Curriculum Vitae Europass: Personal Information

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Curriculum Vitae Europass

Personal Information

than Grigore Ionut Bd-ul Alba Iulia no. 12, BL. D , a!. 21, "e#tor $, Bu#harest, !ostal #ode %1% &omania

'hone((ane) )a* number(s) 1-mail address Nationalit3 Date o4 Birth "e*

)i*ed+ ($%-21) $, -. / ($%-21) $. -/ / 0i#a.ionut23ahoo.#om

1nglish %1.%-.1--/ 0ale

0obile+ ($%-%,2) .-$/12/

The workplace affected/ An Administrator of databases An occupational psychologist Field Professional e perience
'eriod 5he 4un#tion or bus3 station 0ain a#ti6ities and res!onsibilities 1m!lo3er8s name and address )rom 0ar#h 2%2% to the !resent An Administrator o4 databases 7reate and u!date the database o4 the 4irm Demeter "&L, "tr. Garo4itelor no. 12, "e#tor , Bu#harest, &omania 5el. + ($%-21) $% $/ ., - )a* ($%-21) $% $/ .9 - 1-mail+ demeter623ahoo.#om :ebsite+ ;55' 53!e o4 a#ti6it3 or the se#tor o4 a#ti6it3 5rans!ort and logisti#s

Education and training

'eriod <uali4i#ation/di!loma obtained 2%1$ - 2%11ngineer 'ro4ile+ "#ien#e "3stems and #om!uters= "!e#ialisation+ Automati# Industrial and In4ormati#s 0ain dis#i!lines 0athemati#s=

"tudied/s>ills A#?uired

7om!uter ar#hite#ture= 'rogramming in high-le6el language= 'rogramming in assembl3 language= "3stems engineering !rogramming= 'rogrammable automati# and se?uential= Automati# e*!ert s3stems= 1ngineering auto ad@ustment= Number #run#hing

'age 1 / 2 - #urri#ulum 6itae

)or more in4ormation on 1uro!ass go !age+ ;55'

Ion Andrei 'o!es#u

A 1uro!ean 7ommunit3, 2%%


Name and t3!e o4 institution 1du#ation/ training !ro6ider 5he le6el in national #lassi4i#ation or International 'eriod <uali4i#ation o4 / di!loma obtained 0ain dis#i!lines "tudied/s>ills A#?uired Name and t3!e o4 institution 1du#ation/ training !ro6ider

'ol3te#hni# Bu#harest - the 4a#ult3 o4 #om!uters and automati# Is#ed)+ / 2%2 Di!loma - 0ode 1 77NA Getting "tarted Bith NetBor>

7is#o 6ia 7&1DI" A#adem3

CnoBn 4oreign languages "teriu

European level ( * )
71 Dser 1*!erien#ed B2

Dser Inde!endent A2

'arti#i!ation in 7on6ersation
Dser Basi# B1

(ral "!ee#h
Dser Inde!endent

:ritten e*!ression
B2 Dser Inde!endent

English French

A2 1lementar3 Dser


1lementar3 Dser


1lementar3 Dser


1lementar3 Dser


1lementar3 Dser

( * ) Common European framework of reference for languages.

"o#ial s>ills #om!etent

'oBers and s>ills (rganiEational

5eam "!irit+ I ha6e e*!erien#e o4 Bor>ing in a team sin#e #ollege, Bhen I too> !art in the a#ti6ities 5he alleged !ra#ti#al !ro@e#ts and resear#h in the 4a#ult3= I Bas !art o4 the team Bas>etball 4a#ult3= I #ontinued to rein4or#e m3 this e*!erien#e as an em!lo3ee at the o!erator8s !osition 4or 0anager administrator database. Good e*!erien#e o4 the management o4 the !ro@e#t and the team. At !resent are res!onsible 4or a team made u! o4 1% !eo!le Bho are interested in the data base and 5he #om!uter netBor> o4 the 4irm. I ha6e e*!erien#e in logisti#s as a result o4 6o#ational training a#?uired at the !la#e o4 Bor>.

">ills and te#hni#al s>ills 'oBers and s>ills o4 use 5he #om!uter ">ills and artisti# s>ills (ther !oBers and s>ills Dri6ing Li#ense

5roubleshooting ele#tri#al a!!lian#es and household a!!lian#es A good master3 o4 !rogramming languages #om!rise+ 'as#al, 7, 7FF, )o*'ro, a##ess, (ra#le and a!!li#ations Gra!hi#s+ 7orel DraB, 'hotosho!, D "tudio 0a* Lo6er8s #om!uter gra!hi#s ;obb3 + bas>etball 7ategor3 B 'art numbers #an be !ro6ided on re?uest 1. 7o!3 ba#helor8s degree 2. 7o!3 boo> o4 Bor> 7o!3 di!loma graduation 77NA - 0ode . 1

Additional Information Anne

'age 2 / 2 - #urri#ulum 6itae

)or more in4ormation on 1uro!ass go !age+ ;55'

Ion Andrei 'o!es#u

A 1uro!ean 7ommunit3, 2%% 2%%/111%

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