any 1or8 not envisaged "nder t$e contract9 "nless prior to t$e per or!ance o s"c$ 1or8 $e $as received ro! ,ngineer/in/C$arge 1ritten a"t$ori2ation to per or! s"c$ 1or83 53A S,TTI)* 'UT '; W'RKS@ T$e Site ,ngineer s$all "rnis$ t$e Contractor 1it$ only t$e center line o t$e trenc$ to #e excavated and t$e Contractor s$all set o"t all ot$er

1or8s relevant as directed #y t$e ,ngineer/in/C$arge and s$all provide s" icient sta or t$e p"rpose and s$all #e solely responsi#le or t$e acc"racy o s"c$ setting o"t3 53G Trenc$ing and pipe laying s$all start ro! one direction as decided #y site in/c$arge o t$e a1arded section only3 Contractor s$all ta8e all preca"tions and steps not to leave any patc$es in #et1een3 A ter co!pletion o irst one K! only9 contractor s$all #e allo1ed to start 1or8 o trenc$ing and pipe laying to next K!3 :. :.2 E9TENSION O THE TIME LIMIT? Genera:.2.2 In eac$ 1or8 order9 t$e 1or8 order iss"ing a"t$ority s$all speci y t$e ti!e allo1ed or co!pletion o 1or8 consistent 1it$ t$e !agnit"de and "rgency o 1or83 T$e ti!e allo1ed or carrying o"t t$e 1or8 is to #e strictly o#served #y t$e contractor and s$all #e rec8oned ro! sevent5 da8 ro! t$e date o iss"e o 1or8 order3 A3132 In as !"c$ as >t$e ti!e #eing dee!ed to #e t$e essence o contract?9 t$ro"g$o"t t$e stip"lated period o contract9 t$e 1or8 is to #e proceeded 1it$ all d"e diligence on t$e part o t$e contractor3 :.4 App-i$ation for E=tension of t5e Ti*e and San$tion of E=tension of Ti*e (EOT)?

A3231 T$ere !ay #e so!e $indrances9 ot$er t$an covered "nder force maje re! 1$ile exec"tion o 1or8 and in s"c$ cases t$e contractor s$all apply in 1riting to t$e engineer/in/c$arge in t$e prescri#ed or! or extension o ti!e .,'T09 on acco"nt o 1$ic$ $e desires s"c$ extension 1it$in t$ree days o occ"rrence o $indrance3 T$e ,ngineer/in/c$arge s$all or1ard t$e re="est to t$e co!petent a"t$ority 1it$ $is detailed report3 T$e co!petent a"t$ority is e!po1ered to grant extension o ti!e or co!pletion o 1or8 on certain conditions3 &e s$all exercise s"c$ po1ers9 i t$e ollo1ing conditions are satis ied@ P P A3232 T$e application contains t$e gro"nd.s09 1$ic$ $indered t$e contractor in exec"tion o 1or89 and T$e ,ngineer/in/c$arge is o t$e opinion t$at t$e gro"nds s$o1n or extension o ti!e are reasona#le3 T$e co!petent a"t$ority s$all consider t$e re="est 8eeping all t$e acts and circ"!stances in vie1 and s$all grant extension o ti!e9 i in $is opinion9 t$ere are reasona#le and s" icient gro"nds or granting s"c$ extension and t$e reasons or delay are not ascri#a#le to t$e contractor3

A3236 T$e co!petent a"t$ority !ay also grant extension o ti!e or co!pletion o 1or8 in cases 1$ere reasons or delay are ascri#a#le to t$e contractor9 #"t s"c$ extension o ti!e s$all #e 1it$ L( c$arges as per cla"se dealing 1it$ penalty or delays in exec"tion o 1or8s3 A323<3 T$e co!petent a"t$ority s$all grant ,'T 1it$ ti!e period or co!pletion o 1or8 expressly !entioned3 T$e sanction o t$e co!petent A"t$ority o ,'T s$all #e iss"ed "nder t$e signat"re o t$e ,ngineer in/c$arge3 A3234 I t$e co!petent a"t$ority is o t$e opinion t$at t$e gro"nds s$o1n #y t$e contractors are not reasona#le and s" icient and declines to grant t$e extension o ti!e9 t$e


contractor cannot c$allenge t$e so"ndness o t$e opinion #y re erence to ar#itration3 T$e decision o t$e co!petent a"t$ority on period o extension o ti!e or re "sal or extension o ti!e s$all #e inal and #inding on t$e contractor3 Grant of E=tension of Ti*e >it5o1t App-i$ations?

A36313 T$ere are9 at ti!es9 practical di ic"lties li8e non/availa#ility o !aterials9 delay in providing per!issions/rig$t o 1ay etc3 reasons o 1$ic$ are ascri#a#le to t$e %S)L3 In s"c$ cases9 t$e ,ngineer/in/c$arge 1it$ t$e approval o co!petent a"t$ority to sanction ,3'3T9 !ay iss"e extension o ti!e s o moto 1it$o"t 1aiting or contractor to !a8e an application or ,3'3T3 ,ntry o $indrances s$all #e !ade in t$e &indrance Register3 T$e %S)L 1ill9 $o1ever9 not #e lia#le to t$e contractor or any losses o da!ages9 costs9 c$arges9 or expenses t$at t$e contractor !ay in any 1ay s"stain/s" er d"e to delay in !a8ing t$e a#ove availa#le3 A3632 T$e contractor s$all not #e -"sti ied in a#andoning t$e contract #eca"se t$e %S)L $as delayed !a8ing pay!ents in respect o ot$er 1or8 #eing done or t$e %S)L #y t$e contractor G MEAS"REMENTD INS%ECTIOND TESTING AND ACCE%TANCE TESTING? G31 G3131 Meas1re*ent? T$e !eas"re!ent #oo8s are to #e !aintained #y t$e o icer/in/c$arge o t$e 1or8 or $is i!!ediate engineering s"#ordinate not #elo1 t$e ran8 o I"nior Teleco! ' icer3 T$e entry s$all #e !ade in in83 )o entry s$all #e erased3 I a !ista8e is !ade9 it s$o"ld #e corrected #y crossing o"t t$e incorrect 1ords or ig"res and inserting t$e corrections9 t$e corrections t$"s !ade s$all #e initialed : dated #y t$e o icer concerned3 Responsi7i-it8 of ta<in& and re$ordin& *eas1re*ents T$e Contractor s$all give not less t$an seven days notice in 1riting to t$e ,ngineer/ in/c$arge or $is s"#ordinate in c$arge o t$e 1or8 #e ore covering "p or ot$er1ise placing #eyond reac$ o !eas"re!ents any 1or8 in order t$at t$e sa!e !ay #e !eas"red : correct di!ensions t$ereo #e ta8en #e ore t$e sa!e is so covered "p or placed #eyond t$e reac$ o !eas"re!ent and s$all not cover "p : place #eyond reac$ o !eas"re!ent9 any 1or8 1it$o"t t$e consent in 1riting o t$e ,ngineer/in/c$arge or $is s"#ordinate in c$arge o t$e 1or83 T$e ,ngineer/in/c$arge or $is s"#ordinate in c$arge o t$e 1or8 s$all 1it$in a oresaid period o seven days inspect t$e 1or89 and i any 1or8 s$all #e covered "p or placed #eyond t$e reac$ o !eas"re!ent 1it$o"t s"c$ notice $aving #een given or t$e ,ngineer/in/c$argeJs consent #eing o#tained9 t$e sa!e s$all #e "ncovered at t$e Contractors expense9 or in de a"lt t$ereo no pay!ent or allo1ance s$all #e !ade or s"c$ 1or8 or t$e !aterials 1it$ 1$ic$ t$e sa!e 1as exec"ted3 T$e !eas"re!ent o vario"s ite!s o 1or8 s$all #e ta8en and recorded in t$e !eas"re!ent #oo8 iss"ed 1it$ eac$ 1or8 order3 T$e !eas"re!ent s$all #e ta8en and recorded #y an o icer not #elo1 t$e ran8 o I"nior Teleco! ' icer9 s"pervising t$e 1or83 T$e I"nior Teleco! ' icer/S"# (ivisional ,ngineer9 directly responsi#le or s"pervision o 1or89 s$all #e responsi#le or acc"racy o 177O o !eas"re!ents3 T$e S"# (ivisional ,ngineer 1$ere I"nior Teleco! ' icer9 is s"pervising o icer s$all #e

G3132 a3




responsi#le or cond"cting test c$ec8 o 47O o !eas"re!ents3 T$e (ivisional ,ngineer s$all #e responsi#le or cond"cting test c$ec8 o 17O o !eas"re!ents3 I contractor exec"ting 1it$o"t or a1ay ro! !ar8ing and not ollo1ing t$e instr"ctions o site engineer s"c$ 1or8 s$all not #e recorded in t$e !eas"re!ent #oo8 and no pay!ent s$all #e !ade or s"c$ 1or83 T$e I"nior Teleco! ' icer : Contractor/$is a"t$ori2ed representative 1ill certi y "nder t$eir signat"re at t$e appropriate places in t$e !eas"re!ent #oo8 t$at t$e dept$ o trenc$ : align!ent is as per speci ication3 A ter t$is certi ication9 t$e pipe laying is to start3 A ter PL% Pipe laying is over t$e I"nior Teleco! ' icer $as to again certi y t$at t$e PL% Pipe/PL% %lo1ing Type/preinstalled rope laying $as #een done according to speci ication3 T$e trenc$ 1ill t$en #e reinstated and inal recording o co!pletion o 1or8 in t$at portion is to #e certi ied "nder t$e -oint signat"res o t$e I"nior Teleco! o icer and t$e Contractor or $is a"t$ori2ed representative3 .Contractor $as to co!!"nicate in 1riting to t$e (ivisional ,ngineer t$e na!e and ot$er details o t$e s"pervisor a"t$ori2ed #y $i! i Contractor $i!sel is not signing t$e !eas"re!ent #oo830 &o1ever9 t$e Contractor 1ill $ave to co"ntersign t$e !eas"re!ent and recordings relating to t$e period or 1$ic$ $e pre ers t$e #ill3 Met5od of re$ordin& of no*en$-at1re of ite*s@ Co!plete no!enclat"re o ite!s9 as given in t$e agree!ent need not #e reprod"ced in t$e !eas"re!ent #oo8 or recording t$e !eas"re!ents #"t corresponding Ite! Code as provided9 s$all #e "sed3




Met5od of Meas1re*ents@ T$e !eas"re!ents o t$e 1or8 s$all #e done or activity 1ise as and 1$en t$e ite! o 1or8 is ready or !eas"re!ent3 T$e !et$ods o !eas"re!ent o vario"s ite!s are en"!erated as "nder@


Meas1re*ent of dept5 of tren$5es T$e ca#le ro"tes o one 1or8 order s$all #e divided into a n"!#er o seg!ents eac$ o !axi!"! 277 !eters lengt$ #o"nded #y identi ia#le land!ar8s at #ot$ t$e ends o t$e seg!ents3 I land!ar8s are not availa#le9 lengt$ o seg!ent !ay #e !aintained at 277 !eters3 T$e !eas"re!ent o dept$ s$all #e recorded at eac$ point o !eas"re!ent .P'+0 in t$e !eas"re!ent #oo8 in !eters in t$e !"ltiples o 4 c!s3 ;or exa!ple HA c!s 1ill #e recorded as H4 c!s and 176 c!s as 174 c!s3 T$e points o !eas"re!ents s$all #e at a distance o 17 !eters starting ro! 7 .2ero0 !eter3 ;or exa!ple9 i t$e lengt$ o seg!ent is A4 !eters9 t$e P'+s s$all #e at 7+9 17+9 27+9 67+9 <7+9 47+9 57+9 A7+3 T$e last P'+ s$all #e at A4 t$ + to #e recorded against Resid"al P'+3 Pay!ent s$all #e !ade to contractor or a "ll section 277 !eters only i3e3 i PL%/*I/RCC Pipes laying9 rope p"lling9 re illing o trenc$ and ixing and concreting o Ro"te Indicators is co!plete in all respect3 Inco!plete or "n inis$ed sections 1ill #e recorded in +%9 #"t pay!ent s$all #e released only 1$en section is certi ied to #e co!plete in all respect #y t$e site in c$arge3 T$e e orts re="ired to excavate trenc$es is not proportionate especially 1it$ re erence to dept$3 T$ere ore9 nor!ally t$e 1or8ers tend to dig s$allo1 trenc$es3 As standard dept$ o t$e trenc$ is i!portant or "t"re li e and protection o ca#les9 t$is tendency $as to #e disco"raged3 In order to enco"rage t$e contractor to ac$ieve #est

possi#le dept$ in t$e ace o site constraints9 t$e ollo1ing scale o pay!ent s$all #e applied or digging trenc$es o lesser dept$s in di erent categories o soil and terrain9 s"#-ect to condition t$at relaxation $as #een granted #y t$e co!petent a"t$ority or lesser dept$s3 &o1ever9 re="isite protection is to #e provided in eac$ case as per stat"tory g"idelines o (oT/%S)L3 TABLE ( I or Nor*a- A Hard Soi- for a-- areas in$-1din& Orissa and ordinar8 A 5ard ro$< for a-- areas e=$-1din& Orissa? (ept$ #et1een Red"ction in rate Q 154 C!s to R 147 C!s3 4 O o t$e approved rate Q 147 C!s to R 167 C!s3 1234 O o approved rates Q 167 C!s to R 174 C!s3 24 O o approved rates %elo1 174 C!s <7 O o approved rates TABLE ( II or Ordinar8 Ro$< A Hard Ro$< for Orissa? (ept$ #et1een Red"ction in rate Q 164 C!s to R 124 C!s3 4 O o t$e approved rate Q 124 C!s to R 174 C!s3 14 O o approved rates %elo1 174 C!s <7 O o approved rates TABLE ( III or Hi--8 terrain (ept$ #et1een Q H7 C!s to R G7 C!s3 Q G7 C!s to R 54 C!s3 Q 54 C!s to R 47 C!s3 %elo1 47 C!s

Red"ction in rate 4 O o t$e approved rate 1234 O o approved rates 24 O o approved rates <7 O o approved rates

T$e pay!ent or s"# nor!al lengt$ s$o"ld #e calc"lated "sing t$e ollo1ing or!"la@ %K (233(ROR) E RA E D@ (233 E ND) P S Pay!ent or one !eter R'R S Red"ction in rate in O as given a#ove RA S Approved rate o trenc$ing per !eter ( S Act"al dept$ in C!s3 )( S )o!inal dept$ o trenc$ 154 C!s or 1$ic$ t$e tender $as #een loated3 #0 Meas1re*ent of Len&t5s and profi-es of strata and prote$tion T$e !eas"re!ents o lengt$ o trenc$es are on r"nning !eter #asis9 irrespective o type o soil enco"ntered 1$ile digging3 T$e type o protection provided .ite! code/ 1ise0 in a seg!ent s$all #e recorded in t$e !eas"re!ent #oo8 in t$e s$eet provided or t$is p"rpose3 Meas1re*ent of -en&t5 of $a7-e T$e lengt$ o ca#les laid in trenc$es9 t$ro"g$ pipes and t$ro"g$ d"cts s$all #e !eas"red #y "se o R'(' +eter/+eas"ring Tape3 T$e lengt$ s$o"ld #e cross/



veri ied 1it$ t$e !ar8ing o lengt$s on t$e ca#les3 T$e lengt$s s$all #e recorded in s$eet provided in t$e !eas"re!ent #oo83


Meas1re*ent of ot5er ite*s T$e !eas"re!ent/n"!erical details o ot$er ite!s s$all #e recorded in t$e s$eets provided or respective ite!s vi23 1 2 6 (igging o -oint pit and preparation o -oint c$a!#er along 1it$ its type i3e3 %ric8 c$a!#er o Pre Cast RCC type3 ;ixing9 Painting and sign 1riting o ro"te/-oint indicators3 Ter!ination o Ca#le in e="ip!ent roo! and no3 o -oints3


T$e contractor s$all sign all t$e !eas"re!ent recorded in t$e !eas"re!ent #oo83 T$is 1ill #e considered as an acceptance #y t$e contractor9 o t$e !eas"re!ents recorded in t$e +%3 In case contractor ails to attend at t$e !eas"re!ents or ails to co"ntersign or to record t$e di erence 1it$in a 1ee89 t$an in any s"c$ events t$e !eas"re!ents ta8en #y ,ngineer/in/c$arge or #y t$e s"#ordinate as t$e case !ay #e s$all #e inal and #inding on t$e contractor and t$e contractor s$all $ave no rig$t to disp"te t$e sa!e3 T$e (ivisional ,ngineer #e ore passing t$e #ill or sections covered #y eac$ set o !eas"re!ent !ay carry o"t test c$ec8 #y reopening trenc$ at as !any locations as necessary as speci ied in doc"!ents proced"re or "ndergro"nd ca#le constr"ction and #ills 1ill #e passed only 1$en $e is personally satis ied o t$e correctness o entries in t$e >+eas"re!ent %oo8? and also 1$en $e is satis ied o ot$er aspects o t$e 1or8 as per t$e ter!s o t$e contract3 T$e contractor s$all provide t$e necessary assistance incl"ding t$at o la#o"r9 or test c$ec8 #y t$e (ivisional ,ngineer3 Separate pay!ent s$all not #e !ade to t$e contractor or excavation o s"c$ test c$ec8s3 &o1ever s"c$ test pits s$all not #e !ore t$an 17O o t$e ca#le laying 1or83 +eas"re!ent o t$e 1or8 o ca#le p"lling/ #lo1ing t$ro"g$ pipe/d"ct 1ill #e ta8en e="al to t$e lengt$ pipe/d"ct t$ro"g$ 1$ic$ t$e ca#le $as #een p"lled and not t$e total lengt$ o ca#le p"lled t$ro"g$ pipe/d"ct3 In case extra '; ca#le $as to #e 8ept in t$e or! o coils in t$e designated !an$oles in t$e ro"te9 t$e lengt$ o s"c$ extra ca#le s$all #e clearly indicated in t$e tec$nical speci ication o t$e %id (oc"!ent and o eac$ Wor8 'rder3 )o extra pay!ent s$all #e !ade or s"c$ extra '; p"lling or #lo1ing3 Inspe$tion and !1a-it8 Contro-? T5e !1a-it8 of Cor<s@ T$e i!portance o ="ality o 'ptical Ca#le constr"ction 1or8s canFt #e over e!p$asi2ed3 T$e ="ality and availa#ility o long distance !edia and e iciency o t$e relia#le !edia connectivity to exc$anges depend "pon t$e ="ality o laying 'ptical ;i#re Ca#le3 ;"rt$er9 t$e 'ptical ;i#re Ca#les are v"lnera#le to da!ages d"e to 1or8 o ot$er agencies3



G32 G3231

G32323 T$e ="ality o 'ptical ;i#re Ca#le Plant depends "pon t$e ="ality o individ"al ite!s o 1or8 involved i3e3 dept$ o ca#le laid9 care 1$ile paying and laying9 protection9

-ointing o ca#les and ter!ination in e="ip!ent roo! and at last #"t not t$e least on doc"!entation o ca#le net1or83 In order to ens"re ="ality in Ca#le Constr"ction Wor89 eac$ co!ponent o 1or8 needs attention3 T$e 1or8s s$all #e carried o"t strictly in accordance 1it$ speci ications laid do1n to ac$ieve t$e re="isite ="ality ai!3 G32363 It is i!perative t$at t$e contractor.s0 is/are "lly conversant 1it$ t$e constr"ction practices and s$all #e "lly e="ipped to carry o"t t$e 1or8 in accordance 1it$ t$e speci ications3 T$e contractors are expected and #o"nd to ens"re ="ality in constr"ction 1or8s in accordance 1it$ speci ications laid do1n3 T$e contractor s$all engage ade="ate and experienced s"pervisors to ens"re t$at 1or8s are carried o"t as per speci ications and 1it$ d"e diligence and in a pro essional !anner3 T$e contractors s$all satis y $i!sel /t$e!selves t$at t$e 1or8 con or!s to t$e ="ality speci ications #e ore o ering t$e sa!e to A3T 1ing or Acceptance and Testing3 G323<3 An assess!ent o extent o interest s$o1n #y t$e contractors in exec"ting t$e 1or8s 1it$ re="isite ="ality s$all #e recorded and "sed in eval"ating t$e ContractorsF Per or!ance Rating .CPR03 G32343 In addition to Acceptance Testing #eing carried o"t #y A3T Wing and s"pervision #y Constr"ction ' icers9 all 1or8s at all ti!es s$all #e open to inspection o t$e %S)L3 T$e contractors s$all #e #o"nd9 i called "pon to do so9 to o er t$e 1or8s or inspection 1it$o"t any extra pay!ent and re!ain present at t$e site eit$er $i!sel or $is a"t$ori2ed representatives d"ly accredited in 1riting to receive orders and instr"ctions given to contractors3 G32353 Site(Order Boo<? T$e site order #oo8 is one o t$e pri!ary records to #e !aintained #y t$e IT' s"pervising t$e 1or8 d"ring t$e co"rse o exec"tion o 1or8s3 T$e noting !ade #y o icers as 1ell as contractors9 1ill or! as #asis or operation o !any contract"al cla"ses3 T$e contractor s$all re!ove all t$e de ects pointed o"t #y t$e %S)L in t$e site order #oo83 T$e site order #oo8 is to #e !aintained in t$e prescri#ed or!at3 T$e contractor or t$eir a"t$ori2ed representatives s$all also #e at li#erty to note t$eir di ic"lties etc3 in t$ese #oo8s3 T$e site order #oo8s s$all invaria#ly #e cons"lted at t$e ti!e o !a8ing inal pay!ents to t$e contractor3 G36 G3631 Testin& and A$$eptan$e Testin&? T$e 1or8 s$all #e dee!ed to $ave #een co!pleted only a ter t$e sa!e $as #een accepted #y t$e A3T3 ' icer3 T$e contractor s$all assist in !a8ing test pits at t$e locations desired #y A3T3 ' icer or cond"cting test c$ec8s 1it$o"t any extra pay!ent3 T$e contractor s$all restore t$e excavation/pits9 a ter test !eas"re!ents to its original s$ape3 T$e contractor s$all #e responsi#le to provide test/!eas"re!ent tools/ testers and assistance or cond"cting vario"s tests3 S$ope of A$$eptan$e and Testin&? T$e p"rpose o acceptance and testing is to veri y integrity o !eas"re!ent and ="ality o 1or8 done3 T$e A3T3 ' icer s$all not #e responsi#le or recording o !eas"re!ent or t$e p"rpose o #illing and contract"al o#ligations3 &o1ever9 i t$e !eas"re!ents ta8en #y A3T3 ' icer are o"nd to #e lesser t$an t$e !eas"re!ents recorded #y t$e o icer responsi#le or recording t$e !eas"re!ents9 t$e !eas"re!ent ta8en #y A3T3 ' ice s$all prevail 1it$o"t pre-"dice to any p"nitive action against t$e contractor as per provisions o t$e contract and t$e o icer recording t$e !eas"re!ents3 T$e Contractor s$all #e o#ligated to re!ove


de ects/de iciencies pointed o"t #y t$e A/T ' icer 1it$o"t any additional cost to t$e %S)L3 G3636 Offerin& t5e >or< for a$$eptan$e and testin&? T$e S"# (ivisional ,ngineer responsi#le or constr"ction9 a ter $aving satis ied $i!sel o co!pletion o 1or8 ready or A3T9 s$all o er t$e 1or8 to A3T3 ' icer or cond"cting Acceptance and Testing3 T$e 1or8 s$all #e o ered or A3T3 as soon as .1it$in 14 day0 part o 1or8 .!ini!"! 6 8!0 is co!plete in all respects3 T$e 1or8 against any 1or8 order can #e o ered or A3T in a n"!#er o stages3 Re!aining part o t$e 1or8 can #e o ered to A/T as soon as .1it$in 14 days0 it is co!pleted in all respect3 T$e contractor s$all provide la#o"rer9 i de!anded #y t$e A/T o icer or digging o test pits and ot$er necessary in rastr"ct"re or carrying o"t t$e A/T 1or83 )o extra pay!ent 1ill #e !ade or t$e digging o test pit3 CARRANT#? T$e contractor s$all 1arrant t$at t$e 1or8 done or t$e !aterial s"pplied or t$e 1or8 "nder t$e contract s$all #e ne1 and ree ro! all de ects and a"lts in !aterial9 1or8!ans$ip and !an" act"re and s$all #e o t$e $ig$est grade and consistent 1it$ t$e esta#lis$ed and generally accepted standards or !aterials o t$e type ordered and s$all per or! in "ll con or!ity 1it$ t$e speci ications and dra1ings3 T$e contractor s$all #e responsi#le or any de ects t$at !ay develop "nder t$e conditions provided #y t$e contract and "nder proper "se9 arising ro! a"lty !aterials9 design or 1or8!ans$ip s"c$ as corrosion o t$e e="ip!ent9 inade="ate ="antity o !aterials etc3 and s$all re!edy s"c$ de ects at $is o1n cost 1$en called "pon to do so #y t$e %S)L 1$o s$all state in 1riting in 1$at respect t$e stores are a"lty3 T$is 1arranty s$all s"rvive inspection or pay!ent or9 and acceptance o goods9 #"t s$all expire except in respect o co!plaints noti ied prior to s"c$ date9 t>e-ve *ont5s fro* t$e date o co!pletion o A$$eptan$e and Testin& of t5e >or<. I it #eco!es necessary or t$e contractor to replace or rene1 any de ective portion/portions o t$e !aterial "nder t$is cla"se9 t$e provisions o t$e cla"se s$all apply to t$e portion/portions !aterial so replaced or rene1ed or "ntil t$e end o t$e a#ove !entioned period o t1elve !ont$s9 1$ic$ever !ay #e later3 I any de ect is not re!edied 1it$in a reasona#le ti!e9 as prescri#ed #y t$e %S)L9 t$e %S)L !ay proceed to do t$e 1or8 at t$e contractorFs ris8 and costs9 #"t 1it$o"t pre-"dice to any ot$er rig$ts 1$ic$ t$e %S)L !ay $ave against t$e contractor in respect o s"c$ de ects3 Replace!ent "nder 1arranty cla"se s$all #e !ade #y t$e contractor ree o all c$arges at site incl"ding reig$t9 ins"rance9 cost o 1or8s and ot$er incidental c$arges3 A"DIT AND TECHNICAL E9AMINATION T$e %S)L s$all $ave t$e rig$t to ca"se an a"dit and tec$nical exa!ination o t$e 1or8 and t$e inal #ills o t$e contractor incl"ding all s"pporting vo"c$ers9 a#stract etc3 to #e !ade a ter pay!ent o t$e inal #ill and i as a res"lt o s"c$ a"dit and tec$nical exa!ination any s"! is o"nd to $ave #een overpaid in respect o any 1or8 done #y t$e contractor "nder t$e contract or any 1or8 clai!ed #y $i! to $ave #een done #y $i! "nder t$e contract and o"nd not to $ave #een exec"ted9 t$e contractor s$all #e lia#le to


H3 H31


H36 23. 1731

re "nd t$e a!o"nt o over pay!ent and it s$all #e la1 "l or t$e %S)L to recover t$e sa!e ro! $i! in t$e !anner prescri#ed in cla"se 1it$ t$e $eading pay!ent o #ills .sa!e c$apter09 or in any ot$er !anner legally per!issi#le and i it is o"nd t$at t$e contractor 1as paid less t$an 1$at 1as d"e to $i! "nder t$e contract in respect o any 1or8 exec"ted #y $i! "nder it9 t$e a!o"nt o s"c$ "nder pay!ent s$all #e d"ly paid #y t$e %S)L to t$e contractor3 1732 Provided t$at t$e %S)L s$all #e entitled to recover any s"! overpaid9 nor t$e contractor s$all #e entitled to pay!ent o any s"! paid s$ort 1$ere s"c$ pay!ent $ave #een agreed "pon #et1een t$e (ivisional ,ngineer or $is s"#ordinate o icer on one $and and t$e contractor on t$e ot$er "nder any ter! o t$e contract per!itting pay!ent or 1or8 a ter assess!ent #y t$e SSA $ead or $is s"#ordinate o icer3 Any s"! o !oney d"e and paya#le to t$e contractor .incl"ding sec"rity deposit ret"rna#le to $i!0 "nder t$is contract !ay #e appropriated #y t$e %S)L or t$e pay!ent o a s"! o !oney arising o"t or "nder any ot$er contract !ade #y t$e contractor 1it$ t$e %S)L3 %A#MENT TERMS? %ro$ed1re for %reparation and sett-e*ent of 7i--s?


113 1131

113131 All ite!s o 1or8 involved in t$e 1or8 order s$all #e co!pleted in all respects #e ore pre erring t$e #ills or t$e 1or83 T$e provision o r"nning #ill $as #een !ade to !a8e it easy or t$e contractor to !anage $is cas$ lo1 and to co!plete t$e 1or8 syste!atically and !eaning "lly in a s$ortest possi#le ti!e3 All inter!ediate pay!ents s$all #e regarded as pay!ents #y 1ay o advance against t$e inal pay!ent only and not as pay!ent or 1or8 act"ally done and co!pleted and s$all not precl"de t$e re="iring o #ad9 "nso"nd9 i!per ect or "ns8illed 1or8 to #e re!oved and ta8en a1ay and reconstr"cted or #e considered as an ad!ission o d"e per or!ance o contract or any part t$ereo in any respect or accr"ing o any clai!9 nor s$all9 to concl"de9 deter!ine or a ect in any 1ay t$e po1ers o t$e ,ngineer/in/c$arge "nder t$ese conditions or any o t$e! as to t$e inal settle!ent : ad-"st!ents o acco"nts or ot$er1ise or in any ot$er 1ay vary or a ect t$e contract. T$e proced"re or preparation o r"nning and inal #ills is en"!erated as "nder@ 113132 %ro$ed1re for preparationD pro$essin& and pa8*ent of 7i--s? 'n co!pletion o 1or8 t$e contractor s$all prepare t$e #ills in triplicate ens"ring exec"tion o t$e 1or8 in its entirety as envisaged a#ove9 correctness o rates and ="ant"! o 1or8 and s"#!it t$e #ills to S3(3,3 in/c$arge o 1or83 T$e #ills s$all #e prepared acc"rately and as per !eas"re!ent recorded in t$e !eas"re!ent #oo83 T$is 1o"ld ena#le t$e S3(3,3 to ens"re 1$et$er t$e de ects pointed d"ring exec"tion $ave #een recti ied or not3 T$e S3(3, L in/c$arge o 1or8 s$all scr"tini2e t$e #ills and accord necessary certi icates and s"#!it t$e #ills 1it$ t$e doc"!ents as !entioned #elo1 to t$e (ivisional ,ngineer9 in/c$arge o 1or83 1 2 6 113136 ;irst copy o #ill 1it$ irst copies o !eas"re!ent s$eets o !eas"re!ent #oo8 .Paya#le Copy 0 Second copy o #ill 1it$ second copies o !eas"re!ent s$eets o !eas"re!ent #oo83 .not or pay!ent0 T$ird copy o t$e #ill 1it$ p$otocopies o !eas"re!ent s$eets .)ot or pay!ent0

T$e (ivisional ,ngineer s$all exercise t$e prescri#ed c$ec8s on t$e #ills and accord necessary certi icates on t$e #ills3 T$e (ivisional ,ngineer s$all retain t$e t$ird copy in


record and record it in t$e esti!ate ile .along 1it$ p$otocopies o ot$er doc"!ents not availa#le in $is esti!ate ile0 !aintained in $is o ice and send irst and second copies 1it$ all doc"!ents to relevant $ig$er o ice or processing o #ills and release o pay!ent3 T$e o ice section dealing 1it$ ';C #ills s$all process t$e #ill in t$e esti!ate ile o t$e concerned 1or8 and scr"tini2e t$e #ills vis/T/vis 1or8 order iss"ed9 sanctioned provisions in t$e esti!ate etc3 T$e o icer co!petent to pass t$e #ill s$all pass t$e #ill9 a ter necessary scr"tiny #y concerned section3 Against t$e #ill9 pay!ent to t$e extent o only H7O s$all #e !ade9 s"#-ect to reali2ation o stat"tory taxes .Inco!e Tax etc30 applica#le to contract3 T$e exceptional cases 1$ere 1or8 cannot #e co!pleted 1it$in reasona#le ti!e d"e to non/availa#ility o stores or any ot$er reason and 1$ere t$e %S)L is responsi#le or delay9 t$e concerned SSA $ead !ay at $is discretion per!it pay!ent o r"nning #ill .prepared 1it$o"t co!pleting t$e 1or8 end/to/end or t$at "nit o 1or80 to t$e extent o G7O so t$at t$e contractor does not ace reso"rce cr"nc$3 S"c$ pay!ent s$all #e treated as an advance pay!ent to t$e contractor li8e any ot$er R"nning %ills3 %ro$ed1re for preparationD pro$essin& and pa8*ent of fina- 7i--? T$e contractor s$all prepare t$e inal #ill in triplicate a ter acceptance and testing o all t$e 1or8s "nder t$e contract and s"#!it t$e sa!e to S3(3,3 in/c$arge o 1or8 1it$in 67 days o acceptance and testing3 Pay!ent s$all #e !ade 1it$in t$ree !ont$s/availa#ility o "nd3 T$e inal #ill s$all #e prepared or all t$e !eas"re!ents o all ite!s involved in exec"tion o co!plete 1or8 order3 T$e contractor s$all prepare t$e inal #ill containing t$e ollo1ing details@ 1 T$e #ill or all t$e ="antities as per +eas"re!ents at t$e approved rates3 2 Ad-"st!ent o a!o"nt received against r"nning #ills3 6 Ad-"st!ent o per or!ance sec"rity deposit and stat"tory taxes already recovered3 < Store reconciliation state!ent "rnis$ing acco"nt o stores received against t$e 1or8 order and ret"rned to t$e designated Store go/do1n as s"rpl"s 1it$ re="isite veri ications ro! store/in/c$arge/S3(3,3 in/c$arge o 1or83 4 Letters o grant o ,3'3T.s09 i 1or8 co"ld not #e co!pleted 1it$in stip"lated ti!e3 5 Six sets o #o"nd doc"!entation3




T$e S3(3,3 in/c$arge o 1or8 s$all scr"tini2e t$e inal #ill against t$e 1or8s entr"sted and accord necessary certi icates stating t$at t$e 1or8 $as #een exec"ted satis actorily in accordance 1it$ speci ications and ter!s and conditions o t$e contract3 T$e S3(3,3 s$all veri y t$e ="antities o ite!s o 1or8 1it$ re erence to !eas"re!ents recorded in t$e !eas"re!ent #oo8 .and also A/T reports in case o any deviations noted #y A/T ' icer03 T$e S3(3,3 in/c$arge o 1or8 s$all s"#!it t$e inal #ills9 along 1it$ ot$er doc"!ents !entioned a#ove9 1it$ t$e doc"!ents as !entioned $ere"nder to t$e (ivisional ,ngineer9 in/c$arge o 1or83 P %ill prepared #y t$e contractor3 P +aterial reconciliation state!ent3 P +eas"re!ent %oo83 P A/T Certi icates3 P (etails o recoveries/penalties or delays9 da!ages to %S)L/t$ird party properties as per provisions o t$e contract3 In case no recovery is to #e !ade9 )IL report needs to #e s"#!itted3


(etails o e!pty ca#le dr"!s cost9 1$ic$ needs to #e recovered ro! t$e #ill3 T$e site order #oo83 T$e $indrances register3 ,xtension o ti!e granted i applica#le3

11313G 3 T$e (ivisional ,ngineer s$all exercise t$e prescri#ed c$ec8s on t$e #ills and accord necessary certi icates on t$e #ills3 T$e (ivisional ,ngineer s$all retain t$e t$ird copy o t$e #ill along 1it$ p$otocopies o ot$er doc"!ents not availa#le in $is esti!ate ile and send irst and second copies o t$e #ill9 !eas"re!ent #oo8 and ot$er doc"!ents s"#!itted #y S3(3,3 along 1it$ t$e #ills as a#ove to t$e $ig$er o ice or processing and inal pay!ent3 11313H3 T$e o ice cell dealing 1it$ ';C #ills s$all process t$e #ills in t$e esti!ate ile o t$e concerned 1or8 and scr"tini2e t$e #ills vis/T/vis 1or8 order iss"ed9 sanctioned provisions in t$e esti!ate etc3 T$e o ice cell s$all also scr"tini2e t$e #ill to recover all t$e lia#ilities o t$e Contractor and stat"tory taxes #esides A34O pay!ents against sec"rity deposit3 T$e #ill s$all #e passed9 a ter necessary scr"tiny #y concerned Section9 #y t$e o icer co!petent to pass t$e inal #ill3 %ro$ed1re for %a8*ent for s17 standard >or<s? T$e contractors are re="ired to exec"te all 1or8s satis actorily and in accordance 1it$ t$e speci ications3 I certain ite!s o 1or8 are exec"ted 1it$ "nso"nd9 i!per ect or "ns8illed 1or8!ans$ip or 1it$ !aterials o any in erior description or t$at any !aterials or articles provided #y $i! or exec"tion o 1or8 are "nso"nd or o a ="ality in erior to t$at contracted or or ot$er1ise not in accordance 1it$ t$e contract .re erred to as s"#standard 1or8 $ereina ter09 t$e (ivisional ,ngineer in/c$arge s$all !a8e a de!and in 1riting speci ying t$e 1or89 !aterials or articles a#o"t 1$ic$ t$ere is a co!plaint3 Ti!ely action #y Constr"ction ' icers .i3e3 IT' / S(,/in/C$arge o t$e 1or80@ Ti!ely reporting and action9 to a great extent9 can prevent occ"rrence o s"# standard 1or89 1$ic$ 1ill #e di ic"lt or i!possi#le to recti y later on3 It is inc"!#ent on t$e part o constr"ction ' icers to point o"t t$e de ects in 1or8 in ti!e d"ring progress o t$e 1or8 T$e I"nior Teleco! ' icer/S"# (ivisional ,ngineer responsi#le or exec"tion and s"pervision o 1or8 s$all 1it$o"t any loss o ti!e s"#!it a report o occ"rrence o any s"#/standard 1or8 to t$e (ivisional ,ngineer in/c$arge3 A notice in respect o de ective 1or8 s$all #e given to t$e contractor #y (ivisional ,ngineer in/ c$arge in 1riting d"ring t$e progress o 1or8 as8ing t$e contractor to recti y/replace/re!ove t$e s"#/standard ite! o 1or8 and also de inite ti!e period 1it$in 1$ic$ s"c$ recti ication/re!oval/replace!ent $as to #e done3 A ter expiry o t$e notice period9 i t$e contractor ails to recti y/replace/re!ove t$e s"#/standard ite!s9 t$e de ects s$all #e got recti ied/replaced/re!oved #y %S)L or t$ro"g$ so!e ot$er agency at t$e ris8 and cost o t$e contractor3 )on/reporting o t$e s"#/standard 1or8 in ti!e on t$e part o Constr"ction ' icer.s0 s$all not in any 1ay entitle t$e contractor to clai! t$at t$e de ects 1ere not pointed o"t d"ring exec"tion and as s"c$ t$e contractor canFt #e a#solved o t$e responsi#ility or s"#/standard 1or8 and associated lia#ilities3 A1t5orit8 and pro$ed1re to a$$ept s17 standard >or< and pa8*ent t5ereof? T$ere !ay #e certain ite!s o 1or8 pointed o"t as s"# standard9 1$ic$ !ay #e di ic"lt to

1132 113231




recti y and in t$e opinion o t$e &ead o SSA t$e ite!s in ="estion 1ill not !aterially deteriorate t$e ="ality o service provided #y t$e constr"ction9 t$e $ead o SSA s$all appoint co!!ittee to 1or8 o"t t$e red"ced rates paya#le to t$e contractor or s"c$ s"# standard 1or83 T$e co!!ittee s$all constit"te one (ivisional ,ngineer ot$er t$an t$e one 1$o is directly in/c$arge o Ca#le Constr"ction involving s"# standard ite!s o 1or89 as C$air!an and one S(, and an Acco"nts ' icer as !e!#ers3 T$e Co!!ittee s$all ta8e into acco"nt t$e approxi!ate cost o !aterial/1or8 pointed o"t as s"# standard and reco!!end t$e rates paya#le or s"# standard 1or89 1$ic$ s$all not exceed 57O o t$e approved rates o t$e ite! in ="estion3 113234 123 Re$ord of s17 standard >or<? T$e ite!s ad-"dged9 as s"# standard s$all #e entered into t$e !eas"re!ent #oo8 1it$ red in83 DIS%OSAL O EM%T# CABLE DR"MS

1231 T$e contractor s$all #e responsi#le to dispose o t$e e!pty ca#le dr"!s a ter laying o t$e ca#le3 T$e co!petent a"t$ority ta8ing in to acco"nt t$e prevailing !ar8et rates $as ixed t$e cost o 'ptical ;i#re Ca#le dr"!s3 T$e cost o e!pty ca#le dr"!s s$all #e ded"cted ro! t$e #ill or t$e 1or8 on 1$ic$ t$e ca#le along 1it$ t$e dr"! $as #een iss"ed or any ot$er a!o"nt d"e to t$e contractor or ro! sec"rity deposit3 1232 Rates ixed or 'ptical ;i#re Ca#le dr"!s are given in Tender (oc"!ent .D"ali ying %id03 T$e rates are ixed and t$ere is no percentage a#ove or #elo1 applica#le on t$ese rates3 1236 T$e contractor s$all #e responsi#le or t$e acco"nting o t$e ca#le dr"!s iss"ed and s$all !ention t$e n"!#er ca#le dr"!s in t$e #ill so t$at t$e a!o"nt is ded"cted ro! t$e #ills d"e3 123< T$e contractor s$all not #e allo1ed to d"!p t$e e!pty ca#le dr"!s in *ovt3/P"#lic place9 1$ic$ !ay ca"se inconvenience to *ovt3/P"#lic3 I t$e contractor does not dispose o t$e e!pty ca#le dr"!s 1it$ 6 days o #eco!ing e!pty9 t$e depart!ent is at li#erty to dispose o t$e dr"! in any !anner dee!ed it and also recover t$e a!o"nt ixed in t$is contract or e!pty ca#le dr"!s along 1it$ t$e transportation c$anges .to #e decided #y t$e SSA &ead ro! t$e #ill/sec"rity deposit/any ot$er a!o"nt d"e to t$e contractor3 2'. 2'.2 %ENALT# CLA"SE? De-a8s in t5e $ontra$tor,s perfor*an$e?

163131 T$e ti!e allo1ed or co!pletion o t$e 1or8 as entered in t$e tender s$all #e strictly ad$ered to #y t$e contractor and s$all #e dee*ed to 7e t5e *ost i*portant aspe$t of t5e $ontra$t on t5e part of t5e $ontra$tor and s5a-- 7e re$<oned fro* Sevent5 da8 fro* iss1e of >or< order 78 t5e BSNL. T$e 1or8 s$all9 t$ro"g$o"t t$e stip"lated period o contract9 #e proceeded 1it$ all d"e diligence to ac$ieve t$e desired progress "ni or!ly9 and t$e contractor s$all pay as penalty an a!o"nt e="al to 3.4+ per$ent of t5e esti*ated a*o1nt per da8 of de-a8 in co!pletion o 1or89 s"#-ect to a !axi!"! o 17 .ten0 percent o t$e cost o t$e 1or8 a1arded3 F(ayF in all cla"ses and s"#/cla"ses relating to penalty incl"des $olidays and S"ndays in addition to t$e 1or8ing days3 163132 'n any date t$e penalty paya#le as a#ove9 reac$es 17 .ten0 percent o t$e esti!ated cost o t$e 1or89 t$e contractor s$o"ld proceed 1it$ t$e 1or8 "rt$er only on getting a 1ritten instr"ction ro! t$e (ivisional ,ngineer t$at9 $e is allo1ed to proceed "rt$er 1it$ t$e 1or83 It 1ill #e in t$e discretion o t$e (ivisional ,ngineer to allo1 t$e contactor to

contin"e 1it$ t$e 1or8 on t$e #asis o any 1ritten agree!ent reac$ed #et1een t$e contractor and t$e (ivisional ,ngineer3 'ne o t$e conditions o s"c$ agree!ent !ay #e a stip"lation or t$e contractor to agree or reali2ation o penalty or delay at a $ig$er rate as !ay #e agreed #et1een t$e (ivisional ,ngineer and contractor3 163136 Penalty or delay in co!pletion o t$e 1or8 s$all #e recovera#le ro! t$e #ills o t$e contractor and/or #y ad-"st!ent ro! t$e sec"rity deposit or ro! t$e #ills o any ot$er contract o t$is contractor 1it$ %S)L3 &o1ever9 ad-"st!ent ro! sec"rity deposit 1ill #e !ade only 1$en t$e contract $as #een ter!inated or at t$e ti!e o inal settle!ent o #ills on co!pletion o 1or83 16313< In case o slo1 progress o t$e 1or8 in a section 1$ic$ $ave #een a1arded to a partic"lar contractor9 and t$e p"#lic interest does not per!it extension o ti!e li!it or co!pletion o t$e 1or89 t$e (,T 1ill $ave t$e "ll rig$t to order t$at t$e scope o t$e contractor !ay #e restricted to s"c$ raction o t$e 1$ole o t$e 1or8 and get t$e #alance exec"ted at t$e ris8 and cost o t$e contractor3 T$e details are given in Rescission o t$e contract cla"se o t$e #id doc"!ent3 All s"c$ pay!ents s$all #e recovered ro! t$e contractorFs pending #ills or sec"rity deposit3 163134 T$e (,T reserves t$e rig$t o cancel t$e contract and or eit t$e sec"rity deposit i t$e contractor ails to co!!ence t$e 1or8 1it$in A days a ter iss"e o t$e 1or8 order3 1632 %ENALT# OR CA"SING INCON0ENIENCE TO THE %"BLIC?

163231 To ens"re progress d"ring t$e exec"tion o 1or8 and to ca"se !ini!"! inconvenience to t$e p"#lic9 t$e contractor s$o"ld ta8e d"e steps and preca"tions3 T$e (,T !ay give necessary instr"ctions to t$e contractor in t$is respect3 163232 T$e contractor s$all not #e allo1ed to d"!p e!pty ca#le dr"!s/1aste !aterials in *ovt3/P"#lic place9 1$ic$ !ay ca"se inconvenience to *ovt3/P"#lic3 I t$e contractor does not dispose o e!pty ca#le dr"!s/1aste !aterials 1it$in 6 days a ter d"!ping or earlier as instr"cted #y t$e Site/in/C$arge9 t$e %S)L is at li#erty to dispose o t$e 1aste !aterial in any !anner as dee!ed it and also recover t$e a!o"nt ro! t$e #ill/sec"rity deposit/along 1it$ t$e costs inc"rred #y t$e %S)L in disposing o s"c$ !aterials3 T$e %S)L !ay also levy a penalty "p/to Rs3 one t$o"sand or eac$ s"c$ de a"lt3 163236 I any s"c$ penalty is levied on a contractor or !ore t$an t1o occasions9 t$en $is/$er contract co"ld #e ter!inated3 In t$is regard t$e decision o t$e (,T in/c$arge s$all #e inal and #inding3 1636 %ena-t8 for $1ttin&@da*a&in& t5e e=istin&@o-d $a7-e@ 163631 ("ring excavation o trenc$ "t!ost care is to #e ta8en #y t$e contractor9 so t$at t$e existing "ndergro"nd ca#les are not da!aged or c"t3 In case any da!age/c"t is done to t$e existing ca#les9 a penalty as per t$e sc$ed"le given #elo1 1ill #e c$arged ro! t$e contractor or t$e a!o"nt 1ill #e ded"cted ro! $is r"nning #illsM Si;e of e=istin& $1t@da*a&ed Up to 177 pairs ca#le "G@O Ca7-es A*o1nt of pena-t8 per $1t@da*a&e Rs3 477377 .;ive &"ndred0

A#ove 177 pairs : "p to <77 pairs A#ove <77 pairs O Ca7-e of an8 si;e

Rs3 19777377 .'ne t$o"sand0 Rs3 29777377 .T1o t$o"sand0 Rs3 49777377 .;ive t$o"sand0

%esides t$e a#ove penalty9 t$e contractor s$all carry o"t s"c$ repairs or restoration o t$e da!aged ca#le ree o c$arge and at $is/ t$eir o1n cost3 T$e cost o -ointing 8it s$all also #e #orne #y t$e contractor3 I contractor ails to repair t$e da!age9 t$e cost o repair .incl"ding cost o la#o"r U -ointing 8it0 s$all #e recovered ro! t$e contractor3 163< %ena-t8 to da*a&e stores@*ateria-s s1pp-ied 78 t5e BSNL >5i-e -a8in&?

163<31 T$e contractor 1$ile ta8ing delivery o !aterials s"pplied #y t$e %S)L at t$e designated place s$all t$oro"g$ly inspect all ite!s #e ore ta8ing t$e! over3 In case o exec"tion o t$e 1or89 i any !aterial is o"nd da!aged/1or8ing "nsatis actorily9 t$en a penalty e="ivalent to t$e cost o !aterial U 17O as penalty s$all #e recovered ro! t$e contractorFs pay!ent/sec"rities3 163<32 &o1ever9 contractor 1ill not #e penali2ed or any de ect in 1or8!ans$ip o t$e !aterials9 1$ic$ s$all #e ta8en "p separately 1it$ t$e s"pplier o t$e stores3 1634 %ena-t8 for -a8in& non(BSNL $a7-e in t5e BSNL tren$5? If it is fo1nd t5at t5e $ontra$tor 5as -aid non(BSNL $a7-e@pipe in t5e BSNL tren$5 a-on& >it5 BSNL $a7-e@pipeD t5e a$t >i-- 7e treated as non(standard >or< and no pa8*ent >i-- 7e *ade ti-- t5e non(BSNL $a7-e@pipe is re*oved fro* t5e tren$5. In $ase of non( $o*p-ian$eD t5e $ontra$tor >i-- 7e 7-a$<-isted. RESCISSION@TERMINATION O CONTRACT@ Circ"!stances or rescission o contract@ Under t$e ollo1ing conditions t$e co!petent a"t$ority !ay rescind t$e contract@ 1<313 1<323 I t$e contractor co!!its #reac$ o any ite! o ter!s and conditions o t$e contract3 I t$e contractor s"spends or a#andons t$e exec"tion o 1or8 and t$e engineer in/c$arge o t$e 1or8 co!es to concl"sion t$at 1or8 co"ld not #e co!pleted #y d"e date or co!pletion or t$e contractor $ad already ailed to co!plete t$e 1or8 #y t$at date3 I t$e contractor $ad #een given #y t$e o icer/in/c$arge o 1or8 a notice in 1riting to recti y/replace any de ective 1or8 and $e/s$e ails to co!ply 1it$ t$e re="ire!ent 1it$in t$e speci ied period3 Upon rescission o t$e contract9 t$e sec"rity deposit o t$e contractor s$all #e lia#le to #e or eited and s$all #e a#sol"tely at t$e disposal o t$e %S)L as "nder@




1<3<31 +eas"re!ent o Wor8s exec"ted since t$e date o last !eas"re!ent and "p/to t$e date o rescission o contract s$all #e ta8en in t$e presence o t$e contractor or $is a"t$ori2ed representative 1$o s$all sign t$e sa!e in t$e +%3 I t$e contractor or $is a"t$ori2ed representative does not t"rn "p or -oint !eas"re!ent9 t$e !eas"re!ent s$all #e ta8en #y t$e o icer a"t$ori2ed or t$is p"rpose a ter expiry o d"e date given or -oint !eas"re!ent3 T$e !eas"re!ent ta8en #y t$e o icer so a"t$ori2ed s$all #e inal and no "rt$er re="est or -oint !eas"re!ent s$all #e entertained3 1<3<32 T$e "n"sed !aterial .s"pplied #y t$e %S)L0 availa#le at site9 s$all #e transported #ac8 #y t$e %S)L to t$e Teleco! Store at t$e ris8 and cost o t$e contractor3 I any s"c$

!aterial is o"nd da!aged/lost t$en t$e penalty s$all also #e recovered ro! t$e contractor as per conditions in tender doc"!ents! i"id3 1<3<36 T$e "n/exec"ted 1or8 s$all #e got exec"ted t$ro"g$ t$e ="ali ied #idder ro! a!ongst t$e #idders9 1$o participated in t$e #idding process9 #y giving t$e! o ers in t$eir order o ran8ing .L29L6///0 at L1 ="oted rates3 I t$e 1or8 1as a1arded on single tender #asis t$en t$e %S)L s$all get t$e "nexec"ted 1or8 co!pleted t$ro"g$ any ot$er contractor approved #y t$e SSA &ead at t$e approved rates o t$at partic"lar section or to exec"te t$e 1or8 as is convenient or expedient to t$e %S)L at t$e ris8 and cost o t$e contractor3 In s"c$ an event no co!pensation s$all #e paya#le #y t$e %S)L to t$e contractor to1ards any inconvenience/loss t$at $e !ay #e s"#-ected to as a res"lt o s"c$ an action #y t$e %S)L3 In t$is regard t$e decision o SSA &ead s$all #e inal and #inding3 In all t$ese cases9 expenses 1$ic$ !ay #e inc"rred in excess o t$e s"! 1$ic$ 1o"ld $ave #een paid to t$e original contractor i t$e 1$ole 1or8 $ad #een exec"ted #y $i! s$all #e #orne and paid #y t$e original contractor and s$all #e ded"cted ro! any !oney d"e to $i! #y t$e %S)L "nder t$e contract or any ot$er acco"nt 1$atsoever9 any1$ere in t$e %S)L or ro! a sec"rity deposit3 1<3<3< T$e certi icate o t$e (ivisional ,ngineer in/c$arge o 1or8 as to t$e val"e o 1or8 done s$all #e inal and concl"sive against t$e contractor9 provided al1ays t$at action s$all only #e ta8en a ter giving notice in 1riting to t$e contractor3 1<34 Ter*ination for Inso-ven$8? T$e %S)L !ay at any ti!e ter!inate t$e Contract #y giving 1ritten notice to t$e Contractor9 1it$o"t co!pensation to t$e Contractor9 i t$e Contractor #eco!es #an8r"pt or ot$er1ise insolvent as declared #y t$e co!petent co"rt provided t$at s"c$ ter!ination 1ill not pre-"dice or a ect any rig$t or action or re!edy 1$ic$ $as accr"ed or 1ill accr"e t$erea ter to t$e %S)L3 1<35 Optiona- Ter*ination 78 BSNL (Ot5er t5an d1e defa1-t of t5e Contra$tor)? 1<3531 T$e %S)L !ay9 at any ti!e9 at its option cancel and ter!inate t$is contract #y 1ritten notice to t$e contractor9 in 1$ic$ event t$e contractor s$all #e entitled to pay!ent or t$e 1or8 done "p to t$e ti!e o s"c$ cancellation and a reasona#le co!pensation in accordance 1it$ t$e contract prices or any additional expenses already inc"rred or #alance 1or8 excl"sive o p"rc$ases and/or 1$ole o !aterial9 !ac$inery and ot$er e="ip!ent or "se in or in respect o t$e 1or83 In t$e event o t$e ter!ination o t$e contract9 t$e contractor s$all ort$1it$ clear t$e site o all t$e contractorFs !aterials9 !ac$inery and e="ip!entFs and $and over possession o t$e 1or8/operations concerned to t$e %S)L or as t$e %S)L !ay direct3 1<3532 T$e %S)L !ay9 at its option9 cancel or o!it t$e exec"tion o one or !ore ite!s o 1or8 "nder t$is contract and !ay part o s"c$ ite!s 1it$o"t any co!pensation 1$atsoever to t$e contractor3 1<3536 T$e action o t$e (ivisional ,ngineer as per t$e a#ove s"#/cla"ses s$all not #e constr"ed as %reac$ o t$e Contract3 1<3A Iss1an$e of Noti$e?


1<3A31 T$e (ivisional ,ngineer in/c$arge o 1or8 s$all iss"e s$o1 ca"se notice giving details o lapses9 violation o ter!s and conditions o t$e contract9 1rong "l delays or s"spension o 1or8 or slo1 progress to t$e contractor directing t$e contractor to ta8e corrective action3 A de inite ti!e sc$ed"le or corrective action s$all #e !entioned in t$e s$o1 ca"se notice3 I t$e contractor ails to ta8e corrective action 1it$in t$e stip"lated ti!e ra!e9 t$e (ivisional ,ngineer in/c$arge s$all s"#!it a dra t o inal notice along 1it$ a detailed report to t$e co!petent a"t$ority 1$o $ad accepted t$e contract3 1<3A32 T$e inal notice or rescission o contract to t$e contractor s$all expressly state t$e precise date and ti!e ro! 1$ic$ t$e rescission 1o"ld #eco!e e ective3 T$e ollo1ing sa e g"ards s$all #e ta8en 1$ile iss"ing t$e inal notice@ a0 ("ring t$e period o service o notice and its e ectiveness9 t$e contractor s$o"ld not #e allo1ed to re!ove ro! t$e site any !aterial/e="ip!ent #elonging to t$e %S)L3 #0 T$e contractor s$all give in 1riting t$e tools and plants $e 1o"ld li8e to ta8e a1ay/re!ove ro! t$e site3 S"c$ o t$e !aterials as #elong to $i! and 1$ic$ !ay not #e re="ired or "t"re exec"tion o #alance 1or8 !ay #e allo1ed #y t$e (ivisional ,ngineer in/c$arge o 1or8 to #e re!oved 1it$ proper records3

c0 )o ne1 constr"ction #ene icial to t$e contractor s$all #e allo1ed3 d0 Ade="ate %S)L sec"rity arrange!ent in replace!ent o t$e contractor 1atc$ and 1ard s$all #e !ade ort$1it$3 ,xpenses on t$is acco"nt are recovera#le ro! t$e sec"rity deposit or any a!o"nt d"e to t$e contractor3 e0 Any notice order or ot$er co!!"nication so"g$t to #e served on t$e Contractor 1it$ re erence to t$e contract s$all 1it$o"t pre-"dice to any ot$er !ode o service9 #e dee!ed to $ave #een served i delivered #y $and or sent #y registered post to t$e o ice o Contractor at site or to t$e ContractorJs $ead/o ice9 1$ile any notice or order or co!!"nications #y t$e contractor to #e served on (ivisional ,ngineer 1it$ re erence to t$e contracts s$all #e valid i sa!e is served/delivered #y $and or t$ro"g$ registered post to t$e o ice o (ivisional ,ngineer at $is $ead ="arters3 14 1431 INDEMNITIES? T$e contractor s$all at all ti!es $old t$e %S)L $ar!less and inde!ni y ro! against all action9 s"its9 proceedings9 1or8s9 cost9 da!ages9 c$arges clai!s and de!ands o every nat"re and descriptions9 #ro"g$t or proc"red against t$e %S)L9 its o icers and e!ployees and ort$1it$ "pon de!and and 1it$o"t protect or de!"r to pay to t$e %S)L any and all losses and da!ages and cost .incl"sive #et1een attorney and client0 and all costs inc"rred in endorsing t$is or any ot$er inde!nity or sec"rity 1$ic$ t$e %S)L !ay no1 or at any ti!e $ave relative to t$e 1or8 or t$e contractors o#ligation or in protecting or endorsing its rig$t in any s"it on ot$er legal proceeding9 c$arges and expense and lia#ilities res"lting ro! or incidental or in connection 1it$ in-"ry9 da!ages o t$e contractor or da!age to property res"lting ro! or arising o"t o or in any 1ay connected 1it$ or incidental to t$e operations ca"sed #y t$e contract doc"!ents3 In addition t$e contractor s$all rei!#"rse t$e %S)L or pay to t$e %S)L ort$1it$ on de!and 1it$o"t protect or de!"r all cost9 c$arges and expenses and losses and da!ages ot$er1ise inc"rred #y it in conse="ences o any clai!9 da!ages and actions 1$ic$ !ay #e #ro"g$t against t$e %S)L arising o"t o or incidental to or in connection 1it$ t$e operation covered #y t$e contractor3


T$e contractor s$all at $is o1n cost at t$e %S)LFs re="est de end any s"it or ot$er proceeding asserting a clai! covered #y t$is inde!nity9 #"t s$all not settle9 co!po"nd or co!pro!ise any s"it or ot$er inding 1it$o"t irst cons"lting t$e %S)L3 ORCE MAJE"RE? I any ti!e9 d"ring t$e contin"ance o t$is contract9 t$e per or!ance in 1$ole or in part #y eit$er party or any o#ligation "nder t$is contract s$all #e prevented or delayed #y reason o any 1ar9 or $ostility9 civil co!!otion sa#otage9 explosions9 or act o *od .&erein a ter re erred to as events0 provided notice o $appenings o any s"c$ event"ality is given #y eit$er party to t$e ot$er 1it$in 21 days ro! t$e date o occ"rrence t$ereo 9 neit$er party s$all #y reason o s"c$ event #e entitled to ter!inate t$is contract nor s$all eit$er party $ave any s"c$ clai! or da!ages against t$e ot$er in respect o s"c$ non/ per or!ance and 1or8 "nder t$e contract s$all #e res"!ed as soon as practica#le a ter s"c$ event !ay co!e to an end or cease to exist9 and t$e decision o t$e %S)L as to 1$et$er t$e 1or8 $ave #een so res"!ed or not s$all #e inal and concl"sive9 provided "rt$er t$at i t$e per or!ance9 in 1$ole or part o any o#ligation "nder t$is contract is prevented or delayed #y t$e reason o any s"c$ event or a period exceeding t$e n"!#er o days as ixed #y t$e %S)L eit$er party !ay9 at $is option ter!inate t$e contract3 Provided also t$at i t$e contract is ter!inated "nder t$is cla"se9 t$e %S)L s$all #e at li#erty to ta8e over ro! t$e contractor at a price to #e ixed #y t$e %S)L9 1$ic$ s$all #e inal9 all "n"sed9 "nda!aged and accepta#le !aterials9 #o"g$t o"t co!ponents and stores in t$e co"rse o exec"tion o t$e contract9 in possession o t$e contractor at t$e ti!e o s"c$ ter!ination o s"c$ portions t$ereo as t$e %S)L !ay dee! it excepting s"c$ !aterials #o"g$t o"t co!ponents and stores as t$e contracts !ay 1it$ t$e conc"rrence o t$e %S)L elect to retain3 ARBITRATION? In t$e event o any ="estion9 disp"te or di erence arising "nder t$is agree!ent or in connection t$ere/1it$ except as to !atter t$e decision o 1$ic$ is speci ically provided "nder t$is agree!ent9 t$e sa!e s$all #e re erred to sole ar#itration o t$e C$ie *eneral +anager9 West %engal Teleco! %S)L9 Kol8ata or in case $is designation is c$anged or $is o ice is a#olis$ed t$en in s"c$ case to t$e sole ar#itration o t$e o icer or t$e ti!e #eing entr"sted 1$et$er in addition to t$e "nctions o t$e C$ie *eneral +anager9 W%TC %S)L9 Kol8ata or #y 1$atever designation s"c$ o icers !ay #e called .$ereina ter re erred to as t$e said o icer0 and i t$e C$ie *eneral +anager9 W%TC %S)L9 Kol8ata or t$e said o icer is "na#le or "n1illing to act as s"c$ to t$e sole ar#itrator or so!e ot$er person appointed #y t$e C$ie *eneral +anager9 %S)L9 Kol8ata or t$e said o icer3 T$e agree!ent to appoint an ar#itrator 1ill #e in accordance 1it$ t$e Ar#itration and Conciliation Act9 1HH53 T$ere 1ill #e no o#-ection to any s"c$ appoint!ent t$at t$e ar#itrator is *overn!ent Servant/e!ployee o t$e %S)L or t$at $e $as to deal 1it$ t$e !atter to 1$ic$ t$e agree!ent relates or t$at in t$e co"rse o $is d"ties as *overn!ent Servant/%S)L e!ployee $e $as expressed vie1s on all or any o t$e !atter "nder disp"te3 T$e a1ard o t$e ar#itrator s$all #e inal and #inding on t$e parties3 In t$e event o s"c$ ar#itrator to 1$o! t$e !atter is originally re erred9 #eing trans erred or vacating $is o ice or #eing "na#le to act or any reasons 1$atsoever s"c$ C$ie *eneral +anager or t$e said o icer s$all appoint anot$er person to act as ar#itrator

15 1531


1A 1A31

in accordance 1it$ ter!s o t$e agree!ent and t$e person so appointed s$all #e entitled to proceed ro! t$e stage at 1$ic$ it 1as le t o"t #y $is predecessors3


T$e ar#itrator !ay ro! ti!e to ti!e 1it$ t$e consent o parties enlarge t$e ti!e or !a8ing and p"#lis$ing t$e a1ard9 s"#-ect to a oresaid Indian Ar#itration and Conciliation Act 1HH5 and t$e r"les !ade t$ere "nder9 any !odi ication t$ereo or t$e ti!e #eing in orce s$all #e dee!ed to apply to t$e ar#itration proceeding "nder t$is cla"se3 1A36 T$e ven"e o t$e ar#itration proceeding s$all #e t$e o ice o t$e C$ie *eneral +anager9 %S)L9 ,astern Teleco! Pro-ect9 Kol8ata or s"c$ ot$er places as t$e ar#itrator !ay decide3 T$e ollo1ing proced"re s$all #e ollo1ed@ 1A36313 In case parties are "na#le to reac$ a settle!ent #y t$e!selves9 t$e disp"te s$o"ld #e s"#!itted or ar#itration in accordance 1it$ contract agree!ent3 1A36323 T$ere s$o"ld not #e a -oint s"#!ission 1it$ t$e contractor to t$e sole Ar#itrator3 1A36363 ,ac$ party s$o"ld s"#!it its o1n clai! severally and !ay oppose t$e clai! p"t or1ard #y t$e ot$er party3 1A363<3 T$e on"s o esta#lis$ing $is clai!s 1ill #e le t to t$e contractor3 1A36343 'nce a clai! $as #een incl"ded in t$e s"#!ission #y t$e contractor9 a reiteration or !odi ication t$ereo 1ill #e opposed3 1A36353 T$e Vpoints o de enseF 1ill #e #ased on act"al conditions o t$e contract3 1A363A3 Clai!s in t$e nat"re o ex/gratia pay!ents s$all not #e entertained #y t$e Ar#itrator as t$ese are not contract"al3 1A363G3 T$e ="estion 1$et$er t$ese conditions are e="ita#le s$all not receive any consideration in t$e preparation o Vpoints o de enseF3 1A363H3 I t$e contractor incl"des s"c$ clai!s in $is s"#!ission9 t$e act t$at t$ey are not contract"al 1ill #e pro!inently placed #e ore t$e Ar#itrator3 1A36317T5e a>ard of t5e so-e Ar7itrator s5a-- 7e fina- and 7indin& on a-- t5e parties to t5e disp1te. 1G3 SET O ? Any s"! o !oney d"e and paya#le to t$e contractor .incl"ding sec"rity deposit re "nda#le to $i!0 "nder t$is contract !ay #e appropriated #y t$e %S)L or any ot$er person or persons contracting t$ro"g$ t$e %S)L or s"c$ ot$er person or persons or pay!ent o a s"! o !oney arising o"t o t$is contract !ade #y t$e contractor 1it$ %S)L or s"c$ person or persons contracting t$ro"g$ %S)L3



S%ECIAL CONDITIONS O THE CONTRACT 13 GENERAL ? 131 T$e 1or8 s$all #e accepted only a ter Acceptance Testing is #eing carried o"t #y t$e T : ( Circle tea!9 designated #y t$e %S)L9 as per prescri#ed sc$ed"le and 1or8/!aterial passing t$e test s"ccess "lly3

132 T$e %S)L reserves t$e rig$t to dis="ali y s"c$ #idders 1$o $ave a record o not !eeting contract"al o#ligations against earlier contracts entered into 1it$ t$e %S)L3 136 13< 134 T$e %S)L reserves t$e rig$t to #lac8 list a #idder or a s"ita#le period in case $e ails to $ono"r $is #id 1it$o"t s" icient gro"nds3 T$e %S)L reserves t$e rig$t to co"nter o er price.s0 against price.s0 ="oted #y any #idder3 Any clari ication iss"ed #y %S)L9 in response to ="ery raised #y prospective #idders s$all or! an integral part o #id doc"!ents and it !ay a!o"nt to a!end!ent o relevant cla"ses o t$e #id doc"!ents3 Tender 1ill #e eval"ated as a single pac8age o all t$e ite!s given in t$e price sc$ed"le3 All 1or8 to #e exec"ted "nder t$e contract s$all #e exec"ted "nder t$e direction and s"#-ect to t$e approval in all respects o t$e (ivisional ,ngineer or Site ,ngineer in/ c$arge o 1or8 site 1$o s$all #e entitled to direct at 1$at point or points and 1$at !anner t$ey are to #e co!!enced9 and ro! t$e ti!e to ti!e carried on3 T$e 1or8 in eac$ section !ay #e split "p #et1een t1o or !ore contractors or accept any tender in part and not entirely i considered expedient #y t$e *+ .Pro-ects003 I t$e contractor s$all desire an extension o ti!e or co!pletion o t$e 1or8 on t$e gro"nds o "navoida#le $indrance in exec"tion o 1or8 or on any ot$er gro"nd $e s$all apply in 1riting to t$e (ivisional ,ngineer 1it$in 6 days o t$e date o $indrance on acco"nt o 1$ic$ $e desires s"c$ extension as a oresaid3 In t$is regard t$e decision o t$e *+T/S"ri s$all #e inal3 I any ti!e a ter t$e co!!ence!ent o t$e 1or89 t$e %S)L !ay eel t$at exec"tion o 1$ole or part o 1or89 as speci ied in t$e tender is not re="ired to #e carried o"t9 t$en t$e %S)L s$all give notice in 1riting o t$e act to t$e contractor 1$o s$all $ave no clai! to any pay!ent o co!pensation 1$atsoever on acco"nt o any pro it or advantage 1$ic$ $e !ig$t $ave derived in conse="ence o t$e "ll a!o"nt o t$e 1or8 not $aving #een carried o"t neit$er s$all $e $ad any clai! or co!pensation #y reason o any alternations

135 13A

13G 13H


$aving #een !ade in t$e original speci ications9 dra1ings9 designs and instr"ctions 1$ic$ s$all involve any c"rtail!ent o t$e 1or8 as originally conte!plated3 1311 W$enever any clai!s against t$e contractor or t$e pay!ent o a s"! o !oney arises o"t o or "nder t$e contract9 t$e %S)L s$all #e entitled to recover s"c$ s"! #y appropriating in part or 1$ole t$e sec"rity deposit o t$e contractor9 and to sell any govern!ent pro!issory notes etc39 or!ing t$e 1$ole or part o s"c$ sec"rity or r"nning/ inal #ill pending against any contract 1it$ t$e %S)L3 In t$e event o t$e sec"rity #eing ins" icient or i no sec"rity $as #een ta8en ro! t$e contractor9 t$en t$e #alance or t$e total s"! recovera#le as t$e case !ay #e s$all #e ded"cted ro! any s"! t$en d"e or 1$ic$ at any ti!e t$ere a ter !ay #eco!e d"e to t$e contractor "nder t$is or any ot$er contract 1it$ %S)L3 S$o"ld t$is s"! #e not s" icient to cover t$e "ll a!o"nt recovera#le t$e contractor s$all pay to %S)L on de!and t$e #alance re!aining d"e3 )o o icial o *a2etted ran8 or ot$er t$an *a2etted o icer e!ployed in ,ngineering or Ad!inistrative d"ties in *overn!ent o India/%S)L is allo1ed to 1or8 as a contractor or a period o t1o years a ter $is retire!ent ro! *overn!ent service/%S)L service 1it$o"t t$e previo"s per!ission o *overn!ent o India/%S)L as t$e case !ay #e3 T$is contract is lia#le to #e cancelled i eit$er t$e contractor or any o $is e!ployees is o"nd at any ti!e to #e s"c$ a person 1$o $adnFt o#tained t$e per!ission o *overn!ent o India / %S)L as a oresaid #e ore s"#!ission o t$e engage!ent in t$e contractorFs service as t$e case !ay #e3 Under t$e a#ove circ"!stances9 s"c$ contractor s$all not clai! any type o relie or re!edy o 1$atever nat"re ro! t$e %S)L or $is illegal act3 In t$e event o t$e contractor #eing9 ad-"sted insolvent or going vol"ntarily into li="idation o $aving received order or ot$er order "nder insolvency act !ade against $i! or in t$e case o co!pany9 o t$e passing o any resol"tion9 or !a8ing o any order or 1inding "p 1$et$er vol"ntarily or ot$er1ise9 or in t$e event o t$e contractor ailing to co!ply 1it$ any o t$e conditions $erein speci ied t$e (3*3+39 ';C .P0 Kol8ata s$all $ave t$e po1er to ter!inate t$e contract 1it$o"t any notice3 Wit$o"t pre-"dice to any o t$e rig$ts or re!edies "nder t$is contract9 i t$e contractor dies9 t$e SSA &eads on #e$al o t$e %S)L can ter!inate t$e contract 1it$o"t co!pensation to t$e contractor3 &o1ever9 t$e SSA &eads at $is discretion !ay per!it contractorFs $eirs to per or! t$e d"ties or engage!ents o t$e contractor "nder t$e contract9 in case o $is deat$3 In t$is regard t$e decision o t$e SSA &eads s$all #e t$e inal3 In t$e event o t$e contractor9 1inding "p $is co!pany on acco"nt o trans er or !erger o $is co!pany 1it$ any ot$er9 t$e contractor s$all !a8e it one o t$e ter!s and stip"lations o t$e contract or t$e trans er o $is properties and #"siness9 t$at s"c$ ot$er person or co!pany9 s$all contin"e to per or! t$e d"ties engage!ent o t$e contractor "nder t$is contract and #e s"#-ect to $is lia#ilities t$ere "nder3 Interpretation of t5e $ontra$t do$1*ent? T$e Contractor and t$e Site/in/C$arge s$all in so ar as possi#le #y !"t"al cons"ltation9 try to decide "pon t$e !eaning and intent o t$e contract doc"!ent3 In/case o disagree!ent t$e !atter s$all #e re erred to t$e SSA &ead 1$ose decision s$all #e inal and #inding on t$e!3 Any c$ange in t$e contract doc"!ents s$all #e set ort$ in 1riting #y t$e representative o t$e parties $ereto3 It s$all #e t$e contractorFs responsi#ility to t$oro"g$ly a!iliari2e all o $is s"pervisory personnel 1it$ t$e contents o all t$e contract doc"!ents3






23 NOTI ICATION? T$e contractor s$all give in 1riting to t$e proper person or a"t$ority 1it$ a copy to t$e (ivisional ,ngineer s"c$ noti ication as !ay #e !andatory or necessary in connection 1it$ t$e co!!ence!ent9 s"spension9 res"!ption9 per or!ance and/or co!pletion o t$e contracted 1or83 All notice s$all #e given s" iciently in advance o t$e proposed operation to per!it proper co/relation o activities and t$e contractor s$all 8eep all proper persons or a"t$orities involved and advised o t$e progress o operations t$ro"g$o"t t$e per or!ance o t$e 1or8 and/or 1it$ s"c$ ot$er in or!ation and/or s"pporting ig"re and data as !ay ro! ti!e to ti!e as directed or re="ired3 63 SH"T DOCN ON ACCO"NT O CEATHER CONDITIONS? T$e contractor s$all not #e entitled to any co!pensation 1$atsoever #y reason o s"spension o t$e 1$ole or any part o t$e 1or8 !ade necessary #y t$e %S)L or dee!ed advisa#le on acco"nt o #ad 1eat$er conditions or ot$er force maje re conditions3 <3 STORES S"%%LIED B# THE BSNL@ <31 At no point o ti!e t$e contractor s$all #e iss"ed stores o val"e !ore t$an t$e contractorFs !aterial sec"rity as per cla"se n"!#er 4 o section V3 I at all t$e 1or8 re="ired !ore/less a!o"nt o !aterials to #e iss"ed to t$e contractor9 t$en t$e sec"rity !ay s"ita#ly #e revised #e ore t$e iss"e o t$e store and t$e contractor 1ill not $ave any o#-ection to it3 T$e decision o t$e (,T s$all #e inal in t$is respect3 <32 T$e contractor s$all transport .incl"ding loading and "nloading0 all stores iss"ed to $i! ro! t$e (ivisional Store9 Pranti89 %olp"r9 to t$e site o 1or8 at $is o1n cost3 T$e %S)L s$all not pay any transportation c$arges to t$e contractor3 All !aterials s"pplied to t$e contractor #y t$e %S)L s$all re!ain t$e a#sol"te property o %S)L and s$all not #e re!oved ro! site o t$e 1or8 except or "se in t$e 1or8 and s$all #e at all ti!es open to inspection #y t$e (,T3 In case t$e !aterials li8e ca#le and accessories are ta8en delivery o #y t$e contractor and stored at t$e site o ice/store o t$e contractor9 s"c$ site o ice/store 1ill also #e treated >as site? or t$is p"rpose3 Any s"c$ !aterials re!aining "n"sed at t$e ti!e o t$e a#andon!ent9 co!pletion or deter!ination o t$e contract s$all #e ret"rned to t$e %S)L at a place in or!ed to $i! #y t$e %S)L9 ailing 1$ic$ t$e cost o t$e "n"sed !aterials s$all #e ded"cted ro! t$e contractorFs !aterial sec"rity or any o $is pending #ills or ro! any ot$er sec"rity3 T$e contractor s$all #e responsi#le or t$e transportation o store9 storage and sa e c"stody o all !aterial s"pplied to $i! #y t$e %S)L9 1$ic$ in t$e contractorFs c"stody 1$et$er9 or not installed in t$e 1or83 T$e contractor s$all satis y $i!sel reg"larly t$e ="antity and ="ality o t$e !aterials s"pplied to $i! and $e 1ill #e responsi#le or any s"#se="ent deterioration and discrepancy .incl"sive o t$e t0 in t$e ="antity/="ality o t$e !aterials3 T$e contractor s$all s"#!it a proper acco"nt every !ont$ o all t$e !aterials s"pplied to $i! #y t$e %S)L and t$ose cons"!ed or ite!s o 1or8 any discrepancy o di erence #et1een t$e !aterials iss"ed to t$e contractor and t$ose cons"!ed in t$e 1or8 as per t$e >%S)LFs calc"lation? .1$ic$ s$all #e inal0 1ill #e c$arged to t$e contractor or ded"cted ro! $is #ills at 134 ti!es o prevailing standard price incl"ding reig$t9 $andling c$arges9 storage c$arges etc3





T$e contractor s$all ens"re t$at only t$e re="ired !aterials are iss"ed to $i!3 Upon co!pletion o 1or89 t$e contractor s$all ret"rn to t$e %S)L at t$e later designated store in good condition9 ree o c$arges9 any "n"sed !aterials t$at 1ere s"pplied #y t$e %S)L3 43 EASEMENTSD %ERMITSD LICENCES AND OTHER ACILITIES @ T$e contractor s$all o#tain/provide at $is o1n cost all ease!ents9 per!its and license necessary to do its 1or8 except or t$e ollo1ing 1$ic$ s$all #e provided #y t$e %S)L9 .a0 >Rig$t o User? ease!ents and per!its3 .#0 Rail1ay and &ig$1ay crossing per!its incl"ding #ridge3 .c0 Canal / Strea! crossing per!its3 T$e contractor s$all #e "lly responsi#le or angling and o#taining all necessary ease!ent9 per!its and licenses9 or !oving all constr"ction e="ip!ent9 tools9 s"pplied !aterials and !en across Rail1ays and &ig$1ays9 across p"#lic or private road as 1ell as pre!ises o any p"#lic "tility 1it$in t$e rig$t o "ser and or #earing all costs t$at !ay #e inc"rred in respect o t$e sa!e3 T$e contractor is to con ine $is operation to t$e provided constr"ction >Rig$t o User? "nless it $as !ade ot$er arrange!ent 1it$ t$e partic"lar property o1ners and /or tenants s"c$ ot$er arrange!ents s$all #e entirely at t$e responsi#ility o t$e contractor as to cost and arrange!ent as also #reac$ and clai! and s$all #e entitled 1it$ a copy to t$e (ivisional ,ngineer3 T$e contractor 1ill not #e entitled to extra co!pensation or $ards$ip and increase in cost #y t$e ca#le trenc$ #eing ro"ted ad-acent to or across ot$er pipeline9 &ig$1ays9 Rail1ays9 Telep$ones or pose poles and 1ires or g"y 1ires9 e!#an8!ents9 cli s9 strea!s or ot$er o#stacles 1$ic$ !ay p$ysically or ot$er1ise in any !anner9 restrict or li!it t$e "se o t$e constr"ction >Rig$t o User?3 So!e constr"ction and s"c$ contingency s$all #e dee!ed to $ave #een providing or in t$e rates3 At location 1$ere t$e '; Ca#le trenc$ is ro"ted across or along rail1ays or roads t$e contractor s$all 1it$o"t extra cost provide and !aintain s"c$ deto"rs and road controls as are re="ired #y t$e rail1ays or govern!ent or local agencies $aving -"risdiction3 I t$e %S)L is not a#le to provide a#ove !entioned per!its etc3 as per cla"se 431 a#ove in ti!e t$en t$e extension o ti!e li!it s$all #e provided as per ,'T cla"se given in tender doc"!ent3 53 !"ALIT# O CORH ? T$e %S)L s$all #e t$e inal -"dge o t$e ="ality o t$e 1or8 .incl"ding ="ality o !aterial "sed0 and t$e satis action o t$e %S)L in respect t$ereo set ort$ in t$e contract doc"!ents3 Laxity or ail"re to en orce co!pliance 1it$ t$e contract doc"!ents #y t$e %S)L and / or its representative s$all not !ani est a c$ange or intent o 1aiver9 t$e intention #eing t$at9 not1it$standing t$e sa!e9 t$e contractor s$all #e and re!ain responsi#le or co!plete and proper co!pliance 1it$ t$e contract doc"!ents and t$e speci ication t$ere in3 T$e representative o t$e SSA &eads i3e3 t$e (,T9 $as t$e rig$t to pro$i#it t$e "se o !en and any tools9 !aterials and e="ip!ent 1$ic$ in $is opinion do not prod"ce 1or8 or per or!ance !eet t$e re="ire!ent o t$e contract doc"!ents3








TA9ES AND D"TIES ? Contractor s$all pay all rates9 levies9 ees9 royalties9 taxes .li8e Inco!e Tax9 Sales Tax9 ,xcise ("ty9 S"rc$arges9 etc 0 and d"ties paya#le or arising ro! o"t o 9 #y virt"e o or in connection 1it$ and/or incidental to t$e contract or any o t$e o#ligations o t$e parties in ter!s o t$e contractor doc"!ents and/or in respect o t$e 1or8s or operations or any part t$ereo to #e per or!ed #y t$e contractor and t$e contractor s$all inde!ni y and 8eep inde!ni ied t$e %S)L ro! and against t$e sa!e or any de a"lt #y t$e contractor in t$e pay!ent t$ereo 3 T$e contractor s$all allo1 t$e %S)L to recover s"c$ taxes and d"ties ro! $is #ills paya#le9 i t$e %S)L opines to recover s"c$ Taxes9 ("ties9 etc9 ro! $is #ills paya#le3

6. %ROTECTION O LI E AND %RO%ERT# AND E9ISTING ACILITIES ? G31 T$e contractor is "lly responsi#le or ta8ing all possi#le sa ety preca"tion d"ring preparation or and act"al per or!ance o t$e 1or8s and or 8eeping t$e constr"ction site in a reasona#le sa e condition3 T$e contractor s$all protect all li e and property ro! da!age or losses res"lting ro! $is constr"ction operations and s$all !ini!i2e t$e dist"r#ance and inconvenience to t$e p"#lic3 G32 I t$e excavation o trenc$ alters t$e conto"rs o t$e gro"nd aro"nd road and $ig$1ay crossing in s"c$ locations dangero"s to tra ic9 t$e contractor s$all at $is o1n cost9 ta8e all necessary preca"tions to protect p"#lic and s$all co!ply 1it$ all t$e %S)L reg"lations as to placing o 1arning #oards .+ini!"! si2e 6 t x 2 t09 tra ic signals9 #arricades9 lags etc39 at s"c$ location3 I t$e contractor does not p"t t$e 1arning signal as per a#ove directions9 t$en a penalty o Rs3 477// per day s$all #e levied on t$e contractor9 till t$e directions are co!plied #y t$e contractor3 T$e contractor s$all ta8e d"e preca"tions to avoid da!ages to ot$er pipe lines9 1ater !ains9 se1ers9 telep$ones9 telegrap$s and po1er cond"its9 laid 1ires poles and g"y 1ires9 rail1ays9 $ig$1ays9 #ridges or ot$er "ndergro"nd or a#ove gro"nd str"ct"re and/or property crossing or ad-acent to t$e ca#le trenc$ #eing excavated3 G32 Attention o t$e contractor is dra1n to t$e r"les regarding t$e 1or8s at road crossing9 along Rail1ays %ridges9 &ig$1ays sa ety preca"tions 1$ile 1or8ing in p"#lic street3 T$e contractor in 1riting s$all o#tain t$e detailed engineering instr"ctions ro! t$e (ivisional ,ngineer o t$e area3 G3< T$e contractor s$all #e solely responsi#le or location t$ro"g$ approved non/destr"ctive !eans and ens"ring t$e sa ety o all existing "ndergro"nd pipeline9 electrical ca#les9 and or ot$er str"ct"res3 G34 T$e contractor s$all #e solely lia#le or all expense or and in respect o repairs and/or da!age occasioned #y in-"ry o or da!age to s"c$ "ndergro"nd and a#ove str"ct"res or ot$er properties and "nder ta8e to inde!ni y t$e %S)L ro! and against all actions9 ca"se o actions9 da!ages9 clai!s and de!ands 1$at/so/ever9 eit$er in la1 or in e="ity and all losses and da!ages and costs .incl"sive #et1een attorney and client09 c$arges and expenses in connection t$ere1it$ and/or incidental t$ereto3 T$e contractor s$all ta8e all responsi#ilities and ris8 in crossing ot$er pipelines and ca#les and s$all #e responsi#le or protecting all s"c$ existing pipelines9 poles9 electric lines9 se1ers9 ca#les or ot$er acilities ro! da!age #y t$e contractorFs operation in connection 1it$ t$e 1or83 T$e contractor 1it$o"t cost o t$e %S)L s$all pro!ptly repair any da!age inc"rred3


T$e c"rrent !ar8et val"e o any co!!odities lost as a res"lt o any da!age to t$e a oresaid existing acilities s$all #e paid #y t$e contractor toget$er 1it$ s"c$ additional s"!s necessary to li="idate t$e personal or property da!ages9 res"lting t$ere ro!3

H3 LABO"R CEL ARE MEAS"RES AND CORHMAN COM%ENSATION? H313A O7tainin& Li$ense 7efore $o**en$e*ent of >or<@ T$e contractor s$all o#tain a valid la#o"r license "nder t$e Contract La#o"r .R:A0 Act 1HA7 and t$e Contract La#o"r .Reg"lation and A#olition0 Central R"les 1HA19 #e ore co!!ence!ent o t$e 1or89 and contin"e to $ave a valid license "ntil t$e co!pletion o 1or83 T$e contractor s$all also a#ide #y t$e provisions o t$e C$ild La#o"r .Pro$i#ition and Reg"lation0 Act 1HG53 Any ail"re to "l ill t$is re="ire!ent s$all attract t$e penal provisions o t$is contract arising o"t o t$e res"ltant non/exec"tion o 1or83 H313% E% and Mis$. provisions A$t 2/+4? .i0 T$e contractor s$all co!ply 1it$ all provisions availa#le to1ards "l ill!ent/co!pliance o t$e provisions o ,P; and +isc3 provisions Act 1H42 and e!ployees Provident ;"nd Sc$e!e 1H42 in respect o La#o"rers / ,!ployees engaged #y t$e! or per or!ing t$e 1or8s o %S)L3 .ii0 ,ac$ Clai! #ill o t$e Contractor !"st acco!pany i0 t$e list s$o1ing t$e details /,!ployees engaged9 ii0 ("ration o t$eir engage!ent9 iii0 A!o"nts o 1ages paid to s"c$ e!ployees / la#o"rs or t$e d"ration in ="estion9 iv0 a!o"nt o ,P; Contri#"tions .#ot$ e!ployerFs : e!ployeeFs contri#"tion0 or t$e d"ration o engage!ent in ="estion paid to t$e ,P; A"t$orities9 v0 Copies o a"t$enticated doc"!ents o pay!ent o s"c$ contri#"tion to ,P; a"t$orities and vi0 a declaration ro! t$e contractors regarding co!pliance o t$e conditions o ,P; Act9 1H42 Contra$tor,s La7o1r Re&1-ations@ Cor<in& Ho1rs? )or!ally 1or8ing $o"rs o an e!ployee s$o"ld not exceed H $o"rs a day3 T$e 1or8ing day s$all #e so arranged t$at incl"sive o interval or rest9 i any9 it s$all not spread over !ore t$an 12 $o"rs on any day3 W$en a 1or8er is !ade to 1or8 or !ore t$an H $o"rs on any day or or !ore t$an <G $o"rs in any 1ee8 $e s$all #e paid over ti!e or t$e extra $o"rs p"t in #y $i!3 ,very 1or8er s$all #e given a 1ee8ly $oliday nor!ally on a S"nday9 in accordance 1it$ t$e provisions o +ini!"! Wages .Central0 R"les 1H579 as a!ended ro! ti!e to ti!e9 irrespective o 1$et$er s"c$ 1or8er is governed #y t$e +ini!"! Wages Act or not3 W$ere t$e !ini!"! 1ages prescri#ed #y t$e *overn!ent9 "nder t$e +ini!"! Wages Act9 are not incl"sive o t$e 1ages or t$e 1ee8ly day o rest9 t$e 1or8er s$all #e entitled to rest day 1ages9 at t$e rate applica#le to t$e next preceding day9 provided $e $as 1or8ed "nder t$e sa!e contractor or a contin"o"s period o not less t$an 5 days3 W$ere a contractor is per!itted #y t$e ,ngineer/in/c$arge to allo1 a 1or8er to 1or8 on a nor!al 1ee8ly $oliday9 $e s$all grant a s"#stit"ted $oliday to $i! or t$e 1$ole

H323 H32313 H3231313

H3231323 H3231363



day9 on one o t$e ive days9 i!!ediately #e ore or a ter t$e nor!al 1ee8ly $oliday9 and pay 1ages to s"c$ 1or8er or t$e 1or8 per or!ed on t$e nor!al 1ee8ly $oliday at t$e overti!e rate3 H3231353 T$e prospective #idders 1ill $ave to "rnis$ doc"!entary evidence t$at t$ey are registered 1it$ ,P; / RP; co!!issioner3 T$ey 1ill also "rnis$ an "nderta8ing t$at 1it$in seven days o close o every !ont$ t$ey 1ill s"#!it to %S)L a state!ent s$o1ing t$e recoveries o contri#"tions in respect o t$e e!ployees 1it$ certi icate t$at t$e sa!e $ave #een deposited 1it$ RP; Co!!issioner3 H32323 Disp-a8 of Noti$e Re&ardin& Ca&es Et$. T$e contractor s$all9 #e ore $e co!!ences $is 1or8 on contract9 display and correctly !aintain and contin"e to display and correctly !aintain9 in a clear and legi#le condition in conspic"o"s places on t$e 1or89 notices in ,nglis$ and in local Indian lang"ages spo8en #y t$e !a-ority o t$e 1or8ers9 giving t$e !ini!"! rates o t$e 1ages ixed "nder +ini!"! Wages Act9 t$e act"al 1ages #eing paid9 t$e $o"rs o 1or8 or 1$ic$ s"c$ 1age are earned9 1ages periods9 dates o pay!ents o 1ages and ot$er relevant in or!ation3 %a8*ent of Ca&es T$e contractor s$all ix 1age periods in respect o 1$ic$ 1ages s$all #e paya#le3 )o 1age period s$all exceed one !ont$3 T$e 1ages o every person e!ployed as contract la#o"rer in an esta#lis$!ent or #y a contractor9 1$ere less t$an one t$o"sand s"c$ persons are e!ployed9 s$all #e paid #e ore t$e expiry o sevent$ day and in ot$er cases #e ore t$e expiry o tent$ day a ter t$e last day o t$e 1age period in respect o 1$ic$ t$e 1ages are paya#le3 W$ere t$e e!ploy!ent o any 1or8er is ter!inated #y or on #e$al o t$e contractor9 t$e 1ages earned #y $i! s$all #e paid #e ore t$e expiry o t$e second 1or8ing day ro! t$e date on 1$ic$ $is e!ploy!ent is ter!inated3 All pay!ent o 1ages s$all #e !ade on a 1or8ing day at t$e 1or8 pre!ises and d"ring t$e 1or8ing ti!e and on a date noti ied in advance and in case t$e 1or8 is co!pleted #e ore t$e expiry o t$e 1age period9 inal pay!ent s$all #e !ade 1it$in <G $o"rs o t$e last 1or8ing day3 Wages d"e to every 1or8er s$all #e paid to $i! direct or to ot$er person "t$ori2ed #y $i! in t$is #e$al 3

H32363 H323631 H323632 H323636




H32363A All 1ages s$all #e paid in c"rrent coin or c"rrency or in #ot$3 H32363G Wages s$all #e paid 1it$o"t any ded"ctions o any 8ind except t$ose speci ied #y t$e Central *overn!ent #y general or special order in t$is #e$al or per!issi#le "nder t$e Pay!ent o Wages Act 1H453 H32363H A notice s$o1ing t$e 1ages period and t$e place and ti!e o dis#"rse!ent o 1ages s$all #e displayed at t$e place o 1or8 and a copy sent #y t$e contractor to t$e ,ngineer/in/c$arge "nder ac8no1ledge!ent3 H3236317 It s$all #e t$e d"ty o t$e contractor to ens"re t$e dis#"rse!ent o 1ages in presence o t$e site ,ngineer or any ot$er a"t$ori2ed representative o t$e ,ngineer/in/C$arge 1$o


1ill #e re="ired to #e present at t$e place and ti!e o t$e dis#"rse!ent o 1ages #y t$e contractor to 1or8!en3 H3236311 T$e contractor s$all o#tain ro! t$e site ,ngineer or any ot$er a"t$ori2ed representative o t$e ,ngineer/in/c$arge9 as t$e case !ay #e9 a certi icate "nder $is signat"re at t$e end o t$e entries in t$e >Register o Wages? or t$e >Wage/c"!/+"ster Roll?9 as t$e case !ay #e9 in t$e ollo1ing or!@/>Certi ied t$at t$e a!o"nt s$o1n in t$e col"!n )oCC33 $as #een paid to t$e 1or8!an concerned in !y presence on CCCC33atCCCC3 > H323< H323<31 ines and ded1$tions >5i$5 *a8 7e *ade fro* >a&es? T$e 1ages o a 1or8er s$all #e paid to $i! 1it$o"t any ded"ction o any 8ind except t$e ollo1ing@ .a0 ;ines3 .#0 (ed"ctions or a#sence ro! d"ty i3e3 ro! t$e place or t$e places 1$ere #y t$e ter!s o $is e!ploy!ent $e is re="ired to 1or83 T$e a!o"nt o ded"ction s$all #e in proportion to t$e period or 1$ic$ $e 1as a#sent3 .c0 (ed"ctions or da!age to or loss o goods expressly entr"sted to t$e e!ployed person or c"stody9 or or loss o !oney or any ot$er ded"ctions 1$ic$ $e is re="ired to acco"nt9 1$ere s"c$ da!age or loss is directly attri#"ta#le to $is neglect or de a"lt3 .d0 (ed"ction or recovery o advances or or ad-"st!ent o overpay!ent o 1ages9 advances granted s$all #e entered in a register3 .e0 Any ot$er ded"ction9 1$ic$ t$e Central *overn!ent/%S)L !ay ro! ti!e to ti!e9 allo1s3 H323<32 )o ines s$o"ld #e i!posed on any 1or8er save in respect o s"c$ acts and o!issions on $is part as $ave #een approved o #y t$e La#o"r Co!!issioner3 H323<36 )o ine s$all #e i!posed on a 1or8er and no ded"ction or da!age or loss s$all #e !ade ro! $is 1ages "ntil t$e 1or8er $as #een given an opport"nity o s$o1ing ca"se against s"c$ ines or ded"ctions3 H323<3< ,very ine s$all #e dee!ed to $ave #een i!posed on t$e day o t$e act or o!ission in respect o 1$ic$ it 1as i!posed3 H3234 La7o1r re$ords H323431 T$e contractor s$all !aintain a Register o Persons e!ployed on 1or8 on contract in ;or! EIII o t$e Contract La#o"r .R:A0 Central R"les 1HA13 H323432 T$e contractor s$all !aintain a +"ster Roll register in respect o all 1or8!en e!ployed #y $i! on t$e 1or8 "nder contract in ;or! EVI o t$e CL .R:A0 R"les 1HA13 H323436 T$e contractor s$all !aintain a Wage Register in respect o all 1or8!en e!ployed #y $i! on t$e 1or8 "nder contract in or! EVII o t$e CL .R:A0 R"les 1HA13 H32343< Re&ister of a$$idents? T$e contractor s$all !aintain a register o accidents in s"c$ or! as !ay #e convenient at t$e 1or8 place #"t t$e sa!e s$all incl"de t$e ollo1ing partic"lars@ .a0 ;"ll partic"lars o t$e la#orers 1$o !et 1it$ accident3 .#0 Rate o Wages3


H323435 H32343A H32343G H3235 H323531 H323532 H323536

Sex Age )at"re o accident and ca"se o accident Ti!e and date o accident (ate and ti!e 1$en ad!itted in $ospital (ate o disc$arge ro! t$e $ospital Period o treat!ent and res"lt o treat!ent Percentage o loss o earning capacity and disa#ility as assessed #y +edical ' icer3 .80 Clai! re="ired to #e paid "nder Wor8!enFs Co!pensation Act3 .l0 (ate o pay!ent o co!pensation3 .!0 A!o"nt paid 1it$ details o t$e person to 1$o! t$e sa!e 1as paid3 .n0 A"t$ority #y 1$o! t$e co!pensation 1as assessed .o0 Re!ar8s3 T$e contractor s$all !aintain a Register o ;ines in t$e ;or! EII o t$e CL .R:A0 R"les 1HA1 t$e contractor s$all display in a good condition and in a conspic"o"s place o 1or8 t$e approved list o acts and o!ission or 1$ic$ ines can #e i!posed3 T$e contractor s$all !aintain a Register o ded"ctions or da!age or loss in ;or! EE o t$e CL .R:A0 R"les 1HA13 T$e contractor s$all !aintain a Register o Advances in ;or! EEIII o t$e CL .R:A0 R"les 1HA13 T$e contractor s$all !aintain a Register o 'verti!e in ;or! EEIII o t$e CL .R:A0 R"les 1HA13 Attendan$e $ard($1* >a&e s-ip T$e contractor s$all iss"e an Attendance card c"! 1age slip to eac$ 1or8!an e!ployed #y $i!3 T$e card s$all #e valid or eac$ 1age period3 T$e contractor s$all !ar8 t$e attendance o eac$ 1or8!an on t$e card t1ice eac$ day9 once at t$e co!!ence!ent o t$e day and again a ter t$e rest interval9 #e ore $e act"ally starts 1or83 T$e card s$all re!ain in possession o t$e 1or8er d"ring t$e 1age period "nder re erence3 T$e contractor s$all co!plete t$e 1age slip portion on t$e reverse o t$e card at least a day prior to t$e dis#"rse!ent o 1ages in respect o t$e 1age period "nder re erence3 T$e contractor s$all o#tain t$e signat"re or t$"!# i!pression o t$e 1or8er on t$e 1age slip at t$e ti!e o dis#"rse!ent o 1ages and retain t$e card 1it$ $i!3 E*p-o8*ent $ard? T$e contractor s$all iss"e an e!ploy!ent Card in t$e ;or! EIV o CL .R:A0 Central R"les 1HA1 to eac$ 1or8er 1it$in t$ree days o t$e e!ploy!ent o t$e 1or8er3 Servi$e $ertifi$ate 'n ter!ination o e!ploy!ent or any reason 1$atsoever t$e contractor s$all iss"e to t$e 1or8!an 1$ose services $ave #een ter!inated9 a Service Certi icate in t$e ;or! EV o t$e CL .R:A0 Central R"les 1HA13

.c0 .d0 .e0 .0 .g0 .$0 .i0 .-0

H32353< H323534 H323535 H323A



%reservation of -a7o1r re$ords? T$e la#o"r records and records o ines and ded"ctions s$all #e preserved in original or a period o t$ree years ro! t$e date o last entries !ade in t$e! and s$all #e !ade availa#le or inspection #y t$e ,ngineer/in/ c$arge or La#o"r ' icer or any ot$er o icers a"t$ori2ed #y t$e +inistry o Co!!"nication/%S)L in t$is #e$al 3 T$e ,ngineer/in/C$arge !ay re="ire contractor to dis!iss or re!ove ro! t$e site o t$e 1or8 any person or persons in t$e contractorFs e!ploy!ent "pon t$e 1or8 1$o !ay #e inco!petent or !iscond"ct $i!sel and t$e contractor s$all ort$1it$ co!ply 1it$ s"c$ re="ire!ents3 %o>er of -a7o1r offi$er to *a<e investi&ations or enB1ir8 T$e la#o"r o icer or any person a"t$ori2ed #y t$e Central *overn!ent on t$eir #e$al s$all $ave po1er to !a8e en="iries 1it$ a vie1 to ascertaining and en orcing d"e and proper o#servance o ;air Wage Cla"ses and provisions o t$ese Reg"lations3 &e s$all investigate into any co!plaint regarding t$e de a"lt !ade #y t$e contractor in regard to s"c$ provision3 Report of Investi&atin& offi$er and a$tion t5ereon T$e La#o"r ' icer or ot$er persons a"t$ori2ed as a oresaid s$all s"#!it a report o res"lt o $is investigation or en="iry to t$e ,ngineer in/c$arge indicating t$e extent9 i any9 to 1$ic$ t$e de a"lt $as #een co!!itted 1it$ a note t$at necessary ded"ctions ro! t$e contractorFs #ill are !ade and t$e 1ages and ot$er d"es #e paid to t$e la#o"rers concerned3 T$e ,ngineer in/c$arge s$all arrange pay!ents to t$e la#o"r concerned 1it$in <4 days ro! t$e receipt o t$e report ro! t$e La#o"r ' icer or t$e a"t$ori2ed o icer as t$e case !ay #e3 Inspe$tion of Boo<s and S-ips T$e contractor s$all allo1 inspection o all t$e prescri#ed la#o"r records to any o $is 1or8ers or to $is agent at a convenient ti!e and place a ter d"e notice is received or to t$e La#o"r ' icer or any ot$er person9 a"t$ori2ed #y t$e Central *overn!ent on $is #e$al 3 S17*ission of Ret1rns T$e contractor s$all s"#!it periodical ret"rns as !ay #e speci ied ro! ti!e to ti!e3 A*end*ents T$e Central *overn!ent/ %S)L !ay ro! ti!e to ti!e add to or a!end t$e reg"lations and on any ="estion as to t$e application/interpretation or e ect o t$ose reg"lations3 INS"RANCE?





H35 H3A


1731 Wit$o"t li!iting any o $is ot$er o#ligations or lia#ilities9 t$e contractor s$all9 at $is o1n expense9 ta8e and 8eep co!pre$ensive ins"rance incl"ding t$ird party ris8 or t$e plant9 !ac$inery9 !en9 !aterials etc3 #ro"g$t to t$e site and or all t$e 1or8 d"ring t$e exec"tion3 T$e contractor s$all also ta8e o"t 1or8!enFs co!pensations ins"rance as re="ired #y la1 and "nderta8e to inde!ni y and 8eep inde!ni ied t$e %S)L ro! and against all !anner o clai!s and de!ands and losses and da!ages and cost .incl"ding #et1een attorney and client0 c$arges and expenses t$at !ay arise in regard t$e sa!e or t$at t$e %S)L !ay s" er or inc"r 1it$ respect to and/or incidental to t$e sa!e3 T$e contractor s$all $ave to "rnis$ originals and/or attested copies as re="ired #y t$e %S)L

o t$e policies o ins"rance ta8en 1it$in 14 . i teen0 days o #eing called "pon to do so toget$er 1it$ all pre!i"! receipts and ot$er papers related t$ereto 1$ic$ t$e %S)L !ay re="ire3


COM%LIANCE CITH LACS AND REG"LATIONS? ("ring t$e per or!ance o t$e 1or8s t$e contractor s$all at $is o1n cost and initiative "lly co!ply 1it$ all applica#le la1s o t$e land and 1it$ any and all applica#le #y/la1s9 r"les9 reg"lations and orders and any ot$er provisions $aving t$e orce o la1 !ade or pro!"lgated or dee!ed to #e !ade or pro!"lgated #y t$e *overn!ent9 *overn!ental agency or %S)L9 !"nicipal #oard9 govern!ent or ot$er reg"lator or a"t$ori2ed #ody or persons and s$all provide all certi icates o co!pliance t$ere1it$ as !ay #e re="ired #y s"c$ applica#le la19 %y/la1s9 R"les9 Reg"lations9 orders and/or provisions3 T$e contractor s$all ass"!e "ll responsi#ility or t$e pay!ent o all contri#"tions and pay roll taxes9 as to its e!ployees9 servants or agents engaged in t$e per or!ance o t$e 1or8 speci ied in t$e contractor doc"!ents3 I t$e contractor s$all re="ire any assignee or s"#/contractor to s$a! any portion o t$e 1or8 to #e per or!ed $ere"nder !ay #e assigned9 s"#/leased or s"#/contracted to co!ply 1it$ t$e provisions o t$e cla"se and in t$is connection t$e contractor agrees as to "nderta8e to save and $old t$e %S)L $ar!less and inde!ni ied ro! and against any/all penalties9 actions9 s"its9 losses and da!ages9 clai!s and de!ands and costs .incl"sive #et1een attorney and client0 c$arges and expenses 1$atsoever arising o"t or occasioned9 indirectly or directly9 #y ail"re o t$e contractor or any assignee or s"#/contractor to !a8e "ll and proper co!pliance 1it$ t$e said #y/la1s9 R"les9 Reg"lations9 La1s and 'rder and provisions as a oresaid3 TOOLS AND %LANTS T$e contractor s$all provide at $is o1n cost all tools9 plants appliances9 i!ple!ents9 !eas"ring instr"!ents etc3 re="ired or proper exec"tion o 1or8s3 T$e contractor s$all also s"pply 1it$o"t c$arge t$e re="isite n"!#er o persons 1it$ t$e !eans and !aterials necessary or t$e p"rpose o setting o"t 1or8s9 co"nting9 1eig$ing and assisting t$e !eas"re!ents or exa!ination at any ti!e and ro! ti!e to ti!e3 T$e contractor s$all #e responsi#le to !a8e all arrange!ents9 at $is o1n cost or de/1atering o trenc$es/d"cts and de/gasi ication o t$e d"cts #e ore carrying o"t t$e 1or83 T$e contractor s$all also #e responsi#le to !a8e arrange!ents9 at $is o1n cost9 or 1ater re="ired or carrying o 1or8s at sites incl"ding c"ring o CC/RCC 1or8s3 ;ailing $is so doing t$e sa!e !ay #e provided #y t$e ,ngineer/in/c$arge at t$e expenses o t$e contractor and t$e expenses s$all #e ded"cted ro! any !oney d"e to t$e contractor "nder t$is contract or ot$er1ise3



1631 T$ese r"les s$all apply to all constr"ction 1or8s o Corporation in 1$ic$ t1enty or !ore 1or8ers are ordinarily e!ployed or are proposed to #e e!ployed on any day d"ring t$e period d"ring 1$ic$ t$e contract 1or8 is in progress3


1632 CORH %LACE? Wor8 place !eans a place 1$ere t1enty or !ore 1or8ers are ordinarily e!ployed or are proposed to #e e!ployed in connection 1it$ constr"ction 1or8 on any day d"ring t$e period d"ring 1$ic$ t$e contract 1or8 is in progress3 1636 IRST(AID ACILITIES? At every 1or8 place t$ere s$all #e provided and !aintained9 so as to #e easily accessi#le d"ring 1or8ing $o"rs9 irst/aid #oxes at t$e rate o not less t$an one #ox or 147 contract la#o"r or part t$ereo ordinarily e!ployed and s$all contain t$e ollo1ing e="ip!ents3 a3 ;or 1or8 places in 1$ic$ t$e n"!#er o contract la#o"r e!ployed does not exceed 479 eac$ first(aid 7o= s$all contain t$e ollo1ing e="ip!ents3 10 5 s!all a"t$ori2ed dressings3 20 6 !edi"! si2e a"t$ori2ed dressings3 60 6 large si2e a"t$ori2ed dressings3 <0 6 large a"t$ori2ed #"rn dressings3 40 1 .67 !l0 #ottle containing a t1o percent alco$olic sol"tion o iodine3 50 1.67 !l0 #ottle containing salvolatile $aving t$e dose and !ode o ad!inistration indicated on t$e la#el3 G0 1 sna8e #ite lancet3 H0 1.67 g!s30 #ottle o potassi"! per!anganate crystals3 170 1 pair scissors3 110 1 copy o t$e irst/aid lea let iss"ed #y t$e (irector *eneral9 ;actory Advice Service and La#o"r Instit"tes9 *overn!ent o India3 120 1 #ottle containing 177 ta#lets .eac$ o 4 gra!s0 o aspirin3 160 'int!ent or #"rns3 1<0 A #ottle o s"ita#le s"rgical antiseptic sol"tion3 #3 ;or 1or8 places in 1$ic$ t$e n"!#er o contract la#o"r exceed 479 eac$ first(aid 7o= s$all contain t$e ollo1ing e="ip!ents@ 10 12 s!all a"t$ori2ed dressings3 20 +edi"! si2e a"t$ori2ed dressings3 60 5 large si2e a"t$ori2ed dressings3 <0 5 large si2e a"t$ori2ed #"rn dressings3 40 5 .14 g!s0 pac8ets a"t$ori2ed cotton 1ool3 50 .57 !l0 #ottle containing a t1o percent alco$olic sol"tion o iodine A0 1 .57 !l0 #ottle containing Sal volatile $aving t$e dose and !ode o ad!inistration indicated on t$e la#el3 G0 1 roll o ad$esive plaster3 H0 1 sna8e/#ite lancet3 170 1 .67 g!s0 #ottle o potassi"! per!anganate crystals3 110 1 pair scissors3 120 1 copy o t$e irst/aid lea /let iss"ed #y t$e (irector *eneral9 ;actory Advice Service and La#o"r Instit"tes9 *overn!ent o India3 160 A #ottle containing 177 ta#lets .eac$ o 4 gra!s0 o aspirin3 1<0 'int!ent or #"rns3 140 A #ottle o s"ita#le s"rgical antiseptic sol"tion3 c3 T$e irst aid #ox s$all #e distinctly !ar8ed 1it$ a red cross on 1$ite #ac8 gro"nd3 T$e irst aid #ox s$all #e !aintained #y 8eeping t$e ollo1ing g"ide lines@

Ade="ate arrange!ents s$all #e !ade or i!!ediate reco"p!ent o t$e e="ip!ent 1$en necessary3 ii3 )ot$ing except t$e prescri#ed contents s$all #e 8ept in t$e ;irst/aid #ox3 d3 T$e irst aid #ox s$all #e 8ept in c$arge o a responsi#le person 1$o s$all al1ays #e readily availa#le d"ring t$e 1or8ing $o"rs o t$e 1or8 place3 e3 A person in c$arge o t$e ;irst/aid #ox s$all #e person trained in ;irst/aid treat!ent9 in 1or8 placed 1$ere t$e n"!#er o contract la#o"r e!ployed is 147 or !ore3 3 In 1or8 places 1$ere t$e n"!#er o contract la#o"r e!ployed is 477 or !ore and $ospital acilities are not availa#le 1it$in easy distance o 1or8s9 s"ita#le !otor transport s$all #e 8ept readily availa#le to carry in-"red person or persons s"ddenly ta8en ill to t$e nearest $ospital in addition to t$e irst aid acilities 163< DRINHING CATER? (rin8ing 1ater s$all #e provided to t$e 1or8ers e!ployed as per nor!s given #elo1@ a0 In every 1or8 place9 t$ere s$all #e provided and !aintained at s"ita#le places9 easily accessi#le to la#o"r9 a s" icient s"pply o cold 1ater it or drin8ing3 #0 W$ere drin8ing 1ater is o#tained ro! an inter!ittent p"#lic 1ater s"pply9 eac$ 1or8 place s$all #e provided 1it$ storage 1$ere s"c$ drin8ing 1ater s$all #e stored3 c0 ,very 1ater s"pply o storage s$all #e at a distance o not less t$an 47 eet ro! any latrine drain or ot$er so"rce o poll"tion3 W$ere 1ater $as to #e dra1n ro! an existing 1ell 1$ic$ is 1it$in s"c$ proxi!ity o latrine9 drain or any ot$er so"rce o poll"tion9 t$e 1ell s$all #e properly c$lorinated #e ore 1ater is dra1n ro! it or drin8ing3 d0 A relia#le p"!p s$all #e itted to eac$ covered 1ell9 t$e trop door s$all #e 8ept loc8ed and opened only or cleaning or inspection 1$ic$ s$all #e done at least once a !ont$3 1634 2) T$e contractor is lia#le to provide ot$er additional a!enities to la#o"rs as prescri#ed in t$e La#o"r La1s o t$e local ad!inistration3 %RO0ISION O SHELTER D"RING REST? At every place t$ere s$all #e provided9 ree o cost9 o"r s"ita#le s$eds9 t1o or !eals and t$e ot$er t1o or rest separately or t$e "se o !en and 1o!en la#o"r3 T$e $eig$t o eac$ s$elter s$all not #e less t$an 6 !etres ro! t$e loor level to t$e lo1est part o t$e roo 3 T$ese s$all #e 8ept clean and t$e space provided s$all #e on t$e #asis o 735 S=3!3 per $ead3 Provided t$at t$e ,ngineer/in/C$arge !ay per!it9 a portion o t$e #"ilding "nder constriction or ot$er alternative acco!!odation to #e "sed or t$e p"rpose3 1<3 CONTRACTOR,S LABO"R REG"LATIONS 1431 SCO%E? T$ese reg"lations are derived ro! t$e Contract La#o"r .Reg"lation and A#olition Act 1HA70 as a!ended ro! ti!e to ti!e and applica#le to all la#o"r directly or


indirectly e!ployed in t$e 1or8 #y t$e Contractor or t$e per or!ance o t$e ContractorFs part o t$e agree!ent 1it$ t$e Corporation3 1432 DE INITIONS? T$e de initions o vario"s ter!s are as given #elo1@ a3 >Wor8!an or la#o"r? !eans any person e!ployed #y t$e Corporation or its Contractor directly or indirectly t$ro"g$ a s"#/contractor 1it$ or 1it$o"t t$e 8no1ledge o t$e Corporation to do any s8illed9 se!i/s8illed or "ns8illed !an"al9 s"pervisory9 tec$nical or clerical 1or8 or $ire or re1ard9 1$et$er t$e ter!s o e!ploy!ent are expressed or i!plied #"t does not incl"de any person3 #3 W$o is e!ployed !ainly a !anagerial or ad!inistrative capacity91$o9 #eing e!ployed in a s"pervisory capacity dra1s 1ages exceeding one t$o"sand r"pees per !ense! or exercises eit$er #y t$e nat"re o t$e d"ties attac$ed to t$e o ice or #y reason o po1ers vested in $i!9 "nctions !ainly o !anagerial nat"re3 c3 W$o is an o"t 1or8er9 t$at is to say a person to 1$o! any articles or !aterials are given o"t #y or on #e$al o t$e principal e!ployer to #e !ade "p9 cleaned9 1as$ed9 altered9 orna!ental inis$ed9 repaired9 adopted or ot$er1ise processed or sale or t$e p"rposes o t$e trade or #"siness o t$e principal e!ployer and t$e process is to #e carried o"t eit$er in t$e $o!e o t$e o"t 1or8er or in so!e ot$er pre!ises9 not #eing pre!ises "nder t$e Central and !anage!ent o t$e principal e!ployer3 d3 >;air Wages? !eans 1ages 1$et$er or ti!e or piece 1or8 ixed and noti ied "nder t$e provisions o t$e +ini!"! Wages Act ro! ti!e to ti!e3 e3 >Contractors? s$all incl"de every person 1$o "nderta8es to prod"ce a given res"lt ot$er t$an a !ere s"pply o goods or articles o !an" act"re t$ro"g$ contract la#o"r or 1$o s"pplies contract la#o"r or any 1or8 and incl"des a s"#/ contractor3 g3 >Wages? s$all $ave t$e sa!e !eaning as de ined in t$e Pay!ent o Wages Act3 1436 143< T$e la#o"r e!ployed on 1or8 s$all #e an ad"lt 1it$ so"nd $ealt$3 )o la#o"r #elo1 t$e age o eig$teen years s$all #e e!ployed on t$e 1or83 T$e Contractor s$all s"#!it9 #y t$e <t$ o every !ont$ to t$e ,ngineer/in/C$arge a tr"e state!ent s$o1ing9 in respect o t$e preceding !ont$ @/ a0 t$e n"!#er o la#o"rers e!ployed #y $i! on t$e 1or83 #0 t$eir 1or8ing $o"rs3 c0 t$e 1ages paid to t$e!3 d0 t$e accidents t$at occ"rred d"ring t$e said preceding !ont$ s$o1ing t$e circ"!stances "nder 1$ic$ t$ey $appened and t$e extent o da!age and in-"ry ca"sed #y t$e! and e0 t$e n"!#er o e!ale 1or8ers 1$o $ave #een allo1ed +aternity %ene it and a!o"nt paid to t$e!3



%&ARAT %R'A(%A)( ),TW'RK LI+IT,(

.A *'V,R)+,)T '; I)(IA ,)T,RPRIS,0

En&ineerin& Instr1$tions

"nder Gro1nd Opti$a- i7er Ca7-e La8in& Cor<s

2.3 SCO%E 2.2 T$e ,ngineering Instr"ctions spelt o"t in t$is doc"!ent deal 1it$ t$e !et$ods to #e adopted or "ndergro"nd 'ptical ;i#er Ca#le laying in PL% &(P, d"cts and inter connection o t$e existing 'ptical ;i#er Ca#les 1it$ t$e ne1ly laid '; ca#les and ter!ination o '; Ca#les at *ra! Panc$ayats.*Ps0 or )ational 'ptical ;i#er )et1or83 4.3 INTROD"CTION

T$e existing core 'ptical ;i#er Ca#le .';C0 net1or8 already deployed #y vario"s service providers !ostly covers State/(istrict/%loc8 $ead="arter #"t does not extend "p to !ost o t$e *ra! Panc$ayats3 Under t$e )';) pro-ect all 247777 *ra! Panc$ayats across t$e co"ntry are proposed to #e connected to t$e %loc8 &Ds #y laying incre!ental 'ptical ;i#er Ca#le3
'.3 O CABLE LA#ING A%%ROACH '.2 'n t$e #asis o t$e s"rvey reports ro"tes or '; ca#le laying s$all #e inali2ed3 Road C"tting Per!ission s$all #e o#tained ro! road and rail a"t$orities or laying t$e 'ptical ;i#er Ca#le along t$e inali2ed roads and at rail / road crossing along t$e ro"te3 *enerally '3;3 Ca#le !ay pre era#ly #e laid straig$t as ar as possi#le along t$e road near t$e #o"ndaries9 a1ay ro! t$e #"rro1 pits3 W$en t$e '3;3 Ca#le is laid along t$e )ational &ig$1ays9 Ca#le s$o"ld r"n along t$e road land #o"ndary or at a !ini!"! distance o 14 !eters ro! t$e center line o t$e road 1$ere t$e road land in 1ider as t$e ';C carries $ig$ capacity tra ic and is planned or a#o"t 24 to 67 years o li e3 It is essential t$at t$e ca#le is laid a ter o#taining d"e per!ission ro! all t$e concerned a"t$orities to avoid any da!age .1$ic$ !ay


res"lt in disr"ption o services / reven"e loss0 and s$i ting in near "t"re d"e to t$eir planned road 1idening 1or8s3 '.4 In special cases 1$ere it !ay #e necessary to avoid #"rro1 pits or lo1 lying areas9 t$e Ca#le !ay #e laid "nderneat$ t$e s$o"lders at a distance o 735 !eter ro! t$e o"ter edge o t$e road e!#an8!ent provided t$e sa!e is located at least <34 !eters a1ay ro! center line o road3 ).3 GENERAL ).2 Soi- C-assifi$ation Soil s$all #e classi ied "nder t1o #road categories Roc8y and )on Roc8y9 T$e soil is categori2ed as roc8y i t$e ca#le trenc$ cannot #e d"g 1it$o"t #lasting and / o c$iseling3 All ot$er types o soils s$all #e categori2ed as )on Roc8y incl"ding +"rr"! : soil !ixed 1it$ stone or so t roc83 2. Ro$<8 soi-. T$e terrain 1$ic$ consists o $ard roc8s or #o"lders 1$ere #lasting/ c$iseling is re="ired or trenc$ing s"c$ as ="art2ite9 granite9 #asalt in $illy areas and RCC .rein orce!ent to #e c"t t$ro"g$ #"t not separated0 and t$e li8e3 4. Non Ro$<8 soi-s T$is 1ill incl"de all types o soil/ so t soil/$ard soil/!"rr"!ie3 any strata9 s"c$ as sand9 gravel9 loa!9 clay9 !"d9 #lac8 cotton !"rr"!9 s$ingle9 river or n"lla$ #ed #o"lders9 soling o roads9 pat$s etc3 .All s"c$ soils s$all #e s"#/classi ied as <a$5$5a soi-0 and $ard core9 !acada! s"r ace o any description .1ater #o"nd9 gro"ted tar!ac etc309 CC roads and pave!ents9 #it"!ino"s roads9 #ridges9 c"lverts .All s"c$ soils s$all #e classi ied as %1$$a soi-s)

).4T5e Opti$a-

i7re Ca7-e s5a-- 7e -aid t5ro1&5 %LB HD%E D1$ts 71ried at a no*ina- dept5 of 2.+$*s. T5e steps invo-ved in O Ca7-e $onstr1$tion are as 1nder

).4.2. ,xcavation o trenc$ "p to a no!inal dept$ o 154 c!s3 innon(Ro$<8 soi-9 according to constr"ction speci ications3 Along )ational/State &ig$1ays/ot$er roads and in #"ilt "p /r"ral areas3 Under exceptional conditions/ gen"ine circ"!stances d"e to site constraints/ soil conditions9 relaxation can #e granted #y t$e co!petent a"t$ority or excavation o trenc$ to a dept$ lesser t$an 154c!3 S"c$ relaxation s$all #e given as per t$e laid do1n nor!s/ proced"res #eing ollo1ed #y t$e concerned CPSUs or t$eir o1n 1or8s and 1it$ t$e approval o t$e co!petent a"t$ority3 T$e pay!ent in s"c$ cases s$all #e !ade on pro/rata #asis as per t$e existing nor!s adopted #y t$e concerned CPSUs3 ).4.4. Lying o PL% &(P, ("cts/coils co"pled #y soc8ets in excavated trenc$es9 on #ridges and c"lverts9 as per constr"ction speci ication and sealing o PL% &(P, ("cts pipe ends at every !an$ole #y end/ pl"gs o appropriate si2e3 ).4.'. Providing additional protection #y R3C3C3 Pipes/*I pipes and/or concreting/c$a!#ering9 1$erever re="ired3 According to constr"ction speci ication3 ).4.). ;ixing o *I pipes/tro"g$s 1it$ cla!ps on c"lverts/#ridges and/or c$a!#ering or concreting o *3I3 Pipes/tro"g$s9 1$erever necessary3 )or!ally9 RCC/(WC pipes s$all #e "sed and "se o *I pipes s$all #e avoided3 &o1ever9 in case it is elt t$at *I pipe is "navoida#le in certain circ"!stances t$is s$o"ld #e done 1it$ t$e prior approval o co!petent a"t$ority 1it$in t$e concerned CPSUs3 T$is s$all #e recorded appropriately3

La8in& %rote$tion %ipes on Brid&es And C1-verts. In case trenc$ing and pipe laying is not possi#le on t$e c"lverts9 t$e pipes s$all #e laid on t$e s"r ace o t$e c"lverts/#ridges a ter d"e per!ission ro! t$e co!petent a"t$ority as per $onstr1$tion spe$ifi$ation
).4... %ac8 illing and (ressing o t$e Trenc$ according to constr"ction speci ications . ).4.:. +a8ing !an$ole .o si2e 237 ! lengt$ x 137 ! 1idt$ x 1354 ! (ept$0 at every Ca#le p"lling location or $o"sing t$e '; Ca#le loop : P"lling 'ptical ;i#re

Ca#le "sing proper tools and accessories3 Sealing o #ot$ ends o t$e PL% &(P, pipe in !an$ole #y $ard r"##er #"s$ o s"ita#le si2e to avoid entry o rodents into t$e PL% &(P, ("cts9 p"tting split PL% &(P, ("cts and split RCC pipes 1it$ proper ixt"res over ca#le in t$e !an$ole to protect t$e #are ca#le3 ).4.6. (igging o pit o si2e 2 !eter x 2 !eter x 13G !eter .dept$0 or ixing o Iointing c$a!#ered/cast RCC cover or stone o s"ita#le si2e on Iointing c$a!#er to protect t$e Ioint and #ac8 illing o -ointing c$a!#er 1it$ excavated soil3

(igging o pits 477 c! to 1777 c! to1ards -"ngle side at every !an$ole and -ointing c$a!#er along t$e ro"te to a dept$ o A4c!s3 ixing o ro"te Indicator/-oint indicator9 concreting and #ac8 illing o pits3 Painting o ro"te indicators 1it$ %l"e colo"r and -oint Indicator #y *rey colo"r and sign 1riting denoting ro"te/-oint indicator n"!#er and !ar8ed as >%%)L?9 as per constr"ction speci ication3
).' Spe$ifi$ations of Materia-s to 7e 1sed ).'.2. %LB HD%E D1$t 'ptical ;i#er Ca#les s$o"ld #e p"lled t$o"g$ Per!anently L"#ricated &(P, ("ct o <7!!/66 !! si2e con or!ing to t$e speci ications as per T,C *R )o3 T,C/*R/TE/C(S/77G/76/+AR/11 1it$ latest A!end!ents3 T$e ("cts s$all #e #l"e in colo"r and $ave t$e identi ication !ar8ings as per T,C *R 1$erein %%)L logo s$all #e !ar8ed as p"rc$aserFs na!e3 ).'.4. %LB HD%E D1$t A$$essories a) %1s5 fit Co1p-er P"s$ ;it co"plers s$all #e "sed or co"pling PL% &(P, d"cts/coils3 T$e speci ications o t$e co"plers s$all #e as per T,C*R no T,C/*R/TE/C(S/77G/76/+ar11 1it$ latest a!end!ents3 7) %% Rope S$o"ld con ir! to T,C *R )o3T,C/*R/TE/C(S/77G/76/+AR/11 1it$ latest A!end!ents3 &o1ever9 t$is is optional and CPSUs !ay "se t$e sa!e on need #asis3 T$e PP rope can #e ordered along 1it$ t$e PL% d"ct as re="ired3 In t$is case PP ropes dra1n t$ro"g$ t$e &(P,/PL% pipes/coils and sa ely tied to t$e end caps at eit$er ends 1it$ $oo8s to acilitate p"lling o t$e '; ca#les at a later stage3 T$e rope "sed is 6 strands Polypropylene Para Pro rope $aving yello1 colo"r and si2e o 5 !! dia!eter3 It s$o"ld $ave a !ini!"! #rea8ing strengt$ o 447 8gs3 T$e lengt$ o eac$ coil o rope s$o"ld #e 4 !eter !ore t$an t$e standard lengt$ o d"ct.or as ordered0 and it s$o"ld con or! to .i0 %S <H2G Part/II o 1HA< .ii0 IS 41A4 o 1HG23 It s$o"ld #e o special grade and s$o"ld $ave ISI certi icate !ar83 It s$o"ld #e !an" act"red o"t o ind"strial ="ality Polypropylene3 $) End Cap ,nd Cap s$all #e "sed or sealing t$e ends o t$e e!pty d"cts9 prior to installation o t$e '; Ca#le and s$all #e itted i!!ediately a ter laying t$e d"ct to prevent t$e entry o any dirt9 1ater9 !oist"re9 insects/rodents etc3 It s$o"ld con ir! to T,C *R )o3 T,C/*R/TE/C(S/77G/76/+AR/111it$ latest a!end!ents3 T$e ends o t$e PL% &(P, d"cts/coilslaid in t$e !an$oles s$o"ld #e closed 1it$ ,nd Caps3 T$e ,nd Caps "sed s$o"ld #e s"ita#le or closing<7!!/66!! PL% &(P, d"cts/coils3 A s"ita#le arrange!ent s$o"ld #e provided in t$e ,nd Cap to tie PP Rope3 .See ig"re/1 or details03 d) Ca7-e sea-in& %-1& T$is s$all #e "sed to seal t$e end o t$e d"cts per ectly9 a ter t$e '; ca#le is p"lled in t$e d"ct3 ;or p"lling t$e ca#le t$ro"g$ t$e d"cts9 it is necessary to provide !an$oles at t$at location and also at #ends and corners 1$erever re="ired3 T$e ends o t$e PL% &(P, d"cts/coilsare closed 1it$ Ca#le sealing Pl"gs3 T$e ,nd Pl"gs "sed s$o"ld #e s"ita#le or closing<7!!/66!! PL% &(P, d"cts/coils3 T$e Ca#le sealing pl"g s$all con ir! to T,C *R )o3 T,C/*R/TE/C(S/77G/76/+AR/11 1it$ latest a!end!ents3

.W$erever #lo1ing tec$ni="e is "sed or laying '; Ca#le9 at t$e discretion o t$e CPSUs concerned9 t$e $and $oles/!an$oles re="ired or accessing t$e ca#le d"ring ca#le laying can #e at longer distances depending "pon re="ire!ent30 ).'.'. Materia- for %rovidin& Additiona- %rote$tion a) RCC 1-- Ro1nd %ipes Rein orced ce!ent concrete pipes .sp"n type0 co"pled 1it$ RCC collars sealed 1it$ ce!ent !ortar "sed to provide additional protection to PL% &(P, ("cts/coils at lessor dept$s s$o"ld #e o "ll ro"nd9 )P/2 class and si2e 177 !! .internal dia!eter09 con or!ing to IS standard <4G/1HGG 1it$ latest a!end!ents3 T$e pipes s$o"ld $ave a no!inal lengt$ o 2!eters3 T$e RCC collars s$o"ld #e properly sealed "sing ce!ent !ortar 1@6 .1@46 grade ce!ent o rep"ted #rand9 6@ ine sand 1it$o"t I!p"rities03 I case o long spans9 every t$ird -oint 1ill #e e!#edded in a concrete #loc8 o si2e 57 c!s .L0 x <7c!s .W0 x 24 c!s .&0 o 1@2@< ce!ent concrete !ix .1@ ce!ent9 2@ coarse sand9 <@ stone aggregate o 27 !! no!inal si2e0 so t$at t$e align!ent o RCC pipes re!ain ir! and intact3 Also9 #ot$ ends o RCC pipes spans 1ill #e sealed #y providing concrete #loc8 o si2e <7 c! .L0 x <7 c!.W0 x 24 c! .&0 o 1@2@< ce!ent concrete !ix to avoid entry o rodents3 7) RCC Sp-it %ipes T$e split Rein orced ce!ent concrete pipes .sp"n type0 1it$ in/#"ilt collars are "sed to provide additional protection to PL% &(P, ("cts/coils s$o"ld #e o 177!!internal dia3.Spotted09 Class//)P/69 T$ic8ness@ 24!!9 Lengt$@ 2+eters 1it$ in#"ilt collaret one end9 Con or!ing to ISI Speci ication IS@ <4G9 1HGG 1it$ latest a!end!ent3 $) G.I. %ipes *3I3 pipes s$o"ld #e o !edi"! d"ty class $aving inner dia!eter o 47!!ands$o"ld con or! to speci ications as per IS 44</1HG4 .revised "pto date0 IS 1HGH .Part/I09 1H77 Soc8ets .revised "p to date0 : IS 126H .Part/II0 1HH2 .revised "pto date03 d) DCC %ipes Use o nor!al d"ty (WC .(o"#le 1alled corr"gated0 &(P, pipe L con ir!ing to T,C *R no3*R/(WC/6</71 Sep3277A 1it$ latest a!end!ents s$all #e pre era#ly "tili2ed as irst c$oice or protection o 'ptical ;i#er Ca#le instead o *I pipes3 T$e (WC pipes "sed s$all #e o si2e A4/51!! as per ta#le 2 o t$e said T,C *R3 e) M.S. Ce-d Mes5

T$e PL% &(P, ("cts can also #e protected #y e!#edding it in concrete o si2e o 24 c!s x24 c!s rein orced 1it$ +S 1eld !es$3 T$e +S 1eld !es$ "sed s$o"ld #e o 47 !! x 177!! si2e9 12 SW*9 127 c!s in 1idt$ in rolls o 47! eac$3 'ne !eter o +S 1eld !es$ caters to approx3 6 !eters o concreting3 .See ig"re V2F or details0
T$e strengt$ o RCC/CC is dependent on proper c"ring9 t$ere ore9 it is i!perative t$at 1ater content o CC/RCC !ix does not drain o"t into t$e s"rro"nding soil3 In order to ens"re t$is9 t$e RCC/CC 1or8 s$o"ld #e carried o"t #y covering all t$e sides #y yello1 PVC s$eets o 1eig$t not less t$an 1 8g per G s=! to avoid seepage o 1ater into t$e soil3 ).'.). Joint C5a*7er T$e Ioint c$a!#er s$all #e provided at every -oint location to 8eep t$e '; ca#le -oint 1ell protected and also to $o"se extra lengt$ o ca#le 1$ic$ !ay #e re="ired in t$e event o a"lts at a later date3 T$e Ioint c$a!#er s$all #e o pre/cast RCC type as per constr"ction speci ication3 %ric8 c$a!#er can also #e !ade 1it$ prior per!ission o ,ngineer in/c$arge3 ).'.+. R177er B1s5


To prevent entry o rodents into PL% &(P, (UCTS9 t$e ends o PL% &(P, (UCTS are sealed at every !an$ole and -oint "sing rodent resistant $ard r"##er #"s$ .cap0 a ter optical i#re ca#le is p"lled3 T$e r"##er #"s$ s$o"ld #e !an" act"red ro! $ard r"##er 1it$ grooves and $oles to it into <7 !! PL% &(P, (UCTS pipe9 so t$at it s$o"ld #e a#le to prevent t$e entry o insects9 rodents9 !"d9 and rain1ater into t$e PL% &(P, (UCTS pipe3 It s$o"ld con or! to T,C *R 1it$ latest a!end!ents3.see ;ig"re/60 ).'... Ro1te@Joint Indi$ator

T$e Ro"te/Ioint indicators are co/located 1it$ eac$ !an$ole/-oint c$a!#er3 In addition Ro"te indicators are also to #e placed 1$ere ro"te c$anges direction li8e road crossings etc3 ,it$er RCC/Pre/cast or Stone #ased ro"te indicators can #e "sed3 T$e detailed speci ication and design o t$e sa!e s$all #e as per constr"ction speci ication3 *enerally9 Stone Ro"te indicators s$all #e "sed or t$e )';) pro-ect


2.2. Tren$5in& 2.2.2. Lo$ation and A-i&n*ent of t5e Tren$5 In #"ilt "p areas9 t$e trenc$ 1ill nor!ally ollo1 t$e oot/pat$ o t$e road except 1$ere it !ay $ave to co!e to t$e edge o t$e carriage 1ay c"tting across road 1it$ speci ic per!issions ro! t$e concerned a"t$orities !aintaining t$e road .s"c$ per!issions s$all #e o#tained #y t$e depart!ent as per +'U signed 1it$ respective State *ovt303 '"tside t$e #"ilt "p li!its t$e trenc$ 1ill nor!ally ollo1 t$e #o"ndary o t$e roadside land3 &o1ever9 1$ere t$e road side land is "ll o #"rro1 pits or orestation or 1$en t$e ca#le $as to cross c"lverts/ #ridges or strea!s9 t$e trenc$ !ay co!e closer to t$e road edge or in so!e cases9 over t$e e!#an8!ent or s$o"lder o t$e Road.per!issions or s"c$ deviations or c"tting t$e e!#an8!ent as 1ell as s$o"lder o t$e road s$all #e o#tained03 T$e align!ent o t$e trenc$ 1ill #e decided #y a responsi#le o icial o t$e CPSUs9 not #elo1 t$e ran8 o a I"nior Teleco! ' icer in case o %S)L and si!ilar level in case o ot$er CPSUs3 'nce t$e align!ent is !ar8ed9 no deviation ro! t$e align!ent is per!issi#le except 1it$ t$e approval o ,ngineer/in/ c$arge3 W$ile !ar8ing t$e align!ent only t$e center line 1ill #e !ar8ed and t$e Contractor s$all set o"t all ot$er 1or8 to ens"re t$at9 t$e excavated trenc$ is as straig$t as possi#le3 T$e Contractor s$all provide all necessary assistance and la#or9 at $is o1n cost or !ar8ing t$e align!ent3 Contractor s$all re!ove all #"s$es9 "ndergro1t$9 st"!ps9 roc8s and ot$er o#stacles to acilitate !ar8ing t$e centre line 1it$o"t any extra c$arges3 It is to #e ens"red t$at !ini!"! a!o"nt o #"s$es and s$r"#s s$all #e re!oved to clear t$e 1ay and t$e contractor s$all give all9 consideration to t$e preservation o t$e trees3 T$e line"p o t$e trenc$ !"st #e s"c$ t$at PL% pipe.s0 s$all #e laid in a straig$t line9 #ot$ laterally as 1ell as vertically except at locations 1$ere it $as to necessarily ta8e a #end #eca"se o c$ange in t$e align!ent or gradient o t$e trenc$9 s"#-ect to t$e restrictions !entioned else1$ere3 2.2.4. Line("p T$e line/"p o t$e trenc$ !"st #e s"c$ t$at PL% &(P, ("cts s$all #e laid in a straig$t line except at locations 1$ere it $as to necessarily ta8e a #end #eca"se o c$ange in t$e align!ent or gradient o t$e trenc$9 s"#-ect to t$e restrictions !entioned else1$ere3 2.4. Met5od of E=$avation In #"ilt "p areas9 t$e contractor s$all resort to "se o !an"al la#o"r / &(( only to ens"re no da!age is ca"sed to any "ndergro"nd or s"r ace installations #elonging to ot$er p"#lic "tility services and/or private parties3

&o1ever9 along t$e &ig$1ays and cross co"ntry t$ere s$all #e no o#-ection to t$e Contractor resorting to !ec$anical !eans o excavation9 provided t$at no "ndergro"nd installations existing t$e pat$ o excavation9 i any9 are da!aged3 T$ere s$all #e no o#-ection to resort to $ori2ontal #oring to #ore a $ole o re="ired si2e and to p"s$ t$ro"g$ *3I3 Pipe .47 !! I(0 t$ro"g$ $ori2ontal #ore at road crossing or rail crossing or s!all $illoc8s etc3

All excavation operations s$all incl"de excavation and Vgetting o"tF3 V*etting o"tF s$all incl"de t$ro1ing t$e excavated !aterials at a distance o at least one !eter or $al t$e
dept$ o excavation9 1$ic$ever is !ore9 clear o t$e edge o excavation3 In all ot$er cases Vgetting o"tF s$all incl"de depositing t$e excavated !aterials as speci ied3 In Roc8y strata excavation s$all #e carried o"t #y "se o electro !ec$anical !eans li8e #rea8ers/ -ac8 $a!!ers or #y #lasting 1$erever per!issi#le 1it$ express per!ission ro! t$e co!petent a"t$ority3 I #lasting operations are pro$i#ited or not practica#le9 excavation in $ard roc8 s$all #e done #y c$iseling/ -ac8 $a!!ers3 Trenc$ing s$all as ar as possi#le #e 8ept a$ead o t$e laying o pipes3 Contractor s$all exercise d"e care t$at t$e soil ro! trenc$ing intended to #e loose or #ac8 illing is not !ixed 1it$ loose de#ris3 W$ile trenc$ing9 t$e Contractor s$o"ld not ca"se da!age to any "ndergro"nd installations #elonging to ot$er agencies and any da!age ca"sed s$o"ld #e !ade good at $is o1n cost and expense3 )ecessary #arricades9 nig$t la!ps9 1arning #oard and re="ired 1atc$!an s$all #e provided #y t$e contractor to prevent any accident to pedestrians or ve$icles3 W$ile carrying o"t t$e #lasting operations9 t$e contractor s$all ens"re ade="ate sa ety #y ca"tioning t$e ve$ic"lar and ot$er tra ic3 T$e contractor s$all e!ploy s" icient !an/po1er or t$is 1it$ ca"tion #oards9 lags9 sign 1ritings etc3 T$e contractor s$o"ld provide s" icient 1idt$ at t$e trenc$ at all s"c$ places9 1$ere it is li8ely to cave in d"e to soil conditions 1it$o"t any extra pay!ent3 A !ini!"! ree clearance o 14 c!s3 s$o"ld #e !aintained a#ove or #elo1 any existing "ndergro"nd installation3 )o extra pay!ent 1ill #e !ade to1ards t$is3 In order to prevent da!age to PL% &(P, (UCTS over a period o ti!e9 d"e to t$e gro1t$ o trees9 roots9 #"s$es9 etc39 t$e contractor s$all c"t t$e! 1$en enco"ntered in t$e pat$ o align!ent o trenc$ 1it$o"t any additional c$arges3 In large #"rro1 pits9 excavation !ay #e re="ired to #e carried o"t or !ore t$an 154 c!s in/dept$ to 8eep gradient o #ed less t$an 14 degrees 1it$ $ori2ontal3 I not possi#le as stated a#ove9 align!ent o trenc$ s$all #e c$anged to avoid #"rro1 pit co!pletely3 2.'. Dept5 and Si;e of t5e Tren$5 T$e dept$ o t$e trenc$ or! top o t$e s"r ace s$all not #e less t$an 154 c!s "nless ot$er1ise relaxation is granted #y co!petent a"t$ority "nder gen"ine circ"!stances3 In roc8y terrain9 less dept$ s$all #e allo1ed only in exceptional circ"!stances 1it$ additional protection 1$ere it is not possi#le to ac$ieve t$e nor!al dept$ d"e to $ars$ terrain/ adverse site conditions enco"ntered3 T$is s$all #e done only 1it$ t$e approval o t$e co!petent a"t$ority and consent o t$e ,ngineer in/c$arge a ter ollo1ing t$e laid do1n nor!s and proced"res #eing ollo1ed in t$e CPSUs concerned3 T$is s$all #e properly doc"!ented3 In all cases9 t$e slope o t$e trenc$ s$all not #e less t$an 14 degrees 1it$ t$e $ori2ontal s"r ace3 T$e 1idt$ o t$e trenc$ s$all nor!ally #e <4 c!s at t$e top : 67 c!s at t$e #otto!3 In case9 additional pipes .&(P,/*I/RCC Pipes0 are to #e laid in so!e stretc$es9 t$e sa!e s$all #e acco!!odated in t$is nor!al si2e trenc$3

W$en trenc$es are excavated in slopes9 "neven gro"nd9 inclined portion9 t$e lo1er edge s$all #e treated9 as top s"r ace o land and dept$ o trenc$ 1ill #e !eas"red accordingly3 In certain locations9 s"c$ as "neven gro"nd9 $illy areas and all ot$er Places9 d"e to any reason 1$atsoever it can #e ordered to excavate #eyond standard dept$ o 154 c!s to 8eep t$e #ed o t$e trenc$ as s!oot$ as possi#le3 )ear t$e c"lverts9 #ot$ ends o t$e c"lverts s$all #e excavated !ore t$an 154 c!s3 to 8eep t$e gradient less t$an 14 degree 1it$ $ori2ontal3 ;or additional dept$ in excess o 154 c!s39
no additional pay!ent s$all #e applica#le3

I excavation is not possi#le to t$e !ini!"! dept$ o 154 c!s3 as detailed a#ove9 "ll acts s$all #e #ro"g$t to t$e notice o t$e ,ngineer in c$arge in 1riting giving details o location and reason or not #eing a#le to excavate t$at partic"lar portion to t$e !ini!"! dept$3 Approval s$all #e granted #y t$e co!petent a"t$ority in 1riting "nder gen"ine circ"!stances3 T$e decision o t$e co!petent a"t$ority s$all #e inal and #inding on t$e contractor3 All t$e relaxations granted as speci ied a#ove s$all #e dealt 1it$ as per t$e laid do1n nor!s and proced"re o CPSUs3 2.'.2. De>aterin&? T$e Contractor s$all #e responsi#le or all necessary arrange!ents to re!ove or p"!p o"t 1ater ro! trenc$3 T$e Contractor s$o"ld s"rvey t$e soil conditions enco"ntered in t$e section and !a8e $is o1n assess!ent a#o"t de1atering arrange!ent t$at !ay #e necessary3 )o extra pay!ent s$all #e ad!issi#le or t$is3 2.'.4. Cettin&? W$erever t$e soil is $ard d"e to dry 1eat$er conditions9 i 1atering is to #e done or 1etting t$e soil to !a8e it loose9 t$e sa!e s$all #e done #y t$e contractor3 )o extra pay!ent s$all #e ad!issi#le or t$is3 2.'.'. B-astin&? ;or e=$avation in 5ard ro$<9 1$ere #lasting operations are considered necessary9 t$e contractor s$all o#tain approval o t$e ,ngineer/in/C$arge in 1riting or resorting to #lasting operation3 T$e contractor s$all o#tain license ro! t$e co!petent a"t$ority o"nd ta8ing #lasting 1or8 as 1ell as or o#taining and storing t$e explosive as per t$e ,xplosive Act9 1GG< as a!ended "pto date and t$e explosive R"les9 1HG63 T$e contractor s$all p"rc$ase t$e explosives "ses9 detonators9 etc3 only ro! a licensed dealer3 Transportation and storage o explosive at site s$all con or! to t$e a oresaid ,xplosive Act and ,xplosive R"les3 T$e contractor s$all #e responsi#le or t$e sa e c"stody and proper acco"nting o t$e explosive !aterials3 ;"ses and detonators s$all #e stored separately and a1ay ro! t$e explosives3 T$e ,ngineer/in/C$arge or $is a"t$ori2ed representative s$all $ave t$e rig$t to c$ec8 t$e contractorFs store and acco"nt o explosives3 T$e contractor s$all provide necessary acilities or t$is3 T$e contractor s$all #e responsi#le or any da!age arising o"t o accident to 1or8!en9 p"#lic or property d"e to storage9 transportation and "se o explosive d"ring #lasting operation3 %lasting operations s$all #e carried o"t "nder t$e s"pervision o a responsi#le a"t$ori2ed agent o t$e contractor .re erred s"#se="ently as agent only09 d"ring speci ied $o"rs as approved in 1riting #y t$e ,ngineer/in/C$arge3 T$e agent s$all #e conversant 1it$ t$e r"les o #lasting3 All proced"res and sa ety preca"tions or t$e "se o explosives drilling and loading o explosives #e ore and a ter s$ot iring and disposal explosives s$all #e ta8en #y t$e contractor as detailed in IS? )362 sa ety code or #lasting and related drilling operation3

Tren$5in& Near C1-verts@ Brid&es? T$e PL% &(P, ("cts s$all #e laid in t$e #ed o c"lvertat t$e dept$ not less t$an 154 c!s protected #y RCC pipes as decided #y ,ngineer/ in c$arge3%ot$ ends o c"lverts s$all #e excavated !ore t$an 154 c!s in dept$ to 8eep t$e gradient o not less t$an 14 degree 1it$ $ori2ontal3 T$e #ed o trenc$ s$o"ld #e as s!oot$ as possi#le3
2.'.+. W$ile carrying o"t t$e 1or8 on #ridges and c"lverts9 ade="ate arrange!ent or ca"tioning t$e tra ic #y 1ay o ca"tion #oards d"ring day ti!e and danger lig$ts at nig$t s$all #e provided3 In case o s!all #ridges and c"lverts9 1$ere t$ere is a li8eli$ood o t$eir s"#se="ent expansion and re!odeling9 t$e ca#le s$o"ld #e laid 1it$ so!e c"rve on #ot$ sides o t$e c"lvert or t$e #ridge to !a8e so!e extra lengt$ availa#le or read-"st!ent o t$e ca#le at t$e ti!e o reconstr"ction o c"lvert or t$e #ridge3

4. La8in& O %LB HD%E D1$ts A ter t$e trenc$ is excavated to t$e speci ied dept$9 t$e #otto! o t$e trenc$ $as to #e cleared o all stones or pieces o roc8 and leveled "p properly3 A layer o so t soil/or sand .in case t$e excavated !aterial contains s$arp pieces o roc8/stones0 o not less t$an 4 c!s is re="ired or leveling t$e trenc$ to ens"re t$at t$e ca#le 1$en laid 1ill ollo1 a straig$t align!ent3 Ade="ate care s$all #e exercised 1$ile laying so t$at t$e '; ca#les are not p"t to "nd"e tension/press"re a ter #eing laid as t$is !ay adversely a ect t$e optical c$aracteristics o ca#les 1it$ passage o ti!e3 T$e contractor s$all ens"re t$at trenc$ing and pipe laying activities are contin"o"s9 1it$o"t leaving patc$es or portions inco!plete in #et1een3 In case inter!ediate patc$es are le t9 !eas"re!ent o t$e co!pleted portions 1ill #e ta8en only a ter 1or8 in s"c$ le t over patc$es are also co!pleted in all respects3

Preparatory to aligning t$e pipe or -ointing9 eac$ lengt$ o t$e PL% &(P, ("cts s$all #e t$oro"g$ly cleaned to re!ove all sand9 d"st or any ot$er de#ris t$at !ay clog9 dist"r# or da!age t$e optical i#re ca#le 1$en it is p"lled at a later stage3 T$e ends o eac$ pipe and inside o eac$ Soc8et s$all #e t$oro"g$ly cleaned o any dirt or ot$er oreign !aterials3 A ter t$e trenc$ is cleaned t$e PL% &(P, ("cts/Coil s$all #e laid in t$e cleaned trenc$9 -ointed 1it$ Soc8ets3 (ra1ing "p o PP rope is optional as per T,C *R3 In case o "se o PP Rope9 at every !an$ole approxi!ately at every 277! or at #ends or t"rns t$e PP rope 1ill #e tied to t$e &(P, ,nd caps "sed or sealing t$e PL% &(P, ("cts9 to avoid entry o rodents/!"d etc3 At t$e end o eac$ day 1or89 t$e open ends o t$e pipes sections s$all #e tig$tly closed 1it$ end caps to prevent t$e entry o dirt/!"d9 1ater or any oreign !atter into PL% &(P, ("cts "ntil t$e 1or8 is res"!ed3 In #"ilt "p area alling 1it$in +"nicipal/Corporation li!its9 t$e PL% &(P, ("cts s$all #e laid 1it$ protection "sing RCC Pipes/ Concreting rein orced 1it$ 1eld !es$ .only in exceptional cases03 ;or lesser dept$s re="iring additional protection in #"ilt "p areas9 to1ns and cities alling 1it$in t t$e !"nicipal li!its9 s"ita#le protection s$all #e provided to PL% &(P, pipes/coils "sing RCC/(WC "ll ro"nd/split pipes or *I pipes or ce!ent concreting rein orced 1it$ +S 1eld !es$ or a co!#ination o any o t$ese as per t$e site re="ire!ent3 T$is s$all #e done only 1it$ t$e prior instr"ctions/approval o t$e ,ngineer/in/c$arge3 T$e speci ications or providing eac$ o t$ese protections are given later in t$is doc"!ent3 +oreover9 in cross co"ntry ro"tes9 i dept$ is less t$an 132 !eters9 protection #y "sing RCC/(WC Pipes$all #e provided3 ,ngineer/in/C$arges s$all decide a#o"t s"c$ stretc$es and type o protection to#e provided in vie1 o t$e site re="ire!ents3 )or!ally 177 !! RCC /(WC Pipes s$all #e "sed or protecting PL% &(P, ("cts #"t i !ore t$an one PL% pipe is to #e laid and protected9 RCC/(WC Pipe o s"ita#le si2e to acco!!odate t$e re="ired n"!#er o PL% Pipes s$all #e "sed3

T$e PL% &(P, ("cts s$all #e laid in RCC ;"ll Ro"nd sp"n Pipes/*I Pipes as re="ired at Road crossings3 T$e RCC pipes/*I pipes s$all extend at least 6 !eters on eit$er side o t$e road at Road crossings3 At Road crossings9 extra *I/PL% &(P, ("cts !ay #e laid as per t$e direction o t$e ,ngineer/in c$arge3 'n Rail #ridges and crossings9 t$e PL% &(P, ("cts s$all #e encased in
s"ita#le cast iron as prescri#ed #y t$e Rail1ay A"t$orities3 W$erever RCC pipes are "sed or protection9 t$e gaps #et1een t$e RCC collars and t$e RCC pipes s$all #e sealed "sing ce!ent !ortar 1@6 .1@46 grade ce!ent o rep"ted #rand9 6@ ine sand 1it$o"t i!p"rities0 to #ar entry o rodents3 ,very t$ird collar o RCC pipes .nor!ally o 2 !eters lengt$0and also #ot$ ends o RCC Pipes 1ill #e e!#edded in a concrete #loc8 o si2e <7 c!s .L0x <7 c!s.W0 x 24 c!s .&0 o 1@2@< ce!ent concrete !ix .1@46 grade ce!ent o rep"ted #rand9 2@ coarse sand9 6@ stone aggregate o no!inal si2e o 27 !! 0 so t$at t$e align!ent o RCC pipes re!ain ir! and intact and to avoid entry o rodents3 W$erever *I pipes are "sed9 special care s$o"ld #e ta8en to ens"re t$at *3I3 Pipes are co"pled properly 1it$ t$e soc8ets so as to avoid da!age to PL% pipe and event"ally t$e '; Ca#le in t$e event o press"re co!ing on t$e -oint and *3I3 Pipe -oint giving its 1ay3 R"##er #"s$es s$all #e "sed at eit$er ends o t$e *I pipes to protect PL% pipe3 %ot$ t$e ends o *3I3 Pipe 1ill #e e!#edded in a concrete #loc8 o si2e <7 c!s .L0x <7 c!s ..W0 x 24 c!s .&0 o 1@2@< ce!ent concrete !ix.1@46 grade ce!ent o rep"ted #rand9 2@ coarse sand9 6@ stone aggregate o no!inal si2e o 27 !!0so t$at t$e align!ent o *3I3 Pipes re!ain ir! and intact and to avoid entry o rodents3 In case o protection #y concreting at site9 t$e no!inal di!ension o concreting s$all #e 247 !! x247 !! section3 Ce!ent Concrete +ixt"re "sed s$all #e o 1@2@< co!position i3e3 1@46 grade Ce!ent o a rep"ted co!pany 9 2@ Coarse Sand9 <@ *raded Coarse Stone aggregate o 27 !! no!inal si2e9 rein orced 1it$ +S 1eld !es$3 As t$e RCC is cast at site9 it is i!perative to ens"re t$at special care is ta8en to see t$at proper c"ring arrange!ents are !ade 1it$ ade="ate s"pply o 1ater3 T$e contractor s$all invaria#ly "se !ec$anical !ixer at site or providing RCC protection9 to ens"re consistency o t$e !ix3 ;or carrying o"t concreting 1or8 in trenc$es9 yello1 PVC s$eets o 1idt$ not less t$an 137 + and o 1eig$t not less t$an 1 8g3 Per G s=3 !eters s$all #e spread and nailed on sides o t$e trenc$ to or! trape2oidal section or concreting in t$e cleaned trenc$9 to avoid seepage o 1ater into t$e soil3 A #ed o ce!ent concrete !ixt"re o appropriate 1idt$ and A4 !! t$ic8ness s$all #e laid on t$e PVC s$eet9 #e ore laying PL% &(P, d"cts3 T$e PL% &(P, ("cts s$all t$en #e laid a#ove t$is #ed o

concrete3 A ter laying t$e PL% &(P, ("cts9 +S 1eld !es$ is 1rapped aro"nd and tied and concrete !ix is po"red to or! t$e cross sectional di!ensions as instr"cted #y t$e ,ngineer/in/c$arge3 T$e strengt$ o RCC is dependent on proper c"ring t$ere ore9 it is i!perative t$at 1ater content o RCC !ix does not drain o"t into t$e s"rro"nding soil3 Portions 1$ere ce!ent concret ing$as #een carried o"t s$all #e c"red 1it$ s" icient a!o"nt o 1ater or reasona#le ti!e to $arden t$e s"r ace3 A ter c"ring9 re illing o t$e #alance dept$ o t$e trenc$ $as to #e carried o"t 1it$ excavated soil3 T$e PL% &(P, ("cts/RCC/*I Pipes s$all #e laid only in trenc$es accepted #y ,ngineer/in/C$arge $is representative3 T$e Contractor s$all exercise d"e care to ens"re t$at t$e PL% &(P, ("cts are not s"#-ected to any da!age or strain3

Water present in t$e trenc$ at t$e ti!e o laying t$e PL% &(P, ("cts s$all #e p"!ped o"t #y t$e contractor #e ore laying t$e pipes in t$e trenc$ to ens"re t$at no !"d or 1ater gets into t$e pipes9 t$"s c$o8ing it3
In case o nalla$s9 1$ic$ are dry or nine !ont$s in a year9 t$e PL% &(P, ("cts s$all #e laid in sided $e RCC Pipes laid at a !ini!"! dept$ o 154 c!s39 as instr"cted #y t$e ,ngineer/in/c$arge3 T$e !ec$anical protection s$all extend at least 4 !eters #eyond t$e #ed o nalla$ on eit$er side3 )ot1it$standing anyt$ing contained in cla"ses re erred a#ove9 t$e ,ngineer/in/c$arge !ay order9 #ased on special site re="ire!ents9 t$at t$e PL% &(P, ("cts !ay #e encased in rein orced ce!ent concrete9 as detailed9 i#id3 W$ile laying t$e pipes9 a gap o 2 + is 8ept at convenient locations approx3 277 ! apart and at t$e #ends and t"rns9 1$ic$ 1ill #e "sed as !an$oles d"ring '; ca#le p"lling3 ,nds o t$e PL% &(P, ("cts at t$e !an$oles s$all #e sealed "sing end caps a ter tying t$e PP rope to t$e end caps to avoid c$o8ing o t$e pipes3 In a si!ilar !anner9 !an$oles s$all #e 8ept 1$ile approac$ing #ridges9 road crossings etc39 as instr"cted #y t$e ,ngineer/in/c$arge3 T$e location o t$e !an$oles 1ill #e decided #y t$e ,ngineer/in/c$arge3 4.2. La8in& %rote$tion %ipes On Brid&es And C1-verts? In case trenc$ing and pipe laying is not possi#le on t$e c"lverts9 t$e pipes s$all #e laid on t$e s"r ace o t$e c"lverts/#ridges a ter d"e per!ission ro! t$e co!petent a"t$ority3 ' late t$e #ridge constr"ction a"t$orities are providing c$annel d"cts on t$e ootpat$s on t$e #ridges or vario"s services3 T$e RCC/(WC/ *3I3 Pipes can #e laid in t$ese d"cts or p"lling ca#les3 &o1ever9 or laying ca#les on existing #ridges9 1$ere d"ct arrange!ent does not exist9 one o t$e ollo1ing !et$ods !ay #e adopted3 a3 In case o t$e %ridges/C"lverts9 1$ere t$ere are no d"cts and 1$ere t$e c"s$ion on t$e top o t$e Arc$ is 47 c! to 177 c! or !ore9 *3I3 Pipe .Carrying PL% &(P, pipe and ca#le 0 !ay #e #"ried on t$e top o t$e Arc$ ad-oining t$e parapet 1all9 #y digging close to t$e 1$eel g"ards3 ,very preca"tion s$all #e ta8en to see t$at no da!age occ"rs to t$e arc$ o t$e c"lvert3 A ter #"rying t$e *I pipe9 t$e excavated s"r ace on t$e arc$ s$all #e restored3 #3 W$ere t$e t$ic8ness o t$e Arc$ is less t$an 47 c!s9 t$e pipe !"st #e #"ried "nder t$e 1$eel g"ard !asonry and t$e 1$eel g"ard re#"ilt3 c3 I neit$er o t$e t1o !et$ods is possi#le9 t$e *3I3 Pipes/*I Tro"g$s !"st #e cla!ped on t$e parapet 1all 1it$ t$e cla!ps3 I necessary9 t$e pipes !ay #e ta8en t$ro"g$ t$e parapet 1all at t$e ends 1$ere t$e 1all diverges a1ay ro! t$e road3 +et$ods cited in a#ove cla"ses s$o"ld #e carried o"t "nder close s"pervision o Road a"t$orities3 T$e s"r ace to #e concreted s$o"ld #e t$oro"g$ly cleaned and leveled #e ore concreting3 At #ot$ ends o t$e %ridges/C"lverts9 1$ere t$e *I Pipes /*I Tro"g$s slope do1n and get #"ried9 t$e concreting s$o"ld #e extended s" iciently to ens"re t$at no portion o t$e *I Pipes/*I Tro"g$s is exposed as approved #y t$e ,ngineer/ in/ c$arge to protect t$e pipe/tro"g$ ro! any possi#le externally ca"sed da!age3 W$ere 1$ite 1as$/colo"r 1as$ is existing on t$e %ridges/ C"lverts9 t$e sa!e s$o"ld also #e carried o"t on t$e concreted portion to ens"re "ni or!ity3


'. Ba$< i--in& and Dressin& of t5e Tren$5

Provided t$at t$e PL% &(P, pipes $ave #een properly laid in t$e trenc$ at t$e speci ied dept$9 t$e #ac8 illing operation s$all ollo1 as early as practica#le3 T$e eart$ "sed or illing s$all #e ree ro! all roots9 *rass9 s$r"#s9 vegetation9 trees9 saplings and any ot$er 8ind o gar#age or
pe##les3 T$e #ac8 illing operation s$all #e per or!ed in s"c$ a !anner so as to provide ir! s"pport "nder and a#ove t$e pipes and to avoid #end or de or!ation o t$e PL% &(P, pipes 1$en t$e pipes get loaded 1it$ t$e #ac8 illed eart$3 At locations 1$ere t$e #ac8 illed !aterials contains stones/s$arp o#-ects 1$ic$ !ay ca"se in-"ry to t$e PL% &(P, pipes and 1$ere t$e excavated or roc8 rag!ents are intended to re ill t$e trenc$ in 1$ole or in part9 t$e trenc$ s$o"ld #e initially illed9 1it$ a layer o ordinary soil or loose eart$ . ree ro! any stones/pe##les0 not less t$an 17 c!s t$ic8 over t$e pipes3 %ac8 illing on p"#lic9 roads9 rail1ay crossings9 ootpat$s in city areas s$all #e per or!ed i!!ediately a ter laying t$e &(P, pipes3 %ac8 illing at s"c$ locations s$all #e t$oro"g$ly ra!!ed9 so as to ens"re original condition so t$at it is sa e or t$e road tra ic3 All excess soil/ !aterial le t on road/ ootpat$/rail1ay crossing s$all #e re!oved #y contractor3 &o1ever9 along t$e $ig$1ays and in co"ntry side9 t$e excess d"g "p !aterial le t over a ter re illing s$o"ld #e 8ept in a $eap a#ove over t$e trenc$3 In city li!its9 at any given ti!e not !ore t$an 47 +eters lengt$ o trenc$ s$o"ld #e 8ept open and in all places 1$ere excavation $as #een done9 no part o t$e trenc$ s$o"ld #e 8ept open over nig$t to avoid occ"rrence o any !is$ap or accident in dar8ness3

). CABLE %"LLING AND JOINING@S%LICING ).2. CABLE %"LLING +an$oles !ar8ed d"ring PL% &(P, ("cts pipe laying o approx33si2e o 237 ! lengt$ x 137 ! 1idt$ x 1354 ! dept$ s$all #e excavated or p"lling t$e ca#les3 T$ere !ay #e sit"ations 1$ere addition !an$oles are re="ired to #e excavated 9 or so!e reasons9 to acilitate s!oot$ p"lling o ca#le3 ,xcavation o addition !an$oles 1ill #e carried o"t9 1it$o"t any extra cost3 (e/1atering o t$e !an$ole9 i re="ired9 1ill #e carried o"t 1it$o"t any extra costs3 (e1atering/ (e/gasi ication o t$e ("cts9 i re="ired9 1ill #e carried o"t 1it$o"t any extra costs3 T$e 'ptical ;i#re ca#les are availa#le in dr"!s in lengt$s o appox3 2 8!s3 T$e ca#les s$all #e #lo1n / !an"ally p"lled .in exceptional cases0 t$ro"g$ already laid PL% &(P, (UCTS3 T$is 1or8is to #e carried o"t "nder t$e strict s"pervision o site in/c$arge3 It s$all #e ens"red t$at d"ring t$e #lo1ing / p"lling o Ca#le t$e tension is !ini!"! and t$ere is no da!age to t$e Ca#le/'ptical i#ers3 A ter p"lling o t$e dr"! is co!pleted9 #ot$ ends o t$e PL% &(P, (UCTS pipe in eac$ +an$ole s$o"ld #e sealed #y $ard rodent resistant r"##er #"s$9 to avoid entry o rodents/!"d into PL%&(P, ("cts3 T$e +an$oles are prepared #y providing <7 !! split PL% &(P, (UCTS pipe o 234 to 6! lengt$ and closing t$e split PL% &(P, ("cts #y providing necessary cla!ps/ ad$esive tape as per t$e directions o ,ngineer/in/ c$arge3 A ter1ards9 t$e split/c"t PL% &(P, (UCTS pipe are covered 1it$ 177 !! split RCC pipe o 2! lengt$ and sealing t$e ends o RCC pipe 1it$ lean ce!ent sol"tion or protecting #are ca#le in t$e !an$ole 3 A ter ixing o RCC Split Pipes necessary #ac8 illing/reinstate!ent and dressing o !an$oles s$o"ld #e carried o"t as re erred "nder trenc$ing3 T$e location o t$e p"lling !an$ole s$o"ld #e recorded or preparation o doc"!entation3
).4. Jointin&@ Sp-i$in& 'ptical ;i#re Ca#le Ioints 1ill #e at varying distances depending "pon t$e incre!ental i#er to #e laid or connecting Panc$ayats3 T$e 2< i#ers are to #e spliced at every Ioint : at #ot$ ends.Ter!inations0 in t$e e="ip!ent roo! as directed #y t$e ,ngineer/in/c$arge3 T$e In rastr"ct"re re="ired or ca#le splicing i3e3

W Splicing !ac$ine W 'T(R

W 'ptical tal8 set

Tool 8it etc3 1ill #e arranged #y t$e CPSU and also any additional accessories3 e3g3 ,ngine etc3 re="ired at site or splicing 1ill also #e arranged #y t$e CPSU3 T$e 'ptical ;i#re Ca#le t$"s -ointed end/to/end 1ill #e tested #y an o icer o Acceptance Testing "nit o t$e concerned CPSUs or splice losses and trans!ission para!eters as speci ied #y %%)Land prevalent at t$at ti!e3 T$e t$ro"g$ 'ptical ;i#re s$o"ld !eet all t$e tec$nical para!eters9 speci ied and no relaxation 1ill #e granted3

+. Constr1$tion of Jointin& C5a*7er ?

T$e -oint c$a!#ers are provided at every -oint to 8eep t$e '3;3C3 -oint 1ell protected and also to 8eep extra lengt$ o ca#le9 1$ic$ !ay #e9 re="ired to attend t$e a"lts at a later date3 Iointing c$a!#ers are to #e prepared at t$e ;i#er Point o Interconnect .;PI'0 or nor!ally at distance o every 2 8!s3 Act"al location o -ointing c$a!#er depends on lengt$ o ca#le dr"! and appropriateness o location or carrying o"t -ointing 1or83 T$e location is inali2ed #y ,ngineer/in c$arge3 T$e -ointing c$a!#ers are constr"cted #y 1ay o ixing pre/cast RCC c$a!#ers/%ric8 C$a!#ers and coversas per t$e instr"ctions ro! ,ngineer/in/ c$arge3 +.2. %re $ast RCC $5a*7er ;or ixing pre cast RCC c$a!#er9 irst a pit o si2e 2 ! x 2 ! x 13G ! dept$ s$all #e re="ired to #e d"g3 Pre cast RCC c$a!#er s$all consist o t$ree parts .i0 ro"nd #ase plate o 1<7 c! dia!eter and 4 c! t$ic8ness in t1o $alves .ii0 "ll ro"nd RCC -oint c$a!#er 1it$ dia!eter o 127 c! and $eig$t o 177 c! and t$ic8ness o 4 c! .iii0 ro"nd top cover 1ill #e in t1o $alves 1it$ dia!eter o 1<7 c! and t$ic8ness o 4 c! $aving one $andle or eac$ $al in centre and 1ord V %%)L ';CF engraved on it3 .See ig"re V<F03 A ter9 ixing t$e pre cast RCC -oint c$a!#er9 t$e -oint c$a!#er is illed 1it$ clean sand #e ore closing3 %ac8 illing o -oint c$a!#er pit 1it$ excavated soil s$all #e carried o"t in t$e end3 +.4. Bri$< C5a*7er ;or constr"cting #ric8 c$a!#er9 irst a pit o si2e 2! x2 !x13G ! dept$ is s$all #e re="ired to #e d"g33 T$en9 #ase o t$e c$a!#er s$all #e !ade "sing concrete !ix o 1@4@17 .1 ce!ent9 4 coarse sand9 17 graded stone aggregate o <7!! no!inal si2e0 o si2e o 13A! x 13A ! and 7314 ! t$ic8ness3 Wall o #ric8 c$a!#er s$o"ld #e constr"cted on t$is #ase $aving 1all t$ic8ness o H? "sing ce!ent !ortar !ix o 1@4 . 1@ ce!ent9 4@ ine sand03 T$e c$a!#er s$o"ld $ave internal di!ensions o 132 ! x 132 ! a!d 1 ! $eig$t33 T$e #ric8s to #e "sed or t$is p"rpose s$o"ld #e o si2e H? x <34? x 6?9 #est ="ality availa#le and s$o"ld $ave s!oot$ rectang"lar s$ape 1it$ s$arp corners and s$all #e "ni or! in colo"r and e!it clear ringing so"nd 1$en str"c83

T$e -oint c$a!#er s$o"ld #e so constr"cted t$at PL% pipe ends re!ain protr"ding !ini!"! 4 c!s inside t$e c$a!#er on co!pletion o plastering3 T$e PL% pipes s$o"ld #e e!#edded in 1all in s"c$ a 1ay t$at9 t$e #otto! #ric8 s$o"ld s"pport t$e pipe and "pper #ric8 s$o"ld #e provided in a !anner t$at PL% &(P, pipe re!ains ree ro! t$e 1eig$t o t$e constr"ction3 T$e -oint c$a!#er s$o"ld #e plastered on all internal s"r aces and top edges 1it$ ce!ent !ortar o 1@6 .1@ ce!ent9 6@ coarse sand09 12 !! t$ic8 inis$ed 1it$ a loating coat o co!plete ce!ent as per standard3 Pre/cast RCC sla# 1it$ t1o $andles to acilitate easy li ting9 o si2e 73A ! x 13< ! and o t$ic8ness o 4 c! $aving one $andle or eac$ $al in centre and 1ord JF';CJ engraved on it are to #e "sed to cover t$e -oint c$a!#er3 T1o n"!#ers o s"c$ sla#s are re="ired or one -oint c$a!#er3 T$is pre/cast sla# s$o"ld #e !ade o ce!ent concrete
!ix o 1@2@< .1@ ce!ent9 2@ coarse sand9 <@ stone aggregate 5 !! no!inal si2e0 rein orced 1it$ steel 1ire a#ric A4 x 24 !! !es$ o 1eig$t not less t$an A3A4 Kg per s=3 +eter3 T$e -oint c$a!#er is illed 1it$


clean sand #e ore closing3 %ac8 illing o -oint c$a!#er pit 1it$ excavated soil s$all #e carried o"t in t$e end3

.. i=in& of Ro1te Indi$ators @ Joint Indi$ators

Pits s$all #e d"g 477 c! to 1777 c! to1ards -"ngle side at every +an$ole and Iointing c$a!#er or ixing o Ro"te/Ioint Indicator3 In addition9 Ro"te Indicators are also re="ired to #e placed 1$ere '3;3 Ca#le c$anges directions li8e road crossing etc3 T$e pits or ixing t$e indicator s$all #e d"g or a si2e o 57 c!s3 x 57 c!s3 and A4 c!s3 .dept$03 T$e indicator s$all #e sec"red in "prig$t position #y ra!!ing 1it$ stone and !"rr"! "p to a dept$ o 57 c!s3 and concreting in t$e ratio o 1@2@< .1@ ce!ent9 2@ coarse sand9 < stone aggregate 27 !! no!inal si2e0 or t$e re!aining portion o 14 c!s3 )ecessary c"ring s$all #e carried o"t or t$e concreted str"ct"re 1it$ s" icient a!o"nt o 1ater or reasona#le ti!e to $arden t$e str"ct"re3 ..2. RCC@%re $ast Ro1te Indi$ators T$e ro"te /-oint indicator !ade o pre/cast RCC s$o"ld $ave t$e ollo1ing di!ensions .see ;ig"re V4F0 %ase / 247 !! x 147 !! Top / 277 !! x A4 !! &eig$t / 1247 !! ..4. Stone 7ased Ro1te Indi$ators T$e ro"te /-oint indicators !ade o Sand/li!e Stone S$o"ld $ave t$e ollo1ing di!ension T$e 1ord LBBNL O C, s$o"ld #e engraved on t$e Ro"te/Ioint indicators3 i3 Stone to #e "sed .Sand/li!e Stone0 ii3 Indicator Top s"r ace to #e ro"nded iii3 %ase 144 !! X 177 !! iv3 Upper 477 !! lengt$ to #e Tapered 1idt$ 1ise as s$o1n in t$e dra1ing and $o!ogeneo"sly inis$ed3 v3 &eig$t 547!! .Straig$t0 U <77 !! .Tapered0 vi3 T$e ro"te indicators s$o"ld #e engraved 1it$ 1ord V';CF o si2e G7!! lengt$ : 47!!9 1idt$3 vii3 Lengt$ 634 ;t39 top <?x<? dressed 1;t3 ro! top : tapered3 (See fi&1re L., for detai-s of Stone Ro1te Indi$ators)

T$e Ro"te indicators s$all painted %l"e and placed at 477 to 1777 c! a1ay ro! t$e centre o t$e trenc$ to1ards -"ngle side3 T$e Ioint indicators are placed at ';C -oints and placed 477 to 1777 c! a1ay ro! 1all o t$e -oint c$a!#er acing -"ngle side and are painted *rey3 T$e engraved 1ord >%%)L ';C? s$o"ld #e painted in 1$ite9 on ro"te as 1ell as -oint indicators3 )"!#ering o ro"te indicators/-oint indicators s$o"ld also #e done in 1$ite paint3 T$e n"!#ering sc$e!e or ro"te indicators 1ill #e Ioint )o3/Ro"te Indicator )o3 or t$at -oint3 ;or exa!ple9 2/5 !ar8ing on a ro"te indicator !eans 5t$ ro"te indicator a ter 2 -oint3 Additional -oints on acco"nt o a"lts at a later date s$o"ld #e given n"!#er o preceding -oint 1it$ s" ix A9 %9 C9 and (3 ;or

exa!ple sign 1riting 2A on a -oint indicator !eans9 additional -oint #et1een -oint )o3 2 and 63 T$e n"!#ering o existing ro"te/-oint indicator s$o"ld not #e dist"r#ed on acco"nt o additional -oints3 ,na!el paints o rep"ted #rand s$o"ld #e "sed or painting and sign 1riting o ro"te as 1ell -oint indicators3 T$e ro"te and -oint indicator s$all #e painted 1it$ pri!er #e ore painting 1it$ oil paint3 T$e !aterial "sed s$o"ld #ear ISI !ar83 T$e si2e o eac$ 1ritten letter s$o"ld #e at least 634 c!s3 T$e colo"rs o painting and sign 1riting is as "nder @ (2) ;or Ioint Indicator@ *rey colo"r (4) ;or Ro"te Indicator@ %l"e colo"r (') ;or %%)L ';C : )os@ W$ite colo"r3

:. Do$1*entation
T$e doc"!entation9 consisting o t$e ollo1ing s$all #e prepared or eac$ %loc8 and t$e Panc$ayats connected to t$e %loc83 < sets o doc"!entation s$all #e provided #ot$ in ,lectronic or!at on C(as 1ell as &ard #inded copy3 :.2. Ro1te Inde= Dia&ra*s L *eneral@ T$is diagra! s$all consist o Ca#le Ro"te (etails on *eograp$ical +ap dra1n to scale 1it$ pro!inent land !ar8s and align!ent o ca#le 1it$ re erence to road3 T$is s$all #e prepared on A/6 s$eets o G7 *S+3 :.4. Ro1te Inde= Dia&ra*s M%rofi-e T$ese diagra!s 1ill contain P +a8e and si2e o t$e ca#le3 P ' set o ca#le ro! centre o t$e road at every 17 !eters P (ept$ pro ile o Ca#le at every 17 !eterM P (etails o protection 1it$ type o protection depicted on itM P Location o c"lvert and #ridges 1it$ t$eir lengt$s and sc$e!e o laying o PL% &(P, ("cts pipe t$ereon3 P I!portant land!ar8s to acilitated locating t$e ca#le in "t"reM Location o Ioints and p"lling !an$oles3 T$ese diagra!s s$all #e prepared on A() s5eets o G7 *S+3 'n one s$eet pro ile o !axi!"! <77 !eters s$all #e given to ens"re clarity3 :.'. Joint Lo$ation Dia&ra* T$is diagra! 1ill s$o1 P *eograp$ical location o all t$e -oints3 P (ept$ o Ioint C$a!#er covers ro! gro"nd level P Type o c$a!#er .%ric8/Pre/cast0 P Lengt$ o '3;3 Ca#le 8ept inside t$e -oint c$a!#er ro! eit$er direction3 T$is s$all #e prepared on A/< s$eets o G7 *S+3 All t$e diagra!s .i09 .ii0 : .iii0 s$all #ear t$e signat"res o t$e contractor9 t$e ,ngineer/in/c$arge asa proo o acc"racy o t$e details3 T$e diagra!s s$all #e #o"nd in A/< si2e #oo8 1it$ cover3

T$ecover s$eets s$all #e o 117 *S+ and la!inated3 T$e ront cover s$all $ave t$e ollo1ing details3
2. )a!e o t$e State/(istrict/%loc8 4. )a!e o t$e Panc$ayats connected 63 )a!e o t$e %%)L 1it$ logo ). )a!e o t$e CPSU exec"ting t$e 1or8 +. )a!e o t$e Contractor .. (ate o co!!ence!ent o 1or8 :. (ate o co!pletion o 1or8 ;or eac$ %loc8 1 sets o a#ove !entioned doc"!ent s$all #e s"#!itted to %%)L3

6.2. Safet8 %re$a1tions >5en e=$avatin& or >or<in& in e=$avations $-ose to e-e$tri$ $a7-es T$e ,ngineer/ in/c$arge o t$e 1or8 s$o"ld get "ll in or!ation ro! ,lectricity "nderta8ing regarding any electric ca#les9 1$ic$ are 8no1n or s"spected to exist near t$e proposed excavation and "nless t$is is


done9 excavation s$o"ld not #e carried o"t in t$e section concerned3 T$e electricity "nderta8ing s$o"ld #e as8ed to send a representative and 1or8 s$o"ld #e preceded 1it$ close cons"ltation 1it$ t$e!3 'nly 1ooden $andled $and tools s$o"ld #e "sed "ntil t$e electric ca#les $ave #een co!pletely exposed3 Po1er Ca#les9 not laid in cond"its9 are "s"ally protected ro! a#ove #y a cover sla# o concrete9 #ric8 or stone3 T$ey !ay or !ay not #e protected on t$e sides3 It is sa er9 t$ere ore9 al1ays to drive t$e point o t$e pic8axe do1n1ards t$en "ncovering a ca#le9 so t$at t$ere is less c$ance o !issing s"c$ 1arning sla#s3 )o 1or8!an s$o"ld #e per!itted to 1or8 alone 1$ere t$ere are electric ca#les involved3 At least one !ore !an s$o"ld #e 1or8ing near #y so t$at $elp can #e given ="ic8ly in case o an accident3 I disconnection o po1er co"ld #e arranged in t$at section it 1ill #egetter3 )o electric ca#les s$all #e !oved or altered 1it$o"t t$e consent o t$e ,lectric A"t$ority and t$ey s$o"ld #e contacted to do t$e need "l3 I an electric ca#le is da!aged even slig$tly9 it s$o"ld #e reported to t$e ,lectric A"t$ority and any 1arning #ric8s dist"r#ed d"ring excavation s$o"ld #e replaced 1$ile #ac8 illing t$e trenc$3 %e ore driving a spi8e into t$e gro"nd9 t$e presence o ot$er "ndergro"nd properties s$o"ld #e c$ec8ed3 In or!ation on plans regarding t$e location o po1er ca#les need not to #e ass"!ed as 1$olly acc"rate3 ;"ll preca"tions s$o"ld #e ta8en in t$e vicinity "ntil t$e po1er ca#le is "ncovered3 All electric ca#les s$o"ld #e regarded as #eing live and conse="ently dangero"s3 Any po1er is generally dangero"s9 even lo1 voltage proving atal in several cases3 6.4. E-e$tri$ s5o$<(A$tion and treat*ent ? ;ree t$e victi! ro! t$e contact as ="ic8ly as possi#le3 &e s$o"ld #e -er8ed a1ay ro! t$e live cond"ctors #y dry ti!#er9 dry rope or dry clot$ing3 Care s$o"ld #e ta8en not to to"c$ 1it$ #are $ands as $is #ody !ay #e energi2ed 1$ile in contact3 Arti icial respiration s$o"ld #egin i!!ediately to restore #reat$ing even i li e appears to #e extinct3 ,very !o!ent o delay is serio"s9 so9 in t$e !ean1$ile9 a doctor s$o"ld #e called or3 6.'. Safet8 %re$a1tions >5i-e >or<in& in p17-i$ street and a-on& rai->a8 -ines ? W$ere a road or ootpat$ is to #e opened "p in t$e co"rse o 1or89 special care s$o"ld #e ta8en to see t$at proper protection is provided to prevent any accidents Restricted Circ"lation ro! occ"rring3 ,xcavation 1or8 s$o"ld #e done in s"c$ a !anner t$at it 1ill not "nd"ly ca"se inconvenience to pedestrians or occ"pants o #"ildings or o#str"ct road tra ic3 S"ita#le #ridges over open trenc$es s$o"ld #e so planned t$at t$ese are re="ired or t$e !ini!"! possi#le ti!e3 W$ere #ridges are constr"cted to acco!!odate ve$ic"lar tra ic and is done near or on rail1ay property9 it s$o"ld #e 1it$ t$e "ll consent and 8no1ledge o t$e co!petent rail1ay a"t$orities3 6.). Dan&er fro* fa--in& *ateriaCare s$o"ld #e ta8en to see t$at apparat"s9 tools or ot$er excavating i!ple!ents or excavated !aterials are not le t in a dangero"s or insec"re position so as to all or #e 8noc8ed into t$e trenc$ t$ere#y in-"ring any 1or8!an 1$o !ay #e 1or8ing inside t$e trenc$3 6.+. Care >5en >or<in& in E=$avations I"!ping into a trenc$ is dangero"s3 I it is deep9 1or8!en s$o"ld #e enco"raged to lo1er t$e!selves3 Wor8ers s$o"ld 1or8 at sa e distance so as to avoid stri8ing eac$ ot$er accidentally 1it$ tools3 I t$e 1alls o t$e trenc$ contain glass #its9 corroded 1ire or s$arp o#-ects t$ey s$o"ld #e re!oved care "lly3 I an o#str"ction is enco"ntered9 it s$o"ld #e care "lly "ncovered and protected i necessary3 I an o#str"ction is enco"ntered9 it s$o"ld #e care "lly "ncovered and protected i necessary3 Care !"st #e ta8en to see t$at excavated !aterial is not le t in s"c$ a position t$at it is li8ely to ca"se any accident or o#str"ction to a road1ay or 1ater1ay3 I possi#le t$e excavated !aterial s$o"ld #e p"t #et1een t$e 1or8!en and t$e tra ic 1it$o"t encroac$ing too !"c$ on t$e road3 6... Dan&er of $ave in


W$en 1or8ing in deep trenc$es in loose soil9 ti!#ering "p/s$oring t$e sides 1ill prevent soil s"#sidence3 T$e excavated !aterial s$o"ld #e 8ept at s" icient distance ro! t$e edge o t$e trenc$er pit3 Ve$icles or $eavy e="ip!ent !"st not #e per!itted to approac$ too close to t$e excavation3 W$en !a8ing t"nneled opening9 it s$o"ld #e ens"red t$at t$e soil is co!pact eno"g$ to prevent cave in even "nder adverse conditions o tra ic3 ,xtra care s$o"ld #e ta8en 1$ile excavating near t$e o"ndations o #"ildings or retaining 1alls3 In s"c$ cases9 excavation s$o"ld #e done grad"ally and as ar as possi#le in t$e presence o t$e o1ners o t$e property3 6.:. %rote$tion of E=$avations ? ,xcavations in pop"lated areas9 1$ic$ are not li8ely to #e illed "p on t$e sa!e day s$o"ld #e protected #y #arriers or ot$er e ective !eans o preventing accidents and t$e location o all s"c$ openings !"st in any event #e indicated #y red lags or ot$er s"ita#le 1arning signs3 ("ring t$e $o"rs ro! d"s8 to da1n9 ade="ate n"!#er o red 1arning la!ps s$o"ld #e displayed3 S"pervisory o icers s$o"ld ens"re t$at all excavations are ade="ately protected in t$is !anner as serio"s ris8 and responsi#ility is involved3 )ot1it$standing adoption o t$e a#ove !entioned preca"tions9 1or8s involving excavations s$o"ld #e so arranged as to 8eep t$e extent o opened gro"nd and t$e ti!e to open it to a !ini!"! 6.6. %re$a1tions >5i-e >or<in& on roads ?

T$e period #et1een $al an $o"r a ter s"n/set and $al an $o"r #e ore s"nrise9 and any period o ogor a#nor!al dar8ness !ay also #e considered as nig$t or t$e p"rpose o t$ese instr"ctions9 or t$ep"rpose o providing t$e 1arning signs3
,xcavation lia#le to ca"se danger to ve$icles or t$e p"#lic !"st at all ti!es #e protected 1it$ encing o rope tied to strong "prig$ts or #a!#oo poles at s"ita#le $eig$t or #y so!e ot$er e ective !eans3 Any s"c$ te!porary erection 1$ic$ is li8ely to ca"se o#str"ctions and 1$ic$ is not readily visi#le s$o"ld #e !ar8ed #y posts carrying red lags or #oards 1it$ a red #ac8gro"nd #y day and #y contin"o"sly lig$ted la!ps at nig$t3 T$e lags and t$e la!ps s$o"ld #e placed in conspic"o"s positions so as to indicate t$e pedestrians and drivers o ve$icles t$e "ll expanse i3e3 #ot$ 1idt$ and lengt$ o t$e o#str"ction3 T$e distance #et1een la!ps or #et1een loors s$o"ld not generally exceed 1324 ! along t$e 1idt$ and 5! along lengt$ o t$e o#str"ction in non congested areas9 #"t < !eters along t$e lengt$ in congested areas3 I t$e excavation is extensive9 s" icient notice to give ade="ate 1arning o t$e danger9 s$o"ld #edisplayed conscio"sly not less t$an 1324 ! a#ove t$e gro"nd and close to t$e excavation3 W$ere any excavation is not clearly visi#le or a distance o 24! to tra ic approac$ing ro! any direction or any part o t$e carriage 1ay o t$e road in 1$ic$ t$e excavation exists9 a 1arning notice s$o"ld #e placed on t$e 8er# or edge o all s"c$ roads ro! 1$ic$ t$e excavation or as near t$e distance asis practica#le #"t not less t$an 17 ! ro! t$e -"nction o an entering or intersecting road in 1$ic$ t$e excavation exists3 All 1arnings9 in t$ese s$o"ld $ave a red #ac8gro"nd and s$o"ld #e clearly visi#le and legi#le3 All 1arning la!ps s$o"ld ex$i#it a red lig$t9 #"t 1$ite lig$ts !ay #e "sed in addition to acilitate 1or8ing at nig$t3 W$erever re="ired a passage or pedestrians 1it$ oot#ridge s$o"ld #e provided3 At excavations9 ca#le dr"!s9 tools and all !aterials li8ely to o er o#str"ctions s$o"ld #e properly olded ro"nd and protected3 T$is applies to -ointerFs tents as 1ell3 Leads9 $o"sesit3 stretc$ed and across t$e carriage1ay s$o"ld #e g"arded ade="ately or t$eir o1n protection and also t$at o t$e p"#lic3 6./. Traffi$ ControT$e police a"t$orities are nor!ally responsi#le or t$e control o tra ic and !ay re="ire t$e setting "p o tra ic controls to red"ce t$e inconvenience occasioned #y esta#lis$!ent o a single line o tra ic d"e to restriction in road 1idt$ or any ot$er or! o o#str"ction ca"sed #y t$e 1or83 As ar as possi#le9 s"c$ arrange!ents s$o"ld #e settled in advance3 I t$ere are any speci ic reg"lations i!posed #y t$e local a"t$orities9 t$ese s$o"ld #e ollo1ed3 6.23. Cor< a-on& Rai->a8 Lines

)or!ally all 1or8s at Rail1ay crossing is to #e done "nder s"pervision o t$e rail1ay a"t$orities concerned9 #"t it is to #e #orne in !ind t$at "se o 1$ite9 red or green lags #y t$e (epart!ental sta is positively or#idden to #e "sed 1$en 1or8ing along a rail1ay line as t$is practice !ay ca"se an accident t$ro"g$ engine drivers !ista8ing t$e! or rail1ay signals3 W$en 1or8ing along do"#le line o rail1ay9 t$e !en s$o"ld #e 1arned to 8eep a s$arp loo8 on #ot$ t$e >UP? andF ('W)? lines to avoid t$e possi#ility o any accident 1$en trains pass or $appen to cross one anot$er near t$e 1or8 spot3 6.22. %ro$ed1re and Safet8 %re$a1tions for 1se of e=p-osives d1rin& 7-astin& for tren$5in& ?

In areas 1$ere t$e ca#le trenc$ cannot #e done !an"ally on acco"nt o #o"lders and roc8s9 it is necessary to #last t$e roc8s #y "sing s"ita#le explosives3 T$e ="ality o explosive to #e "sed depends on t$e nat"re o t$e roc8s and t$e 8ind o #o"lders3 A e1 types o explosive "ses and
detonators nor!ally "sed or !a8ing trenc$es or ca#le 1or8s are detailed #elo1@ i) *"n po1der ii) )itrate +ixt"re iii) *ilatine iv) Sa ety "se v) ,lectric (etonator vi) 'rdinary (etonator3 6.22.2. %ro$ed1re A detailed s"rvey o t$e ro"te is to #e done to assess t$e lengt$ o t$e section 1$ere trenc$ing is to #e done 1it$ t$e $elp o #lasting3 A ro"te diagra! o t$e roc8y section !ay #e prepared indicating t$e lengt$ o t$e ro"te 1$ere t$e explosives are to #e "sed3 ;or t$e p"rpose o o#taining license9 a longer lengt$ o ro"te s$o"ld #e given in t$e application as in !any cases9 a ter digging9 roc8s appear 1$ic$ 1as not initially anticipated3 )ext a license 1ill $ave to #e o#tained or "se and storing o explosive in t$at section3 I t$e area alls "nder a police co!!issioner9 t$e a"t$ority or granting s"c$ license is t$e police co!!issioner o t$e concerned area3 W$en t$e ro"te does not all in t$e -"risdiction o a police co!!issioner9 t$e a"t$ority or iss"ing license is t$e (istrict +agistrate3 T$e concerned a"t$ority s$o"ld #e applied in prescri#ed or! 1it$ a ro"te !ap3 T$e concerned a"t$ority 1ill !a8e an en="iry and iss"e license or "sing/storing explosives or ca#les trenc$ing 1or83 S"c$ license 1ill #e valid or 14 days only3 T$e license s$o"ld #e got rene1ed i t$e #lasting operation needs to #e extended3 'nce t$e license is granted9 it is t$e responsi#ility o t$e $olders o t$e license or t$e proper "se o explosives9 its transportation and storing3 6.22.4. Met5od of 1sin& T$e sa est explosive is t$e *ilatine and electric detonator3 *ilatine is in t$e or! o a stic83 ,lectric detonator is a type o "se "sed or iring t$e explosive electrically3 &oles are !ade at s"ita#le intervals on roc8y terrain or #o"lders eit$er #y air co!pressor or #y !an"al c$ipping3 T$e dept$ o t$e $oles s$o"ld #e 2 to 6 t3 ;ill "p t$e $oles 1it$ s!all ="antity o sand or a#o"t 5?3 ;irst t$e electric detonator is to #e inserted into t$e *ilatine and t$e *ilatine is to #e inserted into t$e $oles 8eeping t$e U ve and/ ve 1irings o electric detonators o"tside t$e $oles3 Again re ill t$e $oles 1it$stand3 T$ese Uve and/ve ins"lated 1ires o detonator are t$an extended and inally connected to an ,EPL'(,R 8ept at a distance o not less t$an 177 !3 )o1 t$e explosive is ready or #lasting3 %"t9 #e ore connecting 1ires to exploder or #lasting9 all necessary preca"tions or stopping t$e tra ic9 "se o red lags9 exc$ange o ca"tion signals9 etc3 s$o"ld #e co!pleted and only t$en ,xploder s$o"ld #e connected and operated3 6.22.'. Operation of e=p-oder (IDL s$5aff-er t8pe '+3 t8pe e=p-oder )

T$e type 647 #lasting !ac$ine consists o a #earing #loc8 1it$ #lasting !ac$ine syste! and t$e explosion proo lig$t/ alloy in-ection !olded $o"sing3 T$e exploder is $eld 1it$ t$e le t $and3

T$e t1ist $andle is applied to t$e drive pin9 clapped 1it$ t$e rig$t $and t"rned in t$e cloc8 1ise direction in contin"o"s !eas"re!ents at t$e $ig$est speed ro! t$e initial position "ntil it reac$ed to a stop3 At t$is stage an indication la!p 1ill glo13 W$en t$e indication la!p glo1s9
press #"tton s1itc$? s$o"ld #e pressed3 T$is 1ill extend t$e electric c"rrent to detonator and *ilatine 1ill #e detonated3 T$e roc8 1ill #e #lasted o"t o t$e trenc$3 )"!#er o $oles can #e #lasted in a single stro8e #y connecting all s"c$ detonators in series connection and inally to t$e exploder3 A ter #lasting9 again !a2doors are engaged on t$e 1or8 to clear t$e de#ris3 It t$e res"lt o t$e irst #lasting is not satis actory9 it s$o"ld #e repeated again on t$e sa!e place3 6.22.). Carnin& T$ere !ay #e t1o reasons or "nsatis actory res"lts o t$e #lasting a0 +is ire o *ilatine d"e to lea8age o c"rrent ro! detonator3 #0 'ver loading #eca"se o over#"rdens3 )ever p"ll t$e #ro8en 1ire pieces or! t$e $oles in s"c$ cases3 Atte!pt s$o"ld not #e !ade to re #last t$e !is ired *ilatine3 T$e sa est 1ay is to !a8e a res$ $ole #y its side and p"t res$ *ilatinein t$at $ole and #last it3 6.22.+. %re$a1tions T$e a#stract o ,xplosives R"les 1HG6 1$ic$ are relevant to o"r 1or8 is given #elo1 @ 6.24. Restri$tion of de-iver8 and dispat$5 of e=p-osives )o person s$all deliver or dispatc$ any explosives to anyone ot$er t$an a person 1$o3 a0 is t$e $older o a license to possess t$e explosives or t$e agent o a $older o s"c$ a license d"ly a"t$ori2ed #y $i! in 1riting on $is #e$al 3 'R #0 is entitled "nder t$ese r"les to possess t$e explosives 1it$o"t a license3 T$e explosives so delivered or dispatc$ed s$all in no case exceed t$e ="antity9 1$ic$ t$e person to 1$o! t$ey are delivered or dispatc$ed is a"t$ori2ed to possess 1it$ or 1it$o"t a license "nder t$ese r"les3 )o person s$all receive explosives or! any person ot$er t$an t$e $older o a license granted "nder t$ese r"les3 )o person s$all receive ro! or trans er explosives to any person or a te!porarystorage or sa e c"stody in a licensed pre!ise "nless prior approval is o#tained ro! t$e C$ie Controller3 A person $olding license or possession o explosives granted "nder t$ese r"les s$all store t$e explosives only in pre!ised speci ied in t$e license3 6.2'. %rote$tion fro* Li&5tenin& D1rin& Storin& ,very !aga2ine s$all $ave attac$ed t$ere to one or !ore e icient lig$tening cond"ctors designed and erected in accordance 1it$ t$e speci ication laid do1n in Indian Standard Speci ications )o3267H as a!ended ro! ti!e to ti!e3 T$e connections to vario"s parts o eart$ resistance o t$e lig$tening cond"ctor ter!inal on t$e #"ilding to t$e eart$ s$all #e tested at least once in every year #y a ="ali ied electrical engineer or any ot$er co!petent person $olding a certi icate o co!petency in t$is #e$al ro! t$e State ,lectricity (epart!ent3 A certi icate s$o1ing t$e res"lts o s"c$ tests and t$e date o t$e last test s$all #e $"ng "p in conspic"o"s place in t$e #"ilding3 6.2). %re$a1tions d1rin& t51nder(stor* W$en a t$"nder/ stor! appears to #e i!!inent in t$e vicinity o a !aga2ine or store $o"se every person engaged in or a ro"nd s"c$ !aga2ine and store $o"se s$all #e 1it$dra1n to a sa e distance ro! s"c$ !aga2ine or store $o"se and t$e !aga2ine and store $o"se s$all #e 8ept closed and loc8ed "ntil t$e t$"nder stor! $as ceased or t$e t$reat o it $as passed3 6.2+. Maintenan$e of re$ords


,very person $olding a license granted "nder t$ese r"les or possession9 sale or "se o explosives s$all !aintain records in t$e prescri#ed or! and s$all prod"ce s"c$ record on de!and to an Inspection ' icer3 6.2.. E=p-osives not to 7e <ept in da*a&ed 7o=es T$e licensee o every !aga2ine or store $o"se s$all ens"re t$at9 t$e explosives are al1ays 8ept in t$eir original o"ter pac8age3 In case9 t$e o"ter pac8age gets da!aged so t$at t$e explosive contained t$erein cannot #e stored or transported9 s"c$ explosives s$all #e repac8ed only a ter t$e sa!e are exa!ined #y controller o explosives3 6.2:. Stora&e of e=p-osives in e=$ess of t5e -i$ensed B1antit8 T$e ="antity o any 8ind o explosives 8ept in any licensed !aga2ine or store $o"se s$all not exceed t$e ="antity entered in t$e license against s"c$ 8ind o explosives3 )o explosives in excess o t$e licensed ="antity s$all #e stored in t$e !aga2ine or store $o"se "nless a per!it in t$is #e$al is o#tained ro! t$e licensing a"t$ority #y a letter or telegra!3 6.26. %re$a1tions to 7e o7served at Site T$e electric po1er at t$e #lasting site s$all #e discontin"ed as ar as practica#le #e ore c$arging t$e explosives3 )o 1or8 ot$er t$an t$at associated 1it$ t$e c$arging operations s$all #e carried o"t 1it$in 17 !eters o t$e $oles "nless ot$er1ise speci ied to t$e contrary #y t$e licensing a"t$ority3 W$en c$arging is co!pleted9 any s"rpl"s explosive detonators and "ses s$all #e re!oved ro! t$e vicinity o t$e $ole and stored at a distance 1$ic$ s$o"ld prevent accidental detonation in t$e event o a c$arge detonating pre!at"rely in any $ole3 T$e $oles 1$ic$ $ave #een c$arged 1it$ explosive s$all not #e le t "nattended till t$e #lasting is co!pleted3 Care s$all #e ta8en to ens"re t$at "se or 1ires connected to t$e detonation are not da!aged d"ring t$e placing o ste!!ing !aterials and ta!ping3 6.2/. S1ita7-e >arnin& pro$ed1re to 7e *aintained T$e licensee or a person appointed #y t$e licensee to #e in c$arge o t$e "se o explosives at t$e site s$all lay do1n a clear 1arning proced"re consisting o 1arning signs and s"ita#le signals and all persons e!ployed in t$e area s$all #e !ade "lly conversant 1it$ s"c$ signs and signals3 6.43. %re$a1tions to 7e o7served >5i-e firin&

T$e end o t$e sa ety "se .i "sed in place o a detonator s$o"ld #e res$ly c"t #e ore #eing lig$ted3 T$e exploders s$all #e reg"larly tested and !aintained in a it condition or "se in iring3 An exploder s$all not #e "sed or iring a circ"it a#ove its rated capacity3 T$e electric circ"its s$all #e tested or contin"ity #e ore iring3 All persons ot$er t$an t$e s$ot/ irer and $is assistant9 i any9 s$all #e 1it$dra1n ro! t$e site #e ore testing t$e contin"ity3
;or t$e p"rpose o -ointing9 t$e ends o all 1ires and ca#les s$o"ld $ave t$e ins"lation re!oved or a !axi!"! lengt$ o 4 c!s3 and s$o"ld9 t$en #e !ade clear and #rig$t or a !ini!"! lengt$ o 234 c!s3 and t$e ends to #e -oined s$o"ld #e t1isted toget$er so as to $ave a positive !etal contact3 T$en t$ese s$o"ld #e taped 1it$ ins"lation to avoid lea8age 1$en in contact 1it$ eart$3 In case o #lasting 1it$ dyna!ite or any ot$er $ig$ explosive9 t$e position o all t$e #ore $oles tope drilled s$all #e !ar8ed in circles 1it$ 1$ite paint3 T$ese s$all #e inspected #y t$e ContractorFs agent3 %ore $oles s$all #e o a si2e t$at t$e cartridge can easily pass do1n3 A ter t$e drilling operation9 t$e agent s$all inspect t$e $oles to ens"re t$at drilling $as #een done only at t$e !ar8ed locations and no extra $ole $as #een drilled3 T$e agent s$all t$en prepare t$e necessary c$arge separately or eac$ #ore $ole3 T$e #ore $oles s$all #e t$oro"g$ly cleaned #e ore a cartridge is inserted3 'nly cylindrical 1ooden ta!ping rods s$all #e "sed or ta!ping3 +etal rods or rods $aving pointed end s$all never # e "sed or ta!ping3 'ne cartridge s$all #e placed in t$e #ore $ole and gently pressed #"t not ra!!ed do1n3 't$er cartridges s$all t$en #e added as !ay #e re="ired to !a8e "p t$e necessary c$arge or t$e #ore $ole3 T$e top !ost cartridges s$all #e connected to t$e detonator 1$ic$ s$all in t"rn #e connected to t$e sa ety "ses o re="ired lengt$3 All

"ses s$all #e c"t to t$e lengt$ re="ired #e ore #eing inserted into t$e $oles3 Ioints in "ses s$all #e avoided3 W$ere -oints are "navoida#le9 a se!i/circ"lar nic$e s$all #e c"t in one piece inserted into t$e nic$e3 T$e t1o pieces s$all t$en #e 1rapped toget$er 1it$ string3 All -oints exposed to da!pness s$all #e 1rapped 1it$ r"##er tape3 T$e !axi!"! o eig$t #ore $oles s$all #e loaded and ired at one occasion3 T$e c$arges s$all #e ired s"ccessively and not si!"ltaneo"sly3 I!!ediately #e ore iring9 1arning s$all #e given and t$e agent s$all see t$at all persons $ave retired to a place o sa ety3 T$e "ses o t$e c$arged $oles s$all #e ignited in t$e presence o t$e agent9 1$o s$all see t$at all t$e "ses are properly ignited3 Care "l co"nt s$all #e 8ept #y t$e agent and ot$er o eac$ #last as it explodes3 In case all t$e c$arged #ore $oles $ave exploded9 t$e agent s$all inspect t$e site soon a ter t$e #last #"t in case o !is ire t$e agent s$all inspect t$e site a ter $al an $o"r and !ar8 red crosses .E0 over t$e $oles 1$ic$ $ave not exploded3 ("ring t$is interval o $al an $o"r9 no#ody s$all approac$ t$e !is ired $oles3 )o driller s$all 1or8 near s"c$ #ore "ntil eit$er o t$e ollo1ing operations $as #een done #y t$e agent or t$e !is ired #ore$oles3 i. T$e contractorFs agent s$all very care "lly.1$en t$e ta!ping is a da!p clay0 extract t$e ta!ping 1it$ a 1ooden scraper and 1it$dra1 t$e pri!er and detonator3 ii. T$e $oles s$all #e cleaned or 67 c! o ta!ping and its direction ascertained #y placing a stic8 in t$e $ole3 Anot$er $ole s$all t$en #e drilled 14 c! a1ay and parallel to it3 T$is $ole s$all #e c$arged and ired3 T$e !is ired $oles s$all also explode along 1it$ t$e ne1 one3

%e ore leaving t$e site o 1or89 t$e agent o one s$i t s$all in or! t$e anot$er agent relieving $i! or t$e next s$i t9 o any case o !is ire and eac$ s"c$ location s$all #e -ointly inspected and t$e action to #e ta8en in t$e !atter s$all #e explained to t$e relieving agent3
T$e ,ngineer/in/c$arge s$all also #e in or!ed #y t$e agent o all cases o !is ire9 t$eir ca"se and steps ta8en in t$at connection3 6.42. Genera- %re$a1tions ;or t$e sa ety o persons red lags s$all #e pro!inently displayed aro"nd t$e area 1$ere #lasting operations are to #e carried o"t3 All t$e 1or8ers at site9 except t$ose 1$o act"ally ignite t$e "se9 s$all 1it$dra1 to a sa e distance o at least 277 !eter ro! t$e #lasting site3 A"dio 1arning #y #lo1ing 1$istle s$all #e given #e ore igniting t$e "se3 %lasting 1or8 s$all #e done "nder care "l s"pervision and trained personnel s$all #e e!ployed3 %lasting s$all not #e done 1it$in 277 !eters o an existing str"ct"re9 "nless speci ically per!itted #y t$e ,ngineer/in/C$arge in 1riting3 6.44. %re$a1tions a&ainst *isfire T$e sa ety "se s$all #e c"t in an o#li="e direction 1it$ a 8ni e3 All sa1 d"st s$all #e cleared or!inside o t$e detonator3 T$is can #e done #y #lo1ing do1n t$e detonator and tapping t$e open end3)o tools s$all #e inserted into t$e detonator or t$is p"rpose3 I t$ere is 1ater present or i t$e #ore$ole is da!p9 t$e -"nction o t$e "se and detonator s$all #e !ade 1ater tig$t #y !eans o to"g$ grease or any ot$er s"ita#le !aterial3 T$e detonator s$all #e inserted into t$e cartridge so t$at a#o"t one/t$ird o t$e copper t"#e is le t exposed o"tside t$e explosive3 T$e sa ety "se -"st a#ove t$e detonator s$all #e sec"rely tied in position in t$e cartridge3 Waster proo "se only s$all #e "sed in t$e da!p #ore$ole or 1$en 1ater is present in t$e #ore$ole3 I a !is ire $as #een o"nd to #e d"e to de ective "se9 detonator or dyna!ite9 t$e entire consign!ent ro! 1$ic$ t$e "se9 detonator or dyna!ite 1as ta8en s$all #e got inspected #y t$e ,ngineer/in/C$arge or $is a"t$ori2ed representative #e ore res"!ing t$e #lasting or ret"rning t$e consign!ent3 6.4'. %re$a1tion a&ainst stra8 $1rrents ? W$ere electrically operated e="ip!ents is "sed in locations $aving cond"ctive gro"nd or contin"o"s !etal o#-ects9 tests s$all #e !ade or stray c"rrent to ens"re t$at electrical iring can proceed sa ely3

/.2. Transportation of Materia-s ? T$e !aterials re="ired or exec"ting t$e 1or8 entr"sted to t$e contractors against a 1or8 order s$all #e !ade availa#le at Pro-ect Store (epot3 In so!e cases t$e !aterials !ay #e availa#le at s"# divisional store go do1n3 T$e contractor s$all #e responsi#le or transporting t$e !aterials9 to #e s"pplied #y t$e %%)L or ot$er1ise to exec"te t$e 1or8 "nder t$e contract9 to site at $is/ t$eir o1n cost3 T$e costs o transportation are s"#s"!ed in t$e standard Sc$ed"le Rates and t$ere ore no separate c$arges are paya#le on t$is acco"nt3 /.4. Disposa- of E*pt8 Ca7-e Dr1*s ? T$e contractor s$all #e responsi#le to dispose o t$e e!pty ca#le dr"!s a ter laying o t$e ca#les3 T$e cost o vario"s si2es o e!pty ca#le dr"!s recovera#le ro! t$e contractor $as #een ixed ta8ing into acco"nt t$e prevailing !ar8et rates as !entioned in t$is doc"!ent3 /.'. It s$all #e o#ligatory on part o t$e contractor to dispose o t$e e!pty ca#le dr"!s at $is/t$eir level and t$e a!o"nt ixed or vario"s e!pty ca#le dr"!s s$all #e recovered ro! t$e #ill or t$e 1or8 or 1$ic$ t$e dr"! .s0 1as/1ere iss"ed or ro! any ot$er a!o"nt d"e to t$e contractor or t$e Sec"rity (eposit3 /.). T$e contractor s$all not #e allo1ed to d"!p t$e e!pty ca#le dr"!s in *ovt3/P"#lic place 1$ic$ !ay ca"se inconvenience to t$e %%)L / p"#lic3 I t$e contractor does not dispose o t$e e!pty ca#le dr"!s 1it$in 6 days o #eco!ing it e!pty9 t$e %%)L s$all #e at li#erty to dispose o t$e dr"!s in any !anner dee!ed it and also recover t$e a!o"nt ixed in t$is contract ro! t$e #ill/sec"rity deposit/ any ot$er a!o"nt d"e to t$e contractor3 /.+. S1pp-8 Of Materia-s ?T$ere are so!e !aterials re="ired to #e s"pplied #y t$e contractor or exec"tion o 1or8 "nder t$is contract li8e %ric8s9 Ce!ent9 Wire +es$ and Steel or protection9 etc39 #esides "sing ot$er cons"!a#les 1$ic$ do/donFt #eco!e t$e part o t$e asset3 T$e contractor s$all ens"re t$at t$e !aterials s"pplied are o #est ="ality and 1or8!ans$ip and s$all #e strictly in a accordance 1it$ t$e speci ications 3 /... So$ia- a1ditin&? W$ile carrying o"t t$e exec"tion 1or8 o ca#le/,=pt3 9p$otograp$y/video grap$y !ay #e carried o"t on sa!ple #asis or d"ration o 14 to 67 !in"tes per *ra! Panc$ayat 1$ic$ !ay also involve t$e local people o t$e *ra! Panc$ayats and villages incl"ding t$e *ra! Panc$ayat Prad$an .I possi#le0 and sa!e !ay #e s"#!itted in a or! o C( along 1it$ t$e doc"!entation sets or in or!ation3

Note?All t$e !aterials as a#ove $ave to #e TS,C/Type approved #y %S)L DA/T,C against !entioned T,C *R or as per t$e approval proced"re o exec"ting CPSUs or 1$ic$ T,C *R not t$ere3










W$ereas BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB .$ereina ter called >t$e Contractor?0 $as #een a1arded t$e contract o BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBconstr"ction 1or89 as per tender n"!#er BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB K)'W ALL +,) #y t$ese Presents t$at W,BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB';BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB $aving o"r registered o ice at BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB .$ereina ter called t$e >t$e Contractor? 0 are #o"nd "ntoBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB .$ereina ter called >t$e %S)L?0 in t$e s"! o BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB or 1$ic$ pay!ent 1ill and tr"ly to #e !ade o t$e said %S)L9 t$e %an8 #inds itsel 9 its s"ccessors and assigns #y t$ese presents3 T&, C')(ITI')S o t$e o#ligation are@ .a0 .#0 .c0 I t$e Contractor is "na#le to 8eep stores iss"ed to $i!9 properly9 i3e3 t$e store provided to t$e contractor9 #y t$e %S)L are da!aged or T$e stores iss"ed to t$e contractor #y t$e %S)L are stolen or T$e contractor is not a#le to provide proper acco"nt o t$e stores iss"ed to $i!/$er/t$e! #y t$e %S)L3

We "nderta8e to pay to t$e %S)L "p/to t$e a#ove a!o"nt "pon receipt o its irst 1ritten de!and 1it$o"t t$e %S)L $aving to s"#stantiate its de!and9 provided t$at in its de!and9 t$e %S)L 1ill note t$at t$e a!o"nt clai!ed #y it is d"e to it o1ing to t$e occ"rrence o one or t1o or all o t$ree conditions speci ying t$e occ"rred conditions or conditions3 T$e g"arantee 1ill re!ain in orce "p/to and incl"ding 'ne $"ndred and eig$ty .1G70 days a ter t$e Period o Contract validity9 and any de!and in respect t$ereo s$o"ld reac$ t$e %an8 not later t$an t$e a#ove date Signat"re o t$e %an8 Signat"re o t$e Witness )a!e o Witness Address o Witness


AGREEMENT (SAM%LE) T5e s1$$essf1- tenderer s5a-- 5ave to e=e$1te t5e fo--o>in& a&ree*ent on non(I1di$iasta*p paper of reB1isite a*o1nt (t5e $ost of t5e sta*p to 7e 7orne 78 t5e tenderer)? AGREEMENT AGREEMENT NO. FFFFFFFFFFFFFF........ Dated CCCCCCCCCC3 )IT )o@ 3 GMFF.. FFFFFF A%%RO0AL NO. FFFFFFFFFdated FFFFFFFF. AN AGREEMENT MADE THIS DA#D in #et1een )a!e o t$e contractor 1it$ address $erein a ter called >T$e Contractor? .1$ic$ expression s$all "nless excl"ded #y or rep"gnant to t$e context9 incl"des $is / t$eir respective s"ccessors9 $eirs9 exec"tors9 ad!inistrative representative and assignee0 o t$e '), PART and t$e ASSTT3 *,),RAL +A)A*,R .TRA)S09 '/' T&, *,),RAL +A)A*,R9 SURI T,L,C'+ (ISTRICT9 %S)L9 SURI9 %IR%&U+ $ereina ter re erred to as a %S)L on t$e 'T&,R PART3 W$ereas t$e contractor $as o ered to enter into a contract 1it$ t$e said %S)L or t$e exec"tion o 1or8 o Trenc$ing 9PL% pipe laying9 '; ca#le p"lling9 cleaning9 s"pply o ot$er ite!s as per tender sc$ed"le and ot$er associated 1or8s in Section )o3 Land na!e o SSA: %loc8 /';C ro"te . approx3 lengt$ C33CK!309 "nder conditions o contract9 speci ications and rates !entioned in t$e sc$ed"le annexed and o er o rates O At par/a#ove/ #elo1 t$e sc$ed"le rates i3e3 in /1it$in RsCCCCCC33// .R"pees CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC330 only $as #een accepted and 1$ereas t$e Contractor $as deposited o RsCCC333// . R"pees CCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCC3CCCCCCCCC0 only as a part o sec"rity deposit .,+(0 in t$e or! o (RA;T )' CCCCC dated CCCCCCC3 o CCCCCCCCCC33 paya#le at CCCCC9 to cover t$e part o advance Sec"rity (eposit o 17O o t$e val"e o t$e 1or8 to #e exec"ted #y 1ay o recovery ro! $is #ill9 till t$e 1$ole a!o"nt o Sec"rity (eposit is released3 W$ereas t$e contractor $as agreed to deposit as per condition o )IT a s"! o Rs3 CCCCC33// . Rs3 CCCCCCCt$o"sand 0 only as %an8 *"arantee as !aterial sec"rity against t$e iss"e o %S)L stores and t$e said %an8 *"arantee 1ill #e re "nded to t$e contractor a ter s"ccess "l co!pletion o t$e allotted 1or8 and d"e reco!!endation o t$e (ivisional ,ngineer CCCCCCC CCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC33 and no interest 1ill #e paid or t$e said %an8 *"arantee33 )'W T&IS PR,S,)TS WIT),SSS,T& and it is $ere#y agreed and declared #y t$e parties and #et1een t$e parties to t$ese presents as ollo1s@/



T$e contractor s$all d"ring t$e period o t$is contract t$at is 2<7 days ro! t$e date o opening o ="ali ying #id or co!pletion o 1or8 or Rs 3 3 3 3 3 C3only 1$ic$ever is earlier or "ntil t$is contract s$all #e deter!ined #y s"c$ notice as is $ereina ter !entioned sa ely carry o"t #y !eans o tools9 i!ple!ents and e="ip!entFs etc3 to #e s"pplied #y $i! to $is la#o"rs at $is o1n expenses and exec"te t$e 1or8 o trenc$ing and PL% pipe laying and associated 1or8s in t$e section descri#ed in t$e sc$ed"le attac$ed to t$is agree!ent3 It is "nderstood #y t$e contractor t$at t$e ="antity o 1or8 as !entioned in t$e sc$ed"le is li8ely to vary as per t$e act"al site condition or re="ire!ent as de!anded #y exigencies o service or any ot$er "n oreseen conditions3 T$e rates ="oted in t$e sc$ed"le #y t$e contractor s$o"ld #e ir! and valid or a period o t1o orty days .2<709 or any 1or8 order t$at !ay #e iss"ed 1it$in a period o six !ont$s ro! t$e date o opening t$e tender3 T$e Asstt3 *eneral +anager.Trans09 '/o t$e *+T9 S"ri Teleco! (istrict9 S"ri or any co!petent a"t$ority o t$is enterprise .%S)L0 or $is a"t$ori2ed person reserves t$e rig$t to re-ect any ite!.s0 o t$e sc$ed"le3 T$e A*+ .TRA)S09 '/o t$e *eneral +anager9 S"ri Teleco! (istrict9 S"ri also reserves t$e rig$t to red"ce t$e contracted sc$ed"le 1or8 d"e to slo1 progress or #ad 1or8!ans$ip 1it$o"t giving any co!pensation to t$e contractor3 T$e A*+.Trans09 '/o t$e *+9 S"ri Teleco! (istrict9 S"ri on #e$al o %S)L .A *'VT '; I)(IA ,)T,RPRIS,0 s$all #e t$e inal -"dge o t$e ="ality o t$e 1or8 and t$e satis action o t$e standards in respect o t$ereo set ort$ in t$e contract doc"!ents3 T$e contractor s$all strictly ad$ere to t$e co!pletion period as per 1or8 order and ti!ely co!pletion o t$e 1or8 s$o"ld #e dee!ed to #e t$e essence o t$e contract on t$e part o t$e contractor3 T$e contractor s$all exec"te all t$e ite!s o 1or8 !entioned in t$e order or eac$ 1or8 in t$e !ost e icient and every respect in strict accordance 1it$ t$e instr"ction given to $i! ro! ti!e to ti!e #y t$e o icers !entioned in section .10 $ereo or any ot$er o icer in c$arge s"pervising t$e 1or8s incl"ding t$e instr"ctors contained in doc"!ents listed in Section .50 o t$is agree!ent3 T$e contractor s$all also s"pply t$e re="isite n"!#er o 1or8!en 1it$ !eans and !aterials as speci ied as 1ell as tools9 appliances9 !ac$ines9 i!ple!ents9 ladders9 ve$icles or transportation9 carriages9 etc3 re="ired or t$e proper exec"tion o t$e 1or8 1it$in t$e ti!e prescri#ed in t$e 1or8 order3 T$e )IT .)otice Inviting Tender0 %id (oc"!ents .D"ali ying : ;inancial09 approved rates9 annexed $ereto and s"c$ ot$er additional partic"lars9 instr"ction9 dra1ings9 1or8 orders as o"nd re="isite to #e given d"ring exec"tion o t$e 1or8 s$all #e dee!ed and ta8en to #e an integral part o t$e contract and s$all also #e dee!ed to #e incl"ded in t$e expression >T$e Agree!ent? or >T$e Contract? 1$erever $erein "sed3









T$e contractor s$all not c$arge any extra a!o"nt or traveling or transport expenses9 overti!e allo1ances and c$arges or !aterials "sed #y $i! and 1ill not #e entitled to get co!pensation or any da!ages or losses in co"rse o exec"tion o 1or8s or any extra pay!ent9 i3e3 t$e c$arges or transport o t$e !aterials and c$arges or la#o"r t$at $e 1ill e!ploy at $is o1n costs or t$e idle la#o"rs and transport or or loss or deterioration o !aterials3 T$e contractor $ere#y declares t$at no#ody connected 1it$ or in t$e e!ploy!ent o t$e (epart!ent o Teleco!!"nication / %S)L is not/ s$all not ever #e ad!itted as partner in t$e contract3 T$e contractor s$all a#ide #y t$e ter!s and conditions9 r"les g"idelines9 sa ety preca"tions9 constr"ction practices etc3 stip"lated in t$e tender doc"!ent incl"ding any correspondence #et1een t$e contractor and t$e %S)L $aving #earing on t$e exec"tion o t$e 1or8 and pay!ent o 1or8 to #e done "nder t$e contractor3



IN CITNESS CHERE O t$e parties present $ave $ereinto set t$eir respective $ands and seal t$e day and year a#ove 1ritten3 SIGNEDD SEALED AND DELI0ERED B# THE ABO0E NAMED CONTRACTOR IN THE %RESENCE O Witnesses@/ 13 23 SIGNED AND DELI0ERED ON BEHAL O THE BSNL B# THE ASSTT. GENERAL MANAGER(TRANS). 13 23 END OF SECTION IX



Tender N1*7er BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB S17Ie$t? A"t$ori2ation or attending #id opening on BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB .date0 in t$e tender o BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB ;ollo1ing persons are $ere#y a"t$ori2ed to attend t$e #id opening or t$e tender !entioned a#ove on #e$al o BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB .#idder0 in order o pre erence given #elo13 'rder o Pre erence I3 II3 Alternate Representative Signat"res o %idder 'r ' icer a"t$ori2ed to sign #id doc"!ents on #e$al o t$e #idder3 )o313 +axi!"! o t1o representatives 1ill #e per!itted to attend #id opening3 In cases 1$ere it is restricted to one9 irst pre erence 1ill #e allo1ed3 Alternate representative 1ill #e per!itted 1$en reg"lar representatives are not a#le to attend3 )o323 Per!ission or entry to t$e $all 1$ere #ids are opened9 !ay #e re "sed in case a"t$ori2ation as prescri#ed a#ove is not recovered3 Signed Sealed : (elivered #y T$e a#ove na!ed Contractor END OF SECTION X )a!e Speci!en Signat"res


SAM%LE A%%LICATION OR DE%TH RELA9ATION IN CASE O ACHIE0ING LOCER DE%TH To T$e ,ngineer/in/C$arge9 CCCCCCCCC33 S"# @ Approval or lo1er dept$ t$an 154/164/H7 c! .depending on t$e terrain applica#le as per Section V Cla"se G313<.a0 in 'ptical ;i#re Pipe Laying 1or83 Re @ Wor8 'rder )oCCCCCCCC Sir9 In t$e ollo1ing section lengt$s t$e nor!al dept$ o 154 c! co"ld not #e ac$ieved d"e to reasons stated against eac$ section vide a#ove re erence 1or8 order3 No"r approval is re="ested prior to s"#!ission o #ill3 Sl3)o Section )o3 Location Location Lengt$ Act"al ;ro! To in (ept$ +trs3 Ac$ieved in +trs3 Reason

1 2 6 No"rs ait$ "lly9 )a!e o t$e %idder 1it$ address : date3 Reco!!endation o t$e Site/in/C$arge3



LIST O THE DOC"MENTS TO BE S"BMITTED ALONG CITH BID T$e tenderer 1ill $ave to s"#!it t$e doc"!ents/deposits9 1it$ t$e %id9 as !entioned in Cla"se A .Section IV09 Cla"se G31 .Section IV0 and Cla"se 63132 .Section IV03 %esides t$at9 any ot$er doc"!ent to #e s"#!itted as !entioned in t$e relevant cla"se o t$is Tender (oc"!ent .incl"ding t$e )IT0 is also to #e s"#!itted3 Any #id not acco!panying t$ese doc"!ents/deposits 1ill #e lia#le to #e re-ected3

Signat"re o t$e %idder 1it$ seal

T/P ,AST,R) Y'),


T$ese are t$e rate o t$e e!pty ca#le dr"!s 1$ic$ $ave to #e ded"cted ro! contractor #ills as per tender doc"!ent 3 Sl.#o. 1 Partic lars of dr m 'ptical ;i#re 12;/2<; ca#le dr"! $ate of disposal Rs3277// per e!pty ca#le dr"!

)ote@ /T$ese are ixed rates and no variations s$all #e accepta#le ro! t$ese rates3

Signat"re o t$e %idder 1it$ seal








% A Go&t. of 'ndia (nterprise)



NIT No?(
C('+6@NO N@432'(2)@2 Dated 3).22.432'

Office of t*e
Genera- Mana&er S1ri Te-e$o* Distri$t S1ri ?? Bir751*.



or O Ca7-e -a8in& >or<s ( %rovided 78 BBNL) Na*e of B-o$<?( La7p1r

S-. No. Ite* Code Des$ription of ite* "nit Rate (in Rs.) "nit !t8. Tota- (in Rs.)

E=$avation of Tren$5es @ HDD ,xcavating trenc$es "p to a dept$ o 1354! and #ac8 iling t$e excavated trenc$es a ter laying t$e &(P,/PL% pipe 1it$ or 1it$o"t protection as per 131 tender speci ication3 ';TK i0 In K"c$c$a soil 47377 Per + 162H4 55<A47 ';TP ii0 In P"cca soil A6377 Per + 4H4 <6<64 ';TR iii0 In roc8y soil 277377 Per + 2H<7 4GG777 132 ';% ,xcavation and trenc$ing incl"ding t"nneling or 54377 Per + 1627 G4G77 #oring and reinstate!ent as per constr"ction speci ication o t$e tender to a dept$ o 1354 c!s in %it"!ini2ed/Concrete/Set Stone.rate per !eter0 or Single PL% pipe3 136 ';& Laying o PL% &(P, d"ct #y &(( !et$od at a 1G7377 Per + 2HG7 465<77 dept$ o 1354! or !ore . or Single PL% pipe03 T$e ,xec"ting Agency .%S)L0 1ill s"pply PL% &(P, Pipes/Coil PP Rope3 237 La8in& of %LB HD%E %ipe@GI %ipe@RCC %ipe@DCC 231 LP& Laying o single PL% &(P, Pipes/Coils9 co"pled ' Per + 21277 56577 1it$ co"pler3 T$e ,xec"ting Agency .%S)L0 1ill s"pply PL% Pipe/PL% Soc8ets/Co"pler9 ,nd caps3 L*IT Laying and ixing o *3I3 Pipes . !edi"! d"ty class 232 +.33 Per + H77 <477 $aving inner dia!eter o 47!! as per ISI speci ication0 in trenc$es 1it$ PL% &(P, Pipes/Coils inside3 L*IC 236 Laying and ixing o *3I3Pipes. !edi"! d"ty class 23.33 Per + 1777 17777 $aving inner dia!eter o 47!! as per ISI speci ication0 in trenc$es on %ridges and C"lverts 1it$ PL% &(P, pipes/coils inside3 T$e ,xec"ting Agency .%S)L0 1ill s"pply *3I3Tro"g$s/*I Pipes .in lengt$s o approx3 5+0 cla!ps and PL% &(P, Pipes/Coils3 L;RC Laying o "ll ro"nd RCC. ISI !ar80/(WC pipe. as 23< . Per + <47 2A77 per existing T,C *R no *R/(WC/6</71 sep 277A 1it$ latest a!end!ent0 in trenc$es over PL% &(P, pipes/coils9 on c"lverts/#ridges/n"lla and or cases 1$ere ca#le is laid at less dept$ .1$erever re="ired03 LSRC 234 Laying o split RCC. ISI !ar80/(WC per 4 Per + 1A77 6<77 existing T,C *R no *R/(WC/6</71 sep 277A 1it$ latest a!end!ent0 in trenc$es over PL% &(P, pipes/coils9 on c"lverts/#ridges/ n"lla and or cases 1$ere ca#le is laid at less dept$ .1$erever re="ired03 T$e ,xec"ting Agency .%S)L0 1ill s"pply RCC ;"ll Ro"nd / RCC Split Pipe .ISI +ar80 or (WC ;"ll Ro"nd Pipe / $al /Split Pipe .as per existing T,C *R )o3 *R/(WC/6</71 SepF277A 1it$ latest a!end!ent0 and co"pler3 ';T

Signat"re o t$e #idder 1it$ seal


S-. No 235

Ite* Code PCCT

Des$ription of ite*

Providing ce!ent concrete 1@2@< at W$eel g"ard o 127 2<7777 #ridge/c"lvert over t$e toe or in t$e trenc$ or protection3 PCC+ 23A Providing ce!ent concrete 1@2@< over t$e PL% &(P, 2277 Per 1777 2277777 PIP, 1it$ 1ire !es$ in t$e trenc$es or protection9 C"+ 1$ere t$e dept$ is less t$an 127 c!s .Ce!ent Concrete as per speci ication03 PL% &(P, d"cts9 *3I3 Pipes9 1ill #e s"pplied #y t$e ,xec"ting Agency .%S)L03 All ot$er !aterials re="ired or t$e 1or8 s$all #e arranged #y t$e contractor3 Rates incl"de cost o !aterial and standard c"rring s$"ttering etc3 and transportation ro! store3 6 Ca#le laying #y P"lling/#lo1ing 631 ';P% Laying o ' ; Ca#le #y P"lling/#lo1ing !et$od < Per + 26277 H2G77 incl"ding opening o +an$ole9 Sealing o PL% &(P, Pipes #y pl"g3 '; Ca#le /PL% &(P, pipe s$all #e provided #y t$e ,xec"ting Agency .%S)L03 All ot$er !aterials re="ired or t$e 1or8 s$all #e arranged #y t$e contractor3 < Sp-i$in& of Ca7-e <31 SS%I Splicing o ;i#res in existing/)e1 Ioint C$a!#ers 6777 Per -oint 2G G<777 or !a8ing Straig$t/%ranc$ -oints on ne1 ro"tes or at ;P'I and end to end testing o all ;i#res a ter Splicing3 T$e rates speci ied are incl"sive o installation and splicing o splitters also 1$erever applica#le3 <32 S;T% Splicing o all t$e i#res o 2< ; '; ca#le in t$e 6477 Per ;T% 11 6G477 ;i#re Ter!ination %ox at t$e *ra! Panc$ayats and testing all t$e i#res or contin"ity3 T$is 1ill also incl"de installation/!o"nting o t$e ;T% as speci ied3 )ote @ All tools9 Splicing !ac$ine and instr"!ents re="ired or a#ove 1or8 s$all #e arranged #y t$e contractor3 4 Jointin& C5a*7er

"nit "nit Rate (in Rs.) 2777 Per C"+






Constr"ction o %ric8s -oints c$a!#er as per speci ication and t$e constr"ction practice as speci ied in t$e tender doc"!ent3


Per I o i n t i n g C $ a ! # e r




Constr"ction o pre a#ricated RCC -oints c$a!#er as per speci ication and t$e constr"ction practice as speci ied in t$e tender doc"!ent3


Per o i n t i n g C $ a ! # e r



All !aterials re="ired or t$e 1or8 s$all #e arranged #y t$e contractor3

Signat"re o t$e #idder 1it$ seal

SNo 5 Ite* $ode Des$ription of ite* "nit Rate (in Rs.) "nit !t8 Tota-

Ro1te Indi$ator




S"pply and ixing o RCC/Stone ro"te/-oint indicator as per constr"ction speci ication in #id doc"!ent3


Per i n d i c a t o r



A A31 RRS%

Restoration of Road S1rfa$e Road restoration 1or8 1it$ #it"!ino"s !acada! or se!i gro"ting 47!! t$ic8 and pre!ix carpet s"r acing 24!! t$ic8 over t$e gro"ted s"r ace .total "pto A4 !! t$ic809 incl"ding s"pply o asp$alt etc3 to evenly !atc$ t$e road9 incl"ding consolidation and rollong as per standard speci ication o (SR 1HHA3 Road restoration 1or8 1it$ ce!ent concrete 1@<@G !ix or t$ic8ness varying ro! 147 !! to 224!!9 incl"ding s"pply o concrete to evenly !atc$ t$e road3 H7 Per + 2<77 215777




Per C" +



All !aterials re="ired or t$e 1or8 s$all #e arranged #y t$e contractor3 Ro1te inde= Dia&ra* G31 G32 (RI( VLCR S"pply o ro"te index diagra! in $ard as 1ell as so t copy on C( or co!plete %loc83 Videograpy o t$e ro"te on 1$ic$ ca#le is laid3 177 Per K! 677 Per K! 2632 2632 2627 5H57

T$e contractor s$all arrange all !aterials re="ired or t$e 1or83

Signat"re o t$e #idder 1it$ seal


S-. No H H31

"nit Rate "nit !t8 (in Rs.) La8in& of O Ca7-e in 71i-din& (Leadin& in >or<) L'I% Installation o PVC lexi#le cond"it in 17 Per + 117 corridor/risers/exc$ange pre!ises and Laying o '; Ca#le t$ro"g$ it .leading in 1or80 PVC/T" lex pipe s$all #e provided #y t$e ,xec"ting Agency .%S)L03 All ot$er !aterials re="ired 1or8 s$all #e arranged #y t$e contractor3 17 +o"nting o ;(+S at 'LT Locations 1731 +;(' P$ysical +o"nting o ;(+S on 1all at 'LT 247 Per 11 locations All !aterial re="ired or t$e 1or8 s$all #e arranged #y t$e contractor3 11 Recovery o Store 1131 R,C( Recovery o e!pty 2< ; Ca#le (r"! 277 Per (r"! 16

Ite* Code

Des$ription of ite*

Tota(in Rs.) 1177

or t$e 2A47

./0 2577

Total@/Rs3 46A7644//

/ Rs3 2577// S Rs. +'.::++@( (R1pees ift8 t5ree -a$s si=t8 seven t5o1sand seven 51ndred fift8 five on-8 )

)ote @ T$e a#ove Sc$ed"le o Rates is or t$e ca#le laying 1or8s to #e carried o"t as per t$e description o vario"s ite!s as speci ied in t$e ,ngineering instr"ctions and constr"ction Speci ications or Undergro"nd Ca#le laying 1or8s iss"ed #y %S)L I do 5ere 78 a&ree to $arr8 o1t t5e >or< FF. O 7e-o> @ at per @ a7ove t5at of Rs((((((((((( (R1pees(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((() T5e per$enta&e of rate is app-i$a7-e to a-- ite*s.

Signat"re o t$e #idder 1it$ seal



To The . Subje !" Re, " De)$ S'$3 H)4'(/ e5)6'(e+ !he !e(+e$ +o u6e(!73 !e$67 )(+ o(+'!'o(7 7!'.u*)!e+ !he$e'(3 7.e ',' )!'o(7 o, 1o$2 e! . I / 1e !he u(+e$ 7'/(e+ o,,e$ !o e5e u!e !he )bo4e 1o$27 '( o(,o$6'!% 1'!h !he 7)'+ 7.e ',' )!'o(7 )(+ o(+'!'o(7 o, o(!$) ! )! !he .e$ e(!)/e 8Be*o1/)! .)$/)bo4e9 o( 7!)(+)$+ 7 he+u*e $)!e7 :uo!e+ )7 u(+e$ " BELOW In figures % In w r!s "er#en$ OR AT %AR OR ABOVE In figures &&% In w r!s "er#en$ I, ou$ / 6% B'+ '7 ) e.!e+3 1e 7h)** 7ub6'! !he 7e u$'!'e7 )7 .e$ !he o(+'!'o(7 6e(!'o(e+ '( !he o(!$) !. I / ;e )/$ee !o )b'+e b% !h'7 B'+ ,o$ ) .e$'o+ o, <=> +)%7 ,$o6 !he +)!e o, o.e('(/ o, ,'()( ')* b'+ )(+ '! 7h)** $e6)'( b'(+'(/ u.o( u7 / 1e )(+ 6)% be ) e.!e+ )! )(% !'6e be,o$e !he e5.'$% o, !h)! .e$'o+. D)!e+ //. S'/()!u$e o, !he !e(+e$e$ 1'!h 7e)* In w r!s& #u$ / M% &'()( ')* B'+ ,o$ -'.e *)%'(/ 0 C)b*e .u**'(/ 1o$2. NIT No..



% A Go&t. of 'ndia (nterprise)



NIT No?(
C('+/@NO N@432'(2)@2 Dated 3).22.432'

Office of t*e
Genera- Mana&er S1ri Te-e$o* Distri$t S1ri ?? Bir751*.



or O Ca7-e -a8in& >or<s ( %rovided 78 BBNL) Na*e of B-o$<?( M"RARAI(I

S-. No. Ite* Code Des$ription of ite* "nit Rate (in Rs.) "nit !t8. Tota- (in Rs.)

E=$avation of Tren$5es @ HDD ';T ,xcavating trenc$es "p to a dept$ o 1354! and #ac8 iling t$e excavated trenc$es a ter laying t$e &(P,/PL% pipe 1it$ or 1it$o"t protection as per 131 tender speci ication3 ';TK i0 In K"c$c$a soil 47377 Per + 17627 415777 ';TP ii0 In P"cca soil A6377 Per + 67G4 224274 ';TR iii0 In roc8y soil 277377 Per + 2H67 4G5777 132 ';% ,xcavation and trenc$ing incl"ding t"nneling or 54377 Per + 1274 AG624 #oring and reinstate!ent as per constr"ction speci ication o t$e tender to a dept$ o 1354 c!s in %it"!ini2ed/Concrete/Set Stone.rate per !eter0 or Single PL% pipe3 136 ';& Laying o PL% &(P, d"ct #y &(( !et$od at a 1G7377 Per + <47 G1777 dept$ o 1354! or !ore . or Single PL% pipe03 T$e ,xec"ting Agency .%S)L0 1ill s"pply PL% &(P, Pipes/Coil PP Rope3 237 La8in& of %LB HD%E %ipe@GI %ipe@RCC %ipe@DCC 231 LP& Laying o single PL% &(P, Pipes/Coils9 co"pled ' Per + 27G77 52<77 1it$ co"pler3 T$e ,xec"ting Agency .%S)L0 1ill s"pply PL% Pipe/PL% Soc8ets/Co"pler9 ,nd caps3 L*IT Laying and ixing o *3I3 Pipes . !edi"! d"ty class 232 +.33 Per + 4H7 2H47 $aving inner dia!eter o 47!! as per ISI speci ication0 in trenc$es 1it$ PL% &(P, Pipes/Coils inside3 L*IC Laying and ixing o *3I3Pipes. !edi"! d"ty class 236 23.33 Per + H77 H777 $aving inner dia!eter o 47!! as per ISI speci ication0 in trenc$es on %ridges and C"lverts 1it$ PL% &(P, pipes/coils inside3 T$e ,xec"ting Agency .%S)L0 1ill s"pply *3I3Tro"g$s/*I Pipes .in lengt$s o approx3 5+0 cla!ps and PL% &(P, Pipes/Coils3 L;RC Laying o "ll ro"nd RCC. ISI !ar80/(WC pipe. as 23< . Per + 477 6777 per existing T,C *R no *R/(WC/6</71 sep 277A 1it$ latest a!end!ent0 in trenc$es over PL% &(P, pipes/coils9 on c"lverts/#ridges/n"lla and or cases 1$ere ca#le is laid at less dept$ .1$erever re="ired03 LSRC Laying o split RCC. ISI !ar80/(WC per 234 4 Per + 1677 2577 existing T,C *R no *R/(WC/6</71 sep 277A 1it$ latest a!end!ent0 in trenc$es over PL% &(P, pipes/coils9 on c"lverts/#ridges/ n"lla and or cases 1$ere ca#le is laid at less dept$ .1$erever re="ired03 T$e ,xec"ting Agency .%S)L0 1ill s"pply RCC ;"ll Ro"nd / RCC Split Pipe .ISI +ar80 or (WC ;"ll Ro"nd Pipe / $al /Split Pipe .as per existing T,C *R )o3 *R/(WC/6</71 SepF277A 1it$ latest a!end!ent0 and co"pler3


Signat"re o t$e #idder 1it$ seal

S-. No 235 Ite* Code PCCT Des$ription of ite* "nit "nit Rate (in Rs.) 2777 Per C"+ !t8. Tota-

Providing ce!ent concrete 1@2@< at W$eel g"ard o A7 1<7777 #ridge/c"lvert over t$e toe or in t$e trenc$ or protection3 23A PCC+ Providing ce!ent concrete 1@2@< over t$e PL% &(P, 2277 Per 547 1<67777 PIP, 1it$ 1ire !es$ in t$e trenc$es or protection9 C"+ 1$ere t$e dept$ is less t$an 127 c!s .Ce!ent Concrete as per speci ication03 PL% &(P, d"cts9 *3I3 Pipes9 1ill #e s"pplied #y t$e ,xec"ting Agency .%S)L03 All ot$er !aterials re="ired or t$e 1or8 s$all #e arranged #y t$e contractor3 Rates incl"de cost o !aterial and standard c"rring s$"ttering etc3 and transportation ro! store3 6 Ca#le laying #y P"lling/#lo1ing 631 ';P% Laying o ' ; Ca#le #y P"lling/#lo1ing !et$od < Per + 22<77 GH577 incl"ding opening o +an$ole9 Sealing o PL% &(P, Pipes #y pl"g3 '; Ca#le /PL% &(P, pipe s$all #e provided #y t$e ,xec"ting Agency .%S)L03 All ot$er !aterials re="ired or t$e 1or8 s$all #e arranged #y t$e contractor3 < Sp-i$in& of Ca7-e <31 SS%I Splicing o ;i#res in existing/)e1 Ioint C$a!#ers 6777 Per -oint 27 57777 or !a8ing Straig$t/%ranc$ -oints on ne1 ro"tes or at ;P'I and end to end testing o all ;i#res a ter Splicing3 T$e rates speci ied are incl"sive o installation and splicing o splitters also 1$erever applica#le3 <32 S;T% Splicing o all t$e i#res o 2< ; '; ca#le in t$e 6477 Per ;T% A 2<477 ;i#re Ter!ination %ox at t$e *ra! Panc$ayats and testing all t$e i#res or contin"ity3 T$is 1ill also incl"de installation/!o"nting o t$e ;T% as speci ied3 )ote @ All tools9 Splicing !ac$ine and instr"!ents re="ired or a#ove 1or8 s$all #e arranged #y t$e contractor3 4 Jointin& C5a*7er




Constr"ction o %ric8s -oints c$a!#er as per speci ication and t$e constr"ction practice as speci ied in t$e tender doc"!ent3


Per I o i n t i n g C $ a ! # e r




Constr"ction o pre a#ricated RCC -oints c$a!#er as per speci ication and t$e constr"ction practice as speci ied in t$e tender doc"!ent3


Per o i n t i n g C $ a ! # e r



All !aterials re="ired or t$e 1or8 s$all #e arranged #y t$e contractor3

Signat"re o t$e #idder 1it$ seal

SNo 5 Ite* $ode Des$ription of ite* "nit Rate (in Rs.) "nit !t8 Tota-

Ro1te Indi$ator




S"pply and ixing o RCC/Stone ro"te/-oint indicator as per constr"ction speci ication in #id doc"!ent3


Per i n d i c a t o r



A A31 RRS%

Restoration of Road S1rfa$e Road restoration 1or8 1it$ #it"!ino"s !acada! or se!i gro"ting 47!! t$ic8 and pre!ix carpet s"r acing 24!! t$ic8 over t$e gro"ted s"r ace .total "pto A4 !! t$ic809 incl"ding s"pply o asp$alt etc3 to evenly !atc$ t$e road9 incl"ding consolidation and rollong as per standard speci ication o (SR 1HHA3 Road restoration 1or8 1it$ ce!ent concrete 1@<@G !ix or t$ic8ness varying ro! 147 !! to 224!!9 incl"ding s"pply o concrete to evenly !atc$ t$e road3 H7 Per + 2777 1G7777




Per C" +



All !aterials re="ired or t$e 1or8 s$all #e arranged #y t$e contractor3 Ro1te inde= Dia&ra* G31 G32 (RI( VLCR S"pply o ro"te index diagra! in $ard as 1ell as so t copy on C( or co!plete %loc83 Videograpy o t$e ro"te on 1$ic$ ca#le is laid3 177 Per K! 677 Per K! 2735A 275A 275A 5271

T$e contractor s$all arrange all !aterials re="ired or t$e 1or83

Signat"re o t$e #idder 1it$ seal


S-. No H H31

"nit Rate "nit !t8 (in Rs.) La8in& of O Ca7-e in 71i-din& (Leadin& in >or<) L'I% Installation o PVC lexi#le cond"it in 17 Per + A7 corridor/risers/exc$ange pre!ises and Laying o '; Ca#le t$ro"g$ it .leading in 1or80 PVC/T" lex pipe s$all #e provided #y t$e ,xec"ting Agency .%S)L03 All ot$er !aterials re="ired 1or8 s$all #e arranged #y t$e contractor3 17 +o"nting o ;(+S at 'LT Locations 1731 +;(' P$ysical +o"nting o ;(+S on 1all at 'LT 247 Per A locations All !aterial re="ired or t$e 1or8 s$all #e arranged #y t$e contractor3 11 Recovery o Store 1131 R,C( Recovery o e!pty 2< ; Ca#le (r"! 277 Per (r"! 17

Ite* Code

Des$ription of ite*

Tota(in Rs.) A77

or t$e 1A47

./0 2777

Total@/Rs3 6H5A26G//

/ Rs3 1577// S Rs. '/.+.'6@( (R1pees T5irt8 nine -a$s si=t8 five t5o1sand si= 51ndred t5irt8 ei&5t on-8 )

)ote @ T$e a#ove Sc$ed"le o Rates is or t$e ca#le laying 1or8s to #e carried o"t as per t$e description o vario"s ite!s as speci ied in t$e ,ngineering instr"ctions and constr"ction Speci ications or Undergro"nd Ca#le laying 1or8s iss"ed #y %S)L I do 5ere 78 a&ree to $arr8 o1t t5e >or< FF. O 7e-o> @ at per @ a7ove t5at of Rs((((((((((( (R1pees(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((() T5e per$enta&e of rate is app-i$a7-e to a-- ite*s.

Signat"re o t$e #idder 1it$ seal



To The . Subje !" Re, " De)$ S'$3 H)4'(/ e5)6'(e+ !he !e(+e$ +o u6e(!73 !e$67 )(+ o(+'!'o(7 7!'.u*)!e+ !he$e'(3 7.e ',' )!'o(7 o, 1o$2 e! . I / 1e !he u(+e$ 7'/(e+ o,,e$ !o e5e u!e !he )bo4e 1o$27 '( o(,o$6'!% 1'!h !he 7)'+ 7.e ',' )!'o(7 )(+ o(+'!'o(7 o, o(!$) ! )! !he .e$ e(!)/e 8Be*o1/)! .)$/)bo4e9 o( 7!)(+)$+ 7 he+u*e $)!e7 :uo!e+ )7 u(+e$ " BELOW In figures % In w r!s "er#en$ OR AT %AR OR ABOVE In figures &&% In w r!s "er#en$ I, ou$ / 6% B'+ '7 ) e.!e+3 1e 7h)** 7ub6'! !he 7e u$'!'e7 )7 .e$ !he o(+'!'o(7 6e(!'o(e+ '( !he o(!$) !. I / ;e )/$ee !o )b'+e b% !h'7 B'+ ,o$ ) .e$'o+ o, <=> +)%7 ,$o6 !he +)!e o, o.e('(/ o, ,'()( ')* b'+ )(+ '! 7h)** $e6)'( b'(+'(/ u.o( u7 / 1e )(+ 6)% be ) e.!e+ )! )(% !'6e be,o$e !he e5.'$% o, !h)! .e$'o+. D)!e+ //. S'/()!u$e o, !he !e(+e$e$ 1'!h 7e)* In w r!s& #u$ / M% &'()( ')* B'+ ,o$ -'.e *)%'(/ 0 C)b*e .u**'(/ 1o$2. NIT No..


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