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1100 DuPortail Road Phone: 610-644-3221 Berwyn, PA 19312 FAX: 610-644- 394

FROM: DATE: !ieutenant "aro D# !andi$ A%ril 23, 2014

WALLET THEFT ARREST 4&11&14 at 214' hour$ ( )*+en,ie Brew -ou$e# "he .i*ti/ ( an e/%loyee o0 the re$taurant re%orted that their wallet wa$ $tolen 1y a *o-wor2er and the a*t wa$ *a%tured on the $ur.eillan*e $y$te/# "he a*tor ( 3arah Royal, 23, o0 -a.ertown PA wa$ *har4ed with "he0t 1y 5nlaw0ul "a2in4, Re*ei.in4 3tolen Pro%erty, A**e$$ De.i*e Fraud and 6dentity "he0t# FALSE POLICE REPORTS ARREST 4&14&14 at 11 4 hour$ ( Route 202# 7hen o00i*er$ a$2ed the 0or identi0i*ation durin4 a tra00i* $to%, the $tated they did not ha.e their li*en$e with the/ and %ro*eeded to write down their in0or/ation# 6t wa$ later di$*o.ered that the in0or/ation $u%%lied wa$ 0al$e, and the a*tor ( 8ani$e -ol/e$, 23, o0 9oate$.ille PA wa$ $u1$e:uently *har4ed with Fal$e Re%ort$ to !aw ;n0or*e/ent# THEFT FROM BANK ARREST 4&1 &14 at 1300 hour$ ( 9iti,en$ Ban2 in 9he$ter1roo2# A 1an2 e/%loyed in.e$ti4ator *onta*ted Poli*e when it wa$ di$*o.ered that <2,000#00 wa$ /i$$in4 0ro/ an e/%loyee=$ *a$h drawer# "he e/%loyee ( +enneth "ho/%$on, 26, o0 7il/in4ton D; later *on0e$$ed to ta2in4 the /oney and wa$ *har4ed with "he0t 1y 5nlaw0ul "a2in4 and Re*ei.in4 3tolen Pro%erty# IDENTITY THEFT 4&16&14 at 0946 hour$ ( !i1erte !ane in 7ayne# "he .i*ti/ re%orted that <2,000 wa$ 0raudulently *har4ed to their a**ount 1y a*tor>$? un2nown# "he *a$e i$ under in.e$ti4ation# PUBLIC DRUNKENNESS & DISORDERLY CONDUCT 4&1'&14 at 1226 hour$ ( 300 1lo*2 o0 Dru//er$ !ane in 7ayne# 3a/uel @a.arro, 42, and Patri*ia !oai,a, 49, 1oth o0 7ayne PA were *har4ed with Di$orderly 9ondu*t, Pu1li* Drun2enne$$ and -ara$$/ent a0ter %oli*e *onta*ted the/#



4&1'&14 at 1909 hour$ ( 300 1lo*2 o0 A.on Road in De.on# "he .i*ti/ re*ei.ed a *all 0ro/ the 1an2 who re%orted $u$%i*iou$ a*ti.ity on their *redit *ard# 6t wa$ then di$*o.ered that their$ li*en$e, *redit *ard$ and *he*21oo2 were /i$$in4# 6t i$ un2nown when the the0t too2 %la*e# CRAIGSLIST SCAM 4&1A&14 at 1220 hour$ ( '00 1lo*2 o0 Bld ;a4le 3*hool Road in 7ayne# "he .i*ti/ re%orted they were $*a//ed 1y a C1uyerD on 9rai4$li$t# "he 1uyer $ent a *he*2 to the .i*ti/ 0or /ore than the a/ount o0 the 0urniture whi*h wa$ to * the *o$t o0 $hi%%in4 a$ well# "he .i*ti/ wa$ told to wire the re/ainder to the C3hi%%erD .ia 7e$tern 5nion# "he total a/ount the .i*ti/ lo$t wa$ <2,20A# "he *a$e i$ under in.e$ti4ation# *Police re i!" re#i"e!$# $o %e&'re o( Cr'i)#li#$ Sc' #* T+e, -#-'ll, i!.ol.e e/$r' o!e, %ei!) #e!$ $o $+e .ic$i (or $+ir" 0'r$, #+i00i!)1 or 2(or ,o-r $i e '!" '!, i!co!.e!ie!ce#3 Al#o1 !o& $+'$ .'c'$io! #e'#o! i# -0o! -# 4 #c' # 're 'l#o o-$ $+ere (or .'c'$io! re!$'l# li#$e" o! Cr'i)#li#$* Be(ore '!, $r'!#'c$io!# $'5e 0l'ce1 0le'#e .eri(, $+e le)i$i 'c, o( $+e re!$'l* TERRORISTIC THREATS AND POSSESSION 4&1A&14 at 1 0 hour$ ( +/art 3tore in 7ayne# Poli*e were di$%at*hed to the ori4inal re%ort o0 an ar/ed ro11ery in %ro4re$$# "wo a*tor$ were in the $tore, one o0 whi*h announ*ed that Cthi$ wa$ a $ti*2 u%ED "hey le0t the $tore and $tarted to dri.e away# 3e.eral o00i*er$ arri.ed and were a1le to 1lo*2 the .ehi*le 0ro/ lea.in4# 7hen o00i*er$ :ue$tioned the a*tor$, it wa$ deter/ined that the *o//ent wa$n=t true and not an a*tual ro11ery# Durin4 *onta*t, $u$%e*ted /ariFuana wa$ lo*ated in the *ar# A$ a re$ult, 8a/e$ Genone, 22, o0 9ru/ !ynne PA wa$ *har4ed with Po$$e$$ion o0 a 3/all A/ount o0 )ariFuana and )i*hael Pla$ha, 2 , o0 -ol/e$ PA "errori$ti* "hreat$, Di$orderly 9ondu*t and Po$$e$$ion o0 a 3/all A/ount o0 )ariFuana# ASSAULT 4&1A&14 at 2041 hour$ ( "a$te o0 6ndia Re$taurant in Hateway# Balwindar 3in4h, 44, o0 +in4 o0 Pru$$ia PA wa$ *har4ed with 3i/%le A$$ault, Di$orderly 9ondu*t and -ara$$/ent a0ter witne$$e$ re%orted that he threw o1Fe*t$ in the re$taurant durin4 an alter*ationI $o/e o0 whi*h were thrown in *lo$e %roJi/ity to $/all *hildren and a %re4nant wo/an# UNDERAGE DRINKING 4&1A&14 at 2224 hour$ ( Route 202# Durin4 a tra00i* $to%, %oli*e o1$er.ed o**u%ant$ to 1e in %o$$e$$ion o0 al*oholi* 1e.era4e$# "he 0ollowin4 indi.idual$ were *har4ed with 5ndera4e Drin2in4: 3te%hen 9urti$, 20 and 8a/e$ 3trau$$, 20, 1oth o0 )al.ern PA# "he $u%%lier o0 the 1eer - 9hri$to%her Bri*2u$, 24, o0 Par2e$1ur4 PA wa$ *har4ed with Di$orderly 9ondu*t# HARASSMENT 4&21&14 at 1439 hour$ ( 3tar1u*2$ in De.on# )aryann )arry$how, 4A, o0 9hadd$0ord PA wa$ *har4ed with -ara$$/ent a0ter $he u$ed o1$*ene lan4ua4e toward$ another indi.idual in %u1li*# THE FOLLOWING INDI6IDUALS WERE ARRESTED FOR DRI6ING UNDER THE INFLUENCE* THE LAB RESULTS FROM PENNSYL6ANIA STATE POLICE HA6E BEEN 6ERIFIED: 8o$hua Ada/$, 32, o0 ;l2ton )D ( BA9 >Blood Al*ohol 9ontent? wa$ #201K Paul Ditton, 4, o0 Berwyn PA ( BA9 wa$ #1 4K 7illia/ -art/an, 49, o0 Ridley Par2 PA ( BA9 wa$ L#300K 8ohn !e.i$, 3', o0 7ayne PA ( BA9 wa$ #14AK 8ohn 7ol0e, 19, o0 @orri$town PA ( BA9 wa$ #13AK


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