Minutes March 2014

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SHALFLEET PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of a meeting of Shalfleet Parish Council held at The Wellow Institute on Wednesday 12 th March 2014

at 191 hrs! Present" Cllr P! #roadhead $Chair%& Cllr '! 'ewston and Cllr ( Whitney In attendance" S (ennings $Cler)% There were * mem+ers of the ,u+lic ,resent! 1-9.1-/14 0P1213I4S Cllr # #a5andall and Cllr # #urt! 140.1-/14 64C2070TI18S 19 I8T474STS There were no declarations at this ,oint! 141.1-/14 T1 0CC4PT 08: 6ISP48S0TI18S 743076I83 034860 IT4MS 8o dis,ensations were considered 142.1-/14 MI8;T4S 19 P74<I1;S M44TI83S RESOLUTION The minutes of the ,re=ious meeting $,rior circulated% were a,,ro=ed and the Chairman was authorised to sign them as a true record! 9e+ruary 2014 meeting of the Council Pro,osed" Cllr Whitney Seconded" Cllr 'ewston Passed!

14-.1-/14 M0TT47S 07ISI83 81T 74>;I7I83 0 74S12;TI18 1! 0n ad=ert regarding the tender for the resurfacing of the recycling car ,ar) has +een ,laced in the County Press! So far we ha=e had only one en?uiry! 144.1-/14 6ISC;SSI18 086 ;P60T4 743076I83 T'4 C21S;74 19 T'4 :07M1;T' 61CT17S S;7347: Clrr #roadhead ga=e a summary of the meeting she attended on Tuesday last wee) in :armouth! 6r! Wal)er had e5,lained the situation and notes had +een distri+uted to +oth local councillors and the ,u+lic! 9rom tomorrow an email address will +e made a=aila+le on the SPC we+site for the ,u+lic to =oice their o,inion to 8'S 4ngland! It was ,ro,osed the Cler) write on +ehalf of the Parish Council e5,ressing great concern from +oth councillors and residents and re?uesting that the surgery is re o,ened as soon as ,ossi+le! 14 .1-/14 ;P60T4 18 T'4 6ISC74TI1807: S47<IC4S WIT'I8 T'4 P07IS' 0S 1;T2I846 #: T'4 IS24 19 WI3'T C1;8CI2

Cllr Whitney ga=e a ,rogress re,ort $attached to these minutes%! 'e e5,lained that an initial meeting of the wor)ing ,arty had ta)en ,lace& a letter had +een sent to Cllr Stu++ings indicating interest in three areas and su+se?uently the wor)ing ,arty had +een in=ited to a meeting with 0le5 Minns and 2ee Matthews of the IWC! 0t the meeting the SPC wor)ing ,arty were ad=ised that funding for these areas would cease in 201* and it was agreed the IWC officers would loo) into the three areas discussed in more detail and contact the wor)ing ,arty in due course! 14*.1-/14 T1 6ISC;SS T'4 S094T: 19 T'4 0-0 4 The safety and s,eed of =ehicles on the 0-0 4 near 'ill Place 2ane was discussed! Cllrs 'utchinson confirmed that he had s,o)en to Mar) 2yth who has a,,lied for s,ecial monitoring e?ui,ment which will ma)e enforcement easier! It was agreed that when the 0-0 4 is reo,ened ne5t month that a re?uest for s,eed monitoring is ,ut forward! 14@.1-/14 74>;4ST 971M 9:T #;S 917 9;86I83 6;7I83 T'4 #1;26817 7106 C21S;74! 0 letter from 9:T +us had +een recei=ed& ,rior distri+uted to councillors& re?uesting some funding to su,,ort the 9:T +us ser=ice in #ouldnor during the road closure! It was agreed to su,,ort the e5tra distance the 9:T +us will ha=e to tra=el +y contri+uting A2 0! Pro,osed" Cllr Whitney Seconded" Cllr 'ewston 0ll in fa=our

14B.1-/14 T1 6ISC;SS T'4 1PTI18S 743076I83 974S'W0T47 2I#707: Cllr 'utchinson confirmed that this year& 2014.1 & the li+rary would not +e under threat as the Isle of Wight Council had agreed in their +udget to continue to su,,ort the li+rary! 0fter some discussion it was agreed to re=isit this item in the future as the li+rary is secure at the moment! 149.1-/14 ;P60T4 18 I8917M0TI18 #1076S Cllr 'ewston informed the Council that the Sign Com,any had +een chosen as the contractor to ma)e and install the information +oards! 7ussell had su,,lied the Parish Council with a C6 of the gra,hics and it is ho,ed the +oards will +e installed in May! 1 0.1-/14 P12IC4 74P17T The ,olice re,ort had +een ,rior distri+uted! 1 1.1-/14 C247CS 74P17T a% 9inance/ 0 list of the following ,ayments $,rior circulated% was a,,ro=ed A !00 IW S,ort D 7ec Council& A2 IW02C E Training& A2 8ew+ridge Community 0ssociation E room hire& S (ennings 9e+ salary& A-- IW County Press E tender ad=ert& A42 Island Co,ier Co!& A*90 Wa5 Crayon E Information +oard designs! RESOLUTION Pro,osed Cllr Whitney Seconded Cllr 'ewston Passed!

+% Cler)s 7e,ort/ 0 ?uotation has +een reci=ed regarding a fallen tree at Withyfields which is leaning on another tree! The ?uote is from our normal contractors& #righstone 2andsca,ing& for A*20 to fell tree& cut u, and wood chi, and to ma)e the other surrounding trees safe!

0n u,date has +een recei=ed from 7ussell Chic) regarding the enforcement at the 0l,aca 9arm! The IWC are still drafting and ser=ing the enforcement notice!

The 0nnual Parish meeting will +e on Wednesday 0,ril -0 th at the Wellow 2iterary Institute!

The Wellow Millennium 3reen Trust are see)ing new =olunteers to hel, them maintain the area!

1 2.1-/14 C1774SP18648C4 The corres,ondence file was circulated 1 -.1-/14 T1W8 086 C1;8T7: P2088I83 TCP/16569/B, P/00207/14. Cranleigh Ningwood Hill Cranmore. Householder Application Alterations to vehicular access provision of new entrance gates 1.8m high boundary fencing with hedging. Shalfleet Parish Council have no objection subject to hi h!a"s ensurin the hei ht of the he# e an# visibilit" are consi#ere# for safet" TCP/08886/E, P/00192/14, Orchard Croft Main oad !ellow. Householder Application "roposed car port on side elevation with conservatory at first floor level Shalfleet Parish Council has no objection$ Cllr #roadhead read out the IWCFs ,lanning ,ermissions and refusals which ha=e +een decided o=er the ,ast month! 1 4.1-/14 C1;8CI2217S 74P17TS Cllr 'utchinson The IWC ha=e agreed to raise the Council ta5 +y 2G and to sa=e the school crossing ,atrols +ut the free ,ar)ing at Moa Place is to +e ceased! There are to +e ?uarterly meetings with the Chief 45ec! 1f Wightlin)& Cllr 'utchinson and the Town Mayor of :armouth!

The ,lanning officer for the ,ro,osed de=elo,ment at the 0shlar site has +een changed to 7ussell Chic)& they are currently loo)ing at traffic and access issues! Cllr #roadhead 0s)ed Cllr 'utchinson what the 2ymington Town CouncilFs attitude towards the ferries isH Cllr 'utchinson said they were su,,orti=e of the ferries! Cllr 'ewston 'ad attended a recent CP74 meeting which mentioned the forthcoming #est Ce,t <illage com,etition! The sli,,ery nature of the new roads in 8ew+ridge and Wellow ha=e settled a little so they are not ?uite as sli,,ery& although ,eo,le are still encouraged to re,ort any sli,s or accidents! The s,eed safety grou, ha=e +een carrying out s,eed watch e=ents on Station 7oad at the Iunction of Warland 2ane! 1ut of 149 =ehicles& 14 were monitored tra=elling -@/42m,h! Cllr Whitney 7e,orted that the reinstatement of the wall at Shalfleet Church was slowly coming together with all ,arties in=ol=ed mo=ing forward! T'474 #4I83 81 1T'47 #;SI84SS T'4 C1;8CI2 71S4 0T 2040 086 74C4I<46 >;4STI18S 971M T'4 P;#2IC! Signed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Chairman


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