ISM 220-A1 User Study

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ISM 220 A1: User Study

Your name: Fatima Freeman Submission date: April 18, 2014

Introduction: Students have a different method for planning and organizing their daily tasks, events and/or appointments. But sometimes their planning and organizing is not always the best. Some students didnt use any method of planning but by remembering daily tasks and other students had an organized method of planning daily tasks. Some students may find that using a planner is a little OC but a planner is essential to staying organized. Methods: ! "ondu"ted several interviews with students at e#aul $niversity. %irst ! would ask if ! "ould interview them. !f yes, ! would "ontinue by e&plaining to the student what the interview was about. ! first made sure that they used a planner ele"troni" and/or manual. !f they did use a planner, ! would ask them to walk me through the different methods that they would use to organize tasks, events and/or appointments. But if they did not use a planner, ! would ask how they would tra"k their task, appointments and/or events. Observations: Students that use planners are a little more organized and prepared. 'hese students that use planners are more prepared for (uizzes and get their assignments are turned in on time. )nd they dont wait until the last minute to get an assignment "ompleted. But some students that do use planners are not as organized with their planning methods. *hile other students that dont use a planners are not as organized or prepared. 'hey are not as ready to take (uizzes and they la"k "are for their assignments that are due. Insights: Some students have a great method for planning tasks, events and/or appointments. *hile other students should gain a method for planning and organizing their lives be"ause +ust remembering tasks, events and/or appointments "an be forgotten. Some students were well prepared for the task and assignments that were due for ea"h "lass that they are taking. )nd they knew when the ne&t (uiz, assignment is due and what will be "overed in the ne&t "lass. ! find that students that do use a planner a"hieve better in s"hool and their grades are better. Reflection: %or a student to do well in life they should be more organize. #lanning tasks, events and/or appointments may seem a little OC but it helps students to su""eed in s"hool but this pra"ti"e will help them to su""eed in life. ! will admit that my planning method is a little OC be"ause ! use ,oogle Calendar and a paper planner. But it helps me to remember all my daily tasks and my future boss doesnt want to hear that ! forgot.

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Sprin! 2014

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