Course Syllabus Management Science & Decision Analysis: School of Business

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MGMT 650 ! u"#$s% MBA& I"s$ru'$or I"(or)a$#o" Name: Avijit Sarkar Address: 107 Hornby Hall, University of Redlands, Main Cam !s "#one: $%0%& 7'()(7(* +a, No: $%0%& **-)-1.- $A//N: Avijit Sarkar& 0 Mail: avijit1sarkar2redlands3ed! 4ebsite: #tt :55b!lldo6.3redlands3ed!5fa75avijit1sarkar *re+Course Ass#,")e"$ 8n re aration for t#e first 7lass session, lease do t#e follo9in6: Read t#is syllab!s in detail3 8f yo! #ave :!estions, brin6 t#em to t#e first session3 Read 7#a ters 1, . of t#e te,tbook3 8nstall Mana6ement S7ientist soft9are $in C;)R<M a77om anyin6 t#e te,tbook&3 8nstall =inear "ro6rammin6 soft9are =8N;< >313 ;etailed installation 6!idelines are in a6e > of t#is do7!ment3

Ca$alo, Des'r#-$#o" ;emonstration of vario!s :!antitative met#ods develo ed over t#e years3 "rovides st!dents 9it# an !nderstandin6 of t#e role mana6ement s7ien7e lays in t#e de7ision) makin6 ro7ess3 /o i7s in7l!de linear ro6rammin6 $="&, net9ork models, trans ortation, assi6nment, transs#i ment, roje7t mana6ement $"0R/5C"M&, inventory 7ontrol, sim!lation, de7ision t#eory, fore7astin6, and s! ly 7#ain mana6ement3 Course .a$#o"ale 8n today?s !n7ertain and 7om le, b!siness 7limate fo7!sin6 solely on ea7# se arate 7om onent of a man!fa7t!rin6 ro7ess or servi7e or6ani@ation is not s!ffi7ient3 8t is ne7essary to 7onsider t#e m!ltifa7eted interrelations#i s bet9een 7om onents, ro7esses, and variables in a sit!ation and bot# :!antitative and :!alitative a roa7#es #ave to be 7ombined to solve mana6erial roblems3 Mana6ement s7ien7e5o erations resear7# and 7om !ter te7#nolo6y #as #ad a stron6 effe7t on analysis of risks involved in de7ision) makin6 ro7esses and mana6erial ra7ti7es3 8n t#e 7onte,t of t#e MAA ro6ram, Mana6ement S7ien7e rovides ra7ti7al met#ods and tools mana6ers 7an !se to ositively im a7t t#e :!ality of de7isions made in an or6ani@ation3 /#is #el s to better analy@e and !nderstand t#e interrelations#i s of variables in a 7om le, system3 8t also

rovides a roa7#es t#at fa7ilitate roblem definition and or6ani@ation and adds enormo!s val!e by 6ivin6 str!7t!re to t#e !nderlyin6 reasonin63 Lear"#", Ob/e'$#0es /#e main fo7!s of t#e 7o!rse 9ill be on: 8dentifyin6 mana6erial and or6ani@ational roblems t#at 7an be :!antified and analy@ed $rememberin6, re7allin6, and inte6ratin6&3 Re7o6ni@in6 t#e inte6rative as e7t of roblem solvin6 te7#ni:!es in an or6ani@ational settin6 $#olisti7 a roa7# and systems t#inkin6&3 Understandin6 relations#i s bet9een variables and fa7tors t#at affe7t or6ani@ations and firms in a 7om le, sit!ation $inter retin6 and e, lainin6&3 ;evelo in6 and a lyin6 models to assist mana6ers and de7ision)makers in solvin6 or6ani@ational roblems $synt#esi@in6 and im lementin6&3 8solatin6 and analy@in6 fa7tors in :!antitative models t#at aid mana6ers in makin6 rational de7isions $differentiatin6 and or6ani@in6B t#inkin6 7riti7ally&3 0val!atin6 and 7reatin6 vario!s de7ision)makin6 models 9it#in an enter rise $7riti7i@in6, j!d6in6, and rod!7in6&3 Ma/or To-#'s 8ntrod!7tion to :!antitative analysis ;e7ision analysis $!nder 7ertainty, risk, and !n7ertainty& =inear ro6rammin6 $="&, inte6er =", sensitivity analysis, and advan7ed a li7ations /rans ortation, assi6nment, and transs#i ment roblems "roje7t s7#ed!lin6 $"0R/5C"M& Net9ork models, s#ortest ro!te, minimal s annin6 tree, and ma,imal flo9 roblems Sim!lation models, sto7#asti7 vs3 deterministi7 models, and stati7 vs3 dynami7 models +ore7astin6, time series, trend roje7tion, and re6ression models S! ly 7#ain mana6ement Te1$ a"2 So($3are 13 Te1$boo45 An Introduction to Management Science: Quantitative Approaches to Decision Making, 0levent# 0dition, by Anderson, S9eeney and 4illiams, 4est "!blis#in6 Com any, .00-3 /#ere is also a C;)R<M to a77om any t#e te,tbook3 .3 So($3are *a'4a,e5 /#e Management Scientist soft9are $9it# man!al& is in7l!ded in t#e St!dent C;)R<M3 8nstall t#e soft9are before t#e first le7t!re3 8nstallation is 7r!7ial for s!77essf!l 7om letion of #ome9orks3 *3 L#"ear *ro,ra))#", so($3are LINDO 0ers#o" 667: /rial version 7an be freely do9nloaded from #tt :559993lindo37om5do9nloads5lnd>13e,e3 8nstall t#e soft9are before t#e first le7t!re3

8nstallation instr!7tions are in t#e last a6e of t#is do7!ment3 8nstallation is 7r!7ial for s!77essf!l 7om letion of #ome9orks3

D#sse)#"a$#o" o( I"(or)a$#o" All 7lass material 9ill be osted in Ala7kboard3 As a ba7k! , t#e same material $a art from H4 sol!tions& 9ill also be osted in t#e 7lass 9ebsite $#tt :55b!lldo6.3redlands3ed!5fa75avijit1sarkar&3 Des'r#-$#o" o( Course Co)-o"e"$s: /#e 7o!rse 7onsists of - #ome9orks, one midterm e,am and a final e,am3 Ho)e3or4s /#ere 9ill be - 7#allen6in6 #ome9orks d!e in sessions ., *, ', -, >3 Most of t#ese 9ill involve t#e !se of t#e Management Scientist soft9are and5or LINDO3 0a7# H4 9ill 7onsist of s#ort essay :!estions, n!meri7al roblems and $ ossibly& a 7ase st!dy3 H4s are osted in AA $and also t#e 7lass 9ebsite& t#e day after a 7lass session3 /#ey are d!e on t#e day of t#e ne,t 7lass session3 St!dents #avin6 CveryD similar ans9ers 9ill be enali@ed as er University oli7y3 After sol!tions are osted in Ala7kboard, no H4 9ill be a77e ted3 All H4s m!st be ty edB #and)9ritten #ome9orks 9ill not be a77e ted3 8t is not eno!6# to j!st state ans9ers of H4 :!estions3 No 7redit 9ill be a9arded in s!7# 7ases3 S!ffi7ient detail, roof of ste s m!st a77om any sol!tions3 8n 7ase of an absen7e $e,7!sed or ot#er9ise&, st!dents are res onsible for s!bmission of t#e H4 assi6ned in t#e 7lass session missed3 Make)! H4s 9ill not be rovided !nder any 7ir7!mstan7es3 M#2$er) a"2 F#"al E1a) Held in sessions E* and E> res e7tively $a ro,imately 7- min!tes d!ration&3 "re aration 6!ides 9ill be osted after session E. and E-3 /#ey 9ill 7ontain sam le :!estions and sol!tions to sam le :!estions a art from ot#er st!dy ti s3 +ormat and ot#er iss!es 9ill be dis7!ssed in 7lass Gra2#", Course Co)-o"e"$ 8e#,9$ :& Home9orks '0 Midterm 0,am *0 +inal 0,am *0 Gra2#", S'ale %*F ) 100F .30 C ((F ) %.3%%F 137 C) (*F ) (73%%F 13* ;G 7(F ) (.3%%F 130 ; 7*F ) 773%%F 037 ;)

'30 *37 *3* *30 .37

A A) AG A A)

>7F ) >%3%%F >'F ) >>3%%F >.F ) >*3%%F >0F ) >13%%F -(F ) -%3%%F

.3* CG 70F ) 7.3%%F 030 + belo9 -(F G5) 6radin6 s7#eme 9ill be em loyed3 /#e instr!7tor reserves t#e ri6#t to deviate from t#e above)mentioned 9ei6#ts and 6radin6 s7#eme3 /#e st!dents 9ill be informed before #and in s!7# a 7ase3 Te"$a$#0e Course S'9e2ule Sess#o" ; 1 1, . *re-ara$#o" For Class C#a ters Ma/or To-#'s Revie9 of t#e syllab!s H!antitative analysis Cost, reven!e models 8ntrod!7tion to =inear "ro6rammin6 =inear "ro6rammin6 $="& =" a li7ations Sensitivity analysis in =" /rans ortation, Assi6nment 8nte6er "ro6rammin6 a li7ations S#ortest at# roblem <t#er net9ork models "roje7t Mana6ement 8nventory Mana6ement +ore7astin6 ;e7ision Analysis Sim!lation Monte Carlo met#od Ass#,")e"$ Due < E1a) Read 7#a ters 1, . 8nstall LINDO 8nstall Management Scientist Read 7#a ters ., *, ', 7 H4 1 d!e Read 7#a ters (, % H4 . d!e M#2$er) Read 7#a ters 10, 11 H4 * d!e Read 7#a ters 1', 1> H4 ' d!e Read 7#a ter 1* H4 - d!e F#"al

C#a ters . ., *, ', 7 C#a ters (, %


C#a ters 10, 11 C#a ters 1', 1> C#a ter 1*


ACADEMIC HONESTY The University of Redlands Policy on Academic onesty !ill "e strictly adhered to and a##lied$ The Proced%res for Addressing Academic onesty are set forth in the University of Redlands &atalog$ It is e'#ected that all st%dents read and %nderstand the Policy and the #rovisions o%tlined in the &atalog$ /#e #i6#est standards of a7ademi7 7ond!7t are re:!ired3 /#is is arti7!larly tr!e for t#e ro er 7itation of 7o!rse and resear7# material in all 9ritten assi6nments3 Citations $in t#e form of arent#eti7al notes, endnotes or footnotes& m!st be !sed for :!oted or ara #rased te,t and any time yo! borro9 an idea from an a!t#or, t#e instr!7tor, or yo!r eers3 Usin6 someone else?s senten7e or or6ani@ational str!7t!re, attern of ar6!ment and 9ord 7#oi7e, even if not e,a7tly similar in every res e7t, 9arrants 7itation3 8t is st!dents? res onsibility to

make s!re t#at t#eir 7itations and :!otation marks !nambi6!o!sly #i6#li6#t t#e ideas, 9ords, senten7es, and ar6!ments t#at t#ey borro9 from ot#er so!r7es3 "ara #rasin6 is not sim ly 7#an6in6 one or t9o 9ords in a senten7eB it 7om letely re7onstr!7ts someone else?s idea in yo!r o9n 9ords3 +or 6!idelines on a ro riate 7itation, :!otation, ara #rasin6, and la6iarism, see ;iana Ha7ker?s 4riter?s Referen7e #tt :559993diana#a7ker37om59ritersref5, materials rovided by t#e 8ndiana University?s 4ritin6 /!torial Center at #tt :559993indiana3ed!5I9ts5 am #lets3s#tml, and Harvard University?s 0, ository 4ritin6 "ro6ram at #tt :559993fas3#arvard3ed!5Ie, os5inde,376iJse7tionKreso!r7es3 ;is7!ssion 9it# t#e instr!7tor and yo!r eers is en7o!ra6ed before t#e 7om osition of 9ritten 9orkB #o9ever, all 9ritten 9ork, !nless s e7ified by t#e instr!7tor, is to refle7t inde endent 7om osition and revision3 St!dents 9orkin6 on 6ro! or 7ollaborative assi6nments are e, e7ted to 7ontrib!te e:!ally to all tasks ne7essary for 7om letion of t#e assi6nment3 St!dents are e, e7ted to follo9 all 9ritten and verbal instr!7tions rovided by t#e instr!7tor 9it# re6ard to 9ritten assi6nments, :!i@@es and5or e,ams3 8n addition to la6iarism, ot#er im ermissible a7ademi7 be#avior in7l!des, b!t is not limited to, 7ollaboration 9it#o!t instr!7tor 7onsent, falsifyin6 resear7# data, illi7it ossession of e,ams, !sin6 st!dy aids d!rin6 e,ams, !na!t#ori@ed 7omm!ni7ation abo!t an assi6nment or e,am, #andin6 in ot#ers? 9ork as yo!r o9n, re!sin6 assi6nments or a ers from ot#er 7o!rses, and im edin6 e:!al a77ess to ed!7ational reso!r7es by ot#er st!dents3 /ime 7onstraints, t#e demands of 9ork and family, failin6 to read t#e University?s "oli7y on A7ademi7 Honesty, !nintentional mis!se of so!r7es, or a la7k of re aration do not e,7!se a7ademi7 dis#onesty or ot#er9ise miti6ate t#e a ro riate enalty3 "enalty for a first offense is at t#e dis7retion of t#e instr!7tor3 8f a st!dent is !n7ertain abo!t a ro riate met#ods of 7itation or #as a :!estion abo!t t#e a7ademi7 #onesty oli7y, it is #is or #er res onsibility to seek 6!idan7e from t#e instr!7tor, a University offi7ial, or anot#er re !table so!r7e3 Course *ol#'#es Class "arti7i ation: Class arti7i ation and attendan7e are e,tremely im ortant, and st!dents m!st 7ome f!lly re ared3 ;!e to t#e a77elerated nat!re of S7#ool of A!siness 7o!rses, ea7# 7lass session 7overs a lar6e amo!nt of material3 St!dents are res onsible for all information 6iven d!rin6 t#e 7lass instr!7tion3 8f t#e st!dent m!st be absent, #e5s#e s#o!ld inform t#e instr!7tor3 Une,7!sed absen7es $t#ose 9#i7# are not 7leared 9it# t#e instr!7tor before t#e 7lass and5or are for reasons ot#er t#an an emer6en7y& 9ill adversely affe7t t#e 6rade3 8f t#e st!dent misses more t#an t9o sessions, s#e5#e may not re7eive 7redit for t#e 7o!rse3 /ime Mana6ement: A minim!m of 1*- #o!rs s#o!ld be invested in t#is *)!nit 7o!rse3 A ro,imately .' of t#ese 9ill be in)7lass 7onta7t #o!rs3 St!dents, t#erefore, s#o!ld e, e7t to !t in t#e remainder of 1()1% #o!rs59eek in readin6 and re aration o!tside of t#e 7lass3 Lrade of C8n7om leteD: An Min7om leteM is not 6iven for oor or ne6le7ted 9ork3 A 6rade of Min7om leteM is to be 6ranted only for very s e7ial reasons3 /#e 6rantin6 of an in7om lete 6rade s#o!ld o77!r only after a dis7!ssion bet9een fa7!lty and st!dent, initiated by t#e st!dent3 /#e

de7ision of 9#et#er or not to 6rant an in7om lete is de endent on an emer6en7y sit!ation 9#i7# revents t#e st!dent from 7om letin6 $on time& t#e 9ork ne7essary for t#e 7o!rse3 An in7om lete 6rade 9ill be 7onverted to a ermanent 6rade 9it#in ei6#t 9eeks from t#e last ni6#t of t#e 7o!rse3 /#is means t#at t#e instr!7tor m!st t!rn in t#e 6rade to t#e Re6istrar no later t#an t#e ei6#t# 9eek3 Any in7om lete 9ork m!st be s!bmitted to t#e instr!7tor 9it# eno!6# lead time for t#e instr!7tor to eval!ate t#e 9ork and iss!e a 6rade 7#an6e3 LINDO 667 I"s$alla$#o" Gu#2el#"es

No! may or may not 9ant to follo9 t#e =8N;< >31 installation instr!7tions belo9 de endin6 ! on yo!r level of e, ertise 9it# soft9are do9nloads and installation3 8f yo! feel 7omfortable, i6nore t#e follo9in6 instr!7tions and follo9 yo!r int!ition $t#is installation is very strai6#tfor9ard&, ot#er9ise follo9 alon63 1. Co y #tt :559993lindo37om5do9nloads5lnd>13e,e to yo!r bro9ser?s address bar and #it 0nter3 .3 Cli7k CSaveD on t#e +ile ;o9nload 9indo9 t#at a ears and save t#e lnd()$e'e file to a destination of yo!r 7#oi7e3 *3 ;o!ble 7li7k lnd()$e'e and t#en 7li7k CR!nD3 '3 Cli7k CNe,tD and 9ait for a fe9 se7onds3 -3 A6ain 7li7k CNe,tD on t#e =8N;< >31 O 8nstalls#ield 4i@ard3 >3 A77e t t#e li7ense A6reement, i3e3, 7li7k CNesD3 73 Sele7t defa!lt destination dire7tory, or, bro9se to any lo7ation yo! 9ant, and t#en 7li7k CNe,tD3 (3 Cli7k CNe,tD in t#e follo9in6 t9o 9indo9s3 %3 Cli7k C+inis#D3 103 Aro9se to t#e lo7ation 9#ere yo! saved t#e =8N;<>1 dire7tory3 113 ;o!ble 7li7k and o en t#e =8N;<>1 dire7tory3 1.3 ;o!ble 7li7k t#e =indo9*.3e,e i7on and a 9#ite editor 9indo9 $like t#e follo9in6& 9ill o en ! 3

1*3 8f yo! #ave t#e revio!s 9indo9, yo!r installation is s!77essf!l3

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