Justice League Contract

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There when you need us. There when you dont.

Group Contract for Team Justice League

We, Team Justice League, agree to the following responsibilities: Role Harmonizer and Parliamentary Facilitator, Prioritizer, and Checker Recorder. Reporter, and Timekeeper Explorer, Innovator, and Devils Advocate Runner and Wildcard Definition Maintains Harmony and Focus Authoritarian Member Sonny Whitaker Thomas Hughes

Maintain the draft

Martin Moncada

Provide insight and argue against ideas Provide materials and fill in role

Belinda Macias

Maribel Chavez

In addition to the roles, we agree to following guidelines and rules:

After meeting in class Thursdays, we will follow up on each others progress on the work we assigned for each other. Sunday we will present the research each other via online or in person, whichever we agree is necessary. Anyone tardy will be given a hit. 6 hits, and the four other group members will vote. * Absences will be credited as strikes. Similar to hits, 3 strikes and the four other members will vote. * (2 hits are equal to one strike. So if a member has 2 hits and 2 strikes or 4 hits and 1 strike, they will be voted against.)

*-see last bullet for voting

Unprepared group members will be given a strike. Defining unprepared: if a member who does not bring to the meeting what he or she agreed to bring, he or she is unprepared. Example; a group member agreed to do research with 2 sources and shows 1 or none sources.

Deadlines are hand in hand with unprepared group members. If the group member agrees to have his or her duty done by a certain date, they are responsible to do so. They are unprepared if it is not presented and will be given a strike. After 6 hits or 3 strikes (or the equivalence) the 4 remaining members will vote against that one member. It is up to the 4 members to decide the consequences. If majority, 3 out of 4, agree to anything, that decision is taken. Example: If 1 member wants the penalized member kicked out, but the other 3 agree to a grade deduction, the grade deduction wins, and vice versa. If the decision is split, the punishment will fall as a grade deduction.

We have read and understood the above contract and agree to abide by the rules and guidelines set forth within int. Print Name____________________________Signature___________________________Date_________ Print Name____________________________Signature___________________________Date_________ Print Name____________________________Signature___________________________Date_________ Print Name____________________________Signature___________________________Date_________ Print Name____________________________Signature___________________________Date_________

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