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Exclusive OpenCart Responsive Theme



Glamorous OpenC Th heme OpenCart Responsive T

Author: : Bhavin Lashkari (Development) Contact us: Features: ulti Color !kins "#itter Bootstrap A$vance Auto complete search %oogle &onts Librar' ibrar' &ont A#esome (cons Cross Bro#ser Compatible Comp "heme Control o$ule o$ (n)inite color options )or theme * )onts +uick ,ro$uct -ie# ,AC. Auto Loa$ers A/A0 ,rice !li$er +1 Co$e Blue (mg Bootstrap %aller' "r' e .2clusive &ashion .2tension .2te All "abs (&eature$3 &eature$3 Bestseller3 ,opular3 !pecial3 Latest Latest) !mart A$s .2tension Custom Content .2tension Bootstrap Bo2 !li$er Bootstrap &ull 4i$th !li$er anu)acturer .2tension * man' more5

"hank 'ou )or purchasing our theme. %lamorous theme is Buil$ in Bootstrap An$ 1ea$' )or Develop 'ou o#n custom theme. () 'ou have an' 6uestions that are be'on$ the scope o) this help )ile3 please )eel )ree to email via m' user page contact )orm here. "hanks so much7

8 LB "hemes

Table of contents

(. (nstallation ((. "heme i. ii. iii. iv. o$ule

%eneral !ettings &onts !ettings Loa$er !i$ebar

(((. !t'lesheet &ile !tructure (-. /ava!cript -. .2tensions %ui$eline i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. Custom Content All in 9ne "ab "r'me .2tension Bootstrap Bo2 !li$er Bootstrap &ull 4i$th !li$er anu)acturer o$ule !mart A$s ,rice !li$er o$ule

-(. !ource an$ Cre$its -((. Customi:ation !ervice

I. Installation:
() 'ou are going to install our theme on mo$i)ie$ 9penCart installation3 ake sure 'ou backe$ up 'our )iles be)ore procee$ing.

%lamorous "heme makes some little changes to 9pencart core )iles an$ built8in mo$ules (cart mo$ule)3 so i) 'ou have mo$i)ie$ them be)ore3 these changes can be lost7

All the )iles nee$e$ to be uploa$e$ can be )oun$ insi$e ;&(L.! "9 <,L9AD= )ol$er. You #ill )in$ t#o )ol$ers there: >a$min> an$ >catalog>. (n this point 'ou shoul$ notice that the structure o) the &(L.! "9 <,L9AD )ol$er matches 'our installation structure e2actl'. Drag an$ $rop the a$min an$ catalog )ol$ers into 'our site using 'our )avorite &", client (() 'ou Don=t have one3 #e recommen$ &ile:illa).

You #ill be aske$ i) 'ou #ant to replace some o) the )iles )rom 'our current installation. Do so onl' i) 'ou have clean installation or have backe$ up 'our mo$i)ie$ installation.

A)ter success)ul uploa$3 'ou shoul$ go to 'our a$min panel (http:??'our$$min) %o to )ollo#ing path.

!'stem ?settings ? Your !tore 8@ Click on .$it link. %o to !tore "ab (n "emplate 9ption !elect AbootstrapB Cit !ave * it=s $one7

II. Theme Module:

At Back8en$ ,ath: A$min 8@ @ .2tension8@ .2tension A)ter that click e$it o$ules 8@ "heme 9ption 8@ @ Click (nstall


General Option:

Auto Configuration Link:

A)ter "heme (nstallation ation Click this link

(t #ill Change all ll (mage !i:es an$ make it Compatible Compatible to the %lamorous "heme. (mage si:e inclu$es home page banner image3 categor' image3 pro$uct $etails images3 Cart images etc5 etc


Font Settings: Setting

iii. Loader Settings: Setting

PACE Loader

iv. Sidebar Settings: Setting

Be Care)ul #hile a$$ing content to si$ebar ,lease Don=t &orgot to click on !ource Button than a$$ content to it. &or ore Detail Click on !i$ebar %ui$e.

II. CSS ile Structure:


Core he!es

,ath: catalog ? vie# ? theme ?bootstrap

ain !t'lesheets: D. st'le.css E. st'le8responsive.css F. bootstrap.css G. bootstrap8responsive.css

() 'ou #oul$ like to e$it a speci)ic section o) C!! )ile (use &ire)o2 e2tension calle$ >&irebug> to $o that)3 an$ then scroll $o#n until 'ou )in$ the appropriate st'le that nee$s to be e$ite$.

D(1 : AColorB contains all the

ulti Color "heme !kins !t'lesheet

D(1 : AhoverB contains Cover !t'lesheets. (Categor' ,age Cover e))ect) D(1 : A(mage8galler'B contains .legant (mage %aller' !t'lesheet. (,ro$uct Detail ,age) D(1 : Aloa$erB contains ,AC. Loa$er !t'lesheets.

&or .2tensions !t'lesheet ,ath : catalogHvie#HthemeH$e)aultHst'lesheetH

You #ill )in$ )ollo#ing !t'lesheets over here.

Bootstrap Bo2 * &ull !li$er !t'lesheet !mart A$s * "r' me .2tension !t'lesheet.

III. !avascript:
,ath: catalog ? vie# ? javascript ? Common.js is mo$i)'ing #ith changes. D(1 : ABootstrapB Contains all the bootstrap javascript. D(1 : AAngular /sB Contains all the Angular /s !cript. D(1 : Apace8loa$erB Contains all the pace8loa$er javascript D(1 : A!mart8a$sB Contains all the !mart a$s o$ules javascript.

I". Extensions: i. Custom Content Module

o$ules 8@ @ LB Custom Content o$ule

,ath: .2tension 8@ @

Description : A$$ Custom "e2t * C" L Co$es to an' position.


#ll in One Tab Module

o$ules 8@ LB All "ab o$ule

,ath: .2tension 8@ @

Description : Active "abs D. &eature$ ,ro$uct "ab E. Latest ,ro$uct "ab F. ost ,opular ,ro$uct "ab

G. !pecial cial ,ro$uct "ab " I. Bestseller ,ro$uct "ab


Tr$ Me Module
o$ules 8@ LB "r' e

,ath: .2tension 8@ @

Description: : Combo carousel mo$ule

Attention: D. You must select t#o sli$er 9ne )or "ops * Another &or Bottoms E. &or "ops !elect <pper3 &or Bottoms !elect Bottom F. !ort 9r$er must be in se6uel i) top banner have no ;J= !o )or Bottom have no ;JKD=


%ootstrap %ox Slider

o$ules 8@ LB Bootstrap De)ault )ault !li$er

,ath: .2tension 8@ @


%ootstrap ull Slider

o$ules 8@ LB Bootstrap &ull !li$er

,ath: .2tension 8@ @


Manufacturer Module
o$ules 8@ LB anu)acturer o$ule

,ath: .2tension 8@ @

Description: : All Bran$ List. B' Click 9n that particular bran$ 'ou=ll be re$irecte$ on that bran$ pro$ucts.


Smart #ds
o$ules 8@ LB !mart A$s.

,ath: .2tension 8@ @

Description: : !mart A$s is Basicall' "e2t 1otator. ,lease (nsert Content A)ter Clicking on the !ource Button. You=ll %et !ome ome Animation !election 9ption here.


&rice Slider ilter il

o$ules 8@ LB ,rice !li$er

,ath: .2tension 8@ @

Description: A/A0 ,rice !li$er is ,rice &ilter. At backen$ 'ou ou just nee$ to enter the a2 L in ,rice

"I. Source and Credits:

http:?? http:?? http:??$ocs?#elcome? http:??'? http:??###.thepete$$emos?j6uer'MsuperMsimpleMte2tMrotato rM$emo.html http:??)

"II. Customi'ation Service:

(>m happ' to help 'ou #ith the installation. But be)ore 'ou contact me3 please make sure that 'ou )ollo#e$ the above speci)ication as close as possible3 because it is prove$ that most o) the problems come )rom not rea$ing the speci)ication care)ull'.

() 'ou contact us #ith support 6uestion3 please inclu$e 'our #ebsite <1L3 installe$ version o) 9penCart an$ $etaile$ $escription o) 'our problem an$ screenshots (i) applicable) !ho#ing the issues 'ou e2perience. 4e ma' also ask 'ou )or temporar' access to 'our )tp Account.

() 'ou #ant to save 'oursel) a hassle3 #e can $o the #hole process o) installation )or 'ou3 )or a charge o) <!D NO. "his #ill normall' be $one #ithin EG 8 GP hours a)ter receiving pa'ment via pa'pal. Contact me i) 'ou nee$ m' assistance.


4e speciali:e in creating bespoke $esigns an$ custom 9penCart $evelopments. !houl$ 'ou 1e6uire an' customi:ation to 'our theme3 #hether it is changing theme=s la'out3 a$$ing ne# o$ules or creating

ne# custom theme )rom scratch3 #e are right people )or the job.

Contact us #ith $etails o) #hat nee$s to be $one3 an$ #e=ll give 'ou a )ree3 no obligation +uote.

Contact via:

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