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Early Childhood Education Learning Experience Plan Name: Lucy Frey Lesson Title: Water Erosion Date: 8 April 2 !" #rade Le$el: Preschool Circle one: ECE P%&N &tandard's()#uideline's(: Cognition and General Knowledge ath! easure"ent and #ata #escri$e and Co"%are easurea$le &ttri$utes: #escri$e and co"%are o$'ects using "easura$le attri$utes (e)g) length si*e ca%acity and weight+) Cognition and General Knowledge: !,cience! ,cience -n.uiry and &%%lication) -n.uiry: a/e care0ul o$ser1ations) Pre*assessment o+ current ,no-ledge: 2oo/ acti1ity o0 ,oil 34%loration .nstructional /01ecti$es '!*2( /ne)T-o Assessed .nstructional /01ecti$e's+: 5he student will $e a$le to))) 6er$ally descri$e and co"%are the water ca%acity o0 the soil7 roc/s7 and the sand) 8se senses o0 touch and sight to "a/e o$ser1ations o0 soil7 roc/s7 and sand) /ne Assessed De$elopmental &,ill: Cogniti1e Assessment o+ &tudent Learning .denti+y E$idence: (9hat will you collect or record as data to de"onstrate students ha1e "et your o$'ecti1e(s+ and s/ill:+ - will record all o0 the students; 1er$al o$ser1ations on a chart and then trans0er those to a class chec/list) - will also ta/e %ictures o0 the students e4%loring the soil7 sand7 and roc/s in the $in with their sense o0 sight and touch) Learning Experience Academic Language: capacity3 measure3 descri0e3 explore3 o0ser$ations3 o0ser$e3 dense Procedural steps: &tart o++ 0y telling the students: .n today4s lesson -e -ill 0e learning a0out -ater erosion5 As, the students i+ they ,no- -hat -ater erosion is5 .+ not3 pro$ide them -ith the ans-er 'it occurs -hen there is not enough $egetation to hold the soil in place5 The large amount o+ -ater -ashes a-ay the soil(5 Then as, the students i+ they ha$e e$er seen this occur5 Then tell the students: . am going to pass around this 0in +illed -ith three di++erent materials: roc,s3 soil3 and sand5 T-o o+ -hich -e ha$e already explored 'the sand and soil(5 Tell the students that you -ant them to run their hands through each material 'as, ho- does it +eel3 -hat does it loo, li,e3 does it compress( and predict -hich material -ill let the most -ater through and -hich -ill retain or hold the most -ater '-rite do-n their predictions and o0ser$ations(5 Put the 0in -ith the three materials aside a+ter the exploration5 As, the students to ,neel around the ta0le and s6uee7e in close to each other so they can all see the experiment5 Tell the children that -e are going to test their predictions5 #o o$er the sa+ety precautions -ith the glass measuring cups as you get them out5 Ta,e out the premeasured Dixie cups o+ sand3 soil3 and roc,s3 -ater 0ottle3 and pouring cups5 Explain to the students -hat they are going to do: to recreate -ater erosion -e are going to use these materials to help us5 There is one cup o+ soil3 one o+ sand3 and one o+ roc,s5 8ou are going to help pour an e$en amount o+ -ater into each cup 'to a$oid une$en

Program 2onitoring: (2ow will you aggregate or co"%ile your e1idence into a class or grou% 1iew:+ - will co"%ile a whole class chec/list o0 the students and i0 they were a$le to "eet "y o$'ecti1es o0 using their senses to "a/e o$ser1ations as well as 1er$ally descri$ing and co"%aring the water ca%acity o0 soil7 roc/s7 and the sand)


Early Childhood Education Learning Experience Plan &a+ety Considerations: - will handle the glass "easuring cu%s so the cu%s do not $rea/) - will also /ee% a close watch on the students to "a/e sure they do not %lace any roc/s in their "outh since these are cho/ing ha*ards) Lastly7 - will "a/e sure that they do not %ut their 0ingers in their "outh or their eyes a0ter touching any o0 the "aterials since this could result in illness) -ater amounts(5 8ou -ill then pour this into the Dixie cup -ith the three materials5 Then you -ill o0ser$e -hich material did let through the most -ater 'most capacity( and -hich a0sor0ed the most -ater in the Dixie cup5 Which material -as denser and let less -ater through9 Apply this demonstration to real li+e 0y gi$ing the students a scenario: a +armer4s crops ruined 0y soil erosion5 A+ter this3 ha$e the students -ash their hands and clean up their area5 Authentic 2aterials: (#escri$e authentic real li0e7 hands!on "aterials) roc/s7 soil7 sand7 "easuring cu%s) Adult :oles: 5he adults in the classroo" will $e ta/ing %ictures to docu"ent learning and hel% i0 there is a s%ill)

:esources: &cience Concept Planner

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