Labor of Love - April 2014 PDF

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The crew who put on the Easter

Oh, the Joy!

My past Easters have all moved me deeply, but none of them hold a candle to the one I had this year. Perhaps it was Good Friday communion, or the moving Easter play the orphans put on. Or maybe it was the 20 baptisms we had after church, followed by a peaceful team meal. Who knows... maybe it was because this year I celebrated my born-again birthday the same week. But if Im honest... Id have to admit, this year is different for one reason --one word in fact: Joy. Over and over again this Easter, Jesus has reminded me that He went to the cross for the JOY set before Him. When I stopped to really consider this passage (Hebrews 12:2), my heart exploded in awe and gratitude. It says: Therefore... let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, xing our eyes on Jesus... who for the joy set before Him endured the cross... Read that again carefully. It does not say that Jesus went to the cross with joy. There was nothing joyful about that day! Instead it says that He endured the cross for the joy set before Him. What was that joy? ---That joy was you and me! Remember this when your legs are weary and your breath is short and when you think youll never be able to nish the race well. It is then that you must look up and remember the cross. He did that for you. For... you are His joy!

For more stories check out my blog

La Deli verin bo g the r Love of of Je sus o L ne ba ov by at e a ti



me .

Getting Wet!
This Easter 20 orphans decided to mark their faith with water baptism. It was a moving time of worship and prayer. I confess I did my share of bawling. I love baptisms!

Clinic Repairs
The clinic waiting room has a new roof, the ramp has been fixed, and all the insidious leaks in the clinic roof have been patched (Oh! Please God may it be so!). The ceilings still need to be installed though... and painted. So please keep praying. Also the water tower is in the final planning stage. So exciting!

Chicken or Egg?
Batch number two of the chickens has come and gone. I didnt make much since we lost so many of them early on... but I didnt loose anything either. PTL! Also... good news! I found a way to get layers for eggs. They should arrive in early May! Please pray I can iron out the kinks and start earning enough to help with the clinic expenses. Thanks.

Getting Excited...
As the finnish line grows nearer, the cheering gets a little louder, the rhythmic slapping of heavy feet speed up, and the breathless whoosh of airstarved lungs wheeze in unison, Keep going.... one more step.... you can... wheeze... do it! -- This is me about now. Im tired. Im fed up. Im ready to sit down and untie my shoes. -- Seriously... did I agree to this? But then... I take another step and lo and behold, I have not died in the process. Perhaps I can run after all. -- Wheeze. Yes, this means that Im still waiting for my papers. Ugg. (In fact, Ill need to head back to Maputo to sort them out for the umptine time very soon). But fortunately, Im no longer waiting for the clinic papers. (This is huge!) Ive been told they are ready to be picked up any day! However, Im still looking for the right nurse and have a handful of clinic repairs to do. But with the finish line in sight, I cant help but get excited! Then there will be a new race to run. Wont that be fun!
- Stephanie

Nurse Needs:
Please keep praying for the right nurse. So far... no luck!

Paper Debacle
The jury is back... and it looks as if Ill need to start my paperwork process ALL over again. --Sigh. Please pray that this time it doesnt take a circuitous route through four different offices only to be ignored for months at a time! -- Ugg. No, Im not bitter at all!

Mailing Address:
c/o Missao Crista de Maforga C.P 3, Gondola Manica Province, Mozambique

Support Address:
Make checks payable to Shepherds Staff, PO Box 53640 Albuquerque, NM 87153-3640 Write #6201 on memo line. Donate online at

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