Diploma Project Final Copy Avk2013

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Thermal analysis of natural convection in a closed enclosure with electronic chip embedded in an active wall
A dissertation submitted in practical fulfillment for the award of Diploma in Mechanical Engineering By

Avik Bal (DIP/11/ME/08)

Arnab Sarmah (DIP/11/ME/12)

Diwoshjyoti Gogoi (DIP/11/ME/15)

Saurin Dey (DIP/11/ME/101)

Under the guidance of Dr. Asis Giri Associate Professor Mechanical Engineering Mr. Biplap Das Assistant professor Mechanical Engineering

__________________________________________________________________________________________________ Department of Mechanical Engineering NORTH EASTERN REGIONAL INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (Deemed University) (Under the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India) (U/S 3 of the UGC Act, 1956) 2013



is to certify that dissertation entitled THERMAL ANALYSIS OF NATURAL

Sarmah (DIP/11/ME/12), Diwoshjyoti Gogoi (DIP/11/ME/15), Saurin Dey (DIP/11/ME/101) in fulfillment of the requirement for the DIPLOMA in Mechanical Engineering submitted to the North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology, Itanagar, is a record of bonafide work carried out by them during the academic session 2012-2013, in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, NERIST, under the supervision and guidance of Dr. Asis Giri and Mr. Biplab Das, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NERIST. The matter embodied in this dissertation has not been submitted to any other university or institute for the award of any other Degree or Diploma.

Dr. Asis Giri (Project Supervisor)

Mr. Biplab Das (Project Supervisor and Coordinator)


We certify that the work presented in the project entitled Thermal analysis of natural convection in a closed enclosure with electronic chip embedded in an active wall; a prerequisite for partial fulfillment for the award of Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, North East Regional Institute of Science and Technology is an accurate record of our work carried out under the guidance of Dr. Asis Giri and Mr. Biplab Das. We hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare that, as required by these rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all material and results that are not original to this work.

Avik Bal DIP/11/ME/08

Arnab Sarmah DIP/11/ME/12

Diwoshjyoti Gogoi DIP/11/ME/15

Saurin Dey DIP/11ME/101


We would like to take this to express our sincere gratitude to our guides Dr. Asis Giri (Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NERIST) & Mr. Biplab Das (Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NERIST) for their support and guidance throughout the project. We would also like to thank them for their valuable time they spent with us inspite of their busy schedule. This project would not be possible without their contribution. We are also thankful to them for leading us their hand of support and encouragement and for providing us the perfect platform for learning new skills and way to handle the problems. Last but not the least we would also like to give special thanks to our parents and who always supported us with their silent blessing and prayers. We are also thankful to our friends who contributed to our project with their moral support. We would also like to express our deep scene of faithful gratitude to all the teaching and nonteaching staffs of Mechanical Engineering Department of NERIST.

The present work reports the theoretical and numerical study of natural convection of heat in a closed vertical enclosure with discreet heat sources (representing power-dissipating semiconductor devices in electronic applications), mounted on the left adiabatic wall of the enclosure. The material of the chip is considered to be of aluminium and the working fluid is considered to be air. The heat sources are taken to be constant temperature sources. The right side wall of the enclosure is an isothermal heat sink with heat sources (electronic chips) embedded in it. The top and the bottom wall are considered to be adiabatic walls. The velocity stream function, contours of static temperature, contours of entropy and variation of velocity magnitude between the heat source and heat sink considered are figured from FLUENT analysis. The total heat transfer rate and total mass transfer rate is also calculated for all the arrangements (1 chip, 2 chip, 3 chip) and tabulated. The design and simulation software package used are Fluent 6.3.26 and Gambit 2.4.6.

Cover Page Certificate of Approval Candidates Declaration Acknowledgement Abstract Contents List of Symbols List of Figures i ii iii iv v vi vii viii

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Heat transfer in electronic chip 1.2 Materials 1.3 Principles of heat transfer 1.3.1 Conduction 1.3.2 Convection 1.3.3 Radiation 3 4 5 1 2

CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2. Literature Review 6

CHAPTER 3 COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS 3.1.1 Physical Model 3.1.2 Gambit Model 3.1.3 Meshing 3.1.4 FLUENT Analysis 7 7 8 8

3.2.1 Operating Conditions

3.2.2 Materials Properties 3.2.3 Boundary Conditions 3.2.4 Under-Relaxation factors 3.2.5 Convergence criteria 3.2.6 Solution initialization

9 9 10 10 11

CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 4.1 Contours of Velocity Stream Function 4.2 Contours of Static Temperature 4.3 Contours of Entropy 4.4 Variation of velocity 12 13 15 16

CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION 5.1 Conclusions 5.2 Scope of future work 19 19



List of symbols
SYMBOLS x y u v k T MEANING Distance along X-axis Distance along Y-axis X-component of velocity Y-component of velocity Thermal conductivity of fluid (air) Temperature Density of fluid Cp A h Specific heat at constant pressure Area of the chip Heat transfer coefficient UNITS m m m/s m/s W/ m K K kg/ m3 J/K m2 W/m2K

List of figures Fig No. Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. Fig. 4.

Fig 4.1.1 Fig 4.1.2: Fig 4.1.3: Fig 4.2.1 :

One dimensional heat flow Schematic diagram of the three types of chip arrangement. GAMBIT model GAMBIT model after meshing Velocity Stream function of the model with one number of chip Velocity Stream function of the model with two number of chips Velocity Stream function of the model with three number of chips

Page no. 3 8 8 13 13 14

Contour of static temperature of the model with one 14 number of chip. Contour of static temperature of the model with two 15 number of chip Contour of static temperature of the model with three 15 number of chips Contours of entropy of the model with one number of 16 chip. Contours of entropy of the model with two number of 16 chips. Contours of entropy of the model with three numbers of 17 chips. Variation of velocity along iso-surface taken at vertical half distance of the enclosure for one number of chip.

Fig 4.2.2 : Fig 4.2.3 Fig 4.3.1

Fig 4.3.2. :

Fig 4.3.3:

Fig 4.4.1


Fig 4.4.2:

Variation of velocity along iso-surface taken at vertical half distance of the enclosure for two number of chips.


Fig 4.4.3:

Variation of velocity along iso-surface taken at vertical half distance of the enclosure for three number of chips.



CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION _______________________________________________________________________ 1.1 Heat transfer in an electronic chip. An electronic chip is a heat generating surface that extends from an object to increase the rate of heat transfer to or from the environment by increasing convection. The amount of conduction, convection or radiation of an object determines the rate of heat transfer . Increasing the temperature difference between the object and the environment, increasing the convection heat transfer coefficient, or increasing the surface area of the object increases the heat transfer. Sometimes it is not economical or it is not feasible to change the first two op tions. Adding a fin to an object, however, increases the surface area and can sometimes be an economical solution to heat transfer problems. When electrical current flows through a semiconductor or a passive device, a portion of the power is dissipated as heat energy. Natural convection is used extensively for passive cooling of electronic devices. The method remains a preferred choice since finned, aircooled heat sinks and liquid cooling suffer from the major drawbacks of increase in weight, cost and volume. In this paper we attempted to study the natural convection in enclosures, conducted under isothermal or constant flux heating conditions. The present work is carried out numerically to find the heat-transfer characteristics through streamline and isotherm plots using the finite volume code Fluent 6.3. and Gambit 2.4 Electric current flowing through a resistance is always accompanied by heat generation, and the essence of thermal design is the safe removal of this internally generated heat by providing an effective path for heat flow from electronic components to the surrounding medium. As the power of these systems increases and the space allotted to them diminishes, heat flux or density (heat per unit area, W/m2) goes up to a large extent.


In a chip carrier, heat generated at the junction is conducted along the thickness of the chip, the bonding material, the lead frame, the case material, and the leads. The junctionto-case thermal resistance represents the total resistance to heat transfer between the junction of a component and its case. This resistance should be as low as possible to minimize the temperature rise of the junction above the case temperature. The heat fluxes encountered in electronic devices range from less than 1 W/m2 to more than 100 W/m2. Heat is generated in a resistive element for as long as current continues to flow through it. This creates a heat build-up and a subsequent temperature rise at and around the component. The temperature of the component will continue rising until the component is destroyed unless heat is transferred away from it. The temperature of the component will remain constant when the rate of heat removal from it equals the rate of heat generation.

1.2 Materials
Electronic chips used various electronic appliances can be made from a variet y of materials. Aluminum is most widel y preferred in cryogenic and aerospace applications because of its low densit y, high thermal conductivit y and high strength at low temperature. At temperatures above ambient, most aluminum alloys lose mechanical strength. Stainless steels, nickel and copper alloys have been used at temperatures up to 500 0 C. The brazing material in case of aluminum exchangers is an alu minum alloy of lower melting point, while that used in stainless steel exchangers is a nickel based alloy with appropriate melting.

1.3 Principles of heat transfer.

Heat transfer is the science which seeks to predict the energy transfer which may take place between material bodies as a result of temperature difference between them. Heat transfer [5] is a discipline of thermal engineering that concerns the generation, use, conversion, and exchange of thermal energy and heat between physical systems. There are three different types of heat transfer: conduction, convection, and radiation. A temperature difference must exist for heat transfer to occur. Heat is always transferred in the direction of decreasing temperature The three modes: Conduction: Energy transfer within solids


Convection: Transfer from a surface to a moving fluid Radiation: Transfer by electromagnetic radiation

1.3.1 Conduction Conduction is a mode of heat transfer that occurs when there is a temperature gradient across a body. In this case, the energy is transferred from a high temperature region to low temperature region due to random molecular motion diffusion. Higher temperatures are associated with higher molecular energies and when they collide with less energetic molecules the transfer of energy occurs. The simplest conduction heat transfer can be described as one dimensional heat flow depicted in Figure 1. In this situation, the heat flows into one face of the object and out the opposite face with no heat loss (flow) out the sides of the object. The surfaces 1 and 2 are held at constant temperature. Clearly, in one dimensional heat flow, the temperature of an object is a function of only one variable, namely the distance from either face of the object (face 1 or 2). Energy is transferred by conduction and the heat transfer rate per unit area is proportional to the normal temperature gradient. q = -kA

Fig.1. One dimensional heat flow


1.3.2. Convection The convection heat transfer mode is comprised of two mechanisms: random molecular motion (diffusion) and energy transferred by bulk or macroscopic motion of the fluid. The convection heat transfer occurs when a cool fluid flows past the warm body. The fluid adjacent to the body forms a thin slowed down region called the boundary layer. The velocity of the fluid at the surface of the body is reduced to zero due to the viscous action. Therefore, at this point, the heat is transferred only by conduction. The moving fluid then carries the heat away. The temperature gradient at the surface of the body depends on the rate at which the fluid carries the heat away. The convection heat transfer may be classified according to the nature of fluid flow. Forced convection occurs when the flow is caused by external means, such as a fan, a pump and similar. An example is a fan which provides forced convection air cooling of hot electrical components on a printed circuit board. To express the overall effect of convection, we use Newtons law of cooling:

1.3.3. Radiation

Heat transfer occurs by electromagnetic radiation between the surfaces of a body and the surrounding medium. It is a highly nonlinear function of the absolute temperatures of the body and medium. The magnitude of the heat flux normal to a solid surface by radiation is qr = Ar(Tr4 Tm4). Here Tr is the absolute temperature of the body surface, Tm is the absolute temperature of the surrounding medium, Ar is the body surface area subjected to radiation, = 5.67 x 108 [W/m2 K4] is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, and is a surface factor ( = 1 for a perfect black body).


Ways to increase heat transfer. 1. The convection coefficient h could be increased by increasing the fluid velocity and fluid temperature could be reduced. However increasing h even to the maximum possible values often insufficient to obtain the desirable heat transfer rate or the costs related to blower or pump power required to increase h may be prohibitive. 2. The second option of increasing the fluid temperature is often impractical. The heat transfer rate may be increased by increasing the surface area across which convection occurs. This may be done by using fins that extends from walls into the surrounding fluid. The thermal conductivity of the fin material has a strong effect on the temperature distribution along the fins and hence the degree to which the heat transfer rate is enhanced. There are certain situations in engineering design when the objective is to reduce the flow of heat, e.g., heat exchangers, building insulation, thermo flask and so on. Thermal insulation materials must have a low thermal conductivity. In most cases this is achieved by trapping air or some other gas inside the small cavities in a solid. It uses the inherently low conductivity of gas to inhabit heat flow. Heat can however be transferred by natural convection inside the gas pockets and by radiation between the solid enclosed walls. The conductivity of insulating materials is therefore the results of a combination of heat flow mechanisms. It is an effectiveness value that changes with temperature, pressure and environmental conditions, e.g., moisture.


CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW _______________________________________________________________________ Studies on heat transfer for extended surfaces have been explained in the earlier publications such as Harper and Brown , Elenbaas and Gardner . Heat transfers in case of natural convection from vertical and horizontal fin arrays are investigated by several researchers, for instance, Karki and Patankar. Recent experimental studies by Rao and Venkateshan on vertical fin with horizontal base consider simultaneous free convection and radiation. More experimental evidence on natural convection for vertical fin with vertical base can be seen in Fisher and Torrance, in which chimney effect was discussed. Yaziciolu and Ync presented optimum fin spacing in the case of natural convection from vertical fin with vertical base. Sumanta Banerjee, et. al. [(2008) 15161527] of Jadavpur University, Kolkata in their journal Natural convection in a bi-heater configuration of passive electronic cooling studies the steady state simulation of natural convection in a horizontal, planar square cavity with two discrete heat sources, flush-mounted on its bottom wall. The heaters are modeled as constant-flux heat sources. The sidewalls of the cavity are isothermal heat sinks. The top wall and the non-heated portions of the bottom wall are adiabatic. Buoyancy-driven convection is simulated for varying length and/or strength ratios of the two heat sources, for a fixed cavity size and a constant value of total thermal energy input. The computational study quantitatively depicts the critical roles played by the heater length and heater strength ratios in ensuring that the devices operate within the safe temperature limits specified by the manufacturer. Such quantitative predictions help determine the range in which the heater sizes and/or flux strengths may be varied so that the conditions of operation. The ratio of flux strengths of the heat sources and their lengths are taken as variables, while keeping the total heat input to the cavity as constant. For any chosen value of length (strength) ratio, maximum temperature on both heaters is presented as a function of heater length ratio. They found out that by changing the dimensionless length ratio, if heater strength ratio is varied in either direction of the value of total heat input, the maximum temperature of one of the heater rises above the permissible limit.


CHAPTER 3 COMPUTATIONAL ANALYS IS _______________________________________________________________________

3.1.Modelling 3.1.1 Physical Model:All the three models of the different types of chip arrangements considered are shown below with proper nomenclatures of the contours with dimensions.

(a) (b) (c) Fig.2. Schematic diagram of the three types of chip arrangement (a) Single number of chip embedded in the active wall, (b) Two numbers of chip attached with active wall, (c) Three numbers of chip embedded in the active wall.


3.1.2 Gambit Model:

The two-dimensional faces of the three types of chip arrangement are shown below:

(a) (b) (c) Fig.3. GAMBIT model. (a) Model with one number of chip. (b) Model with two number of chips. (c) Model with three number of chips

3.1.3 Meshing:
The three two-dimensional faces after meshing are shown below: Mesh Type: Quad Mesh Spacing: 0.0005 Fig.4. GAMBIT model after meshing.

(a) For 1 chip model

(b) For 2 chip model

(c) For 3 chip model



3.2.1 Operating Conditions: Table: 1: Operating Conditions of the considered model for each case. Parameters Operating Pressure Gravitational Acceleration Operating Temperature Operating Density Values 101325 Pa X = 0 m/s2 Y = -9.81 m/s2 303K 1.225 kg/m3

3.2.2. Materials Properties: Here we have taken air as operating fluid. The material properties for all the three cases are same. The materials properties of the considered model are given in Table2. Table: 2: Materials properties of the considered model. Values 1.225 kg/m3 1005 J/kg-K 0.0287 W/m-K 1.789e-5 kg/m-s 0.0033 K-1


Density (Boussinesq) Specific Heat (Cp) Thermal Conductivity Viscosity Thermal Expansion Coefficient

3.2.3. Boundary Conditions: Three types of chip arrangement is considered for the same vertical enclosure. The dimension of the vertical enclosure is considered 0.015 by 0.029 meters and the chip length being 0.003 meters. For 1st case one chip is embedded in the middle of the active wall (high temperature source) at 343 K and the cold wall (low temperature sink) being at 303 K. All other walls of the vertical enclosure is considered to be adiabatic.


Table 3: Case 1: With 1 chip (TC = 303 K, TH = 343 K, TH TC = 40K) Zone Right wall Chip Top adiabatic wall Bottom adiabatic wall Left adiabatic Type WALL WALL WALL WALL WALL Thermal Condition Temperature Temperature Heat Flux Heat Flux Heat Flux Value 303 K 343 K 0 W/m2 0 W/m2 0 W/m2

Table 4: Case 3: With 2 Chips (TC = 303 K, TH = 343 K, TH TC = 40K) Zone Type Thermal Condition Value Right wall Chip (each) Top adiabatic Bottom adiabatic Left adiabatic WALL WALL WALL WALL WALL Temperature Temperature Heat Flux Heat Flux Heat Flux 303 K 343 K 0 W/m2 0 W/m2 0 W/m2

Table 5: Case 3: With 3 Chips (TC = 303 K, TH = 343 K, TH TC = 40 K) Zone Type Thermal Condition Value Right wall Chip (each) Top adiabatic Bottom adiabatic Left adiabatic WALL WALL WALL WALL WALL Temperature Temperature Heat Flux Heat Flux Heat Flux 303 K 343 K 0 W/m2 0 W/m2 0 W/m2

3.2.4. Under-Relaxation Factors: The Under-relaxation factors for each of the cases are considered same.


Table 6: Relaxation Factors Parameters Pressure Density Body forces Momentum Energy 0.3 1 1 0.7 1 Value

3.2.5. Convergence Criteria: Table: 7: Convergence criteria Residuals Absolute Criteria Continuity x-velocity y-velocity Energy 0.001 0.001 0.001 1e-05

3.2.6. Solution Initialization Table: 8: Initial Values taken for all the cases. Parameters Initial values Gauge pressure X-velocity Y-velocity Temperature 0 Pa 0 m/s 0 m/s 323 K


CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Our physical models with electronic chip(s) attached to an active wall of a vertical enclosure are designed in GAMBIT 2.3 and simultaneously simulated in FLUENT. The simulation is performed for each arrangement (1 chip, 2 chip and 3 chip) one by one and the following figures are observed. 4.1 Contours of Velocity stream function.

Fig 4.1.1: Velocity Stream function of the model with one number of chip.

Fig 4.1.2: Velocity Stream function of the model with two number of chips.


Fig 4.1.3: Velocity Stream function of the model with three number of chips.

4.2 : Contours of static temperature.

Fig 4.2.1 : Contours of static temperature of the model with one number of chip.


Fig 4.2.2 : Contours of static temperature of the model with two number of chips

Fig 4.2.3 : Contours of static temperature of the model with three number of chips.


4.3 : Contours of entropy. .

Fig 4.3.1 : Contours of entropy of the model with one number of chip.

Fig 4.3.2. : Contours of entropy of the model with two numbers of chips.


Fig 4.3.3: Contours of entropy of the model with three numbers of chips.

4.4 : Variation of velocity.

Fig 4.4.1: Variation of velocity along iso-surface taken at vertical half distance of the enclosure for one number of chip.


Fig 4.4.2: Variation of velocity along iso-surface taken at vertical half distance of the enclosure for two numbers of chips.


4.4.3: Variation of velocity along iso-surface taken at vertical half distance of the enclosure for three number of chips.


The total heat transfer rate for all the three cases with 1 chip, 2 chips and 3 chips arrangement as obtained are recorded below:5.1. For single chip arrangement: Number of chips Chip 1 Heat flux(watt) 1.9834081

5.2. For 2 chips arrangement: Number of chips Chip 1 Chip 2 Heat flux(watt) 1.2918506 1.976114

5.3. For 3 chips arrangement: Number of chips Chip 1 Chip 2 Chip 3 Heat flux(watt) 0.81182873 1.3848728 1.9161199


CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS The Heat Flux generated in each of the electronic chips mounted in the active wall was calculated using softwares GAMBIT 2.4 and FLUENT 6.3. Then the total heat transfer rate for each model was calculated by adding up the heat fluxes of the individual chips. It was found that the heat transfer rate is maximum for the condition in which maximum numbers of heat generating sources (i.e. Chip) are involved.. From present study we obtained convection heat transfer coefficient (h) for different base temperature. We found that convection heat transfer decreases with the increase in temperature. Scope of future work Further study on this field can be done on an experimental setup to validate our outcome. More rigorous study is required to conclude the experimental results obtained from present configuration.


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