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007 – Licencesed to dream Venkatachalam S

Part A

The morning air was cool and the first rays of the Sun had the Spindle beach awash with
a brilliant radiance. Sea gulls were already up and soaring in the blue sky searching for
prey in the greenish sea below.

A low noise of the outbound motor of a craft alerted the guards on the watchtower.
“Looks like the delivery is coming, Sam”, noted Griffith to his colleague. “Send Dykes
and Murphy to the pier to hold them, will you?” Griffith added warming up to another
routine day.

Sam, his colleague was a non-descript man in his early 30 s who seemed pleased only to
have his quota of Lager and spend time at the local pub, apart from enjoying fist cuffs
whenever he went overboard.

Griffith the other tower guard was an ex-mariner who had deserted the forces and landed
up with a band of mercenaries. He had come to Spindle after a gun shot to his thigh had
him very little use of his legs.

“Dykes, Murphy, looks like we have a delivery this morning chaps, Go over to the pier
and give a grand welcome to the visitor” hollered Sam to Dykes and Murphy and went
back to his place in the tower to give company to Griffith.

Part B

The speed craft slowed and turned towards the Pier as it approached the beach. Two
armed men had a strapping white man in cuffs and the third was controlling the craft as it
jerked and halted near the Pier.

James had a throbbing head ache as he opened his eyes to look at the men who were on
top of the Pier. Dykes meanwhile had caught the rope which one of his friends had
thrown from the craft and tied it securely to one of the posts on the Pier.

James winced as Murphy strong armed him to the Pier. “Welcome aboard, James. Hope
your journey was fine”, Murphy had a wry smile on his face. James was calm as usual.
He knew that the radio transmitter hidden in his shoe’s sole would give the position to his

James tried to recollect the happenings of the previous day. He had gone to the Ritz to
meet the local contact. The contact had not turned up. He ordered for a Martini and found
it to be of strange taste. “Must have been drugged”. He told himself. “That explains the
head ache”.

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007 – Licencesed to dream Venkatachalam S

“Where are we?” queried James to Murphy, who was leading him towards the beach.
“Spindle beach!” “Your last destination James.” Murphy and his friends let out a throaty
laugh enjoying their sense of humor.

Part C

“Did you have a good rest Mr. Bond?” asked the voice with the least of the concern
which one would associate with such a question. James looked up still suffering the
effects of the drug. He was in company of Mr. X, the notorious criminal, wanted in many

“Well, yes. Thank you Mr. X. Your suite, though not to my tastes, is good enough.” James
was in a small room with a double bed and he had forgotten how long he had slept since
Murphy and his friends brought him here.

“Hope you will join me for Dinner and to have a look at the latest offerings from my
laboratories James”. “With pleasure, Mr. X. I know you have nothing but the best to offer
to the world.” quipped James with enthusiasm building in him to have a first hand look at
Mr. X’s notorious labs. His original mission was to seek Mr. X’s hideout and he had now
the opportunity to tell Madam M about his latest exploits.

“Suzie, show James his wardrobe and have him suitably dressed for the occasion will
you?” asked Mr. X to a long legged beauty. “Shall we?” asked Suzie to which James
nodded approvingly.

Part D

The dinner was a good spread and James tucked in with great enthusiasm. To the far
corner of the table sat Mr. X, who James realized could be a great threat with his
biological and chemical weapons.

“Now, now James, what you are going to look at does not exists in the modern world
other than here” spoke Mr. X with an arrogant tone, knowing well that his labs were the
best in the world. James knew this very well. He wished Mr. X could have put it to a
better use rather than use it to terrorize the world.

The automatic doors opened widely as James and Mr. X walked in to the air conditioned
laboratory. Behind the glass doors were people who went about their work. “Mr. Bond,
our tests on the effect of laser on the growth of microorganisms have worked well, soon
we shall be doing the same with humans and we will be in a position to take control too”.

James was shocked as to how far the experiments in Mr. X’s labs had progressed. He
quickly grabbed the unsuspecting guard’s gun and began firing blindly at the specimens
encased in the incubators.

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007 – Licencesed to dream Venkatachalam S

Quickly Mr. X’s men regrouped and began firing at him. James dived behind the big
pillar and checked his position. He had lost his gun during the dive. The men were
coming from all directions. They knew that firing inside the lab would be dangerous. Mr.
X was ordering the men not to shoot and to overpower and capture Bond.

The men began closing on him and he had to attack them with his bare hands. “Sorry
about that pal” muttered Bond as he landed a hard punch on one of Mr. X’s men.

“Double oh seven, I want you to attend office at the MI6 head quarters at once” boomed a
lady’s voice. James thought that the voice was familiar. He turned around and saw his
boss Madam M. “Madam M, how come you are in Mr. X’s place? It is not safe for you

“Oh! stop it Rahul.” shouted Sandhya as she tried to wake him up from his slumber.
Rahul opened his sleepy eyes and found that the booming lady’s voice was that of his
wife Sandhya and not of Madam M’s

He grinned sheepishly at her. Sandhya was furious. “How many times have I to tell you
not to see Bond movies late into the night?” asked Sandhya. “Now get out of the bed and
make sure you don’t reach office late”. Rahul jumped out of the bed and saluted in the
MI6 style and blurted out, “As you say, Madam M”.

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