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Water mains

Yard (offloaded empty bottles)

Water treatment plant


Wastewater plant

Bottle washer


Sighter station

%efined s$gar& concentrates& C'(


Filling & crown fitting

!aboratory for analysis for #$ality ass$rance

"ate coder

Sighter station

Pac ing into crates

!oading & transportation to mar et

Explanation of the process Water reservoir water is from the municipal water stored into a storage tank of capacity 1400m3. Water treatment plant addition of chlorine to disinfect and the water is taken through clarification (clarifiers). Water settles down and taken through a num er of filters and then held into a holding tank! that water is called the product water tank ready to e pumped tp the production line. "ome to the production# some of it goes to the syrup room. $n the syrup room is where the product is prepared from. %roduct comprises syrup# sugar# and water. &hese form a syrup. &he syrup is held in the syrup holding tank. $t is also ready to e pumped to the production line. 'ifferent machines on the production. (et the glass from the warehouse which is organi)ed already in crates then the crates are fed into the line# glass is organi)ed in form of crates &he ottle feed!conveyor process is referred to as depalleti)ing conveyor and &*+ crates move to the a machine called uncaser used to remove glass ottles from the crate for washing. &he ottles are eing

conveyed to the ottle washer. $n the ottle washer involves , steps. &he crates take a different route for washing y the crate washer 1. -ottles are sprayed with water inside y water .ets to remove solid particles /. -ottles are taken through a chlorine tank at a temp of a out 00 degrees for a out 10 minutes. &his is called the costic tank one where the ottles are soaked into costic of concentration ranging from /!/.,mg. "pray the ottles with costic on the outer surface and take the ottles through a second costic tank with less concentration of a out 1.,!/ mg and a lower temperature of a out 4, degrees. 3. "pray with water to clean off the costic 4. $mmerse the ottles through the fresh water or treated water tank and continue spraying the ottles with water after that ,. 'ischarge the ottles from the ottle washer to the discharge conveyor. 1t the discharge there is 2uality control (residual chlorine). $f its confirmed that there is no chlorine the ottles continue to the empty ottle sighter stations. %eople e looking at each ottle that passes to ensure that there is no foreign matter# no roken ottle nor chipped ottle no dirty ottle. &he ottles with all these are re.ected and the good ones continue and pass through the electronic ottle inspector in case the human person missed out on this. &he good ottles will go to the cooler. 'ifferent ottles of a rand are also removed. &he good ones go for filling at the filler. &he syrup is taken to the mi3er. 1t the mi3er the syrup finds other ingredients like water# car ondio3ide. &he three are mi3ed in appropriate ratios to make a mi3ture called a product which is directed to the filler. %roduct filled into the ottles. &hey move to the crowner and the ottles will e crowned. 1fter crowning there is some 2uality controller( those that are not filled properly# those that have urst isolate ottles that are near that that has urst to isolate fragments# remove under!filled# overfilled# dirty. &he good ones called full good are moved to the full good sighter station where the a manual person looking at every ottle that passes. &hen directed to the packer to e packed into clean crates from where the crates are conveyed to the palleti)ing conveyor. 4rom the there the pallets of finished products are stored into the warehouse ready for sale and distri ution.

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