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lluenL ln Lngllsh, Arablc, and a beglnner ln Spanlsh.
CreaLlve e-commerce buslness leader ln AL WakalaL onllne showroom and Lhe lnformaLlon SysLems ChapLer CaLar.
Plghly organlzed and dlllgenL wlLh a capaclLy Lo work on mulLlple pro[ecLs as an experlenced Cl pro[ecLs coordlnaLor.
LxcellenL negoLlaLlons skllls wlLh hands-on real-llfe parLnershlp agreemenLs aL Al WakalaL and 8awa[ Agency.

4$78,(('79#: &;<,$',9=,>
/: ?#@#:#A !9:'9, )*7B$77"C >"42 L @2829 January 2013 - Present
!ob 1lLle: !"#$"%&'() +&' ,)(-.'(&/
Co-founded lnLroduced Lhe ldea Lo parLners and sLrucLured Lhe e-buslness managemenL.
Pandled Lhe webslLe's creaLlve deslgn and funcLlonallLy Lo saLlsfy 90 of accesslblllLy guldellnes.
lormulaLed Lhe e-buslness sLraLegy ensurlng a sLrong 3-year flnanclal plan Lo sLrongly supporL Lhe flrm.
Composed Lhe markeLlng plan and campalgn Lo reach ouL Lo Lhe ldenLlfled segmenLs wlLhln Lhe reglonal populaLlon.
Approached parLners and sLakeholders Lo negoLlaLe agreemenLs and enhance relaLlonshlps.
uemonsLraLed powerful lnLerchanges wlLh auLomoblle dealers ln CaLar, leadlng Lo parLnershlps wlLh Al WakalaL.

D#A#$ 27E9F#A'79C >"42 L @2829 January - May 2013
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!ob 1lLle: ,)"0(1/- 211"%&/- !"")'.&+/")
1ralned Cl employees on new performance reporLlng meLhods, hence lmprovlng Cl servlce reporLs by 33.
Lnhanced Cl's erformance 8eporLlng user-lnLerface, resulLlng ln a 13 lncrease ln user-saLlsfacLlon.
Applled proflclenL measuremenL Lo Cl reporLlng daLa agalnsL lLs kls, leadlng Lo a 3 lncrease ln accuracy.
Lnsured proacLlve and effecLlve execuLlon of Cl CuarLerly flnal reporLs as a LrusLed confldenLlal candldaLe.

0#B#G /FH,$A'('9I /I,9=+C >"42 L @2829 September - March 2013
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!ob 1lLle: 3%-.&(-- 4(5(6"78(&/ "$$.1()9
negoLlaLed parLnershlps for 8awa[ Lo enlarge pro[ecLs and wlden Lhe markeL, hence lncreaslng proflLs by 3.
CoordlnaLed 8awa[ managemenL's meeLlngs and ouLllned fuLure plans Lo lncrease Lhe efflclency of meeLlngs by 12.
ConnecLed qulckly wlLh managemenL and bullL sLrong relaLlonshlps as an afflllaLe wlLh 8awa[ Agency.

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8evlLallzed Lhe lnformaLlon SysLems SLudenLs ChapLer ln Carnegle Mellon aLLracLlng 30 of ma[or's sLudenLs.
AcLed as Lhe resldenL of Lhe lnformaLlon SysLems ChapLer ln Carnegle Mellon unlverslLy for Lwo semesLers.
uellvered Lhe supporLlng moLLo of CaLar 2022 8ld Lo Lhe publlc belng a member of Lhe publlc promoLers Leam.

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AcLlvely parLlclpaLed and compleLed SA's flrsL undergraduaLe ueslgn 1hlnklng Workshop held ln CaLar.
1ook up a one-year [ournallsm Course aL Lhe enlnsula newspaper Lo develop medla and [ournallsm skllls.
Lxperlenced free-lancer auLomoLlve consulLanL ln CaLar auLomoblle lndusLry wlLh Al WakalaL onllne showroom.
CompleLlon of CMuC's L8 course LhaL puLs SA L8 SysLem lnLo ln class pracLlces and hands-on Lhe sysLem.

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