Inglés Módulo 3 2ºparcial

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Tareas Ingls Mdulo 3 2 Parcial 1 Selecciona la preposicin correcta segn la posicin en el dibujo.

a)The house is _______ the car. b)The sun is _______ the sky. c)The tree is ________ the house. d)The car is ______the house. e)The house is ______ the tree and the dog f)The chimney is________ the roof.

2. ea el siguiente anuncio y responda T!"# si es $erdadero o %& S# si es falso.

a)The aspirants should ha$e e'perience. b)The (orkers must be 1) years old. c)The aspirants may (ork at the kitchen. d)The aspirants can*t send an email.

VOCABULARY Staff= personal Require= necesitar, requerir Attitude= actitud

3. Completa las frases con !US"# $ uno de los %er&os de la ta&la. &sk lose (ear tell phone $isit 1. +ou ,_____ _____) a cap to go s(imming. 2. Sharon is angry (ith you. +ou ,_____ _____) her and say -sorry*. .. / am a bit fat. / ,_____ _____) (eight. 0. 1ur grandparents are $ery lonely. 2e ,_____ _____) them. 0. +ou sa( the accident and no( you ,_____ _____) the truth to the police. 3. / (ant to go to the concert4 but / ,_____ _____) for permission first. '. (scri&e )oraciones indicando tareas que de&as *acer en casa. Utili+a el %er&o modal must#. . . . . . . . ,. Rellenar el *ueco con la forma correcta de la e-presi.n de o&li/aci.n 0AV( "O. 1resta especial atenci.n al su2eto de la oraci.n $ al tiempo %er&al 3para ello, mira las e-presiones de tiempo $ otros %er&os en la oraci.n4. 1. /f you (ant to lose (eight4 you ,__________) eat more $egetables and fruit. 2. +ou ,___________) come to 5ohn*s birthday party if you don6t (ant to. .. +esterday / ,__________) put on my coat because it (as $ery cold. 0. 2e ,__________) (ear a uniform at school. 2e could (ear the clothes (e (anted. 3. +ou ,__________) bring your passport or they (on6t let you on the plane. 7. 8eter ,__________) get up early tomorro( because it*s Sunday 9. +our parents ,__________) come if they don6t (ant to. ). Sally ,__________) take life more seriously. She is al(ays ha$ing fun. :. 1range juice in cartons isn*t good. +ou ,__________) make it yourself. 1;. ast (eek (e ,__________) fly to ondon because there (as an important meeting there. 5. (scri&e )oraciones indicando tareas que de&as *acer en el tra&a2o, si no tra&a2as eli/e una profesi.n cualquiera. Utili+a el %er&o modal *a%e to#. . . . .

. . . ). Utili+ando el %er&o modal mustn6t# indica , pro*i&iciones que de&amos cumplir. (- 7e mustn8t dri%e drun9 . . . . . . . :. ;ntenta poner las si/uientes pala&ras en dos /rupos distintos 3los nom&res conta&les e inconta&les4 a banana a glass of (hisky orange juice tea chocolate cake mushrooms an omelette cheese red (ine a tomato biscuits chicken soup chips fruit a cup of coffee beer <ountable "ncountable

<. Rellena los *uecos con 3some or an$4. Sue (ent to the cinema (ith of her friends= 5ane doesn6t ha$e friends. >a$e you got brothers or sisters? >ere is food for the cat. / think you should put flo(ers on the table. <ould you check if there are calls on the ans(ering machine? / don6t (ant presents for my birthday. @id they ha$e ne(s for you? /6m hungry A /6ll ha$e sand(iches. There aren6t apples left. =>. Rellena los *uecos con 3a lot of, muc*, man$4. 1. / ha$e ,__________) brothers and sisters. / ha$e . brothers and 3 sisters. 2. There (ere ,__________) people at your party. .. / don*t ha$e ,__________) information about the e'am. 0. Sam bought ,__________) milk. @o you (ant some? 3. She doesn*t ha$e ,__________) time4 so please be Buick.

7. 2e had ,_______) cereal this morning for breakfast. 2e don*t (ant any lunch. 9. /f you (ant to lose (eight4 you ha$e to eat ,__________) $egetables. ). ,__________) children ha$e to (ork at a $ery early age. :. 2hen / am famous4 / am going to earn ,__________) money. 1;. There isn*t ,__________) hot (ater4 so ha$e a Buick sho(er.

"en en cuenta la presentaci.n, *a+lo en folios, a &oli a+ul o ne/ro respetando los m?r/enes, &uena cali/raf@a 3escritura4 $ sin faltas de orto/raf@a. Recuerda que es un tra&a2o indi%idual $ se te %alorar? en consonancia a tu esfuer+o.

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