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CACOPHONY - (n) A harsh discordant

mixture of sounds, voices or words; dissonance; a lot of people all shouting at once
would produce a cacophony

CATEGORICAL (adj) unconditional; a

categorical denial. ; I categorically refused to do

CATHARSIS (n) the act of releasing a

strong emotion especially by expressing it in an art form; Painting is a catharsis for me. # cathartic [adj]

CADENCE - (n) rhythmic flow of a sequence

of sounds or words; He delivers a speech
brilliantly in perfect cadence in his melodious voice.

# A fall in pitch of the voice at the end of a phrase or sentence # rhythm of events; This
ensures a steady cadence of publications for the next few years.

CATHOLIC (adj) universal; involving all;

Da Vinci was a catholic genius

CAUSTIC (adj) severely critical or

sarcastic; a caustic remark. # able to destroy or burn something by chemical action, like acid; The chemical was so caustic that it ate
through the pipes.

CAJOLE (v) to persuade (someone) by

flattery to do sth he or she doesnt want to do; he hoped to cajole her into selling him her

CELIBACY (n) the state of not being

married; Marriage has many pains, says Johnson, but celibacy has no pleasures. # abstention by vow from sex & marriage; a priest who had
taken a vow of celibacy

CALLOW (adj) inexperienced and


CANDOR (n) The quality of being open

and honest; frankness; Let us have the courage to give advice with candor. # candid [adj]

CENSURE (v) Express severe disapproval

of (s1 or sth), especially in a formal statement;
shareholders censured the bank for its extravagance # censure [n]

CAPITALISM (n) An economic and

political system in which a countrys trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state;

CEREBRAL (adj) Intellectual rather than

emotional or physical; reading book improves
cerebral abilities

CAPITULATE (v) to surrender; to give up; He finally capitulated and agreed to do the job
my way.

CHAGRIN (n) Annoyance or distress of

mind caused by humiliation, disappointment, or failure; Imagine my chagrin when a whiz kid
made all A's in the exam while I made two B's & a C+. # [v] The rejection of his proposal chagrined him deeply.

CAPRICIOUS (adj) unpredictable; Bill was

very capricious.

CARICATURE (n) CASTIGATE (v) to criticize or reprimand

severely; his mother-in-law castigated him for
forgetting to pick her up at the airport

CHARISMA (n) CHARLATAN (n) fraud; con man; quack CHASM (n) A profound difference
between people, viewpoints, feelings, etc; the chasm between rich and poor # gap; ;A
deep hole in the earths surface

CATALYST (n) anyone or anything that

makes sth happen without being directly involved; The bombing attack was the catalyst for


; he

(another shape); The circle is circumscribed by a


chastised his colleagues for their laziness; to scold

severely; to punish, esp by beating; The

waiter was chastised for forgetting the customer's order.

CIRCUMSPECT (adj) cautious; thinking

carefully about possible risks before doing or saying something; They were circumspect,
typically observing the dog from a distance. | the officials were very circumspect in their statements

CHICANERY (n) actions or statements

that trick people into believing something that is not true; deception ( / ) or trickery; that candidate only won the election
through chicanery

CIRCUMVENT (v) to evade or find a way

around or bypass; We circumvented the problem by using a different program. | to circumvent the lake # to avoid by artfulness or deception;
He found a way to circumvent the law.

CHIMERA (n) something that exists only

in the imagination and is not possible in reality; an illusion; Economic stability in that
country is a chimera.


CHOLERIC (adj) hot-tempered; quick to

anger; easily angered; I absolutely get choleric
when a telemarketer calls during the dinner hour

CHRONIC (adj) constant; habitual; a

chronic liar #

; a chronic state of civil war |

he suffers from chronic arthritis.

CHRONICLE (n) a description of events in

the order that they happened; a history; # [v] to record in or as in a chronicle; It
chronicled the African-American experience through a series of ten plays.

CIRCUITOUS (adj) roundabout; not

following a direct path; the circuitous bus route
between the two cities went here, there, & everywhere

CIRCUMLOCUTION (n) a roundabout or

indirect way of speaking; the use of more words than necessary to express an idea. It
was always when you most wanted a direct answer that Greenfield came up with a circumlocution.

CIRCUMSCRIBE (v) to limit the size or

amount of (sth); the ministers powers are
circumscribed both by tradition and the organization of local government # to draw a shape around


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