Welger RP12-15S BA - Eng2

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RP 12/12 S 15 S


C O N T E N T S Instructions for prevention of accidents 1 Technical ata ! $reparing for operation % (ttaching the 'aler % +itting universal drive shaft % 1Coupling of h#draulic hoses . Electrical connections 5 Connecting signal 'o1 5 T,ine ,rapping 6 Net ,rapping / +ield operation 1! "efore road transport 1! Setting the 'ale counter 1! $re)set 'ale densit# 1! &indro,ing 1! $ick)up guide ,heel 1% Setting ,indguard 1% $ick)up cover shield 1% &ide pick)up1% +eed guide plate 1. Setting pick)up height15 $T3 speed 15 Negotiating 'ends15 Good driving practice Locking tailgate "ale densit# &rapping the 'ale &rapping unit ) *and tripping for t,ine ,rapping Setting end ,rappings "ale e0ection Overloading safet# Servicing the 'aler Tightening 'olts Checking road ,heels Chain lu'rication Guide 'ar lu'rication Changing gear 'o1 oil Chain tension Safet# arrange4ents Out of season storage Optional and additional e5uip4ent Operational faults ) 6uick re4ed# *ints for driving on pu'lic roads !&iring diagra4s !/ ) 15 16 16 16

1/ 1/ 12 12 !3 !3 !3 !3 !3 !1 !1 !! !% !. %3



operating 4anual and follo, the safet# instructions8 The ad0oining attention sign indicates i4portant safet# instructions and potential accident spots9 $ass on the safet# instructions to #our operating personnel9 The roll 'aler also has ,arning signs ,hich give instructions for operation ,ithout danger9 $a# attention to these for #our o,n safet#:s sake9 i) ) )TOT))))); 1<= n

The >achine Nu4'er of #our 'aler is sta4ped into the data plate seer alongside on the top of the fra4e ?see arro,@9 &arrant# clai4s and en5uiries cannot 'e dealt ,ith ,ithout this nu4'er9 $lease 4ake note of this nu4'er here i44ediatel# after deliver#A 7eproduction prohi'ited ) all rights reserved9 esign and construction su'0ect to alterations9 Technical data are not 'inding9 Cop#right 1221 '# Ge'riider &elger G4'* B Co9 Co44anditgesellschaftD &olfen'Ettel Operating Manual No. 1713/1716.AE.00.03_ _ _ F.W. 03.91. 500 000 G E B R u D E R W E L G E R GmbH & Co. Kommanditgesellschaft Ge'ruder)&elger)Stra"e $ostfach 1265 %%.3 &olfen'iittel TelefonA ?35%%1@ .3.)3 Telefa1A ?35%%1@ .3.)!32 Telete1A ?1-@ 5%%1 /%1 Tele1A 25 6%2

GENE7(L S(+ETF INST7ECTION Never carr# out ad0ust4ents and repairs or 4aintenance and care operations on the 4achine ,hile it is running9 (l,a#s first stop the p9t9o9 shaft and pull the universal shaft off the p9t9o9 shaft 'efore ,ork is carried out on 4oving parts of the 4achine9 &hen driving on puplic roadsD the universal shaft 4ust al,a#s 'e fitted on the tractor p9t9o9 shaft9 Never tr# to pull ha# or stra, out of the pick) up unit or the feed opening ,hile the 4achine is running9 (l,a#s stop the p9t9o9 shaft first9 &hile ,ork is in progressD onl# the driver should 'e on the tractor9 $assengers are not allo,ed on the 'aler9 o not cli4' on the dra,'ar or other parts of the 'aler ,hen the latter is in operation9 (lso keep #our distance fro4 the pick)up unit and the 'elts9 (ll protective guards 4ust 'e 4ounted on the 'aler and in sound con) dition9 "efore opening the guards etc9 stop the p9t9o9 shaft and the tractor engine and ,ait until the 4achine has stopped9 (d0ust4ents to the dra,'ar 4ust onl# 'e carried out '# a co4petent ,ork shop9 &hen opening and closing the tailgateD no persons 4ust 'e present ,ithin the opening range9 In additionD persons are not allo,ed to 'e present ,ithin the area of the opened and

unsecured tailgate9 "efore entering the 'ale cha4'erD engage the tailgate support in the safet# position9 "efore starting installation or asse4'l# ,ork on the h#draulic s#ste4D release the oil pressure9 Close the tailgate 'efore stopping the 4achine9 $ull the fi1ing chain of the universal shaft through the universal 0ointD to prevent the front part of the universal shaft fro4 slipping out9 Chock the road ,heels of the 'aler ,ith chocks ,hen the 'aler is parked on sloping ground9 (l,a#s carr# chocks ,ith #ou on the 'aler9 $er4issi'le use of the 'aler The roll 'aler has 'een 'uilt e1clusivel# for ordinar# use in agri) cultural ,ork ?per4issi'le use@9 (n# other use is regarded as not per4issi'le9 The 4anufacturer does not accept responsi'ilit# for da4age arising fro4 i4per4issi'le useG an# risk is 'orne entirel# '# the user9 $er4issi'le use also includes the o'servation of the operating) servicing and 4aintenance condition specified '# the 4anufacturer9 The attach4ent of i4ple4ents is not9 per4ittedD e1cept at the points provided for this '# the ,orks9 The roll 'aler 4ust onl# 'e usedD serviced and 4aintained '# persons ,ho ara fa4iliar ,ith this ,ork and ,ho have 'een infor4ed a'out all possi'le dangers9 The relevant accident prevention regulations as ,ell as all other applica'le regulations concerning safet#D health haHards and road traffic

4ust 'e o'served9 (lterations carried out '# the userD and the installation of unap) proved parts and attach4ents on the 4achine e1clude lia'ilit# on the part of the 4anufacturer for an# da4age caused as a result9

TEC*NIC(L "ale cha4'er siHe

(T( 1D55 4 1D!3 4 !33 ) %33 ) in dia4eter in ,idth %33 kg 533 kg

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII7$ 1! J 7$ 1! SIIIIIIIIIIIII7$ 15 SIIIIIIIIII 1D!3 4 in dia4eter 1D!3 4 in ,idth "ale ,eightA stra, 1!3 ) 163 kg ha# 163 ) !53 kg ,ilted silage according to 4oisture content .53 ) 633 kg "ale densit# Karia'le over ,ide rangeD outer la#ers 4ore fir4l# co4pacted than inner &rapping 4aterial 1) Sisal t,ine runnage !33 or %%3 4Jkg ) $lastic t,ine runnage .33 ) -33 4Jkg c@ Net *igh 5ualit# net for roll'alersD at least ! ,rappings d@ $lastic foil /3 # D at least ?thickness@ . ,rappings &rapping unit +ull# auto4atic or hand)tripped T,ineD net or plastic foil Overall pick)up ,idth 1D53 4 $ick)up lifting device h#draulic T#res standard 13D3J-5)159% I4pl96 $7 e1tra 11D5J/3)159% I4pl96 $7 *#draulic device ! single acting c#linders for tailgate

-33 ) 1333 kg Karia'le over ,ide rangeD outer la#ers 4ore fir4l# co4pacted than inner !33 or %%3 4Jkg .33 ) -33 4Jkg *igh 5ualit# net for 'alersD at least ! ,rappings /3 #D at least . ,rappings +ull# auto4atic or hand)tripped T,ineD net or plastic foil 1D53 4 h#draulic

13D3J-5)159% I4pl96$7 11D5J/3)159% I4pl96$7 ! single acting c#linders for tail gate 1 single acting 1 single acting c#) c#linder for pick)up linder for pick)up 7e5uired tractor po,er epending on 'ale den) epending on 'ale sit# fro4 %- k& densit# fro4 .. k& ?53 hp@ ?63 hpL $T3 speed 5.3 rp4 5.3 rp4 Tractor h#draulic connection 1 or ! single acting 1 or ! single acting control valves ,ith control valves ,ith N& 13 push)in coupling N& 13 push)in coupl9 ra,'ar (d0usta'le in height (d0usta'le in height fro4 .3 ) 23 c4 fro4 .3 ) 23 c4 "aler capacit# %3 ) .3 'alesJh !3 ) %3 'alesJh ,ith t,ine ,rapping ,ith t,ine ,rapping i4ensions of roll 'alerA 7$ 1! 7$ 1! S length %D!5 4 %D53 4 %D/5 4 ,idth !D1! 4 !D1. 4 !D1. 4 height !D3% 4 !D3% 4 !D.. 4 &eight of 'aler 7$ 1! 7$ 1! S appro19 1623 kg 1-.3 kg 12.3 kg

$7E$(7ING +O7 O$E7(TION (ttaching the "aler The roll'aler should 'e connected to the tractor so that the t,ine 'o1 is a'out parallel to the ground9 To do thisD ad0ust the 'aler dra,'ar to the re5uired height9 This ad0ust4ent 4a# onl# 'e 4ade '# an e1pert 4echanic9 Set 'aler in position ,ith support ,heel or 0ack to have the t,ine 'o1 parallel to the ground9 Slacken lock nutsD re4ove protecting caps fro4 the plastic holes on each side of the turn'uckle and ad0ust the4 e5uall# to the re5uired height using the lever supplied ,ith the tools9 Turn'uckle onl# 'e turned to a cer) tain e1tentD so that thread can still 'e seen on 'oth sides in the check holes9 Then tighten up lock nuts on 'oth sides and replace protecting caps on check holes9 If pick)up ground clearance is not sufficient 'ecause of unfavora'le attaching conditions and standard t#res9 Then use the e1tension 'locks ,hich can 'e delivered as optional e5uip4ent to re4ed# this9 (fter attaching the 'alerD turn support ,heel or 0ack up,ards until sufficient ground clearance is reachedD then s,ing the support ,heel up to engage in the right position9 +itting universal rive Shaft

Clean $TO splines on tractor and 'aler9 $ush in sliding pins and fit universal drive shaftD sliding pins 4ust 'e heard to engage properl#9 The ,ide angle 0oint9 4ust 'e on the tractor side9 Check tu'e length9 +ree telescoping lenght 4ust not 'e less than !33 44 ,hen driving straight ahead9 Cut e5ual a4ounts fro4 'oth profile tu'es and guard tu'es if necessar#9 >ake sure there is enough tu'e overlap9 Secure guard tu'e ,ith chain to prevent turning9

I>$O7T(NTA >ake sure ,hen turning sharp 'ends that the ,ide angle 0oint of drive shaft ?tractor side@ does not have an angle greater than that allo,ed '# the $TO shaft 4anufacturer9 $a# attention to the hints given in the $TO operating 4anual and an# transfers a'out the protection of the $TO shaft9 Coupling of *#draulic *oses The roll'aler has t,o h#draulic hoses ,ith 5uick release couplings9 One con) nection is for opening and closing the tailgateD the other connection ,ith the lock valve is for lifting and lo,ering the pick)up9 &ith the lock valve on the hoseD the pick)up is h#draulicall# locked in transport position ?see page 1! 'efore road transport@9 The tractor should 'e fitted ,ith t,o single acting valves ,ith 5uick release ?fe4ale@ couplings N& 139 If onl# one single acting valve is availa'le on the tractorD the tailgate and the pick)up can still 'e operated h#draulicall# '# this one valve9 In this case the hose ,ithout the locking valve is connected9 The re5uired functionD either tailgate or pick)upD is then controlled '# the change over valve 4ounted on the 'aler9 O'serve respective transfer on 'aler9 ( h#draulic re4ote control is availa'le as optional e5uip4entD ,ith ,hich the re5uired function can 'e operated fro4 the tractor9 In standard position the control lever of the change)over valve points to the right9 If 'oth hoses are connectedD 'oth pick)up and tailgate can 'e operated fro4 the tractor9 If onl# one hose is connectedD onl# the tailgate can 'e opened and closed9 To operate the pick)up ,ith onl# one hoseD turn the control lever to the left9 Lo,er pick)up 'efore 'aling and 4ove lever to MOpening and closing of tailgateM9

Electrical Connections Connect ca'le for lightsD indicators and 'rake lights into the sockets on the 'aler and tractor9 Check that lights ,ork correctl#9 It is necessar# to have the electrics connected and the lights turned on 'efore operating the 'aler in order to get the horn signal ,hen t#ing 'egins ?see page 16D T,ine &rapping@9 Connecting the Signal "o1 ?7$ 1!@ +i1 the 4ounting device for the signal 'o1 in the tractor ca'inD and attach signal 'o19 Connect plug of connecting ca'le to tractor9 The signal 'o1 for net ,rapping has a green light s,itch ,hich sho,s voltage and correct polesG if necessar# change poles at plug or socket9 Connecting the Signal "o1 ?7$ 1! SJ15 S@ +it 'racket for signal 'o1 in tractor ca'in and plug in control 'o19 Connect plug of the connecting lead on the trac) tor9 The signal 'o1 ?fig9 %@ has ! illu) 4inated push'uttons ?greenJred@D one 'uHHer and one selecting s,itch9 The green illu4inated push'utton indicates the correct polarit# and voltage on the 4achine and is used for engaging the net9 ,rapping9 The 'uHHer and the red illu4inated push'utton displa# the signal for engaging the ,rapping9 &hen the selecting s,itch is set to Mauto4aticMD auto4atic t,ine ,rapping takes place after the pre)selected densit# has 'een reached9 (t the M4anualM settingD either t,ine ,rapping ?red push'utton@ or net ,rapping ?green push'utton@ can 'e engaged at an# ti4e9 +or net ,rapping the green push'utton 4ust than 'e held do,n until the net is gripped '# the 'ale ?indicated '# the rotation of the netting roll@9 In the case of net ,rappingD care 4ust 'e taken that the selecting s,itch is in the

M4anualM positionD so that t,ine entr# is prevented9


T&INE TFING Inserting T,ine Spools Insert and thread ne, t,ine spools onl# ,hen the 'aler is stationar#9 Ese 'aler t,ine of good 5ualit# onl#9 See page for

Technical ata9 &here 'ales are to 'e stored outsideD plastic t,ine is reco44ended9 $ut four spools for 7$ 1! respectivel# si1 spools for 7$ 1! S J 7$ 15 S ) (D "D CD ) uprightD side '# side into the t,ine 'o1 ?fig9 !@9 Enless spools are inserted the right ,a# round the t,ine tends to for4 loops and to tear9 $ull t,ine end out of spool ( fro4 the top of the ,rapping and tie it to the start of spool C ,ith a si4ple knot9 Tie spool " to spool G al,a#s pulling the t,ine through the t,ine guides found a'ove each spool9 The t,ine 'o1 on the left of 7$ 1! S J 7$ 15 S is for si1 reserve spools of t,ine or for one reserve roll of net or plastic foil9 Threading the T,ine "efore threading the t,ine 4ove t,ine running indicator 5 ?fig9 !6@ to the #ello, 4ark on the left ?in driving direction@ '# turning the pulle# 1 ?fig9 %@D ?starting position@9 $roceed '# threading the t,ine as in fig9 !D % and . also see respective transfers on the 'aler9 $ull t,ine out of spool " through the top guide e#e in the t,ine 'o1D through the rear panel of the t,ine 'o1 and through the t,ine tensioner !9 Correct tension of t,ine tensioner ! 4ust 'e set to a spring tension of !/ 449 Guide the t,ine through the fi1ed guide e#es in front and 'ehind the stepped pulle# 1 and then guide the t,ine through the second t,ine tensioner9 Set t,ine tensioner at !% 449

+urther threading the t,ine 'ehind the second t,ine tensionerD as sho,n in fig9 .9 Lead the t,ine around roller 6 as sho,n9 Tie a large loop on the end of the t,ine and attach the loop over roller -9 $ull the t,ine tight and ,ind it around the stepped pulle# 1 ?+ig9 %@ 1 % ti4es9 $ull t,ine ( through the top guide e#e in the t,ine 'o1D through the rear panel of the t,ine 'o1 and through the t,ine tensioner % ?fig9 %@9 Correct tension of t,ine tensioner % 4ust 'e set to a spring tension of !5 ) !/ 449 Thread the t,ine further through the spring loaded guide . and over roller 59 Guide t,ine as sho,n in fig9 . around roller /9 Tie a loop to the t,ine end and also attach the loop to roller -9 "oth legs of spiral springs have to 'e set 'efore an# t,ine is threaded as sho,n in fig9 5 to 4easure4ent E N 63 ) /3 449 NoteA The ,rapping distance of t,ine on the finished 'ale can 'e pre)selected9 This is decided '# the runnage of t,ine around the pulle# 1 ?+ig9 %@9 Large pulle# dia4eter 4akes a narro, t,ine ,rapping distance9 S4all pulle# dia4eter 4akes a ,ide ,rapping distance of t,ine on the 'ale9 Check t,ine thro,er 2 ?+ig9 .@ for cor) rect setting9 The 4easure4ent 'et,een the tightl# tensioned t,ine and the front edge of t,ine thro,er 2 4ust 'e 13 ) !3 449 If this is not the caseD loosen 'olts 11 and ad0ust angle 13 to t,ine thro,er 2 so that 4easure4ent is ,ithin range of tolerance9 T,ine thro,er 2 4ust go directl# past ,rapping unit fra4e9 Lastl# tighten up 'olts 11 again9 I>$O7T(NTA o not turn the pulle# 1 ?+ig9 %@ after threadingD for this ,ill 4ake the ,rapping process start up pre4a )turel#9 4achi Never thread t,ine '# hand n ,hile the 4achine is running8 Stop the ne 'efore putting t,ine around the

NET &7($$ING Inserting the Net9 7oll $ull the net roll holder ?in driving direction on the left@ out of its retainer '# the handle and insert into the card 'oard core of the net roll9 $ush the net roll on to the net roll retainer ?in driving direction on the right@ and put the left net roll holder into the retainer9 Tension the net roll '# turning the hand,heel 6 ?+ig9 6@9 $ush net ten)sioner - do,nD roll off net fro4 the net roll / and push the netting over the net tensioner - and 'elo, tu'e 15 into the chute9 The net 4ust reach 'oth rollers 2 and 13D to 'e certain that the rollers ,ill transport the net into the 'aling cha4'er9 (fter releasing net tensioner -D it should 'e i4possi'le to turn the net roll 4anuall#9 If this is not the caseD slacken 'olt 11 at lever 1!D tighten 4illed nut 1% '# handD retighten 'olt 119 The net 'et,een the rollers 2 and 13 and the net roll / 4ust al,a#s 'e taut9 If the net is still slackD 'rake the net roll '# further tightening up of the 4illed nut 1%9 *ook tension spring 1. into the second chain link as seen fro4 the spring9

The net ,rapping unit is tensioned onl# '# opening the tailgate9 IfD ,hen the 'aling cha4'er is fullD the net 4ust 'e tripped ,ithout opening the tailgateD in the case of a fault or change of net rollD tensioning can 'e done 4anuall# ,ith lever 16 ?+ig9 -@9 $ull lever 16 for,ards as far as possi'le9 Tripping follo,s as nor4al '# pressing the green push'utton9 Selecting Nu4'er of &rappings of Net The nu4'er of ,rappings of net on the round 'ales can 'e selected steplessl# ,ith selecting panel 1- ?+ig9 -@9 (fter loosening the ,ing nut 1/ ?+ig9 -@D set the selecting panel to get at least ! ,rappings of net around the 'ale9 The scale found ne1t to the panel 1- helps ,hen selecting the nu4'er of ,rappings9 (d0ust the upper edge of the selecting panel as on the scale9

Setting Esuall# the net ,rapping unit re5uires no special

ad0ust4ent or 4aintenance9 *o,everD if the settings given in +igs9 / and 2 have changedD the# can 'e read0usted as follo,sA Check distances E and ?+ig9 /@ ,hen the ,rapping unit is tensioned ?K)'elt is slack@D correct if necessar#9 istance E should 'eA for 7$ 1!J1! SA 13%3 44G for 7$ 15 SA 11%3 449 istance should 'e %3 449 istance (D the space 'et,een the transporting roller !3 and the seg4ent !1 4ust 'e 5 44D if other,ise ad0ust ,ith 'olt !!9 istance " should 'e % 44D if other,ise loosen lock nut !% and correct ,ith 'olt !.Dthen retighten9 istance C N ! 44D if necessar#D ad0ust nut %% respectivel# '# slackening 'olts !5 and correcting fi1ing plate !69 &hen the ,rapping unit has 'een tripped ?K)'elt tensioned@D the spring !- 4ust 'e rela1ed9 Spring length + N !/ O 1 44 ?+ig9 2@9 (d0ust4ents can 'e 4ade '# 4oving the turn'uckle !/ ?+ig9 11@9 istance G N ! 44 ?+ig9 2@ is necessar# for the catch to lock into positionG if necessar# loosen 'olt !2 to correct

this9 The knife 4ust 'e tensioned for ad0ust) 4ent of the drive stop9 To do thisD tripping lever 16 ?+ig9 -@ 4ust 'e pulled until seg4ent !1 is resting on transport roller !3 ?+ig9 /@ and the outer ratchet lever %. is resting on roller %5 of con9 rod ?+ig9 13@9 (ttentionA Cnife is under heav# spring tension9 Engage outer ratched %. that tension roller %5 ?+ig9 13@ is secured '# the second inner ratchet %69 Turn K)'elt pulle# %- '# hand until 'all 'earing %/ is resting in highest position on angle %2 ?+ig9 13@9 In this position inner ratchet %6 4ust have ! 44 pla# 'et,een roller and ratchet ?see 4easure4ent * in +ig9 13@9 In case of ,rong 4easure4ent angle %2 can 'e ad0usted accordingl# after 'olts .3 have 'een slackened9

If the net has not 'een cut off co4pletel# at the end of the ,rapping processD check to see that the anvil and knife are parallel9 To do this loosen the . countersunk 'olts in the cover shield and re4ove the cover shield '# pulling it do,n,ards9 No, loosen the . visi'le fastening 'olts of the anvil and ad0ust until the anvil and knife are parallel again9 7efit cover shield again ,ith the . countersunk 'olts and tighten9 It is possi'le to turn the knife % ti4es9 The anvil can 'e turned once9 &hile doing thisD re4ove an# paint ,hich 4a# 'e on the 'lade9 (d0ust isc "rake If the lining of the disc 'rake %3 is ,orn on one side ?+ig9 1%@D loosen lock nut %1 and scre, in 'olt %! until the 'rake discs are parallel againD retigh) ten 'olt %!9 7ead0ust 4illed nut 1% ?+ig9 6L9 ?See paragraph MInserting the Net 7ollM@9

&arning8 Ceep #our hands a,a# fro4 the knife ) danger of in0ur#8 To clean inlet roller area the 'ack shield !2 of the ,rapping unit support fra4e ?+ig9 1!@ can 'e re4oved fro4 the 'aling cha4'er side9 +oil &rapping The net ,rapping unit is also suita'le for ,rapping the round 'ales ,ith foil ?$ol#thene@9 Servicing the "aler Never carr# out ad0ust4entsD repairs and servicing ,ork ,hile the 4achine is running9 Stop tractor and ,ait for standstill of 'aler9 Shut off $TO drive and re4ove universal drive shaft fro4 the $TO shaft 'efore carr#ing out ,ork on 4oving parts of the 4achine9 Ese tailgate supports 'efore entering 'aling cha4'er9 "e careful ,hen opening and closing tailgate8 No'od# should sta# ,ithin reach of the tailgate9 See ta'le of faultsD page !.9


O$E7(TION The roll 'aler is ,ell

guarded against possi'le accidentsD even so it is i4portant to operate the 'aler ,ith care9 Check and keep all guards in place 'efore starting to 'ale9 (l,a#s stop the 'aler 'efore 4aking ad0ust) 4ents and 4aintenance9 Take great care ,hen opening and closing the tailgate9 No'od# should sta# in reach of the tailgate9 Ese tailgate supports 'efore entering the 'aling cha4'er9 "efore 7oad Transport Lift pick)up '# 4eans of the tractor h#draulics into its highest position ?transport position@9 Close the locking valve on h#draulic hose9 The pick)up is no, h#draulicall# locked and sta#s in transport position9 (n e1tra safeguard for the pick)up is to keep the chain 'et,een the pick)up and side ,all as short as possi'le9 Setting the "ale Counter To keep a correct count of e0ected 'a) lesD the 'ale counter ! 4ust 'e set to Hero ,ith ke# % 'efore operation ?+ig9 1.@ 9 $re)set "ale ensit#

The re5uired 'ale densit# can 'e pre) selected and set ,ith ad0usting lever . ?+ig9 1.@9 Connecting tension rope 5 into hole ( results in lo, densit#D po) sition " is for 4ediu4 densit# and position C for high densit#9 &indro,in5

The 4achine ,orks fast and s4oothl# at high output if ,indro,s are unifor4 and not ,ider than 1D5 49

$ick)up Guide &heel epending on re5uired pick)up clearanceD guide ,heel 5 ?+ig9 15@ can 'e set higher or lo,er9 Nor4al setting is for the pick)up tines to have ! c4 ground clearance in a ,orking position ? istance G in +ig9 1@9 "ring pick) up to right heightD support9 7e4ove 'olt 69 Set guide ,heel 5 ?+ig9 15@ and tighten up again ,ith 'olt 69 Correct air pressure of guide ,heel 4ust 'e 1D5 'ar9 Setting &ind5uard The ,indguard 1 ?+ig9 1-@ is fitted 4ova'le a'ove the pick)up9 The s,inging height of the ,indguard is steplessl# 4ova'le according to the siHe of the ,indro, to allo, perfect guidance of the 'aling 4aterial into the roll cha4'er9 Onl# ,ith ver# s4all

,indro,s it is necessar# to ad0ust the ,indguard ! on holder 2 into the 'otto4 position to have a s4aller clearance 'et,een ,ind)guard and pick)up tine9 $ick)up Cover Shield The pick)up cover shieldD ,hich is availa'le as optional e5uip4entD pre) vents short stalk 4aterial fro4 rolling a,a# ahead of the pick)up9 +it cover shield % as seen in +ig9 16 ,ith 'oth hooks on to the cross tu'e 13 and secure ,ith safet# clips9 +it hook . in tension spring 11 on 'oth sides ) as sho,n ) to the lo,er seg4ents of the pick)up cover shield9 &ide $ick)up ?Optional E5uip4ent@ (s optional e5uip4ent the 7$ 1! S J 15 S are availa'le ,ith a !4 ,ide pick)up9 The t,o side augers and a transport roller guarantee even flo, of 'aling 4aterial into the roll cha4'er9 The pick)up is fitted ,ith a full# auto4atic ca4 t#pe cut out clutch against overload9

The setting of ground clearance is done '# t,o ad0usta'le guide ,heels ?+ig912@9 7e4ove pin ! and set guide ,heel 1 '# lifting or lo,ering into the re5uired positionD re) fit pin !9 ( 4echanical ad0usta'le spring relief of the pick) up guarantees a perfect pick)up guide ?+ig9 !3@9

(d0ust4ent of $ick)up spring relief ?&ide $ick)up@ To o'tain a perfect ground clearance the ,ide pick)up is fitted additionall# to the guide ,heels ,ith a spring relief and pick)up guide s#ste49 &ith full# lifted pick)up and released spring the 4easure4ent P 'et,een the cla4ping pieces % should 'e !15 ) !!3 44 ?+ig9 !3@ 9 The cla4ping pieces on the c#linders . can 'e shifted if a correction of 4ea) sure4ent P is necessar#9 To 4ake this

ad0ust4ent the pick)up has to 'e lifted '# tractor h#draulic into highest posi) tion and 4ust 'e supported9 Slacken 'olts 5 and 4ove cla4ping pieces % on c#linder . until 4easure4ent P is reached9 7e)tighten cla4ping pieces % and 'olts 59 Scraper 7$ 1! J 1! S +or 'aling silage a special scraper 6 is fitted on the roller a'ove the intake opening9 The scraper 6 4ust 'e fitted as close as possi'le to the roller if 'aling 4aterial is ,rapping around the intake roller9 +or ad0ust4ent loosen 'olts - and shift scraper 6 to appro19 1)! 44 distance to the roller9 7e)tighten 'olts - again9 +eed Guide $late &e reco44end the use of the feed guide plateD ,hich is supplied ,ith the e5uip4entD for certain crop and operational conditionsDD a'ove all for using the net ,rapping unit and for shortD 'rittle crops ,hich spill out of the feed opening 9 Take the feed guide plate out of the t,ine 'o1 and insert fro4 the 'aling cha4'er into the hole on the left ?in driving direction@ 'ehind the first rollerD then insert the peg ,ith fi1ing strap into the hole on the right ?in driving direction@ and tighten up ,ith a 'olt > 139

Setting $ick)up *eight9 Lifting and lo,ering of the pick)up is operated '# the tractor

h#draulics9 Once in the field 4ove the pick)up fro4 transport to ,orking position9 (void ground contact of tines9 istance G in +ig9 16 should 'e ! c49 $osition chain - ?+ig9 1/@ into hook / to prevent the pick)up fro4 going do,n too far into dips in the ground9 If ground clearance is not sufficientD fit e1tension 'locks 'et,een the a1le and fra4e ?see page %D (ttaching the 'aler@9 o not re4ove clogging '# lifting the pick)up h#draulicall#9 See ta'le for Operational +aults and 5uick 7e4edies9 $TO Speed rive the 'aler onl# ,ith standard 5.3 r9p949 So4e tractors ,ith $9T9O9 speed of 13/3 r9p949 should onl# 'e driven ,ith half the engine r9p949 If ver# dr# and short 4aterial is 'aledD the $TO speed can 'e cut do,n to appro1i4atel# %53 ) .53 r9p949 &hen 'aling short and da4p 4aterial the $TO should not 'e

turned off9 Negotiating "ends Never e1ceed 4ore than /3Q on ,ide angle 0oint of $TO drive shaft ?tractor side@ ,hen taking sharp 'endsD ,hether the $TO in rotating or notD other,ise danger of 'reakage9 Good riving

To o'tain high output and ,ell)shaped round 'alesD the 'ale cha4'er should 'e fed evenl# ,ith 4aterial over the entire 'aler ,idth9 Good driving greatl# contri'utes to stead#D s4ooth feed9 If ,indro,s are narro,er than the pick)up ,idthD drive alternatel# along the right and left sides of the ,indro, to ensure unifor4 cha4'er feeding ?+ig9 !!@9

Locking the Tailgate "efore picking up the 4aterial and after each 'ale e0ectionD the tailgate 4ust 'e locked properl#9 Ceep h#draulic valve on tractor in Mlo,erM for a short ti4e9 The tailgate ,ill lock

auto4aticall#9 The tractor driver can see this ,hen the tailgate lock indicator % as seen in +ig9 !% is in the upper position9 If the tailgate is open or not locked properl#D the

indicator % is retracted into the lo,er position9 To have the tailgate securel# lockedD the follo,ing 4easure4ents 'et,een the hook of the locking fra4e and the holder on the tailgate should e1ist ?see distance * in +ig9 !.@A On the right hand side in driving directionD distance * N %)/ 44G on the left hand side in driving directionD distance * N 15 ) !3 44 9 To deal ,ith deviations the9 position of the locking fra4e 6 can 'e ad0usted ,ith 'olt - ?+ig9 !5@9 "ale ensit#

The densit# of the round 'ale depends on the 4aterial and co4paction pressure9 The densit# is ,idel# varia'le and can 'e pre)set on the 'aler ?see page 11@9 &ithin the pre)set range the tractor driver can o'serve fro4 the tractor seat the filling indicator . ?+ig9 !%@D ,hich level of filling the 'aling cha4'er has reached9 &rapping the "ale &hen the pre)set 'ale densit# has 'een reached ?see page 1!@D this fact is si) gnalled to the tractor driver visuall# and audi'l# on the signal 'o19 epending on the position of the selecting s,itch the signal 'o1 S ?+ig9 1@D ,rapping of t,ineJnet is engaged via the push'utton or auto4aticall#D '# 7$ 1! onl# auto4aticall#9 &hen the t,ine has 'een dra,n in ) this is sho,n '# the t,ine running indicator 5 ?+ig9 !6@9 ?"# 7$ 1! ,ith s,itched on tractor position lights and connected connection ca'le additionall# '# a 'uHHer signal@ the tractor driver stops for,ard travel9

The $TO 4ust 'e kept running 'ut ,ithout 4aterial entering the 'alerG the ,rapping process takes place

auto4aticall#9 In case of net ,rappingD stop for,ard travelD engage net ,rapping unit '# pressing the green illu4inated push'utton and allo, net to enter together ,ith last crop on the pick)up9 &hen the net roll respectivel# the t,ine indicator stops at the left hand 4arking ?in driving direction@ the ,rapping process is co4pleted and the ne, starting position reached9 The t,ine guide shield 'elo, the ,rapping unit assists the t,ine to fall into the roll cha4'er9 It 4ust 'e kept clean of dust and stra, at all ti4es9 &rapping of the 'ale cannot onl# 'e started on 7$ 1! S J 15 S after reaching the pre)set densit# 'ut also at an# ti4e '# pressing the push'utton on the signal 'o19 If there is a failure in the po,er suppl# of the s#ste4D the net ,rapping unit can also 'e tripped '# hand '# pulling the tripping rope9 To do this fi1 the supplied rope 1! ?+ig9 !-@ to the lever !) and lead through the t,ine guide e#e ") to the tractor9 +asten it so that it can 'e pulled easil#9 (s soon as the selected densit# has 'een attainedD ,hich can 'e seen on the setting of the filling indicatorD the net ,rapping

unit is tripped '# a short pull on the tripping rope9 Net ,rapping then takes place auto4aticall#9 &rapping Enit ) *and Tripping for &rap) ping ,ith T,ine 7$ 1! 7oll'ales ,hich are not finished 'ecause not enough 'aling 4aterial is left to reach the pre)set densit# are not auto4aticall# tripped9 In such cases the tractor driver has to trip the 4echanis4 '# hand9 To do this 4ount the supplied hand)tripping rope / as in +ig9 !/ ?7$ 1!@A Tightl# knot one end to the steel pull rope at the level of the ,ire rope cla4pD pull the other end through the guide e#e 2 ?7$ 1!@ ?+ig9 !/@ and lead it to the tractor9 +asten the tripping rope / here so that it can 'e pulled easil#9 If necessar#D the ,rapping unit can 'e tripped '# hand '# a short pull on the rope9 If the ,rapping unit is to 'e tripped ,ithout the ropeD this is possi'le '# lifting the filling indicator % ?+ig9 !%@ as far as it ,ill go9

To do thisD stop for,ard drive and stop the 'aler 'efore the filling indicator . ?+ig9 !%@ is 4oved '# hand9 (fter the $TO has 'een turned onD the ,rapping process is auto4atic until the t,ine is cut9 Setting of End &rappings +or setting the end ,rappings on the roll'alesD ad0ust the range spacers 13 and 11 in +ig9 !29 &hen 'aling ver# dr# 4aterial ,hich prevents the 'ale ends fro4 'eing filled out properl#D the range spacers 13 and 11 should 'e 4oved further in,ards9 Open ,rapping unit cover9 Lift range spacers 13 and 11 '# hand and then 4ove the4 side,a#s9 Si1 different rest positions for each spacer are possi'le9 Close the cover after ad0ust4ent9 "ale E0ection Ceep $TO running ,hen 'ale has 'een tied9 Open the tailgate h#draulicall# for the 'ale to roll out9 rive for,ard slightl# 'efore closing the tailgateD so that the tailgate does not close on to the deposited 'ale9 Ceep h#draulic valve in Mlo,eringM until the tailgate is co4pletel# closed and locked ?see +ig9 !%@9 The ne1t 'ale can then 'e started9 &hen using the 'ale discharge e1tension ?optional e5uip4entD also for supple4entar# fitting@ the 'ale rolls far enough a,a# fro4 the 'aler to eli4inate driving for,ards 'efore closing the tailgate9 (TTENTIONA The opening ti4e of the tailgate should 'e for safet# reason never 'e 'elo, %D5 sD other,ise contact SE7KICE E$T9 &hen ,orking on hill# groundD 4ake

sure to discharge the 'ale across the run of the slope9 No'od# should sta# ,ithin reach of the tailgate9

Overloading safet# Shear 'olt 1 ?+ig9 %3@ is 'uilt into the cross shaft to safeguard the 4ain drive of the 7$ 1! against overloading9 &hen replacing onl# use 'olt of sa4e 5ualit#8 $ush guard ! to the side after loosening ,ing nut %9 7e4ove re4ains of old shear 'oltD replace ,ith a ne, oneD tighten ,ith ! he1agonal nuts9 +asten do,n guard ! again9 Spare shear 'olts and nuts are included in tool kit9 Instead of the shear 'oltD the 7$ 1! S / 15 S are supplied ,ith a full# auto4atic ca4)t#pe cut out safet# clutch in the universal drive9 &hen overloading takes place the turning 4o4ent is interrupted9 &hen $TO speed is reduced or s,itched offD the turning 4o4ent 'uilds up again and the 4achine can 'e started up again i44ediatel#9 Long and fre5uent overloading should 'e avoided9 SE7KICING T*E "(LE7 Never carr# out ad0ust4entsD repairs and servicing ,ork ,hile the 4achine ist running9 Stop tractor and ,ait for standstill of 'aler9 Shut off $TO drive and re4ove universal drive shaft 'efore carr#ing out repairs on drive parts9 Ese tailgate supports 'efore entering 'aling cha4'er9 "e careful ,hen opening and closing tailgate8 No'od# should sta# in reach of the tailgate9 Look after #our 'aler ,ith care and al) ,a#s o'serve the specified servicing intervals to ensure cost)efficient operation and a long lifeD to prevent pre4ature repairs and 4aintain the 'aler:s value9

Tightening "olts (fter

appro1i4atel# !3 operating hoursD fir4l# tighten up all nuts and 'olts9 Checking 7oad &heels Check to see that ,heel nuts and ,heel caps sit tight9 Check t#re pressure ,hich should 'e 13D3J-5)159% I4pl9 6 $7 N !D% 'ar for standard t#res and 11D5J/3)159% I4pl9 6 $7 N !D3 'ar for special t#res9 T#re pressure for pick) up guide ,heel should 'e 1D5 'ar9 Chain Lu'rication Lu'ricate all chains regularl#9 Open side guards and stop ,ith a rod ?7$ 1!@ or 'ar R7$ 1! S J 15 S@9 $ull out 'ar 1 after opening the guards ?+ig9 %1@9 Lu) 'ricate chains onl# ,hen the 4achine has stopped9 Ese chain sa, chain oil or greasing spra#9 (fter lu'ricating the chains close all side guards and secure9 Central chain lu'ricationD ,hich is availa'le as optional e5uip4entD reduces servicing ti4e and effort9 Check level of oil tank dail#D add chain sa, chain oil if necessar#9 Open the 4iddle guard door on the left side of the 4achine to reach the oil tank9 (d0ust the 'rushes of the central lu'rication so that the# are in contact ,ith the chains9 Guide "ar Lu'rication Guide 'ars for guiding the tailgate are fitted on 'oth sides of the 'aling cha4'erG lu'ricate the inner sides of these ,ith 4ultipurpose grease9 Changing Gear'o1 Oil The oil in the gear'o1 4ust 'e changed after ever# season9 Take off filling cap ,ith 'reatherD re4ove drain plugD

drain out old oil into a container9 7e4ove scre, plug fro4 oil level inspection hole9 Clean drain plug and refit9 +ill ,ith appro19 1D65 litres of gear oil S(E 23 until oil co4es out of the inspection hole9 7efit caps on oil inspection and filling holes tightl#9 Check oil level regularl#9

Chain Tension Chains for

trans4issionD lo,er section roller drive and pick)up drive 4ust 'e checked and tensioned occasionall#9 Loosen chain tension 'locksD re)tension in slots and re)tighten9 Chains for top section drive as ,ell as for tailgate drive are tensioned ,ith springs . ?+ig9 %!@9 Top drive sectionA Tighten spring according to gauge indicator ?distance P@ 9 Tailgate drive 7$ 1!J1! upper springs according indicator ?distance F@9 SA Tension to gauge

Tailgate drive 7$ 15 SA Tension all % springs according to gauge indicator9 If the chain tension range is e1haustedD shorten the chain '# re4oving one link9 If necessar# insert a cranked chain link fro4 the tool 'o19 Safet# (rrange4ents Ceep flashing indicators and rear lights clean at all ti4es and 4ake

sure the# are never o'scured '# over) hanging crop 4aterial9 Check lights for correct functioning9 (l,a#s carr# the ! chocks supplied in the t,ine 'o19 If 4aintenance or fitting ,ork is to 'e done ,ith the tailgate openD the tail) gate 4ust 'e supported for safet# rea) sons9 o this ,ith the c#linder supports 5 found on 'oth sides of the 4achine ?+ig9 %%@9 (fter 4aintenance or fitting ,orkD 'ring supports 5 'ack to their original position 9

OET O+ SE(SON STO7(GE Clean 'aler thoroughl#9 Clean all chains and lu'ricate9 Soak rollers covered ,ith dirt and stalks ,ith ,ater and clean the4 after,ards ,ith a strong ,ater 0et ,ith the 4achine running9 (ttention8 +it tailgate supports 'efore standing in reach of the tailgate9 Clean and inspect the net ,rapping unit9 +ro4 inside the 'aling cha4'er loosen the . countersunk 'oltsD so that the covershield !2 ?+ig9 %.@ can 'e pulled do,n,ards9 +ree the ,rapping area fro4 dust and re4ains of crop 4aterial9 Esing a cloth soaked in oilD reach 'et,een the net ,rapping unit fra4e and the roller to grease the anvil ?See +ig9 %5@9 (ttentionA o not grease the roller9

Optional and E1tra E5uip4ent &ide $ick)up To ensure correct picking)up of the crop even ,ith large ,indro,sD the 7$ 1! S J 15 S can 'e e5uipped ,ith a ,ide pick)up9 (uto4atic Chain Lu'rication If re5uired the 'aler can 'e delivered ,ith auto4atic central lu'ri)cation9 Servicing ,ork is greatl# reduced '# this and the life of the chains prolonged9 Net and $lastic +oil &rapping Net ,rapping has several advantagesA lead)ing to an increase in outputG caused '# 4aterial 'reaking up and the 'ales are even less sensitive to "ale ischarge E1tension The ,rapping c#cle is reducedD there are onl# 4ini4u4 losses the closed surface 4eans that rainD hail and sno,9

Esing the 'ale discharge e1tension eli4inates the need to reverse the 'aler to e0ect the 'ale ?Standard e5uip4ent for net ,rapping unit@9 7educed Speed of 7ollers +or s4aller tractors up to ./ k& ?65 hp@ a conversion kit to reduce the speed of the rollers is availa'le9 OversiHe)T#res OversiHe t#res are availa'le for special purposes instead of stan) dard t#resA 11D5J/3)159% I4pl9 6 $7G 15D3J55)1- I4pl9 ,ith a track ,ith of !D3 49 $ick)up Cover Shield The pick)up guide shield guarantees e1cellent picking)up of short stalk 4aterial9 *#draulic 7e4ote Control If the tractor has onl# a single)acting valveD the tailgate or the pick)up can still 'e operated fro4 the tractor ,ith the h#draulic re4ote control9

T7OE"LE)S*OOTING >( E E(SF It is not possi'le to provide accurate instructions for all possi'le casesD due to the different operating conditions9 Ground conditionsD ,indro, thicknessD condition of the cropD ine1pert or insufficient care of the 4achine can all lead to difficulties9 +or difficult casesD ,ith ,hich #ou cannot cope #ourselfD #our local &ELGE7 dealer is at #our disposal9 Generall#D ho,everD #ou ,ill 'e a'le to 4anage ,ith the help of the ta'le 'elo,9 "efore faults are correctedD stop the p9t9o9 shaft and the tractor engine and ,ait until all 4oving parts have stopped9 Never tr# to correct faults ) for e1a4ple in the area of the feed opening ) ,hile the 4achine is running9

INST7ECTIONS +O7 T7(KELLING ON $E"LIC 7O( S The roll 'aler is an agricultural trailed appliances9 Its operation does not re5uire a licence in Ger4an#D 'ut an electric lighting s#ste4 4ust 'e fitted9 This is alread# per4anentl# installed on #our &ELGE7)"aler9 &hen travelling on pu'lic roads and lanesD the lighting regulations for trailed appliances 4ust 'e o'served9 +or this purpose the connecting ca'le supplied ,ith each 'aler 4ust 'e plugged into the sockets on the tractor and the 4achine9 The correct functioning of the lighting s#ste4 should 'e checked regularl#9 In additionD all indicating la4psD 'rake)D rear) and side lights as ,ell as the reflecting rear and sidelights 4ust 'e kept clean9 Care 4ust also 'e taken that the lights are not o'scured '# trailing crops9 The 4a1i4u4 travel speed on pu'lic roads and lanes is !5 kph ?15 4ph@9 The t,o chocksD ,hich for4 part al,a#s 'e carried on the 'aler9 of the safet# e5uip4entD 4ust

T7(CTO7 (N


EC irective /6 ) 1// ) EEC and EC Noise at &ork 7egulations 12/2 place responsi'ilities on e4plo#ers and e4plo#ees to assess and control noise at the ,orkplace9 Noise level during nor4al field operations ,ill var# depending on the noise level of the tractor and the ,orking conditions of the 'aler9 "#stander noise level and the noise at the drivers head position generated '# &ELGE7 'alers ,ith tractor ca' ,indo,s open ,ill nor4all# 'e less than 23 d" ?(@9 The co4'ined 'aler J tractor noise level ,ill depend tractor noise ?radios are a source of noise@9 on total

&e reco44end that the tractor is operated ,ith the ca' ,indo,s closed9


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