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Patients Name Age Weight Height Body mass index Diet prescribed Calories prescribed Deepak Singh 29 49 kgs 164 cms <18.5 kgs/m2 (Underweight) Healthy diet 3000-3500 cals/day

Time 8.00 AM Time 9.00 Am 1-2 glasses of Luke warm water with 5 drops of lemon and 2 tsp of honey. Tea/ green tea/herbal tea OR Banana Milk shake/Milk with Almonds & cashew nuts /Double egg Omelet +
Poha/2-3 aloo parothas/Upma /Idli -2-3 pieces/Masala dosa/ Sprouts - 1 bowl/ Wheat noodles - 1 bowl/ 2 vegetable sandwich etc. + Any fruit of choice or fruit salad (1 Full plate)

Time 1.OO PM
Green leafy vegetables + 1 bowl Dal + 4 chapattis + Rice+1 cup Curd/Raita + full plate Green Salad (cucumber + carrot + beet root + tomato+ lemon juice)

Time 5.00 PM
1 Fruit/ Yogurt/ Carrot shake/lassi/mix Fruit salad/milk shakes. + Potato cheese sandwich / Walnuts / almonds / hazelnuts / Peanuts.

Time 9.00 PM
Green vegetables + 1 bowl Dal + 3 fulka chapattis + Rice + Green Salad [carrot + Beetroot + cucumber + Tomato + Lemon].

BY DR. REETA YADAV (Aurnia Skin Guardians)

Add: Shop No 1, Rameshwar Apt, Thane (West). Tel: 022-65619195/9892812693 Email:

Go to sleep at least 1 hours after dinner. Drink plenty of fluids like coconut water buttermilk. Consume more of fruits, raw salads, green leafy vegetables, yellow - orange vegetables and other vegetables cooked on steam and with minimum oil, clear soups. Whole fruits, Whole cereals like chapattis made from whole wheat, jowar, and bajra.

Aurnia Skin Guardians is a well-known skin care clinic run by renowned cosmetologists and nutritionists Dr. Reeta Lalji & Dr. Madhuri Tetgure. The clinic adopts special and safe techniques of skin care to minimize patches/scars on your skin, dark circles. With the facial services, customers can obtain flawless and glowing skin texture, also known as peeling. Trained and experienced staffs offer their expert services products using exceptionally excellent products at reasonable rates. Aurnia specialises in the below mentioned services: Pigmentation treatment Anti Tanning/Detanning treatment Anti Aging treatment Acne/Pimple treatment Acne scar treatment Face Tonning & Tightening treatment Skin Polishing treatment Skin whitening/Fairness enhancement treatment Under Eye dark circle treatment Under Arm darkness treatment Face Rejuvenation/Radiance treatment Stretch marks treatment Peels FacialsFruit facials Herbal facials Bio-organic facials Photo facials Hair Fall Treatment Anti Dandruff Treatment Hair Revitalizing/Re-growth Treatment Weight Loss Weight Gain

Add: Shop No 1, Rameshwar Apt, Thane (West). Tel: 022-65619195/9892812693 Email:

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